Martial Arts Karate Wado Ryu Karate Kata Nai Hanchi

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Nai Hanchi

Walkthrough with full explanation underneath pictures

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Nai Hanchi


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Yoi. Bring the toes of both feet together into Heisoku dachi (Feet together). Bring
both hands in front of the groin with the left hand covering the right hand.


Raise both hands forward and up until slightly above the head.


Bring both thumbs in to form shuto with both hands and separate them, circling out
then down to end together in front of the groin palms facing up. Just the fingertips
of the ring and little fingers should be touching at this point. .


Bend the arms at the elbows and draw hands upwards towards your face then turn
hands to face palm down with the left hand covering the right. This position is the
same as #2 above.


Turn the head to the left then the right. The head should move slowly and evenly.


Lower the body, stepping the left foot in front of the right while bringing the hands
up to cover the solar plexus. (This is an intermediate position.) Continue this
technique by stepping the right foot to the right into the Naihanchi dachi stance.
(Feet are the same width as in Shikodachi but they are pointed toes slightly inward.)
As the right foot steps, a migi shuto is performed out to the right 90 degrees at the
chest. The shuto is timed with the right foot to land at the same time. The left arm
ends up beside the hip .


Turn the shoulders to face to the right while executing a hidari empi uchi into the
palm of the right hand.


Turn the shoulders to face forward while moving the arms into hidari tae uke. The
left arm is slightly below shoulder level. The right arm is beside the right hip. The
head faces to the left. .


Execute hidari gedan barai 90 degrees to the left.


Perform migi seiken zuki at a 45degree angle to the left returning the arms to a migi
tae uke with the right arm slightly lower than shoulder level. The left arm is beside
the left hip. .


Look left then step the right foot in front of the left, on the balls of the feet, then
step the left foot to the left back into Naihanchi dachi. Perform migi soto uke timed
to end with the left foot's stepping. The head faces forward. The left arm is beside
the left hip.


Perform migi gedan barai. Just before this, let the left arm "float" forward and up
slightly. This is to add momentum as the low block is performed. The left arm will
end so the fist is pointed towards your opponent's chin and with the elbow just
above the left hip. .


Perform hidari urazuki (inverted punch) using the retracting motion of the arm to
perform hidari soto uke. The right hand is brought back in tae uke position, palm
down, with the fist pointed towards the left elbow. The right arm movement stops as



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the left soto uke stops. .


Turn the head to the left. .


Without withdrawing the body, the left foot is quickly lifted in front of the right
knee and is quickly placed back exactly where it was. This is done as if avoiding a
foot sweep. .


While keeping the arms in the same position, perform left soto uke.


Turn the head to the right so you are looking in the opposite direction. (i.e. behind
you) .


Lift the right foot in the same manner that the left foot was done.


Perform hidari ude uke (forearm block).


Turn the head to face the left and bring the arms to hidari tae uke. The right arm is
beside the right hip.


Simultaneously punch both fists to the left. The left performs a straight punch and
the right performs hook punch. The shoulders remain facing forward.


As if escaping a grab, open and turn the left hand to face palm up while bending the
elbow slightly. At the same time. The right hand is withdrawn to beside the right
chest. This movement is done slowly while tensing the whole body.


Turn the shoulders to face to the left while executing a migi empi uchi into the palm
of the left hand.


Turn the shoulders to face forward while moving the arms into migi tae uke. The
right arm is slightly below shoulder level. The left arm is beside the left hip. The
head faces to the right.


Execute migi gedan barai 90 degrees to the right.


Perform hidari seiken zuki at a 45degree angle to the right returning the arms to a
hidari tae uke with the left arm slightly lower than shoulder level. The right arm is
beside the right hip.


Step the left foot in front of the right, on the balls of the feet, then step the right foot
to the right back into Naihanchi dachi. Perform hidari soto uke timed to end with the
right foot's stepping. The head faces forward. The right arm is beside the right hip.


Perform hidari gedan barai. Just before this, let the right arm "float" forward and up
slightly. This is to add momentum as the low block is performed. The right arm will
end so the fist is pointed towards your opponent's chin and with the elbow just
above the right hip.


Perform migi urazuki (inverted punch) using the retracting motion of the arm to
perform migi soto uke. The left hand is brought back in tae uke position, palm
down, with the fist pointed towards the right elbow. The left arm movement stops as
the right soto uke stops.


Turn the head to the right.


Without withdrawing the body, the right foot is quickly lifted in front of the left
knee and is quickly placed back exactly where it was. This is done as if avoiding a
foot sweep.


While keeping the arms in the same position, perform migi soto uke.


Turn the head to the left so you are looking in the opposite direction (i.e. behind


Lift the left foot in the same manner as the right foot.


Perform migi ude uke (forearm block).


Turn the head to face the right and bring the arms to migi tae uke. The left arm is
beside the left hip.


Simultaneously punch both fists to the right. The right performs a straight punch

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and the left performs hook punch. The shoulders remain facing forward.


Yame. Withdraw the right foot into Heisokudachi and lower the arms so that you
are in the same position as #2.



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