eim2 15 worksheet

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Unit 15

Grammar Practice



Make sentences using the past perfect.
1 I / study / all day

I had studied all day.


2 Paul / sell / the car


3 We / see / the ®lm


4 They / drink / all the wine


5 She / buy / a new bag


6 It / rain / all weekend


7 They / go / to the beach




Make the underlined parts of the sentences

1 She was full because she had eaten too



hadn't eaten


2 After ten years he had changed a lot.


3 George knew him as he had met him before.


4 Alan had spent all of his money by


5 When we arrived at the concert, it

had started.

6 Philip had fallen asleep before she turned the

lights off.

7 The receptionist had made the reservations

for the following week.



Complete the sentences. Put the verb in

brackets into the past perfect.
1 She .................................. (already speak) to

had already spoken

him before I arrived.

2 We .................................. (save) a lot of

money for our holiday.

3 He .................................. (travel) all over the

world by the time he was eighteen.

4 When I got to the party, Maria

.................................. (already leave).

5 He .................................. (not wear) those

trousers before he went to the wedding.

6 The decorator .................................. (not

®nish) all the painting when I arrived home.

7 Before the tour started, the cyclist

.................................. (train) every day.



Put the words in the correct order to make

1 had / never / Robert / before / football /

Robert had never played football before.


2 always / photos / taking / She / loved / had


3 I / my / couldn't / car / use / down / broken /

had / it / because

4 Rachel / several / written / a / got / reply /

times / Jack / had / to / before / he

5 thieves / arrived / police / escaped / the /

The / when / had

6 the / started / by / time / play / got / theatre /

The / to / the / we / already / had

7 Everyone / I / home / got / bed / gone / had /

when / to


# Cambridge University Press 2005 Level 2 Unit 15







Level 2


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