Language Test 10A

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Language Test

Student A


(20 marks)


Label the picture.

2 Oh, no! I dropped my laptop and the screen is


3 Look, there’s a button on your coat.
4 The zip on my new jeans doesn’t work. Can

you it?

5 This digital radio doesn’t work because the

battery is .

6 I can’t read my text messages very well. The

screen on my mobile phone is a bit .

7 If your watch is you need to take it

to the repair shop.

7 marks


(20 marks)


Use the prompts to write predictions about

the future.

0 people / not work in offi ces – everyone / work

from home

People won’t work in offi ces. Everyone will
work from home.
1 people not go / to the beach for their holidays

– fl y to the moon

2 people not go / to campsites in the

countryside – stay in / hotels under the sea

3 people not drive / to work – fl y / on special bikes

4 people not buy books – read everything on


8 marks

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Photocopiable © Pearson Education (2009)


6 marks


Match the verbs (1–7) with the nouns (a–h).

0 delete

a the Internet

1 burn

b information

2 send

c pictures

3 surf

d an email

4 connect to

e a CD

5 crash

f a fi le

6 download

g a website

7 search for

h a computer

7 marks


Complete the sentences with the verbs and

adjectives below.

dirty mend fl at cracked wash missing
broken scratched

0 Alice: Mum, my jeans are really dirty.
1 Mum: Yes, they are. So you need to









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Complete the sentences with the correct

form of the verbs in brackets.

0 If you don’t phone (not phone) your parents,

they ’ll be (be) really worried about you.

1 Be careful! You (crash) this computer

if you (download) that attachment.
It’s a virus!

2 (you / come) to the cinema if I

(pay) for your ticket?

3 Lucy (not go) to the music festivals if

there (not be) any showers.

4 If Tim (not pay) the repair shop they

(not mend) his printer.

5 They (miss) their train to London if

the bus (be late)

6 If it (not snow) we (not go)

snowboarding at the weekend.

6 marks


Complete the sentences with will / ’ll, won’t

or shall.

0 Dad: You’ve got an exam tomorrow, Dan.
Dan: Don’t worry, Dad. I won’t stay out late.
1 Give me those jeans and I mend the

zip for you later.

2 Mum’s tired. we make her dinner


3 I download that file, it’s got a virus.
4 Paul: I think there’s something wrong with my


Gemma: I look at it for you if you like.
5 we go to the supermarket for

Grandma later? She’s not feeling very well.

6 If the new CDs are scratched we take

them back to the shop for you.

6 marks


(20 marks)


Circle the correct response.

0 Shall I download you some music?
a) I’ll be more careful. b) That would be great.
c) What’s the matter?
1 I’ve just sent my first email!
a) Good for you! b) Pretty well. c) Is it scratched?

2 What’s wrong with your mobile phone?
a) It’s silver. b) It’s flat. c) It’s broken.
3 How long will it take?
a) It has taken two days. b) It will take two days.
c) It took two days.
4 If it’s sunny on Saturday …
a) I’ll go to the beach. b) I went to the beach.
c) I go to the beach.

8 marks


Order the dialogue. Write it out with the

correct names.

I’ll take it back to the shop if you like.
No, I’ve just charged it.
Dad, there’s something wrong with my new MP3


Yes, please.
Shall I have a look at it?
Let’s see. Is the battery flat?
Thanks, Dad. That would be great.

0 Liam : Dad, there’s something wrong with my

new MP3 player.

1 Dad :

2 :

3 :

4 :

5 :

6 :

12 marks



/ 20


/ 20


/ 20


/ 60

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Photocopiable © Pearson Education (2009)

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