Martial Arts Wado Ryu Karate Kata Ku Shanku

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Ku Shanku

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Ku Shanku


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Yoi ( shizentai stance) Hands are open in front of the groin with the left hand over
the right forming a triangle in between index fingers and thumbs)


Raise the hands forward and up above the head. Then with both hands, circle them

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hidari shuto block in

opposite direction

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migi shuto block in

opposite direction


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down and around to the sides to stop, palms up, in front of the groin. The ring and
little fingertips should be touching.


Drop the weight and slide the left foot out 90 degrees to the left into hidari neko
ashi dachi. At the same time, perform hidari haishuuke (block with the back of the
hand) The right open hand will be palm up in front of the chest. The head faces to
the left while the hips face the front.


Bring the left foot back to shizentai and step the right foot out to the right (as in
Pinan Yondan) into migi neko ashi dachi. At the same time perform migi haishuuke.


Bring the right foot back to ready stance and move the right hand to the hip and
clenched while the left hand , also clenched , is brought across the body.


Perform hidari gedan barai.


Perform migi zuki chudan.


Move the left foot wide to the left and perform migi soto uke.


Move the left foot back to ready stance and simultaneously perform hidari zuki.


Move the right foot wide to the right and perform hidari soto uke.


Bring the left foot under the left hip, turn to the right and perform migi mae geri
chudan and migi soto uke. Then set the right foot down and step the left foot out
into hidari neko ashi dachi and perform hidari shuto uke. (as in Pinan Shodan).


Step the right foot forward into migi neko ashi dachi and perform migi shuto uke.


Step the left foot forward into hidari neko ashi dachi and perform hidari shuto uke.


Step the right foot forward into migi junzukidachi and perform migi nukite chudan.


Turn counter clockwise 180 degrees to the rear performing migi shotei gedan barai
and hidari shuto jodan uke (same arm movement in Pinan Yondan). .


Perform migi maegeri chudan. Then, as the foot sets forward, drop the body and
twist to the left. At the same time, perform hidari gedan barai and migi jodan uke.
You should be squatting down on the right leg with the left leg extended. The head
is facing left.


Bring the right arm down in front of the body palm up and cross the left arm, palm
up, as if blocking a kick with your forearm, left hand should be clenched and resting
on your right shoulder.


Stand up into shizentai and perform a left low punch out to the left side. The head
faces left.


Turn counterclockwise 90 degrees by moving the left foot and perform migi shotei
gedan barai and hidari shuto jodan uke (same as #16 above). .


Perform migi maegeri chudan. Then, as the foot sets forward, drop the body and
twist to the left. At the same time, perform hidari gedan barai and migi jodan uke.
You should be squatting down on the right leg with the left leg extended. The head
is facing left.


Bring the right arm down in front of the body palm up and cross the left arm, palm
up, blocking a kick with the forearm. The left hand should be clenched and by the
right shoulder..


Stand up into shizentai and perform a left low punch out to the left side. The head
faces left.


Pivot 90 degrees to the left on the right foot, bringing the left foot back ready
stance. At the same time bring the right hand back to the hip and clenched while the
left hand is brought across your body..


Perform hidari gedan barai and hidari maegeri chudan at the same time. Then, as the
left foot sets down, perform migi empi uchi into the left palm (as in Pinan Yondan).


Turn 90 degrees to the right, moving the right foot into ready stance and bring left

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hand to hip and clenched while bringing the right forearm across your body.


Perform migi gedan barai and migi maegeri chudan at the same time. Then, as the
right foot sets down, perform hidari empi uchi into the right palm.


Turn counter clockwise 180 degrees into hidari neko ashi dachi and perform hidari
shuto uke.


Step the right foot forwards and to the right 45 degrees into migi neko ashi dachi
and perform migi shuto uke.


Move the right foot turning clockwise 135 degrees into migi neko ashi dachi and
perform migi shuto uke.


Step the left foot forwards and to the left 45 degrees into hidari neko ashi dachi and
perform hidari shuto uke.


Move the left foot and turn the body 135 degrees to the left performing the arm
movement in #16 above.


Perform migi maegeri chudan and use a forward movement and perform migi
tettsui jodan as the left fist withdraws to the left hip.( weight should be on right foot
with the left heel off the ground).


Slide both feet backward into migi zenkutsu dachi and perform migi soto uke.


Perform hidari gyakuzuki chudan then migi junzuki chudan.


Turn 180 degrees counterclockwise on the left foot. At the same time bring the arms
across the body then the arms should extend out to the sides, both palms forward,
with the left hand open and right clenched. Then raise the right knee as if preparing
to kick. At the same time, bring both hands to brush the knee and then strike
together as the knee raises. Then, drop the body down and forward onto the right
foot and the hands. The hands, however, should be just touching the floor. Make
sure the head stays facing forward and not down.


Stand and turn 180 degrees counterclockwise into hidari neko ashi dachi and
perform hidari shuto uke.


Step forward into migi neko ashi dachi and perform migi shuto uke.


Turn 270 degrees counterclockwise into hidari neko dachi and perform hidari soto
uke then migi gyakuzuki chudan.


Turn 180 degrees clockwise into migi neko dachi and perform migi soto uke, then
hidari gyakuzuki chudan, then migi junzuki chudan.


As in #12 above, perform migi mae geri and migi soto uke. Then step the left foot
out into hidari neko ashi dachi and perform hidari shuto uke.


Pivot on both feet, turning the body into zenkutsu dachi. At the same time, drop the
left arm in front of the chest (downwards press block bringing the right hand on top
of the left in a nukite like shape). Then step the right foot forward into migi
zenkutsu dachi and perform migi nukite chudan. The left hand will remain palm
down under the right armpit.


Lower the right shoulder while twisting the right hand, palm up. Also, the torso
should turn 90 degrees to the left. Then, pivot on the right foot turning the body 180
degrees counterclockwise, stepping the left foot into shikodachi. At the same time
perform hidari tettsui gedan to the left.


Perform hidari uraken jodan.


Turn into hidari gyakuzukidachi, and perform migi empi uchi into the left palm.


Turn the body 90 degrees to the right bringing the right foot into shizentai. At the
same time, perform migi gedan barai to the right and hidari soto uke to the left. The
head faces to the right.


Pivot on the right foot, turning 180 degrees clockwise into shikodachi. At the same

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time, perform migi soto uke to the right and hidari sukui uke (scooping block) in
front of the body.


Keeping the left hand where it is, perform migi sukui uke under the left arm.


Perform jujiuke jodan, hands open blocking upwards with both hands.


Look to the left first then,pivot on the right foot, turning 270 degrees into migi
zenkutsu dachi. Then, close the fists and bring them down to waist level.


Perform nidan geri (jumping front kick), bringing the left knee up as high as
possible then the right foot snap kicking jodan. Then, as the right foot lands into
migi zenkutsu dachi, perform migi uraken jodan.


Pivot on the right foot, stepping the left foot in front of the right, turning 180
degrees clockwise. As the body turns, it lowers into a squat and the arms perform
sweeping blocks in front of the body as if grabbing an attackers front leg.


Stand into shizentai bringing the hands up and out to the sides as if throwing the
attacker. ( sometimes also interpreted as two soto uke, either side of the head,
instead of a throwing movement).


Yame ( Return the hands to the position in #2 above)



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Ku Shanku



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