microset 27 en APLIKACJA SKANER

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© Siemens AG 2007

Flexible Decoding and Processing of Data Matrix





vember 2007

Set27_Flexibles_Dekodieren_EN_V2.fm Seite 1 Montag, 26. November 2007 9:24 09

© Siemens AG 2007

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© Siemens AG 2007


Flexible Decoding and Processing of Data Matrix Codes

Reading, processing and Visualisation of 1D and 2D codes with

the SIMATIC HawkEye handheld scanner,

SIMATIC S7-200 and the TD 400C text display


Flexible reading and decoding of two-dimensional data matrix
codes and one-dimensional barcodes with the SIMATIC HawkEye
handheld scanner.

For simple requirements, the inexpensive SIMATIC S7-200 can re-
place the classic PC in the code reading applications.

Data preprocessing in the PLC allows to reduce the volume of
data exchanged with database, and thus to ease the load on the
communication network.

The Micro PLC can be used as a gateway for the field bus system
used in production, such as PROFIBUS DP.

Four-line TD 400C text display for comfortable control and moni-

Use of standard Micro Automation components gives automa-
tion solutions the flexibility to grow with new requirements.

Flexible Decoding and Processing of Data

Matrix Codes

Set27_Flexibles_Dekodieren_EN_V2.fm Seite 2 Montag, 26. November 2007 9:24 09

© Siemens AG 2007

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© Siemens AG 2007

Flexible Decoding and Processing of Data Matrix Codes


Flexible Decoding and Processing of Data Matrix

Fields of application
The Micro Automation Set is particularly suitable for industrial and
commercial applications which require identification/localization of
parts. Individual parts can be identified on the basis of a data matrix
code or barcode by a flexibly positioned handheld scanner, e.g. in:

Goods inward inspection and identification

Automotive industry:
Identification of drivetrain components (cylinder heads, motor
blocks, exhaust components, etc.)

Aerospace industry:
Codes on turbine blades

Medical Devices:
Laser marks on various medical device components and

Electronics industry:
Laser marks on hard disks and other components

Laser marks on packaged semiconductor devices, heat sinks or
heat spreaders

SIMATIC S7-200 (CPU 224XP)

Supply voltage

Output current


85 … 254 V AC

340 mA

2 x RS485

SIMATIC Micro Panel TD 400C

Supply voltage

Current consumption


24 V

120 mA

4 lines / 24 characters each

HawkEye HE 40

Working distance

Field of view

Rotation tolerance

50 … 375 mm

at a distance of 50 mm: 25x15 mm;

at a distance of 375 mm: 150x90 mm


180 °

Industrial Ethernet CP 243-1, connection of S7-200 to In-

dustrial Ethernet

PC/PPI cable

Set27_Flexibles_Dekodieren_EN_V2.fm Seite 3 Montag, 26. November 2007 9:24 09

© Siemens AG 2007

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© Siemens AG 2007

Siemens AG
Automation and Drives
Postfach 48 48


The information provided in this brochure contains merely general descrip-
tions or performance characteristics, which in case of actual use do not always
apply as described or which may change as a result of further development of
the products. An obligation to provide the respective characteristics shall only
exist if expressly agreed in the terms of contract. We reserve the right to make
technical changes and to vary the delivery possibilities.

All product designations may be trademarks or product names of Siemens AG
or supplier companies whose use by third parties for their own purposes
could violate the rights of the owners.


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MICRO AUTOMATION SET - Your planning tool

Drive your planning into the right direction. You can fi nd all relevant
components for the set in this overview and of course also on the In-

Maybe you need variants to meet the specific requirements of your
application? The corresponding ordering information for variants of
components are also available at www.siemens.com/microset

Your MICRO AUTOMATION SET – everything you need to build it


Order Number



SIMATIC S7-200 (CPU 224XP)


SIMATIC Micro Panel TD 400C


HawkEye HE 40


Industrial Ethernet CP 243-1, connection of

S7-200 to Industrial Ethernet





Rechargeable 1950 mAh battery for HE40


9-pin gender changer (male)

Available from specialist dealers

Configuration Software/Tools

PC- Access


Step 7 Micro/Win (V4.0 SP6 onwards)


Data Base (Microsoft Access)

Available from specialist dealers

Your MICRO AUTOMATION SET on the Internet

1) You can find current ordering information, ordering information for variants, contacts, more

information and examples at:


Set27_Flexibles_Dekodieren_EN_V2.fm Seite 4 Montag, 26. November 2007 9:24 09

© Siemens AG 2007


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