FCE SpeakingTestA

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FCE TEsT A PaPer 5 Speaking part 1



Speaking partS 1–4

time allowed: 14 minutes

part 1

in part 1 of the Speaking test you have 3 minutes to talk about personal information
(5 minutes for groups of three). First, the examiner will ask you questions about
your personal details. the examiner will then select one or more questions from
any of the categories below.

Where are you from?
What do you like about living there?

What kind of house do you live in?
tell us about the people you live with.
Do you prefer to spend time at home or in other places? Why?
What do you most enjoy doing when you are at home? Why?
Would you like to live somewhere else? Why/ Why not?

Learning english
How long have you been studying english?
Why are you learning english?
What do you find easy, and difficult, about learning english? Why?
Do you have many opportunities to practise speaking english where you live? Why/
Why not?
in what ways will you use english in the future?

Do you have many friends, or just a few?
Who do you spend most of your free time with?
How did you first meet the friends you have now?
Do your friends live near you, or far away?
What do you like most about your best friend?

Describe the most exciting experience you’ve ever had.
Which is the best place you know to have fun? Why?
Do you like to go to new places on your own? Why/Why not?
What new experience would you most like to try in the future? Why?
What are you planning to do this weekend?

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part 2

in part 2 of the Speaking test you will work with a partner. You will be given two
photographs each and will have 4 minutes to talk about them (6 minutes for groups
of three). You will talk about your photographs on your own for about 1 minute,
and also answer a short question about your partner’s photographs for about 20

Work in pairs: Candidate a and Candidate B. Candidate a speaks first.

Candidate a

Look at your photographs. they show people eating together in different situations.
Compare the photographs, and say why you think the different groups of people
are enjoying the occasion. talk about your photographs on your own for about a

Why are the people enjoying the occasion?

Candidate B

Where do you enjoy eating out with family or friends?

FCE TEsT A PaPer 5 Speaking part 2

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Candidate B

Look at your photographs. they show different places where you can buy clothes.
Compare the photographs, and say why these people prefer to shop here. talk
about your photographs on your own for about a minute.

Why do these people prefer to shop here?

Candidate a

in which kind of shop would you prefer to buy clothes?

FCE TEsT A PaPer 5 Speaking part 2

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part 3

in part 3 of the Speaking test you will talk about something in pairs for about
3 minutes (4 minutes for groups of three). You should express and justify your
opinions, agree and disagree, make suggestions, speculate, evaluate, reach a
decision through negotiation, etc.

imagine you are going to choose a holiday home to rent for two weeks. Look at
these pictures of some of the things such a home might have.

First, talk to each other about how useful each of these items is. then decide
which two are essential for you.

How useful is each item?
Which two are essential for you?

FCE TEsT A PaPer 5 Speaking part 3

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part 4

in part 4 of the Speaking test you have a general conversation with another
candidate for about 4 minutes (5 minutes for groups of three). the conversation
is based on the theme of the photographs in part 3. You should discuss your likes
and dislikes, your preferences, your opinions and reasons for them, etc. You should
also respond to what your partner says.

Discuss the following questions.

Would you like to have a holiday in a home like this? Why/Why not?

Do you think people need to have a proper holiday every year? Why/Why not?

What sort of holidays do people in your country like to take? Why?

Do you think a holiday should be a time for relaxing or for exploring new things?

Do many people from abroad go to your country for their holidays? Why/Why not?

Do you think having a large tourist industry is a good or a bad thing? Why?

FCE TEsT A PaPer 5 Speaking part 4


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