eim3 02 worksheet

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Unit 2

Grammar Practice



Circle the correct time expressions.
1 I've seen Simon in school last week / today.
2 Have you done your homework yesterday /


3 Tom met his wife two years ago / for two


4 When I was born / Since I was born I had

red hair.

5 She has never / last year been on a plane.
6 He wrote a book about deafness since he

was 25 / when he was 25.

7 Have the children saved much money

this month / last month?

8 Did you buy that CD today / already?
9 I've worked here for two weeks / two weeks




Write sentences using the present perfect of

the verb in brackets.
1 I moved to London ®ve years ago, and I'm

still here. (live)

I've lived in London for ®ve years.

2 Dan started work here a month ago. (work)


3 She met Mark when she was a child. (know)


4 I learned to drive seven years ago. (be able)


5 We got here at 10 pm. (be)


6 We bought this house when we won the

lottery. (have)

7 She had £100, now she has £30. (spend)


8 I enjoyed skiing when we went on holiday

to Austria, and I still enjoy it. (like)



Write sentences using the past simple form

of the verb in brackets.
1 I've lived in London for ®ve years. (move)


I moved to London ®ve years ago.

2 I've known Martin since December. (meet)


3 We've owned this car since last summer.


4 I've been able to juggle since I was two years

old. (learn)

5 They've been married for ®fty years. (get)


6 I've had this cold for a week. (catch)


7 We've been friends since I saved her life.


8 She has been here since yesterday. (arrive)




Complete the sentences with the correct

form of say or tell.
1 I laughed all evening. The comedian

.................. a lot of funny jokes.


2 `I'm sorry. I didn't understand you. Can you

.................. it again, please?'

3 It's polite to .................. `thank you' after

dinner at a friend's house.

4 My teacher .................. me off because I

was late for class again.

5 We .................. goodbye when the party


6 In church, people often sit quietly and

.................. prayers.

7 My brother is colour-blind. He can't

.................. the difference between colours.

8 She .................. me a secret about her

house yesterday. It's haunted!


# Cambridge University Press 2005 Level 3 Unit 2







Level 3


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