03 Microcontact Printing of Proteins

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Microcontact Printing of Proteins

Emmanuel Delamarche



Biomolecules on surfaces have applications that range from medical diagnostics, analyti-
cal chemistry, and culturing and studying cells on surfaces, to synthesizing or engineering
DNA, carbohydrates, polypeptides, or proteins. Defining patterns of biomolecules – and of
proteins in particular – on surfaces is no simple task considering how complex and fragile
these molecules can be. Photolithography – the art of structuring surfaces at lateral scales
of less than 1 micrometer – was used recently to create DNA microarrays. Photolithogra-
phy affords the capability of synthesizing strands of DNA using lithographic masks and
photochemistry, but it is unlikely that a similar approach would permit the fabrication
of arrays of proteins, which cannot be synthesized block-by-block at present. In photolitho-
graphy, UV light, organic solvents, photoresists, and resist developers can compromise the
structure and function of even a simple protein. For these reasons, novel approaches to
patterning proteins include defining regions on surfaces that attract, bind, or repel pro-
teins from solution, or in a more direct manner, by delivering small volumes of a solution
of protein to a surface using drop-on-demand systems or microfluidic devices [1–3].

This chapter describes the patterning of proteins on surfaces by means of microcontact

printing (mCP), where proteins are applied like ink to the surface of a stamp and trans-
ferred to a substrate by printing. Microcontact printing was originally developed by White-
sides and coworkers at Harvard for printing alkanethiols on gold with spatial control [4].
Many variants of mCP were later developed and collectively termed “soft lithography” [5].

The central element in mCP is the stamp. This is a silicone-based elastomer that is mi-

crostructured by curing liquid prepolymers of poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) on a litho-
graphically fabricated master (or mold). Once cured, the stamp is peeled off the mold by
hand; the stamp then bears an inverted pattern of that of the mold. One mold can be used
to replicate many stamps. The relative softness of the stamp, compared to that of a litho-
graphic mask, allows it to follow the contours of surfaces onto which it is applied. It is the
work of adhesion between the stamp and the substrate that drives the spreading of the
initial zones of contact at the expense of an elastic adaptation of the stamp [6]. In mCP
– and soft lithography in general – the contact between the elastomer and a substrate


Nanobiotechnology. Edited by Christof Niemeyer, Chad Mirkin

c 2004 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. K aA, Weinheim

ISBN 3-527-30658-7


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occurs at the molecular scale and is termed “conformal”; it ensures the homogeneous
transfer of ink from the stamp to the printed areas of the substrate [4].

PDMS materials have the following features. They are transparent to optical light and

even UV down to

Z240 nm, resistant to many chemicals and pH environments, good elec-

trical insulators, thermally stable, nontoxic, and can have tailored mechanical properties
using various degrees of crosslinking and amounts of resin fillers [7]. A PDMS stamp
can be a simple piece cut from a PDMS slab or accurately molded and mounted on a
stiff backplane [8, 9]. It can be composed of PDMS layers having different mechanical
characteristics, or shaped like a paint roller [10].

Handling stamps with tweezers and printing by hand is sufficient for most needs of

experimentalists. Mounting a stamp on a printing tool, however, provides the ability to
vary and control the pressure applied during printing, and to align the stamp with the
substrate. PDMS stamps have advancing and receding contact angles with water of
Z115h and Z95h and thus are hydrophobic and promote the spontaneous deposition of
proteins from solution [11]. This deposition is nonspecific and self-limiting to a monolayer
of proteins if the stamp is rinsed after the inking step. An important difference between
microcontact printing proteins on surfaces and alkanethiols on noble metals is the limited
amount of proteins on the stamp. Alkanethiols can diffuse inside a PDMS stamp in suffi-
cient amounts for multiple prints, whereas reinking stamps with proteins is necessary


3 Microcontact Printing of Proteins

Figure 3.1

Three related methods can pattern pro-

teins from a stamp to a surface. In contact pro-
cessing (left), a hydrogel stamp mediates the dif-
fusion of proteins from its bulk to a surface. Mi-
crocontact printing (center) utilizes an elastomeric
stamp inked with proteins to print the proteins on a

substrate without having a liquid. The stamp in
affinity contact printing (right) is derivatized with
capture proteins, which allows it to be selectively
inked with target proteins released to a substrate
during printing.

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after each print unless hydrogel “stampers” are used [12]. These stamps can carry a large
reserve of protein solution used for the contact processing (CP) of substrates. PDMS
stamps derivatized with biomolecules provide the basis for selective inking strategies
and lead to the affinity-contact printing (aCP) technique [13]. Figure 3.1 delineates the
operations that CP, mCP, and aCP involve. These techniques are described in detail in
the following sections.


Strategies for Printing Proteins on Surfaces


Contact Processing with Hydrogel Stamps

Contact processing (left-hand panel in Figure 3.1) mimics the deposition of proteins from
an aqueous environment to a surface by utilizing a hydrogel swollen with a solution of
protein [12, 14]. The proteins can diffuse through this hydrophilic matrix and adsorb
onto the substrate without uncontrolled spreading. The stamp consists of two parts.
The first is a reservoir above the hydrogel containing proteins dissolved in a biological buf-
fer. The second is the hydrogel that makes contact with the substrate and mediates the
transport of proteins to the substrate. A stamp that has a hydrogel made of poly(6-acry-
loyl-b-O-methyl-galactopyranoside), for example, embedded in a fine capillary can pattern
proteins with a resolution of

Z20 mm [14]. Hydrogels having a refined composition and a

greater degree of crosslinking exhibited better mechanical resistance, and were patterned
by replication of a mold [15]. The latter approach should allow a protein to be patterned on
a surface with a resolution better than 20 mm. CP based on hydrogel stamps has interest-
ing features. First, biomolecules remain in a biological buffer until the stamp is removed
and the substrate dried. Denaturation of proteins in this case should be minimal, and may
be similar to that of proteins adsorbed from solution onto polystyrene microtiter plates.
Second, it is straightforward to reuse such stamps for multiple CP experiments [14].


Microcontact Printing

Microcontact printing of proteins uses PDMS stamps replicated from a mold (middle
panel in Figure 3.1). Inking the stamp with proteins is simple, and analogous to deposit-
ing a layer of capture antibody (Ab) on polystyrene for conducting a solid-phase immu-
noassay. The duration of inking and the concentration of protein in the ink solution
determine the coverage of protein obtained on the stamp [16]. Inking a stamp can be
local and/or involve multiple types of proteins when the stamp is locally exposed using
a microfluidic network (mFN) or microcontainers to one or more solutions of protein
[17]. The transfer of proteins can be remarkably homogeneous and effective, depending
on the wetting properties of the substrate [18]. The large area of interaction of proteins
with substrates and their high molecular weight account for the high-resolution potential
of mCP of proteins. At the limit, single protein molecules can be printed as arrays on a
surface [16], whereas the diffusion of alkanethiols on noble metals or the reactivity of si-


3.2 Strategies for Printing Proteins on Surfaces

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lanes with themselves limit the practical resolution achieved for microcontact printing
self-assembled monolayers on surfaces. Microcontact printing proteins on surfaces ap-
pears to be limited by the resolution and mechanical stability of the patterns on the
stamp. Stamps made of Sylgard 184 and using masters prepared using rapid prototyping
or photolithography can have micrometer-sized patterns on fields even larger than 10 cm


[19]. Microcontact printing proteins with arbitrary patterns and submicrometer resolution
benefits from the use of a PDMS elastomer stiffer than Sylgard 184 and masters patterned
using electron-beam lithography [8].


Affinity-Contact Printing

Tailoring the surface chemistry of stamps to ink a particular type of biomolecule is crucial
for aCP (right-hand panel in Figure 3.1). The chemical stability of silicone elastomers is
both an advantage for preparing chemically resistant stamps and an obstacle to modifying
the surface of PDMS stamps. Exposing PDMS to an oxygen-based plasma forms a glassy
silica-like surface layer [20]. The oxidized layer is a few nanometers thick and contains si-
lanol groups (–Si–OH), which are useful for anchoring organosilanes [21]. Oxidized
PDMS can thus be derivatized similarly to glass or SiO


in a few chemical steps using

silane monolayers and with crosslinkers for proteins [22]. Affinity-contact printing is
the technique of covalently immobilizing ligand biomolecules onto a PDMS stamp, and
using them to ink a stamp selectively with receptor molecules. A stamp for aCP is roughly
analogous to a chromatography column due to its ability to extract proteins selectively
from a mixture, although releasing them involves printing them onto a surface [13]. Bio-
molecules that are naturally present in crude solutions and have a function on a surface
are ideal candidates for applications of aCP. Cell adhesion molecules is one example that
has already been demonstrated, but aCP could well be extended to a large variety of bio-
molecules for which ligands exist. Stamps in aCP are reusable and may include sites of
different affinity to capture and print multiple types of protein in parallel [23].


Microcontact Printing Polypeptides and Proteins

Many different types of proteins can be inked from an aqueous solution onto a hydropho-
bic silicon rubber such as PDMS [24]. Hydrophobic polymers in general promote the
deposition of proteins from solution through a variety of interactions, and slight or pro-
nounced conformational changes of the protein structure can accompany this adsorption
process. The kinetics of formation of a layer of protein on hydrophobic surfaces is often
compared to a Langmuir-type isotherm: the rate of deposition of the protein molecules
scales with their concentration in the bulk of the solution and reaches a plateau when
all sites on the substrate become occupied [25]. Hydrophobic substrates, as a general
rule, have stronger interactions with hydrophobic proteins, and their adsorption process
is less influenced by the pH and ionic strength of the solution and by the isoelectric
point of the protein than when polar or charged substrates are employed [25]. The size
of the protein does not seem to play an important role on their inking behavior. A


3 Microcontact Printing of Proteins

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wide range of proteins in terms of structure and functions has been microcontact printed,
which includes cytochrome c (12.5 kDa) [11], streptavidin and bovine serum albumin

Z60 kDa) [26–28], protein A and immunoglobulins G (150 kDa) [11], glucose oxi-

dase (160 kDa) [29], laminin (

Z210 kDa) [30], and fibronectin (440 kDa) [31]. It is some-

times necessary to employ stamps with a hydrophilic surface to ink hydrophilic polypep-
tides such as polylysine (with MW ranging from 38 to 135 kDa) [32] or lipid bilayers [33].
In other cases, small biomolecules such as amino-derivatized biotins were inked and
printed onto surfaces reactive to amino groups [34, 35]. In general, the derivatization of
biomolecules with thiol groups allows the printing of biomolecules on gold substrates
[36], where patterning by printing can be complemented by the adsorption of other
types of molecules from solution. The chemisorption of small biomolecules on surfaces
might be necessary for efficient transfer from the stamp and to prevent rinsing the print-
ing molecules during subsequent steps.


Printing One Type of Biomolecule

Immunoglobulins G (IgGs) are interesting candidate molecules for mCP: these Abs are
useful on surfaces for heterogeneous immunoassays. Their numerous disulfide linkages
make them robust, they adsorb from biological buffers to PDMS in a nonreversible man-
ner [24], and they can be conjugated to fluorescent centers, metal particles, enzymes, or
ligands such as biotin. Fluorescence microscopy is a versatile method to follow the results
of microcontact printing IgGs onto a glass surface (Figure 3.2). There, TRITC-labeled anti-
chicken Abs were inked everywhere on the stamp but transferred to glass only in the re-
gions of contact [11]. The patterns on the glass are accurate and correspond to zones of the
stamp where the inked proteins are missing. The contrast of the 1 mm-wide features in the


3.3 Microcontact Printing Polypeptides and Proteins

Figure 3.2

Microcontact printing proteins on glass. Fluorescence microscopy images revealing TRITC-

labeled chicken Abs on a stamp after inking and accurately transferred in the regions of contact to a glass
substrate. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [11]. (Copyright 1998 American Chemical Society.)

background image

pattern is high and accurate and, as no fluorescence above background is measured in the
nonprinted regions, it is clear that no transfer of Ab occurred in the recessed areas of the
stamp. This might not always be the case, because small features have limited mechanical
stability [6]. Demolding the stamp from the mold, capillary effects during inking and
drying the stamp, and the printing itself may compromise the mechanical stability of
patterns [37]. Implementing support structures in the design of the pattern, controlling
the forces exerted during printing and affixing a stiff backplane to the stamp improve
the stability of patterns. Stamps can be very large and have features measuring from mi-
crometers to centimeters, making it possible to print proteins of one kind on large sub-
strates to pattern cells indirectly. Examples include microcontact printing fibronectin
[31], polylysine [30, 38, 39], laminin [40], and adhesion peptides [41].



Substrates for biomolecules cover a wide range of materials, from simple glass slides to
complex functional microelectronic devices or sensors. Having conformal contact between
the stamp and substrate during printing is the first requirement for microcontact printing
biomolecules. For this reason, the substrate should not be too rough [6], or have too pro-
minent structures [39]. Polystyrene, poly(styrene terephthalate), glass, amphiphilic comb
polymers, Si wafers, and substrates covered with a thin evaporated metal and/or a self-
assembled monolayer can be microcontact printed with proteins and stamps made of
Sylgard 184 [11, 29, 34, 42]. The printing time does not seem to play a role, and takes
the few seconds necessary to propagate the initial contact to the entire substrate. The details
of how and why proteins transfer from a stamp to a surface were intriguing until the
recent discovery that the difference in wettability by water between the stamp and the sur-
face determines whether transfer occurs [18]. Proteins tend to transfer when the substrate
is more wettable, or has a higher work of adhesion for water, than the stamp. In this
respect, the chemical composition of the surface does not seem to play a particular role
other than defining the wettability of the surface (Figure 3.3). The surface of the stamp
can be derivatized with fluorinated silanes to raise the wettability threshold of the sub-
strate below which transfer remains effective, for example. A remarkable incidence of
printing proteins occurs with poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG)-derivatized surfaces [18]. Sur-
faces covered with a sufficient density of PEGs resist the deposition of proteins from solu-
tion because in order to interact with the PEG layer, proteins have to remove water solvat-
ing EG repeat units and reduce the number of possible conformations of the PEG chains
[43]. Both of these requirements are energetically unfavorable to the deposition of proteins
from solution onto PEG-treated surfaces [44]. The mechanism accounting for the transfer
of protein in mCP might thus involve the dry state of the PEG layer during printing [43],
the local pressure exerted by the stamp at the line front propagation of the conformal con-
tact [45], or some contamination of the PEG layer by low-molecular-weight silicone resi-
dues from the stamp. The deposition of proteins from solution or by printing exhibits an-
tagonistic behaviors: proteins are more difficult to print on a hydrophobic surface than on
a hydrophilic one whereas the opposite situation generally occurs in solution with, as an
extreme case, PEG surfaces, which are protein-repellant [46].


3 Microcontact Printing of Proteins

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3.3 Microcontact Printing Polypeptides and Proteins

Figure 3.3

Influence of the wettability

of the substrate by water on the degree
of transfer of proteins from a PDMS
stamp to a Au surface. (A) The sub-
strate is derivatized with SAMs com-
prising variable mole fractions of two
constituents having different end-
groups. (B) Proteins are adsorbed from
solution onto the stamp. (C) The
resulting printed patterns are analyzed
using fluorescence microscopy. The
fluorescence micrograph corresponds
to fluorescently labeled proteins printed
onto a 100 % COOH-terminated SAM.
The transfer of proteins followed on
SAMs having hydrophilic components
functionalized with (D) COOH,
(E) OH, or (F) EG correlates with the
wettability of the mixed SAM (G).
Figure kindly provided by J. L. Tan,
J. Tien and C. S. Chen, and reprinted
with permission from Ref. [18]. (Copy-
right 2002 American Chemical Society.)

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Printing proteins is not limited to the patterning of planar substrates but is possible on

curved surfaces, structured surfaces, and over large areas [5]. A stamp can be molded
directly curved or planar and then curved and rolled over a surface [10]. Large stamps

j 10 cm) can be molded with a pattern having an accuracy of better than 1 mm [47].

The mechanical properties of stamps can be varied from 1 MPa (Young’s modulus) to
over 30 MPa by adjusting the formulation of the polymer with respect to its average mo-
lecular weight between junctions, the junction functionality, and the density and size of
filler particles added to the polymer [8]. The hardness of a stamp, its work of adhesion
with the substrate, the pressure applied during printing, and the topography and work
adhesion of the substrate all determine whether conformal contact will occur. The stability
of features on the stamp might be compromised, however, when the stamp is made too
soft and pressed too hard during printing [6, 9, 48].


Resolution and Contrast of the Patterns

High resolution in lithography refers to patterning features of arbitrary shape at a length
scale where it becomes crucial to optimize all parameters of the technique (e. g., condi-
tions for exposing and developing the resist, transfer of the resist pattern onto the sub-
strate). Electron-beam lithography has a high-resolution regime for making features
I 100 nm, photolithography for features I 250 nm, and mCP for features I 500 nm. In
conventional lithography, shrinking the dimensions of patterns is driven by the necessity
to improve the performance of integrated circuits at invariant or lower cost. The resolution
of lithographic techniques limits the smallest sizes of components made today. It will be
the physics of tomorrow’s devices that will ultimately be the limiting obstacle to further
integration. Patterning biomolecules has a different paradigm for the resolution limit
than conventional lithography because single functional elements, an enzyme for exam-
ple, are available but do not have to be constructed. Microcontact printing meets several
requirements that are necessary to place single proteins at predefined positions on a sur-
face: (i) it is possible to fabricate Si molds with features as small as 40 nm using electron-
beam lithography [16]; (ii) PDMS-replicated structures can be 80 nm and even smaller
[9,47]; (iii) proteins remain in the areas of contact, unlike alkanethiols and monolayer-
forming molecules which generally diffuse away from the initial printed zones on the sub-
strate when an excess ink is present on the stamp; and (iv) the solution of protein used to
ink the stamp can be diluted to limit the number of proteins inked per feature on the
stamp [16].

Figure 3.4 shows high-resolution patterns of Abs on Si and glass and how a high-reso-

lution stamp can look. Each feature in the atomic-force microscopy (AFM) image in Fig-
ure 3.4A comprises

Z1000 Abs of the same type that were printed on a Si wafer using a

PDMS stamp made of Sylgard 184 [17]. The structures have a width of 500 nm and an
edge resolution better than 50 nm. The contrast of the patterns seems perfect because
no Ab is present outside of the printed areas. An excellent contrast, together with specific
binding events between printed ligands and receptors from solution, are desirable for
high-sensitivity biological assays. The photography in Figure 4B shows a 8

q 4 cm


stamp composed of a 30 mm-thick layer of PDMS attached to a flexible glass backplane


3 Microcontact Printing of Proteins

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100 mm thick [8]. The PDMS layer of this stamp has numerous fields with 250 nm-wide
lines, is about five times harder than Sylgard 184, but is also more brittle. The patterns are
consequently more stable against collapse, and the glass backplane contributes signifi-
cantly to the long-range accuracy of the pattern while making the stamp simple to handle,
mount and align on a printer tool [47]. The surface tension of the polymer is an important
limiting factor for the resolution of mCP. Features as small as 5 nm can be written by elec-
tron-beam lithography in PMMA and developed. PMMA is brittle, however, and hence not
soft enough to form a reliable contact over surfaces. Unmolding even relatively hard
PDMS stamps (having a Young’s modulus

i 12 MPa) from a master structured with


3.3 Microcontact Printing Polypeptides and Proteins

Figure 3.4

Microcontact printing

proteins at high resolution. (A) AFM
images showing that only


chicken Abs were printed onto a Si
wafer in each element of this pattern.
(B) High-resolution mCP is best done
using stamps harder than Sylgard 184
and having a flexible glass backplane.
(C) AFM images showing rabbit Abs
printed on glass as a mesh compris-
ing 100 nm-wide lines (left) or on
regularly spaced areas that have none,
one or a few Ab molecules (right).

background image

40 nm-wide lines results in their broadening by 20 nm owing to surface tension effects
[16]. Such a broadening is relatively less important for stamps with features

j 100 nm,

and can be compensated in the electron-beam lithography layout. The stability of small
features on stamps limits the freedom of design for high-resolution patterns. Dots,
lines, and meshes do not have all the same mechanical stability against pressure; some
recessed areas may collapse during printing. Incorporating support structures with micro-
meter dimensions around the high-resolution fields can remedy these problems [6]. An-
other strategy is to transfer the resist pattern into the Si master with a reactive ion etching,
where the etch rates depend on the geometry of the features. When large structures are
made deeper in the master than smaller structures, a larger part of the load during print-
ing is exerted on the larger structures without inducing collapse of the smallest features

The AFM images in Figure 3.4C correspond to Ab molecules microcontact printed from

a PDMS stamp (material B) [8] onto glass using a mesh of 100-nm-wide lines (left image)
and 100-nm hemispherical posts [16]. Both the posts and the lines were 60 nm high. The
detail of a mesh reveals that two to four Ab molecules define the width of the lines. In the
case of posts, one to three Ab molecules occupy each visible printed site, and the statistical
analysis of larger printed zones revealed that sites could have none, one or a few printed
Ab molecules [16]. There, the resolution limit for microcontact printing a single molecule
is reached while still leaving space for improvement to form homogeneous arrays having
only one biomolecule per site. A high concentration of protein in the ink, a long inking
time, a further reduction of the dimensions of the posts, and a substrate with a high work
of adhesion could help printing large arrays of single protein.


Activity of Printed Biomolecules

Many studies emphasize that while the adsorption of a protein on a surface is simple to
perform, it is nevertheless a complicated phenomenon in which the biological activity of
the immobilized biomolecule might be lost or significantly altered [25]. Microcontact
printing biomolecules harbors this risk twice: when proteins are inked onto the stamp,
and when they are printed. In principle, the deposition of proteins from solution onto
PDMS should be analogous to that of proteins on hydrophobic surfaces [24]. The second
concern is more difficult to weigh. Transferring a protein by printing implies that the ad-
hesion of the protein with the substrate overcomes that of the protein with the stamp. At
the limit, this might create a mechanical stress on the protein and could lead to irrever-
sible conformational changes. It might be interesting to evaluate the yield of transfer as a
function of the peeling rate to better characterize the transfer mechanism [49]. Comparing
the activity of different types of biomolecules printed or adsorbed onto polystyrene sug-
gests that enzymes are more susceptible to denaturation during printing than during ad-
sorption from solution [11]. A layer of printed proteinase K displayed half the activity of a
layer deposited from solution. Abs are more robust against loss of function; the ability of
printed polyclonal Abs to capture antigens from solution was similar to that where the
captured Abs were adsorbed. Printed monoclonal Abs seemed to have a

Z10 % loss of cap-

ture efficiency compared to ones adsorbed from solution.


3 Microcontact Printing of Proteins

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The surface activity of microcontact printed biomolecules belonging to three important

biological classes is illustrated in Figure 3.5. Cell adhesion molecules are ideal candidates
for printing biomolecules because these molecules are useful on surfaces as they can
direct the adhesion and growth of cells to specific regions of a substrate. Moreover, many
are “simple” polypeptides. Polylysine [30, 32, 38, 39], laminin [50], polylysine fused with la-
minin [40], fibronectin [31], specific adhesion peptides [41, 42], and neuron-glial cell adhe-
sion molecules [13] (NgCAM), for example, were microcontact printed to promote or guide
the attachment of cells to surfaces. In other examples, Ab–cell interactions were used to pat-
tern cells on patterns of printed Abs [51, 52]. In some instances, the stamp was made
hydrophilic and the substrate activated with a crosslinker to increase, respectively, the ink-
ing and transfer efficiency. The left-hand fluorescence image in Figure 3.5A corresponds to
the immunostaining of the adhesion peptide PA22-2 that was microcontact printed
onto a glass surface activated with amine-reactive crosslinkers [41]. The phase-contrast
image (right) shows that the printed pattern of peptide was suitable to grow viable hippo-
campal neurons in the printed regions specifically. These results illustrate well the conser-
vation of the function of printed adhesion molecules. The capability of printing a pattern
in registry with structures predefined on a substrate opens the way to placing cells wher-
ever desired on a complex surface to study their function and to form networks of immo-
bilized cells [39, 50, 53]. The next example (Figure 3.5B) is a printed polyclonal Ab, which
serves as antigen to bind polyclonal Abs from solution [11]. AFM reveals the printed re-
gions of a Si surface, each of which comprises

Z1000 molecules of chicken Ab molecules.

Blocking the free Si surface with BSA is the next step necessary to prevent nonspecific
deposition of proteins during the recognition step. After the blocking step, the Si surface
is either covered with BSA or printed Abs; the prints are no longer visible. Recognition of
the printed chicken Abs by anti-chicken Abs faithfully reflects the printed pattern. This
experiment is an example of a highly miniaturized surface immunoassay in which the
printed antigens were recognized by their specific Abs. Enzymes are probably more fragile
than Abs and suffer more from a random orientation on a surface with respect to their
activity than antigens for polyclonal Abs. The activity of printed enzymes can be evaluated
using flat stamps, polystyrene substrates and colorimetric measurements [11]. It can be
useful, however, to keep enzymatic products near their sites of production and to assess
the activity of the enzymes with high spatial resolution. This is possible by using precipi-
tating fluorescent products that accumulate in the regions of the substrate having enzy-
matic activity (Figure 3.5C) [17]. Real-time analysis of the development of fluorescence
on the printed sites is even possible with this method. At least a part of the alkaline phos-
phatases printed on the glass surface in Figure 3.5C are active. This suggests that enzyme-
linked immunosorbent assays can be performed using captured Abs that are printed. In-
terestingly, the same type of reporter enzyme can unambiguously reveal an ensemble of
binding events, which are discernible through their localization. The challenge in this
case remains to derivatize a surface with several types of protein.


3.4 Activity of Printed Biomolecules

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Printing Multiple Types of Proteins


Additive and Subtractive Printing

An obvious application for microcontact printing proteins is the preparation of protein
microarrays that can be used to screen different analytes in parallel while conserving
reagents and still obtaining high-quality signals [54–56]. The simplest method to place
two types of protein on a surface is to print one and adsorb the other from solution, as
has been done with two different types of Abs [11]. This strategy requires that the printed
layer of protein be complete enough to limit the adsorption of Abs from solution into the
printed regions. The fabrication of arrays comprising n types of protein is possible using
additive patterning steps: once a substrate is microcontact-printed, more proteins can be
printed next to or over the previously printed ones (Figure 3.6A) [17, 57]. The transfer of
proteins from a hydrophobic stamp to a more wettable substrate accounts for this finding


3 Microcontact Printing of Proteins

Figure 3.5

Microcontact printed

proteins preserve a sufficiently high
degree of activity for (A) promoting
cell adhesion, (B) performing im-
munoassays, and (C) performing
surface enzymatic catalysis.
(A) The adhesion peptide PA22-2,
which was printed onto a thiol-re-
active surface, was immunostained
(left-hand fluorescence micro-
graph) in two steps using an anti-
PA22-2 Ab and a secondary Ab la-
beled with fluorescein, and is use-
ful for attaching hippocampal neu-
rons with spatial control (phase-
contrast micrograph on the right).
(B) These AFM images illustrate
three steps of an immunoassay in
which chicken Abs were printed on
a Si wafer (left), BSA was adsorbed
from solution during the blocking
step (middle), and the printed Abs
were recognized by anti-chicken
Abs. (C) This fluorescence image
shows the deposition from solution
of a fluorescent product made in-
soluble by printed alkaline phos-
phatase. The images in (A) were
kindly provided by Offenhäusser
et al. and reprinted from Ref. [41].
(Copyright 2000 with permission
from Elsevier Science.)

background image

because surfaces covered with printed proteins are more hydrophilic than PDMS stamps.
This ability to stack proteins on top of each other is peculiar to mCP and might be useful
for constructing protein-based architectures. It is also possible to place a variety of pro-
teins on a substrate without the need for precise alignment during printing. Stamps
with parallel lines can, for example, be inked and printed with a rotation between each
print [17, 57]. Subtractive approaches are also possible (Figure 3.6B). One strategy is to
ink a flat stamp homogeneously and to remove a subset of the proteins by printing
them onto a structured surface. The sites on the stamp made free for adsorption are
then covered by proteins from solution and the operation can be repeated [17]. An original


3.5 Printing Multiple Types of Proteins

Figure 3.6

Fluorescence microscopy images

illustrating three strategies for printing several
types of protein on a surface. (A) Two fluores-
cently labeled proteins were printed subse-
quently on a glass surface. Proteins on the
stamp transferred during the second print both
to glass and to the lines of proteins already
patterned. (B) This pattern includes two fluor-
escently labeled protein and BSA printed si-
multaneously from a flat stamp. First, BSA was
inked homogeneously by adsorption from so-
lution onto the stamp and patterned by sub-
tractive printing. Proteins labeled with fluoros-
cein isothiocyanate (FITC) were then adsorbed
in the regions complementary to the BSA pat-
tern. This was repeated to remove BSA and the
second protein along lines that were filled with
TRITC-labeled protein adsorbed from solution.
(C) A stamp was inked with different lines of
proteins using independent channels of a mFN
and printed onto a polystyrene surface in one
step. Reproduced from Ref. [17].

background image

way to pattern a surface with multiple types of protein is to fabricate a three-dimensional
stamp and ink the different layers of the stamp with different types of proteins. Applying
increasing pressure to the stamp brings each layer of the stamp successively in contact
with the substrate [58]. The different patterns of protein are inherently aligned, and the
difficulty of fabricating and inking the stamp might be compensated for by the relatively
simple printing operation.


Parallel Inking and Printing of Multiple Proteins

Serial methods are simple, but probably not suitable, to pattern substrates with a large
number of different proteins. A parallel inking approach of a stamp using a mFN can
solve the problem of inking a stamp with different types of proteins (Figure 3.6C)
[17, 59]. With such a strategy, a mFN having an ensemble of independent flowing zones
is placed on a flat PDMS stamp [60, 61]. Sealing the microchannels results from the con-
formal contact between the mFN and the stamp. When solutions of proteins are flushed
through the microchannels, proteins deposit in the areas of the stamp exposed to the con-
duits. Filling a mFN can be done serially, or with an array of dispensing heads or tips. The
deposition of protein on the PDMS might be as fast as a few seconds when it is not lim-
ited by the mass transport of proteins from solution or the depletion of proteins from the
channels. There, inking the stamp with or without a mFN could involve pin spotting, drop-
on-demand, or microinjection techniques. Prefilling individual wells of a structured sur-
face and applying it to a PDMS surface is also suited to locally derivatize a stamp with
different types of proteins [23].


Affinity-Contact Printing

The inking of a stamp with a large number of different types of protein before each print
can quickly become cumbersome when it is desirable to print a large series of substrate
with the same pattern of protein. The ability to attach biomolecules to PDMS covalently
yields the opportunity to define zones on a stamp that can actively bind a target molecule
from an ink. Crosslinking capture molecules (e.g., Abs or antigens) to a stamp allows ink-
ing the stamp by exposing it to a solution containing targets for the surface-bound capture
molecules. This inking strategy, termed aCP, is analogous to capturing a protein on a col-
umn for affinity chromatography, although release of the captured species can occur dur-
ing printing (Figure 3.7A, see p. 46) [13]. The idealized view of aCP is to have an af-
finity stamp (a-stamp) with multiple sites for capturing target molecules from solution in
parallel. This could be used for many cycles of capture and printing. The fluorescence
image in Figure 3.7B corresponds to the detection of fluorescently labeled Abs that
were inked onto an a-stamp and printed on a glass substrate. This stamp had two
types of binding sites (antigens) that were crosslinked to PDMS with spatial control by
means of subtractive printing and ordinary printing [23]. The a-stamp used to print the
Abs in Figure 3.7C was prepared by attaching capture antigens to a stamp activated
with a crosslinker for proteins using a mFN. The yellow line corresponds to the printing


3 Microcontact Printing of Proteins

background image

of TRITC and FITC-labeled Abs that were simultaneously captured on a line of protein A
immobilized on the stamp.

Affinity contact printing, in particular when it employs stamps having multiple affinity

sites, is both powerful and challenging. It is powerful because the ink can be a complex
solution of biomolecules, the stamp is reusable, and patterns can have high resolution, as
in mCP. The difficulty of aCP lies in the preparation of the a-stamp because the PDMS
surface must be derivatized with crosslinkers and the quality of the patterns may degrade
when preparation involves a large number of steps. The capture and release of radioactive
or fluorescent proteins using aCP demonstrated the specificity of the capture event and
the reusability of the a-stamp for at least 10 cycles [13]. Neuron-glial cell adhesion mole-
cules (NgCAM), which are 200 kDa transmembrane proteins present at a concentration of
Z1 mg mL


in membrane homogenates of chicken brain, were captured by monoclonal

Abs of an a-stamp and patterned on a polystyrene surface. The patterned surface appeared
to be suitable for the attachment and growth of dorsal root glial neurons (Figure 3.7D and
E), which was not the case where polystyrene was exposed directly to a nonpurified source
of NgCAM [13]. Among all the printing methods reviewed here, aCP might be the most
powerful method owing to the selective inking step and the reusability of a-stamps. It also
has, in principle, the potential to print biomolecules with a defined orientation on a




Molds and Stamps

Molds for preparing stamps are most often Si wafers patterned with a combination of
photolithography and reactive ion etching. Reactive ion etching Si, instead of using
directly the pattern of photoresist as the mold, prolongs the lifetime of molds. Si molds
can be washed and cleaned; passivation of the Si surface is necessary before pouring
PDMS with a release layer. Passivation can be done in situ after reactive ion etching or
using a simple dessicator that can be evacuated. Typical release agents are fluorinated
silanes. High-resolution molds are Si wafers patterned using electron-beam lithography.
The density and resolution of the high-resolution features determine the price of these
molds, which easily reaches $1000 per written cm


for features having a critical dimen-

sion of 100 nm or less. Rapid prototyping is suitable for the preparation of stamps
with a resolution of

Z25 mm [62] and only requires access to a high-resolution printer

(5000 dpi). Replicating molds to make stamps and other operations such as inking stamps
and printing are best done in a clean room or using a laminar flow bench to minimize the
contamination of surfaces by dust particles.

Sylgard 184 (Dow Corning) is used to prepare stamps in many cases, and comprises two

prepolymers which, once mixed at a ratio of 1:10 (catalyst and hydridosiloxanes:vinyl-func-
tionalized siloxanes), are poured on the master and cured at 60

hC overnight. The formu-

lation of harder, mechanically more stable PDMS is sometimes necessary when stamps
have tall, isolated features [8]. Stamps can be cured on a backplane made of a thin steel


3.6 Methods

background image


3 Microcontact Printing of Proteins

Figure 3.7

Affinity contact printing. (A) Stamps for


CP are prederivatized with capture sites and al-

ternatively inked selectively and used for releasing
the captured molecules on a substrate during the
printing step. The fluorescence microscopy images
correspond to (B) fluorescently labeled Abs co-
captured and co-printed on glass using an a-stamp
that had two types of capture sites; (C) fluorescently

labeled proteins captured on lines of an a-stamp
and printed on glass; (D) the immunofluorescent
detection of NgCAM that was patterned on poly-
styrene using an a-stamp decorated with lines of
anti-NgCAM mAbs; and (E) the staining by immu-
nofluorescence of neurons which attached to and
developed on the printed pattern of NgCAM.

background image

plate or glass sheet [47], or on another PDMS layer [63]. Backplanes are typically flexible,
but nevertheless give dimensional and long-range stability to stamps, which can then be
mounted on a mask aligner, a printer, or handled by hand more conveniently. Design
rules to make stamps are described jointly with the analytical description of the formation
of conformal contact between stamps and substrates [6, 48]. This information is valuable
to estimate the mechanical stability of stamps against pressure and to predict whether
conformal contact will occur on rough surfaces or surfaces having topography.

Hydrogel stamps are composed of a polymer that is crosslinked to the desired value

(2–4 %) and embedded in a microcapillary [12] or patterned by photocuring the hydrogel
precursor sandwiched between a slide and a mold [15]. Both the inking and printing
with hydrogel stamps rely on the diffusion of proteins through the hydrogel medium.


Surface Chemistry of Stamps

PDMS is hydrophobic and promotes the adsorption of proteins from solution in a manner
analogous to polystyrene. Modifying the surface chemistry of stamps is necessary in two
cases. Polypeptides and homogeneously polar biomolecules require stamps to have a hy-
drophilic surface for inking [38]. Affinity stamps must be derivatized with a ligand specific
for biomolecule targets [13]. Exposing a PDMS stamp to an O


-based plasma creates a si-

lica-like layer on PDMS in a self-limiting manner. Stamps should be freshly inked (within
Z5 min) after the plasma treatment to prevent the recovery of their hydrophobic character
[20, 22, 46]. This hydrophobic recovery originates from the migration of low-MW silicone
residues from the bulk to the surface. The plasma-induced scission of some polymer
chains might also create mobile residues. It is impractical to extract these residues
from the prepolymer components or after polymerization. Instead, plasma-treated stamps
can be kept under water for long periods of time (more than days). Anchoring crosslinkers
for proteins on plasma-treated stamps in one or more steps permits attaching covalently
ligands onto the stamps [23]. Unreacted crosslinkers can be quenched with chemicals or
reacted with noninterfering proteins such as BSA.


Inking Methods

The time to ink a stamp with a full monolayer of protein can be relatively long: up to
30 min at room temperature to obtain a monolayer of Ab using a concentration in phos-
phate-buffered saline (PBS) of 1 mg mL


, and 45 min with a solution of 5 mg mL


[11, 16]. The stamp is rinsed and dried after the inking step and then placed in contact
with a substrate. The inking of hydrogel stamps with 1 mg mL


solutions of Abs in

PBS takes similar times, and might even be faster if the gel is initially dry [12]. Shortening
the inking time of PDMS stamps and localizing the inking is possible using mFNs [59]. In
this case, the adsorption of proteins to the stamp might not be mass transport-limited,
and is local in the regions of the stamp exposed to the channels. Localized inking is
equally possible using microcontainers. These are small reservoirs microfabricated in
Si, for example, and filled with the same, or different, solutions of proteins by hand or


3.6 Methods

background image

using pipetting robots [23]. Subtractive inking corresponds to inking entirely a flat PDMS
stamp with proteins and transferring a subset by printing on a structured target. This
strategy can remove proteins from areas of the stamp that become free for the inking
of other proteins from solution [17, 23, 57]. This method can be repeated to form patterns
with different types of protein next to each other but it requires an alignment step. Inking
a stamp for aCP is analogous to linking a protein to a chromatography column via NH


residues. Crosslinking protocols are usually well detailed by chemical suppliers or
reviewed elsewhere [64].


Treatments of Substrates

Surfaces more wettable by water than PDMS stamps are, in principle, suited for printing
proteins [18]. Otherwise, they can be derivatized appropriately using plasma deposition
techniques, oxidizing methods, or by grafting ultrathin organic layers. The wettability cri-
teria may not apply when hydrophilic stamps are used to print certain polar biomolecules.
In this case, derivatization of the substrate might also be necessary. Polylysine has been
printed on glass directly [38] and on glass derivatized with glutaraldehyde [32], biotin
on amine-reactive substrates [34, 35, 65, 66], and the adhesion peptide PA22-2 on a
thiol-reactive surface [41]. In principle, crosslinkers can be attached to many types of
substrates to bind proteins from stamps with high efficiency.



Handling a stamp with tweezers is the simplest approach to microcontact print proteins
on surfaces both at low and high resolution. Typically, the stamp is brought close to the
surface at an angle and set down gradually to ensure that conformal contact propagates
from the initial contact areas without trapping air. Occasionally, (dust) particles or topogra-
phy on the substrate are an obstacle to the propagating contact; applying gentle pressure
to the stamp helps spread the contact to the rest of the substrate. Hybrid stamps are con-
venient to mount on printing tools [50] such as modified mask aligners, or on home-built
printers using step motors to print substrates (up to 40 cm in lateral dimensions) with
curved stamps while controlling the pressure applied to the stamp during printing [67].
Alignment of the stamp to preexisting structures on the substrate is desirable to print
cell adhesion molecules on electrodes or to pattern substrates with multiple types of pro-
teins, for example [39, 50]. Other methods already employed in soft lithography might be
applicable for printing proteins. One example is printing surfaces and curved surfaces
with cylindrical stamps [5, 10].


3 Microcontact Printing of Proteins

background image


Characterization of the Printed Patterns

Surface-sensitive techniques such as ellipsometry, contact angle microscopy, and X-ray
photoelectron spectroscopy can provide chemical information about surfaces printed
with proteins. Patterns are best characterized using: (i) AFM, for which no labeling of
the proteins is necessary; (ii) fluorescence and scanning confocal fluorescence microscopy;
(iii) scanning electron microscopy, provided that the protein layer attenuates the emission
of secondary electrons sufficiently to yield fair contrast [68]; or (iv) time-of-flight secondary
ion mass spectroscopy [69]. AFM yields rich data concerning the contrast and resolution of
the patterns, as well as the appearance and height of the printed layer, but suffers from
the difficulty in localizing small printed areas [16]. Fluorescence microscopy is conversely
effective in localizing signals from fluorescently labeled proteins, albeit with much less
resolution than AFM. Colocalization of fluorophores having different spectral properties
allows the detection of successively different types of proteins forming complex patterns.
Optimization of the fluorescent signals is greatly facilitated by à priori knowledge of the
geometry of a printed pattern. Detection of unlabeled proteins is possible by immunoas-
says with detecting Abs either fluorescently labeled or conjugated with a reporter enzyme.
In the latter case, the enzymatic conversion of chromogenic precursor into a precipitating
fluorescent product keeps the fluorescent signal localized to the printed areas [17]. Stain-
ing using electroless deposition also keeps signals local [23]. Microcontact printing pro-
teins onto diffraction gratings [51] or surfaces suited for plasmon resonance [26] offers
the exciting capability of following binding events in real time and over sites in parallel.



The possibilities of microcontact printing biomolecules on a variety of surfaces with spa-
tial control and resolution down to single protein molecules is unprecedented. Many fields
could benefit in principle from these achievements. Surfaces could be decorated with
high-quality patterns of microcontact-printed proteins for diagnostic applications. Very
small volumes and quantities of reagents would be necessary for this purpose, using ink-
ing strategies based on microfluidic networks. In this case, numerous different types of
protein could be patterned next to each other and used for surface ligand assays [70].
Printing proteins with tools that control the pressure during printing – hybrid stamps
that are accurate and mechanically stable – and in alignment with predefined structures
on the substrate has been demonstrated. The next steps are to build on these concepts,
and mass fabricate high-quality arrays of proteins on surfaces such as glass slides or poly-
styrene surfaces for diagnostic applications. Stamps of various types can be devised. Some
incorporate proteins in solution in a hydrogel-based reservoir, some have sites capable of
binding target molecules from a complex ink, and others display numerous inked sites of
micrometer lateral dimensions. Wherever biomolecules can be used on a surface, they
might be placed advantageously by means of mCP. This is clearly the case for the growth
of cells on surfaces, for which it becomes possible to construct hybrid architectures with
cells connected to parts of electronic devices [53]. Positioning biomolecules on a biosensor


3.7 Outlook

background image

surface is equally interesting. Microcontact printing can pattern areas of a sensing ele-
ment with great precision and contrast, enabling the real-time monitoring of binding
events on a surface. Possibly, the interaction between a large number of analytes and mul-
tiple printed sites could be screened for multianalyte immunoassays or drug screening.
Microcontact printing is also well suited for preparing samples to investigate the biophy-
sical properties of single biomolecules. Arrays of single biomolecules provide the advan-
tage of having multiple sites to study each immobilized molecule with easy localization,
without suffering from averaging effects, and with minimal signal degradation (photo-
bleaching). It appears that although mCP was originally developed as a tool for applications
in lithography [5], it is such a versatile technique that chemists and biologists have di-
verted it towards many more purposes. Microcontact printing clearly has unique, impress-
ive features to manipulate and pattern biomolecules on surfaces, and it will be interesting
to see how these will translate into firmly established applications for diagnostics, and
biology in general.


I am very grateful to my colleagues Bruno Michel for his indefectible support of the work,
to André Bernard and Jean Philippe Renault for having pioneered and carried out challen-
ging experiments on microcontact printing proteins, and to Sergei Amontov, Helen
Berney, Hans Biebuyck, Alexander Bietsch, Hans Rudolf Bosshard, Isabelle Caelen,
Dora Fitzli, Matthias Geissler, Bert Hecht, David Juncker, Max Kreiter, Heinz Schmid,
Peter Sonderegger, Richard Stutz, Heiko Wolf, and Marc Wolf for their close collaboration
on our biopatterning activities.



3 Microcontact Printing of Proteins


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