eim3 15 worksheet

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Unit 15

Grammar Practice



Make one sentence from two.

Use who / that / which.
1 A man lives next door. He is a teacher.

The man .....................................................

who lives next door is a teacher.

2 A student was asleep in class today. He has

got extra homework now.
The student ................................................

3 A bus goes past my house. It leaves at 7.00.

The bus .......................................................

4 A dog ate your dinner. It belongs to my

The dog ......................................................

5 A ®lm is on TV tonight. It's very funny.

The ®lm ......................................................



Complete each sentence. Use a de®ning or a non-de®ning clause. Use commas where necessary.

There is sometimes more than one possible answer.
1 I was looking for a CD this morning. I still haven't found it.

I still haven't found ............................................................................................................................

the CD that/which I was looking for this morning.

2 Our house is in the city centre. We bought it two years ago.

Our house ..........................................................................................................................................

3 Tina's boyfriend was at the party. I don't really like him.

Tina's boyfriend .................................................................................................................................

4 Steve showed me the photographs. They were taken in the Bahamas.

Steve .................................................................................................................................................

5 Tornadoes often happen in the USA. They are violent wind storms.

Tornadoes ..........................................................................................................................................

6 I'm looking for a book. It has information about computers in it.

I'm looking for ...................................................................................................................................



Complete the sentences with a / an, the or

1 Would you like .......... cup of tea?


2 I go to .......... dentist every six months.
3 I love all .......... animals, especially ..........


4 It's hot. I'd love to buy .......... ice cream now.

5 Can I open .......... window, please?
6 What's for .......... dinner? I'm really hungry!
7 Don't look directly at .......... sun. It's bad for

your eyes.

8 I'm going on .......... school trip to Germany

next weekend.



Circle the correct word.
1 The little boy, ......................... name was


Timmy, was crying.
a who

b whose

c which

2 He's from Scotland, ......................... they

make good whisky.
a where

b when

c what

3 My Uncle Tom, ......................... works for

the police, caught a burglar yesterday.
a which

b whose

c who

4 I haven't seen Psycho, ......................... is

one of the scariest ®lms ever made.
a what

b which

c who

5 Tolkien, ......................... books are sold all

over the world, was an Oxford professor.
a whose

b which

c where


# Cambridge University Press 2005 Level 3 Unit 15






Level 3


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