progress test 2b

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Name: _________________________________________

Score: ____________ / 50 points


units 5–8



© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2011 New Matura Success Intermediate


Choose the correct answers.

(5 points)

The government should spend more on
recycling / renewable energy.

1 The tiger is an endangered / disposable

species. If we’re not careful tigers will
disappear completely.

2 How do you earn your life / living?
3 I haven’t got any money. Can you pay my bus

fine / fare please?

4 Kate is inexperienced / promoted because

she has never had a job before.

5 I always wear lifejackets / goggles when I go

swimming to protect my eyes.

6 We love cooking so we’re going to stay in

self-catering / en suite accommodation.

7 My favourite bird is the kitten / raven.
8 How long does it take for plastic to

decompose / dispose?

9 I don’t like looking out of the window on

planes, I prefer an

aisle / overhead seat.

10 Do you think you are going to enroll / enlist

at university?


Complete the missing words. The first letter of each

word is given.

(5 points)


Complete the text with the correct forms of the

words in capital letters.

(10 points)

The town I live in is very

attractive (ATTRACT)

although it is in the middle of an



(INDUSTRY) area. There are about 230,000


_____________ (HABIT) living there so it’s not

too big. I live near a big


_____________ (SHOP)

centre which is usually busy. There’s a 24-hour
supermarket and there’s always someone there.
Luckily, it’s never too


_____________ (NOISE) –

it’s usually quite quiet and it’s a 



(PLEASE) to shop there. Of course, there are


_____________ (ADVANTAGE) to living in

a small town – there aren’t so many things for
young people to do so they can get bored
sometimes. However, there is a big


_____________ (EXHIBIT) centre and there are

concerts there which young people can attend.
Another good thing about my town is that
although there is some



(POLLUTE) the air is quite clean. Also, the local
council is very keen on



(RECYCLE) so there are bins for glass and paper
everywhere. That’s great if you’re worried about


_____________ (GLOBE) warming like I am.


Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the

words in brackets.

(5 points)

If you come to class late, the teacher

will be

(be) angry.

1 Elephants can’t jump. If they ___________

(be able to) jump, it ___________ (be)
interesting to watch!

2 ‘I don’t believe it’s true!’

She said she ___________ (believe) it was

3 That hotel ___________ (build) in 1996, but it

___________ (paint) at the moment.

4 Many scientists think that climate change

___________ (probably/get) worse in the
future. It’s very likely.

5 Jenny is very good at music and she’s

practised a lot. I’m sure she ___________
(pass) her music exam.

6 I might see John later. If I ___________ (see)

him, I ___________ (tell) him about the party.

7 I’ve arranged to meet Sally. We ___________

(play) tennis at 5 o’clock.

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I’m an e

cologist because I think it’s important to look

after the environment. In my opinion, people

t____________ too many things away and far too

much rubbish goes to the rubbish


I think people should

s____________their rubbish

and try to be more environmentally friendly. We
should definitely stop using plastic because it takes
hundreds of years to

b____________ down. I’m

also worried about the number of species that are in
danger of becoming

e____________ , for example,

soon there won’t be any white tigers. In my

l____________ hundreds of species have

disappeared, and I’m only twenty years old! It’s also
worrying that the number of natural

d____________ such as earthquakes or hurricanes


i____________ – there are more now than there

used to be. I think scientists should look

i____________ this problem and find solutions.

If not, in the future we will have to



with much more serious issues.

Greenbl g

background image



© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2011 New Matura Success Intermediate


units 5–8


Complete the second sentence so that it has the

same meaning as the first.

(8 points)

Everyone watches that programme.
That programme

is watched by everyone.

1 ‘A woman saw a ghost here yesterday!’ he claimed.

He claimed that a woman _________________.

2 ‘Where do you live?’ the policeman said to the

The policeman ___________________________.

3 They are cleaning the room at the moment.

The room ________________________________
at the moment.

4 A fire has destroyed the castle.

The castle _______________________________
by a fire.

5 Is anyone looking after you?

Are you _________________________________
by anyone?

6 ‘Are you listening to me?’

I asked Katie _____________________________
to me.

7 ‘Please write the answers on the board,’ the

teacher said to me.
The teacher asked ________________________
the answers on the board.

8 ‘Be quiet!’ the teacher said to the students.

The teacher told _________________________


Complete the text with one word in each gap. (9 points)


Choose the correct answers.

(8 points)

If you ____ me about your problems,
I’d have helped you.

a had told

c told

b have told

d would tell

1 I won’t go skiing _____ you go too.
a as long as

c because

b unless

d as soon as

2 Experts say a super-volcano _____ erupt in

the next ten years.

a won’t certainly

c is certain

b is unlikely

d probably won’t

3 _____ the plane leaves in the next ten

minutes, we won’t miss our connecting flight.

a So long

c As soon as

b As long as

d When

4 ‘Don’t touch it!’ she said to me.

She _____ me not to touch it.

a said

c told

b asked

d replied

5 ‘I want to go there because I like classical

music,’ Jane said.
Jane _____ that she wanted to go there
because she liked classical music.

a agreed

c complained

b explained

d promised

6 According to scientists, there _____ another


a will definitely be

c definitely will be

b will be definitely

d sure to be

7 ‘Yes, you’re right,’ Mike said to me.

Mike _____ that I was right.

a claimed

c asked

b agreed

d threatened

8 If I ____ John, I’d definitely apply for a new


a had been

c will be

b was

d were


are amazing fish. Did you know we need sharks

to keep the oceans clean? If we


__________ not have

sharks, our oceans wouldn’t be so clean. However,
many species of shark are in danger. Every year, many


__________ killed because people think the

sharks are dangerous. As a result, many species of
shark are


__________ to become extinct. If this

happens, we


__________ have a problem. Why? Well,


________ that sharks eat old fish and dead fish, the

water stays clean and other fish and animals can live
there. Now marine biologists in Australia have started
a campaign to help sharks. Schools all over Australia
have been visited


__________ the campaigners. They

hope that if they educate children, fewer sharks


__________ be killed in the future. The campaign


__________ won’t make everyone think differently

about sharks, but it might help. It’s clear that


__________ we do something about the problem

now, it will soon be too late.

Nature Concerns

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