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The Orange Juice Diet

An eBook Publication From The Ekaya Institute of Living Food


by Jinjee Talifero

What Is The Orange Juice (OJ) Diet

The Orange Juice Diet is a very simple and beautiful way to
lose weight and rejuvenate in a very short period of time. It is a
2 week diet consisting only of orange juice (and water). You
can drink as much fresh squeezed organic orange juice as you
want. All you need are sun ripened organic oranges and an
electric citrus juicer. Some people would call this an Orange
Juice Fast. However other people say that the word Fasting
should only be applied to a Water Fast. If you are taking
calories into your system, you aren't really fasting. So we call it
The Orange Juice Diet or The OJ Diet. The OJ Diet offers
many of the same beneficial results as a water fast. Orange
Juice is very easy to digest so it gives your system a rest from
digesting. It is less dramatic than water fasting because you
are still taking in food energy. Fruit is a cleansing food so your
cells receive a deep cleaning and clearing out of toxins. Fruit is
a very pure source of energy so our cells also receive a charge
of electric mineral-rich energy. Therefore the OJ Diet gives us a
clarity and a glow; health and rejuvenation on a cellular level.

Where to Get Organic Oranges

You can order organic oranges by the crate. We suggest
ordering 2 to 3 crates/boxes per week per person. Ideally you
would get your oranges directly from an orange grower. If you
live in a Southern State you should take advantage of your
situation and find an organic orange grower near you. To locate
an organic orange grower in your area do an online search,
ask your health-food store, ask at your farmers market, or
check the yellow pages. Even if you have to drive two hours to
get to the farm, it is worth it to buy the oranges directly from the
farmer! This will give you the most affordable and the freshest,
ripest, most vital oranges you can get. If there is a farmers
market in your area that is a great place to get organic oranges
too. Farmers usually pick their oranges the day before the
market to sell at the market, so the oranges would be very
fresh too! If you live elsewhere, ask at your local health-food
store if they can sell you boxes of organic oranges. If not, ask
them if they can order some boxes for you. If you don't have a
local health-food store, you can order through your grocery
store or supermarket. When we lived in Canada we had our
local supermarket order boxes of organic oranges for us.
Depending on where you live the oranges will cost between
$20 and $40 a crate. So your food bill will be about $40-$120
per week during The OJ Diet. (This is probably a lot less than
you spend on food now).

How To Do the OJ Diet

To juice a glass of orange juice simply cut about four oranges
in half and press each half down on the electric juicer. We
purchased our electric citrus juicer at a home appliances store
for $20. It is small and portable, easy to put together, easy to
use, and easy to clean. Clean your juicer immediately after
juicing and all you will have to do is rinse it off. If you don't
clean it right away you'll have to scrub a bit. If you have a
kitchen at your place of work, you can bring your juicer and
oranges with you to work.

Your day on the OJ Diet might look like this: a glass of OJ at
8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, noon, 2:00 PM, 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM.
That's 6 glasses a day. Or you might drink 2 glasses at each of
these times if you prefer. You could drink 2 glasses 3 times a
day if that is easier for you. It really doesn't matter how much,
how little, how often or when you drink the OJ. Do whatever is
comfortable for you. The point is to consume nothing but OJ
and water for 2 weeks. We recommend that you drink 2-8
glasses of water a day in addition to the OJ. One easy way to
ensure that you get enough water is to keep a bottle of water at
your side and drink a couple of sips every 15 minutes or so.
The reason it is important to drink water is because no other
substance has the same cleansing ability as water. And the
orange juice diet is going to put your body into a state of
cleansing. So the water adds additional and important
cleansing strength. Drinking sufficient water and getting
exercise are the two most important things to do to prevent any
uncomfortable detoxification symptoms from occurring while
you are doing the OJ Diet.

Drink the juice immediately. Do not store your juice in the fridge
for later. The orange juice begins to oxidize right away, a
process whereby the juice both loses nutrients and becomes
toxic. Use only fresh squeezed organic orange juice that you
juice yourself. Do not use pasteurized, processed, canned or
any other kind of orange juice. Not only is it completely dead
and devoid of nutrients, but it is actually toxic. You would get
sick and malnourished drinking only pasteurized concentrated
OJ for two weeks. You should also avoid commercial (non-
organic) oranges like the plague. I can actually taste the
chemicals in them. They also have much less nutrition in them
than organic oranges because they are grown in soil that has
been chemically fertilized and chemically treated with
pesticides and herbicides to kill all the bugs and weeds. When
you kill all the bugs and weeds, you destroy the soil's natural
balance and that soil therefore becomes very low in minerals
and nutrients. To take away death is to take away life. The soil
is essentially sterilized. To sterilize something means that you
remove the death force from it, which is the same thing as
removing the life force, because life and death are a part of the
same cycle. This life/death force in foods is called "enzymes".
Enzymes make the food grow and ripen and they also make
the food rot at the end of the cycle of the fruit's life. So killing
the enzymes in food by heating or pasteurizing the food makes
the food last longer on the shelf, but it also removes the life

The oranges must also be tree-ripened or sun-ripened. You
can tell if an orange is ripe by the appearance of the skin. It
should not have any green tinges or green tint to it. It can have
brown spots; these are actually bee stings and indicate that the
orange is good and ripe, and very sweet! The acid in unripe
oranges will upset the balance in your system. When oranges
are allowed to ripen on the tree then the acid turns to beneficial

What Makes Oranges So Nutritious

Oranges are nutrient dense so your body will be receiving far
more nutrition than it is used to. Oranges contain the following
essential vitamins: A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, biotin, niacin,
pantothenic acid, and folic acid. They contain the following
minerals: calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese,
phosphorus, potassium, selenium, and zinc. Oranges also
contain all of the 18 known amino acids. Oranges contain
beneficial carbohydrates, beneficial protein, and beneficial fat!
Yes, each orange even contains .16 gm of fat! Oranges also
contain fiber, electrolytes and organic water. In short, the
orange provides all the nutrition your body needs, with
absolutely no toxins, provided it is organic. You can see the
chart at the bottom of this document for the exact amounts of
each of the above nutrients contained in an orange. It can be
very reassuring to know that you are getting such a rich
quantity of nutrients while you are on the OJ Diet.

The Difference Between Unheated and Heated Fats,
Proteins, and Carbohydrates

All foods are either fats, proteins, or carbohydrates, or usually
a combination of all three. Fats, proteins, and carbohydrates
from fruit are totally beneficial and necessary for proper brain
function. Fats, proteins, and carbohydrates from animal
products or that have been heated are toxic and damaging to
the body. The difference between the unheated fats, proteins,
and carbohydrates in fruits and vegetables vs. the fats,
proteins, and carbohydrates from heated animal products is so
vastly different that they can hardly be considered to be the
same nutrients.

Mother's milk is 2.2% protein. So is OJ and most fruits and
vegetables. Fruit and vegetables are the ultimate food for
nourishing the human body. When you are an infant you
double in size in your first year, eating nothing but mother's
milk. At no other time in your life is your protein intake as
critical. And if 2.2% protein is good enough for an infant, it is
certainly the right amount of protein for a human adult. Storm is
a 54 year old raw-vegan who has eaten a raw-vegan diet
including about 75% fruit for over 30 years. He has built a
muscular body that many people wouldn't believe possible on a
diet that contains no animal protein.

Feeling Satisfied on The Orange Juice Diet

It is almost impossible to feel deprived when you are living on
the most delicious food in the world. Look at a glass of Orange
Juice. It is the most lovely color. It is so thick and full of
nutrients that you can't see through it. And to think that it
comes from a tree! Trees give us oxygen for breathing and
they give us the ultimate food for our bodies! You are drinking
Tree Juice! It is totally addictive in a positive way. Orange juice
is the staple food in our home the way bread is in many
homes. When we run out of oranges we feel like we've run out
of food! When I am hungry, orange juice is what I crave. I like
to drink it sitting in the sun. It reflects the light so beautifully. It
almost absorbs the light, bringing an extra dose of sunshine
into your system. I think of orange juice as liquid sun, liquid
gold. The orange's magical alchemy of turning earth into gold
also works within our body turning our sludge-filled cells into
clear bright building blocks making up a vibrant and dynamic
being. The orange is made from earth, water, sun, and air, ~ it
contains all four main elements in it. It is a perfectly balanced
food. I can't think of anything that tastes better than orange
juice! It goes down so easily, like breathing. It digests almost
instantly, giving you instant energy. And it keeps you energized
for a long time. If all you drank in a day was three glasses of
orange juice you would almost certainly have more energy
than most people who eat three square meals.

What to Expect While You are on The Orange Juice Diet

During the OJ Diet most people will feel an instant increase in
energy and well being. However some people may feel a little
light-headed, dizzy, and low energy. This is caused by toxins
being eliminated from your body. It is nothing to worry about.
Relax and appreciate what your body is doing for you; cleaning
house. If you feel weak, take the day off if you can and lie in
bed doing nothing! This will allow your body to focus all its
energies on cleansing (detoxification).

The OJ Diet will improve your skin, hair, nails, organs,
digestive system, nervous system, electrochemical system,
meridian system, respiratory system, tissue elasticity, muscle
tone, joint function, and brain function.

You will notice results almost immediately, probably within 1-3
days of beginning the diet.

Curing Detox Symptoms with an Enema

If you experience a headache or flu-like symptoms it may be
that your colon is clogged, the toxins being eliminated from
your body are getting stuck in the colon, and you are re-
absorbing toxins back into your system. The instant cure for
this condition is to do an enema. You can buy an enema bag
from any drugstore. You fill the bag about half-full with very
warm water, hang it up on your shower-head pinching the hose
to prevent water escaping, lubricate the nozzle with olive oil
and insert gently in your rectum, crouch down on all fours on
your knees in the bathtub with your bottom up, and slowly let
the water escape through the hose into your colon. Remain in
this position for one to two minutes and then you will feel the
pressure to eliminate. Do so. Wait another 1-5 minutes and you
may feel the pressure to eliminate again. Do so. Wait again for
5 minutes. Then refill the enema bag and start the whole
process again. Doing this twice in a row will clear any
blockages you may have in your colon and almost instantly
dissolve your detox symptoms. After doing an enema you feel
so clean and clear, it gives you such a feeling of well-being
throughout your body, that you won't want to put anything
clogging into your body again. The enema is a very gentle way
to clean the colon. It is safe to do frequent enemas. However if
it is done to excess, for instance every day for many weeks on
end, then it can actually strip the colon of necessary bacteria.

Exercising While You are on The Orange Juice Diet

It is very good to exercise every day on the OJ Diet. This will
help prevent detox symptoms as toxins are expelled through
your breath, your sweat, and your elimination organs. When
you exercise you are moving your lymph system, the system
responsible for waste removal in your body. This is a system
similar to your blood system but with no pump to move it. The
only way to move your lymph system is to exercise! The old
Native American saying; "Expect poison from stagnant water"
applies just as well to your body as to mountain pools.

An ideal exercise during the OJ Diet is to take a 2 hour walk
each day, outside. If you can only manage a half an hour to an
hour that's fine. If you already have a workout routine that you
are happy with you can keep doing that instead of walking.
Walking helps process toxins, alleviates detox symptoms,
balances your whole being, and exercises every muscle in
your whole body in the most natural way possible. It is aerobic,
strengthening, and stretching, the three types of exercise that
we all need to stay fit, strong, and supple all of our lives.
Walking also gives a glow to your skin, creating more elasticity
which gives you a more youthful appearance. If you can walk
in nature, that is also very healing and health-giving for your
body, mind and spirit.

Caring For Your Teeth on The OJ Diet

Oranges and orange juice contain citric acid. This acid can be
hard on your teeth. Brush your teeth with a natural toothpaste
such as Burt's Bees or Peelu. (Make sure your toothpaste
doesn't contain Lauryl Sulfites or hydrolized vegetable/soy/
wheat protein). Citric acid starts to affect your teeth about 20
minutes after you drink or eat it. So brush your teeth within 15
minutes of drinking OJ. If you are drinking OJ five or six times
a day you want to brush lightly so you don't over-brush and
hurt your gums. If you can't brush your teeth every time, at
least swish with water to rinse your teeth. This will help
somewhat. Also extremely helpful for your teeth is to drink your
OJ with a straw so that the juice actually by-passes your teeth.

The OJ Diet and Diabetes, Hypoglycemia, Candida, etc...

Can you do the OJ Diet if you are diabetic, hypoglycemic or
suffering from candida? Yes! These conditions are usually
worsened by a sugary diet. Again, fruit sugar is a vastly
different nutrient than processed sugar. They are in fact
opposites. I suffered from candida before I became a raw-
vegan. When I was going back and forth between a cooked
and a raw-vegan diet I noticed something very interesting. I
noticed that when I was eating cooked food then any additional
fruit sugar in my diet aggravated my candida. However when I
was eating only raw-vegan foods then I could eat as much fruit
and drink as much fruit juice as I wanted without any candida
symptoms appearing. I could even live on orange juice. This
experience leads me to believe that fruit sugar causes a
different reaction in your body in the presence of cooked foods
or refined sugar.

I have a friend who tests his blood sugar levels using a diabetic
blood testing machine. He has been on a Raw-Vegan Diet for 4
months. He recently tested his blood sugar a half an hour after
drinking 4 cups of a raw fruit smoothie (as opposed to a frozen
commercial smoothie that you get at Jamba Juice and
restaurants). His blood sugar was 105, which is "fasting" level,
as though he hadn't eaten at all! Science will tell you that this is
impossible. However they have not yet taken into account the
difference between testing on a naturally healthy (raw-vegan)
body and a "normal" (cooked) person. The internal
environments in these two types of bodies is so vastly different
that foods will react completely differently in each of them. The
medical profession recommends that we avoid fruit if we have
diabetes, hypoglycemia or candida. They are correct if they are
treating a person who eats a cooked-food diet. However, in the
absence of cooked and processed foods, fruit will heal these
conditions! The best and most reassuring thing to do is test this
for yourself. If you have a condition such as diabetes,
hypoglycemia or candida you should invest in a blood-sugar
testing kit, available at any drugstore for around $70.

The Results of The OJ Diet

By the time you have completed the Orange Juice Diet you will
feel much lighter. You will feel about 10 years younger. You will
look 10 years younger, glowing, vibrant, and healthy. You will
sleep better. You will have an abundance of energy. You will be
more alert and have clarity of mind. You will feel creative and
your emotions will be balanced. You will probably have lost
between 10 and 20 lbs.

Maintaining a Clean Body After the OJ Diet with The Raw-
Vegan Lifestyle

You may want to do the OJ diet one week a month or two
weeks every few months. You may want to include fresh OJ in
your regular diet more often, perhaps replacing one meal each

After finishing the OJ Diet you will feel so clean that you will not
wish to return to an ordinary diet. That is why it is an excellent
way to jump-start a raw-vegan diet. It offers more dramatic and
instant results than just "going raw". It quickly cleans and
detoxifies your system so that you can absorb all of the
nutrients in raw foods. And it leaves you feeling so energetic
and vibrant, vibrating at such a high frequency, that you will not
want to do anything that will bring your energy down again.

We recommend that after the OJ Diet, you go on The Raw-
Vegan Diet, which is not a diet but a lifestyle. The Raw-Vegan
Diet consists of organic unheated fruits, vegetables, nuts,
seeds, grains, raw honey, unrefined sea salt, and cold-pressed
olive, flaxseed and hempseed oils.

The Raw-Vegan Diet is nutrient dense because the foods are
not damaged by heating. The Raw-Vegan Diet is virtually toxin-
free because it consists only of organic (chemical free),
unprocessed (toxin free), and truly natural (found in nature)
foods. The Raw-Vegan Diet is delicious because it uses the
basic building blocks of all the artificial tastes and flavors
manufactured on the planet and because it allows your taste
buds to become highly sensitive. If you allow your body to
become truly hungry before you eat then the food is even more
delicious, as hunger is the best spice! And you are so well-and-
truly-nourished on The Raw-Vegan diet that you will not feel
the need to eat before you are truly hungry.

To eat a Raw-Vegan Diet is very simple. We have detailed
instructions in "The Garden Diet" eBook. To sum it up you shop
from a health-food store, farmers market, and/or directly from
farmers. Your shopping list looks something like this.

Shopping List:

fruits (organic, in season, mostly locally grown)
vegetables (the same as above)
nuts (fresh, organic, in the shell, or in bulk, but preferably
refrigerated if not in the shell)
seeds (bulk hulled sunflower and pumpkin seeds)
tahini (ground sesame seeds)
oils (cold-pressed organic olive, hempseed and flaxseed oils)
olives (raw Kalamata olives)
dates (medjool, from the produce section)
honey (raw, cold-packed)
unrefined sea salt (such as Celtic Sea Salt)

Equipment you may want:

Citrus Juicer (around $20 at a home store)
K-Tec Blender, Vitamix Blender, and/or Food Processor
Vegetable Juicer such as the Greenstar Juicer (greenstar.com)

This equipment is completely optional. You don't actually need
any equipment to do The Raw-Vegan Diet. The highest form of
the Raw-Vegan Diet is eating simple whole foods in their
natural state.

We do not recommend investing in a dehydrator or eating
dehydrated foods. Dehydrated foods have no water in them.
Therefore your body must re-hydrate the foods internally,
taking valuable water from your system. We are skeptical of
whether dehydrated foods contain much nourishment. Cooking
involves heating food at high temperatures for a short time.
Dehydrating food involves heating food at low temperatures for
a long time. If you do the math, it adds up to about the same
thing. Dehydrated foods are concentrated and therefore
stronger tasting than raw foods. This can lead people to eat
dehydrated foods in place of fresh foods. However we
recognize the contribution that dehydrated foods have made in
helping people to create recipes that taste a lot like cooked
foods, thereby helping more people to become interested in
the raw diet. If dehydrated foods are used in moderation during
the transition phase they can help people to make the eventual
transition to a more simple and healthful raw-vegan diet.

Coming Off The OJ Diet

Here is a suggested menu plan for the first four days after The
OJ Diet (See Recipes in The Garden Diet eBook for details):

Day 1
Breakfast - Banana/OJ smoothie (blend OJ and a banana in
your blender)
Lunch - Bananas
Dinner - Fruit Salad (gentle fruits such as banana, mango, and

Day 2
Breakfast - Fruit
Lunch - Baby Green Salad with avocado/lemon dressing
(mash an avocado and add a little lemon juice and pinch of
unrefined sea salt for dressing)
Dinner - OJ

Day 3
Breakfast - Fruit
Lunch - Seedmilk (sunflower seeds soaked for 4-8 hours
blended with water in your blender)
Dinner - Salad

Day 4
Breakfast - Fruit
Lunch - Almond Milk (almonds soaked for 6-12 hours blended
with water in your blender)
Dinner - Salsa and Jicama

See Menu Plan in The Garden Diet eBook for a suggested
menu plan for the next seven days.

After this you should be in tune with your body and ready to
listen to its needs, fine-tuning The Raw-Vegan Diet to your
particular tastes, needs, and lifestyle. Remember to be patient
with yourself. We have been cooked foodists for millions of
years. If you can't change overnight, that's only natural. Every
step that you take towards a raw foods diet is a giant step for
mankind! Never give up! And be gentle with yourself!

Nutrition Charts, from "Nutrition Almanac" Third Edition
by Lavon J. Dunne:

Orange (1 orange):
Calories - 62 gm
Protein - 1.23 gm
Carbohydrate - 15.4 gm
Fiber - 56 gm
Vitamin A - 269 IU
Vitamin B1 - .114 mg
Vitamin B2 - .052 mg
Vitamin B6 - .079 mg
Biotin - 1.8 mcg
Niacin - .369 mg
Pantothenic Acid - .328 mg
Folic Acid - 39.7 mcg
Vitamin C - 69.7 mg
Vitamin E - .43 IU
Calcium - 52 mg
Copper - .059 mg
Iron - .13 mg
Magnesium - 13 mg
Manganese - .033 mg
Phosphorus - 18 mg
Potassium - 237 mg
Selenium - 2.5 mcg
Zinc - .09 mg
Total fat - .16 gm
Cholesterol - 0 mg
Tryptophan - .012 gm
Threonine - .02 gm
Isoleucine - .033 gm
Leucine - .03 gm
Lysine - .062 gm
Methionine - .026 gm
Cystine - .013 gm
Phenylalanine - .041 gm
Tyrosine - .021 gm
Valine - .052 gm
Arginine - .085 gm
Histidine - .024 gm
Alanine - .066 gm
Aspartic acid - .149 gm
Glutamic acid - .123 gm
Glycine - .123 gm
Proline - .06 gm
Serine - .042 gm

Locate Organic Farms and Farmer's Markets Near You


Ordering Organic Oranges Online


We buy our oranges from a wonderful Organic Orange Grove
in Ojai, CA. We can give you the contact information to order
oranges from them upon request. They sell the oranges for
$20.00 for a 40 lb. box. Shipping is expensive so you will want
to calculate your shipping costs at Fedex.com or UPS.com

The Biggest OJ Winner!

- Enter The Biggest OJ Winner! Send your before and
afters to


and we will feature

one of the entrants in Pear Magazine with your interview
and photos! You'll also receive a free package of all our

If you would take a before and after picture of yourself
before and after going on The OJ Diet and send us a
little letter about the results of The OJ Diet on your
health, we would be very happy! Let us know if we may
share the pictures and testimony online or not.
Questions, Photos, and Your Stories may be emailed to
jinjeetalifero@gmail.com or mailed to: The Garden Diet,
226 W. Ojai Ave. Suite 101 - #178 Ojai, CA 93023.

Support Forum / Online Community for The Orange
Juice Diet:



Ekaya Institute of Living Food Education




Ekaya Institute of Living Food Education

, 2000 - 2010

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The Orange Juice Diet

An eBook Publication From The Ekaya Institute of Living Food


by Jinjee Talifero

What Is The Orange Juice (OJ) Diet

The Orange Juice Diet is a very simple and beautiful way to
lose weight and rejuvenate in a very short period of time. It is a
2 week diet consisting only of orange juice (and water). You
can drink as much fresh squeezed organic orange juice as you
want. All you need are sun ripened organic oranges and an
electric citrus juicer. Some people would call this an Orange
Juice Fast. However other people say that the word Fasting
should only be applied to a Water Fast. If you are taking
calories into your system, you aren't really fasting. So we call it
The Orange Juice Diet or The OJ Diet. The OJ Diet offers
many of the same beneficial results as a water fast. Orange
Juice is very easy to digest so it gives your system a rest from
digesting. It is less dramatic than water fasting because you
are still taking in food energy. Fruit is a cleansing food so your
cells receive a deep cleaning and clearing out of toxins. Fruit is
a very pure source of energy so our cells also receive a charge
of electric mineral-rich energy. Therefore the OJ Diet gives us a
clarity and a glow; health and rejuvenation on a cellular level.

Where to Get Organic Oranges

You can order organic oranges by the crate. We suggest
ordering 2 to 3 crates/boxes per week per person. Ideally you
would get your oranges directly from an orange grower. If you
live in a Southern State you should take advantage of your
situation and find an organic orange grower near you. To locate
an organic orange grower in your area do an online search,
ask your health-food store, ask at your farmers market, or
check the yellow pages. Even if you have to drive two hours to
get to the farm, it is worth it to buy the oranges directly from the
farmer! This will give you the most affordable and the freshest,
ripest, most vital oranges you can get. If there is a farmers
market in your area that is a great place to get organic oranges
too. Farmers usually pick their oranges the day before the
market to sell at the market, so the oranges would be very
fresh too! If you live elsewhere, ask at your local health-food
store if they can sell you boxes of organic oranges. If not, ask
them if they can order some boxes for you. If you don't have a
local health-food store, you can order through your grocery
store or supermarket. When we lived in Canada we had our
local supermarket order boxes of organic oranges for us.
Depending on where you live the oranges will cost between
$20 and $40 a crate. So your food bill will be about $40-$120
per week during The OJ Diet. (This is probably a lot less than
you spend on food now).

How To Do the OJ Diet

To juice a glass of orange juice simply cut about four oranges
in half and press each half down on the electric juicer. We
purchased our electric citrus juicer at a home appliances store
for $20. It is small and portable, easy to put together, easy to
use, and easy to clean. Clean your juicer immediately after
juicing and all you will have to do is rinse it off. If you don't
clean it right away you'll have to scrub a bit. If you have a
kitchen at your place of work, you can bring your juicer and
oranges with you to work.

Your day on the OJ Diet might look like this: a glass of OJ at
8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, noon, 2:00 PM, 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM.
That's 6 glasses a day. Or you might drink 2 glasses at each of
these times if you prefer. You could drink 2 glasses 3 times a
day if that is easier for you. It really doesn't matter how much,
how little, how often or when you drink the OJ. Do whatever is
comfortable for you. The point is to consume nothing but OJ
and water for 2 weeks. We recommend that you drink 2-8
glasses of water a day in addition to the OJ. One easy way to
ensure that you get enough water is to keep a bottle of water at
your side and drink a couple of sips every 15 minutes or so.
The reason it is important to drink water is because no other
substance has the same cleansing ability as water. And the
orange juice diet is going to put your body into a state of
cleansing. So the water adds additional and important
cleansing strength. Drinking sufficient water and getting
exercise are the two most important things to do to prevent any
uncomfortable detoxification symptoms from occurring while
you are doing the OJ Diet.

Drink the juice immediately. Do not store your juice in the fridge
for later. The orange juice begins to oxidize right away, a
process whereby the juice both loses nutrients and becomes
toxic. Use only fresh squeezed organic orange juice that you
juice yourself. Do not use pasteurized, processed, canned or
any other kind of orange juice. Not only is it completely dead
and devoid of nutrients, but it is actually toxic. You would get
sick and malnourished drinking only pasteurized concentrated
OJ for two weeks. You should also avoid commercial (non-
organic) oranges like the plague. I can actually taste the
chemicals in them. They also have much less nutrition in them
than organic oranges because they are grown in soil that has
been chemically fertilized and chemically treated with
pesticides and herbicides to kill all the bugs and weeds. When
you kill all the bugs and weeds, you destroy the soil's natural
balance and that soil therefore becomes very low in minerals
and nutrients. To take away death is to take away life. The soil
is essentially sterilized. To sterilize something means that you
remove the death force from it, which is the same thing as
removing the life force, because life and death are a part of the
same cycle. This life/death force in foods is called "enzymes".
Enzymes make the food grow and ripen and they also make
the food rot at the end of the cycle of the fruit's life. So killing
the enzymes in food by heating or pasteurizing the food makes
the food last longer on the shelf, but it also removes the life

The oranges must also be tree-ripened or sun-ripened. You
can tell if an orange is ripe by the appearance of the skin. It
should not have any green tinges or green tint to it. It can have
brown spots; these are actually bee stings and indicate that the
orange is good and ripe, and very sweet! The acid in unripe
oranges will upset the balance in your system. When oranges
are allowed to ripen on the tree then the acid turns to beneficial

What Makes Oranges So Nutritious

Oranges are nutrient dense so your body will be receiving far
more nutrition than it is used to. Oranges contain the following
essential vitamins: A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, biotin, niacin,
pantothenic acid, and folic acid. They contain the following
minerals: calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese,
phosphorus, potassium, selenium, and zinc. Oranges also
contain all of the 18 known amino acids. Oranges contain
beneficial carbohydrates, beneficial protein, and beneficial fat!
Yes, each orange even contains .16 gm of fat! Oranges also
contain fiber, electrolytes and organic water. In short, the
orange provides all the nutrition your body needs, with
absolutely no toxins, provided it is organic. You can see the
chart at the bottom of this document for the exact amounts of
each of the above nutrients contained in an orange. It can be
very reassuring to know that you are getting such a rich
quantity of nutrients while you are on the OJ Diet.

The Difference Between Unheated and Heated Fats,
Proteins, and Carbohydrates

All foods are either fats, proteins, or carbohydrates, or usually
a combination of all three. Fats, proteins, and carbohydrates
from fruit are totally beneficial and necessary for proper brain
function. Fats, proteins, and carbohydrates from animal
products or that have been heated are toxic and damaging to
the body. The difference between the unheated fats, proteins,
and carbohydrates in fruits and vegetables vs. the fats,
proteins, and carbohydrates from heated animal products is so
vastly different that they can hardly be considered to be the
same nutrients.

Mother's milk is 2.2% protein. So is OJ and most fruits and
vegetables. Fruit and vegetables are the ultimate food for
nourishing the human body. When you are an infant you
double in size in your first year, eating nothing but mother's
milk. At no other time in your life is your protein intake as
critical. And if 2.2% protein is good enough for an infant, it is
certainly the right amount of protein for a human adult. Storm is
a 54 year old raw-vegan who has eaten a raw-vegan diet
including about 75% fruit for over 30 years. He has built a
muscular body that many people wouldn't believe possible on a
diet that contains no animal protein.

Feeling Satisfied on The Orange Juice Diet

It is almost impossible to feel deprived when you are living on
the most delicious food in the world. Look at a glass of Orange
Juice. It is the most lovely color. It is so thick and full of
nutrients that you can't see through it. And to think that it
comes from a tree! Trees give us oxygen for breathing and
they give us the ultimate food for our bodies! You are drinking
Tree Juice! It is totally addictive in a positive way. Orange juice
is the staple food in our home the way bread is in many
homes. When we run out of oranges we feel like we've run out
of food! When I am hungry, orange juice is what I crave. I like
to drink it sitting in the sun. It reflects the light so beautifully. It
almost absorbs the light, bringing an extra dose of sunshine
into your system. I think of orange juice as liquid sun, liquid
gold. The orange's magical alchemy of turning earth into gold
also works within our body turning our sludge-filled cells into
clear bright building blocks making up a vibrant and dynamic
being. The orange is made from earth, water, sun, and air, ~ it
contains all four main elements in it. It is a perfectly balanced
food. I can't think of anything that tastes better than orange
juice! It goes down so easily, like breathing. It digests almost
instantly, giving you instant energy. And it keeps you energized
for a long time. If all you drank in a day was three glasses of
orange juice you would almost certainly have more energy
than most people who eat three square meals.

What to Expect While You are on The Orange Juice Diet

During the OJ Diet most people will feel an instant increase in
energy and well being. However some people may feel a little
light-headed, dizzy, and low energy. This is caused by toxins
being eliminated from your body. It is nothing to worry about.
Relax and appreciate what your body is doing for you; cleaning
house. If you feel weak, take the day off if you can and lie in
bed doing nothing! This will allow your body to focus all its
energies on cleansing (detoxification).

The OJ Diet will improve your skin, hair, nails, organs,
digestive system, nervous system, electrochemical system,
meridian system, respiratory system, tissue elasticity, muscle
tone, joint function, and brain function.

You will notice results almost immediately, probably within 1-3
days of beginning the diet.

Curing Detox Symptoms with an Enema

If you experience a headache or flu-like symptoms it may be
that your colon is clogged, the toxins being eliminated from
your body are getting stuck in the colon, and you are re-
absorbing toxins back into your system. The instant cure for
this condition is to do an enema. You can buy an enema bag
from any drugstore. You fill the bag about half-full with very
warm water, hang it up on your shower-head pinching the hose
to prevent water escaping, lubricate the nozzle with olive oil
and insert gently in your rectum, crouch down on all fours on
your knees in the bathtub with your bottom up, and slowly let
the water escape through the hose into your colon. Remain in
this position for one to two minutes and then you will feel the
pressure to eliminate. Do so. Wait another 1-5 minutes and you
may feel the pressure to eliminate again. Do so. Wait again for
5 minutes. Then refill the enema bag and start the whole
process again. Doing this twice in a row will clear any
blockages you may have in your colon and almost instantly
dissolve your detox symptoms. After doing an enema you feel
so clean and clear, it gives you such a feeling of well-being
throughout your body, that you won't want to put anything
clogging into your body again. The enema is a very gentle way
to clean the colon. It is safe to do frequent enemas. However if
it is done to excess, for instance every day for many weeks on
end, then it can actually strip the colon of necessary bacteria.

Exercising While You are on The Orange Juice Diet

It is very good to exercise every day on the OJ Diet. This will
help prevent detox symptoms as toxins are expelled through
your breath, your sweat, and your elimination organs. When
you exercise you are moving your lymph system, the system
responsible for waste removal in your body. This is a system
similar to your blood system but with no pump to move it. The
only way to move your lymph system is to exercise! The old
Native American saying; "Expect poison from stagnant water"
applies just as well to your body as to mountain pools.

An ideal exercise during the OJ Diet is to take a 2 hour walk
each day, outside. If you can only manage a half an hour to an
hour that's fine. If you already have a workout routine that you
are happy with you can keep doing that instead of walking.
Walking helps process toxins, alleviates detox symptoms,
balances your whole being, and exercises every muscle in
your whole body in the most natural way possible. It is aerobic,
strengthening, and stretching, the three types of exercise that
we all need to stay fit, strong, and supple all of our lives.
Walking also gives a glow to your skin, creating more elasticity
which gives you a more youthful appearance. If you can walk
in nature, that is also very healing and health-giving for your
body, mind and spirit.

Caring For Your Teeth on The OJ Diet

Oranges and orange juice contain citric acid. This acid can be
hard on your teeth. Brush your teeth with a natural toothpaste
such as Burt's Bees or Peelu. (Make sure your toothpaste
doesn't contain Lauryl Sulfites or hydrolized vegetable/soy/
wheat protein). Citric acid starts to affect your teeth about 20
minutes after you drink or eat it. So brush your teeth within 15
minutes of drinking OJ. If you are drinking OJ five or six times
a day you want to brush lightly so you don't over-brush and
hurt your gums. If you can't brush your teeth every time, at
least swish with water to rinse your teeth. This will help
somewhat. Also extremely helpful for your teeth is to drink your
OJ with a straw so that the juice actually by-passes your teeth.

The OJ Diet and Diabetes, Hypoglycemia, Candida, etc...

Can you do the OJ Diet if you are diabetic, hypoglycemic or
suffering from candida? Yes! These conditions are usually
worsened by a sugary diet. Again, fruit sugar is a vastly
different nutrient than processed sugar. They are in fact
opposites. I suffered from candida before I became a raw-
vegan. When I was going back and forth between a cooked
and a raw-vegan diet I noticed something very interesting. I
noticed that when I was eating cooked food then any additional
fruit sugar in my diet aggravated my candida. However when I
was eating only raw-vegan foods then I could eat as much fruit
and drink as much fruit juice as I wanted without any candida
symptoms appearing. I could even live on orange juice. This
experience leads me to believe that fruit sugar causes a
different reaction in your body in the presence of cooked foods
or refined sugar.

I have a friend who tests his blood sugar levels using a diabetic
blood testing machine. He has been on a Raw-Vegan Diet for 4
months. He recently tested his blood sugar a half an hour after
drinking 4 cups of a raw fruit smoothie (as opposed to a frozen
commercial smoothie that you get at Jamba Juice and
restaurants). His blood sugar was 105, which is "fasting" level,
as though he hadn't eaten at all! Science will tell you that this is
impossible. However they have not yet taken into account the
difference between testing on a naturally healthy (raw-vegan)
body and a "normal" (cooked) person. The internal
environments in these two types of bodies is so vastly different
that foods will react completely differently in each of them. The
medical profession recommends that we avoid fruit if we have
diabetes, hypoglycemia or candida. They are correct if they are
treating a person who eats a cooked-food diet. However, in the
absence of cooked and processed foods, fruit will heal these
conditions! The best and most reassuring thing to do is test this
for yourself. If you have a condition such as diabetes,
hypoglycemia or candida you should invest in a blood-sugar
testing kit, available at any drugstore for around $70.

The Results of The OJ Diet

By the time you have completed the Orange Juice Diet you will
feel much lighter. You will feel about 10 years younger. You will
look 10 years younger, glowing, vibrant, and healthy. You will
sleep better. You will have an abundance of energy. You will be
more alert and have clarity of mind. You will feel creative and
your emotions will be balanced. You will probably have lost
between 10 and 20 lbs.

Maintaining a Clean Body After the OJ Diet with The Raw-
Vegan Lifestyle

You may want to do the OJ diet one week a month or two
weeks every few months. You may want to include fresh OJ in
your regular diet more often, perhaps replacing one meal each

After finishing the OJ Diet you will feel so clean that you will not
wish to return to an ordinary diet. That is why it is an excellent
way to jump-start a raw-vegan diet. It offers more dramatic and
instant results than just "going raw". It quickly cleans and
detoxifies your system so that you can absorb all of the
nutrients in raw foods. And it leaves you feeling so energetic
and vibrant, vibrating at such a high frequency, that you will not
want to do anything that will bring your energy down again.

We recommend that after the OJ Diet, you go on The Raw-
Vegan Diet, which is not a diet but a lifestyle. The Raw-Vegan
Diet consists of organic unheated fruits, vegetables, nuts,
seeds, grains, raw honey, unrefined sea salt, and cold-pressed
olive, flaxseed and hempseed oils.

The Raw-Vegan Diet is nutrient dense because the foods are
not damaged by heating. The Raw-Vegan Diet is virtually toxin-
free because it consists only of organic (chemical free),
unprocessed (toxin free), and truly natural (found in nature)
foods. The Raw-Vegan Diet is delicious because it uses the
basic building blocks of all the artificial tastes and flavors
manufactured on the planet and because it allows your taste
buds to become highly sensitive. If you allow your body to
become truly hungry before you eat then the food is even more
delicious, as hunger is the best spice! And you are so well-and-
truly-nourished on The Raw-Vegan diet that you will not feel
the need to eat before you are truly hungry.

To eat a Raw-Vegan Diet is very simple. We have detailed
instructions in "The Garden Diet" eBook. To sum it up you shop
from a health-food store, farmers market, and/or directly from
farmers. Your shopping list looks something like this.

Shopping List:

fruits (organic, in season, mostly locally grown)
vegetables (the same as above)
nuts (fresh, organic, in the shell, or in bulk, but preferably
refrigerated if not in the shell)
seeds (bulk hulled sunflower and pumpkin seeds)
tahini (ground sesame seeds)
oils (cold-pressed organic olive, hempseed and flaxseed oils)
olives (raw Kalamata olives)
dates (medjool, from the produce section)
honey (raw, cold-packed)
unrefined sea salt (such as Celtic Sea Salt)

Equipment you may want:

Citrus Juicer (around $20 at a home store)
K-Tec Blender, Vitamix Blender, and/or Food Processor
Vegetable Juicer such as the Greenstar Juicer (greenstar.com)

This equipment is completely optional. You don't actually need
any equipment to do The Raw-Vegan Diet. The highest form of
the Raw-Vegan Diet is eating simple whole foods in their
natural state.

We do not recommend investing in a dehydrator or eating
dehydrated foods. Dehydrated foods have no water in them.
Therefore your body must re-hydrate the foods internally,
taking valuable water from your system. We are skeptical of
whether dehydrated foods contain much nourishment. Cooking
involves heating food at high temperatures for a short time.
Dehydrating food involves heating food at low temperatures for
a long time. If you do the math, it adds up to about the same
thing. Dehydrated foods are concentrated and therefore
stronger tasting than raw foods. This can lead people to eat
dehydrated foods in place of fresh foods. However we
recognize the contribution that dehydrated foods have made in
helping people to create recipes that taste a lot like cooked
foods, thereby helping more people to become interested in
the raw diet. If dehydrated foods are used in moderation during
the transition phase they can help people to make the eventual
transition to a more simple and healthful raw-vegan diet.

Coming Off The OJ Diet

Here is a suggested menu plan for the first four days after The
OJ Diet (See Recipes in The Garden Diet eBook for details):

Day 1
Breakfast - Banana/OJ smoothie (blend OJ and a banana in
your blender)
Lunch - Bananas
Dinner - Fruit Salad (gentle fruits such as banana, mango, and

Day 2
Breakfast - Fruit
Lunch - Baby Green Salad with avocado/lemon dressing
(mash an avocado and add a little lemon juice and pinch of
unrefined sea salt for dressing)
Dinner - OJ

Day 3
Breakfast - Fruit
Lunch - Seedmilk (sunflower seeds soaked for 4-8 hours
blended with water in your blender)
Dinner - Salad

Day 4
Breakfast - Fruit
Lunch - Almond Milk (almonds soaked for 6-12 hours blended
with water in your blender)
Dinner - Salsa and Jicama

See Menu Plan in The Garden Diet eBook for a suggested
menu plan for the next seven days.

After this you should be in tune with your body and ready to
listen to its needs, fine-tuning The Raw-Vegan Diet to your
particular tastes, needs, and lifestyle. Remember to be patient
with yourself. We have been cooked foodists for millions of
years. If you can't change overnight, that's only natural. Every
step that you take towards a raw foods diet is a giant step for
mankind! Never give up! And be gentle with yourself!

Nutrition Charts, from "Nutrition Almanac" Third Edition
by Lavon J. Dunne:

Orange (1 orange):
Calories - 62 gm
Protein - 1.23 gm
Carbohydrate - 15.4 gm
Fiber - 56 gm
Vitamin A - 269 IU
Vitamin B1 - .114 mg
Vitamin B2 - .052 mg
Vitamin B6 - .079 mg
Biotin - 1.8 mcg
Niacin - .369 mg
Pantothenic Acid - .328 mg
Folic Acid - 39.7 mcg
Vitamin C - 69.7 mg
Vitamin E - .43 IU
Calcium - 52 mg
Copper - .059 mg
Iron - .13 mg
Magnesium - 13 mg
Manganese - .033 mg
Phosphorus - 18 mg
Potassium - 237 mg
Selenium - 2.5 mcg
Zinc - .09 mg
Total fat - .16 gm
Cholesterol - 0 mg
Tryptophan - .012 gm
Threonine - .02 gm
Isoleucine - .033 gm
Leucine - .03 gm
Lysine - .062 gm
Methionine - .026 gm
Cystine - .013 gm
Phenylalanine - .041 gm
Tyrosine - .021 gm
Valine - .052 gm
Arginine - .085 gm
Histidine - .024 gm
Alanine - .066 gm
Aspartic acid - .149 gm
Glutamic acid - .123 gm
Glycine - .123 gm
Proline - .06 gm
Serine - .042 gm

Locate Organic Farms and Farmer's Markets Near You


Ordering Organic Oranges Online


We buy our oranges from a wonderful Organic Orange Grove
in Ojai, CA. We can give you the contact information to order
oranges from them upon request. They sell the oranges for
$20.00 for a 40 lb. box. Shipping is expensive so you will want
to calculate your shipping costs at Fedex.com or UPS.com

The Biggest OJ Winner!

- Enter The Biggest OJ Winner! Send your before and
afters to


and we will feature

one of the entrants in Pear Magazine with your interview
and photos! You'll also receive a free package of all our

If you would take a before and after picture of yourself
before and after going on The OJ Diet and send us a
little letter about the results of The OJ Diet on your
health, we would be very happy! Let us know if we may
share the pictures and testimony online or not.
Questions, Photos, and Your Stories may be emailed to
jinjeetalifero@gmail.com or mailed to: The Garden Diet,
226 W. Ojai Ave. Suite 101 - #178 Ojai, CA 93023.

Support Forum / Online Community for The Orange
Juice Diet:



Ekaya Institute of Living Food Education




Ekaya Institute of Living Food Education

, 2000 - 2010

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The Orange Juice Diet

An eBook Publication From The Ekaya Institute of Living Food


by Jinjee Talifero

What Is The Orange Juice (OJ) Diet

The Orange Juice Diet is a very simple and beautiful way to
lose weight and rejuvenate in a very short period of time. It is a
2 week diet consisting only of orange juice (and water). You
can drink as much fresh squeezed organic orange juice as you
want. All you need are sun ripened organic oranges and an
electric citrus juicer. Some people would call this an Orange
Juice Fast. However other people say that the word Fasting
should only be applied to a Water Fast. If you are taking
calories into your system, you aren't really fasting. So we call it
The Orange Juice Diet or The OJ Diet. The OJ Diet offers
many of the same beneficial results as a water fast. Orange
Juice is very easy to digest so it gives your system a rest from
digesting. It is less dramatic than water fasting because you
are still taking in food energy. Fruit is a cleansing food so your
cells receive a deep cleaning and clearing out of toxins. Fruit is
a very pure source of energy so our cells also receive a charge
of electric mineral-rich energy. Therefore the OJ Diet gives us a
clarity and a glow; health and rejuvenation on a cellular level.

Where to Get Organic Oranges

You can order organic oranges by the crate. We suggest
ordering 2 to 3 crates/boxes per week per person. Ideally you
would get your oranges directly from an orange grower. If you
live in a Southern State you should take advantage of your
situation and find an organic orange grower near you. To locate
an organic orange grower in your area do an online search,
ask your health-food store, ask at your farmers market, or
check the yellow pages. Even if you have to drive two hours to
get to the farm, it is worth it to buy the oranges directly from the
farmer! This will give you the most affordable and the freshest,
ripest, most vital oranges you can get. If there is a farmers
market in your area that is a great place to get organic oranges
too. Farmers usually pick their oranges the day before the
market to sell at the market, so the oranges would be very
fresh too! If you live elsewhere, ask at your local health-food
store if they can sell you boxes of organic oranges. If not, ask
them if they can order some boxes for you. If you don't have a
local health-food store, you can order through your grocery
store or supermarket. When we lived in Canada we had our
local supermarket order boxes of organic oranges for us.
Depending on where you live the oranges will cost between
$20 and $40 a crate. So your food bill will be about $40-$120
per week during The OJ Diet. (This is probably a lot less than
you spend on food now).

How To Do the OJ Diet

To juice a glass of orange juice simply cut about four oranges
in half and press each half down on the electric juicer. We
purchased our electric citrus juicer at a home appliances store
for $20. It is small and portable, easy to put together, easy to
use, and easy to clean. Clean your juicer immediately after
juicing and all you will have to do is rinse it off. If you don't
clean it right away you'll have to scrub a bit. If you have a
kitchen at your place of work, you can bring your juicer and
oranges with you to work.

Your day on the OJ Diet might look like this: a glass of OJ at
8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, noon, 2:00 PM, 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM.
That's 6 glasses a day. Or you might drink 2 glasses at each of
these times if you prefer. You could drink 2 glasses 3 times a
day if that is easier for you. It really doesn't matter how much,
how little, how often or when you drink the OJ. Do whatever is
comfortable for you. The point is to consume nothing but OJ
and water for 2 weeks. We recommend that you drink 2-8
glasses of water a day in addition to the OJ. One easy way to
ensure that you get enough water is to keep a bottle of water at
your side and drink a couple of sips every 15 minutes or so.
The reason it is important to drink water is because no other
substance has the same cleansing ability as water. And the
orange juice diet is going to put your body into a state of
cleansing. So the water adds additional and important
cleansing strength. Drinking sufficient water and getting
exercise are the two most important things to do to prevent any
uncomfortable detoxification symptoms from occurring while
you are doing the OJ Diet.

Drink the juice immediately. Do not store your juice in the fridge
for later. The orange juice begins to oxidize right away, a
process whereby the juice both loses nutrients and becomes
toxic. Use only fresh squeezed organic orange juice that you
juice yourself. Do not use pasteurized, processed, canned or
any other kind of orange juice. Not only is it completely dead
and devoid of nutrients, but it is actually toxic. You would get
sick and malnourished drinking only pasteurized concentrated
OJ for two weeks. You should also avoid commercial (non-
organic) oranges like the plague. I can actually taste the
chemicals in them. They also have much less nutrition in them
than organic oranges because they are grown in soil that has
been chemically fertilized and chemically treated with
pesticides and herbicides to kill all the bugs and weeds. When
you kill all the bugs and weeds, you destroy the soil's natural
balance and that soil therefore becomes very low in minerals
and nutrients. To take away death is to take away life. The soil
is essentially sterilized. To sterilize something means that you
remove the death force from it, which is the same thing as
removing the life force, because life and death are a part of the
same cycle. This life/death force in foods is called "enzymes".
Enzymes make the food grow and ripen and they also make
the food rot at the end of the cycle of the fruit's life. So killing
the enzymes in food by heating or pasteurizing the food makes
the food last longer on the shelf, but it also removes the life

The oranges must also be tree-ripened or sun-ripened. You
can tell if an orange is ripe by the appearance of the skin. It
should not have any green tinges or green tint to it. It can have
brown spots; these are actually bee stings and indicate that the
orange is good and ripe, and very sweet! The acid in unripe
oranges will upset the balance in your system. When oranges
are allowed to ripen on the tree then the acid turns to beneficial

What Makes Oranges So Nutritious

Oranges are nutrient dense so your body will be receiving far
more nutrition than it is used to. Oranges contain the following
essential vitamins: A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, biotin, niacin,
pantothenic acid, and folic acid. They contain the following
minerals: calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese,
phosphorus, potassium, selenium, and zinc. Oranges also
contain all of the 18 known amino acids. Oranges contain
beneficial carbohydrates, beneficial protein, and beneficial fat!
Yes, each orange even contains .16 gm of fat! Oranges also
contain fiber, electrolytes and organic water. In short, the
orange provides all the nutrition your body needs, with
absolutely no toxins, provided it is organic. You can see the
chart at the bottom of this document for the exact amounts of
each of the above nutrients contained in an orange. It can be
very reassuring to know that you are getting such a rich
quantity of nutrients while you are on the OJ Diet.

The Difference Between Unheated and Heated Fats,
Proteins, and Carbohydrates

All foods are either fats, proteins, or carbohydrates, or usually
a combination of all three. Fats, proteins, and carbohydrates
from fruit are totally beneficial and necessary for proper brain
function. Fats, proteins, and carbohydrates from animal
products or that have been heated are toxic and damaging to
the body. The difference between the unheated fats, proteins,
and carbohydrates in fruits and vegetables vs. the fats,
proteins, and carbohydrates from heated animal products is so
vastly different that they can hardly be considered to be the
same nutrients.

Mother's milk is 2.2% protein. So is OJ and most fruits and
vegetables. Fruit and vegetables are the ultimate food for
nourishing the human body. When you are an infant you
double in size in your first year, eating nothing but mother's
milk. At no other time in your life is your protein intake as
critical. And if 2.2% protein is good enough for an infant, it is
certainly the right amount of protein for a human adult. Storm is
a 54 year old raw-vegan who has eaten a raw-vegan diet
including about 75% fruit for over 30 years. He has built a
muscular body that many people wouldn't believe possible on a
diet that contains no animal protein.

Feeling Satisfied on The Orange Juice Diet

It is almost impossible to feel deprived when you are living on
the most delicious food in the world. Look at a glass of Orange
Juice. It is the most lovely color. It is so thick and full of
nutrients that you can't see through it. And to think that it
comes from a tree! Trees give us oxygen for breathing and
they give us the ultimate food for our bodies! You are drinking
Tree Juice! It is totally addictive in a positive way. Orange juice
is the staple food in our home the way bread is in many
homes. When we run out of oranges we feel like we've run out
of food! When I am hungry, orange juice is what I crave. I like
to drink it sitting in the sun. It reflects the light so beautifully. It
almost absorbs the light, bringing an extra dose of sunshine
into your system. I think of orange juice as liquid sun, liquid
gold. The orange's magical alchemy of turning earth into gold
also works within our body turning our sludge-filled cells into
clear bright building blocks making up a vibrant and dynamic
being. The orange is made from earth, water, sun, and air, ~ it
contains all four main elements in it. It is a perfectly balanced
food. I can't think of anything that tastes better than orange
juice! It goes down so easily, like breathing. It digests almost
instantly, giving you instant energy. And it keeps you energized
for a long time. If all you drank in a day was three glasses of
orange juice you would almost certainly have more energy
than most people who eat three square meals.

What to Expect While You are on The Orange Juice Diet

During the OJ Diet most people will feel an instant increase in
energy and well being. However some people may feel a little
light-headed, dizzy, and low energy. This is caused by toxins
being eliminated from your body. It is nothing to worry about.
Relax and appreciate what your body is doing for you; cleaning
house. If you feel weak, take the day off if you can and lie in
bed doing nothing! This will allow your body to focus all its
energies on cleansing (detoxification).

The OJ Diet will improve your skin, hair, nails, organs,
digestive system, nervous system, electrochemical system,
meridian system, respiratory system, tissue elasticity, muscle
tone, joint function, and brain function.

You will notice results almost immediately, probably within 1-3
days of beginning the diet.

Curing Detox Symptoms with an Enema

If you experience a headache or flu-like symptoms it may be
that your colon is clogged, the toxins being eliminated from
your body are getting stuck in the colon, and you are re-
absorbing toxins back into your system. The instant cure for
this condition is to do an enema. You can buy an enema bag
from any drugstore. You fill the bag about half-full with very
warm water, hang it up on your shower-head pinching the hose
to prevent water escaping, lubricate the nozzle with olive oil
and insert gently in your rectum, crouch down on all fours on
your knees in the bathtub with your bottom up, and slowly let
the water escape through the hose into your colon. Remain in
this position for one to two minutes and then you will feel the
pressure to eliminate. Do so. Wait another 1-5 minutes and you
may feel the pressure to eliminate again. Do so. Wait again for
5 minutes. Then refill the enema bag and start the whole
process again. Doing this twice in a row will clear any
blockages you may have in your colon and almost instantly
dissolve your detox symptoms. After doing an enema you feel
so clean and clear, it gives you such a feeling of well-being
throughout your body, that you won't want to put anything
clogging into your body again. The enema is a very gentle way
to clean the colon. It is safe to do frequent enemas. However if
it is done to excess, for instance every day for many weeks on
end, then it can actually strip the colon of necessary bacteria.

Exercising While You are on The Orange Juice Diet

It is very good to exercise every day on the OJ Diet. This will
help prevent detox symptoms as toxins are expelled through
your breath, your sweat, and your elimination organs. When
you exercise you are moving your lymph system, the system
responsible for waste removal in your body. This is a system
similar to your blood system but with no pump to move it. The
only way to move your lymph system is to exercise! The old
Native American saying; "Expect poison from stagnant water"
applies just as well to your body as to mountain pools.

An ideal exercise during the OJ Diet is to take a 2 hour walk
each day, outside. If you can only manage a half an hour to an
hour that's fine. If you already have a workout routine that you
are happy with you can keep doing that instead of walking.
Walking helps process toxins, alleviates detox symptoms,
balances your whole being, and exercises every muscle in
your whole body in the most natural way possible. It is aerobic,
strengthening, and stretching, the three types of exercise that
we all need to stay fit, strong, and supple all of our lives.
Walking also gives a glow to your skin, creating more elasticity
which gives you a more youthful appearance. If you can walk
in nature, that is also very healing and health-giving for your
body, mind and spirit.

Caring For Your Teeth on The OJ Diet

Oranges and orange juice contain citric acid. This acid can be
hard on your teeth. Brush your teeth with a natural toothpaste
such as Burt's Bees or Peelu. (Make sure your toothpaste
doesn't contain Lauryl Sulfites or hydrolized vegetable/soy/
wheat protein). Citric acid starts to affect your teeth about 20
minutes after you drink or eat it. So brush your teeth within 15
minutes of drinking OJ. If you are drinking OJ five or six times
a day you want to brush lightly so you don't over-brush and
hurt your gums. If you can't brush your teeth every time, at
least swish with water to rinse your teeth. This will help
somewhat. Also extremely helpful for your teeth is to drink your
OJ with a straw so that the juice actually by-passes your teeth.

The OJ Diet and Diabetes, Hypoglycemia, Candida, etc...

Can you do the OJ Diet if you are diabetic, hypoglycemic or
suffering from candida? Yes! These conditions are usually
worsened by a sugary diet. Again, fruit sugar is a vastly
different nutrient than processed sugar. They are in fact
opposites. I suffered from candida before I became a raw-
vegan. When I was going back and forth between a cooked
and a raw-vegan diet I noticed something very interesting. I
noticed that when I was eating cooked food then any additional
fruit sugar in my diet aggravated my candida. However when I
was eating only raw-vegan foods then I could eat as much fruit
and drink as much fruit juice as I wanted without any candida
symptoms appearing. I could even live on orange juice. This
experience leads me to believe that fruit sugar causes a
different reaction in your body in the presence of cooked foods
or refined sugar.

I have a friend who tests his blood sugar levels using a diabetic
blood testing machine. He has been on a Raw-Vegan Diet for 4
months. He recently tested his blood sugar a half an hour after
drinking 4 cups of a raw fruit smoothie (as opposed to a frozen
commercial smoothie that you get at Jamba Juice and
restaurants). His blood sugar was 105, which is "fasting" level,
as though he hadn't eaten at all! Science will tell you that this is
impossible. However they have not yet taken into account the
difference between testing on a naturally healthy (raw-vegan)
body and a "normal" (cooked) person. The internal
environments in these two types of bodies is so vastly different
that foods will react completely differently in each of them. The
medical profession recommends that we avoid fruit if we have
diabetes, hypoglycemia or candida. They are correct if they are
treating a person who eats a cooked-food diet. However, in the
absence of cooked and processed foods, fruit will heal these
conditions! The best and most reassuring thing to do is test this
for yourself. If you have a condition such as diabetes,
hypoglycemia or candida you should invest in a blood-sugar
testing kit, available at any drugstore for around $70.

The Results of The OJ Diet

By the time you have completed the Orange Juice Diet you will
feel much lighter. You will feel about 10 years younger. You will
look 10 years younger, glowing, vibrant, and healthy. You will
sleep better. You will have an abundance of energy. You will be
more alert and have clarity of mind. You will feel creative and
your emotions will be balanced. You will probably have lost
between 10 and 20 lbs.

Maintaining a Clean Body After the OJ Diet with The Raw-
Vegan Lifestyle

You may want to do the OJ diet one week a month or two
weeks every few months. You may want to include fresh OJ in
your regular diet more often, perhaps replacing one meal each

After finishing the OJ Diet you will feel so clean that you will not
wish to return to an ordinary diet. That is why it is an excellent
way to jump-start a raw-vegan diet. It offers more dramatic and
instant results than just "going raw". It quickly cleans and
detoxifies your system so that you can absorb all of the
nutrients in raw foods. And it leaves you feeling so energetic
and vibrant, vibrating at such a high frequency, that you will not
want to do anything that will bring your energy down again.

We recommend that after the OJ Diet, you go on The Raw-
Vegan Diet, which is not a diet but a lifestyle. The Raw-Vegan
Diet consists of organic unheated fruits, vegetables, nuts,
seeds, grains, raw honey, unrefined sea salt, and cold-pressed
olive, flaxseed and hempseed oils.

The Raw-Vegan Diet is nutrient dense because the foods are
not damaged by heating. The Raw-Vegan Diet is virtually toxin-
free because it consists only of organic (chemical free),
unprocessed (toxin free), and truly natural (found in nature)
foods. The Raw-Vegan Diet is delicious because it uses the
basic building blocks of all the artificial tastes and flavors
manufactured on the planet and because it allows your taste
buds to become highly sensitive. If you allow your body to
become truly hungry before you eat then the food is even more
delicious, as hunger is the best spice! And you are so well-and-
truly-nourished on The Raw-Vegan diet that you will not feel
the need to eat before you are truly hungry.

To eat a Raw-Vegan Diet is very simple. We have detailed
instructions in "The Garden Diet" eBook. To sum it up you shop
from a health-food store, farmers market, and/or directly from
farmers. Your shopping list looks something like this.

Shopping List:

fruits (organic, in season, mostly locally grown)
vegetables (the same as above)
nuts (fresh, organic, in the shell, or in bulk, but preferably
refrigerated if not in the shell)
seeds (bulk hulled sunflower and pumpkin seeds)
tahini (ground sesame seeds)
oils (cold-pressed organic olive, hempseed and flaxseed oils)
olives (raw Kalamata olives)
dates (medjool, from the produce section)
honey (raw, cold-packed)
unrefined sea salt (such as Celtic Sea Salt)

Equipment you may want:

Citrus Juicer (around $20 at a home store)
K-Tec Blender, Vitamix Blender, and/or Food Processor
Vegetable Juicer such as the Greenstar Juicer (greenstar.com)

This equipment is completely optional. You don't actually need
any equipment to do The Raw-Vegan Diet. The highest form of
the Raw-Vegan Diet is eating simple whole foods in their
natural state.

We do not recommend investing in a dehydrator or eating
dehydrated foods. Dehydrated foods have no water in them.
Therefore your body must re-hydrate the foods internally,
taking valuable water from your system. We are skeptical of
whether dehydrated foods contain much nourishment. Cooking
involves heating food at high temperatures for a short time.
Dehydrating food involves heating food at low temperatures for
a long time. If you do the math, it adds up to about the same
thing. Dehydrated foods are concentrated and therefore
stronger tasting than raw foods. This can lead people to eat
dehydrated foods in place of fresh foods. However we
recognize the contribution that dehydrated foods have made in
helping people to create recipes that taste a lot like cooked
foods, thereby helping more people to become interested in
the raw diet. If dehydrated foods are used in moderation during
the transition phase they can help people to make the eventual
transition to a more simple and healthful raw-vegan diet.

Coming Off The OJ Diet

Here is a suggested menu plan for the first four days after The
OJ Diet (See Recipes in The Garden Diet eBook for details):

Day 1
Breakfast - Banana/OJ smoothie (blend OJ and a banana in
your blender)
Lunch - Bananas
Dinner - Fruit Salad (gentle fruits such as banana, mango, and

Day 2
Breakfast - Fruit
Lunch - Baby Green Salad with avocado/lemon dressing
(mash an avocado and add a little lemon juice and pinch of
unrefined sea salt for dressing)
Dinner - OJ

Day 3
Breakfast - Fruit
Lunch - Seedmilk (sunflower seeds soaked for 4-8 hours
blended with water in your blender)
Dinner - Salad

Day 4
Breakfast - Fruit
Lunch - Almond Milk (almonds soaked for 6-12 hours blended
with water in your blender)
Dinner - Salsa and Jicama

See Menu Plan in The Garden Diet eBook for a suggested
menu plan for the next seven days.

After this you should be in tune with your body and ready to
listen to its needs, fine-tuning The Raw-Vegan Diet to your
particular tastes, needs, and lifestyle. Remember to be patient
with yourself. We have been cooked foodists for millions of
years. If you can't change overnight, that's only natural. Every
step that you take towards a raw foods diet is a giant step for
mankind! Never give up! And be gentle with yourself!

Nutrition Charts, from "Nutrition Almanac" Third Edition
by Lavon J. Dunne:

Orange (1 orange):
Calories - 62 gm
Protein - 1.23 gm
Carbohydrate - 15.4 gm
Fiber - 56 gm
Vitamin A - 269 IU
Vitamin B1 - .114 mg
Vitamin B2 - .052 mg
Vitamin B6 - .079 mg
Biotin - 1.8 mcg
Niacin - .369 mg
Pantothenic Acid - .328 mg
Folic Acid - 39.7 mcg
Vitamin C - 69.7 mg
Vitamin E - .43 IU
Calcium - 52 mg
Copper - .059 mg
Iron - .13 mg
Magnesium - 13 mg
Manganese - .033 mg
Phosphorus - 18 mg
Potassium - 237 mg
Selenium - 2.5 mcg
Zinc - .09 mg
Total fat - .16 gm
Cholesterol - 0 mg
Tryptophan - .012 gm
Threonine - .02 gm
Isoleucine - .033 gm
Leucine - .03 gm
Lysine - .062 gm
Methionine - .026 gm
Cystine - .013 gm
Phenylalanine - .041 gm
Tyrosine - .021 gm
Valine - .052 gm
Arginine - .085 gm
Histidine - .024 gm
Alanine - .066 gm
Aspartic acid - .149 gm
Glutamic acid - .123 gm
Glycine - .123 gm
Proline - .06 gm
Serine - .042 gm

Locate Organic Farms and Farmer's Markets Near You


Ordering Organic Oranges Online


We buy our oranges from a wonderful Organic Orange Grove
in Ojai, CA. We can give you the contact information to order
oranges from them upon request. They sell the oranges for
$20.00 for a 40 lb. box. Shipping is expensive so you will want
to calculate your shipping costs at Fedex.com or UPS.com

The Biggest OJ Winner!

- Enter The Biggest OJ Winner! Send your before and
afters to


and we will feature

one of the entrants in Pear Magazine with your interview
and photos! You'll also receive a free package of all our

If you would take a before and after picture of yourself
before and after going on The OJ Diet and send us a
little letter about the results of The OJ Diet on your
health, we would be very happy! Let us know if we may
share the pictures and testimony online or not.
Questions, Photos, and Your Stories may be emailed to
jinjeetalifero@gmail.com or mailed to: The Garden Diet,
226 W. Ojai Ave. Suite 101 - #178 Ojai, CA 93023.

Support Forum / Online Community for The Orange
Juice Diet:



Ekaya Institute of Living Food Education




Ekaya Institute of Living Food Education

, 2000 - 2010

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The Orange Juice Diet

An eBook Publication From The Ekaya Institute of Living Food


by Jinjee Talifero

What Is The Orange Juice (OJ) Diet

The Orange Juice Diet is a very simple and beautiful way to
lose weight and rejuvenate in a very short period of time. It is a
2 week diet consisting only of orange juice (and water). You
can drink as much fresh squeezed organic orange juice as you
want. All you need are sun ripened organic oranges and an
electric citrus juicer. Some people would call this an Orange
Juice Fast. However other people say that the word Fasting
should only be applied to a Water Fast. If you are taking
calories into your system, you aren't really fasting. So we call it
The Orange Juice Diet or The OJ Diet. The OJ Diet offers
many of the same beneficial results as a water fast. Orange
Juice is very easy to digest so it gives your system a rest from
digesting. It is less dramatic than water fasting because you
are still taking in food energy. Fruit is a cleansing food so your
cells receive a deep cleaning and clearing out of toxins. Fruit is
a very pure source of energy so our cells also receive a charge
of electric mineral-rich energy. Therefore the OJ Diet gives us a
clarity and a glow; health and rejuvenation on a cellular level.

Where to Get Organic Oranges

You can order organic oranges by the crate. We suggest
ordering 2 to 3 crates/boxes per week per person. Ideally you
would get your oranges directly from an orange grower. If you
live in a Southern State you should take advantage of your
situation and find an organic orange grower near you. To locate
an organic orange grower in your area do an online search,
ask your health-food store, ask at your farmers market, or
check the yellow pages. Even if you have to drive two hours to
get to the farm, it is worth it to buy the oranges directly from the
farmer! This will give you the most affordable and the freshest,
ripest, most vital oranges you can get. If there is a farmers
market in your area that is a great place to get organic oranges
too. Farmers usually pick their oranges the day before the
market to sell at the market, so the oranges would be very
fresh too! If you live elsewhere, ask at your local health-food
store if they can sell you boxes of organic oranges. If not, ask
them if they can order some boxes for you. If you don't have a
local health-food store, you can order through your grocery
store or supermarket. When we lived in Canada we had our
local supermarket order boxes of organic oranges for us.
Depending on where you live the oranges will cost between
$20 and $40 a crate. So your food bill will be about $40-$120
per week during The OJ Diet. (This is probably a lot less than
you spend on food now).

How To Do the OJ Diet

To juice a glass of orange juice simply cut about four oranges
in half and press each half down on the electric juicer. We
purchased our electric citrus juicer at a home appliances store
for $20. It is small and portable, easy to put together, easy to
use, and easy to clean. Clean your juicer immediately after
juicing and all you will have to do is rinse it off. If you don't
clean it right away you'll have to scrub a bit. If you have a
kitchen at your place of work, you can bring your juicer and
oranges with you to work.

Your day on the OJ Diet might look like this: a glass of OJ at
8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, noon, 2:00 PM, 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM.
That's 6 glasses a day. Or you might drink 2 glasses at each of
these times if you prefer. You could drink 2 glasses 3 times a
day if that is easier for you. It really doesn't matter how much,
how little, how often or when you drink the OJ. Do whatever is
comfortable for you. The point is to consume nothing but OJ
and water for 2 weeks. We recommend that you drink 2-8
glasses of water a day in addition to the OJ. One easy way to
ensure that you get enough water is to keep a bottle of water at
your side and drink a couple of sips every 15 minutes or so.
The reason it is important to drink water is because no other
substance has the same cleansing ability as water. And the
orange juice diet is going to put your body into a state of
cleansing. So the water adds additional and important
cleansing strength. Drinking sufficient water and getting
exercise are the two most important things to do to prevent any
uncomfortable detoxification symptoms from occurring while
you are doing the OJ Diet.

Drink the juice immediately. Do not store your juice in the fridge
for later. The orange juice begins to oxidize right away, a
process whereby the juice both loses nutrients and becomes
toxic. Use only fresh squeezed organic orange juice that you
juice yourself. Do not use pasteurized, processed, canned or
any other kind of orange juice. Not only is it completely dead
and devoid of nutrients, but it is actually toxic. You would get
sick and malnourished drinking only pasteurized concentrated
OJ for two weeks. You should also avoid commercial (non-
organic) oranges like the plague. I can actually taste the
chemicals in them. They also have much less nutrition in them
than organic oranges because they are grown in soil that has
been chemically fertilized and chemically treated with
pesticides and herbicides to kill all the bugs and weeds. When
you kill all the bugs and weeds, you destroy the soil's natural
balance and that soil therefore becomes very low in minerals
and nutrients. To take away death is to take away life. The soil
is essentially sterilized. To sterilize something means that you
remove the death force from it, which is the same thing as
removing the life force, because life and death are a part of the
same cycle. This life/death force in foods is called "enzymes".
Enzymes make the food grow and ripen and they also make
the food rot at the end of the cycle of the fruit's life. So killing
the enzymes in food by heating or pasteurizing the food makes
the food last longer on the shelf, but it also removes the life

The oranges must also be tree-ripened or sun-ripened. You
can tell if an orange is ripe by the appearance of the skin. It
should not have any green tinges or green tint to it. It can have
brown spots; these are actually bee stings and indicate that the
orange is good and ripe, and very sweet! The acid in unripe
oranges will upset the balance in your system. When oranges
are allowed to ripen on the tree then the acid turns to beneficial

What Makes Oranges So Nutritious

Oranges are nutrient dense so your body will be receiving far
more nutrition than it is used to. Oranges contain the following
essential vitamins: A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, biotin, niacin,
pantothenic acid, and folic acid. They contain the following
minerals: calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese,
phosphorus, potassium, selenium, and zinc. Oranges also
contain all of the 18 known amino acids. Oranges contain
beneficial carbohydrates, beneficial protein, and beneficial fat!
Yes, each orange even contains .16 gm of fat! Oranges also
contain fiber, electrolytes and organic water. In short, the
orange provides all the nutrition your body needs, with
absolutely no toxins, provided it is organic. You can see the
chart at the bottom of this document for the exact amounts of
each of the above nutrients contained in an orange. It can be
very reassuring to know that you are getting such a rich
quantity of nutrients while you are on the OJ Diet.

The Difference Between Unheated and Heated Fats,
Proteins, and Carbohydrates

All foods are either fats, proteins, or carbohydrates, or usually
a combination of all three. Fats, proteins, and carbohydrates
from fruit are totally beneficial and necessary for proper brain
function. Fats, proteins, and carbohydrates from animal
products or that have been heated are toxic and damaging to
the body. The difference between the unheated fats, proteins,
and carbohydrates in fruits and vegetables vs. the fats,
proteins, and carbohydrates from heated animal products is so
vastly different that they can hardly be considered to be the
same nutrients.

Mother's milk is 2.2% protein. So is OJ and most fruits and
vegetables. Fruit and vegetables are the ultimate food for
nourishing the human body. When you are an infant you
double in size in your first year, eating nothing but mother's
milk. At no other time in your life is your protein intake as
critical. And if 2.2% protein is good enough for an infant, it is
certainly the right amount of protein for a human adult. Storm is
a 54 year old raw-vegan who has eaten a raw-vegan diet
including about 75% fruit for over 30 years. He has built a
muscular body that many people wouldn't believe possible on a
diet that contains no animal protein.

Feeling Satisfied on The Orange Juice Diet

It is almost impossible to feel deprived when you are living on
the most delicious food in the world. Look at a glass of Orange
Juice. It is the most lovely color. It is so thick and full of
nutrients that you can't see through it. And to think that it
comes from a tree! Trees give us oxygen for breathing and
they give us the ultimate food for our bodies! You are drinking
Tree Juice! It is totally addictive in a positive way. Orange juice
is the staple food in our home the way bread is in many
homes. When we run out of oranges we feel like we've run out
of food! When I am hungry, orange juice is what I crave. I like
to drink it sitting in the sun. It reflects the light so beautifully. It
almost absorbs the light, bringing an extra dose of sunshine
into your system. I think of orange juice as liquid sun, liquid
gold. The orange's magical alchemy of turning earth into gold
also works within our body turning our sludge-filled cells into
clear bright building blocks making up a vibrant and dynamic
being. The orange is made from earth, water, sun, and air, ~ it
contains all four main elements in it. It is a perfectly balanced
food. I can't think of anything that tastes better than orange
juice! It goes down so easily, like breathing. It digests almost
instantly, giving you instant energy. And it keeps you energized
for a long time. If all you drank in a day was three glasses of
orange juice you would almost certainly have more energy
than most people who eat three square meals.

What to Expect While You are on The Orange Juice Diet

During the OJ Diet most people will feel an instant increase in
energy and well being. However some people may feel a little
light-headed, dizzy, and low energy. This is caused by toxins
being eliminated from your body. It is nothing to worry about.
Relax and appreciate what your body is doing for you; cleaning
house. If you feel weak, take the day off if you can and lie in
bed doing nothing! This will allow your body to focus all its
energies on cleansing (detoxification).

The OJ Diet will improve your skin, hair, nails, organs,
digestive system, nervous system, electrochemical system,
meridian system, respiratory system, tissue elasticity, muscle
tone, joint function, and brain function.

You will notice results almost immediately, probably within 1-3
days of beginning the diet.

Curing Detox Symptoms with an Enema

If you experience a headache or flu-like symptoms it may be
that your colon is clogged, the toxins being eliminated from
your body are getting stuck in the colon, and you are re-
absorbing toxins back into your system. The instant cure for
this condition is to do an enema. You can buy an enema bag
from any drugstore. You fill the bag about half-full with very
warm water, hang it up on your shower-head pinching the hose
to prevent water escaping, lubricate the nozzle with olive oil
and insert gently in your rectum, crouch down on all fours on
your knees in the bathtub with your bottom up, and slowly let
the water escape through the hose into your colon. Remain in
this position for one to two minutes and then you will feel the
pressure to eliminate. Do so. Wait another 1-5 minutes and you
may feel the pressure to eliminate again. Do so. Wait again for
5 minutes. Then refill the enema bag and start the whole
process again. Doing this twice in a row will clear any
blockages you may have in your colon and almost instantly
dissolve your detox symptoms. After doing an enema you feel
so clean and clear, it gives you such a feeling of well-being
throughout your body, that you won't want to put anything
clogging into your body again. The enema is a very gentle way
to clean the colon. It is safe to do frequent enemas. However if
it is done to excess, for instance every day for many weeks on
end, then it can actually strip the colon of necessary bacteria.

Exercising While You are on The Orange Juice Diet

It is very good to exercise every day on the OJ Diet. This will
help prevent detox symptoms as toxins are expelled through
your breath, your sweat, and your elimination organs. When
you exercise you are moving your lymph system, the system
responsible for waste removal in your body. This is a system
similar to your blood system but with no pump to move it. The
only way to move your lymph system is to exercise! The old
Native American saying; "Expect poison from stagnant water"
applies just as well to your body as to mountain pools.

An ideal exercise during the OJ Diet is to take a 2 hour walk
each day, outside. If you can only manage a half an hour to an
hour that's fine. If you already have a workout routine that you
are happy with you can keep doing that instead of walking.
Walking helps process toxins, alleviates detox symptoms,
balances your whole being, and exercises every muscle in
your whole body in the most natural way possible. It is aerobic,
strengthening, and stretching, the three types of exercise that
we all need to stay fit, strong, and supple all of our lives.
Walking also gives a glow to your skin, creating more elasticity
which gives you a more youthful appearance. If you can walk
in nature, that is also very healing and health-giving for your
body, mind and spirit.

Caring For Your Teeth on The OJ Diet

Oranges and orange juice contain citric acid. This acid can be
hard on your teeth. Brush your teeth with a natural toothpaste
such as Burt's Bees or Peelu. (Make sure your toothpaste
doesn't contain Lauryl Sulfites or hydrolized vegetable/soy/
wheat protein). Citric acid starts to affect your teeth about 20
minutes after you drink or eat it. So brush your teeth within 15
minutes of drinking OJ. If you are drinking OJ five or six times
a day you want to brush lightly so you don't over-brush and
hurt your gums. If you can't brush your teeth every time, at
least swish with water to rinse your teeth. This will help
somewhat. Also extremely helpful for your teeth is to drink your
OJ with a straw so that the juice actually by-passes your teeth.

The OJ Diet and Diabetes, Hypoglycemia, Candida, etc...

Can you do the OJ Diet if you are diabetic, hypoglycemic or
suffering from candida? Yes! These conditions are usually
worsened by a sugary diet. Again, fruit sugar is a vastly
different nutrient than processed sugar. They are in fact
opposites. I suffered from candida before I became a raw-
vegan. When I was going back and forth between a cooked
and a raw-vegan diet I noticed something very interesting. I
noticed that when I was eating cooked food then any additional
fruit sugar in my diet aggravated my candida. However when I
was eating only raw-vegan foods then I could eat as much fruit
and drink as much fruit juice as I wanted without any candida
symptoms appearing. I could even live on orange juice. This
experience leads me to believe that fruit sugar causes a
different reaction in your body in the presence of cooked foods
or refined sugar.

I have a friend who tests his blood sugar levels using a diabetic
blood testing machine. He has been on a Raw-Vegan Diet for 4
months. He recently tested his blood sugar a half an hour after
drinking 4 cups of a raw fruit smoothie (as opposed to a frozen
commercial smoothie that you get at Jamba Juice and
restaurants). His blood sugar was 105, which is "fasting" level,
as though he hadn't eaten at all! Science will tell you that this is
impossible. However they have not yet taken into account the
difference between testing on a naturally healthy (raw-vegan)
body and a "normal" (cooked) person. The internal
environments in these two types of bodies is so vastly different
that foods will react completely differently in each of them. The
medical profession recommends that we avoid fruit if we have
diabetes, hypoglycemia or candida. They are correct if they are
treating a person who eats a cooked-food diet. However, in the
absence of cooked and processed foods, fruit will heal these
conditions! The best and most reassuring thing to do is test this
for yourself. If you have a condition such as diabetes,
hypoglycemia or candida you should invest in a blood-sugar
testing kit, available at any drugstore for around $70.

The Results of The OJ Diet

By the time you have completed the Orange Juice Diet you will
feel much lighter. You will feel about 10 years younger. You will
look 10 years younger, glowing, vibrant, and healthy. You will
sleep better. You will have an abundance of energy. You will be
more alert and have clarity of mind. You will feel creative and
your emotions will be balanced. You will probably have lost
between 10 and 20 lbs.

Maintaining a Clean Body After the OJ Diet with The Raw-
Vegan Lifestyle

You may want to do the OJ diet one week a month or two
weeks every few months. You may want to include fresh OJ in
your regular diet more often, perhaps replacing one meal each

After finishing the OJ Diet you will feel so clean that you will not
wish to return to an ordinary diet. That is why it is an excellent
way to jump-start a raw-vegan diet. It offers more dramatic and
instant results than just "going raw". It quickly cleans and
detoxifies your system so that you can absorb all of the
nutrients in raw foods. And it leaves you feeling so energetic
and vibrant, vibrating at such a high frequency, that you will not
want to do anything that will bring your energy down again.

We recommend that after the OJ Diet, you go on The Raw-
Vegan Diet, which is not a diet but a lifestyle. The Raw-Vegan
Diet consists of organic unheated fruits, vegetables, nuts,
seeds, grains, raw honey, unrefined sea salt, and cold-pressed
olive, flaxseed and hempseed oils.

The Raw-Vegan Diet is nutrient dense because the foods are
not damaged by heating. The Raw-Vegan Diet is virtually toxin-
free because it consists only of organic (chemical free),
unprocessed (toxin free), and truly natural (found in nature)
foods. The Raw-Vegan Diet is delicious because it uses the
basic building blocks of all the artificial tastes and flavors
manufactured on the planet and because it allows your taste
buds to become highly sensitive. If you allow your body to
become truly hungry before you eat then the food is even more
delicious, as hunger is the best spice! And you are so well-and-
truly-nourished on The Raw-Vegan diet that you will not feel
the need to eat before you are truly hungry.

To eat a Raw-Vegan Diet is very simple. We have detailed
instructions in "The Garden Diet" eBook. To sum it up you shop
from a health-food store, farmers market, and/or directly from
farmers. Your shopping list looks something like this.

Shopping List:

fruits (organic, in season, mostly locally grown)
vegetables (the same as above)
nuts (fresh, organic, in the shell, or in bulk, but preferably
refrigerated if not in the shell)
seeds (bulk hulled sunflower and pumpkin seeds)
tahini (ground sesame seeds)
oils (cold-pressed organic olive, hempseed and flaxseed oils)
olives (raw Kalamata olives)
dates (medjool, from the produce section)
honey (raw, cold-packed)
unrefined sea salt (such as Celtic Sea Salt)

Equipment you may want:

Citrus Juicer (around $20 at a home store)
K-Tec Blender, Vitamix Blender, and/or Food Processor
Vegetable Juicer such as the Greenstar Juicer (greenstar.com)

This equipment is completely optional. You don't actually need
any equipment to do The Raw-Vegan Diet. The highest form of
the Raw-Vegan Diet is eating simple whole foods in their
natural state.

We do not recommend investing in a dehydrator or eating
dehydrated foods. Dehydrated foods have no water in them.
Therefore your body must re-hydrate the foods internally,
taking valuable water from your system. We are skeptical of
whether dehydrated foods contain much nourishment. Cooking
involves heating food at high temperatures for a short time.
Dehydrating food involves heating food at low temperatures for
a long time. If you do the math, it adds up to about the same
thing. Dehydrated foods are concentrated and therefore
stronger tasting than raw foods. This can lead people to eat
dehydrated foods in place of fresh foods. However we
recognize the contribution that dehydrated foods have made in
helping people to create recipes that taste a lot like cooked
foods, thereby helping more people to become interested in
the raw diet. If dehydrated foods are used in moderation during
the transition phase they can help people to make the eventual
transition to a more simple and healthful raw-vegan diet.

Coming Off The OJ Diet

Here is a suggested menu plan for the first four days after The
OJ Diet (See Recipes in The Garden Diet eBook for details):

Day 1
Breakfast - Banana/OJ smoothie (blend OJ and a banana in
your blender)
Lunch - Bananas
Dinner - Fruit Salad (gentle fruits such as banana, mango, and

Day 2
Breakfast - Fruit
Lunch - Baby Green Salad with avocado/lemon dressing
(mash an avocado and add a little lemon juice and pinch of
unrefined sea salt for dressing)
Dinner - OJ

Day 3
Breakfast - Fruit
Lunch - Seedmilk (sunflower seeds soaked for 4-8 hours
blended with water in your blender)
Dinner - Salad

Day 4
Breakfast - Fruit
Lunch - Almond Milk (almonds soaked for 6-12 hours blended
with water in your blender)
Dinner - Salsa and Jicama

See Menu Plan in The Garden Diet eBook for a suggested
menu plan for the next seven days.

After this you should be in tune with your body and ready to
listen to its needs, fine-tuning The Raw-Vegan Diet to your
particular tastes, needs, and lifestyle. Remember to be patient
with yourself. We have been cooked foodists for millions of
years. If you can't change overnight, that's only natural. Every
step that you take towards a raw foods diet is a giant step for
mankind! Never give up! And be gentle with yourself!

Nutrition Charts, from "Nutrition Almanac" Third Edition
by Lavon J. Dunne:

Orange (1 orange):
Calories - 62 gm
Protein - 1.23 gm
Carbohydrate - 15.4 gm
Fiber - 56 gm
Vitamin A - 269 IU
Vitamin B1 - .114 mg
Vitamin B2 - .052 mg
Vitamin B6 - .079 mg
Biotin - 1.8 mcg
Niacin - .369 mg
Pantothenic Acid - .328 mg
Folic Acid - 39.7 mcg
Vitamin C - 69.7 mg
Vitamin E - .43 IU
Calcium - 52 mg
Copper - .059 mg
Iron - .13 mg
Magnesium - 13 mg
Manganese - .033 mg
Phosphorus - 18 mg
Potassium - 237 mg
Selenium - 2.5 mcg
Zinc - .09 mg
Total fat - .16 gm
Cholesterol - 0 mg
Tryptophan - .012 gm
Threonine - .02 gm
Isoleucine - .033 gm
Leucine - .03 gm
Lysine - .062 gm
Methionine - .026 gm
Cystine - .013 gm
Phenylalanine - .041 gm
Tyrosine - .021 gm
Valine - .052 gm
Arginine - .085 gm
Histidine - .024 gm
Alanine - .066 gm
Aspartic acid - .149 gm
Glutamic acid - .123 gm
Glycine - .123 gm
Proline - .06 gm
Serine - .042 gm

Locate Organic Farms and Farmer's Markets Near You


Ordering Organic Oranges Online


We buy our oranges from a wonderful Organic Orange Grove
in Ojai, CA. We can give you the contact information to order
oranges from them upon request. They sell the oranges for
$20.00 for a 40 lb. box. Shipping is expensive so you will want
to calculate your shipping costs at Fedex.com or UPS.com

The Biggest OJ Winner!

- Enter The Biggest OJ Winner! Send your before and
afters to


and we will feature

one of the entrants in Pear Magazine with your interview
and photos! You'll also receive a free package of all our

If you would take a before and after picture of yourself
before and after going on The OJ Diet and send us a
little letter about the results of The OJ Diet on your
health, we would be very happy! Let us know if we may
share the pictures and testimony online or not.
Questions, Photos, and Your Stories may be emailed to
jinjeetalifero@gmail.com or mailed to: The Garden Diet,
226 W. Ojai Ave. Suite 101 - #178 Ojai, CA 93023.

Support Forum / Online Community for The Orange
Juice Diet:



Ekaya Institute of Living Food Education




Ekaya Institute of Living Food Education

, 2000 - 2010

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The Orange Juice Diet

An eBook Publication From The Ekaya Institute of Living Food


by Jinjee Talifero

What Is The Orange Juice (OJ) Diet

The Orange Juice Diet is a very simple and beautiful way to
lose weight and rejuvenate in a very short period of time. It is a
2 week diet consisting only of orange juice (and water). You
can drink as much fresh squeezed organic orange juice as you
want. All you need are sun ripened organic oranges and an
electric citrus juicer. Some people would call this an Orange
Juice Fast. However other people say that the word Fasting
should only be applied to a Water Fast. If you are taking
calories into your system, you aren't really fasting. So we call it
The Orange Juice Diet or The OJ Diet. The OJ Diet offers
many of the same beneficial results as a water fast. Orange
Juice is very easy to digest so it gives your system a rest from
digesting. It is less dramatic than water fasting because you
are still taking in food energy. Fruit is a cleansing food so your
cells receive a deep cleaning and clearing out of toxins. Fruit is
a very pure source of energy so our cells also receive a charge
of electric mineral-rich energy. Therefore the OJ Diet gives us a
clarity and a glow; health and rejuvenation on a cellular level.

Where to Get Organic Oranges

You can order organic oranges by the crate. We suggest
ordering 2 to 3 crates/boxes per week per person. Ideally you
would get your oranges directly from an orange grower. If you
live in a Southern State you should take advantage of your
situation and find an organic orange grower near you. To locate
an organic orange grower in your area do an online search,
ask your health-food store, ask at your farmers market, or
check the yellow pages. Even if you have to drive two hours to
get to the farm, it is worth it to buy the oranges directly from the
farmer! This will give you the most affordable and the freshest,
ripest, most vital oranges you can get. If there is a farmers
market in your area that is a great place to get organic oranges
too. Farmers usually pick their oranges the day before the
market to sell at the market, so the oranges would be very
fresh too! If you live elsewhere, ask at your local health-food
store if they can sell you boxes of organic oranges. If not, ask
them if they can order some boxes for you. If you don't have a
local health-food store, you can order through your grocery
store or supermarket. When we lived in Canada we had our
local supermarket order boxes of organic oranges for us.
Depending on where you live the oranges will cost between
$20 and $40 a crate. So your food bill will be about $40-$120
per week during The OJ Diet. (This is probably a lot less than
you spend on food now).

How To Do the OJ Diet

To juice a glass of orange juice simply cut about four oranges
in half and press each half down on the electric juicer. We
purchased our electric citrus juicer at a home appliances store
for $20. It is small and portable, easy to put together, easy to
use, and easy to clean. Clean your juicer immediately after
juicing and all you will have to do is rinse it off. If you don't
clean it right away you'll have to scrub a bit. If you have a
kitchen at your place of work, you can bring your juicer and
oranges with you to work.

Your day on the OJ Diet might look like this: a glass of OJ at
8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, noon, 2:00 PM, 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM.
That's 6 glasses a day. Or you might drink 2 glasses at each of
these times if you prefer. You could drink 2 glasses 3 times a
day if that is easier for you. It really doesn't matter how much,
how little, how often or when you drink the OJ. Do whatever is
comfortable for you. The point is to consume nothing but OJ
and water for 2 weeks. We recommend that you drink 2-8
glasses of water a day in addition to the OJ. One easy way to
ensure that you get enough water is to keep a bottle of water at
your side and drink a couple of sips every 15 minutes or so.
The reason it is important to drink water is because no other
substance has the same cleansing ability as water. And the
orange juice diet is going to put your body into a state of
cleansing. So the water adds additional and important
cleansing strength. Drinking sufficient water and getting
exercise are the two most important things to do to prevent any
uncomfortable detoxification symptoms from occurring while
you are doing the OJ Diet.

Drink the juice immediately. Do not store your juice in the fridge
for later. The orange juice begins to oxidize right away, a
process whereby the juice both loses nutrients and becomes
toxic. Use only fresh squeezed organic orange juice that you
juice yourself. Do not use pasteurized, processed, canned or
any other kind of orange juice. Not only is it completely dead
and devoid of nutrients, but it is actually toxic. You would get
sick and malnourished drinking only pasteurized concentrated
OJ for two weeks. You should also avoid commercial (non-
organic) oranges like the plague. I can actually taste the
chemicals in them. They also have much less nutrition in them
than organic oranges because they are grown in soil that has
been chemically fertilized and chemically treated with
pesticides and herbicides to kill all the bugs and weeds. When
you kill all the bugs and weeds, you destroy the soil's natural
balance and that soil therefore becomes very low in minerals
and nutrients. To take away death is to take away life. The soil
is essentially sterilized. To sterilize something means that you
remove the death force from it, which is the same thing as
removing the life force, because life and death are a part of the
same cycle. This life/death force in foods is called "enzymes".
Enzymes make the food grow and ripen and they also make
the food rot at the end of the cycle of the fruit's life. So killing
the enzymes in food by heating or pasteurizing the food makes
the food last longer on the shelf, but it also removes the life

The oranges must also be tree-ripened or sun-ripened. You
can tell if an orange is ripe by the appearance of the skin. It
should not have any green tinges or green tint to it. It can have
brown spots; these are actually bee stings and indicate that the
orange is good and ripe, and very sweet! The acid in unripe
oranges will upset the balance in your system. When oranges
are allowed to ripen on the tree then the acid turns to beneficial

What Makes Oranges So Nutritious

Oranges are nutrient dense so your body will be receiving far
more nutrition than it is used to. Oranges contain the following
essential vitamins: A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, biotin, niacin,
pantothenic acid, and folic acid. They contain the following
minerals: calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese,
phosphorus, potassium, selenium, and zinc. Oranges also
contain all of the 18 known amino acids. Oranges contain
beneficial carbohydrates, beneficial protein, and beneficial fat!
Yes, each orange even contains .16 gm of fat! Oranges also
contain fiber, electrolytes and organic water. In short, the
orange provides all the nutrition your body needs, with
absolutely no toxins, provided it is organic. You can see the
chart at the bottom of this document for the exact amounts of
each of the above nutrients contained in an orange. It can be
very reassuring to know that you are getting such a rich
quantity of nutrients while you are on the OJ Diet.

The Difference Between Unheated and Heated Fats,
Proteins, and Carbohydrates

All foods are either fats, proteins, or carbohydrates, or usually
a combination of all three. Fats, proteins, and carbohydrates
from fruit are totally beneficial and necessary for proper brain
function. Fats, proteins, and carbohydrates from animal
products or that have been heated are toxic and damaging to
the body. The difference between the unheated fats, proteins,
and carbohydrates in fruits and vegetables vs. the fats,
proteins, and carbohydrates from heated animal products is so
vastly different that they can hardly be considered to be the
same nutrients.

Mother's milk is 2.2% protein. So is OJ and most fruits and
vegetables. Fruit and vegetables are the ultimate food for
nourishing the human body. When you are an infant you
double in size in your first year, eating nothing but mother's
milk. At no other time in your life is your protein intake as
critical. And if 2.2% protein is good enough for an infant, it is
certainly the right amount of protein for a human adult. Storm is
a 54 year old raw-vegan who has eaten a raw-vegan diet
including about 75% fruit for over 30 years. He has built a
muscular body that many people wouldn't believe possible on a
diet that contains no animal protein.

Feeling Satisfied on The Orange Juice Diet

It is almost impossible to feel deprived when you are living on
the most delicious food in the world. Look at a glass of Orange
Juice. It is the most lovely color. It is so thick and full of
nutrients that you can't see through it. And to think that it
comes from a tree! Trees give us oxygen for breathing and
they give us the ultimate food for our bodies! You are drinking
Tree Juice! It is totally addictive in a positive way. Orange juice
is the staple food in our home the way bread is in many
homes. When we run out of oranges we feel like we've run out
of food! When I am hungry, orange juice is what I crave. I like
to drink it sitting in the sun. It reflects the light so beautifully. It
almost absorbs the light, bringing an extra dose of sunshine
into your system. I think of orange juice as liquid sun, liquid
gold. The orange's magical alchemy of turning earth into gold
also works within our body turning our sludge-filled cells into
clear bright building blocks making up a vibrant and dynamic
being. The orange is made from earth, water, sun, and air, ~ it
contains all four main elements in it. It is a perfectly balanced
food. I can't think of anything that tastes better than orange
juice! It goes down so easily, like breathing. It digests almost
instantly, giving you instant energy. And it keeps you energized
for a long time. If all you drank in a day was three glasses of
orange juice you would almost certainly have more energy
than most people who eat three square meals.

What to Expect While You are on The Orange Juice Diet

During the OJ Diet most people will feel an instant increase in
energy and well being. However some people may feel a little
light-headed, dizzy, and low energy. This is caused by toxins
being eliminated from your body. It is nothing to worry about.
Relax and appreciate what your body is doing for you; cleaning
house. If you feel weak, take the day off if you can and lie in
bed doing nothing! This will allow your body to focus all its
energies on cleansing (detoxification).

The OJ Diet will improve your skin, hair, nails, organs,
digestive system, nervous system, electrochemical system,
meridian system, respiratory system, tissue elasticity, muscle
tone, joint function, and brain function.

You will notice results almost immediately, probably within 1-3
days of beginning the diet.

Curing Detox Symptoms with an Enema

If you experience a headache or flu-like symptoms it may be
that your colon is clogged, the toxins being eliminated from
your body are getting stuck in the colon, and you are re-
absorbing toxins back into your system. The instant cure for
this condition is to do an enema. You can buy an enema bag
from any drugstore. You fill the bag about half-full with very
warm water, hang it up on your shower-head pinching the hose
to prevent water escaping, lubricate the nozzle with olive oil
and insert gently in your rectum, crouch down on all fours on
your knees in the bathtub with your bottom up, and slowly let
the water escape through the hose into your colon. Remain in
this position for one to two minutes and then you will feel the
pressure to eliminate. Do so. Wait another 1-5 minutes and you
may feel the pressure to eliminate again. Do so. Wait again for
5 minutes. Then refill the enema bag and start the whole
process again. Doing this twice in a row will clear any
blockages you may have in your colon and almost instantly
dissolve your detox symptoms. After doing an enema you feel
so clean and clear, it gives you such a feeling of well-being
throughout your body, that you won't want to put anything
clogging into your body again. The enema is a very gentle way
to clean the colon. It is safe to do frequent enemas. However if
it is done to excess, for instance every day for many weeks on
end, then it can actually strip the colon of necessary bacteria.

Exercising While You are on The Orange Juice Diet

It is very good to exercise every day on the OJ Diet. This will
help prevent detox symptoms as toxins are expelled through
your breath, your sweat, and your elimination organs. When
you exercise you are moving your lymph system, the system
responsible for waste removal in your body. This is a system
similar to your blood system but with no pump to move it. The
only way to move your lymph system is to exercise! The old
Native American saying; "Expect poison from stagnant water"
applies just as well to your body as to mountain pools.

An ideal exercise during the OJ Diet is to take a 2 hour walk
each day, outside. If you can only manage a half an hour to an
hour that's fine. If you already have a workout routine that you
are happy with you can keep doing that instead of walking.
Walking helps process toxins, alleviates detox symptoms,
balances your whole being, and exercises every muscle in
your whole body in the most natural way possible. It is aerobic,
strengthening, and stretching, the three types of exercise that
we all need to stay fit, strong, and supple all of our lives.
Walking also gives a glow to your skin, creating more elasticity
which gives you a more youthful appearance. If you can walk
in nature, that is also very healing and health-giving for your
body, mind and spirit.

Caring For Your Teeth on The OJ Diet

Oranges and orange juice contain citric acid. This acid can be
hard on your teeth. Brush your teeth with a natural toothpaste
such as Burt's Bees or Peelu. (Make sure your toothpaste
doesn't contain Lauryl Sulfites or hydrolized vegetable/soy/
wheat protein). Citric acid starts to affect your teeth about 20
minutes after you drink or eat it. So brush your teeth within 15
minutes of drinking OJ. If you are drinking OJ five or six times
a day you want to brush lightly so you don't over-brush and
hurt your gums. If you can't brush your teeth every time, at
least swish with water to rinse your teeth. This will help
somewhat. Also extremely helpful for your teeth is to drink your
OJ with a straw so that the juice actually by-passes your teeth.

The OJ Diet and Diabetes, Hypoglycemia, Candida, etc...

Can you do the OJ Diet if you are diabetic, hypoglycemic or
suffering from candida? Yes! These conditions are usually
worsened by a sugary diet. Again, fruit sugar is a vastly
different nutrient than processed sugar. They are in fact
opposites. I suffered from candida before I became a raw-
vegan. When I was going back and forth between a cooked
and a raw-vegan diet I noticed something very interesting. I
noticed that when I was eating cooked food then any additional
fruit sugar in my diet aggravated my candida. However when I
was eating only raw-vegan foods then I could eat as much fruit
and drink as much fruit juice as I wanted without any candida
symptoms appearing. I could even live on orange juice. This
experience leads me to believe that fruit sugar causes a
different reaction in your body in the presence of cooked foods
or refined sugar.

I have a friend who tests his blood sugar levels using a diabetic
blood testing machine. He has been on a Raw-Vegan Diet for 4
months. He recently tested his blood sugar a half an hour after
drinking 4 cups of a raw fruit smoothie (as opposed to a frozen
commercial smoothie that you get at Jamba Juice and
restaurants). His blood sugar was 105, which is "fasting" level,
as though he hadn't eaten at all! Science will tell you that this is
impossible. However they have not yet taken into account the
difference between testing on a naturally healthy (raw-vegan)
body and a "normal" (cooked) person. The internal
environments in these two types of bodies is so vastly different
that foods will react completely differently in each of them. The
medical profession recommends that we avoid fruit if we have
diabetes, hypoglycemia or candida. They are correct if they are
treating a person who eats a cooked-food diet. However, in the
absence of cooked and processed foods, fruit will heal these
conditions! The best and most reassuring thing to do is test this
for yourself. If you have a condition such as diabetes,
hypoglycemia or candida you should invest in a blood-sugar
testing kit, available at any drugstore for around $70.

The Results of The OJ Diet

By the time you have completed the Orange Juice Diet you will
feel much lighter. You will feel about 10 years younger. You will
look 10 years younger, glowing, vibrant, and healthy. You will
sleep better. You will have an abundance of energy. You will be
more alert and have clarity of mind. You will feel creative and
your emotions will be balanced. You will probably have lost
between 10 and 20 lbs.

Maintaining a Clean Body After the OJ Diet with The Raw-
Vegan Lifestyle

You may want to do the OJ diet one week a month or two
weeks every few months. You may want to include fresh OJ in
your regular diet more often, perhaps replacing one meal each

After finishing the OJ Diet you will feel so clean that you will not
wish to return to an ordinary diet. That is why it is an excellent
way to jump-start a raw-vegan diet. It offers more dramatic and
instant results than just "going raw". It quickly cleans and
detoxifies your system so that you can absorb all of the
nutrients in raw foods. And it leaves you feeling so energetic
and vibrant, vibrating at such a high frequency, that you will not
want to do anything that will bring your energy down again.

We recommend that after the OJ Diet, you go on The Raw-
Vegan Diet, which is not a diet but a lifestyle. The Raw-Vegan
Diet consists of organic unheated fruits, vegetables, nuts,
seeds, grains, raw honey, unrefined sea salt, and cold-pressed
olive, flaxseed and hempseed oils.

The Raw-Vegan Diet is nutrient dense because the foods are
not damaged by heating. The Raw-Vegan Diet is virtually toxin-
free because it consists only of organic (chemical free),
unprocessed (toxin free), and truly natural (found in nature)
foods. The Raw-Vegan Diet is delicious because it uses the
basic building blocks of all the artificial tastes and flavors
manufactured on the planet and because it allows your taste
buds to become highly sensitive. If you allow your body to
become truly hungry before you eat then the food is even more
delicious, as hunger is the best spice! And you are so well-and-
truly-nourished on The Raw-Vegan diet that you will not feel
the need to eat before you are truly hungry.

To eat a Raw-Vegan Diet is very simple. We have detailed
instructions in "The Garden Diet" eBook. To sum it up you shop
from a health-food store, farmers market, and/or directly from
farmers. Your shopping list looks something like this.

Shopping List:

fruits (organic, in season, mostly locally grown)
vegetables (the same as above)
nuts (fresh, organic, in the shell, or in bulk, but preferably
refrigerated if not in the shell)
seeds (bulk hulled sunflower and pumpkin seeds)
tahini (ground sesame seeds)
oils (cold-pressed organic olive, hempseed and flaxseed oils)
olives (raw Kalamata olives)
dates (medjool, from the produce section)
honey (raw, cold-packed)
unrefined sea salt (such as Celtic Sea Salt)

Equipment you may want:

Citrus Juicer (around $20 at a home store)
K-Tec Blender, Vitamix Blender, and/or Food Processor
Vegetable Juicer such as the Greenstar Juicer (greenstar.com)

This equipment is completely optional. You don't actually need
any equipment to do The Raw-Vegan Diet. The highest form of
the Raw-Vegan Diet is eating simple whole foods in their
natural state.

We do not recommend investing in a dehydrator or eating
dehydrated foods. Dehydrated foods have no water in them.
Therefore your body must re-hydrate the foods internally,
taking valuable water from your system. We are skeptical of
whether dehydrated foods contain much nourishment. Cooking
involves heating food at high temperatures for a short time.
Dehydrating food involves heating food at low temperatures for
a long time. If you do the math, it adds up to about the same
thing. Dehydrated foods are concentrated and therefore
stronger tasting than raw foods. This can lead people to eat
dehydrated foods in place of fresh foods. However we
recognize the contribution that dehydrated foods have made in
helping people to create recipes that taste a lot like cooked
foods, thereby helping more people to become interested in
the raw diet. If dehydrated foods are used in moderation during
the transition phase they can help people to make the eventual
transition to a more simple and healthful raw-vegan diet.

Coming Off The OJ Diet

Here is a suggested menu plan for the first four days after The
OJ Diet (See Recipes in The Garden Diet eBook for details):

Day 1
Breakfast - Banana/OJ smoothie (blend OJ and a banana in
your blender)
Lunch - Bananas
Dinner - Fruit Salad (gentle fruits such as banana, mango, and

Day 2
Breakfast - Fruit
Lunch - Baby Green Salad with avocado/lemon dressing
(mash an avocado and add a little lemon juice and pinch of
unrefined sea salt for dressing)
Dinner - OJ

Day 3
Breakfast - Fruit
Lunch - Seedmilk (sunflower seeds soaked for 4-8 hours
blended with water in your blender)
Dinner - Salad

Day 4
Breakfast - Fruit
Lunch - Almond Milk (almonds soaked for 6-12 hours blended
with water in your blender)
Dinner - Salsa and Jicama

See Menu Plan in The Garden Diet eBook for a suggested
menu plan for the next seven days.

After this you should be in tune with your body and ready to
listen to its needs, fine-tuning The Raw-Vegan Diet to your
particular tastes, needs, and lifestyle. Remember to be patient
with yourself. We have been cooked foodists for millions of
years. If you can't change overnight, that's only natural. Every
step that you take towards a raw foods diet is a giant step for
mankind! Never give up! And be gentle with yourself!

Nutrition Charts, from "Nutrition Almanac" Third Edition
by Lavon J. Dunne:

Orange (1 orange):
Calories - 62 gm
Protein - 1.23 gm
Carbohydrate - 15.4 gm
Fiber - 56 gm
Vitamin A - 269 IU
Vitamin B1 - .114 mg
Vitamin B2 - .052 mg
Vitamin B6 - .079 mg
Biotin - 1.8 mcg
Niacin - .369 mg
Pantothenic Acid - .328 mg
Folic Acid - 39.7 mcg
Vitamin C - 69.7 mg
Vitamin E - .43 IU
Calcium - 52 mg
Copper - .059 mg
Iron - .13 mg
Magnesium - 13 mg
Manganese - .033 mg
Phosphorus - 18 mg
Potassium - 237 mg
Selenium - 2.5 mcg
Zinc - .09 mg
Total fat - .16 gm
Cholesterol - 0 mg
Tryptophan - .012 gm
Threonine - .02 gm
Isoleucine - .033 gm
Leucine - .03 gm
Lysine - .062 gm
Methionine - .026 gm
Cystine - .013 gm
Phenylalanine - .041 gm
Tyrosine - .021 gm
Valine - .052 gm
Arginine - .085 gm
Histidine - .024 gm
Alanine - .066 gm
Aspartic acid - .149 gm
Glutamic acid - .123 gm
Glycine - .123 gm
Proline - .06 gm
Serine - .042 gm

Locate Organic Farms and Farmer's Markets Near You


Ordering Organic Oranges Online


We buy our oranges from a wonderful Organic Orange Grove
in Ojai, CA. We can give you the contact information to order
oranges from them upon request. They sell the oranges for
$20.00 for a 40 lb. box. Shipping is expensive so you will want
to calculate your shipping costs at Fedex.com or UPS.com

The Biggest OJ Winner!

- Enter The Biggest OJ Winner! Send your before and
afters to


and we will feature

one of the entrants in Pear Magazine with your interview
and photos! You'll also receive a free package of all our

If you would take a before and after picture of yourself
before and after going on The OJ Diet and send us a
little letter about the results of The OJ Diet on your
health, we would be very happy! Let us know if we may
share the pictures and testimony online or not.
Questions, Photos, and Your Stories may be emailed to
jinjeetalifero@gmail.com or mailed to: The Garden Diet,
226 W. Ojai Ave. Suite 101 - #178 Ojai, CA 93023.

Support Forum / Online Community for The Orange
Juice Diet:



Ekaya Institute of Living Food Education




Ekaya Institute of Living Food Education

, 2000 - 2010

background image

The Orange Juice Diet

An eBook Publication From The Ekaya Institute of Living Food


by Jinjee Talifero

What Is The Orange Juice (OJ) Diet

The Orange Juice Diet is a very simple and beautiful way to
lose weight and rejuvenate in a very short period of time. It is a
2 week diet consisting only of orange juice (and water). You
can drink as much fresh squeezed organic orange juice as you
want. All you need are sun ripened organic oranges and an
electric citrus juicer. Some people would call this an Orange
Juice Fast. However other people say that the word Fasting
should only be applied to a Water Fast. If you are taking
calories into your system, you aren't really fasting. So we call it
The Orange Juice Diet or The OJ Diet. The OJ Diet offers
many of the same beneficial results as a water fast. Orange
Juice is very easy to digest so it gives your system a rest from
digesting. It is less dramatic than water fasting because you
are still taking in food energy. Fruit is a cleansing food so your
cells receive a deep cleaning and clearing out of toxins. Fruit is
a very pure source of energy so our cells also receive a charge
of electric mineral-rich energy. Therefore the OJ Diet gives us a
clarity and a glow; health and rejuvenation on a cellular level.

Where to Get Organic Oranges

You can order organic oranges by the crate. We suggest
ordering 2 to 3 crates/boxes per week per person. Ideally you
would get your oranges directly from an orange grower. If you
live in a Southern State you should take advantage of your
situation and find an organic orange grower near you. To locate
an organic orange grower in your area do an online search,
ask your health-food store, ask at your farmers market, or
check the yellow pages. Even if you have to drive two hours to
get to the farm, it is worth it to buy the oranges directly from the
farmer! This will give you the most affordable and the freshest,
ripest, most vital oranges you can get. If there is a farmers
market in your area that is a great place to get organic oranges
too. Farmers usually pick their oranges the day before the
market to sell at the market, so the oranges would be very
fresh too! If you live elsewhere, ask at your local health-food
store if they can sell you boxes of organic oranges. If not, ask
them if they can order some boxes for you. If you don't have a
local health-food store, you can order through your grocery
store or supermarket. When we lived in Canada we had our
local supermarket order boxes of organic oranges for us.
Depending on where you live the oranges will cost between
$20 and $40 a crate. So your food bill will be about $40-$120
per week during The OJ Diet. (This is probably a lot less than
you spend on food now).

How To Do the OJ Diet

To juice a glass of orange juice simply cut about four oranges
in half and press each half down on the electric juicer. We
purchased our electric citrus juicer at a home appliances store
for $20. It is small and portable, easy to put together, easy to
use, and easy to clean. Clean your juicer immediately after
juicing and all you will have to do is rinse it off. If you don't
clean it right away you'll have to scrub a bit. If you have a
kitchen at your place of work, you can bring your juicer and
oranges with you to work.

Your day on the OJ Diet might look like this: a glass of OJ at
8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, noon, 2:00 PM, 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM.
That's 6 glasses a day. Or you might drink 2 glasses at each of
these times if you prefer. You could drink 2 glasses 3 times a
day if that is easier for you. It really doesn't matter how much,
how little, how often or when you drink the OJ. Do whatever is
comfortable for you. The point is to consume nothing but OJ
and water for 2 weeks. We recommend that you drink 2-8
glasses of water a day in addition to the OJ. One easy way to
ensure that you get enough water is to keep a bottle of water at
your side and drink a couple of sips every 15 minutes or so.
The reason it is important to drink water is because no other
substance has the same cleansing ability as water. And the
orange juice diet is going to put your body into a state of
cleansing. So the water adds additional and important
cleansing strength. Drinking sufficient water and getting
exercise are the two most important things to do to prevent any
uncomfortable detoxification symptoms from occurring while
you are doing the OJ Diet.

Drink the juice immediately. Do not store your juice in the fridge
for later. The orange juice begins to oxidize right away, a
process whereby the juice both loses nutrients and becomes
toxic. Use only fresh squeezed organic orange juice that you
juice yourself. Do not use pasteurized, processed, canned or
any other kind of orange juice. Not only is it completely dead
and devoid of nutrients, but it is actually toxic. You would get
sick and malnourished drinking only pasteurized concentrated
OJ for two weeks. You should also avoid commercial (non-
organic) oranges like the plague. I can actually taste the
chemicals in them. They also have much less nutrition in them
than organic oranges because they are grown in soil that has
been chemically fertilized and chemically treated with
pesticides and herbicides to kill all the bugs and weeds. When
you kill all the bugs and weeds, you destroy the soil's natural
balance and that soil therefore becomes very low in minerals
and nutrients. To take away death is to take away life. The soil
is essentially sterilized. To sterilize something means that you
remove the death force from it, which is the same thing as
removing the life force, because life and death are a part of the
same cycle. This life/death force in foods is called "enzymes".
Enzymes make the food grow and ripen and they also make
the food rot at the end of the cycle of the fruit's life. So killing
the enzymes in food by heating or pasteurizing the food makes
the food last longer on the shelf, but it also removes the life

The oranges must also be tree-ripened or sun-ripened. You
can tell if an orange is ripe by the appearance of the skin. It
should not have any green tinges or green tint to it. It can have
brown spots; these are actually bee stings and indicate that the
orange is good and ripe, and very sweet! The acid in unripe
oranges will upset the balance in your system. When oranges
are allowed to ripen on the tree then the acid turns to beneficial

What Makes Oranges So Nutritious

Oranges are nutrient dense so your body will be receiving far
more nutrition than it is used to. Oranges contain the following
essential vitamins: A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, biotin, niacin,
pantothenic acid, and folic acid. They contain the following
minerals: calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese,
phosphorus, potassium, selenium, and zinc. Oranges also
contain all of the 18 known amino acids. Oranges contain
beneficial carbohydrates, beneficial protein, and beneficial fat!
Yes, each orange even contains .16 gm of fat! Oranges also
contain fiber, electrolytes and organic water. In short, the
orange provides all the nutrition your body needs, with
absolutely no toxins, provided it is organic. You can see the
chart at the bottom of this document for the exact amounts of
each of the above nutrients contained in an orange. It can be
very reassuring to know that you are getting such a rich
quantity of nutrients while you are on the OJ Diet.

The Difference Between Unheated and Heated Fats,
Proteins, and Carbohydrates

All foods are either fats, proteins, or carbohydrates, or usually
a combination of all three. Fats, proteins, and carbohydrates
from fruit are totally beneficial and necessary for proper brain
function. Fats, proteins, and carbohydrates from animal
products or that have been heated are toxic and damaging to
the body. The difference between the unheated fats, proteins,
and carbohydrates in fruits and vegetables vs. the fats,
proteins, and carbohydrates from heated animal products is so
vastly different that they can hardly be considered to be the
same nutrients.

Mother's milk is 2.2% protein. So is OJ and most fruits and
vegetables. Fruit and vegetables are the ultimate food for
nourishing the human body. When you are an infant you
double in size in your first year, eating nothing but mother's
milk. At no other time in your life is your protein intake as
critical. And if 2.2% protein is good enough for an infant, it is
certainly the right amount of protein for a human adult. Storm is
a 54 year old raw-vegan who has eaten a raw-vegan diet
including about 75% fruit for over 30 years. He has built a
muscular body that many people wouldn't believe possible on a
diet that contains no animal protein.

Feeling Satisfied on The Orange Juice Diet

It is almost impossible to feel deprived when you are living on
the most delicious food in the world. Look at a glass of Orange
Juice. It is the most lovely color. It is so thick and full of
nutrients that you can't see through it. And to think that it
comes from a tree! Trees give us oxygen for breathing and
they give us the ultimate food for our bodies! You are drinking
Tree Juice! It is totally addictive in a positive way. Orange juice
is the staple food in our home the way bread is in many
homes. When we run out of oranges we feel like we've run out
of food! When I am hungry, orange juice is what I crave. I like
to drink it sitting in the sun. It reflects the light so beautifully. It
almost absorbs the light, bringing an extra dose of sunshine
into your system. I think of orange juice as liquid sun, liquid
gold. The orange's magical alchemy of turning earth into gold
also works within our body turning our sludge-filled cells into
clear bright building blocks making up a vibrant and dynamic
being. The orange is made from earth, water, sun, and air, ~ it
contains all four main elements in it. It is a perfectly balanced
food. I can't think of anything that tastes better than orange
juice! It goes down so easily, like breathing. It digests almost
instantly, giving you instant energy. And it keeps you energized
for a long time. If all you drank in a day was three glasses of
orange juice you would almost certainly have more energy
than most people who eat three square meals.

What to Expect While You are on The Orange Juice Diet

During the OJ Diet most people will feel an instant increase in
energy and well being. However some people may feel a little
light-headed, dizzy, and low energy. This is caused by toxins
being eliminated from your body. It is nothing to worry about.
Relax and appreciate what your body is doing for you; cleaning
house. If you feel weak, take the day off if you can and lie in
bed doing nothing! This will allow your body to focus all its
energies on cleansing (detoxification).

The OJ Diet will improve your skin, hair, nails, organs,
digestive system, nervous system, electrochemical system,
meridian system, respiratory system, tissue elasticity, muscle
tone, joint function, and brain function.

You will notice results almost immediately, probably within 1-3
days of beginning the diet.

Curing Detox Symptoms with an Enema

If you experience a headache or flu-like symptoms it may be
that your colon is clogged, the toxins being eliminated from
your body are getting stuck in the colon, and you are re-
absorbing toxins back into your system. The instant cure for
this condition is to do an enema. You can buy an enema bag
from any drugstore. You fill the bag about half-full with very
warm water, hang it up on your shower-head pinching the hose
to prevent water escaping, lubricate the nozzle with olive oil
and insert gently in your rectum, crouch down on all fours on
your knees in the bathtub with your bottom up, and slowly let
the water escape through the hose into your colon. Remain in
this position for one to two minutes and then you will feel the
pressure to eliminate. Do so. Wait another 1-5 minutes and you
may feel the pressure to eliminate again. Do so. Wait again for
5 minutes. Then refill the enema bag and start the whole
process again. Doing this twice in a row will clear any
blockages you may have in your colon and almost instantly
dissolve your detox symptoms. After doing an enema you feel
so clean and clear, it gives you such a feeling of well-being
throughout your body, that you won't want to put anything
clogging into your body again. The enema is a very gentle way
to clean the colon. It is safe to do frequent enemas. However if
it is done to excess, for instance every day for many weeks on
end, then it can actually strip the colon of necessary bacteria.

Exercising While You are on The Orange Juice Diet

It is very good to exercise every day on the OJ Diet. This will
help prevent detox symptoms as toxins are expelled through
your breath, your sweat, and your elimination organs. When
you exercise you are moving your lymph system, the system
responsible for waste removal in your body. This is a system
similar to your blood system but with no pump to move it. The
only way to move your lymph system is to exercise! The old
Native American saying; "Expect poison from stagnant water"
applies just as well to your body as to mountain pools.

An ideal exercise during the OJ Diet is to take a 2 hour walk
each day, outside. If you can only manage a half an hour to an
hour that's fine. If you already have a workout routine that you
are happy with you can keep doing that instead of walking.
Walking helps process toxins, alleviates detox symptoms,
balances your whole being, and exercises every muscle in
your whole body in the most natural way possible. It is aerobic,
strengthening, and stretching, the three types of exercise that
we all need to stay fit, strong, and supple all of our lives.
Walking also gives a glow to your skin, creating more elasticity
which gives you a more youthful appearance. If you can walk
in nature, that is also very healing and health-giving for your
body, mind and spirit.

Caring For Your Teeth on The OJ Diet

Oranges and orange juice contain citric acid. This acid can be
hard on your teeth. Brush your teeth with a natural toothpaste
such as Burt's Bees or Peelu. (Make sure your toothpaste
doesn't contain Lauryl Sulfites or hydrolized vegetable/soy/
wheat protein). Citric acid starts to affect your teeth about 20
minutes after you drink or eat it. So brush your teeth within 15
minutes of drinking OJ. If you are drinking OJ five or six times
a day you want to brush lightly so you don't over-brush and
hurt your gums. If you can't brush your teeth every time, at
least swish with water to rinse your teeth. This will help
somewhat. Also extremely helpful for your teeth is to drink your
OJ with a straw so that the juice actually by-passes your teeth.

The OJ Diet and Diabetes, Hypoglycemia, Candida, etc...

Can you do the OJ Diet if you are diabetic, hypoglycemic or
suffering from candida? Yes! These conditions are usually
worsened by a sugary diet. Again, fruit sugar is a vastly
different nutrient than processed sugar. They are in fact
opposites. I suffered from candida before I became a raw-
vegan. When I was going back and forth between a cooked
and a raw-vegan diet I noticed something very interesting. I
noticed that when I was eating cooked food then any additional
fruit sugar in my diet aggravated my candida. However when I
was eating only raw-vegan foods then I could eat as much fruit
and drink as much fruit juice as I wanted without any candida
symptoms appearing. I could even live on orange juice. This
experience leads me to believe that fruit sugar causes a
different reaction in your body in the presence of cooked foods
or refined sugar.

I have a friend who tests his blood sugar levels using a diabetic
blood testing machine. He has been on a Raw-Vegan Diet for 4
months. He recently tested his blood sugar a half an hour after
drinking 4 cups of a raw fruit smoothie (as opposed to a frozen
commercial smoothie that you get at Jamba Juice and
restaurants). His blood sugar was 105, which is "fasting" level,
as though he hadn't eaten at all! Science will tell you that this is
impossible. However they have not yet taken into account the
difference between testing on a naturally healthy (raw-vegan)
body and a "normal" (cooked) person. The internal
environments in these two types of bodies is so vastly different
that foods will react completely differently in each of them. The
medical profession recommends that we avoid fruit if we have
diabetes, hypoglycemia or candida. They are correct if they are
treating a person who eats a cooked-food diet. However, in the
absence of cooked and processed foods, fruit will heal these
conditions! The best and most reassuring thing to do is test this
for yourself. If you have a condition such as diabetes,
hypoglycemia or candida you should invest in a blood-sugar
testing kit, available at any drugstore for around $70.

The Results of The OJ Diet

By the time you have completed the Orange Juice Diet you will
feel much lighter. You will feel about 10 years younger. You will
look 10 years younger, glowing, vibrant, and healthy. You will
sleep better. You will have an abundance of energy. You will be
more alert and have clarity of mind. You will feel creative and
your emotions will be balanced. You will probably have lost
between 10 and 20 lbs.

Maintaining a Clean Body After the OJ Diet with The Raw-
Vegan Lifestyle

You may want to do the OJ diet one week a month or two
weeks every few months. You may want to include fresh OJ in
your regular diet more often, perhaps replacing one meal each

After finishing the OJ Diet you will feel so clean that you will not
wish to return to an ordinary diet. That is why it is an excellent
way to jump-start a raw-vegan diet. It offers more dramatic and
instant results than just "going raw". It quickly cleans and
detoxifies your system so that you can absorb all of the
nutrients in raw foods. And it leaves you feeling so energetic
and vibrant, vibrating at such a high frequency, that you will not
want to do anything that will bring your energy down again.

We recommend that after the OJ Diet, you go on The Raw-
Vegan Diet, which is not a diet but a lifestyle. The Raw-Vegan
Diet consists of organic unheated fruits, vegetables, nuts,
seeds, grains, raw honey, unrefined sea salt, and cold-pressed
olive, flaxseed and hempseed oils.

The Raw-Vegan Diet is nutrient dense because the foods are
not damaged by heating. The Raw-Vegan Diet is virtually toxin-
free because it consists only of organic (chemical free),
unprocessed (toxin free), and truly natural (found in nature)
foods. The Raw-Vegan Diet is delicious because it uses the
basic building blocks of all the artificial tastes and flavors
manufactured on the planet and because it allows your taste
buds to become highly sensitive. If you allow your body to
become truly hungry before you eat then the food is even more
delicious, as hunger is the best spice! And you are so well-and-
truly-nourished on The Raw-Vegan diet that you will not feel
the need to eat before you are truly hungry.

To eat a Raw-Vegan Diet is very simple. We have detailed
instructions in "The Garden Diet" eBook. To sum it up you shop
from a health-food store, farmers market, and/or directly from
farmers. Your shopping list looks something like this.

Shopping List:

fruits (organic, in season, mostly locally grown)
vegetables (the same as above)
nuts (fresh, organic, in the shell, or in bulk, but preferably
refrigerated if not in the shell)
seeds (bulk hulled sunflower and pumpkin seeds)
tahini (ground sesame seeds)
oils (cold-pressed organic olive, hempseed and flaxseed oils)
olives (raw Kalamata olives)
dates (medjool, from the produce section)
honey (raw, cold-packed)
unrefined sea salt (such as Celtic Sea Salt)

Equipment you may want:

Citrus Juicer (around $20 at a home store)
K-Tec Blender, Vitamix Blender, and/or Food Processor
Vegetable Juicer such as the Greenstar Juicer (greenstar.com)

This equipment is completely optional. You don't actually need
any equipment to do The Raw-Vegan Diet. The highest form of
the Raw-Vegan Diet is eating simple whole foods in their
natural state.

We do not recommend investing in a dehydrator or eating
dehydrated foods. Dehydrated foods have no water in them.
Therefore your body must re-hydrate the foods internally,
taking valuable water from your system. We are skeptical of
whether dehydrated foods contain much nourishment. Cooking
involves heating food at high temperatures for a short time.
Dehydrating food involves heating food at low temperatures for
a long time. If you do the math, it adds up to about the same
thing. Dehydrated foods are concentrated and therefore
stronger tasting than raw foods. This can lead people to eat
dehydrated foods in place of fresh foods. However we
recognize the contribution that dehydrated foods have made in
helping people to create recipes that taste a lot like cooked
foods, thereby helping more people to become interested in
the raw diet. If dehydrated foods are used in moderation during
the transition phase they can help people to make the eventual
transition to a more simple and healthful raw-vegan diet.

Coming Off The OJ Diet

Here is a suggested menu plan for the first four days after The
OJ Diet (See Recipes in The Garden Diet eBook for details):

Day 1
Breakfast - Banana/OJ smoothie (blend OJ and a banana in
your blender)
Lunch - Bananas
Dinner - Fruit Salad (gentle fruits such as banana, mango, and

Day 2
Breakfast - Fruit
Lunch - Baby Green Salad with avocado/lemon dressing
(mash an avocado and add a little lemon juice and pinch of
unrefined sea salt for dressing)
Dinner - OJ

Day 3
Breakfast - Fruit
Lunch - Seedmilk (sunflower seeds soaked for 4-8 hours
blended with water in your blender)
Dinner - Salad

Day 4
Breakfast - Fruit
Lunch - Almond Milk (almonds soaked for 6-12 hours blended
with water in your blender)
Dinner - Salsa and Jicama

See Menu Plan in The Garden Diet eBook for a suggested
menu plan for the next seven days.

After this you should be in tune with your body and ready to
listen to its needs, fine-tuning The Raw-Vegan Diet to your
particular tastes, needs, and lifestyle. Remember to be patient
with yourself. We have been cooked foodists for millions of
years. If you can't change overnight, that's only natural. Every
step that you take towards a raw foods diet is a giant step for
mankind! Never give up! And be gentle with yourself!

Nutrition Charts, from "Nutrition Almanac" Third Edition
by Lavon J. Dunne:

Orange (1 orange):
Calories - 62 gm
Protein - 1.23 gm
Carbohydrate - 15.4 gm
Fiber - 56 gm
Vitamin A - 269 IU
Vitamin B1 - .114 mg
Vitamin B2 - .052 mg
Vitamin B6 - .079 mg
Biotin - 1.8 mcg
Niacin - .369 mg
Pantothenic Acid - .328 mg
Folic Acid - 39.7 mcg
Vitamin C - 69.7 mg
Vitamin E - .43 IU
Calcium - 52 mg
Copper - .059 mg
Iron - .13 mg
Magnesium - 13 mg
Manganese - .033 mg
Phosphorus - 18 mg
Potassium - 237 mg
Selenium - 2.5 mcg
Zinc - .09 mg
Total fat - .16 gm
Cholesterol - 0 mg
Tryptophan - .012 gm
Threonine - .02 gm
Isoleucine - .033 gm
Leucine - .03 gm
Lysine - .062 gm
Methionine - .026 gm
Cystine - .013 gm
Phenylalanine - .041 gm
Tyrosine - .021 gm
Valine - .052 gm
Arginine - .085 gm
Histidine - .024 gm
Alanine - .066 gm
Aspartic acid - .149 gm
Glutamic acid - .123 gm
Glycine - .123 gm
Proline - .06 gm
Serine - .042 gm

Locate Organic Farms and Farmer's Markets Near You


Ordering Organic Oranges Online


We buy our oranges from a wonderful Organic Orange Grove
in Ojai, CA. We can give you the contact information to order
oranges from them upon request. They sell the oranges for
$20.00 for a 40 lb. box. Shipping is expensive so you will want
to calculate your shipping costs at Fedex.com or UPS.com

The Biggest OJ Winner!

- Enter The Biggest OJ Winner! Send your before and
afters to


and we will feature

one of the entrants in Pear Magazine with your interview
and photos! You'll also receive a free package of all our

If you would take a before and after picture of yourself
before and after going on The OJ Diet and send us a
little letter about the results of The OJ Diet on your
health, we would be very happy! Let us know if we may
share the pictures and testimony online or not.
Questions, Photos, and Your Stories may be emailed to
jinjeetalifero@gmail.com or mailed to: The Garden Diet,
226 W. Ojai Ave. Suite 101 - #178 Ojai, CA 93023.

Support Forum / Online Community for The Orange
Juice Diet:



Ekaya Institute of Living Food Education




Ekaya Institute of Living Food Education

, 2000 - 2010

background image

The Orange Juice Diet

An eBook Publication From The Ekaya Institute of Living Food


by Jinjee Talifero

What Is The Orange Juice (OJ) Diet

The Orange Juice Diet is a very simple and beautiful way to
lose weight and rejuvenate in a very short period of time. It is a
2 week diet consisting only of orange juice (and water). You
can drink as much fresh squeezed organic orange juice as you
want. All you need are sun ripened organic oranges and an
electric citrus juicer. Some people would call this an Orange
Juice Fast. However other people say that the word Fasting
should only be applied to a Water Fast. If you are taking
calories into your system, you aren't really fasting. So we call it
The Orange Juice Diet or The OJ Diet. The OJ Diet offers
many of the same beneficial results as a water fast. Orange
Juice is very easy to digest so it gives your system a rest from
digesting. It is less dramatic than water fasting because you
are still taking in food energy. Fruit is a cleansing food so your
cells receive a deep cleaning and clearing out of toxins. Fruit is
a very pure source of energy so our cells also receive a charge
of electric mineral-rich energy. Therefore the OJ Diet gives us a
clarity and a glow; health and rejuvenation on a cellular level.

Where to Get Organic Oranges

You can order organic oranges by the crate. We suggest
ordering 2 to 3 crates/boxes per week per person. Ideally you
would get your oranges directly from an orange grower. If you
live in a Southern State you should take advantage of your
situation and find an organic orange grower near you. To locate
an organic orange grower in your area do an online search,
ask your health-food store, ask at your farmers market, or
check the yellow pages. Even if you have to drive two hours to
get to the farm, it is worth it to buy the oranges directly from the
farmer! This will give you the most affordable and the freshest,
ripest, most vital oranges you can get. If there is a farmers
market in your area that is a great place to get organic oranges
too. Farmers usually pick their oranges the day before the
market to sell at the market, so the oranges would be very
fresh too! If you live elsewhere, ask at your local health-food
store if they can sell you boxes of organic oranges. If not, ask
them if they can order some boxes for you. If you don't have a
local health-food store, you can order through your grocery
store or supermarket. When we lived in Canada we had our
local supermarket order boxes of organic oranges for us.
Depending on where you live the oranges will cost between
$20 and $40 a crate. So your food bill will be about $40-$120
per week during The OJ Diet. (This is probably a lot less than
you spend on food now).

How To Do the OJ Diet

To juice a glass of orange juice simply cut about four oranges
in half and press each half down on the electric juicer. We
purchased our electric citrus juicer at a home appliances store
for $20. It is small and portable, easy to put together, easy to
use, and easy to clean. Clean your juicer immediately after
juicing and all you will have to do is rinse it off. If you don't
clean it right away you'll have to scrub a bit. If you have a
kitchen at your place of work, you can bring your juicer and
oranges with you to work.

Your day on the OJ Diet might look like this: a glass of OJ at
8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, noon, 2:00 PM, 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM.
That's 6 glasses a day. Or you might drink 2 glasses at each of
these times if you prefer. You could drink 2 glasses 3 times a
day if that is easier for you. It really doesn't matter how much,
how little, how often or when you drink the OJ. Do whatever is
comfortable for you. The point is to consume nothing but OJ
and water for 2 weeks. We recommend that you drink 2-8
glasses of water a day in addition to the OJ. One easy way to
ensure that you get enough water is to keep a bottle of water at
your side and drink a couple of sips every 15 minutes or so.
The reason it is important to drink water is because no other
substance has the same cleansing ability as water. And the
orange juice diet is going to put your body into a state of
cleansing. So the water adds additional and important
cleansing strength. Drinking sufficient water and getting
exercise are the two most important things to do to prevent any
uncomfortable detoxification symptoms from occurring while
you are doing the OJ Diet.

Drink the juice immediately. Do not store your juice in the fridge
for later. The orange juice begins to oxidize right away, a
process whereby the juice both loses nutrients and becomes
toxic. Use only fresh squeezed organic orange juice that you
juice yourself. Do not use pasteurized, processed, canned or
any other kind of orange juice. Not only is it completely dead
and devoid of nutrients, but it is actually toxic. You would get
sick and malnourished drinking only pasteurized concentrated
OJ for two weeks. You should also avoid commercial (non-
organic) oranges like the plague. I can actually taste the
chemicals in them. They also have much less nutrition in them
than organic oranges because they are grown in soil that has
been chemically fertilized and chemically treated with
pesticides and herbicides to kill all the bugs and weeds. When
you kill all the bugs and weeds, you destroy the soil's natural
balance and that soil therefore becomes very low in minerals
and nutrients. To take away death is to take away life. The soil
is essentially sterilized. To sterilize something means that you
remove the death force from it, which is the same thing as
removing the life force, because life and death are a part of the
same cycle. This life/death force in foods is called "enzymes".
Enzymes make the food grow and ripen and they also make
the food rot at the end of the cycle of the fruit's life. So killing
the enzymes in food by heating or pasteurizing the food makes
the food last longer on the shelf, but it also removes the life

The oranges must also be tree-ripened or sun-ripened. You
can tell if an orange is ripe by the appearance of the skin. It
should not have any green tinges or green tint to it. It can have
brown spots; these are actually bee stings and indicate that the
orange is good and ripe, and very sweet! The acid in unripe
oranges will upset the balance in your system. When oranges
are allowed to ripen on the tree then the acid turns to beneficial

What Makes Oranges So Nutritious

Oranges are nutrient dense so your body will be receiving far
more nutrition than it is used to. Oranges contain the following
essential vitamins: A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, biotin, niacin,
pantothenic acid, and folic acid. They contain the following
minerals: calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese,
phosphorus, potassium, selenium, and zinc. Oranges also
contain all of the 18 known amino acids. Oranges contain
beneficial carbohydrates, beneficial protein, and beneficial fat!
Yes, each orange even contains .16 gm of fat! Oranges also
contain fiber, electrolytes and organic water. In short, the
orange provides all the nutrition your body needs, with
absolutely no toxins, provided it is organic. You can see the
chart at the bottom of this document for the exact amounts of
each of the above nutrients contained in an orange. It can be
very reassuring to know that you are getting such a rich
quantity of nutrients while you are on the OJ Diet.

The Difference Between Unheated and Heated Fats,
Proteins, and Carbohydrates

All foods are either fats, proteins, or carbohydrates, or usually
a combination of all three. Fats, proteins, and carbohydrates
from fruit are totally beneficial and necessary for proper brain
function. Fats, proteins, and carbohydrates from animal
products or that have been heated are toxic and damaging to
the body. The difference between the unheated fats, proteins,
and carbohydrates in fruits and vegetables vs. the fats,
proteins, and carbohydrates from heated animal products is so
vastly different that they can hardly be considered to be the
same nutrients.

Mother's milk is 2.2% protein. So is OJ and most fruits and
vegetables. Fruit and vegetables are the ultimate food for
nourishing the human body. When you are an infant you
double in size in your first year, eating nothing but mother's
milk. At no other time in your life is your protein intake as
critical. And if 2.2% protein is good enough for an infant, it is
certainly the right amount of protein for a human adult. Storm is
a 54 year old raw-vegan who has eaten a raw-vegan diet
including about 75% fruit for over 30 years. He has built a
muscular body that many people wouldn't believe possible on a
diet that contains no animal protein.

Feeling Satisfied on The Orange Juice Diet

It is almost impossible to feel deprived when you are living on
the most delicious food in the world. Look at a glass of Orange
Juice. It is the most lovely color. It is so thick and full of
nutrients that you can't see through it. And to think that it
comes from a tree! Trees give us oxygen for breathing and
they give us the ultimate food for our bodies! You are drinking
Tree Juice! It is totally addictive in a positive way. Orange juice
is the staple food in our home the way bread is in many
homes. When we run out of oranges we feel like we've run out
of food! When I am hungry, orange juice is what I crave. I like
to drink it sitting in the sun. It reflects the light so beautifully. It
almost absorbs the light, bringing an extra dose of sunshine
into your system. I think of orange juice as liquid sun, liquid
gold. The orange's magical alchemy of turning earth into gold
also works within our body turning our sludge-filled cells into
clear bright building blocks making up a vibrant and dynamic
being. The orange is made from earth, water, sun, and air, ~ it
contains all four main elements in it. It is a perfectly balanced
food. I can't think of anything that tastes better than orange
juice! It goes down so easily, like breathing. It digests almost
instantly, giving you instant energy. And it keeps you energized
for a long time. If all you drank in a day was three glasses of
orange juice you would almost certainly have more energy
than most people who eat three square meals.

What to Expect While You are on The Orange Juice Diet

During the OJ Diet most people will feel an instant increase in
energy and well being. However some people may feel a little
light-headed, dizzy, and low energy. This is caused by toxins
being eliminated from your body. It is nothing to worry about.
Relax and appreciate what your body is doing for you; cleaning
house. If you feel weak, take the day off if you can and lie in
bed doing nothing! This will allow your body to focus all its
energies on cleansing (detoxification).

The OJ Diet will improve your skin, hair, nails, organs,
digestive system, nervous system, electrochemical system,
meridian system, respiratory system, tissue elasticity, muscle
tone, joint function, and brain function.

You will notice results almost immediately, probably within 1-3
days of beginning the diet.

Curing Detox Symptoms with an Enema

If you experience a headache or flu-like symptoms it may be
that your colon is clogged, the toxins being eliminated from
your body are getting stuck in the colon, and you are re-
absorbing toxins back into your system. The instant cure for
this condition is to do an enema. You can buy an enema bag
from any drugstore. You fill the bag about half-full with very
warm water, hang it up on your shower-head pinching the hose
to prevent water escaping, lubricate the nozzle with olive oil
and insert gently in your rectum, crouch down on all fours on
your knees in the bathtub with your bottom up, and slowly let
the water escape through the hose into your colon. Remain in
this position for one to two minutes and then you will feel the
pressure to eliminate. Do so. Wait another 1-5 minutes and you
may feel the pressure to eliminate again. Do so. Wait again for
5 minutes. Then refill the enema bag and start the whole
process again. Doing this twice in a row will clear any
blockages you may have in your colon and almost instantly
dissolve your detox symptoms. After doing an enema you feel
so clean and clear, it gives you such a feeling of well-being
throughout your body, that you won't want to put anything
clogging into your body again. The enema is a very gentle way
to clean the colon. It is safe to do frequent enemas. However if
it is done to excess, for instance every day for many weeks on
end, then it can actually strip the colon of necessary bacteria.

Exercising While You are on The Orange Juice Diet

It is very good to exercise every day on the OJ Diet. This will
help prevent detox symptoms as toxins are expelled through
your breath, your sweat, and your elimination organs. When
you exercise you are moving your lymph system, the system
responsible for waste removal in your body. This is a system
similar to your blood system but with no pump to move it. The
only way to move your lymph system is to exercise! The old
Native American saying; "Expect poison from stagnant water"
applies just as well to your body as to mountain pools.

An ideal exercise during the OJ Diet is to take a 2 hour walk
each day, outside. If you can only manage a half an hour to an
hour that's fine. If you already have a workout routine that you
are happy with you can keep doing that instead of walking.
Walking helps process toxins, alleviates detox symptoms,
balances your whole being, and exercises every muscle in
your whole body in the most natural way possible. It is aerobic,
strengthening, and stretching, the three types of exercise that
we all need to stay fit, strong, and supple all of our lives.
Walking also gives a glow to your skin, creating more elasticity
which gives you a more youthful appearance. If you can walk
in nature, that is also very healing and health-giving for your
body, mind and spirit.

Caring For Your Teeth on The OJ Diet

Oranges and orange juice contain citric acid. This acid can be
hard on your teeth. Brush your teeth with a natural toothpaste
such as Burt's Bees or Peelu. (Make sure your toothpaste
doesn't contain Lauryl Sulfites or hydrolized vegetable/soy/
wheat protein). Citric acid starts to affect your teeth about 20
minutes after you drink or eat it. So brush your teeth within 15
minutes of drinking OJ. If you are drinking OJ five or six times
a day you want to brush lightly so you don't over-brush and
hurt your gums. If you can't brush your teeth every time, at
least swish with water to rinse your teeth. This will help
somewhat. Also extremely helpful for your teeth is to drink your
OJ with a straw so that the juice actually by-passes your teeth.

The OJ Diet and Diabetes, Hypoglycemia, Candida, etc...

Can you do the OJ Diet if you are diabetic, hypoglycemic or
suffering from candida? Yes! These conditions are usually
worsened by a sugary diet. Again, fruit sugar is a vastly
different nutrient than processed sugar. They are in fact
opposites. I suffered from candida before I became a raw-
vegan. When I was going back and forth between a cooked
and a raw-vegan diet I noticed something very interesting. I
noticed that when I was eating cooked food then any additional
fruit sugar in my diet aggravated my candida. However when I
was eating only raw-vegan foods then I could eat as much fruit
and drink as much fruit juice as I wanted without any candida
symptoms appearing. I could even live on orange juice. This
experience leads me to believe that fruit sugar causes a
different reaction in your body in the presence of cooked foods
or refined sugar.

I have a friend who tests his blood sugar levels using a diabetic
blood testing machine. He has been on a Raw-Vegan Diet for 4
months. He recently tested his blood sugar a half an hour after
drinking 4 cups of a raw fruit smoothie (as opposed to a frozen
commercial smoothie that you get at Jamba Juice and
restaurants). His blood sugar was 105, which is "fasting" level,
as though he hadn't eaten at all! Science will tell you that this is
impossible. However they have not yet taken into account the
difference between testing on a naturally healthy (raw-vegan)
body and a "normal" (cooked) person. The internal
environments in these two types of bodies is so vastly different
that foods will react completely differently in each of them. The
medical profession recommends that we avoid fruit if we have
diabetes, hypoglycemia or candida. They are correct if they are
treating a person who eats a cooked-food diet. However, in the
absence of cooked and processed foods, fruit will heal these
conditions! The best and most reassuring thing to do is test this
for yourself. If you have a condition such as diabetes,
hypoglycemia or candida you should invest in a blood-sugar
testing kit, available at any drugstore for around $70.

The Results of The OJ Diet

By the time you have completed the Orange Juice Diet you will
feel much lighter. You will feel about 10 years younger. You will
look 10 years younger, glowing, vibrant, and healthy. You will
sleep better. You will have an abundance of energy. You will be
more alert and have clarity of mind. You will feel creative and
your emotions will be balanced. You will probably have lost
between 10 and 20 lbs.

Maintaining a Clean Body After the OJ Diet with The Raw-
Vegan Lifestyle

You may want to do the OJ diet one week a month or two
weeks every few months. You may want to include fresh OJ in
your regular diet more often, perhaps replacing one meal each

After finishing the OJ Diet you will feel so clean that you will not
wish to return to an ordinary diet. That is why it is an excellent
way to jump-start a raw-vegan diet. It offers more dramatic and
instant results than just "going raw". It quickly cleans and
detoxifies your system so that you can absorb all of the
nutrients in raw foods. And it leaves you feeling so energetic
and vibrant, vibrating at such a high frequency, that you will not
want to do anything that will bring your energy down again.

We recommend that after the OJ Diet, you go on The Raw-
Vegan Diet, which is not a diet but a lifestyle. The Raw-Vegan
Diet consists of organic unheated fruits, vegetables, nuts,
seeds, grains, raw honey, unrefined sea salt, and cold-pressed
olive, flaxseed and hempseed oils.

The Raw-Vegan Diet is nutrient dense because the foods are
not damaged by heating. The Raw-Vegan Diet is virtually toxin-
free because it consists only of organic (chemical free),
unprocessed (toxin free), and truly natural (found in nature)
foods. The Raw-Vegan Diet is delicious because it uses the
basic building blocks of all the artificial tastes and flavors
manufactured on the planet and because it allows your taste
buds to become highly sensitive. If you allow your body to
become truly hungry before you eat then the food is even more
delicious, as hunger is the best spice! And you are so well-and-
truly-nourished on The Raw-Vegan diet that you will not feel
the need to eat before you are truly hungry.

To eat a Raw-Vegan Diet is very simple. We have detailed
instructions in "The Garden Diet" eBook. To sum it up you shop
from a health-food store, farmers market, and/or directly from
farmers. Your shopping list looks something like this.

Shopping List:

fruits (organic, in season, mostly locally grown)
vegetables (the same as above)
nuts (fresh, organic, in the shell, or in bulk, but preferably
refrigerated if not in the shell)
seeds (bulk hulled sunflower and pumpkin seeds)
tahini (ground sesame seeds)
oils (cold-pressed organic olive, hempseed and flaxseed oils)
olives (raw Kalamata olives)
dates (medjool, from the produce section)
honey (raw, cold-packed)
unrefined sea salt (such as Celtic Sea Salt)

Equipment you may want:

Citrus Juicer (around $20 at a home store)
K-Tec Blender, Vitamix Blender, and/or Food Processor
Vegetable Juicer such as the Greenstar Juicer (greenstar.com)

This equipment is completely optional. You don't actually need
any equipment to do The Raw-Vegan Diet. The highest form of
the Raw-Vegan Diet is eating simple whole foods in their
natural state.

We do not recommend investing in a dehydrator or eating
dehydrated foods. Dehydrated foods have no water in them.
Therefore your body must re-hydrate the foods internally,
taking valuable water from your system. We are skeptical of
whether dehydrated foods contain much nourishment. Cooking
involves heating food at high temperatures for a short time.
Dehydrating food involves heating food at low temperatures for
a long time. If you do the math, it adds up to about the same
thing. Dehydrated foods are concentrated and therefore
stronger tasting than raw foods. This can lead people to eat
dehydrated foods in place of fresh foods. However we
recognize the contribution that dehydrated foods have made in
helping people to create recipes that taste a lot like cooked
foods, thereby helping more people to become interested in
the raw diet. If dehydrated foods are used in moderation during
the transition phase they can help people to make the eventual
transition to a more simple and healthful raw-vegan diet.

Coming Off The OJ Diet

Here is a suggested menu plan for the first four days after The
OJ Diet (See Recipes in The Garden Diet eBook for details):

Day 1
Breakfast - Banana/OJ smoothie (blend OJ and a banana in
your blender)
Lunch - Bananas
Dinner - Fruit Salad (gentle fruits such as banana, mango, and

Day 2
Breakfast - Fruit
Lunch - Baby Green Salad with avocado/lemon dressing
(mash an avocado and add a little lemon juice and pinch of
unrefined sea salt for dressing)
Dinner - OJ

Day 3
Breakfast - Fruit
Lunch - Seedmilk (sunflower seeds soaked for 4-8 hours
blended with water in your blender)
Dinner - Salad

Day 4
Breakfast - Fruit
Lunch - Almond Milk (almonds soaked for 6-12 hours blended
with water in your blender)
Dinner - Salsa and Jicama

See Menu Plan in The Garden Diet eBook for a suggested
menu plan for the next seven days.

After this you should be in tune with your body and ready to
listen to its needs, fine-tuning The Raw-Vegan Diet to your
particular tastes, needs, and lifestyle. Remember to be patient
with yourself. We have been cooked foodists for millions of
years. If you can't change overnight, that's only natural. Every
step that you take towards a raw foods diet is a giant step for
mankind! Never give up! And be gentle with yourself!

Nutrition Charts, from "Nutrition Almanac" Third Edition
by Lavon J. Dunne:

Orange (1 orange):
Calories - 62 gm
Protein - 1.23 gm
Carbohydrate - 15.4 gm
Fiber - 56 gm
Vitamin A - 269 IU
Vitamin B1 - .114 mg
Vitamin B2 - .052 mg
Vitamin B6 - .079 mg
Biotin - 1.8 mcg
Niacin - .369 mg
Pantothenic Acid - .328 mg
Folic Acid - 39.7 mcg
Vitamin C - 69.7 mg
Vitamin E - .43 IU
Calcium - 52 mg
Copper - .059 mg
Iron - .13 mg
Magnesium - 13 mg
Manganese - .033 mg
Phosphorus - 18 mg
Potassium - 237 mg
Selenium - 2.5 mcg
Zinc - .09 mg
Total fat - .16 gm
Cholesterol - 0 mg
Tryptophan - .012 gm
Threonine - .02 gm
Isoleucine - .033 gm
Leucine - .03 gm
Lysine - .062 gm
Methionine - .026 gm
Cystine - .013 gm
Phenylalanine - .041 gm
Tyrosine - .021 gm
Valine - .052 gm
Arginine - .085 gm
Histidine - .024 gm
Alanine - .066 gm
Aspartic acid - .149 gm
Glutamic acid - .123 gm
Glycine - .123 gm
Proline - .06 gm
Serine - .042 gm

Locate Organic Farms and Farmer's Markets Near You


Ordering Organic Oranges Online


We buy our oranges from a wonderful Organic Orange Grove
in Ojai, CA. We can give you the contact information to order
oranges from them upon request. They sell the oranges for
$20.00 for a 40 lb. box. Shipping is expensive so you will want
to calculate your shipping costs at Fedex.com or UPS.com

The Biggest OJ Winner!

- Enter The Biggest OJ Winner! Send your before and
afters to


and we will feature

one of the entrants in Pear Magazine with your interview
and photos! You'll also receive a free package of all our

If you would take a before and after picture of yourself
before and after going on The OJ Diet and send us a
little letter about the results of The OJ Diet on your
health, we would be very happy! Let us know if we may
share the pictures and testimony online or not.
Questions, Photos, and Your Stories may be emailed to
jinjeetalifero@gmail.com or mailed to: The Garden Diet,
226 W. Ojai Ave. Suite 101 - #178 Ojai, CA 93023.

Support Forum / Online Community for The Orange
Juice Diet:



Ekaya Institute of Living Food Education




Ekaya Institute of Living Food Education

, 2000 - 2010

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The Orange Juice Diet

An eBook Publication From The Ekaya Institute of Living Food


by Jinjee Talifero

What Is The Orange Juice (OJ) Diet

The Orange Juice Diet is a very simple and beautiful way to
lose weight and rejuvenate in a very short period of time. It is a
2 week diet consisting only of orange juice (and water). You
can drink as much fresh squeezed organic orange juice as you
want. All you need are sun ripened organic oranges and an
electric citrus juicer. Some people would call this an Orange
Juice Fast. However other people say that the word Fasting
should only be applied to a Water Fast. If you are taking
calories into your system, you aren't really fasting. So we call it
The Orange Juice Diet or The OJ Diet. The OJ Diet offers
many of the same beneficial results as a water fast. Orange
Juice is very easy to digest so it gives your system a rest from
digesting. It is less dramatic than water fasting because you
are still taking in food energy. Fruit is a cleansing food so your
cells receive a deep cleaning and clearing out of toxins. Fruit is
a very pure source of energy so our cells also receive a charge
of electric mineral-rich energy. Therefore the OJ Diet gives us a
clarity and a glow; health and rejuvenation on a cellular level.

Where to Get Organic Oranges

You can order organic oranges by the crate. We suggest
ordering 2 to 3 crates/boxes per week per person. Ideally you
would get your oranges directly from an orange grower. If you
live in a Southern State you should take advantage of your
situation and find an organic orange grower near you. To locate
an organic orange grower in your area do an online search,
ask your health-food store, ask at your farmers market, or
check the yellow pages. Even if you have to drive two hours to
get to the farm, it is worth it to buy the oranges directly from the
farmer! This will give you the most affordable and the freshest,
ripest, most vital oranges you can get. If there is a farmers
market in your area that is a great place to get organic oranges
too. Farmers usually pick their oranges the day before the
market to sell at the market, so the oranges would be very
fresh too! If you live elsewhere, ask at your local health-food
store if they can sell you boxes of organic oranges. If not, ask
them if they can order some boxes for you. If you don't have a
local health-food store, you can order through your grocery
store or supermarket. When we lived in Canada we had our
local supermarket order boxes of organic oranges for us.
Depending on where you live the oranges will cost between
$20 and $40 a crate. So your food bill will be about $40-$120
per week during The OJ Diet. (This is probably a lot less than
you spend on food now).

How To Do the OJ Diet

To juice a glass of orange juice simply cut about four oranges
in half and press each half down on the electric juicer. We
purchased our electric citrus juicer at a home appliances store
for $20. It is small and portable, easy to put together, easy to
use, and easy to clean. Clean your juicer immediately after
juicing and all you will have to do is rinse it off. If you don't
clean it right away you'll have to scrub a bit. If you have a
kitchen at your place of work, you can bring your juicer and
oranges with you to work.

Your day on the OJ Diet might look like this: a glass of OJ at
8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, noon, 2:00 PM, 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM.
That's 6 glasses a day. Or you might drink 2 glasses at each of
these times if you prefer. You could drink 2 glasses 3 times a
day if that is easier for you. It really doesn't matter how much,
how little, how often or when you drink the OJ. Do whatever is
comfortable for you. The point is to consume nothing but OJ
and water for 2 weeks. We recommend that you drink 2-8
glasses of water a day in addition to the OJ. One easy way to
ensure that you get enough water is to keep a bottle of water at
your side and drink a couple of sips every 15 minutes or so.
The reason it is important to drink water is because no other
substance has the same cleansing ability as water. And the
orange juice diet is going to put your body into a state of
cleansing. So the water adds additional and important
cleansing strength. Drinking sufficient water and getting
exercise are the two most important things to do to prevent any
uncomfortable detoxification symptoms from occurring while
you are doing the OJ Diet.

Drink the juice immediately. Do not store your juice in the fridge
for later. The orange juice begins to oxidize right away, a
process whereby the juice both loses nutrients and becomes
toxic. Use only fresh squeezed organic orange juice that you
juice yourself. Do not use pasteurized, processed, canned or
any other kind of orange juice. Not only is it completely dead
and devoid of nutrients, but it is actually toxic. You would get
sick and malnourished drinking only pasteurized concentrated
OJ for two weeks. You should also avoid commercial (non-
organic) oranges like the plague. I can actually taste the
chemicals in them. They also have much less nutrition in them
than organic oranges because they are grown in soil that has
been chemically fertilized and chemically treated with
pesticides and herbicides to kill all the bugs and weeds. When
you kill all the bugs and weeds, you destroy the soil's natural
balance and that soil therefore becomes very low in minerals
and nutrients. To take away death is to take away life. The soil
is essentially sterilized. To sterilize something means that you
remove the death force from it, which is the same thing as
removing the life force, because life and death are a part of the
same cycle. This life/death force in foods is called "enzymes".
Enzymes make the food grow and ripen and they also make
the food rot at the end of the cycle of the fruit's life. So killing
the enzymes in food by heating or pasteurizing the food makes
the food last longer on the shelf, but it also removes the life

The oranges must also be tree-ripened or sun-ripened. You
can tell if an orange is ripe by the appearance of the skin. It
should not have any green tinges or green tint to it. It can have
brown spots; these are actually bee stings and indicate that the
orange is good and ripe, and very sweet! The acid in unripe
oranges will upset the balance in your system. When oranges
are allowed to ripen on the tree then the acid turns to beneficial

What Makes Oranges So Nutritious

Oranges are nutrient dense so your body will be receiving far
more nutrition than it is used to. Oranges contain the following
essential vitamins: A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, biotin, niacin,
pantothenic acid, and folic acid. They contain the following
minerals: calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese,
phosphorus, potassium, selenium, and zinc. Oranges also
contain all of the 18 known amino acids. Oranges contain
beneficial carbohydrates, beneficial protein, and beneficial fat!
Yes, each orange even contains .16 gm of fat! Oranges also
contain fiber, electrolytes and organic water. In short, the
orange provides all the nutrition your body needs, with
absolutely no toxins, provided it is organic. You can see the
chart at the bottom of this document for the exact amounts of
each of the above nutrients contained in an orange. It can be
very reassuring to know that you are getting such a rich
quantity of nutrients while you are on the OJ Diet.

The Difference Between Unheated and Heated Fats,
Proteins, and Carbohydrates

All foods are either fats, proteins, or carbohydrates, or usually
a combination of all three. Fats, proteins, and carbohydrates
from fruit are totally beneficial and necessary for proper brain
function. Fats, proteins, and carbohydrates from animal
products or that have been heated are toxic and damaging to
the body. The difference between the unheated fats, proteins,
and carbohydrates in fruits and vegetables vs. the fats,
proteins, and carbohydrates from heated animal products is so
vastly different that they can hardly be considered to be the
same nutrients.

Mother's milk is 2.2% protein. So is OJ and most fruits and
vegetables. Fruit and vegetables are the ultimate food for
nourishing the human body. When you are an infant you
double in size in your first year, eating nothing but mother's
milk. At no other time in your life is your protein intake as
critical. And if 2.2% protein is good enough for an infant, it is
certainly the right amount of protein for a human adult. Storm is
a 54 year old raw-vegan who has eaten a raw-vegan diet
including about 75% fruit for over 30 years. He has built a
muscular body that many people wouldn't believe possible on a
diet that contains no animal protein.

Feeling Satisfied on The Orange Juice Diet

It is almost impossible to feel deprived when you are living on
the most delicious food in the world. Look at a glass of Orange
Juice. It is the most lovely color. It is so thick and full of
nutrients that you can't see through it. And to think that it
comes from a tree! Trees give us oxygen for breathing and
they give us the ultimate food for our bodies! You are drinking
Tree Juice! It is totally addictive in a positive way. Orange juice
is the staple food in our home the way bread is in many
homes. When we run out of oranges we feel like we've run out
of food! When I am hungry, orange juice is what I crave. I like
to drink it sitting in the sun. It reflects the light so beautifully. It
almost absorbs the light, bringing an extra dose of sunshine
into your system. I think of orange juice as liquid sun, liquid
gold. The orange's magical alchemy of turning earth into gold
also works within our body turning our sludge-filled cells into
clear bright building blocks making up a vibrant and dynamic
being. The orange is made from earth, water, sun, and air, ~ it
contains all four main elements in it. It is a perfectly balanced
food. I can't think of anything that tastes better than orange
juice! It goes down so easily, like breathing. It digests almost
instantly, giving you instant energy. And it keeps you energized
for a long time. If all you drank in a day was three glasses of
orange juice you would almost certainly have more energy
than most people who eat three square meals.

What to Expect While You are on The Orange Juice Diet

During the OJ Diet most people will feel an instant increase in
energy and well being. However some people may feel a little
light-headed, dizzy, and low energy. This is caused by toxins
being eliminated from your body. It is nothing to worry about.
Relax and appreciate what your body is doing for you; cleaning
house. If you feel weak, take the day off if you can and lie in
bed doing nothing! This will allow your body to focus all its
energies on cleansing (detoxification).

The OJ Diet will improve your skin, hair, nails, organs,
digestive system, nervous system, electrochemical system,
meridian system, respiratory system, tissue elasticity, muscle
tone, joint function, and brain function.

You will notice results almost immediately, probably within 1-3
days of beginning the diet.

Curing Detox Symptoms with an Enema

If you experience a headache or flu-like symptoms it may be
that your colon is clogged, the toxins being eliminated from
your body are getting stuck in the colon, and you are re-
absorbing toxins back into your system. The instant cure for
this condition is to do an enema. You can buy an enema bag
from any drugstore. You fill the bag about half-full with very
warm water, hang it up on your shower-head pinching the hose
to prevent water escaping, lubricate the nozzle with olive oil
and insert gently in your rectum, crouch down on all fours on
your knees in the bathtub with your bottom up, and slowly let
the water escape through the hose into your colon. Remain in
this position for one to two minutes and then you will feel the
pressure to eliminate. Do so. Wait another 1-5 minutes and you
may feel the pressure to eliminate again. Do so. Wait again for
5 minutes. Then refill the enema bag and start the whole
process again. Doing this twice in a row will clear any
blockages you may have in your colon and almost instantly
dissolve your detox symptoms. After doing an enema you feel
so clean and clear, it gives you such a feeling of well-being
throughout your body, that you won't want to put anything
clogging into your body again. The enema is a very gentle way
to clean the colon. It is safe to do frequent enemas. However if
it is done to excess, for instance every day for many weeks on
end, then it can actually strip the colon of necessary bacteria.

Exercising While You are on The Orange Juice Diet

It is very good to exercise every day on the OJ Diet. This will
help prevent detox symptoms as toxins are expelled through
your breath, your sweat, and your elimination organs. When
you exercise you are moving your lymph system, the system
responsible for waste removal in your body. This is a system
similar to your blood system but with no pump to move it. The
only way to move your lymph system is to exercise! The old
Native American saying; "Expect poison from stagnant water"
applies just as well to your body as to mountain pools.

An ideal exercise during the OJ Diet is to take a 2 hour walk
each day, outside. If you can only manage a half an hour to an
hour that's fine. If you already have a workout routine that you
are happy with you can keep doing that instead of walking.
Walking helps process toxins, alleviates detox symptoms,
balances your whole being, and exercises every muscle in
your whole body in the most natural way possible. It is aerobic,
strengthening, and stretching, the three types of exercise that
we all need to stay fit, strong, and supple all of our lives.
Walking also gives a glow to your skin, creating more elasticity
which gives you a more youthful appearance. If you can walk
in nature, that is also very healing and health-giving for your
body, mind and spirit.

Caring For Your Teeth on The OJ Diet

Oranges and orange juice contain citric acid. This acid can be
hard on your teeth. Brush your teeth with a natural toothpaste
such as Burt's Bees or Peelu. (Make sure your toothpaste
doesn't contain Lauryl Sulfites or hydrolized vegetable/soy/
wheat protein). Citric acid starts to affect your teeth about 20
minutes after you drink or eat it. So brush your teeth within 15
minutes of drinking OJ. If you are drinking OJ five or six times
a day you want to brush lightly so you don't over-brush and
hurt your gums. If you can't brush your teeth every time, at
least swish with water to rinse your teeth. This will help
somewhat. Also extremely helpful for your teeth is to drink your
OJ with a straw so that the juice actually by-passes your teeth.

The OJ Diet and Diabetes, Hypoglycemia, Candida, etc...

Can you do the OJ Diet if you are diabetic, hypoglycemic or
suffering from candida? Yes! These conditions are usually
worsened by a sugary diet. Again, fruit sugar is a vastly
different nutrient than processed sugar. They are in fact
opposites. I suffered from candida before I became a raw-
vegan. When I was going back and forth between a cooked
and a raw-vegan diet I noticed something very interesting. I
noticed that when I was eating cooked food then any additional
fruit sugar in my diet aggravated my candida. However when I
was eating only raw-vegan foods then I could eat as much fruit
and drink as much fruit juice as I wanted without any candida
symptoms appearing. I could even live on orange juice. This
experience leads me to believe that fruit sugar causes a
different reaction in your body in the presence of cooked foods
or refined sugar.

I have a friend who tests his blood sugar levels using a diabetic
blood testing machine. He has been on a Raw-Vegan Diet for 4
months. He recently tested his blood sugar a half an hour after
drinking 4 cups of a raw fruit smoothie (as opposed to a frozen
commercial smoothie that you get at Jamba Juice and
restaurants). His blood sugar was 105, which is "fasting" level,
as though he hadn't eaten at all! Science will tell you that this is
impossible. However they have not yet taken into account the
difference between testing on a naturally healthy (raw-vegan)
body and a "normal" (cooked) person. The internal
environments in these two types of bodies is so vastly different
that foods will react completely differently in each of them. The
medical profession recommends that we avoid fruit if we have
diabetes, hypoglycemia or candida. They are correct if they are
treating a person who eats a cooked-food diet. However, in the
absence of cooked and processed foods, fruit will heal these
conditions! The best and most reassuring thing to do is test this
for yourself. If you have a condition such as diabetes,
hypoglycemia or candida you should invest in a blood-sugar
testing kit, available at any drugstore for around $70.

The Results of The OJ Diet

By the time you have completed the Orange Juice Diet you will
feel much lighter. You will feel about 10 years younger. You will
look 10 years younger, glowing, vibrant, and healthy. You will
sleep better. You will have an abundance of energy. You will be
more alert and have clarity of mind. You will feel creative and
your emotions will be balanced. You will probably have lost
between 10 and 20 lbs.

Maintaining a Clean Body After the OJ Diet with The Raw-
Vegan Lifestyle

You may want to do the OJ diet one week a month or two
weeks every few months. You may want to include fresh OJ in
your regular diet more often, perhaps replacing one meal each

After finishing the OJ Diet you will feel so clean that you will not
wish to return to an ordinary diet. That is why it is an excellent
way to jump-start a raw-vegan diet. It offers more dramatic and
instant results than just "going raw". It quickly cleans and
detoxifies your system so that you can absorb all of the
nutrients in raw foods. And it leaves you feeling so energetic
and vibrant, vibrating at such a high frequency, that you will not
want to do anything that will bring your energy down again.

We recommend that after the OJ Diet, you go on The Raw-
Vegan Diet, which is not a diet but a lifestyle. The Raw-Vegan
Diet consists of organic unheated fruits, vegetables, nuts,
seeds, grains, raw honey, unrefined sea salt, and cold-pressed
olive, flaxseed and hempseed oils.

The Raw-Vegan Diet is nutrient dense because the foods are
not damaged by heating. The Raw-Vegan Diet is virtually toxin-
free because it consists only of organic (chemical free),
unprocessed (toxin free), and truly natural (found in nature)
foods. The Raw-Vegan Diet is delicious because it uses the
basic building blocks of all the artificial tastes and flavors
manufactured on the planet and because it allows your taste
buds to become highly sensitive. If you allow your body to
become truly hungry before you eat then the food is even more
delicious, as hunger is the best spice! And you are so well-and-
truly-nourished on The Raw-Vegan diet that you will not feel
the need to eat before you are truly hungry.

To eat a Raw-Vegan Diet is very simple. We have detailed
instructions in "The Garden Diet" eBook. To sum it up you shop
from a health-food store, farmers market, and/or directly from
farmers. Your shopping list looks something like this.

Shopping List:

fruits (organic, in season, mostly locally grown)
vegetables (the same as above)
nuts (fresh, organic, in the shell, or in bulk, but preferably
refrigerated if not in the shell)
seeds (bulk hulled sunflower and pumpkin seeds)
tahini (ground sesame seeds)
oils (cold-pressed organic olive, hempseed and flaxseed oils)
olives (raw Kalamata olives)
dates (medjool, from the produce section)
honey (raw, cold-packed)
unrefined sea salt (such as Celtic Sea Salt)

Equipment you may want:

Citrus Juicer (around $20 at a home store)
K-Tec Blender, Vitamix Blender, and/or Food Processor
Vegetable Juicer such as the Greenstar Juicer (greenstar.com)

This equipment is completely optional. You don't actually need
any equipment to do The Raw-Vegan Diet. The highest form of
the Raw-Vegan Diet is eating simple whole foods in their
natural state.

We do not recommend investing in a dehydrator or eating
dehydrated foods. Dehydrated foods have no water in them.
Therefore your body must re-hydrate the foods internally,
taking valuable water from your system. We are skeptical of
whether dehydrated foods contain much nourishment. Cooking
involves heating food at high temperatures for a short time.
Dehydrating food involves heating food at low temperatures for
a long time. If you do the math, it adds up to about the same
thing. Dehydrated foods are concentrated and therefore
stronger tasting than raw foods. This can lead people to eat
dehydrated foods in place of fresh foods. However we
recognize the contribution that dehydrated foods have made in
helping people to create recipes that taste a lot like cooked
foods, thereby helping more people to become interested in
the raw diet. If dehydrated foods are used in moderation during
the transition phase they can help people to make the eventual
transition to a more simple and healthful raw-vegan diet.

Coming Off The OJ Diet

Here is a suggested menu plan for the first four days after The
OJ Diet (See Recipes in The Garden Diet eBook for details):

Day 1
Breakfast - Banana/OJ smoothie (blend OJ and a banana in
your blender)
Lunch - Bananas
Dinner - Fruit Salad (gentle fruits such as banana, mango, and

Day 2
Breakfast - Fruit
Lunch - Baby Green Salad with avocado/lemon dressing
(mash an avocado and add a little lemon juice and pinch of
unrefined sea salt for dressing)
Dinner - OJ

Day 3
Breakfast - Fruit
Lunch - Seedmilk (sunflower seeds soaked for 4-8 hours
blended with water in your blender)
Dinner - Salad

Day 4
Breakfast - Fruit
Lunch - Almond Milk (almonds soaked for 6-12 hours blended
with water in your blender)
Dinner - Salsa and Jicama

See Menu Plan in The Garden Diet eBook for a suggested
menu plan for the next seven days.

After this you should be in tune with your body and ready to
listen to its needs, fine-tuning The Raw-Vegan Diet to your
particular tastes, needs, and lifestyle. Remember to be patient
with yourself. We have been cooked foodists for millions of
years. If you can't change overnight, that's only natural. Every
step that you take towards a raw foods diet is a giant step for
mankind! Never give up! And be gentle with yourself!

Nutrition Charts, from "Nutrition Almanac" Third Edition
by Lavon J. Dunne:

Orange (1 orange):
Calories - 62 gm
Protein - 1.23 gm
Carbohydrate - 15.4 gm
Fiber - 56 gm
Vitamin A - 269 IU
Vitamin B1 - .114 mg
Vitamin B2 - .052 mg
Vitamin B6 - .079 mg
Biotin - 1.8 mcg
Niacin - .369 mg
Pantothenic Acid - .328 mg
Folic Acid - 39.7 mcg
Vitamin C - 69.7 mg
Vitamin E - .43 IU
Calcium - 52 mg
Copper - .059 mg
Iron - .13 mg
Magnesium - 13 mg
Manganese - .033 mg
Phosphorus - 18 mg
Potassium - 237 mg
Selenium - 2.5 mcg
Zinc - .09 mg
Total fat - .16 gm
Cholesterol - 0 mg
Tryptophan - .012 gm
Threonine - .02 gm
Isoleucine - .033 gm
Leucine - .03 gm
Lysine - .062 gm
Methionine - .026 gm
Cystine - .013 gm
Phenylalanine - .041 gm
Tyrosine - .021 gm
Valine - .052 gm
Arginine - .085 gm
Histidine - .024 gm
Alanine - .066 gm
Aspartic acid - .149 gm
Glutamic acid - .123 gm
Glycine - .123 gm
Proline - .06 gm
Serine - .042 gm

Locate Organic Farms and Farmer's Markets Near You


Ordering Organic Oranges Online


We buy our oranges from a wonderful Organic Orange Grove
in Ojai, CA. We can give you the contact information to order
oranges from them upon request. They sell the oranges for
$20.00 for a 40 lb. box. Shipping is expensive so you will want
to calculate your shipping costs at Fedex.com or UPS.com

The Biggest OJ Winner!

- Enter The Biggest OJ Winner! Send your before and
afters to


and we will feature

one of the entrants in Pear Magazine with your interview
and photos! You'll also receive a free package of all our

If you would take a before and after picture of yourself
before and after going on The OJ Diet and send us a
little letter about the results of The OJ Diet on your
health, we would be very happy! Let us know if we may
share the pictures and testimony online or not.
Questions, Photos, and Your Stories may be emailed to
jinjeetalifero@gmail.com or mailed to: The Garden Diet,
226 W. Ojai Ave. Suite 101 - #178 Ojai, CA 93023.

Support Forum / Online Community for The Orange
Juice Diet:



Ekaya Institute of Living Food Education




Ekaya Institute of Living Food Education

, 2000 - 2010

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The Orange Juice Diet

An eBook Publication From The Ekaya Institute of Living Food


by Jinjee Talifero

What Is The Orange Juice (OJ) Diet

The Orange Juice Diet is a very simple and beautiful way to
lose weight and rejuvenate in a very short period of time. It is a
2 week diet consisting only of orange juice (and water). You
can drink as much fresh squeezed organic orange juice as you
want. All you need are sun ripened organic oranges and an
electric citrus juicer. Some people would call this an Orange
Juice Fast. However other people say that the word Fasting
should only be applied to a Water Fast. If you are taking
calories into your system, you aren't really fasting. So we call it
The Orange Juice Diet or The OJ Diet. The OJ Diet offers
many of the same beneficial results as a water fast. Orange
Juice is very easy to digest so it gives your system a rest from
digesting. It is less dramatic than water fasting because you
are still taking in food energy. Fruit is a cleansing food so your
cells receive a deep cleaning and clearing out of toxins. Fruit is
a very pure source of energy so our cells also receive a charge
of electric mineral-rich energy. Therefore the OJ Diet gives us a
clarity and a glow; health and rejuvenation on a cellular level.

Where to Get Organic Oranges

You can order organic oranges by the crate. We suggest
ordering 2 to 3 crates/boxes per week per person. Ideally you
would get your oranges directly from an orange grower. If you
live in a Southern State you should take advantage of your
situation and find an organic orange grower near you. To locate
an organic orange grower in your area do an online search,
ask your health-food store, ask at your farmers market, or
check the yellow pages. Even if you have to drive two hours to
get to the farm, it is worth it to buy the oranges directly from the
farmer! This will give you the most affordable and the freshest,
ripest, most vital oranges you can get. If there is a farmers
market in your area that is a great place to get organic oranges
too. Farmers usually pick their oranges the day before the
market to sell at the market, so the oranges would be very
fresh too! If you live elsewhere, ask at your local health-food
store if they can sell you boxes of organic oranges. If not, ask
them if they can order some boxes for you. If you don't have a
local health-food store, you can order through your grocery
store or supermarket. When we lived in Canada we had our
local supermarket order boxes of organic oranges for us.
Depending on where you live the oranges will cost between
$20 and $40 a crate. So your food bill will be about $40-$120
per week during The OJ Diet. (This is probably a lot less than
you spend on food now).

How To Do the OJ Diet

To juice a glass of orange juice simply cut about four oranges
in half and press each half down on the electric juicer. We
purchased our electric citrus juicer at a home appliances store
for $20. It is small and portable, easy to put together, easy to
use, and easy to clean. Clean your juicer immediately after
juicing and all you will have to do is rinse it off. If you don't
clean it right away you'll have to scrub a bit. If you have a
kitchen at your place of work, you can bring your juicer and
oranges with you to work.

Your day on the OJ Diet might look like this: a glass of OJ at
8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, noon, 2:00 PM, 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM.
That's 6 glasses a day. Or you might drink 2 glasses at each of
these times if you prefer. You could drink 2 glasses 3 times a
day if that is easier for you. It really doesn't matter how much,
how little, how often or when you drink the OJ. Do whatever is
comfortable for you. The point is to consume nothing but OJ
and water for 2 weeks. We recommend that you drink 2-8
glasses of water a day in addition to the OJ. One easy way to
ensure that you get enough water is to keep a bottle of water at
your side and drink a couple of sips every 15 minutes or so.
The reason it is important to drink water is because no other
substance has the same cleansing ability as water. And the
orange juice diet is going to put your body into a state of
cleansing. So the water adds additional and important
cleansing strength. Drinking sufficient water and getting
exercise are the two most important things to do to prevent any
uncomfortable detoxification symptoms from occurring while
you are doing the OJ Diet.

Drink the juice immediately. Do not store your juice in the fridge
for later. The orange juice begins to oxidize right away, a
process whereby the juice both loses nutrients and becomes
toxic. Use only fresh squeezed organic orange juice that you
juice yourself. Do not use pasteurized, processed, canned or
any other kind of orange juice. Not only is it completely dead
and devoid of nutrients, but it is actually toxic. You would get
sick and malnourished drinking only pasteurized concentrated
OJ for two weeks. You should also avoid commercial (non-
organic) oranges like the plague. I can actually taste the
chemicals in them. They also have much less nutrition in them
than organic oranges because they are grown in soil that has
been chemically fertilized and chemically treated with
pesticides and herbicides to kill all the bugs and weeds. When
you kill all the bugs and weeds, you destroy the soil's natural
balance and that soil therefore becomes very low in minerals
and nutrients. To take away death is to take away life. The soil
is essentially sterilized. To sterilize something means that you
remove the death force from it, which is the same thing as
removing the life force, because life and death are a part of the
same cycle. This life/death force in foods is called "enzymes".
Enzymes make the food grow and ripen and they also make
the food rot at the end of the cycle of the fruit's life. So killing
the enzymes in food by heating or pasteurizing the food makes
the food last longer on the shelf, but it also removes the life

The oranges must also be tree-ripened or sun-ripened. You
can tell if an orange is ripe by the appearance of the skin. It
should not have any green tinges or green tint to it. It can have
brown spots; these are actually bee stings and indicate that the
orange is good and ripe, and very sweet! The acid in unripe
oranges will upset the balance in your system. When oranges
are allowed to ripen on the tree then the acid turns to beneficial

What Makes Oranges So Nutritious

Oranges are nutrient dense so your body will be receiving far
more nutrition than it is used to. Oranges contain the following
essential vitamins: A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, biotin, niacin,
pantothenic acid, and folic acid. They contain the following
minerals: calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese,
phosphorus, potassium, selenium, and zinc. Oranges also
contain all of the 18 known amino acids. Oranges contain
beneficial carbohydrates, beneficial protein, and beneficial fat!
Yes, each orange even contains .16 gm of fat! Oranges also
contain fiber, electrolytes and organic water. In short, the
orange provides all the nutrition your body needs, with
absolutely no toxins, provided it is organic. You can see the
chart at the bottom of this document for the exact amounts of
each of the above nutrients contained in an orange. It can be
very reassuring to know that you are getting such a rich
quantity of nutrients while you are on the OJ Diet.

The Difference Between Unheated and Heated Fats,
Proteins, and Carbohydrates

All foods are either fats, proteins, or carbohydrates, or usually
a combination of all three. Fats, proteins, and carbohydrates
from fruit are totally beneficial and necessary for proper brain
function. Fats, proteins, and carbohydrates from animal
products or that have been heated are toxic and damaging to
the body. The difference between the unheated fats, proteins,
and carbohydrates in fruits and vegetables vs. the fats,
proteins, and carbohydrates from heated animal products is so
vastly different that they can hardly be considered to be the
same nutrients.

Mother's milk is 2.2% protein. So is OJ and most fruits and
vegetables. Fruit and vegetables are the ultimate food for
nourishing the human body. When you are an infant you
double in size in your first year, eating nothing but mother's
milk. At no other time in your life is your protein intake as
critical. And if 2.2% protein is good enough for an infant, it is
certainly the right amount of protein for a human adult. Storm is
a 54 year old raw-vegan who has eaten a raw-vegan diet
including about 75% fruit for over 30 years. He has built a
muscular body that many people wouldn't believe possible on a
diet that contains no animal protein.

Feeling Satisfied on The Orange Juice Diet

It is almost impossible to feel deprived when you are living on
the most delicious food in the world. Look at a glass of Orange
Juice. It is the most lovely color. It is so thick and full of
nutrients that you can't see through it. And to think that it
comes from a tree! Trees give us oxygen for breathing and
they give us the ultimate food for our bodies! You are drinking
Tree Juice! It is totally addictive in a positive way. Orange juice
is the staple food in our home the way bread is in many
homes. When we run out of oranges we feel like we've run out
of food! When I am hungry, orange juice is what I crave. I like
to drink it sitting in the sun. It reflects the light so beautifully. It
almost absorbs the light, bringing an extra dose of sunshine
into your system. I think of orange juice as liquid sun, liquid
gold. The orange's magical alchemy of turning earth into gold
also works within our body turning our sludge-filled cells into
clear bright building blocks making up a vibrant and dynamic
being. The orange is made from earth, water, sun, and air, ~ it
contains all four main elements in it. It is a perfectly balanced
food. I can't think of anything that tastes better than orange
juice! It goes down so easily, like breathing. It digests almost
instantly, giving you instant energy. And it keeps you energized
for a long time. If all you drank in a day was three glasses of
orange juice you would almost certainly have more energy
than most people who eat three square meals.

What to Expect While You are on The Orange Juice Diet

During the OJ Diet most people will feel an instant increase in
energy and well being. However some people may feel a little
light-headed, dizzy, and low energy. This is caused by toxins
being eliminated from your body. It is nothing to worry about.
Relax and appreciate what your body is doing for you; cleaning
house. If you feel weak, take the day off if you can and lie in
bed doing nothing! This will allow your body to focus all its
energies on cleansing (detoxification).

The OJ Diet will improve your skin, hair, nails, organs,
digestive system, nervous system, electrochemical system,
meridian system, respiratory system, tissue elasticity, muscle
tone, joint function, and brain function.

You will notice results almost immediately, probably within 1-3
days of beginning the diet.

Curing Detox Symptoms with an Enema

If you experience a headache or flu-like symptoms it may be
that your colon is clogged, the toxins being eliminated from
your body are getting stuck in the colon, and you are re-
absorbing toxins back into your system. The instant cure for
this condition is to do an enema. You can buy an enema bag
from any drugstore. You fill the bag about half-full with very
warm water, hang it up on your shower-head pinching the hose
to prevent water escaping, lubricate the nozzle with olive oil
and insert gently in your rectum, crouch down on all fours on
your knees in the bathtub with your bottom up, and slowly let
the water escape through the hose into your colon. Remain in
this position for one to two minutes and then you will feel the
pressure to eliminate. Do so. Wait another 1-5 minutes and you
may feel the pressure to eliminate again. Do so. Wait again for
5 minutes. Then refill the enema bag and start the whole
process again. Doing this twice in a row will clear any
blockages you may have in your colon and almost instantly
dissolve your detox symptoms. After doing an enema you feel
so clean and clear, it gives you such a feeling of well-being
throughout your body, that you won't want to put anything
clogging into your body again. The enema is a very gentle way
to clean the colon. It is safe to do frequent enemas. However if
it is done to excess, for instance every day for many weeks on
end, then it can actually strip the colon of necessary bacteria.

Exercising While You are on The Orange Juice Diet

It is very good to exercise every day on the OJ Diet. This will
help prevent detox symptoms as toxins are expelled through
your breath, your sweat, and your elimination organs. When
you exercise you are moving your lymph system, the system
responsible for waste removal in your body. This is a system
similar to your blood system but with no pump to move it. The
only way to move your lymph system is to exercise! The old
Native American saying; "Expect poison from stagnant water"
applies just as well to your body as to mountain pools.

An ideal exercise during the OJ Diet is to take a 2 hour walk
each day, outside. If you can only manage a half an hour to an
hour that's fine. If you already have a workout routine that you
are happy with you can keep doing that instead of walking.
Walking helps process toxins, alleviates detox symptoms,
balances your whole being, and exercises every muscle in
your whole body in the most natural way possible. It is aerobic,
strengthening, and stretching, the three types of exercise that
we all need to stay fit, strong, and supple all of our lives.
Walking also gives a glow to your skin, creating more elasticity
which gives you a more youthful appearance. If you can walk
in nature, that is also very healing and health-giving for your
body, mind and spirit.

Caring For Your Teeth on The OJ Diet

Oranges and orange juice contain citric acid. This acid can be
hard on your teeth. Brush your teeth with a natural toothpaste
such as Burt's Bees or Peelu. (Make sure your toothpaste
doesn't contain Lauryl Sulfites or hydrolized vegetable/soy/
wheat protein). Citric acid starts to affect your teeth about 20
minutes after you drink or eat it. So brush your teeth within 15
minutes of drinking OJ. If you are drinking OJ five or six times
a day you want to brush lightly so you don't over-brush and
hurt your gums. If you can't brush your teeth every time, at
least swish with water to rinse your teeth. This will help
somewhat. Also extremely helpful for your teeth is to drink your
OJ with a straw so that the juice actually by-passes your teeth.

The OJ Diet and Diabetes, Hypoglycemia, Candida, etc...

Can you do the OJ Diet if you are diabetic, hypoglycemic or
suffering from candida? Yes! These conditions are usually
worsened by a sugary diet. Again, fruit sugar is a vastly
different nutrient than processed sugar. They are in fact
opposites. I suffered from candida before I became a raw-
vegan. When I was going back and forth between a cooked
and a raw-vegan diet I noticed something very interesting. I
noticed that when I was eating cooked food then any additional
fruit sugar in my diet aggravated my candida. However when I
was eating only raw-vegan foods then I could eat as much fruit
and drink as much fruit juice as I wanted without any candida
symptoms appearing. I could even live on orange juice. This
experience leads me to believe that fruit sugar causes a
different reaction in your body in the presence of cooked foods
or refined sugar.

I have a friend who tests his blood sugar levels using a diabetic
blood testing machine. He has been on a Raw-Vegan Diet for 4
months. He recently tested his blood sugar a half an hour after
drinking 4 cups of a raw fruit smoothie (as opposed to a frozen
commercial smoothie that you get at Jamba Juice and
restaurants). His blood sugar was 105, which is "fasting" level,
as though he hadn't eaten at all! Science will tell you that this is
impossible. However they have not yet taken into account the
difference between testing on a naturally healthy (raw-vegan)
body and a "normal" (cooked) person. The internal
environments in these two types of bodies is so vastly different
that foods will react completely differently in each of them. The
medical profession recommends that we avoid fruit if we have
diabetes, hypoglycemia or candida. They are correct if they are
treating a person who eats a cooked-food diet. However, in the
absence of cooked and processed foods, fruit will heal these
conditions! The best and most reassuring thing to do is test this
for yourself. If you have a condition such as diabetes,
hypoglycemia or candida you should invest in a blood-sugar
testing kit, available at any drugstore for around $70.

The Results of The OJ Diet

By the time you have completed the Orange Juice Diet you will
feel much lighter. You will feel about 10 years younger. You will
look 10 years younger, glowing, vibrant, and healthy. You will
sleep better. You will have an abundance of energy. You will be
more alert and have clarity of mind. You will feel creative and
your emotions will be balanced. You will probably have lost
between 10 and 20 lbs.

Maintaining a Clean Body After the OJ Diet with The Raw-
Vegan Lifestyle

You may want to do the OJ diet one week a month or two
weeks every few months. You may want to include fresh OJ in
your regular diet more often, perhaps replacing one meal each

After finishing the OJ Diet you will feel so clean that you will not
wish to return to an ordinary diet. That is why it is an excellent
way to jump-start a raw-vegan diet. It offers more dramatic and
instant results than just "going raw". It quickly cleans and
detoxifies your system so that you can absorb all of the
nutrients in raw foods. And it leaves you feeling so energetic
and vibrant, vibrating at such a high frequency, that you will not
want to do anything that will bring your energy down again.

We recommend that after the OJ Diet, you go on The Raw-
Vegan Diet, which is not a diet but a lifestyle. The Raw-Vegan
Diet consists of organic unheated fruits, vegetables, nuts,
seeds, grains, raw honey, unrefined sea salt, and cold-pressed
olive, flaxseed and hempseed oils.

The Raw-Vegan Diet is nutrient dense because the foods are
not damaged by heating. The Raw-Vegan Diet is virtually toxin-
free because it consists only of organic (chemical free),
unprocessed (toxin free), and truly natural (found in nature)
foods. The Raw-Vegan Diet is delicious because it uses the
basic building blocks of all the artificial tastes and flavors
manufactured on the planet and because it allows your taste
buds to become highly sensitive. If you allow your body to
become truly hungry before you eat then the food is even more
delicious, as hunger is the best spice! And you are so well-and-
truly-nourished on The Raw-Vegan diet that you will not feel
the need to eat before you are truly hungry.

To eat a Raw-Vegan Diet is very simple. We have detailed
instructions in "The Garden Diet" eBook. To sum it up you shop
from a health-food store, farmers market, and/or directly from
farmers. Your shopping list looks something like this.

Shopping List:

fruits (organic, in season, mostly locally grown)
vegetables (the same as above)
nuts (fresh, organic, in the shell, or in bulk, but preferably
refrigerated if not in the shell)
seeds (bulk hulled sunflower and pumpkin seeds)
tahini (ground sesame seeds)
oils (cold-pressed organic olive, hempseed and flaxseed oils)
olives (raw Kalamata olives)
dates (medjool, from the produce section)
honey (raw, cold-packed)
unrefined sea salt (such as Celtic Sea Salt)

Equipment you may want:

Citrus Juicer (around $20 at a home store)
K-Tec Blender, Vitamix Blender, and/or Food Processor
Vegetable Juicer such as the Greenstar Juicer (greenstar.com)

This equipment is completely optional. You don't actually need
any equipment to do The Raw-Vegan Diet. The highest form of
the Raw-Vegan Diet is eating simple whole foods in their
natural state.

We do not recommend investing in a dehydrator or eating
dehydrated foods. Dehydrated foods have no water in them.
Therefore your body must re-hydrate the foods internally,
taking valuable water from your system. We are skeptical of
whether dehydrated foods contain much nourishment. Cooking
involves heating food at high temperatures for a short time.
Dehydrating food involves heating food at low temperatures for
a long time. If you do the math, it adds up to about the same
thing. Dehydrated foods are concentrated and therefore
stronger tasting than raw foods. This can lead people to eat
dehydrated foods in place of fresh foods. However we
recognize the contribution that dehydrated foods have made in
helping people to create recipes that taste a lot like cooked
foods, thereby helping more people to become interested in
the raw diet. If dehydrated foods are used in moderation during
the transition phase they can help people to make the eventual
transition to a more simple and healthful raw-vegan diet.

Coming Off The OJ Diet

Here is a suggested menu plan for the first four days after The
OJ Diet (See Recipes in The Garden Diet eBook for details):

Day 1
Breakfast - Banana/OJ smoothie (blend OJ and a banana in
your blender)
Lunch - Bananas
Dinner - Fruit Salad (gentle fruits such as banana, mango, and

Day 2
Breakfast - Fruit
Lunch - Baby Green Salad with avocado/lemon dressing
(mash an avocado and add a little lemon juice and pinch of
unrefined sea salt for dressing)
Dinner - OJ

Day 3
Breakfast - Fruit
Lunch - Seedmilk (sunflower seeds soaked for 4-8 hours
blended with water in your blender)
Dinner - Salad

Day 4
Breakfast - Fruit
Lunch - Almond Milk (almonds soaked for 6-12 hours blended
with water in your blender)
Dinner - Salsa and Jicama

See Menu Plan in The Garden Diet eBook for a suggested
menu plan for the next seven days.

After this you should be in tune with your body and ready to
listen to its needs, fine-tuning The Raw-Vegan Diet to your
particular tastes, needs, and lifestyle. Remember to be patient
with yourself. We have been cooked foodists for millions of
years. If you can't change overnight, that's only natural. Every
step that you take towards a raw foods diet is a giant step for
mankind! Never give up! And be gentle with yourself!

Nutrition Charts, from "Nutrition Almanac" Third Edition
by Lavon J. Dunne:

Orange (1 orange):
Calories - 62 gm
Protein - 1.23 gm
Carbohydrate - 15.4 gm
Fiber - 56 gm
Vitamin A - 269 IU
Vitamin B1 - .114 mg
Vitamin B2 - .052 mg
Vitamin B6 - .079 mg
Biotin - 1.8 mcg
Niacin - .369 mg
Pantothenic Acid - .328 mg
Folic Acid - 39.7 mcg
Vitamin C - 69.7 mg
Vitamin E - .43 IU
Calcium - 52 mg
Copper - .059 mg
Iron - .13 mg
Magnesium - 13 mg
Manganese - .033 mg
Phosphorus - 18 mg
Potassium - 237 mg
Selenium - 2.5 mcg
Zinc - .09 mg
Total fat - .16 gm
Cholesterol - 0 mg
Tryptophan - .012 gm
Threonine - .02 gm
Isoleucine - .033 gm
Leucine - .03 gm
Lysine - .062 gm
Methionine - .026 gm
Cystine - .013 gm
Phenylalanine - .041 gm
Tyrosine - .021 gm
Valine - .052 gm
Arginine - .085 gm
Histidine - .024 gm
Alanine - .066 gm
Aspartic acid - .149 gm
Glutamic acid - .123 gm
Glycine - .123 gm
Proline - .06 gm
Serine - .042 gm

Locate Organic Farms and Farmer's Markets Near You


Ordering Organic Oranges Online


We buy our oranges from a wonderful Organic Orange Grove
in Ojai, CA. We can give you the contact information to order
oranges from them upon request. They sell the oranges for
$20.00 for a 40 lb. box. Shipping is expensive so you will want
to calculate your shipping costs at Fedex.com or UPS.com

The Biggest OJ Winner!

- Enter The Biggest OJ Winner! Send your before and
afters to


and we will feature

one of the entrants in Pear Magazine with your interview
and photos! You'll also receive a free package of all our

If you would take a before and after picture of yourself
before and after going on The OJ Diet and send us a
little letter about the results of The OJ Diet on your
health, we would be very happy! Let us know if we may
share the pictures and testimony online or not.
Questions, Photos, and Your Stories may be emailed to
jinjeetalifero@gmail.com or mailed to: The Garden Diet,
226 W. Ojai Ave. Suite 101 - #178 Ojai, CA 93023.

Support Forum / Online Community for The Orange
Juice Diet:



Ekaya Institute of Living Food Education




Ekaya Institute of Living Food Education

, 2000 - 2010

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The Orange Juice Diet

An eBook Publication From The Ekaya Institute of Living Food


by Jinjee Talifero

What Is The Orange Juice (OJ) Diet

The Orange Juice Diet is a very simple and beautiful way to
lose weight and rejuvenate in a very short period of time. It is a
2 week diet consisting only of orange juice (and water). You
can drink as much fresh squeezed organic orange juice as you
want. All you need are sun ripened organic oranges and an
electric citrus juicer. Some people would call this an Orange
Juice Fast. However other people say that the word Fasting
should only be applied to a Water Fast. If you are taking
calories into your system, you aren't really fasting. So we call it
The Orange Juice Diet or The OJ Diet. The OJ Diet offers
many of the same beneficial results as a water fast. Orange
Juice is very easy to digest so it gives your system a rest from
digesting. It is less dramatic than water fasting because you
are still taking in food energy. Fruit is a cleansing food so your
cells receive a deep cleaning and clearing out of toxins. Fruit is
a very pure source of energy so our cells also receive a charge
of electric mineral-rich energy. Therefore the OJ Diet gives us a
clarity and a glow; health and rejuvenation on a cellular level.

Where to Get Organic Oranges

You can order organic oranges by the crate. We suggest
ordering 2 to 3 crates/boxes per week per person. Ideally you
would get your oranges directly from an orange grower. If you
live in a Southern State you should take advantage of your
situation and find an organic orange grower near you. To locate
an organic orange grower in your area do an online search,
ask your health-food store, ask at your farmers market, or
check the yellow pages. Even if you have to drive two hours to
get to the farm, it is worth it to buy the oranges directly from the
farmer! This will give you the most affordable and the freshest,
ripest, most vital oranges you can get. If there is a farmers
market in your area that is a great place to get organic oranges
too. Farmers usually pick their oranges the day before the
market to sell at the market, so the oranges would be very
fresh too! If you live elsewhere, ask at your local health-food
store if they can sell you boxes of organic oranges. If not, ask
them if they can order some boxes for you. If you don't have a
local health-food store, you can order through your grocery
store or supermarket. When we lived in Canada we had our
local supermarket order boxes of organic oranges for us.
Depending on where you live the oranges will cost between
$20 and $40 a crate. So your food bill will be about $40-$120
per week during The OJ Diet. (This is probably a lot less than
you spend on food now).

How To Do the OJ Diet

To juice a glass of orange juice simply cut about four oranges
in half and press each half down on the electric juicer. We
purchased our electric citrus juicer at a home appliances store
for $20. It is small and portable, easy to put together, easy to
use, and easy to clean. Clean your juicer immediately after
juicing and all you will have to do is rinse it off. If you don't
clean it right away you'll have to scrub a bit. If you have a
kitchen at your place of work, you can bring your juicer and
oranges with you to work.

Your day on the OJ Diet might look like this: a glass of OJ at
8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, noon, 2:00 PM, 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM.
That's 6 glasses a day. Or you might drink 2 glasses at each of
these times if you prefer. You could drink 2 glasses 3 times a
day if that is easier for you. It really doesn't matter how much,
how little, how often or when you drink the OJ. Do whatever is
comfortable for you. The point is to consume nothing but OJ
and water for 2 weeks. We recommend that you drink 2-8
glasses of water a day in addition to the OJ. One easy way to
ensure that you get enough water is to keep a bottle of water at
your side and drink a couple of sips every 15 minutes or so.
The reason it is important to drink water is because no other
substance has the same cleansing ability as water. And the
orange juice diet is going to put your body into a state of
cleansing. So the water adds additional and important
cleansing strength. Drinking sufficient water and getting
exercise are the two most important things to do to prevent any
uncomfortable detoxification symptoms from occurring while
you are doing the OJ Diet.

Drink the juice immediately. Do not store your juice in the fridge
for later. The orange juice begins to oxidize right away, a
process whereby the juice both loses nutrients and becomes
toxic. Use only fresh squeezed organic orange juice that you
juice yourself. Do not use pasteurized, processed, canned or
any other kind of orange juice. Not only is it completely dead
and devoid of nutrients, but it is actually toxic. You would get
sick and malnourished drinking only pasteurized concentrated
OJ for two weeks. You should also avoid commercial (non-
organic) oranges like the plague. I can actually taste the
chemicals in them. They also have much less nutrition in them
than organic oranges because they are grown in soil that has
been chemically fertilized and chemically treated with
pesticides and herbicides to kill all the bugs and weeds. When
you kill all the bugs and weeds, you destroy the soil's natural
balance and that soil therefore becomes very low in minerals
and nutrients. To take away death is to take away life. The soil
is essentially sterilized. To sterilize something means that you
remove the death force from it, which is the same thing as
removing the life force, because life and death are a part of the
same cycle. This life/death force in foods is called "enzymes".
Enzymes make the food grow and ripen and they also make
the food rot at the end of the cycle of the fruit's life. So killing
the enzymes in food by heating or pasteurizing the food makes
the food last longer on the shelf, but it also removes the life

The oranges must also be tree-ripened or sun-ripened. You
can tell if an orange is ripe by the appearance of the skin. It
should not have any green tinges or green tint to it. It can have
brown spots; these are actually bee stings and indicate that the
orange is good and ripe, and very sweet! The acid in unripe
oranges will upset the balance in your system. When oranges
are allowed to ripen on the tree then the acid turns to beneficial

What Makes Oranges So Nutritious

Oranges are nutrient dense so your body will be receiving far
more nutrition than it is used to. Oranges contain the following
essential vitamins: A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, biotin, niacin,
pantothenic acid, and folic acid. They contain the following
minerals: calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese,
phosphorus, potassium, selenium, and zinc. Oranges also
contain all of the 18 known amino acids. Oranges contain
beneficial carbohydrates, beneficial protein, and beneficial fat!
Yes, each orange even contains .16 gm of fat! Oranges also
contain fiber, electrolytes and organic water. In short, the
orange provides all the nutrition your body needs, with
absolutely no toxins, provided it is organic. You can see the
chart at the bottom of this document for the exact amounts of
each of the above nutrients contained in an orange. It can be
very reassuring to know that you are getting such a rich
quantity of nutrients while you are on the OJ Diet.

The Difference Between Unheated and Heated Fats,
Proteins, and Carbohydrates

All foods are either fats, proteins, or carbohydrates, or usually
a combination of all three. Fats, proteins, and carbohydrates
from fruit are totally beneficial and necessary for proper brain
function. Fats, proteins, and carbohydrates from animal
products or that have been heated are toxic and damaging to
the body. The difference between the unheated fats, proteins,
and carbohydrates in fruits and vegetables vs. the fats,
proteins, and carbohydrates from heated animal products is so
vastly different that they can hardly be considered to be the
same nutrients.

Mother's milk is 2.2% protein. So is OJ and most fruits and
vegetables. Fruit and vegetables are the ultimate food for
nourishing the human body. When you are an infant you
double in size in your first year, eating nothing but mother's
milk. At no other time in your life is your protein intake as
critical. And if 2.2% protein is good enough for an infant, it is
certainly the right amount of protein for a human adult. Storm is
a 54 year old raw-vegan who has eaten a raw-vegan diet
including about 75% fruit for over 30 years. He has built a
muscular body that many people wouldn't believe possible on a
diet that contains no animal protein.

Feeling Satisfied on The Orange Juice Diet

It is almost impossible to feel deprived when you are living on
the most delicious food in the world. Look at a glass of Orange
Juice. It is the most lovely color. It is so thick and full of
nutrients that you can't see through it. And to think that it
comes from a tree! Trees give us oxygen for breathing and
they give us the ultimate food for our bodies! You are drinking
Tree Juice! It is totally addictive in a positive way. Orange juice
is the staple food in our home the way bread is in many
homes. When we run out of oranges we feel like we've run out
of food! When I am hungry, orange juice is what I crave. I like
to drink it sitting in the sun. It reflects the light so beautifully. It
almost absorbs the light, bringing an extra dose of sunshine
into your system. I think of orange juice as liquid sun, liquid
gold. The orange's magical alchemy of turning earth into gold
also works within our body turning our sludge-filled cells into
clear bright building blocks making up a vibrant and dynamic
being. The orange is made from earth, water, sun, and air, ~ it
contains all four main elements in it. It is a perfectly balanced
food. I can't think of anything that tastes better than orange
juice! It goes down so easily, like breathing. It digests almost
instantly, giving you instant energy. And it keeps you energized
for a long time. If all you drank in a day was three glasses of
orange juice you would almost certainly have more energy
than most people who eat three square meals.

What to Expect While You are on The Orange Juice Diet

During the OJ Diet most people will feel an instant increase in
energy and well being. However some people may feel a little
light-headed, dizzy, and low energy. This is caused by toxins
being eliminated from your body. It is nothing to worry about.
Relax and appreciate what your body is doing for you; cleaning
house. If you feel weak, take the day off if you can and lie in
bed doing nothing! This will allow your body to focus all its
energies on cleansing (detoxification).

The OJ Diet will improve your skin, hair, nails, organs,
digestive system, nervous system, electrochemical system,
meridian system, respiratory system, tissue elasticity, muscle
tone, joint function, and brain function.

You will notice results almost immediately, probably within 1-3
days of beginning the diet.

Curing Detox Symptoms with an Enema

If you experience a headache or flu-like symptoms it may be
that your colon is clogged, the toxins being eliminated from
your body are getting stuck in the colon, and you are re-
absorbing toxins back into your system. The instant cure for
this condition is to do an enema. You can buy an enema bag
from any drugstore. You fill the bag about half-full with very
warm water, hang it up on your shower-head pinching the hose
to prevent water escaping, lubricate the nozzle with olive oil
and insert gently in your rectum, crouch down on all fours on
your knees in the bathtub with your bottom up, and slowly let
the water escape through the hose into your colon. Remain in
this position for one to two minutes and then you will feel the
pressure to eliminate. Do so. Wait another 1-5 minutes and you
may feel the pressure to eliminate again. Do so. Wait again for
5 minutes. Then refill the enema bag and start the whole
process again. Doing this twice in a row will clear any
blockages you may have in your colon and almost instantly
dissolve your detox symptoms. After doing an enema you feel
so clean and clear, it gives you such a feeling of well-being
throughout your body, that you won't want to put anything
clogging into your body again. The enema is a very gentle way
to clean the colon. It is safe to do frequent enemas. However if
it is done to excess, for instance every day for many weeks on
end, then it can actually strip the colon of necessary bacteria.

Exercising While You are on The Orange Juice Diet

It is very good to exercise every day on the OJ Diet. This will
help prevent detox symptoms as toxins are expelled through
your breath, your sweat, and your elimination organs. When
you exercise you are moving your lymph system, the system
responsible for waste removal in your body. This is a system
similar to your blood system but with no pump to move it. The
only way to move your lymph system is to exercise! The old
Native American saying; "Expect poison from stagnant water"
applies just as well to your body as to mountain pools.

An ideal exercise during the OJ Diet is to take a 2 hour walk
each day, outside. If you can only manage a half an hour to an
hour that's fine. If you already have a workout routine that you
are happy with you can keep doing that instead of walking.
Walking helps process toxins, alleviates detox symptoms,
balances your whole being, and exercises every muscle in
your whole body in the most natural way possible. It is aerobic,
strengthening, and stretching, the three types of exercise that
we all need to stay fit, strong, and supple all of our lives.
Walking also gives a glow to your skin, creating more elasticity
which gives you a more youthful appearance. If you can walk
in nature, that is also very healing and health-giving for your
body, mind and spirit.

Caring For Your Teeth on The OJ Diet

Oranges and orange juice contain citric acid. This acid can be
hard on your teeth. Brush your teeth with a natural toothpaste
such as Burt's Bees or Peelu. (Make sure your toothpaste
doesn't contain Lauryl Sulfites or hydrolized vegetable/soy/
wheat protein). Citric acid starts to affect your teeth about 20
minutes after you drink or eat it. So brush your teeth within 15
minutes of drinking OJ. If you are drinking OJ five or six times
a day you want to brush lightly so you don't over-brush and
hurt your gums. If you can't brush your teeth every time, at
least swish with water to rinse your teeth. This will help
somewhat. Also extremely helpful for your teeth is to drink your
OJ with a straw so that the juice actually by-passes your teeth.

The OJ Diet and Diabetes, Hypoglycemia, Candida, etc...

Can you do the OJ Diet if you are diabetic, hypoglycemic or
suffering from candida? Yes! These conditions are usually
worsened by a sugary diet. Again, fruit sugar is a vastly
different nutrient than processed sugar. They are in fact
opposites. I suffered from candida before I became a raw-
vegan. When I was going back and forth between a cooked
and a raw-vegan diet I noticed something very interesting. I
noticed that when I was eating cooked food then any additional
fruit sugar in my diet aggravated my candida. However when I
was eating only raw-vegan foods then I could eat as much fruit
and drink as much fruit juice as I wanted without any candida
symptoms appearing. I could even live on orange juice. This
experience leads me to believe that fruit sugar causes a
different reaction in your body in the presence of cooked foods
or refined sugar.

I have a friend who tests his blood sugar levels using a diabetic
blood testing machine. He has been on a Raw-Vegan Diet for 4
months. He recently tested his blood sugar a half an hour after
drinking 4 cups of a raw fruit smoothie (as opposed to a frozen
commercial smoothie that you get at Jamba Juice and
restaurants). His blood sugar was 105, which is "fasting" level,
as though he hadn't eaten at all! Science will tell you that this is
impossible. However they have not yet taken into account the
difference between testing on a naturally healthy (raw-vegan)
body and a "normal" (cooked) person. The internal
environments in these two types of bodies is so vastly different
that foods will react completely differently in each of them. The
medical profession recommends that we avoid fruit if we have
diabetes, hypoglycemia or candida. They are correct if they are
treating a person who eats a cooked-food diet. However, in the
absence of cooked and processed foods, fruit will heal these
conditions! The best and most reassuring thing to do is test this
for yourself. If you have a condition such as diabetes,
hypoglycemia or candida you should invest in a blood-sugar
testing kit, available at any drugstore for around $70.

The Results of The OJ Diet

By the time you have completed the Orange Juice Diet you will
feel much lighter. You will feel about 10 years younger. You will
look 10 years younger, glowing, vibrant, and healthy. You will
sleep better. You will have an abundance of energy. You will be
more alert and have clarity of mind. You will feel creative and
your emotions will be balanced. You will probably have lost
between 10 and 20 lbs.

Maintaining a Clean Body After the OJ Diet with The Raw-
Vegan Lifestyle

You may want to do the OJ diet one week a month or two
weeks every few months. You may want to include fresh OJ in
your regular diet more often, perhaps replacing one meal each

After finishing the OJ Diet you will feel so clean that you will not
wish to return to an ordinary diet. That is why it is an excellent
way to jump-start a raw-vegan diet. It offers more dramatic and
instant results than just "going raw". It quickly cleans and
detoxifies your system so that you can absorb all of the
nutrients in raw foods. And it leaves you feeling so energetic
and vibrant, vibrating at such a high frequency, that you will not
want to do anything that will bring your energy down again.

We recommend that after the OJ Diet, you go on The Raw-
Vegan Diet, which is not a diet but a lifestyle. The Raw-Vegan
Diet consists of organic unheated fruits, vegetables, nuts,
seeds, grains, raw honey, unrefined sea salt, and cold-pressed
olive, flaxseed and hempseed oils.

The Raw-Vegan Diet is nutrient dense because the foods are
not damaged by heating. The Raw-Vegan Diet is virtually toxin-
free because it consists only of organic (chemical free),
unprocessed (toxin free), and truly natural (found in nature)
foods. The Raw-Vegan Diet is delicious because it uses the
basic building blocks of all the artificial tastes and flavors
manufactured on the planet and because it allows your taste
buds to become highly sensitive. If you allow your body to
become truly hungry before you eat then the food is even more
delicious, as hunger is the best spice! And you are so well-and-
truly-nourished on The Raw-Vegan diet that you will not feel
the need to eat before you are truly hungry.

To eat a Raw-Vegan Diet is very simple. We have detailed
instructions in "The Garden Diet" eBook. To sum it up you shop
from a health-food store, farmers market, and/or directly from
farmers. Your shopping list looks something like this.

Shopping List:

fruits (organic, in season, mostly locally grown)
vegetables (the same as above)
nuts (fresh, organic, in the shell, or in bulk, but preferably
refrigerated if not in the shell)
seeds (bulk hulled sunflower and pumpkin seeds)
tahini (ground sesame seeds)
oils (cold-pressed organic olive, hempseed and flaxseed oils)
olives (raw Kalamata olives)
dates (medjool, from the produce section)
honey (raw, cold-packed)
unrefined sea salt (such as Celtic Sea Salt)

Equipment you may want:

Citrus Juicer (around $20 at a home store)
K-Tec Blender, Vitamix Blender, and/or Food Processor
Vegetable Juicer such as the Greenstar Juicer (greenstar.com)

This equipment is completely optional. You don't actually need
any equipment to do The Raw-Vegan Diet. The highest form of
the Raw-Vegan Diet is eating simple whole foods in their
natural state.

We do not recommend investing in a dehydrator or eating
dehydrated foods. Dehydrated foods have no water in them.
Therefore your body must re-hydrate the foods internally,
taking valuable water from your system. We are skeptical of
whether dehydrated foods contain much nourishment. Cooking
involves heating food at high temperatures for a short time.
Dehydrating food involves heating food at low temperatures for
a long time. If you do the math, it adds up to about the same
thing. Dehydrated foods are concentrated and therefore
stronger tasting than raw foods. This can lead people to eat
dehydrated foods in place of fresh foods. However we
recognize the contribution that dehydrated foods have made in
helping people to create recipes that taste a lot like cooked
foods, thereby helping more people to become interested in
the raw diet. If dehydrated foods are used in moderation during
the transition phase they can help people to make the eventual
transition to a more simple and healthful raw-vegan diet.

Coming Off The OJ Diet

Here is a suggested menu plan for the first four days after The
OJ Diet (See Recipes in The Garden Diet eBook for details):

Day 1
Breakfast - Banana/OJ smoothie (blend OJ and a banana in
your blender)
Lunch - Bananas
Dinner - Fruit Salad (gentle fruits such as banana, mango, and

Day 2
Breakfast - Fruit
Lunch - Baby Green Salad with avocado/lemon dressing
(mash an avocado and add a little lemon juice and pinch of
unrefined sea salt for dressing)
Dinner - OJ

Day 3
Breakfast - Fruit
Lunch - Seedmilk (sunflower seeds soaked for 4-8 hours
blended with water in your blender)
Dinner - Salad

Day 4
Breakfast - Fruit
Lunch - Almond Milk (almonds soaked for 6-12 hours blended
with water in your blender)
Dinner - Salsa and Jicama

See Menu Plan in The Garden Diet eBook for a suggested
menu plan for the next seven days.

After this you should be in tune with your body and ready to
listen to its needs, fine-tuning The Raw-Vegan Diet to your
particular tastes, needs, and lifestyle. Remember to be patient
with yourself. We have been cooked foodists for millions of
years. If you can't change overnight, that's only natural. Every
step that you take towards a raw foods diet is a giant step for
mankind! Never give up! And be gentle with yourself!

Nutrition Charts, from "Nutrition Almanac" Third Edition
by Lavon J. Dunne:

Orange (1 orange):
Calories - 62 gm
Protein - 1.23 gm
Carbohydrate - 15.4 gm
Fiber - 56 gm
Vitamin A - 269 IU
Vitamin B1 - .114 mg
Vitamin B2 - .052 mg
Vitamin B6 - .079 mg
Biotin - 1.8 mcg
Niacin - .369 mg
Pantothenic Acid - .328 mg
Folic Acid - 39.7 mcg
Vitamin C - 69.7 mg
Vitamin E - .43 IU
Calcium - 52 mg
Copper - .059 mg
Iron - .13 mg
Magnesium - 13 mg
Manganese - .033 mg
Phosphorus - 18 mg
Potassium - 237 mg
Selenium - 2.5 mcg
Zinc - .09 mg
Total fat - .16 gm
Cholesterol - 0 mg
Tryptophan - .012 gm
Threonine - .02 gm
Isoleucine - .033 gm
Leucine - .03 gm
Lysine - .062 gm
Methionine - .026 gm
Cystine - .013 gm
Phenylalanine - .041 gm
Tyrosine - .021 gm
Valine - .052 gm
Arginine - .085 gm
Histidine - .024 gm
Alanine - .066 gm
Aspartic acid - .149 gm
Glutamic acid - .123 gm
Glycine - .123 gm
Proline - .06 gm
Serine - .042 gm

Locate Organic Farms and Farmer's Markets Near You


Ordering Organic Oranges Online


We buy our oranges from a wonderful Organic Orange Grove
in Ojai, CA. We can give you the contact information to order
oranges from them upon request. They sell the oranges for
$20.00 for a 40 lb. box. Shipping is expensive so you will want
to calculate your shipping costs at Fedex.com or UPS.com

The Biggest OJ Winner!

- Enter The Biggest OJ Winner! Send your before and
afters to


and we will feature

one of the entrants in Pear Magazine with your interview
and photos! You'll also receive a free package of all our

If you would take a before and after picture of yourself
before and after going on The OJ Diet and send us a
little letter about the results of The OJ Diet on your
health, we would be very happy! Let us know if we may
share the pictures and testimony online or not.
Questions, Photos, and Your Stories may be emailed to
jinjeetalifero@gmail.com or mailed to: The Garden Diet,
226 W. Ojai Ave. Suite 101 - #178 Ojai, CA 93023.

Support Forum / Online Community for The Orange
Juice Diet:



Ekaya Institute of Living Food Education




Ekaya Institute of Living Food Education

, 2000 - 2010

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The Orange Juice Diet

An eBook Publication From The Ekaya Institute of Living Food


by Jinjee Talifero

What Is The Orange Juice (OJ) Diet

The Orange Juice Diet is a very simple and beautiful way to
lose weight and rejuvenate in a very short period of time. It is a
2 week diet consisting only of orange juice (and water). You
can drink as much fresh squeezed organic orange juice as you
want. All you need are sun ripened organic oranges and an
electric citrus juicer. Some people would call this an Orange
Juice Fast. However other people say that the word Fasting
should only be applied to a Water Fast. If you are taking
calories into your system, you aren't really fasting. So we call it
The Orange Juice Diet or The OJ Diet. The OJ Diet offers
many of the same beneficial results as a water fast. Orange
Juice is very easy to digest so it gives your system a rest from
digesting. It is less dramatic than water fasting because you
are still taking in food energy. Fruit is a cleansing food so your
cells receive a deep cleaning and clearing out of toxins. Fruit is
a very pure source of energy so our cells also receive a charge
of electric mineral-rich energy. Therefore the OJ Diet gives us a
clarity and a glow; health and rejuvenation on a cellular level.

Where to Get Organic Oranges

You can order organic oranges by the crate. We suggest
ordering 2 to 3 crates/boxes per week per person. Ideally you
would get your oranges directly from an orange grower. If you
live in a Southern State you should take advantage of your
situation and find an organic orange grower near you. To locate
an organic orange grower in your area do an online search,
ask your health-food store, ask at your farmers market, or
check the yellow pages. Even if you have to drive two hours to
get to the farm, it is worth it to buy the oranges directly from the
farmer! This will give you the most affordable and the freshest,
ripest, most vital oranges you can get. If there is a farmers
market in your area that is a great place to get organic oranges
too. Farmers usually pick their oranges the day before the
market to sell at the market, so the oranges would be very
fresh too! If you live elsewhere, ask at your local health-food
store if they can sell you boxes of organic oranges. If not, ask
them if they can order some boxes for you. If you don't have a
local health-food store, you can order through your grocery
store or supermarket. When we lived in Canada we had our
local supermarket order boxes of organic oranges for us.
Depending on where you live the oranges will cost between
$20 and $40 a crate. So your food bill will be about $40-$120
per week during The OJ Diet. (This is probably a lot less than
you spend on food now).

How To Do the OJ Diet

To juice a glass of orange juice simply cut about four oranges
in half and press each half down on the electric juicer. We
purchased our electric citrus juicer at a home appliances store
for $20. It is small and portable, easy to put together, easy to
use, and easy to clean. Clean your juicer immediately after
juicing and all you will have to do is rinse it off. If you don't
clean it right away you'll have to scrub a bit. If you have a
kitchen at your place of work, you can bring your juicer and
oranges with you to work.

Your day on the OJ Diet might look like this: a glass of OJ at
8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, noon, 2:00 PM, 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM.
That's 6 glasses a day. Or you might drink 2 glasses at each of
these times if you prefer. You could drink 2 glasses 3 times a
day if that is easier for you. It really doesn't matter how much,
how little, how often or when you drink the OJ. Do whatever is
comfortable for you. The point is to consume nothing but OJ
and water for 2 weeks. We recommend that you drink 2-8
glasses of water a day in addition to the OJ. One easy way to
ensure that you get enough water is to keep a bottle of water at
your side and drink a couple of sips every 15 minutes or so.
The reason it is important to drink water is because no other
substance has the same cleansing ability as water. And the
orange juice diet is going to put your body into a state of
cleansing. So the water adds additional and important
cleansing strength. Drinking sufficient water and getting
exercise are the two most important things to do to prevent any
uncomfortable detoxification symptoms from occurring while
you are doing the OJ Diet.

Drink the juice immediately. Do not store your juice in the fridge
for later. The orange juice begins to oxidize right away, a
process whereby the juice both loses nutrients and becomes
toxic. Use only fresh squeezed organic orange juice that you
juice yourself. Do not use pasteurized, processed, canned or
any other kind of orange juice. Not only is it completely dead
and devoid of nutrients, but it is actually toxic. You would get
sick and malnourished drinking only pasteurized concentrated
OJ for two weeks. You should also avoid commercial (non-
organic) oranges like the plague. I can actually taste the
chemicals in them. They also have much less nutrition in them
than organic oranges because they are grown in soil that has
been chemically fertilized and chemically treated with
pesticides and herbicides to kill all the bugs and weeds. When
you kill all the bugs and weeds, you destroy the soil's natural
balance and that soil therefore becomes very low in minerals
and nutrients. To take away death is to take away life. The soil
is essentially sterilized. To sterilize something means that you
remove the death force from it, which is the same thing as
removing the life force, because life and death are a part of the
same cycle. This life/death force in foods is called "enzymes".
Enzymes make the food grow and ripen and they also make
the food rot at the end of the cycle of the fruit's life. So killing
the enzymes in food by heating or pasteurizing the food makes
the food last longer on the shelf, but it also removes the life

The oranges must also be tree-ripened or sun-ripened. You
can tell if an orange is ripe by the appearance of the skin. It
should not have any green tinges or green tint to it. It can have
brown spots; these are actually bee stings and indicate that the
orange is good and ripe, and very sweet! The acid in unripe
oranges will upset the balance in your system. When oranges
are allowed to ripen on the tree then the acid turns to beneficial

What Makes Oranges So Nutritious

Oranges are nutrient dense so your body will be receiving far
more nutrition than it is used to. Oranges contain the following
essential vitamins: A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, biotin, niacin,
pantothenic acid, and folic acid. They contain the following
minerals: calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese,
phosphorus, potassium, selenium, and zinc. Oranges also
contain all of the 18 known amino acids. Oranges contain
beneficial carbohydrates, beneficial protein, and beneficial fat!
Yes, each orange even contains .16 gm of fat! Oranges also
contain fiber, electrolytes and organic water. In short, the
orange provides all the nutrition your body needs, with
absolutely no toxins, provided it is organic. You can see the
chart at the bottom of this document for the exact amounts of
each of the above nutrients contained in an orange. It can be
very reassuring to know that you are getting such a rich
quantity of nutrients while you are on the OJ Diet.

The Difference Between Unheated and Heated Fats,
Proteins, and Carbohydrates

All foods are either fats, proteins, or carbohydrates, or usually
a combination of all three. Fats, proteins, and carbohydrates
from fruit are totally beneficial and necessary for proper brain
function. Fats, proteins, and carbohydrates from animal
products or that have been heated are toxic and damaging to
the body. The difference between the unheated fats, proteins,
and carbohydrates in fruits and vegetables vs. the fats,
proteins, and carbohydrates from heated animal products is so
vastly different that they can hardly be considered to be the
same nutrients.

Mother's milk is 2.2% protein. So is OJ and most fruits and
vegetables. Fruit and vegetables are the ultimate food for
nourishing the human body. When you are an infant you
double in size in your first year, eating nothing but mother's
milk. At no other time in your life is your protein intake as
critical. And if 2.2% protein is good enough for an infant, it is
certainly the right amount of protein for a human adult. Storm is
a 54 year old raw-vegan who has eaten a raw-vegan diet
including about 75% fruit for over 30 years. He has built a
muscular body that many people wouldn't believe possible on a
diet that contains no animal protein.

Feeling Satisfied on The Orange Juice Diet

It is almost impossible to feel deprived when you are living on
the most delicious food in the world. Look at a glass of Orange
Juice. It is the most lovely color. It is so thick and full of
nutrients that you can't see through it. And to think that it
comes from a tree! Trees give us oxygen for breathing and
they give us the ultimate food for our bodies! You are drinking
Tree Juice! It is totally addictive in a positive way. Orange juice
is the staple food in our home the way bread is in many
homes. When we run out of oranges we feel like we've run out
of food! When I am hungry, orange juice is what I crave. I like
to drink it sitting in the sun. It reflects the light so beautifully. It
almost absorbs the light, bringing an extra dose of sunshine
into your system. I think of orange juice as liquid sun, liquid
gold. The orange's magical alchemy of turning earth into gold
also works within our body turning our sludge-filled cells into
clear bright building blocks making up a vibrant and dynamic
being. The orange is made from earth, water, sun, and air, ~ it
contains all four main elements in it. It is a perfectly balanced
food. I can't think of anything that tastes better than orange
juice! It goes down so easily, like breathing. It digests almost
instantly, giving you instant energy. And it keeps you energized
for a long time. If all you drank in a day was three glasses of
orange juice you would almost certainly have more energy
than most people who eat three square meals.

What to Expect While You are on The Orange Juice Diet

During the OJ Diet most people will feel an instant increase in
energy and well being. However some people may feel a little
light-headed, dizzy, and low energy. This is caused by toxins
being eliminated from your body. It is nothing to worry about.
Relax and appreciate what your body is doing for you; cleaning
house. If you feel weak, take the day off if you can and lie in
bed doing nothing! This will allow your body to focus all its
energies on cleansing (detoxification).

The OJ Diet will improve your skin, hair, nails, organs,
digestive system, nervous system, electrochemical system,
meridian system, respiratory system, tissue elasticity, muscle
tone, joint function, and brain function.

You will notice results almost immediately, probably within 1-3
days of beginning the diet.

Curing Detox Symptoms with an Enema

If you experience a headache or flu-like symptoms it may be
that your colon is clogged, the toxins being eliminated from
your body are getting stuck in the colon, and you are re-
absorbing toxins back into your system. The instant cure for
this condition is to do an enema. You can buy an enema bag
from any drugstore. You fill the bag about half-full with very
warm water, hang it up on your shower-head pinching the hose
to prevent water escaping, lubricate the nozzle with olive oil
and insert gently in your rectum, crouch down on all fours on
your knees in the bathtub with your bottom up, and slowly let
the water escape through the hose into your colon. Remain in
this position for one to two minutes and then you will feel the
pressure to eliminate. Do so. Wait another 1-5 minutes and you
may feel the pressure to eliminate again. Do so. Wait again for
5 minutes. Then refill the enema bag and start the whole
process again. Doing this twice in a row will clear any
blockages you may have in your colon and almost instantly
dissolve your detox symptoms. After doing an enema you feel
so clean and clear, it gives you such a feeling of well-being
throughout your body, that you won't want to put anything
clogging into your body again. The enema is a very gentle way
to clean the colon. It is safe to do frequent enemas. However if
it is done to excess, for instance every day for many weeks on
end, then it can actually strip the colon of necessary bacteria.

Exercising While You are on The Orange Juice Diet

It is very good to exercise every day on the OJ Diet. This will
help prevent detox symptoms as toxins are expelled through
your breath, your sweat, and your elimination organs. When
you exercise you are moving your lymph system, the system
responsible for waste removal in your body. This is a system
similar to your blood system but with no pump to move it. The
only way to move your lymph system is to exercise! The old
Native American saying; "Expect poison from stagnant water"
applies just as well to your body as to mountain pools.

An ideal exercise during the OJ Diet is to take a 2 hour walk
each day, outside. If you can only manage a half an hour to an
hour that's fine. If you already have a workout routine that you
are happy with you can keep doing that instead of walking.
Walking helps process toxins, alleviates detox symptoms,
balances your whole being, and exercises every muscle in
your whole body in the most natural way possible. It is aerobic,
strengthening, and stretching, the three types of exercise that
we all need to stay fit, strong, and supple all of our lives.
Walking also gives a glow to your skin, creating more elasticity
which gives you a more youthful appearance. If you can walk
in nature, that is also very healing and health-giving for your
body, mind and spirit.

Caring For Your Teeth on The OJ Diet

Oranges and orange juice contain citric acid. This acid can be
hard on your teeth. Brush your teeth with a natural toothpaste
such as Burt's Bees or Peelu. (Make sure your toothpaste
doesn't contain Lauryl Sulfites or hydrolized vegetable/soy/
wheat protein). Citric acid starts to affect your teeth about 20
minutes after you drink or eat it. So brush your teeth within 15
minutes of drinking OJ. If you are drinking OJ five or six times
a day you want to brush lightly so you don't over-brush and
hurt your gums. If you can't brush your teeth every time, at
least swish with water to rinse your teeth. This will help
somewhat. Also extremely helpful for your teeth is to drink your
OJ with a straw so that the juice actually by-passes your teeth.

The OJ Diet and Diabetes, Hypoglycemia, Candida, etc...

Can you do the OJ Diet if you are diabetic, hypoglycemic or
suffering from candida? Yes! These conditions are usually
worsened by a sugary diet. Again, fruit sugar is a vastly
different nutrient than processed sugar. They are in fact
opposites. I suffered from candida before I became a raw-
vegan. When I was going back and forth between a cooked
and a raw-vegan diet I noticed something very interesting. I
noticed that when I was eating cooked food then any additional
fruit sugar in my diet aggravated my candida. However when I
was eating only raw-vegan foods then I could eat as much fruit
and drink as much fruit juice as I wanted without any candida
symptoms appearing. I could even live on orange juice. This
experience leads me to believe that fruit sugar causes a
different reaction in your body in the presence of cooked foods
or refined sugar.

I have a friend who tests his blood sugar levels using a diabetic
blood testing machine. He has been on a Raw-Vegan Diet for 4
months. He recently tested his blood sugar a half an hour after
drinking 4 cups of a raw fruit smoothie (as opposed to a frozen
commercial smoothie that you get at Jamba Juice and
restaurants). His blood sugar was 105, which is "fasting" level,
as though he hadn't eaten at all! Science will tell you that this is
impossible. However they have not yet taken into account the
difference between testing on a naturally healthy (raw-vegan)
body and a "normal" (cooked) person. The internal
environments in these two types of bodies is so vastly different
that foods will react completely differently in each of them. The
medical profession recommends that we avoid fruit if we have
diabetes, hypoglycemia or candida. They are correct if they are
treating a person who eats a cooked-food diet. However, in the
absence of cooked and processed foods, fruit will heal these
conditions! The best and most reassuring thing to do is test this
for yourself. If you have a condition such as diabetes,
hypoglycemia or candida you should invest in a blood-sugar
testing kit, available at any drugstore for around $70.

The Results of The OJ Diet

By the time you have completed the Orange Juice Diet you will
feel much lighter. You will feel about 10 years younger. You will
look 10 years younger, glowing, vibrant, and healthy. You will
sleep better. You will have an abundance of energy. You will be
more alert and have clarity of mind. You will feel creative and
your emotions will be balanced. You will probably have lost
between 10 and 20 lbs.

Maintaining a Clean Body After the OJ Diet with The Raw-
Vegan Lifestyle

You may want to do the OJ diet one week a month or two
weeks every few months. You may want to include fresh OJ in
your regular diet more often, perhaps replacing one meal each

After finishing the OJ Diet you will feel so clean that you will not
wish to return to an ordinary diet. That is why it is an excellent
way to jump-start a raw-vegan diet. It offers more dramatic and
instant results than just "going raw". It quickly cleans and
detoxifies your system so that you can absorb all of the
nutrients in raw foods. And it leaves you feeling so energetic
and vibrant, vibrating at such a high frequency, that you will not
want to do anything that will bring your energy down again.

We recommend that after the OJ Diet, you go on The Raw-
Vegan Diet, which is not a diet but a lifestyle. The Raw-Vegan
Diet consists of organic unheated fruits, vegetables, nuts,
seeds, grains, raw honey, unrefined sea salt, and cold-pressed
olive, flaxseed and hempseed oils.

The Raw-Vegan Diet is nutrient dense because the foods are
not damaged by heating. The Raw-Vegan Diet is virtually toxin-
free because it consists only of organic (chemical free),
unprocessed (toxin free), and truly natural (found in nature)
foods. The Raw-Vegan Diet is delicious because it uses the
basic building blocks of all the artificial tastes and flavors
manufactured on the planet and because it allows your taste
buds to become highly sensitive. If you allow your body to
become truly hungry before you eat then the food is even more
delicious, as hunger is the best spice! And you are so well-and-
truly-nourished on The Raw-Vegan diet that you will not feel
the need to eat before you are truly hungry.

To eat a Raw-Vegan Diet is very simple. We have detailed
instructions in "The Garden Diet" eBook. To sum it up you shop
from a health-food store, farmers market, and/or directly from
farmers. Your shopping list looks something like this.

Shopping List:

fruits (organic, in season, mostly locally grown)
vegetables (the same as above)
nuts (fresh, organic, in the shell, or in bulk, but preferably
refrigerated if not in the shell)
seeds (bulk hulled sunflower and pumpkin seeds)
tahini (ground sesame seeds)
oils (cold-pressed organic olive, hempseed and flaxseed oils)
olives (raw Kalamata olives)
dates (medjool, from the produce section)
honey (raw, cold-packed)
unrefined sea salt (such as Celtic Sea Salt)

Equipment you may want:

Citrus Juicer (around $20 at a home store)
K-Tec Blender, Vitamix Blender, and/or Food Processor
Vegetable Juicer such as the Greenstar Juicer (greenstar.com)

This equipment is completely optional. You don't actually need
any equipment to do The Raw-Vegan Diet. The highest form of
the Raw-Vegan Diet is eating simple whole foods in their
natural state.

We do not recommend investing in a dehydrator or eating
dehydrated foods. Dehydrated foods have no water in them.
Therefore your body must re-hydrate the foods internally,
taking valuable water from your system. We are skeptical of
whether dehydrated foods contain much nourishment. Cooking
involves heating food at high temperatures for a short time.
Dehydrating food involves heating food at low temperatures for
a long time. If you do the math, it adds up to about the same
thing. Dehydrated foods are concentrated and therefore
stronger tasting than raw foods. This can lead people to eat
dehydrated foods in place of fresh foods. However we
recognize the contribution that dehydrated foods have made in
helping people to create recipes that taste a lot like cooked
foods, thereby helping more people to become interested in
the raw diet. If dehydrated foods are used in moderation during
the transition phase they can help people to make the eventual
transition to a more simple and healthful raw-vegan diet.

Coming Off The OJ Diet

Here is a suggested menu plan for the first four days after The
OJ Diet (See Recipes in The Garden Diet eBook for details):

Day 1
Breakfast - Banana/OJ smoothie (blend OJ and a banana in
your blender)
Lunch - Bananas
Dinner - Fruit Salad (gentle fruits such as banana, mango, and

Day 2
Breakfast - Fruit
Lunch - Baby Green Salad with avocado/lemon dressing
(mash an avocado and add a little lemon juice and pinch of
unrefined sea salt for dressing)
Dinner - OJ

Day 3
Breakfast - Fruit
Lunch - Seedmilk (sunflower seeds soaked for 4-8 hours
blended with water in your blender)
Dinner - Salad

Day 4
Breakfast - Fruit
Lunch - Almond Milk (almonds soaked for 6-12 hours blended
with water in your blender)
Dinner - Salsa and Jicama

See Menu Plan in The Garden Diet eBook for a suggested
menu plan for the next seven days.

After this you should be in tune with your body and ready to
listen to its needs, fine-tuning The Raw-Vegan Diet to your
particular tastes, needs, and lifestyle. Remember to be patient
with yourself. We have been cooked foodists for millions of
years. If you can't change overnight, that's only natural. Every
step that you take towards a raw foods diet is a giant step for
mankind! Never give up! And be gentle with yourself!

Nutrition Charts, from "Nutrition Almanac" Third Edition
by Lavon J. Dunne:

Orange (1 orange):
Calories - 62 gm
Protein - 1.23 gm
Carbohydrate - 15.4 gm
Fiber - 56 gm
Vitamin A - 269 IU
Vitamin B1 - .114 mg
Vitamin B2 - .052 mg
Vitamin B6 - .079 mg
Biotin - 1.8 mcg
Niacin - .369 mg
Pantothenic Acid - .328 mg
Folic Acid - 39.7 mcg
Vitamin C - 69.7 mg
Vitamin E - .43 IU
Calcium - 52 mg
Copper - .059 mg
Iron - .13 mg
Magnesium - 13 mg
Manganese - .033 mg
Phosphorus - 18 mg
Potassium - 237 mg
Selenium - 2.5 mcg
Zinc - .09 mg
Total fat - .16 gm
Cholesterol - 0 mg
Tryptophan - .012 gm
Threonine - .02 gm
Isoleucine - .033 gm
Leucine - .03 gm
Lysine - .062 gm
Methionine - .026 gm
Cystine - .013 gm
Phenylalanine - .041 gm
Tyrosine - .021 gm
Valine - .052 gm
Arginine - .085 gm
Histidine - .024 gm
Alanine - .066 gm
Aspartic acid - .149 gm
Glutamic acid - .123 gm
Glycine - .123 gm
Proline - .06 gm
Serine - .042 gm

Locate Organic Farms and Farmer's Markets Near You


Ordering Organic Oranges Online


We buy our oranges from a wonderful Organic Orange Grove
in Ojai, CA. We can give you the contact information to order
oranges from them upon request. They sell the oranges for
$20.00 for a 40 lb. box. Shipping is expensive so you will want
to calculate your shipping costs at Fedex.com or UPS.com

The Biggest OJ Winner!

- Enter The Biggest OJ Winner! Send your before and
afters to


and we will feature

one of the entrants in Pear Magazine with your interview
and photos! You'll also receive a free package of all our

If you would take a before and after picture of yourself
before and after going on The OJ Diet and send us a
little letter about the results of The OJ Diet on your
health, we would be very happy! Let us know if we may
share the pictures and testimony online or not.
Questions, Photos, and Your Stories may be emailed to
jinjeetalifero@gmail.com or mailed to: The Garden Diet,
226 W. Ojai Ave. Suite 101 - #178 Ojai, CA 93023.

Support Forum / Online Community for The Orange
Juice Diet:



Ekaya Institute of Living Food Education




Ekaya Institute of Living Food Education

, 2000 - 2010

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The Orange Juice Diet

An eBook Publication From The Ekaya Institute of Living Food


by Jinjee Talifero

What Is The Orange Juice (OJ) Diet

The Orange Juice Diet is a very simple and beautiful way to
lose weight and rejuvenate in a very short period of time. It is a
2 week diet consisting only of orange juice (and water). You
can drink as much fresh squeezed organic orange juice as you
want. All you need are sun ripened organic oranges and an
electric citrus juicer. Some people would call this an Orange
Juice Fast. However other people say that the word Fasting
should only be applied to a Water Fast. If you are taking
calories into your system, you aren't really fasting. So we call it
The Orange Juice Diet or The OJ Diet. The OJ Diet offers
many of the same beneficial results as a water fast. Orange
Juice is very easy to digest so it gives your system a rest from
digesting. It is less dramatic than water fasting because you
are still taking in food energy. Fruit is a cleansing food so your
cells receive a deep cleaning and clearing out of toxins. Fruit is
a very pure source of energy so our cells also receive a charge
of electric mineral-rich energy. Therefore the OJ Diet gives us a
clarity and a glow; health and rejuvenation on a cellular level.

Where to Get Organic Oranges

You can order organic oranges by the crate. We suggest
ordering 2 to 3 crates/boxes per week per person. Ideally you
would get your oranges directly from an orange grower. If you
live in a Southern State you should take advantage of your
situation and find an organic orange grower near you. To locate
an organic orange grower in your area do an online search,
ask your health-food store, ask at your farmers market, or
check the yellow pages. Even if you have to drive two hours to
get to the farm, it is worth it to buy the oranges directly from the
farmer! This will give you the most affordable and the freshest,
ripest, most vital oranges you can get. If there is a farmers
market in your area that is a great place to get organic oranges
too. Farmers usually pick their oranges the day before the
market to sell at the market, so the oranges would be very
fresh too! If you live elsewhere, ask at your local health-food
store if they can sell you boxes of organic oranges. If not, ask
them if they can order some boxes for you. If you don't have a
local health-food store, you can order through your grocery
store or supermarket. When we lived in Canada we had our
local supermarket order boxes of organic oranges for us.
Depending on where you live the oranges will cost between
$20 and $40 a crate. So your food bill will be about $40-$120
per week during The OJ Diet. (This is probably a lot less than
you spend on food now).

How To Do the OJ Diet

To juice a glass of orange juice simply cut about four oranges
in half and press each half down on the electric juicer. We
purchased our electric citrus juicer at a home appliances store
for $20. It is small and portable, easy to put together, easy to
use, and easy to clean. Clean your juicer immediately after
juicing and all you will have to do is rinse it off. If you don't
clean it right away you'll have to scrub a bit. If you have a
kitchen at your place of work, you can bring your juicer and
oranges with you to work.

Your day on the OJ Diet might look like this: a glass of OJ at
8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, noon, 2:00 PM, 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM.
That's 6 glasses a day. Or you might drink 2 glasses at each of
these times if you prefer. You could drink 2 glasses 3 times a
day if that is easier for you. It really doesn't matter how much,
how little, how often or when you drink the OJ. Do whatever is
comfortable for you. The point is to consume nothing but OJ
and water for 2 weeks. We recommend that you drink 2-8
glasses of water a day in addition to the OJ. One easy way to
ensure that you get enough water is to keep a bottle of water at
your side and drink a couple of sips every 15 minutes or so.
The reason it is important to drink water is because no other
substance has the same cleansing ability as water. And the
orange juice diet is going to put your body into a state of
cleansing. So the water adds additional and important
cleansing strength. Drinking sufficient water and getting
exercise are the two most important things to do to prevent any
uncomfortable detoxification symptoms from occurring while
you are doing the OJ Diet.

Drink the juice immediately. Do not store your juice in the fridge
for later. The orange juice begins to oxidize right away, a
process whereby the juice both loses nutrients and becomes
toxic. Use only fresh squeezed organic orange juice that you
juice yourself. Do not use pasteurized, processed, canned or
any other kind of orange juice. Not only is it completely dead
and devoid of nutrients, but it is actually toxic. You would get
sick and malnourished drinking only pasteurized concentrated
OJ for two weeks. You should also avoid commercial (non-
organic) oranges like the plague. I can actually taste the
chemicals in them. They also have much less nutrition in them
than organic oranges because they are grown in soil that has
been chemically fertilized and chemically treated with
pesticides and herbicides to kill all the bugs and weeds. When
you kill all the bugs and weeds, you destroy the soil's natural
balance and that soil therefore becomes very low in minerals
and nutrients. To take away death is to take away life. The soil
is essentially sterilized. To sterilize something means that you
remove the death force from it, which is the same thing as
removing the life force, because life and death are a part of the
same cycle. This life/death force in foods is called "enzymes".
Enzymes make the food grow and ripen and they also make
the food rot at the end of the cycle of the fruit's life. So killing
the enzymes in food by heating or pasteurizing the food makes
the food last longer on the shelf, but it also removes the life

The oranges must also be tree-ripened or sun-ripened. You
can tell if an orange is ripe by the appearance of the skin. It
should not have any green tinges or green tint to it. It can have
brown spots; these are actually bee stings and indicate that the
orange is good and ripe, and very sweet! The acid in unripe
oranges will upset the balance in your system. When oranges
are allowed to ripen on the tree then the acid turns to beneficial

What Makes Oranges So Nutritious

Oranges are nutrient dense so your body will be receiving far
more nutrition than it is used to. Oranges contain the following
essential vitamins: A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, biotin, niacin,
pantothenic acid, and folic acid. They contain the following
minerals: calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese,
phosphorus, potassium, selenium, and zinc. Oranges also
contain all of the 18 known amino acids. Oranges contain
beneficial carbohydrates, beneficial protein, and beneficial fat!
Yes, each orange even contains .16 gm of fat! Oranges also
contain fiber, electrolytes and organic water. In short, the
orange provides all the nutrition your body needs, with
absolutely no toxins, provided it is organic. You can see the
chart at the bottom of this document for the exact amounts of
each of the above nutrients contained in an orange. It can be
very reassuring to know that you are getting such a rich
quantity of nutrients while you are on the OJ Diet.

The Difference Between Unheated and Heated Fats,
Proteins, and Carbohydrates

All foods are either fats, proteins, or carbohydrates, or usually
a combination of all three. Fats, proteins, and carbohydrates
from fruit are totally beneficial and necessary for proper brain
function. Fats, proteins, and carbohydrates from animal
products or that have been heated are toxic and damaging to
the body. The difference between the unheated fats, proteins,
and carbohydrates in fruits and vegetables vs. the fats,
proteins, and carbohydrates from heated animal products is so
vastly different that they can hardly be considered to be the
same nutrients.

Mother's milk is 2.2% protein. So is OJ and most fruits and
vegetables. Fruit and vegetables are the ultimate food for
nourishing the human body. When you are an infant you
double in size in your first year, eating nothing but mother's
milk. At no other time in your life is your protein intake as
critical. And if 2.2% protein is good enough for an infant, it is
certainly the right amount of protein for a human adult. Storm is
a 54 year old raw-vegan who has eaten a raw-vegan diet
including about 75% fruit for over 30 years. He has built a
muscular body that many people wouldn't believe possible on a
diet that contains no animal protein.

Feeling Satisfied on The Orange Juice Diet

It is almost impossible to feel deprived when you are living on
the most delicious food in the world. Look at a glass of Orange
Juice. It is the most lovely color. It is so thick and full of
nutrients that you can't see through it. And to think that it
comes from a tree! Trees give us oxygen for breathing and
they give us the ultimate food for our bodies! You are drinking
Tree Juice! It is totally addictive in a positive way. Orange juice
is the staple food in our home the way bread is in many
homes. When we run out of oranges we feel like we've run out
of food! When I am hungry, orange juice is what I crave. I like
to drink it sitting in the sun. It reflects the light so beautifully. It
almost absorbs the light, bringing an extra dose of sunshine
into your system. I think of orange juice as liquid sun, liquid
gold. The orange's magical alchemy of turning earth into gold
also works within our body turning our sludge-filled cells into
clear bright building blocks making up a vibrant and dynamic
being. The orange is made from earth, water, sun, and air, ~ it
contains all four main elements in it. It is a perfectly balanced
food. I can't think of anything that tastes better than orange
juice! It goes down so easily, like breathing. It digests almost
instantly, giving you instant energy. And it keeps you energized
for a long time. If all you drank in a day was three glasses of
orange juice you would almost certainly have more energy
than most people who eat three square meals.

What to Expect While You are on The Orange Juice Diet

During the OJ Diet most people will feel an instant increase in
energy and well being. However some people may feel a little
light-headed, dizzy, and low energy. This is caused by toxins
being eliminated from your body. It is nothing to worry about.
Relax and appreciate what your body is doing for you; cleaning
house. If you feel weak, take the day off if you can and lie in
bed doing nothing! This will allow your body to focus all its
energies on cleansing (detoxification).

The OJ Diet will improve your skin, hair, nails, organs,
digestive system, nervous system, electrochemical system,
meridian system, respiratory system, tissue elasticity, muscle
tone, joint function, and brain function.

You will notice results almost immediately, probably within 1-3
days of beginning the diet.

Curing Detox Symptoms with an Enema

If you experience a headache or flu-like symptoms it may be
that your colon is clogged, the toxins being eliminated from
your body are getting stuck in the colon, and you are re-
absorbing toxins back into your system. The instant cure for
this condition is to do an enema. You can buy an enema bag
from any drugstore. You fill the bag about half-full with very
warm water, hang it up on your shower-head pinching the hose
to prevent water escaping, lubricate the nozzle with olive oil
and insert gently in your rectum, crouch down on all fours on
your knees in the bathtub with your bottom up, and slowly let
the water escape through the hose into your colon. Remain in
this position for one to two minutes and then you will feel the
pressure to eliminate. Do so. Wait another 1-5 minutes and you
may feel the pressure to eliminate again. Do so. Wait again for
5 minutes. Then refill the enema bag and start the whole
process again. Doing this twice in a row will clear any
blockages you may have in your colon and almost instantly
dissolve your detox symptoms. After doing an enema you feel
so clean and clear, it gives you such a feeling of well-being
throughout your body, that you won't want to put anything
clogging into your body again. The enema is a very gentle way
to clean the colon. It is safe to do frequent enemas. However if
it is done to excess, for instance every day for many weeks on
end, then it can actually strip the colon of necessary bacteria.

Exercising While You are on The Orange Juice Diet

It is very good to exercise every day on the OJ Diet. This will
help prevent detox symptoms as toxins are expelled through
your breath, your sweat, and your elimination organs. When
you exercise you are moving your lymph system, the system
responsible for waste removal in your body. This is a system
similar to your blood system but with no pump to move it. The
only way to move your lymph system is to exercise! The old
Native American saying; "Expect poison from stagnant water"
applies just as well to your body as to mountain pools.

An ideal exercise during the OJ Diet is to take a 2 hour walk
each day, outside. If you can only manage a half an hour to an
hour that's fine. If you already have a workout routine that you
are happy with you can keep doing that instead of walking.
Walking helps process toxins, alleviates detox symptoms,
balances your whole being, and exercises every muscle in
your whole body in the most natural way possible. It is aerobic,
strengthening, and stretching, the three types of exercise that
we all need to stay fit, strong, and supple all of our lives.
Walking also gives a glow to your skin, creating more elasticity
which gives you a more youthful appearance. If you can walk
in nature, that is also very healing and health-giving for your
body, mind and spirit.

Caring For Your Teeth on The OJ Diet

Oranges and orange juice contain citric acid. This acid can be
hard on your teeth. Brush your teeth with a natural toothpaste
such as Burt's Bees or Peelu. (Make sure your toothpaste
doesn't contain Lauryl Sulfites or hydrolized vegetable/soy/
wheat protein). Citric acid starts to affect your teeth about 20
minutes after you drink or eat it. So brush your teeth within 15
minutes of drinking OJ. If you are drinking OJ five or six times
a day you want to brush lightly so you don't over-brush and
hurt your gums. If you can't brush your teeth every time, at
least swish with water to rinse your teeth. This will help
somewhat. Also extremely helpful for your teeth is to drink your
OJ with a straw so that the juice actually by-passes your teeth.

The OJ Diet and Diabetes, Hypoglycemia, Candida, etc...

Can you do the OJ Diet if you are diabetic, hypoglycemic or
suffering from candida? Yes! These conditions are usually
worsened by a sugary diet. Again, fruit sugar is a vastly
different nutrient than processed sugar. They are in fact
opposites. I suffered from candida before I became a raw-
vegan. When I was going back and forth between a cooked
and a raw-vegan diet I noticed something very interesting. I
noticed that when I was eating cooked food then any additional
fruit sugar in my diet aggravated my candida. However when I
was eating only raw-vegan foods then I could eat as much fruit
and drink as much fruit juice as I wanted without any candida
symptoms appearing. I could even live on orange juice. This
experience leads me to believe that fruit sugar causes a
different reaction in your body in the presence of cooked foods
or refined sugar.

I have a friend who tests his blood sugar levels using a diabetic
blood testing machine. He has been on a Raw-Vegan Diet for 4
months. He recently tested his blood sugar a half an hour after
drinking 4 cups of a raw fruit smoothie (as opposed to a frozen
commercial smoothie that you get at Jamba Juice and
restaurants). His blood sugar was 105, which is "fasting" level,
as though he hadn't eaten at all! Science will tell you that this is
impossible. However they have not yet taken into account the
difference between testing on a naturally healthy (raw-vegan)
body and a "normal" (cooked) person. The internal
environments in these two types of bodies is so vastly different
that foods will react completely differently in each of them. The
medical profession recommends that we avoid fruit if we have
diabetes, hypoglycemia or candida. They are correct if they are
treating a person who eats a cooked-food diet. However, in the
absence of cooked and processed foods, fruit will heal these
conditions! The best and most reassuring thing to do is test this
for yourself. If you have a condition such as diabetes,
hypoglycemia or candida you should invest in a blood-sugar
testing kit, available at any drugstore for around $70.

The Results of The OJ Diet

By the time you have completed the Orange Juice Diet you will
feel much lighter. You will feel about 10 years younger. You will
look 10 years younger, glowing, vibrant, and healthy. You will
sleep better. You will have an abundance of energy. You will be
more alert and have clarity of mind. You will feel creative and
your emotions will be balanced. You will probably have lost
between 10 and 20 lbs.

Maintaining a Clean Body After the OJ Diet with The Raw-
Vegan Lifestyle

You may want to do the OJ diet one week a month or two
weeks every few months. You may want to include fresh OJ in
your regular diet more often, perhaps replacing one meal each

After finishing the OJ Diet you will feel so clean that you will not
wish to return to an ordinary diet. That is why it is an excellent
way to jump-start a raw-vegan diet. It offers more dramatic and
instant results than just "going raw". It quickly cleans and
detoxifies your system so that you can absorb all of the
nutrients in raw foods. And it leaves you feeling so energetic
and vibrant, vibrating at such a high frequency, that you will not
want to do anything that will bring your energy down again.

We recommend that after the OJ Diet, you go on The Raw-
Vegan Diet, which is not a diet but a lifestyle. The Raw-Vegan
Diet consists of organic unheated fruits, vegetables, nuts,
seeds, grains, raw honey, unrefined sea salt, and cold-pressed
olive, flaxseed and hempseed oils.

The Raw-Vegan Diet is nutrient dense because the foods are
not damaged by heating. The Raw-Vegan Diet is virtually toxin-
free because it consists only of organic (chemical free),
unprocessed (toxin free), and truly natural (found in nature)
foods. The Raw-Vegan Diet is delicious because it uses the
basic building blocks of all the artificial tastes and flavors
manufactured on the planet and because it allows your taste
buds to become highly sensitive. If you allow your body to
become truly hungry before you eat then the food is even more
delicious, as hunger is the best spice! And you are so well-and-
truly-nourished on The Raw-Vegan diet that you will not feel
the need to eat before you are truly hungry.

To eat a Raw-Vegan Diet is very simple. We have detailed
instructions in "The Garden Diet" eBook. To sum it up you shop
from a health-food store, farmers market, and/or directly from
farmers. Your shopping list looks something like this.

Shopping List:

fruits (organic, in season, mostly locally grown)
vegetables (the same as above)
nuts (fresh, organic, in the shell, or in bulk, but preferably
refrigerated if not in the shell)
seeds (bulk hulled sunflower and pumpkin seeds)
tahini (ground sesame seeds)
oils (cold-pressed organic olive, hempseed and flaxseed oils)
olives (raw Kalamata olives)
dates (medjool, from the produce section)
honey (raw, cold-packed)
unrefined sea salt (such as Celtic Sea Salt)

Equipment you may want:

Citrus Juicer (around $20 at a home store)
K-Tec Blender, Vitamix Blender, and/or Food Processor
Vegetable Juicer such as the Greenstar Juicer (greenstar.com)

This equipment is completely optional. You don't actually need
any equipment to do The Raw-Vegan Diet. The highest form of
the Raw-Vegan Diet is eating simple whole foods in their
natural state.

We do not recommend investing in a dehydrator or eating
dehydrated foods. Dehydrated foods have no water in them.
Therefore your body must re-hydrate the foods internally,
taking valuable water from your system. We are skeptical of
whether dehydrated foods contain much nourishment. Cooking
involves heating food at high temperatures for a short time.
Dehydrating food involves heating food at low temperatures for
a long time. If you do the math, it adds up to about the same
thing. Dehydrated foods are concentrated and therefore
stronger tasting than raw foods. This can lead people to eat
dehydrated foods in place of fresh foods. However we
recognize the contribution that dehydrated foods have made in
helping people to create recipes that taste a lot like cooked
foods, thereby helping more people to become interested in
the raw diet. If dehydrated foods are used in moderation during
the transition phase they can help people to make the eventual
transition to a more simple and healthful raw-vegan diet.

Coming Off The OJ Diet

Here is a suggested menu plan for the first four days after The
OJ Diet (See Recipes in The Garden Diet eBook for details):

Day 1
Breakfast - Banana/OJ smoothie (blend OJ and a banana in
your blender)
Lunch - Bananas
Dinner - Fruit Salad (gentle fruits such as banana, mango, and

Day 2
Breakfast - Fruit
Lunch - Baby Green Salad with avocado/lemon dressing
(mash an avocado and add a little lemon juice and pinch of
unrefined sea salt for dressing)
Dinner - OJ

Day 3
Breakfast - Fruit
Lunch - Seedmilk (sunflower seeds soaked for 4-8 hours
blended with water in your blender)
Dinner - Salad

Day 4
Breakfast - Fruit
Lunch - Almond Milk (almonds soaked for 6-12 hours blended
with water in your blender)
Dinner - Salsa and Jicama

See Menu Plan in The Garden Diet eBook for a suggested
menu plan for the next seven days.

After this you should be in tune with your body and ready to
listen to its needs, fine-tuning The Raw-Vegan Diet to your
particular tastes, needs, and lifestyle. Remember to be patient
with yourself. We have been cooked foodists for millions of
years. If you can't change overnight, that's only natural. Every
step that you take towards a raw foods diet is a giant step for
mankind! Never give up! And be gentle with yourself!

Nutrition Charts, from "Nutrition Almanac" Third Edition
by Lavon J. Dunne:

Orange (1 orange):
Calories - 62 gm
Protein - 1.23 gm
Carbohydrate - 15.4 gm
Fiber - 56 gm
Vitamin A - 269 IU
Vitamin B1 - .114 mg
Vitamin B2 - .052 mg
Vitamin B6 - .079 mg
Biotin - 1.8 mcg
Niacin - .369 mg
Pantothenic Acid - .328 mg
Folic Acid - 39.7 mcg
Vitamin C - 69.7 mg
Vitamin E - .43 IU
Calcium - 52 mg
Copper - .059 mg
Iron - .13 mg
Magnesium - 13 mg
Manganese - .033 mg
Phosphorus - 18 mg
Potassium - 237 mg
Selenium - 2.5 mcg
Zinc - .09 mg
Total fat - .16 gm
Cholesterol - 0 mg
Tryptophan - .012 gm
Threonine - .02 gm
Isoleucine - .033 gm
Leucine - .03 gm
Lysine - .062 gm
Methionine - .026 gm
Cystine - .013 gm
Phenylalanine - .041 gm
Tyrosine - .021 gm
Valine - .052 gm
Arginine - .085 gm
Histidine - .024 gm
Alanine - .066 gm
Aspartic acid - .149 gm
Glutamic acid - .123 gm
Glycine - .123 gm
Proline - .06 gm
Serine - .042 gm

Locate Organic Farms and Farmer's Markets Near You


Ordering Organic Oranges Online


We buy our oranges from a wonderful Organic Orange Grove
in Ojai, CA. We can give you the contact information to order
oranges from them upon request. They sell the oranges for
$20.00 for a 40 lb. box. Shipping is expensive so you will want
to calculate your shipping costs at Fedex.com or UPS.com

The Biggest OJ Winner!

- Enter The Biggest OJ Winner! Send your before and
afters to


and we will feature

one of the entrants in Pear Magazine with your interview
and photos! You'll also receive a free package of all our

If you would take a before and after picture of yourself
before and after going on The OJ Diet and send us a
little letter about the results of The OJ Diet on your
health, we would be very happy! Let us know if we may
share the pictures and testimony online or not.
Questions, Photos, and Your Stories may be emailed to
jinjeetalifero@gmail.com or mailed to: The Garden Diet,
226 W. Ojai Ave. Suite 101 - #178 Ojai, CA 93023.

Support Forum / Online Community for The Orange
Juice Diet:



Ekaya Institute of Living Food Education




Ekaya Institute of Living Food Education

, 2000 - 2010


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