
! Page"A"
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" "
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" W E I G H T S P E C I F I C A T I O N "
.FontBold 0
"DWT constants ... _____.__ t"
"Stores .......... _____.__ t"
"Cargo ........... _____.__ t"
"Water ballast ... _____.__ t"
"D W T ........... _____.__ t"
"Light ship ...... _____.__ t"
"Icing ........... _____.__ t"
"Displacement .... _____.__ t"
"Sea water density __.____ t/m3"

.ScaleLeft -19
" "
.FontBold 1
" D R A U G H T S a n d T R I M "
.FontBold 0
"Longitudal centre of floatation .... LCF =___.__ m from AP "
"Draught at LCF ....................... d =___.__ m above BOK"
"Longitudinal centre of buoyancy .... LCB =___.__ m from AP "
"Longitudinal centre of gravity ..... LCG =___.__ m from AP "
"Moment to change trim by 1 m ....... MCT =______ tm/m "
"Trim ['-' for trim by head] .......... t =___.__ m "
"Aft draught at AP .................. dA =___.__ m above BOK"
"Mean draught ........................ dM =___.__ m above BOK"
"Fore draught at FP .................. dF =___.__ m above BOK"
"! Draft at Aft Mark ..................... =___.__ m above BOK"
"! Draft at Midship Mark ................. =___.__ m above BOK"
"! Draft at Fore Mark .................... =___.__ m above BOK"
"Propeller immersion ............ PropImm =___.__ % "

" "
.FontBold 1
" S T A B I L I T Y "
.FontBold 0
"Height of metacentrum .............. KMT = __.__ m above BP"
"Vertical centre of gravity ......... KG = __.__ m above BP"
"Initial metacentric height .......... GM = __.__ m "
"Free surface correction ............ dGM = __.__ m "
"Corrected metacentric height ........ GM'= __.__ m "
"KG corrected ........................ KG'= __.__ m above BP"
"! Maximum KG according to BV ....... KGmax = __.___ m above BP"
"! Moment to change heel by 1 deg. .... MCH = _____ tm/deg. "
"Angle of heel ['-' for PS] .......... Fi = __.__ deg. "
"Rolling period ...................... Tr = __.__ sec. "

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