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[Appendix A] What's on the Companion Disk?Appendix A A. What's on the Companion Disk?Contents:Installing the GuideUsing the Guide The content of the companion Windows disk that accompanies this book has been included on this CD, in the /bipack/disk/ directory. It contains the Oracle Built-in Packages Companion Guide, an online tool designed by RevealnNet, Inc., to help you find additional resources. The guide offers point-and-click access to approximately 175 files of source code and documentation prepared by the authors. The goal of providing this material in electronic form is to give you a leg up on the development of your own PL/SQL programs. Providing material on disk also helps us keep the size of this book under (some) control.A.1 Installing the GuideIn a Microsoft Windows environment, you begin installation by double-clicking on the setup.exe file to run the installation program. If you are working in a non-Windows environment, please visit the RevealNet PL/SQL Pipeline Archives ( to obtain a compressed file containing the examples on this disk.The installation script will lead you through the necessary steps. The first screen you will see is the install screen shown in Figure A-1. Figure A.1: Installing the Companion GuideYou can change the default directory in which the files will be placed. Once this step is complete and the software has been copied to your drive, an icon will appear in the folder you specified. Double-click on the icon to start using the Companion Guide. You will then see the main menu shown in Figure A-2. Figure A.2: The main menuIV. Distributed Database PackagesA.2 Using the Guide Copyright (c) 2000 O'Reilly & Associates. All rights reserved.


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