language test 10b (2)

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Name: _________________________________________

Score: ____________ / 30 points

language TeST 10b

unit 10


© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2011 New Matura Success Intermediate


Complete the text with the words in the box. There

are two extra words that you do not need. (5 points)

audition gig performed played

record deal single song studio


Choose the correct answers.

(7 points)

Is that sculpture by Rodin?
B No, it might / must / can’t be by Rodin

because it was done in 1920 and he died in

1 A Why is Anne crying?

B I’m not sure. I think she must / can’t /
have failed her exam.

2 A I heard Maggie congratulate John after he

came out of his job interview. I think he

can’t /

must / might have got the job he applied for.
B Yes, he did!

3 A Did they go to that music festival?

B I don’t know. They must / may not /
have gone because the tickets were
expensive. On the other hand, they love
festivals so perhaps they went anyway.

4 A Mark has been playing computer games all

B Oh dear, he must be / must have been /
could have been
tired today.

5 A Everyone enjoyed the concert.

B Yes, judging by the reviews it can’t / might /
have been really good.

6 A Where’s Pete?

B He said he was going to use his computer in
his bedroom, so he

can’t / must / can be


7 A Is Jackie in Pete’s class at school?

B She must / might / can’t be in the same
class, she’s three years younger!


Complete the gaps with must, might, can’t and the

correct form of the verbs in brackets.

(6 points)

Ann must be (be) fourteen or fifteen. She’s in
my sister’s class at school.

1 Mark isn’t at home now. I don’t know where he

is. He _______________ (go) to see his friend
or perhaps he’s at the sports centre.

2 They _______________ (be) rich, they never

have any money.

3 They split up, but I saw them together at the

cinema. I guess they _______________ (be)
back together again.

4 She definitely isn’t here. She _______________

(leave) already.

5 Sally is really bad at art, she _______________

(paint) that picture. It’s impossible!

6 Kate always buys their CDs as soon as they

come out. She _______________ (hear) this
one already because it’s been out for weeks.


Complete the missing words. The lines show you how

many letters to use.

(6 points)

Everyone in the orchestra looked
at the c o n d u c t o r.

1 Pete sings in a _ h _ _ r. They’re playing in

a _ _ n _ _ r _ tomorrow evening. I’ve got
a ticket for it.

2 She plays the _ c _ _ _ t _ _ guitar. She’s really

good. She’s got a lot of _ a _ _ who love her

3 They all play classical music, so yesterday

they played a _ y _ _ h _ _ _ by Beethoven.

4 I really like the _ _ r _ _ s of that song, the

words are so beautiful!


Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the

words in capital letters.

(6 points)

Did they have a lot of commercial success
with that CD?


1 I really like her _______________, they’re

amazing. She’s a good artist.


2 Who wrote that music? Do you know who

the _______________ was?


3 The _______________ was terrible, but luckily

the first performance was great. REHEARSE

4 The Mona Lisa is one of the most famous

_______________ in the world.


5 Do you prefer modern or _______________ art?


6 The _______________ didn’t like the

exhibition, they described it as ‘awful’.


Tree is a group from London and they’re doing really
well! It all started when the singer, Amy Harris, wrote
a song called Thanks. Everyone who heard it loved it.
Amy had


_________ in a band before, so she

contacted the other members and together they
recorded it in a 


_________. They called themselves

Tree and after they released a 


_________ they quickly

got a 


_________ with a record company. They


_________ on stage here last night and the audience

loved them!




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