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Group of the Progressive Alliance of




in the European Parliament

European Parliament
Rue Wiertz 60
B-1047 Bruxelles
T +32 2 284 2111
F +32 2 230 6664

A message from the Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament

The policy of deregulation, affecting specially the financial markets, is simply destroying
the economic basis of our social model. Unemployment and poverty are both still rising
across Europe. Frustration among our citizens, particularly young people, is growing.

Right-wing European leaders have failed to understand that we need drastic correction.
We need to depart from an exclusively austerity-based policy and to allow enough room
for public investment to boost growth and job creation.

We Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament want a change of direction. It
is time for a Europe-wide crackdown on reckless speculators and the casino economy.

Regulate financial markets stringently!

Tax financial transactions to put the brakes on greed!

Stamp out tax havens!

We strongly believe in another Europe, based on equality, solidarity and investment in
the future. We want a European project at the service of citizens and the real economy.
We want to change Europe.

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