FCE SpeakingTestB

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FCE TEsT B PaPer 5 Speaking part 1



Speaking partS 1–4

time allowed: 14 minutes

part 1

in part 1 of the Speaking test you have 3 minutes to talk about personal information
(5 minutes for groups of three). First, the examiner will ask you questions about
your personal details. the examiner will then select one or more questions from
any of the categories below.

Where are you from?
What do you like about living there?

Family and friends
Do you have a large family or a small family?
Can you tell me a little about your family?
Do you spend a lot of time with your family? Why/Why not?
Which is more important to you – your family or your friends? Why?
Who in your family are you most like?

Studies / work
What do you like most about your studies or work?
What job would you most like to have?
Do you think everybody should be able to go to university? Why/Why not?
Would you be happy to work very long hours for good pay? (Why/Why not?
is there a subject you would like to study?

Where did you go on holiday last year? What did you do?
Which country would you particularly like to visit? Why?
What is the best way to travel in your country?
What is the most interesting journey you’ve ever been on?
Have you ever needed to speak english on holiday? When?

Hobbies and interests
What’s your favourite hobby or interest? Why?
Did you have different hobbies or interests when you were younger?
Which hobby or interest would you like to take up? Why?
What kinds of hobbies or interests do you think are boring?
What sort of music do you prefer listening to? Why?

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part 2

in part 2 of the Speaking test you will work with a partner. You will be given two
photographs each and will have 4 minutes to talk about them (6 minutes for groups
of three). You will talk about your photographs on your own for about 1 minute,
and also answer a short question about your partner’s photographs for about 20

Work in pairs: Candidate a and Candidate B. Candidate a speaks first.

Candidate a

Look at your photographs. they show people doing different kinds of dancing.
Compare the photographs, and say how you think the people feel while they are
dancing. talk about your photographs on your own for about a minute.

How do the people feel while they’re dancing?

Candidate B

Which type of dancing would you prefer to do?

FCE TEsT B PaPer 5 Speaking part 2

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Candidate B

Look at your photographs. they show people spending their free time in different
ways. Compare the photographs, and say what you think the people enjoy most
about what they are doing. talk about your photographs on your own for about a

What do the people enjoy most about what they’re doing?

Candidate a

Which of these things would you prefer to be doing?

FCE TEsT B PaPer 5 Speaking part 2

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part 3

in part 3 of the Speaking test you will talk about something in pairs for about
3 minutes (4 minutes for groups of three). You should express and justify your
opinions, agree and disagree, make suggestions, speculate, evaluate, reach a
decision through negotiation, etc.

imagine that you want to get fitter. Look at these pictures of some sports that you
might want to try.

First, talk to each other about how good each one is for getting fit. then decide
which one you would most like to do, either individually or together.

How good is each sport for getting fit?
Which would you most like to do?

FCE TEsT B PaPer 5 Speaking part 3

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part 4

in part 4 of the Speaking test you have a general conversation with another
candidate for about 4 minutes (5 minutes for groups of three). the conversation
is based on the theme of the photographs in part 3. You should discuss your likes
and dislikes, your preferences, your opinions and reasons for them, etc. You should
also respond to what your partner says.

Discuss the following questions.

Would you like to spend more time doing sports? Why/Why not?

Would you like to be a professional sportsperson? Why/Why not?

Which sports are most popular in your country? Why?

Do you think team games are important for personal development? Why/Why not?

Do you think some people take winning too seriously? Why/Why not?

Some people say that top sportsmen and sportswomen are paid too much. Do you
agree? Why/Why not?

FCE TEsT B PaPer 5 Speaking part 4


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