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Testy i odpowiedzi z podręcznika Matura Success Pre-Intermediate.

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Matura Succes Pre-Intermediate Teachers Support Book


Spis treści

LANGUAGE AND SKILLS TESTS ................................................................................................................. 3

LANGUAGE AND SKILLS TEST 1 A Units 1-2 ....................................................................................... 3

LANGUAGE AND SKILLS TEST 1 B Units 1-2 ....................................................................................... 9

LANGUAGE AND SKILLS TEST 2 A Units 3-4 ..................................................................................... 16

LANGUAGE AND SKILLS TEST 2 B Units 3-4 ..................................................................................... 25

LANGUAGE AND SKILLS TEST 3 A Units 5-6 ..................................................................................... 32

LANGUAGE AND SKILLS TEST 3 B Units 5-6 ..................................................................................... 40

LANGUAGE AND SKILLS TEST 4 A Units 7-8 ..................................................................................... 48

LANGUAGE AND SKILLS TEST 4 B Units 7-8 ..................................................................................... 55

LANGUAGE AND SKILLS TEST 5 B Units 9-10 ................................................................................... 71

LANGUAGE AND SKILLS TEST 6 A Units 11-12 ................................................................................. 79

LANGUAGE AND SKILLS TEST 6 B Units 11-12 ................................................................................. 85

LANGUAGE AND SKILLS TEST 7A Units 13-14 .................................................................................. 92

LANGUAGE AND SKILLS TEST 7 B Units 13-14 ............................................................................... 100

Answer Key .......................................................................................................................................... 107

Test 1 A ............................................................................................................................................ 107

Test 1 B ............................................................................................................................................ 107

Test 2 A ............................................................................................................................................ 108

Test 2 B ............................................................................................................................................ 108

Test 3 A ............................................................................................................................................ 109

Test 3 B ............................................................................................................................................ 109

Test 4 A ............................................................................................................................................ 109

Test 4 B ............................................................................................................................................ 110

Test 5 A ............................................................................................................................................ 110

Test 5 B ............................................................................................................................................ 110

Test 6 A ............................................................................................................................................ 111

Test 6 B ............................................................................................................................................ 111

Test 7 A ............................................................................................................................................ 112

Test 7 B ............................................................................................................................................ 112

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1 Complete the sentences with the correct adjective of personality from the box.

polite helpful modest tolerant quiet lazy proud rude


0 He‟s very clever but he‟s very modest about it. He never says he‟s better than us.

1 Don‟t laugh at people. It‟s very ______________.

2 Mark is very ______________. He cooks, goes shopping and looks after his grandmother.

3 My son is doing very well at work. I‟m so ______________ of him.

4 Give some of your sweets to your friends. Come on, don‟t be so ______________.

5 You never do any work. You‟re really ______________.

6 He doesn‟t say much. He‟s not shy, he‟s just ______________.

7 My mum is very ______________. She likes all my friends, it‟s not important what they look like.

8 I like Nicola. She‟s very ______________, she always says „please‟ and „thank you‟.


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2 Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. You can see the first letter of each word

0 The next train to London leaves from platform 7.

1 Here‟s the tent. Have you got your s____________ b____________?

2 We‟re traveling by p____________. The flight is at 7 o‟clock.

3 My mum takes hours to p____________ her bags.

4 I love s____________. I take my camera and my guidebook and go to see everything.

5 This is a good c____________. There are warm showers, a shop and lots of room for the tent.

6 This y____________ h____________ is much cheaper than a hotel.


3 Complete the text with one word in each gap.

I‟m going on holiday (0) to Prague next week. (1) ____________ you know Prague? I‟m

going by coach. I leave (2) ____________ stop number 4 at the coach station in London

(3) ____________ ten o‟clock on Saturday morning. It takes 24 hours but I‟ve got a good book of

short (4) ____________ to read. In Prague, I‟m going to visit all the museums and the castle. I‟m

(5) ____________ going to use taxis or buses, I‟m going to do it all (6) ____________ foot. I‟m

going to stay in a guest (7) ____________ near the centre. Look, here it is in this brochure:

Accommodation (8) ____________ Prague.


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4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

0 Next year I (work) ‘m going to work harder.

1 He can‟t hear you because he (listen) ________________ to heavy metal on his walkman.

2 My father (not understand) ______________________ how to use my computer.

3 My mother never (agree) ________________ with me about clothes.

4 They never (do) ________________ their homework on time.

5 I‟m so excited. I (fly) ________________ to Spain tomorrow.

6 That‟s my last camping holiday. Next year I (stay) ________________ in a hotel.


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5 Circle the correct answers: a, b or c.

I (0) _____________ in a very multi cultural part of England. It‟s a very interesting place. I often (1)

_____________ in the small streets behind the station. They‟re full of small shops and restaurants. My

friends and I (2) _____________ here every Friday. This week we

(3) _____________ to a new restaurant. I (4) _____________ Thai chicken – I always do. One day I

(5) _____________ how to cook Thai food. (6) _____________ how to cook Thai food?

0 a) am living

b) living

c) live

1 a) am walking

b) walk

c) am going to walk

2 a) are going to eat b) are eating

c) eat

3 a) are going

b) go

c) is going

4 a) am going to have

b) am having

c) have

5 a) learn

b) am learning

c) am going to learn

6 a) Do you know

b) Are you know

c) Are you knowing


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CD Track 2

1 Listen to Brian and Sandra discussing three employees. Tick true and cross false.

1 Brian tells Sandra who to offer a full-time job to.


2 Sandra thinks that all three of them are good workers.


3 Charles is lazy.


4 Carole needs a lot of help.


5 Sandra can do Carole‟s work.


6 David is very talkative.


7 Sandra wants to keep Charles.



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1 Read the three adverts. Match the texts (A-C) to the questions (1-7).


Magical Egypt

We fly from London to Cairo. For the first three nights, we stay in Cairo. You‟re going to love the
old city streets, the markets and the local foods. You can visit the Pyramids and ride a camel if you
want! On the second night, there‟s going to be a surprise party so bring some smart clothes. We
then travel from Cairo to Luxor by train. We take the night train and arrive in Luxor early in the
morning. After breakfast, there is a tour of local temples. From Luxor, we travel by boat for three
days to Aswan. We have three more nights in Aswan, visiting temples and we go on a coach trip to
the amazing Abu Simbel. From Aswan, we fly back to Cairo and from there to London.


African adventure

This is our newest tour so it‟s going to be exciting for all of us. We fly to Johannesburg in South
Africa and then we are going to drive through Africa for two months and fly home from Nairobi in
Kenya. We‟re going to camp so you need to bring a sleeping bag. On the journey, we hope to see
the Victoria Falls, the Kalahari Desert, Mount Kilimanjaro and, of course, the national parks where
we can see wonderful, wild animals. Don‟t worry, we‟re not going to camp anywhere dangerous!
We are also going to have three nights on the exciting island of Zanzibar.

C Coast to coast

Our most popular tour is our coach tour to the USA. We fly to New York on October 6th and you
have a week there for sightseeing. There are tours to the Statue of Liberty and you can see Central
park, shop on 5th Avenue or look at the views from the top of the Empire State Building. We also
go for the famous „circle line‟ boat ride around Manhattan Island – a great chance to take
photographs. After New York, we get on our special coach and travel all over the country, from
Miami to San Francisco. Don‟t worry, you‟re not going to sleep on the coach! We stop at motels
and have lots of time for sightseeing.

Which advert

1 talks about things you can eat?


2 doesn‟t write about a boat trip?


3 says you are going to travel at night?


4 says you spend a week in one place?


5 says that you are not going to sleep in a bed?


6 offers four different kinds of transport?


7 says you can climb a high building?



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1 Complete the dialogue using the correct question form.

A Good afternoon. I‟d like to find out some information about trains.

B Certainly, sir. What would you like to know?

A Could you tell me (0) how often trains go to London?

B The trains to London go every hour.

A Every hour. I see. Could you tell me (1) __________________________________________?

B The first train departs at 5.30 in the morning.

A Right. Could you tell me (2) __________________________________________?

B The ticket costs £10.50 one way or £15 return.

A Fifteen pounds. I see. Could you tell me (3) _________________________________________?

B The next train leaves at quarter past ten.

A Could I have a return ticket, please?

B Certainly sir, here you are.

A Thank you…. Excuse me. Could you tell me (4) _____________________________________?

B The train to London leaves from Platform 6.

A Thank you... er could you tell me (5) __________________________________________?

B Just over there, sir.

A Ah yes. Thank you…. Could you tell me (6) ________________________________________?

B It‟s 6 o‟clock now.






1 Complete the sentences with the correct adjective of personality from the box.

shy arrogant optimistic lively cheerful boring talkative ambitious


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0 When she speaks, we start falling asleep. She‟s really boring .

1 He‟s terribly ____________. He hates meeting new people.

2 I‟m very ____________ – I always think things will end up OK.

3 Jane‟s always telling us what to do – she‟s very ____________.

4 He‟s very ____________. He wants to get a good job and earn lots of money.

5 My mum‟s always ____________. Even when things go wrong she smiles!

6 Carole‟s really ____________. Our teacher often tells her to be quiet but she can‟t stop.

7 These children are really ____________. They never stop running around.

8 I know you are good at English but you shouldn‟t be so ____________ about it.


2 Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. You can see the first letter of each word.

0 That tent is very small. Can two people sleep in there?

1 We‟re going to stay in a g________ h________ this year. It‟s small – I think they‟ve got 3


2 I like traveling from England to Poland by c________ . It takes 24 hours but they stop a few times

and you can watch videos on it.

3 I never go to the travel agent‟s. I always b________ my holidays on the internet.

4 I‟ve got a new bike so I‟m going c________ this weekend.

5 I don‟t want to go c________. I know we‟ve got a rope but I always think I‟m going to fall.

6 When you drive to England do you like going through the tunnel or on the f___________?


3 Complete the text with one word in each gap.

I‟m on holiday here (0) in Bulgaria with my friends. It‟s great. We‟re staying in a 5-star

(1) ___________. Tomorrow we‟re (2) ___________ to Turkey by train. It‟s difficult to

understand the signs here because of the alphabet but I think our train leaves (3) ___________

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platform 4. We are going to get to the station (4) ___________ 10 o‟clock because we don‟t want

to miss the train. I‟ve got a book for the journey – it‟s a science-(5) ___________ book, Star of

Death. (6) ___________ you know it? We haven‟t got much time so we‟re

(7) __________________ our bags now. I (8) _____________ not want to be late for the train.


4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

0 When I leave school I (study)’m going to study History.

1 At the moment, my father (read) __________________ a detective story

2 We often (go) __________________ cycling on Sundays.

3 Don‟t ask him. He (not know) __________________ anything.

4 Sorry, I can‟t come out tonight. We (have) __________________ a party.

5 I love camping. I (buy) __________________ a tent this year.

6 Carole (think) __________________ I‟m lazy.


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5 Circle the correct answers: a, b or c.

I (0) _____________ reading about different religions and cultures. I (1) _____________ it‟s really

interesting. Next year I (2) _____________ a history course at college. This afternoon I (3)

_____________ some books to read in the holidays. I (4) _____________ a great book at the

moment about the history of India. I (5) _____________ everything but I‟m learning more and

more. It‟s by Professor Charles Street. (6) _____________ it?

0 a) am loving

b) love

c) am going to love

1 a) think

b) am thinking

c) am going to think

2 a) starting

b) start

c) am going to start

3 a) am going to buy

b) am buying

c) buy

4 a) read

b) am reading

c) am going to read

5 a) don‟t understand

b) am not understand

c) am not understanding

6 a) Are you know

b) Do you know

c) Are you knowing


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CD Track 2

1 Listen to Brian and Sandra discussing three employees. Tick true and cross false.

1 Sandra doesn‟t often work with the three people.


2 Charles is very hard-working.


3 Charles is very good with computers.


4 Carole is a very confident person.


5 Carole doesn‟t have any work at the moment.


6 David can‟t do anything.


7 Brian is happy with Sandra‟s decision.



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1 Read the three adverts. Match the texts (A-C) to the questions (1-7).


Magical Egypt

We fly from London to Cairo. For the first three nights, we stay in Cairo. You‟re going to love the
old city streets, the markets and the local foods. You can visit the Pyramids and ride a camel if you
want! On the second night, there‟s going to be a surprise party so bring some smart clothes. We
then travel from Cairo to Luxor by train. We take the night train and arrive in Luxor early in the
morning. After breakfast, there is a tour of local temples. From Luxor, we travel by boat for three
days to Aswan. We have three more nights in Aswan, visiting temples and we go on a coach trip to
the amazing Abu Simbel. From Aswan, we fly back to Cairo and from there to London.


African adventure

This is our newest tour so it‟s going to be exciting for all of us. We fly to Johannesburg in South
Africa and then we are going to drive through Africa for two months and fly home from Nairobi in
Kenya. We‟re going to camp so you need to bring a sleeping bag. On the journey, we hope to see
the Victoria Falls, the Kalahari Desert, Mount Kilimanjaro and, of course, the national parks where
we can see wonderful, wild animals. Don‟t worry, we‟re not going to camp anywhere dangerous!
We are also going to have three nights on the exciting island of Zanzibar.


oast to coast

Our most popular tour is our coach tour to the USA. We fly to New York on October 6th and you
have a week there for sightseeing. There are tours to the Statue of Liberty and you can see Central
park, shop on 5th Avenue or look at the views from the top of the Empire State Building. We also
go for the famous „circle line‟ boat ride around Manhattan Island – a great chance to take
photographs. After New York, we get on our special coach and travel all over the country, from
Miami to San Francisco. Don‟t worry, you‟re not going to sleep on the coach! We stop at motels
and have lots of time for sightseeing.

Which advert

1 says you sleep on a boat?


2 doesn‟t talk about an island?


3 talks about a holiday in more than one country?


4 tells you exactly when the holiday starts?


5 doesn‟t say how long the holiday is?


6 thinks you might be worried about something dangerous?


7 says you should bring special clothes?



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1 Change the questions from direct to indirect.

A Welcome to the Mirimar Hotel. If you have any questions, please ask the guide. He‟ll be happy to


B Thank you. I have got a few questions. Excuse me.

C Yes, madam. How can I help?

B Could you tell me (0) what time breakfast is?

C Breakfast is from 8 until 10.

B I can‟t see a restaurant. Could you tell me (1) ______________________________________?

C Just over there. Next to the shop.

B Oh yes. That‟s a good idea, a shop in the hotel. Could you tell me

(2) ______________________________________?

C They sell postcards and souvenirs.

B Oh good. I can buy some postcards later. Now, I want to swim today. Could you tell me

(3) ______________________________________?

C The beach isn‟t far. About 500 metres. But there‟s a lovely swimming pool here at the hotel.

B Oh lovely! Could you tell me (4) ______________________________________?

C I think it opens at 10 in the morning and closes at 9 in the evening.

B That sounds nice. I can go for a swim after breakfast.

C Are you coming on our trip to the town this afternoon, madam?

B Oh, I don‟t know. Could you tell me (5) ______________________________________?

C It starts at 2 o‟clock. Just after lunch. We still have some places on the bus.

B Well, it could be interesting but I haven‟t got much money. Could you tell me

(6) ______________________________________?

C Don‟t worry, madam. It‟s a free tour.

A Oh, lovely. Thank you. Yes, I‟d love to go.


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1 Complete the text. Use the correct forms of the words in capital letters.

Last week I went to a very

(0)interesting talk about a trip to the


Himalayas. Some of the photos

were (1) ____________. The speaker


said that he was really (2) ____________


by the little rope bridges high

above the ground. The most

(3) ____________ part of the


talk was when he described

the last day. They were so

(4) ____________ that they nearly


fell but, finally, they made it

to the top of K2. One thing I was

(5) ____________ by was a really


(6) ____________ man who sat next


to me and kept on talking to

me during the talk.


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2 Complete the text with one word in each gap.

My father is a famous musician. He started (0) going to music school (1) ______________ he

was 6 years old, that‟s 42 years (2) ______________. In 1985, he was sitting at home when he

suddenly came (3) ______________ with a tune which he wrote (4) ______________ before he

forgot it. After that, he didn‟t think about it. At the same time, a TV producer was looking

(5) ______________ the problems that new musicians had in getting their music played. It turned

(6) ______________ that he and my dad were at school together and he used my dad‟s tune in the

programme. It became popular and my father became famous.


3 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

0 Last week I (go) went to the cinema to see the new James Bond film.

1 I (paint) ______________ the living room ceiling when I (drop) ______________ my brush onto

the TV.

2 I (not do) ______________ my homework last night, I forgot.

3 Where (be) ______________ you yesterday?

4 I (not come) ______________ to see you yesterday because I (sleep) ______________ all evening.


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4 Circle the correct answers: a, b or c.

Last week, I (0)

__________ a book on local history. It‟s fascinating. The phone rang while I

(1) __________ but I (2) __________ it. I couldn‟t stop (3) __________. In the book it says that a

man called John Collins built our house over 200 years ago in 1796. He was a soldier and died

fighting when he was 38 years old. He (4) __________ his horse when some soldiers

(5) __________ him and shot him. It‟s funny, at school I never (6) __________ history but now it‟s

my favourite subject!

0 a) was starting reading

b) used to start reading c) started reading

1 a) used to read

b) was reading

c) read

2 a) wasn‟t answering

b) didn‟t answer

c) didn‟t use to answer

3 a) to read

b) read

c) reading

4 a) was riding

b) rode

c) used to ride

5 a) were seeing

b) used to see

c) saw

6 a) used to like

b) didn‟t like

c) was liking


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5 Complete the questions and answers.

A (0) Did you go to the party last night?

B No, I (1) ________________. I went to bed early.

A (2) What ________________ at eleven o‟clock yesterday morning?

B I was cooking dinner.

A (3) ________________ scared when you saw those dogs?

B Yes, (4) ________________. They were really frightening.

A (5) ________________ watch cartoons when you were young?

B Yes, (6) ________________. I used to watch them all the time.


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CD Track 3

1 Listen to Professor Sykes talking about George Orwell. Circle the correct answers: a, b or c.

1 Professor Sykes works

a) at Oxford University.

b) as a writer.

c) for the radio station.

2 George Orwell came back from India

a) when he was three

b) in 1903.

c) when he was four.

3 Orwell‟s family

a) paid a lot of money for his school.

b) paid a lot of money for his university.

c) didn‟t pay for his education.

4 After school he became a

a) writer.

b) student.

c) policeman.

5 In Paris Orwell

a) wrote a book.

b) had a number of poor jobs.

c) couldn‟t find work.

6 The Road to Wigan Pier is about

a) real people‟s lives.

b) Orwell‟s time in Paris.

c) the war in Spain.

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7 Animal Farm and 1984

a) were true 60 years ago but not now.

b) are his most famous two books.

c) are true stories.


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1 Read the texts about five important events in recent British history. Match the headings (A-F) to the

correct texts (1-5). There is one extra heading.

5 Events That Changed Britain

1 The Great Train


In 1963 a gang of 13 men carried out one of the biggest robberies in British history. They stopped a
train and stole £2.3 million. During the robbery, the train driver was hit on the head and died 7 years
later. The police found their fingerprints and the gang travelled all over the world to escape but, in
the end, the police caught all thirteen of them. Nobody ever found the money.

2 The Coronation of Elizabeth II

King George VI was a very popular king and the country was heartbroken when he died in 1952.
The coronation of his daughter, Elizabeth, took place on June 2nd 1952. Twenty million people
watched on television and another 11 million listened to the coronation on the radio. While they
were listening and watching, news came in from Nepal that Edmund Hilary and Sherpa Tensig had
climbed to the top of Mount Everest, the first people to do so. They reached the top on May 29th
but news took four days to come through.

3 Margaret Thatcher

Margaret Thatcher became leader of the Conservative Party in Britain in 1975 when the Labour
Party were in power. There were many problems in Britain in the late 1970‟s. People found it hard
to get jobs, prices were going up and, in 1979, the Conservative Party came up with a famous
slogan: „Labour isn‟t working‟. In May that year, Margaret Thatcher became Prime Minister, the
first woman ever to be Prime Minister in Britain. She led the country for 11 years and changed it

4 The Beatles in America

At the end of 1963, The Beatles were the most popular pop group in England. Fans screamed at
their concerts and they sold millions of records. But, in America, nobody knew who they were. No
English groups were popular in America. Two months later, in February 1964, The Beatles were
number one in America and millions of people watched them on television on the Ed Sullivan show.
Over the next few years, many groups like The Rolling Stones and The Who also went to America
and changed the world of rock and roll.

5 The 1966 World Cup

In 1966, the world cup was played in England. The excitement started four months before when the
cup disappeared. A dog, named Pickles, found it in a garden and nobody ever knew who took it and
how it got into the garden. When the football started, England made it to the final against their old
enemies West Germany. It was an exciting match with 6 goals altogether, England winning 4-2.
Just before the last goal, some fans started running onto the pitch. The commentator famously said:
„They think it‟s all over‟ and then, when the goal went in he continued: „It is now‟

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A A new kind of leader.


B A sad day.


C How did it get there?


D Listen to us.


E They couldn‟t escape.


F On top of the world.



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1 Complete the text with the words and phrases in the box.

was walking unforgettable most exciting date excited happened

felt when was

It (0) happened a few years ago. I remember the (1) ____________ very well. It

(2) ____________ June 4th 1998. I was in my first year of secondary school.

I (3) ____________ to school (4) ____________ I saw a big, white car with black windows. Suddenly,

it stopped and out stepped the film star, Bobby Davies. I (5) ____________ really

(6) ____________ – I love his films.

I talked to him for a few minutes. He was lost and asked me where the Grand Hotel was. It was an (7)

____________ time. He gave me his autograph and I‟ve got a photo of us together. It was the (8)

____________ day of my life.


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1 Complete the text. Use the correct forms of the words in capital letters.

I remember one Sunday afternoon

when I was young. It was

raining and I was (0) bored . I know


I was (1) ___________ because


I wanted to go to the beach.

I remember my little sister

was really (2) ___________ as well.


She kept on talking when I

wanted to read. Then suddenly,

my uncle arrived.

We were (3) ___________ because


we thought he was in hospital.

He took my sister and me to

the circus. It was (4) ___________


but I knew my sister was a bit

(5) ___________ by the animals.


At the end, all of us children

went to the middle of the tent

to sing a song. It was a bit

(6) ___________ but we did it and


then my uncle took us home.


2 Complete the text with one word in each gap.

One day, about two years (0) ago , I was tidying (1) ___________ at home when I found an old

box. I opened it and inside there were hundreds of old letters and papers. I stayed

(2) ___________ really late, reading them and I found (3) ___________ some amazing things

about my family. There was lots to read and I kept (4) ___________ finding more interesting

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things until almost morning. (5) ___________, I went to bed but the next day I started

(6) ___________ the book again. It was really great.


3 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

0 Last week I (take) took two exams. I don‟t know my results yet.

1 I (be) ___________ tired yesterday and this morning I (wake) ___________ up at ten o‟clock.

2 I‟m sorry, I (not see) ________________ you there. It‟s so dark in here.

3 While you (talk) ________________ on the telephone, I (write) ________________ two letters.

4 Look at this. I (find) ________________ it on the way home.


4 Circle the correct answers: a, b or c.

When I was young I (0) ________ to be a professional footballer. I started (1) ________ when I

was 6 and I (2) ________ for a team. I was quite good. But, one day, while I (3) ________, I

(4) ________ my leg very badly. I was in hospital for 2 months and, after that, I was never very

good again. I (5) ________ help train children but I stopped (6) ________ that 2 or 3 years ago.

Now I only watch football on the TV.

0 a) was wanting

b) used to wanting

c) wanted

1 a) training

b) train

c) trained

2 a) playing

b) used to play

c) play

3 a) played

b) used to play

c) was playing

4 a) was breaking

b) broke

c) used to break

5 a) did

b) was

c) used to

6 a) doing

b) to do

c) do


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5 Complete the questions and answers.

A (0) Were you waiting a long time?

B Yes, (1) ________________. I was waiting for 2 hours.

A (2) ________________ your English exam?

B No, (3) ________________. I got 34%.

A (4) ________________ to wear shorts to school?

B Yes,(5) ________________. And I used to be really embarrassed by them.

A (6) What ________________ by when the police arrived?

B I was eating lunch. I was really surprised when they came in.


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1 Listen to Professor Sykes talking about George Orwell. Circle the correct answers: a, b or c.

CD Track 3

1 George Orwell‟s name was

a) John Sykes.

b) Eric Blair.

c) George Orwell.

2 George Orwell

a) was born in England.

b) went to school in India.

c) lived in India for 4 years.

3 He started writing

a) at university.

b) in India.

c) at school.

4 After school he went to

a) Burma.

b) India.

c) university.

5 Down and Out in Paris and London was

a) published in 1927.

b) his first book.

c) written in Paris

6 George Orwell wrote Homage to Catalonia

a) in 1936.

b) in Spain.

c) in England.

7 His books are

a) easy to read.

b) not popular now.

c) interesting but difficult to read.


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1 Read the texts about five important events in recent British history. Match the headings (A-F) to the

correct texts (1-5). There is one extra heading.

5 Events That Changed Britain

1 The Great Train


In 1963 a gang of 13 men carried out one of the biggest robberies in British history. They stopped a
train and stole £2.3 million. During the robbery, the train driver was hit on the head and died 7 years
later. The police found their fingerprints and the gang travelled all over the world to escape but, in
the end, the police caught all thirteen of them. Nobody ever found the money.

2 The Coronation of Elizabeth II

King George VI was a very popular king and the country was heartbroken when he died in 1952.
The coronation of his daughter, Elizabeth, took place on June 2nd 1952. Twenty million people
watched on television and another 11 million listened to the coronation on the radio. While they
were listening and watching, news came in from Nepal that Edmund Hilary and Sherpa Tensig had
climbed to the top of Mount Everest, the first people to do so. They reached the top on May 29th
but news took four days to come through.

3 Margaret Thatcher

Margaret Thatcher became leader of the Conservative Party in Britain in 1975 when the Labour
Party were in power. There were many problems in Britain in the late 1970‟s. People found it hard
to get jobs, prices were going up and, in 1979, the Conservative Party came up with a famous
slogan: „Labour isn‟t working‟. In May that year, Margaret Thatcher became Prime Minister, the
first woman ever to be Prime Minister in Britain. She led the country for 11 years and changed it

4 The Beatles in America

At the end of 1963, The Beatles were the most popular pop group in England. Fans screamed at
their concerts and they sold millions of records. But, in America, nobody knew who they were. No
English groups were popular in America. Two months later, in February 1964, The Beatles were
number one in America and millions of people watched them on television on the Ed Sullivan show.
Over the next few years, many groups like The Rolling Stones and The Who also went to America
and changed the world of rock and roll.

5 The 1966 World Cup

In 1966, the world cup was played in England. The excitement started four months before when the
cup disappeared. A dog, named Pickles, found it in a garden and nobody ever knew who took it and
how it got into the garden. When the football started, England made it to the final against their old
enemies West Germany. It was an exciting match with 6 goals altogether, England winning 4-2.
Just before the last goal, some fans started running onto the pitch. The commentator famously said:
„They think it‟s all over‟ and then, when the goal went in he continued: „It is now‟

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A One day, two great events.


B Never found.


C We needed a change.


D Americans in Britain.


E Six of the best.


F The British are coming.



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1 Complete the text with the words and phrases in the box.

was walking terrible felt happened shocked worst was

remember when

It (0)happened a few years ago. I (1) ____________ by 15 years old and I was in my last year of

middle school. I (2) ____________ by we had exams, very important exams to see what subjects

we could study at high school. My friend wrote an exam timetable for me – I didn‟t have one

because I was ill. I worked all night because we had a History exam the next day.

I (3) ____________ by to school the next morning (4) ____________ by I met one of my

classmates. I started talking to him about the test, asking if he knew all the important dates. He

looked surprised but he didn‟t say anything. When I got to school, I saw the sign: Today 9-12

Geography. It was the wrong exam! All that work for nothing! I (5) ____________ by really

(6) ____________ by. It was a (7) ____________ by time. I passed but I don‟t know how. It was

the (8) ____________ by exam of my life!






1 Complete the sentences with one word from the box. There are three extra words.

drive hedge tasteful roomy tasteless skylight balcony stairs

attic wardrobe

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0 The living room doesn‟t look big but it‟s quite roomy when you sit in it.

1 Paul! Put your shirt and trousers in the____________, please!

2 Why is the car in the____________? Why didn‟t you put it in the garage?

3 We often sit on the____________ when it‟s warm.

4 I‟m going up to the____________ to look at the old boxes we‟ve got there.

5 I like your furniture. It‟s very____________.

6 I like living in a house but I don‟t like walking up and down the____________.


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2 Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. You can see the first letter of each word.

0 Susan‟s on some kind of strange diet. She can only eat cabbage soup!

1 They sell a lot of alcohol here but not many s____________ drinks.

2 This shop is very useful. It‟s got long o____________ h____________ – from 6a.m. to 10p.m.

3 I can‟t eat d____________ food. No milk, no cheese, no yoghurts and no butter.

4 Mmm. This is delicious. Can I have the r____________ ? I‟d love to cook it.

5 Could I look at the m____________ please? Thank you. Erm, I‟d like soup and fish, please.

6 When did you become a v____________ ? Oh, I stopped eating meat about three years ago.


3 Complete the text with one word in each gap.

Dear Sir,

Our city has (0) some lovely old buildings but the local council want to knock them down and build

expensive new houses. Why? There are too (1) _________________ ugly, new houses and most

people aren‟t rich (2 _________________ to buy them anyway. Do they think that money is more

important (3) _________________ history? Haven‟t they got (4) _________________ thoughts for

the people who live here? We are as important (5) _________________ they are and they should

listen to us. We must stop them before it‟s (6) _________________ late!


J. Davies


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4 Rewrite the sentences. Use the words in capital letters. Do not change the meaning of the original


0 This bed is too uncomfortable for me.


This bed isn’t comfortable enough for me .

1 My house is bigger than yours.


Your _____________________________________________________________.

2 Their doorbell is louder than yours.


Your _____________________________________________________________.

3 There aren‟t any rooms in my house smaller than this one.


This _____________________________________________________________.

4 There aren‟t any burgers in this restaurant bigger than a half-pounder.


The half-pounder _____________________________________________________________.

5 The water isn‟t warm enough for a shower.


The _____________________________________________________________.

6 Sheila‟s room is better than Steve‟s.


Steve‟s _____________________________________________________________.


5 Complete the text with one relative pronoun in each gap.

Dear Sandra,

I‟m having a strange time here. The house is in an old part of town (0)where it is easy to get

lost. On my first day, I went out for a walk to the park (1) _____________ is near here. Of course, I

got lost. The family (2) _____________ house I am staying in don‟t have a phone so I didn‟t know

what to do. Then I met a boy (3) _____________ lives here. He was very friendly (and good

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looking!) We walked through the streets (4) _____________ the house is and I was looking for one

(5) _____________ looked like mine. Eventually we found it. I thanked him and he asked me out.

I‟m meeting him again tomorrow.



P.S. I found some books in my bag. They‟re not mine. Do you know (6) _____________ they are?


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CD Track 4

1 Listen to a man talking about a new diet. Tick true and cross false.

1 You can lose 10kg in two weeks.


2 On a magi-diet, you can‟t eat any meat.


3 You can‟t drink alcohol, coffee or juice.


4 A good breakfast would include half a slice of bread.


5 One of the recipes in the book shows you how to cook fish in milk.


6 There are 40 magi-diet chocolate bars in the pack.


7 The price of one magi-diet pack is £40.



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1 Read the text about buying a house in London. Circle the correct answers: a, b or c.

Where to live in London

London is so big that there is a great choice of places to buy a house but of course there are many
things to think about such as price, transport shops and green spaces. Here below are some of the
districts you might want to look at.

West London

Ealing is about 12km from the centre of town and on two underground lines. There are great
shops and a canal which is a pleasant place to walk. South of Ealing are two areas you may want
to think about. Brentford is becoming a very fashionable area to live with modern flats built here.
It is close to Kew Gardens, one of the most beautiful gardens in London. The other area is Acton
which, because it is close to the BBC studios, is a place where many BBC workers live.

North London

To the west of Hampstead is Finchley. North Finchley has a number of large family houses and
the largest Japanese community in Britain. There are a lot of green spaces and the Northern Line
underground runs through here. A cheaper area is around Finsbury Park, another beautiful green
area. 15 minutes by underground from the centre of London, this is an area where prices are
going to go up in the future.

East London

An interesting area is Beckton which used to be a very poor part of London but is now easy to get
to because of the Docklands Light Railway and Underground. There are many new houses and
flats here and it is very close to the London Docklands Airport. It‟s not a great place for shopping
but it isn‟t too far from Stratford centre which is a big shopping centre. There‟s a ski slope in
Beckton and a big supermarket. As prices nearer the centre of London go up, more people are
looking for a house here.

South London

You can‟t beat Greenwich next to the river with its market and park with beautiful views of the
river. It is crowded and the traffic is bad but it still feels like a village. At the top of the park is
Blackheath, a real village with small arts and crafts shops and lots of nice restaurants. It hasn‟t
got many big shops but you can walk down the hill into Lewisham which is great for shopping.
Blackheath isn‟t on the underground but Greenwich is. You can catch a train from Blackheath to
Charing Cross station.

1 It is pleasant to

a) walk from Ealing to Brentford.

b) walk along the canal in Ealing.

c) go shopping in Ealing.

2 Finchley is

a) north of Hampstead.

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b) in West Hampstead.

c) west of Hampstead.

3 Beckton

a) is a very poor part of London.

b} is near to an airport.

c) has got lots of shops.

4 Beckton

a) doesn‟t have any shops.

b) is more popular than it used to be.

c) is a long way from Stratford.

5 There are beautiful views

a) of Greenwich from the park.

b) of Greenwich from the river.

c) of the river from the park.

6 Blackheath

a) is crowded.

b) is on the underground railway.

c) is on a hill.


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1 Complete the dialogue with one word in each gap. You can see the first letter of each word.

A Where‟s the holiday guide, he‟s late.

B Good afternoon, sir, madam.

A (0) Excuse me, I‟m sorry but you‟re late. You said 2 o‟clock. It‟s nearly 3.

B Yes, I‟m (1) r_____________ s_____________ about that. I went to the wrong office.

A Well, that‟s OK….

B Here we are. This is your holiday home.

A It‟s quite small.

B Yes, but very cosy. Let me open the door.

A It‟s dark in here… Ow!. My foot!

B Oh, I‟m sorry. It (2) w_____________ a_____________ a_____________. Here‟s the light.

A It‟s very dirty.

B Oh! I (3) c_____________ f_____________ to tell the cleaner to come this morning.

A Well, (4) n_____________ m_____________. Where is the beach? The brochure says you can see

it from the kitchen.

B Let me look. Oh dear. I didn‟t (5) r_____________ that you had this brochure. I sent you the old

one. That (6) w_____________ s_____________ of me.

A The old brochure? So, where is the beach?

B Er, behind those new hotels and that road.

A This just isn‟t good enough! You were late, the house was dirty, you hurt my foot…

B I (7) d_____________ m_____________ to!

A … and there‟s a motorway between us and the beach. Please take us to a hotel. We‟re not staying







1 Complete the sentences with one word from the box. There are three extra words.

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expensive tasteful tiny drive cosy skylight porch

bookshelves basement letter box

0 That‟s a nice DVD player. Was it expensive?

1 Have you got a _______________? No, there‟s nothing under the house.

2 The house was nice but the rooms were _______________.

3 In the winter the wind blows through the ______________ in the front door. I don‟t know what to


4 I‟m going to put the TV here and have some _______________ above it.

5 Can you leave your muddy shoes in the _______________, please.

6 We had a _______________ put in the roof. We want to make a bedroom in the attic.


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2 Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. You can see the first letter of each word.

0 Have you got any low fat milk? I‟m on a diet.

1 Would you like anything for d____________? Yes, please. Apple pie and ice cream.

2 That was a lovely meal. Could we have the b____________, please?

3 The food here is good but the s____________is terrible. The waiters are so rude.

4 Would you like anything to drink? Yes, please. A glass of m____________water, please.

5 Are you a vegetarian? No. I eat chicken and fish but I don‟t eat r____________m____________.

6 Do you like v____________? Yes, I do. Broccoli, potatoes, cabbage – everything!


3 Complete the text with one word in each gap.

Dear Sir,

Theakston Hall is (0) the oldest building in our village and is older (1) ____________ most

buildings in the country. But, it isn‟t as well known (2) ____________ some of Britain‟s castles

and that is why it doesn‟t get (3) ____________ visitors. In fact, last year, only 5000 people visited

compared to 200,000 visitors to Langley castle. But there is a (4) ____________ to see here. Do

you know (5) ____________ other buildings which have a better collection of 17th century

furniture? We need more visitors and more money or Theakston Hall will be lost. This can‟t

happen. It is (6) ____________ important. We must tell the world now!


R. Harris


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Rewrite the sentences. Use the words in capital letters. Do not change the meaning of the original


0 This curry is hotter than that one.


That curry is milder than this one .

1 My computer is too old for this game.


My computer ______________________________________________________________.

2 Derek‟s attic is cleaner than Clive‟s.


Clive‟s attic ______________________________________________________________.

3 His drive is longer than ours.


Our ______________________________________________________________.

4 There isn‟t a better TV than this in the world.


This ______________________________________________________________.

5 There isn‟t a worse hotel than this in the country.


This ______________________________________________________________..

6 This food isn‟t healthy enough for my diet.


This food______________________________________________________________.


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5 Complete the text with one word in each gap.

Dear Barry

How are you. I‟m OK here in Germany.

The hotel (0)where I‟m working is very expensive and elegant. Each room has a TV

(1) ____________ has satellite and a fridge (2) ____________ is full of drinks. The people

(3) ____________ work here are friendly, except one (4) ____________ father is the manager of

the hotel. He thinks he‟s better than us and is very bossy. We‟ve got a special room

(5) ____________ we can go when we‟re not working. It‟s OK. There‟s a big TV and stereo.

All the best


P.S. There‟s someone here (6) ____________ knows you. Sid Finch. He says „hello‟.


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CD Track 4

1 Listen to a man talking about a new diet. Tick true and cross false.

1 The magi-diet will make you happier.


2 On a magi-diet, you can‟t eat white meat.


3 You can drink cola.


4 You can eat bread and butter for breakfast.


5 One of the recipes in the book shows you

how to cook fish with brown rice.


6 You can eat one magi-diet chocolate bar every day. ________

7 Two magi-diet packs together cost £10.



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1 Read the text about buying a house in London. Circle the correct answers: a, b or c.

Where to live in London

London is so big that there is a great choice of places to buy a house but of course there are many
things to think about such as price, transport shops and green spaces. Here below are some of the
districts you might want to look at.

West London

Ealing is about 12km from the centre of town and on two underground lines. There are great
shops and a canal which is a pleasant place to walk. South of Ealing are two areas you may want
to think about. Brentford is becoming a very fashionable area to live with modern flats built here.
It is close to Kew Gardens, one of the most beautiful gardens in London. The other area is Acton
which, because it is close to the BBC studios, is a place where many BBC workers live.

North London

To the west of Hampstead is Finchley. North Finchley has a number of large family houses and
the largest Japanese community in Britain. There are a lot of green spaces and the Northern Line
underground runs through here. A cheaper area is around Finsbury Park, another beautiful green
area. 15 minutes by underground from the centre of London, this is an area where prices are
going to go up in the future.

East London

An interesting area is Beckton which used to be a very poor part of London but is now easy to get
to because of the Docklands Light Railway and Underground. There are many new houses and
flats here and it is very close to the London Docklands Airport. It‟s not a great place for shopping
but it isn‟t too far from Stratford centre which is a big shopping centre. There‟s a ski slope in
Beckton and a big supermarket. As prices nearer the centre of London go up, more people are
looking for a house here.

South London

You can‟t beat Greenwich next to the river with its market and park with beautiful views of the
river. It is crowded and the traffic is bad but it still feels like a village. At the top of the park is
Blackheath, a real village with small arts and crafts shops and lots of nice restaurants. It hasn‟t
got many big shops but you can walk down the hill into Lewisham which is great for shopping.
Blackheath isn‟t on the underground but Greenwich is. You can catch a train from Blackheath to
Charing Cross station.

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1 Brentford is

a) in Ealing.

b) near Ealing.

c) on the underground railway.

2 Finsbury Park

a) is cheaper than Finchley.

b) has got a lot of Japanese people living there.

c) is on the Northern Line Underground railway.

3 Beckton

a) is very poor.

b) isn‟t on the underground.

c) is easy to get to.

4 Stratford

a) is a good place to go shopping.

b) has got a ski slope.

c) has got many new houses and flats.

5 Greenwich

a) is near the river.

b) is a village.

c) is quiet.

6 Blackheath

a) has got a lot of big shops.

b) has got a railway to Greenwich.

c) is close to Lewisham.


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1 Complete the dialogue with one word in each gap.You can see the first letter of each word.

A (0) Excuse me . I‟m sorry but I‟ve been here for 30 minutes.

B Oh, I‟m sorry. I (1) d____________ r____________ you were waiting. What would you like?

A Vegetable soup and lasagna, please.

B Certainly sir…

B Here you are. Tomato soup.

A I‟m sorry but it‟s the (2) w____________ o____________. I asked for vegetable soup.

B Oh yes. I‟m sorry. I gave you someone else‟s soup (3) b____________ m____________. That was

(4) r____________ s____________ of me. Here you are.

A Thank you. Wait a minute. This soup is cold.

B I‟m very (5) s____________ a____________ that. I‟ll get you another… Here you are.

A Thank you.

B Oh, I‟m sorry. I (6) c____________ f____________ to ask you if you would like a drink.

A Yes, a coffee please.

B Here you are, sir. Your coffee…

A Aah! Look at my shirt! There‟s coffee all over it!

B I‟m terribly sorry. It was (7) a____________ a____________.

A Well never mind now but please be careful.






1 Complete the text with one word in each gap. You can see the first letter of each word.

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Vote Green

We are the only party who will (0) protect the environment and (1) l__________ pollution if we

win the election. How will we do this? Our policies are to (2) r__________ waste and to

(3) r__________ the forests that we are killing by acid rain. We also want to (4) s__________ the

plants and animals that are dying because of this government. The other parties are only interested

in making money and they will (5) c__________ d__________ the forests and

(6) d__________ the environment.


2 Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.

0 I want to be an accountant. I‟m very good at Maths.

1 I want more money. I‟m going to ask for a pay ___________.

2 I‟ve got a good ___________. I‟m a computer programmer.

3 I‟m bored ___________ my job. I want to find something new.

4 I like being a teacher but it‟s hard ___________ sometimes.

5 If you are keen ___________ fashion, why don‟t you become a designer?

6 I got the sack. I was useless ___________ my job.


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3 Circle the correct answers: a, b or c.

Dear Sean,

Hi. How are you? I‟m OK here in Germany but I miss (0) __________ with my friends.

I managed (1) __________ a job as a translator – I should (2) __________ working now but I‟m

having a break. I decided (3) __________ here for another 2 weeks. I promised (4) __________ the

boss because he‟s very friendly to me and it‟s busy here. Really, I prefer (5) __________ outside in

the summer so I‟m going to look for work on a campsite after this.Right, I must

(6) __________.

See you sometime.


0 a) be

b) to be

c) being

1 a) get

b) to get

c) getting

2 a) be

b) to be

c) being

3 a) stay

b) to stay

c) staying

4 a) help

b) to help

c) helping

5 a) work

b) to work

c) working

6 a) go

b) to go

c) going


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4 Complete the questions for the answers given. The lines show how many words you need to use.

0 A Are you going to be alright?

B Yes, I am. Don‟t worry. Everything‟s fine now.

1 A __________ __________ __________ be rich?

B I don‟t know. Maybe I will be rich in 20 years!

2 A __________ __________ __________ __________ in ten years?

B I‟m not sure. Maybe I‟ll be in Canada or the USA.

3 A Is __________ __________ __________ __________ late?

B No, he isn‟t. He telephoned to say that his train is on time.

4 A Who __________ __________ __________ win?

B John is. Look, he‟s much better than the others.


5 Complete the story with the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

If Chris (0) (pass) passes his exams, his parents (0) (give) will give him £100. Chris

(1) (buy) ___________ a tent if his parents (2) (give) ___________ him £100. If Chris

(3) (buy) ___________ a tent, he (4) (go) ___________ camping. Chris (5) (have) ___________ a

good time camping if it (6) (not rain) ______________. If it (7) (rain) _____________, Chris

(8) (not be) _____________ happy. Chris will go home early if he isn‟t happy.


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CD Track 5

1 Listen to six people taking part in a competition. Match the speakers (1-6) to the headings (A-G). There

is one extra heading.

A I just want to be happy.


B I want to get married.


C I want to relax.


D I want to see the world.


E I did something to help.


F I might need to do this again.


G I want to get a good job.



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1 Read the interview with a politician. Tick true and cross false.

The truth about Truth and Freedom

The elections are getting closer and a lot of people are thinking of voting for a new party, Truth and
Freedom. They won‟t win the election but they might win a lot of votes. Most people don‟t know
much about it, or its leader, Sir Jeffrey Collins, so last week

I went to their party offices to ask a few questions. Sir Jeffrey was friendly at first but, as you can
see from the interview below, he brought the interview to a sudden end when I asked him about his

MARK DAVIES: Sir Jeffrey, thank you for letting me talk to you. This is your first election
since you set up the Truth and Freedom party two years ago. Why did you do that and how
exactly is it different to the more traditional parties?

SIR JEFFREY: Well, the name should tell you that. Our country isn‟t free and our leaders don‟t tell
the truth. I feel that we need both.

A lot of people may be surprised to find out that they aren’t free. Can you explain?

Of course. We think we are free but there are many laws that take away that freedom. Are we free
to drive at 150kilometres per hour? No. Are we free to say what we want? No. Are we free to
smoke where we want? No.

But we need some laws. Where do you stop? Would you give people the freedom to kill?

No, of course not. Yes, we need some laws but we‟ve got far too many. If we get into power, we
will remove these stupid, unnecessary laws. It will make life much easier for everyone.

Now, can I ask you about yourself, Sir Jeffrey? You were a soldier and a businessman.

I remember reading a few years ago that you were in trouble with the police. Can you tell us
about that?

I‟ve got nothing to say about that.

I read that you earned £2 million selling chemicals that you knew were dangerous and that
five people died.

Right. I‟m not going to stay here any longer listening to this. The interview is over.

And that was the end of the interview. You can decide for yourself whether Sir Jeffrey is the sort of
person you want to be the leader of the country.

By Mark Davies

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1 The writer doesn‟t think many people will

vote for the Truth and Freedom party.


2 Sir Jeffrey wasn‟t friendly during the interview.


3 The Truth and Freedom party is two years old.


4 Sir Jeffrey says that nobody tells the truth.


5 Sir Jeffrey wants to give people the freedom to kill.


6 If Sir Jeffrey wins the election, there will be fewer laws.


7 Sir Jeffrey has had two other jobs before he became a politician.



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1 Put the conversation in the correct order.

A Yes, good morning. Is Mr Stephens there?


B My name‟s Taylor. Mike Taylor. I came last week for an interview.


C Thank you. Goodbye


D Oh, yes. Mr Taylor. That‟s‟ right. Can I take a message?


E Good morning. Jenkins employment agency. Can I help you?



F Congratulations, Mr Taylor. I‟ll certainly tell him when he comes back.

Thank you for phoning. Goodbye


G Yes, please. Can you tell him that I won‟t need the job now.

I‟ve got another job.


H I‟m sorry. He isn‟t here at the moment. Who‟s calling?







1 Complete the text with one word in each gap. You can see the first letter of each word.

Vote Business and Growth

Don‟t listen to the Greens. They say they want to (0) help the environment, (1) r__________

pollution and (2) p__________ animals. Of course they do. We all do. But if they win the election,

they will do these things without thinking of the economy. There won‟t be any new technology if

the Greens win power and that will (3) i__________ pollution We will make a new law that means

all people will have to (4) s__________ their rubbish and we will (5) r__________ this waste;

paper, plastic and glass. And we won‟t (6) d__________ forests, we will use them carefully.


2 Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.

0 I don‟t know if I can do this. I‟m not very good at selling.

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1 What‟s your ___________? I‟m an engineer.

2 I don‟t know why the manager doesn‟t sack Bob. He always turns ___________ late for work.

3 I‟m a student. I just want a ___________ -time job in the evenings.

4 Where do you ___________? In an office in the centre of town.

5 Why are you interested ___________ working for us?

6 She‟s very fond ___________ children. She‟d be a good teacher.


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3 Circle the correct answers: a, b or c.

Hi Florence,

What am I doing here? I can‟t stand (0) ___________ here. It‟s terrible. I don‟t mind

(1) ___________ in the flat – the other girls are nice, but why did I agree (2) ___________ here for

2 months? I know I could (3) ___________ but I don‟t want (4) ___________ problems. That‟s

me! I always avoid (5) ___________ problems for everybody else but sometimes I need (6)

___________ about what‟s good for me.

I might see you in 2 months or I might see you next week!



0 a) be

b) to be

c) being

1 a) live

b) to live

c) living

2 a) work

b) to work

c) working

3 a) leave

b) to leave

c) leaving

4 a) make

b) to make

c) making

5 a) make

b) to make

c) making

6 a) think

b) to think

c) thinking


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4 Complete the questions for the answers given. The lines show how many words you need to use.

0 A Are your parents going to be happy with your school work?

B Yes, they are. I got much better grades this year.

1 A ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ next summer?

B I don‟t know. I might work or I might have a long holiday.

2 A What ___________ ___________ ___________ like in 50 years?

B I think people will look the same as they do now. Maybe they‟ll be taller.

3 A ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ have a test?

B Yes, I think we are. Look the teacher is moving the desks.

4 A Is ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ be at the party?

B Yes, he is. My brother never misses a party.


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5 Complete the story with the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

If Sue (0) (pass) passes her exams, her parents (0)

(give) will give her £100.

If her parents (1) (give) ___________ her £100, Sue (2) (go) ___________ France. Sue

(3) (learn) ___________ French if she (4) (go) ___________ to France. If Sue

(5) (learn) ___________ French, she (6) (get) ___________ a job in France. Sue

(7) (not come) _______________ back to England if she (8) (get) ______________ a job in

France.If Sue doesn‟t come back to England, her parents will be sad.


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CD Track 5

1 Listen to six people taking part in a competition. Match the speakers (1-6) to the headings (A-G). There

is one extra heading.

A Work can wait


B I don‟t have any plans yet


C I want to be rich


D I‟m tired


E I‟m doing it for my family ________

F I want to help the world


G I want to be famous



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1 Read the interview with a politician. Tick true and cross false.

The truth about Truth and Freedom

The elections are getting closer and a lot of people are thinking of voting for a new party, Truth and
Freedom. They won‟t win the election but they might win a lot of votes. Most people don‟t know
much about it, or its leader, Sir Jeffrey Collins, so last week

I went to their party offices to ask a few questions. Sir Jeffrey was friendly at first but, as you can
see from the interview below, he brought the interview to a sudden end when I asked him about his

MARK DAVIES: Sir Jeffrey, thank you for letting me talk to you. This is your first election
since you set up the Truth and Freedom party two years ago. Why did you do that and how
exactly is it different to the more traditional parties?

SIR JEFFREY: Well, the name should tell you that. Our country isn‟t free and our leaders don‟t tell
the truth. I feel that we need both.

A lot of people may be surprised to find out that they aren’t free. Can you explain?

Of course. We think we are free but there are many laws that take away that freedom. Are we free
to drive at 150kilometres per hour? No. Are we free to say what we want? No. Are we free to
smoke where we want? No.

But we need some laws. Where do you stop? Would you give people the freedom to kill?

No, of course not. Yes, we need some laws but we‟ve got far too many. If we get into power, we
will remove these stupid, unnecessary laws. It will make life much easier for everyone.

Now, can I ask you about yourself, Sir Jeffrey? You were a soldier and a businessman.

I remember reading a few years ago that you were in trouble with the police. Can you tell us
about that?

I‟ve got nothing to say about that.

I read that you earned £2 million selling chemicals that you knew were dangerous and that
five people died.

Right. I‟m not going to stay here any longer listening to this. The interview is over.

And that was the end of the interview. You can decide for yourself whether Sir Jeffrey is the sort of
person you want to be the leader of the country.

By Mark Davies

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1 The Truth and Freedom party might win the election.


2 Sir Jeffrey was friendly at the start of the interview.


3 The Truth and Freedom party won the elections two years ago.


4 Sir Jeffrey wants to make the country freer.


5 Sir Jeffrey thinks we need more laws.


6 If Sir Jeffrey wins the election, there won‟t be any laws.


7 Sir Jeffrey wanted to talk to the interviewer about his problems with the police.



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1 Put the conversation in the correct order.

A I‟m sorry. She isn‟t here. Can I take a message?


B Good morning. Weymouth College. Can I help you?



C That‟s right. Can you tell Mrs Trent that I won‟t be at work this morning.

My daughter‟s ill and I‟m going to take her to the doctor‟s


D Thank you very much. I‟ll be in at about 2 o‟clock this afternoon. Goodbye.


E Yes, good morning. Could I speak to Mrs Trent, please?


F Oh yes, the new receptionist


G Yes. My name‟s Christine Williams


H OK, Mrs Williams. I‟ll let her know







1 Complete the text with one word in each gap. You can see the first letter of each word.

Vote Business and Growth

Don‟t listen to the Greens. They say they want to (0) help the environment, (1) r__________

pollution and (2) p__________ animals. Of course they do. We all do. But if they win the election,

they will do these things without thinking of the economy. There won‟t be any new technology if

the Greens win power and that will (3) i__________ pollution We will make a new law that means

all people will have to (4) s__________ their rubbish and we will (5) r__________ this waste;

paper, plastic and glass. And we won‟t (6) d__________ forests, we will use them carefully.


2 Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.

0 I don‟t know if I can do this. I‟m not very good at selling.

1 What‟s your ___________? I‟m an engineer.

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2 I don‟t know why the manager doesn‟t sack Bob. He always turns ___________ late for work.

3 I‟m a student. I just want a ___________ -time job in the evenings.

4 Where do you ___________? In an office in the centre of town.

5 Why are you interested ___________ working for us?

6 She‟s very fond ___________ children. She‟d be a good teacher.


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3 Circle the correct answers: a, b or c.

Hi Florence,

What am I doing here? I can‟t stand (0) ___________ here. It‟s terrible. I don‟t mind

(1) ___________ in the flat – the other girls are nice, but why did I agree (2) ___________ here for

2 months? I know I could (3) ___________ but I don‟t want (4) ___________ problems. That‟s

me! I always avoid (5) ___________ problems for everybody else but sometimes I need (6)

___________ about what‟s good for me.

I might see you in 2 months or I might see you next week!



0 a) be

b) to be

c) being

1 a) live

b) to live

c) living

2 a) work

b) to work

c) working

3 a) leave

b) to leave

c) leaving

4 a) make

b) to make

c) making

5 a) make

b) to make

c) making

6 a) think

b) to think

c) thinking


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4 Complete the questions for the answers given. The lines show how many words you need to use.

0 A Are your parents going to be happy with your school work?

B Yes, they are. I got much better grades this year.

1 A ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ next summer?

B I don‟t know. I might work or I might have a long holiday.

2 A What ___________ ___________ ___________ like in 50 years?

B I think people will look the same as they do now. Maybe they‟ll be taller.

3 A ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ have a test?

B Yes, I think we are. Look the teacher is moving the desks.

4 A Is ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ be at the party?

B Yes, he is. My brother never misses a party.


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5 Complete the story with the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

If Sue (0) (pass) passes her exams, her parents (0)

(give) will give her £100.

If her parents (1) (give) ___________ her £100, Sue (2) (go) ___________ France. Sue

(3) (learn) ___________ French if she (4) (go) ___________ to France. If Sue

(5) (learn) ___________ French, she (6) (get) ___________ a job in France. Sue

(7) (not come) _______________ back to England if she (8) (get) ______________ a job in

France.If Sue doesn‟t come back to England, her parents will be sad.


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CD Track 5

1 Listen to six people taking part in a competition. Match the speakers (1-6) to the headings (A-G). There

is one extra heading.

A Work can wait


B I don‟t have any plans yet


C I want to be rich


D I‟m tired


E I‟m doing it for my family ________

F I want to help the world


G I want to be famous



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1 Read the interview with a politician. Tick true and cross false.

The truth about Truth and Freedom

The elections are getting closer and a lot of people are thinking of voting for a new party, Truth and
Freedom. They won‟t win the election but they might win a lot of votes. Most people don‟t know
much about it, or its leader, Sir Jeffrey Collins, so last week

I went to their party offices to ask a few questions. Sir Jeffrey was friendly at first but, as you can
see from the interview below, he brought the interview to a sudden end when I asked him about his

MARK DAVIES: Sir Jeffrey, thank you for letting me talk to you. This is your first election
since you set up the Truth and Freedom party two years ago. Why did you do that and how
exactly is it different to the more traditional parties?

SIR JEFFREY: Well, the name should tell you that. Our country isn‟t free and our leaders don‟t tell
the truth. I feel that we need both.

A lot of people may be surprised to find out that they aren’t free. Can you explain?

Of course. We think we are free but there are many laws that take away that freedom. Are we free
to drive at 150kilometres per hour? No. Are we free to say what we want? No. Are we free to
smoke where we want? No.

But we need some laws. Where do you stop? Would you give people the freedom to kill?

No, of course not. Yes, we need some laws but we‟ve got far too many. If we get into power, we
will remove these stupid, unnecessary laws. It will make life much easier for everyone.

Now, can I ask you about yourself, Sir Jeffrey? You were a soldier and a businessman.

I remember reading a few years ago that you were in trouble with the police. Can you tell us
about that?

I‟ve got nothing to say about that.

I read that you earned £2 million selling chemicals that you knew were dangerous and that
five people died.

Right. I‟m not going to stay here any longer listening to this. The interview is over.

And that was the end of the interview. You can decide for yourself whether Sir Jeffrey is the sort of
person you want to be the leader of the country.

By Mark Davies

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1 The Truth and Freedom party might win the election.


2 Sir Jeffrey was friendly at the start of the interview.


3 The Truth and Freedom party won the elections two years ago.


4 Sir Jeffrey wants to make the country freer.


5 Sir Jeffrey thinks we need more laws.


6 If Sir Jeffrey wins the election, there won‟t be any laws.


7 Sir Jeffrey wanted to talk to the interviewer about his problems with the police.



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1 Put the conversation in the correct order.

A I‟m sorry. She isn‟t here. Can I take a message?


B Good morning. Weymouth College. Can I help you?



C That‟s right. Can you tell Mrs Trent that I won‟t be at work this morning.

My daughter‟s ill and I‟m going to take her to the doctor‟s


D Thank you very much. I‟ll be in at about 2 o‟clock this afternoon. Goodbye.


E Yes, good morning. Could I speak to Mrs Trent, please?


F Oh yes, the new receptionist


G Yes. My name‟s Christine Williams


H OK, Mrs Williams. I‟ll let her know







1 Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. You can see the first letter of each word.

0 I‟d like to be on a quiz programme. The questions are usually quite easy.

1 I don‟t know this DJ. What s___________ are we listening to?

2 You can make phone calls through the internet if you d___________ special software.

3 If you‟re going to the n___________, will you buy me a newspaper, please?

4 I like looking at the r___________ letters in the newspaper. Some people write quite often.

5 I always watch the l___________ news because I like to know what‟s happening where I live.

6 Private Eye is a famous magazine in Britain. It was first p___________ in 1962.


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2 Circle the correct answers: a, b or c.

Coronation Street

Coronation Street is the oldest television (0) _________ in Britain. It started in 1960 and is still

very popular today. It is about a street in Manchester with very normal people living in it. It has the

usual stories: people (1) _________ each other and (2) _________ with each other. Sometimes

they get (3) _________ and usually, they are unhappy. It‟s very famous and there have been

(4) _________ made about it, looking at the actors and the writers who have worked on the

programme. There are tours of the street and it (5) _________ been written about in

(6) _________ newspapers as well as tabloids.

0 a) soap opera

b) reality

c) documentary

1 a) go up with

b) go in with

c) go out with

2 a) split up

b) split off

c) split out

3 a) marry

b) wedding

c) married

4 a) reality TV shows

b) documentaries

c) headlines

5 a) was

b) has

c) is

6 a) gossip

b) big

c) quality


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3 Complete the text with one word in each gap.

In Britain, you could always see how good a newspaper was by its size. The (0) tabloid papers

were small, the bigger papers were „better‟ and more serious. (1) ______________, things have

changed and now some of the quality papers are getting smaller. The Times has

(2) ______________ been a tabloid (3) ______________ three years and The Guardian has been

published in a new size – Berliner – (4) ______________ 2005. (5) ______________ these

changes in size changed the quality of the newspapers? Some people think that they have but others

say that these newspapers are still as good as they have always been. Now, the only national daily

paper in England which hasn‟t changed its broadsheet size (6) ______________

is the Daily Telegraph. When will that change?


4 Put the verb in brackets into the correct form: active or passive.

The NME (New Musical Express) is Britain‟s longest running music magazine. It (0) (publish)

has been published since 1952 and it (1) (read) ________________ by more than 100,000

people each week. In the last 50 years, the magazine‟s journalists (2) (interview)

________________ thousands of musicians from The Beatles to new bands such as Coldplay.

It (3) (call) ________________ „The Musical Express‟ at first but it soon (4) (change)

________________ its name to the „New Musical Express‟ During the 1960‟s, a concert

(5) (hold) ________________ every year by the magazine where the best bands (6) (play)

________________ their hit singles. These concerts (7) (show) ________________ on television

but the best, and last concert, in 1966, which starred The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Who

and many other top groups of the time

(8) (not film) ________________.


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5 Circle the correct answer.

0 You‟ve drunk / drank too much cola and now you feel sick.

1 Has she decided what to eat? No, she didn’t / hasn’t.

2 Mrs Pierce has gave / given her class a surprise test.

3 How far you have / have you driven?

4 Wait a minute. I‟ve just / already woken up and I‟m still half asleep.

5 He‟s took / taken two exams but only passed one.

6 Have you thought about my idea?

Yes, I have / did.

7 Have I seen / saw you somewhere before?

8 We haven’t had / didn’t have many sunny days this year.


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CD Track 6

1 Listen to a man making a speech at his friend’s wedding. Circle the correct answers: a, b or c.

1 The speaker

a) has known them both for many years.

b) has known Tina for many years.

c) has known Tony for many years.

2 At school

a) they were good at Maths.

b) they weren‟t always good students.

c) they were very good students.

3 Paula was

a) Tony‟s girlfriend.

b) their teacher.

c) the speaker‟s girlfriend.

4 There is

a) room for all of Tony‟s ex-girlfriends at the


b) room for 100 people at the wedding.

c) no room for any of Tony‟s girlfriends at the


5 Last year

a) Tony nearly got married to someone else.

b) the speaker got married.

c) the speaker nearly got married.

6 The speaker says

a) Tina has been a friend since she met Tony.

b) he hopes that Tina will be his friend.

c) Tina has always been his friend.


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1 Read the description of the six radio stations. Match the questions (1-7) to the correct station (A-F).

There is one extra heading

Online Radio

BBC stations online

A Radio 1:

is the station for all other new music. There is pop music, alternative rock and some

dance music. During the day, the DJs talk a lot and there are quizzes and competitions. The music
isn‟t as important as the fun. In the evening, the music gets stranger and the DJ‟s get quieter.
Sometimes you think that the DJ‟s who work during the day just want to be famous but the DJ‟s on
the evening shows are people who really love music.

B Radio 2: is for older listeners who like pop and rock music. There is lots of music from the
1960‟s and 1970‟s but there is other music too like folk, country, blues and jazz. There are some
documentaries about music, for example the story of the Summer of 1967, The Summer of Love.

C Radio 3: is the classical music station but they have started to play some World Music from
Africa and other places. They also look at some of the more „intellectual‟ rock musicians like Brian
Eno and David Byrne. If you don‟t know who they are, you can find out on Radio 3.

D Radio 4: says it is the home of intelligent speech. They have news, documentaries, comedy and
quizzes. A lot of people like to listen to the Today programme in the mornings because it‟s much
better than breakfast TV. The longest running soap opera in Britain is a radio show about a farming
village called „The Archers‟. It started in 1951 and there have been over 14,000 episodes since then.

E Radio 5: is also called Five Live. During the day, they have phone-in shows and news. In the
evenings and at weekends, they have sport programmes, mainly football. Cricket is usually
broadcast on Radio 4. And after the football matches they have a football phone-in show! It‟s often
more entertaining than the matches!

F Radio 6: is a strange mixture of Radio 1 and 2. Some old rock music is too loud for Radio 2 but
too old for Radio 1. so the BBC has started Radio 6 where you can hear this kind of music. Maybe
Led Zeppelin live from 1972 or a history of Punk Rock.

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Which station should you listen to if you want to hear:

1 advice about problems.


2 lots of different kinds of old music?


3 about most sports?


4 some fun DJs?


5 an old concert by a rock band.


6 a good radio programme in the morning?


7 more about musicians who are very clever?



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1 Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.

1 A

I‟ll meet you at 8

B I‟m (0) sorry I didn‟t (1) _______________ what you said.


I said I‟ll meet you at 8.

2 A

You didn‟t do very well in your exams. What happened?


Well, the (2) _______________ is that I thought the exam was next week so I didn‟t revise.

3 A

Sir, did you know that my cousin has got over 400 CDs at home?


(3) _______________‟s very (4) _______________, Smith, but we are in the middle of an


4 A

Dad, don‟t touch the computer. I‟m downloading. OK?


I‟m not (5) _______________ I understand. What do you (6) _______________?


It doesn‟t matter. Just don‟t touch it for five minutes.

5 A

Thank you for coming. Now, how (7) _______________ I put it? I hear you‟ve been in

some kind of trouble. What do you have to say for yourself?


I‟d just (8) _______________ to say that it wasn‟t my fault…


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1 Complete these sentences. Use the correct forms of the words in capital letters.

0 Wow. These special effects are



1 You shouldn‟t cheat. It‟s



2 I didn‟t hear a gun because it

had a ___________on.


3 I love the theatre. I want to be

an ___________.


4 There was a ___________


at the post office last week.

5 Some of these Hollywood films

are so ___________.


6 You have to be very

___________ to think up ideas


for a film.


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2 Complete the text with one word in each gap. You can see the first letter ofeach word.

Three people (0) escaped from prison yesterday. They had been (1) a___________ for burglary

three weeks ago and (2) s___________ to three years in prison. They said that they were

(3) i___________ but the (4) j___________ didn‟t believe them. The question now is how did they

get out and who helped them? The police are (5) i___________ and are talking to two

(6) s___________ who were caught near the prison.


3 Complete the sentences with the correct article in each gap: the, a/an, or ‘–’

(0) A bank was broken into last night.

I‟m not (1) ___________ criminal, Johnny shouted.

(2) ___________ children are often lively but

(3) ___________ children here are very quiet.

(4) ___________ man that the police arrested was

(5) ___________ unemployed builder.

(6) ___________ crime is increasing every year.


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4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

I went to the cinema with Terry last week. We saw a really good film. Terry (0) (see) had seen

it before so he (1) (know) _________________ the plot. It was directed by Stanley Kubrick.

I (2)

(never hear) _________________ of him before that but after the film I (3) (start)

_________________ reading about him on the internet. I was searching the internet late one night

when my mum came into my room. She (4) (see) _________________ my light on and thought

something (5) (happen) _________________. She (6) (tell) _________________ me to switch off

the computer and go to sleep.


5 Complete the sentences so that they have the same meaning as the original sentences

0 The man told the police that he wasn‟t guilty.

‘I’m not guilty’ the man told the police.

1 „I was at home all night‟ he said.

He said that _________________________________________________________________

2 „We saw the man climbing into the shop window‟ said the police.

The police said that they ________________________________________________________

3 The driver said that he hadn‟t seen the red light.

„_________________________________________________________________‟, the driver said.

4 The police told the man they would let him go in the morning.

„_________________________________________________________________‟, the police told
the man.

5 „I will never commit a crime again‟ she said.She said that


6 The judge said he had never heard about such a terrible crime before.

„_________________________________________________________________‟, the judge said.




CD Track 7

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1 Listen to a woman telephoning the police about a burglary at her house. Tick true and cross false.

1 The name of the caller is Linda Scarloni.


2 The crime happened between 7.30 and midnight.


3 The address where the crime happened was 38 Hill Street.


4 Money and jewellery were stolen.


5 The criminals got in through a window.


6 The family found some blood in the house.


7 Mr Green saw the burglars.



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1 Read the texts about seven famous British films. Match the headings (A-H) to the correct

texts (1-7). There is one extra heading.

This month’s special feature
Great British Movies

1 Goldfinger. This James Bond film was made in 1964. It came after Dr No and From Russia With
Love and many people believe it is the best of the Bond films. Bond is trying to stop Goldfinger
stealing all the gold in Fort Knox. Bond chases Goldfinger in a specially made Aston Martin DB5
car which has many surprises for Bond‟s enemies.

2 The Italian Job. Made in 1969, this comedy crime film showed a gang of criminals going to Italy
dressed as football hooligans to steal millions of pounds in gold from the Fiat car factory. The
Mafia can‟t stop them and the police can‟t stop them as they race out of Turin in three mini cars,
very small but fast cars which can drive on pavements and through subways.

3 Kind Hearts and Coronets. This was a very black comedy about a number of murders. The
murderer was from a rich family but the family refused to help him. He decided to kill everybody
until he was the only one left and could get all their money. Sir Alec Guinness played all 7 members
of the family who were murdered, young and old, male and female.

4 Monty Python and the Holy Grail. The Monty Python team are famous for their strange humour
and this film was no different. The story is about King Arthur but this film is very different to
anything that has been written about the king in history books. On his journey he met a man with
three heads, a group of giants who scare people by saying „ni‟ and a killer rabbit.

5 Brassed Off. Members of a work orchestra lose their jobs. The film looks at their problems with
money and illness and a competition to find the best orchestra in the country which, of course, they
win. You‟ll laugh one minute and cry the next.

6 The Full Monty. Six men decide they can earn money by dancing and stripping (taking their
clothes off). The hero needs money because he has to pay his ex-wife money to look after his son.
They get caught by the police and aren‟t sure that what they are doing is a good idea but finally, of
course, the show goes ahead and they make their money.

7 Quadrophenia. This was based on a record by rock group The Who. It‟s about a boy called
Jimmy. The first half of the film shows him getting ready for a weekend in Brighton where he and
his friends are going to fight against their enemies. After the weekend, everything goes wrong. He is
arrested, he loses his job, he loses his girlfriend and crashes his bike.

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A Not the same as the book


B Mixed emotions


C Small is best


D This is for my boy


E 3rd and best


F Romance in the city


G Nothing left


H Family murdered



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1 Use the words below to make full sentences

0 A What / we do tonight?

What shall we do tonight?

1 B Let‟s / go / cinema


2 C prefer / not


3 C How about / go for a meal?


4 B not keen / that


5 B Why / we / watch / video instead?


6 A fine / me







1 Complete these sentences. Use the correct forms of the words in capital letters

0 It wasn‟t a brilliant film but it

was quite interesting .


1 Travelling on buses without

a ticket is ____________.


2 When the police caught him,

he had ____________ £ 20,000.


3 This is a good film. Who‟s the



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4 Is ____________ a problem in

this area?


5 The leading actress is very



6 It was such a/an ____________ film,

I‟ve already forgotten it!



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2 Complete the text with one word in each gap. You can see the first letter of each word.

Last week, businessman, Tom Collier, was murdered at his office in London. An (0) alarm went

off and police found his body. They searched the office and found (1) f______________

on the door and desk. These helped them to find Tony Barrow, (2) a______________. „Mr Big‟.

Police (3) a______________ him of the murder but don‟t know what his (4) m______________

was. He didn‟t know Mr Collier and nothing was taken from the office. However a policeman said

today that they are sure that he is (5) g______________of this terrible

(6) c______________.


3 Complete the sentences with the correct article in each gap: the, a/an, or ‘–’

Have you ever committed (0) a crime?

(1) ______________ speeding is a very dangerous crime.

Police arrested (2) ____________ man today when he stole some shirts from a shop.

(3) ______________ man said that the shirts were his.I‟ve got (4) ______________ ticket. I‟m not

fare-dodging.(5) ______________ prisons are often very old.(6) ______________ new prison that

has been built in our town is very modern.


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4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

I went to the cinema last week. I (0) (never be) had never been there before so I didn‟t know

what it was like. I (1) (hear) _______________ about the café there from my friend so

I (2) (decide) ________________ to go for a coffee before the film.

She (3) (tell) _______________ me how nice it was but she (4) (not mention) ______________ the

prices. I couldn‟t believe it when I (5) (get) _______________ the bill.

I (6) (spend) ________________ £5 before I bought my ticket.


5 Complete the sentences so that they have the same meaning as the original sentences

0 The director told the actors that they weren‟t doing it right.

You’re not doing it right!’, the director told the actors.

1 ‘We‟ve done the exercise before‟ said the students.

The students said that ___________________________________________________________.

2 ‘The film is too long‟ said the reviewer.

The reviewer said that __________________________________________________________.

3 The actress said that she wouldn‟t be in any more films.

‘___________________________________________________________‟, the actress said.

4 The reviewer said that he‟d never seen such an amazing film.

‘___________________________________________________________‟, the reviewer said.

5 ‘We will try to finish the film soon‟ said the director.

The director said that ___________________________________________________________.

6 The actor said that his new film was great.

‘___________________________________________________________.‟, the actor said.


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CD Track 7

1 Listen to a woman telephoning the police about a burglary at her house. Tick true and cross false.

1 The phone number of the caller is 816 4231.


2 The caller was at home when the crime happened.


3 Mr and Mrs Scarloni and their two children live in the house.


4 No money has been stolen.


5 The kitchen door is broken.


6 They found a cigarette in the bedroom.


7 Their neighbours are Mr and Mrs Green and Mr and Mrs King.



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1 Read the texts about seven famous British films. Match the headings (A-H) to the correct texts (1-7).

There is one extra heading.

This month’s special feature
Great British Movies

1 Goldfinger. This James Bond film was made in 1964. It came after Dr No and From Russia With
Love and many people believe it is the best of the Bond films. Bond is trying to stop Goldfinger
stealing all the gold in Fort Knox. Bond chases Goldfinger in a specially made Aston Martin DB5
car which has many surprises for Bond‟s enemies.

2 The Italian Job. Made in 1969, this comedy crime film showed a gang of criminals going to Italy
dressed as football hooligans to steal millions of pounds in gold from the Fiat car factory. The
Mafia can‟t stop them and the police can‟t stop them as they race out of Turin in three mini cars,
very small but fast cars which can drive on pavements and through subways.

3 Kind Hearts and Coronets. This was a very black comedy about a number of murders. The
murderer was from a rich family but the family refused to help him. He decided to kill everybody
until he was the only one left and could get all their money. Sir Alec Guinness played all 7 members
of the family who were murdered, young and old, male and female.

4 Monty Python and the Holy Grail. The Monty Python team are famous for their strange humour
and this film was no different. The story is about King Arthur but this film is very different to
anything that has been written about the king in history books. On his journey he met a man with
three heads, a group of giants who scare people by saying „ni‟ and a killer rabbit.

5 Brassed Off. Members of a work orchestra lose their jobs. The film looks at their problems with
money and illness and a competition to find the best orchestra in the country which, of course, they
win. You‟ll laugh one minute and cry the next.

6 The Full Monty. Six men decide they can earn money by dancing and stripping (taking their
clothes off). The hero needs money because he has to pay his ex-wife money to look after his son.
They get caught by the police and aren‟t sure that what they are doing is a good idea but finally, of
course, the show goes ahead and they make their money.

7 Quadrophenia. This was based on a record by rock group The Who. It‟s about a boy called
Jimmy. The first half of the film shows him getting ready for a weekend in Brighton where he and
his friends are going to fight against their enemies. After the weekend, everything goes wrong. He is
arrested, he loses his job, he loses his girlfriend and crashes his bike.

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A Life was better before the weekend ________

B What an actor


C The army is coming


D Strange monsters


E An interesting car


F Are we doing the right thing?


G They don‟t look like robbers


H No money, no job, but we can win ________


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1 Use the words below to make full sentences.

0 A Do / fancy / play / tennis?

Do you fancy playing tennis?

1 B not mad about


2 C How about / go shopping?


3 B not / cup of tea


4 B Why / play computer games instead?


5 C sounds good


6 A good idea







1 Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. You can see the first letter of each word.

0 Don‟t do too much work in the garden. You‟ll get backache .

1 I‟ve got a high t _______________. 39.2°.

2 I‟ve got a s _______________ t _______________. I need some lemon tea.

3 You should eat less fried food and do more exercise or you might have a h _______________

a _______________

4 Why don‟t you want any ice cream? Because I‟ve got t _______________. I have to go to the


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5 If you eat too fast, you may get i _______________.

6 He‟s in bed with f _______________. The doctor told him to stay in bed for a few days.

7 I‟ve got a s _______________ .I‟m not surprised eating all those crisps and sweets.


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2 Circle the correct words.

0 This is a nice national flag / anthem / border. Who composed it?

1 Do you think Russia will become a member / treaty / speech of the EU?

2 The government wants to pass a referendum / treaty / law to make people carry ID cards in


3 Some people think we should have / take / make more of an influence on the EU.

4 I‟ve always wanted to be a politics / politician / political.

5 The government are going to hold a referendum / vote / election on joining the euro.

6 The Swiss Franc is one of the strongest currents / currently / currencies in the world.


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3 Complete the sentences so that they have the same meaning as the original sentences.

0 Eating in class is not allowed.

You mustn’t eat in class.

1 Smoking is not allowed here.

You ____________________________________________________.

2 It would be a good idea to eat more fruit.

You ____________________________________________________.

3 You can‟t stay at the hotel if you don‟t pay first.

You ____________________________________________________.before you can stay in the


4 It is very important for me to work harder.

I ____________________________________________________.

5 You can wear a tie if you want but if you don‟t want to, that‟s OK.

You don‟t ____________________________________________________.

6 It‟s not a good idea to go to work today.

You ____________________________________________________.

7 Dinner is free.

You ____________________________________________________.


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4 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

0 What (you do) would you do if you (be) were Prime Minister?

1 If you (have) _____________ lots of money where (you go) _______________ for your holidays?

2 I‟ll be upset if I (not get) _______________ any letters tomorrow.

3 I (not worry) _______________ about it if I (be) _______________ you.

4 We (not go) _______________ there if we (not think) _______________ it was interesting.


5 Complete the text with the correct question tags.

A Hello, you‟re the new student, (0) aren’t you ?

B Yes, I am. My name‟s John.

A Hi, John. I‟m Cathy.

B Hi. Er…we have lessons in room 6, (1)_________________?

A That‟s right. You‟re not from London, (2)_________________? Where are you from?

B I‟m from Durham. I‟m not late, (3)_________________

A No, don‟t worry. You‟ll hear the bell and then you have to go to class.

B Oh, good. You‟ll show me where room 6 is, (4)_________________I don‟t think I could find it on

my own.

A Of course. I‟ll go with you. You‟re wearing a Newcastle shirt, (5)_________________

B That‟s right. You don‟t like football, (6)_________________

A Yes, why not? Because I‟m a girl?

B No, I mean…sorry, I don‟t know many girls who like football.




CD Track 8

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1 Listen to seven people talking about their problems. Match the speakers (1-7) to the headings (A-H).

There is one extra heading.

A Not the right place for talk ________

B The wrong food


C Too fast


D Hot and cold


E My fault


F Not cooked properly


G An unfriendly doctor


H It happens every year



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1 Read about some myths about the EU. Put the sentences A-H in the correct place in the text. There is

one extra sentence.

The straight banana and other Euromyths

Many people in Britain think that the EU is trying to change our lives completely. Newspapers
make this worse by writing stories that aren‟t exactly true. Here below are some of the most famous
of these stories

The straight banana is possibly the most famous of all the EU myths. British papers told their
listeners that the EU didn‟t like the shape of bananas. (1)__________. What the EU really said was
that the size and quality of bananas should be looked at. There was a similar story about cucumbers.
That wasn‟t true either.

Vegelate. Newspapers told their readers that chocolate would have to be called vegelate. This was
because the EU said English chocolate didn‟t have enough cocoa or milk fat. (2)__________. What
did the EU really say? That chocolate bars would have to say, on the packet, what was in them. The
name wouldn‟t have to change.

Euro CV. “All people will have to use an EU CV”. That‟s what the papers said. (3)__________ Not
at all. The EU have made a standard CV but nobody has to use it. They thought it would be easier
for employers to compare applicants from different countries. Not a bad idea really!

.eu internet addresses. The EU wants to stop people using the .uk internet address said the papers.
Of course nobody has to change. There is an .eu address. (4)__________ But the .uk address can
still be used too.

British exams. This sounded very serious. A levels, which students take at 18 will go.
(5)__________ What did the EU want to do? They wanted to help students from different countries
study anywhere they wanted in the EU. The best way to do this was not to have just one exam. It
was to help all countries understand the exams in the other countries. (6)__________

Road numbers. Someone saw a map which said E30 not the M4. They thought the EU had changed
our road numbers. (7)__________ It was the UN who thought up the Trans Europe Road Network.
But the UN didn‟t say the road numbers would have to change. There are now two numbers which
are both used.

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A Was it true?

B All students will now take a European diploma.

C This wasn‟t what he said at all.

D That will help universities to know what these exams mean.

E They thought they should be straight

F In fact, these changes have nothing to do with the EU.

G They used vegetable fat.

H It is very useful for companies who operate in more than one country


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1 Complete the text with one word in each gap.

A (0) Could you give me some (1) ____________ about writing a CV?

B Certainly. Let‟s have a look. Well, if I (2) ____________ you, I‟d change the design a bit.

A Oh. Have you got any (3) ____________ about (4) ____________ to do that?

B Yes. To start with, I don‟t think you (5) ____________ draw smiley faces at the top.

A Oh.

B And it‟s (6) ____________ not to write so much. Five pages is too long!




1 Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. You can see the first letter of each word.

0 You haven‟t got a temperature so it‟s not flu. I think you‟ve just got a bad cold .

1 Please don‟t make too much noise. I‟ve got a terrible h____________.

2 Every year it‟s the same. People cut the grass and my h____________ f____________ starts.

3 I‟m not going to that restaurant again. I‟ve got a bad s____________. I don‟t think they cooked

dinner properly.

4 Did you hear about Mr Jones? He came back from Asia with a strange v____________.

5 Here‟s your p____________. Take it to the chemists and they‟ll give you your medicine.

6 I‟m very ill. The doctor gave me strong a____________.

7 Don‟t try to carry that box, it‟s too heavy. You‟ll get b____________ .


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2 Circle the correct words.

0 We had to wait three hours at the anthem / border / treaty between Poland and Germany.

1 In America you have / make / take the right to stay silent.

2 The EU and America are going to sign / pass / make a treaty on trade.

3 Our President had / took / made a speech in Brussels yesterday.

4 There was a fire at the EU government / parliament / diplomat building in Brussels.

5 My father worked as a diplomat / diplomacy / diplomatic for many years.

6 I think the government will lose the next elect / elector / election.


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3 Complete the sentences so that they have the same meaning as the original sentences.

0 Talking in exams is not allowed.

You mustn’t talk in exams .

1 It‟s not a good idea to watch too much TV.

You __________________________________________________________________.

2 It would be a good idea to do more exercise.

You __________________________________________________________________.

3 I really need to get my haircut.

I __________________________________________________________________.

4 You can get up early if you want or you can stay in bed.

You don‟t __________________________________________________________________.

5 Climbing here is not allowed.

You __________________________________________________________________.

6 It says in the cinema to switch off your mobile phone.

You __________________________________________________________________.

7 You‟ll get better without any medicine.

You __________________________________________________________________.


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4 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

0 Who (you vote) would you vote for in the election if you (be) were British?

1 If you (feel) ________________ ill (you go) ________________ to the doctor?

2 We (not live) ________________ here if it (not be) ________________ safe.

3 If I (not feel) ________________ better tomorrow, I‟ll call the doctor.

4 If I (be) ________________ you, I (not go) ________________ out with her.


5 Complete the text with the correct question tags.

A Where‟s Colin? He‟s coming today, (0) isn’t he ?

B Yes, he is. It‟s only 3 o‟clock. He isn‟t late yet.

A No, I guess not. You‟re going to meet him, (1) ________________?

B Yes, at the train station. Then we‟re having a party. I‟ll be good to see him again,

(2) ________________?

A Yes. He‟s always fun to have around. We haven‟t seen him for ages, (3) ________________?

I wonder if he‟s changed.

B You remember when he left, (4) ________________?

A How can I forget. It was a wild day, (5) ________________?

B Yes, it was. Your dad shouted at us, (6) ________________?We had to go home before he called

the police!


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CD Track 8

1 Listen to seven people talking about their problems. Match the speakers (1-7) with the headings

(A-H). There is one extra heading.

A It‟ll have to come out


B Have a proper break


C First time


D I should have just danced


E What will they think of me?


F Switch off before it‟s too late


G I can‟t enjoy the sun


H A large prescription



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1 Read about some myths about the EU. Put the sentences A-H in the correct place in the text. There is

one extra sentence.

The straight banana and other Euromyths

Many people in Britain think that the EU is trying to change our lives completely. Newspapers
make this worse by writing stories that aren‟t exactly true. Here below are some of the most famous
of these stories

The straight banana is possibly the most famous of all the EU myths. British papers told their
listeners that the EU didn‟t like the shape of bananas. (1)__________. What the EU really said was
that the size and quality of bananas should be looked at. There was a similar story about cucumbers.
That wasn‟t true either.

Vegelate. Newspapers told their readers that chocolate would have to be called vegelate. This was
because the EU said English chocolate didn‟t have enough cocoa or milk fat. (2)__________. What
did the EU really say? That chocolate bars would have to say, on the packet, what was in them. The
name wouldn‟t have to change.

Euro CV. “All people will have to use an EU CV”. That‟s what the papers said. (3)__________ Not
at all. The EU have made a standard CV but nobody has to use it. They thought it would be easier
for employers to compare applicants from different countries. Not a bad idea really!

.eu internet addresses The EU wants to stop people using the .uk internet address said the papers.
Of course nobody has to change. There is an .eu address. (4)__________ But the .uk address can
still be used too.

British exams. This sounded very serious. A levels, which students take at 18 will go.
(5)__________ What did the EU want to do? They wanted to help students from different countries
study anywhere they wanted in the EU. The best way to do this was not to have just one exam. It
was to help all countries understand the exams in the other countries. (6)__________

Road numbers. Someone saw a map which said E30 not the M4. They thought the EU had changed
our road numbers. (7)__________ It was the UN who thought up the Trans Europe Road Network.
But the UN didn‟t say the road numbers would have to change. There are now two numbers which
are both used.

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A They thought it would be easier for employers to compare applicants from different countries.

B That wasn‟t the only time

C There was a similar story about cucumbers.

D They wanted to help students from different countries study anywhere they wanted in the EU

E They thought the EU had changed our road numbers

F It was to help all countries understand the exams in the other countries

G The name wouldn‟t have to change.

H There is an .eu address


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1 Complete the text with one word in each gap.

A Have you got any (0) tips on (1) __________ to feel healthy?

B Well, I think it‟s a good (2) __________ to get some professional advice. You know, ask a doctor

or something.

A You know about these things. (3) __________ you give me some (4) __________?

B Well, if I (5) __________ you, I‟d take up a sport. Get some exercise. Also, it‟s (6) __________

not to eat greasy, fried food.

A Yes, you‟re right. But it‟s difficult. I love chips!


Answer Key


Test 1 A

1 rude 2 helpful 3 proud 4 selfish 5 lazy 6 quiet 7 tolerant 8 polite

1 sleeping bag 2 plane 3 pack 4 sightseeing 5 campsite 6 youth hostel

1 Do 2 from 3 at 4 stories 5 not 6 on 7 house 8 in

1 is listening 2 doesn‟t understand 3 agrees 4 do 5 „m flying 6 „m going to stay


1 b 2 c 3 a 4 a 5 c 6 a

1 X 2 V 3 X 4 X 5 V 6 X 7 X
Reading 1 A 2 B 3 A 4 C 5 B 6 A 7 C
Communication 1 what time the first train to London departs 2 how much a ticket costs 3 what time the
next train leaves 4 which platform the 10.15 train to London leaves from 5 where platform 6 is 6 what the
time is (now)

Test 1 B

1 shy 2 optimistic 3 bossy 4 ambitious 5 cheerful 6 talkative 7 lively 8 arrogant

1 guest house 2 coach 3 book 4 cycling 5 climbing 6 ferry

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1 hotel 2 going 3 from 4 at 5 fiction 6 Do 7 packing 8 do

1 is reading 2 go 3 doesn‟t know 4 are having 5 „m going to buy 6 thinks


1 a 2 c 3 a 4 b 5 a 6 b

1 X 2 X 3 V 4 V 5 X 6 X 7 V
Reading 1 A 2 A 3 B 4 C 5 C 6 B 7 A
Communication 1 where the restaurant is 2 what they sell in the shop 3 how far/where the beach is 4
what time it (the pool) opens 5 what time it starts 6 how much it costs


Test 2 A


1 amazing 2 terrified 3 exciting 4 tired 5 annoyed 6 boring


1 when 2 ago 3 up 4 down 5 into 6 out

1 was painting; dropped 2 didn‟t do 3 were 4 didn‟t come; was sleeping

1 b 2 b 3 c 4 a 5 c 6 a

1 didn‟t 2 were you doing 3 Were you
4 I was 5 Did you use to 6 I did

1 a 2 c 3 c 4 c 5 b 6 a 7 b
Reading 1 E 2 F 3 A 4 D 5 C
Communication 1 date 2 was 3 was walking 4 when 5 felt 6 excited 7 unforgettable 8 most

Test 2 B

1 disappointed 2 annoying 3 surprised 4 fascinating 5 frightened 6 embarrassing

1 up 2 up 3 out 4 on 5 Finally (Eventually) 6 reading

1 was; woke 2 didn‟t see 3 were talking; wrote 4 found

1 a 2 b 3 c 4 b 5 c 6 a

1 I was 2 Did you pass 3 I didn‟t 4 Did you use 5 I did 6 were you doing

Listening 1b 2c 3c 4a 5b 6c 7a
Reading 1B 2A 3C 4F 5E
Communication 1 was 2 remember 3 was walking 4 when 5 felt 6 shocked 7 terrible 8 worst

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Test 3 A

1 wardrobe 2 drive 3 balcony 4 attic 5 tasteful 6 stairs

1 soft 2 opening hours 3 dairy 4 recipe 5 menu 6 vegetarian

1 many 2 enough 3 than 4 any 5 as 6 too

1 Your house isn‟t as big as mine 2 Your doorbell is quieter than theirs 3 This is the smallest room in my
4 The half-pounder is the biggest burger in this restaurant 5 The water is too cold for a shower
6 Steve‟s room isn‟t as good as Sheila‟s

1 which 2 whose 3 who 4 where 5 which 6 whose

Listening 1 V 2 X 3 X 4 X 5 V 6 X 7 X
Reading 1 b 2 c 3 b 4 b 5 c 6 c
Communication 1 really sorry 2 was an accident 3 completely forgot 4 never mind 5 didn‟t realize
6 was stupid 7 didn‟t mean

Test 3 B

1 basement 2 tiny 3 letter box 4 bookshelves 5 porch 6 skylight

1 dessert 2 bill 3 service 4 mineral 5 red meat 6 vegetables

1 than 2 as 3 many 4 lot 5 any 6 too

1 My computer isn‟t new enough for this game 2 Clive‟s attic isn‟t as clean as Derek‟s 3 Our drive is
shorter than his 4 This is the best TV in the world 5 This is the worst hotel in the country 6 This food is
too unhealthy for my diet

1 which 2 which 3 who 4 whose 5 where 6 who
Listening 1 V 2 X 3 X 4 X 5 V 6 V 7 X
Reading 1 b 2 a 3 c 4 a 5 a 6 c
Communication 1 didn‟t realise 2 wrong order 3 by mistake 4 rather stupid 5 sorry about 6
completely forgot 7 an accident


Test 4 A

1 limit 2 reduce 3 replant 4 save 5 cut down 6 destroy


1 rise 2 job 3 with 4 work 5 on 6 at


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1 b 2 a 3 b 4 b 5 c 6 a


1 When will you 2 Where will you be 3 he going to be 4 is going to

1 will buy 2 give 3 buys 4 will go 5 will have 6 doesn‟t rain 7 rains 8 won‟t be

Listening 1 E 2 C 3 F 4 G 5 A 6 D
Reading 1 X 2 X 3 V 4 X 5 X 6 V 7 V
Communication 1 A 2 H 3 B 4 D 5 G 6 F 7 C

Test 4 B


1 reduce 2 protect 3 increase 4 sort 5 recycle 6 destroy


1 job 2 up 3 part 4 work 5 in 6 of

1 c 2 b 3 a 4 b 5 c 6 b

1 What will you do 2 will people look 3 Are we going to 5 your brother going to

1 give 2 will go 3 will learn 4 goes 5 learns 6 will get 7 won‟t come 8 gets

Listening 1 F 2 D 3 G 4 C 5 B 6 A
Reading 1 X 2 V 3 X 4 V 5 X 6 X 7 X
Communication 1 E 2 A 3 G 4 F 5 C 6 H 7 D


Test 5 A

1 journalist 2 comedy 3 guide 4 engine 5 international 6 phone

1 c 2 a 3 a 4 b 5 c 6 c


1 just 2 already 3 for 4 has 5 since 6 never


1 have played 2 is watched 3 fights/has fought 4 travels 5 watch 6 are made 7 was played 8 acted

1 done 2 gone 3 haven‟t you done 4 have 5 hasn‟t 6 yet 7 been 8 come

Listening 1 c 2 b 3 c 4 a 5 c 6 a
Reading 1 F 2 D 3 C 4 A 5 B 6 E
Communication 1 mean 2 repeat 3 Excuse 4 just 5 how 6 put 7 sure 8 thing

Test 5 B

1 station 2 download 3 newsagent‟s 4 readers‟ 5 local 6 published


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1 c 2 a 3 c 4 b 5 b 6 c


1 However 2 already 3 for 4 since 5 Have 6 yet

1 is read 2 have interviewed 3 was called 4 changed 5 was held 6 played 7 were shown 8 wasn‟t

1 hasn‟t 2 given 3 have you 4 just 5 taken 6 have 7 seen 8 haven‟t had

Listening 1 c 2 b 3 a 4 b 5 c 6 a
Reading 2 B 3 E 4 A 5 F 6 D 7 C
Communication 1 catch 2 thing 3 That‟s 4 interesting 5 sure 6 mean 7 shall 8 like


Test 6 A


1 dishonest 2 silencer 3 actor 4 robbery 5 predictable 6 imaginative


1 arrested 2 sentenced 3 innocent 4 judge 5 investigating 6 suspects

1 a 2 – 3 the 4 The 5 an 6 –

1 knew 2 had never heard 3 started 4 saw 5 had happened 6 told

1 he had been at home all night 2 had seen the man climbing into the shop window 3 „I didn‟t see the red
4 „We will let you go in the morning‟ 5 she would never commit a crime again 6 „I have never heard about
such a terrible crime before‟

Listening 1 X 2 V 3 X 4 X 5 V 6 X 7 X
Reading 1 E 2 C 3 H 4 A 5 B 6 D 7 G
Communication 1 Let‟s go to the cinema 2 I‟d prefer not to 3 How about going for a meal? 4 I‟m not
keen on that 5 Why don‟t we watch a video instead? 6 That‟s fine by me

Test 6 B


1 immoral 2 stolen 3 director 4 theft 5 attractive 6 forgettable


1 fingerprints 2 alias 3 accused 4 motive 5 guilty 6 crime


1 – 2 a 3 The 4 a 5 – 6 The

1 had heard 2 decided 3 had told 4 hadn‟t mentioned 5 got 6 had spent

1 they had done the exercise before 2 the film was too long 3 „I won‟t be in any more films‟
4 „I have never seen such an amazing film‟ 5 they would try to finish the film soon 6 „My new film is

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Listening 1 V 2 X 3 V 4 V 5 X 6 X 7 V
Reading 1 E 2 G 3 B 4 D 5 H 6 F 7 A
Communication 1 I‟m not mad about tennis 2 How about going shopping? 3 It‟s not my cup of tea
4 Why not play computer games instead? 5 That sounds good 6 That‟s a good idea


Test 7 A

1 temperature 2 sore throat 3 heart attack 4 toothache 5 indigestion 6 flu 7 stomachache


1 member 2 law 3 have 4 politician 5 referendum 6 currencies

1 You mustn‟t smoke here 2 You should eat more fruit 3 You have to pay 4 I must work harder 5 You
don‟t have to wear a tie 6 You shouldn‟t go to work today 7 You don‟t have to pay for dinner

1 had, would you go 2 don‟t get 3 wouldn‟t worry, were 4 wouldn‟t go, didn‟t think

1 don‟t we? 2 are you? 3 am I 4 won‟t you? 5 aren‟t you? 6 do you?

Listening 1 D 2 H 3 E 4 A 5 B 6 F 7 C
Reading 1 E 2 G 3 A 4 H 5 B 6 D 7 F
Communication 1 advice 2 were 3 tips/ideas 4 how 5 should 6 better

Test 7 B

1 headache 2 hay fever 3 stomachache 4 virus 5 prescription 6 antibiotics 7 backache

1 have 2 sign 3 made 4 parliament 5 diplomat 6 election

1 You shouldn‟t watch too much TV 2 You should do more exercise 3 I must get my haircut 4 You don‟t
have to get up early 5 You mustn‟t climb here 6 You must switch off your mobile phone 7 You don‟t
have to take any medicine

1 felt 2 would you go 3 wouldn‟t live 4 wasn‟t safe 5 don‟t feel 6 were 7 wouldn‟t go

1 aren‟t you? 2 won‟t it 3 have we? 4 don‟t you? 5 wasn‟t it? 6 didn‟t he?

Listening 1 C 2 G 3 F 4 D 5 A 6 E 7 B
Reading 1 C 2 G 3 A 4 H 5 D 6 F 7 E
Communication 1 how 2 idea 3 Could 4 advice 5 were 6 better


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