Omega in Heat by Heather Silver

1. Hot As Hell
2. Poor Reception
3. Little Boy Blue
4. Bottom Beta
Other Titles
Omega in Heat
6,900 word short story. Gay shifter erotica.
Something strange is happening inside Carter s body. He can smell and sense everything& and can t
seem to stop jerking off.
Turns out he s been bit by a wolf, and now, on the night before the full moon, he s gone into full out
Beta werewolf heat.
Will he find an Alpha to coax him through this?
Something strange was happening inside Carter s body.
It was 11p.m. and he couldn t stop getting up to pace back and forth in the confines of his
studio apartment, his skin hot to the touch, his pulse racing. He took a few pain killers and tried to
settle himself, but just lying under a sheet on his bed was too much.
He could smell everything: the blueberry muffins his roommate made the day before, the garbage
in the trash can, his own deodorant. His nose and mouth felt full of extra sensory information.
Finally, he gave up and threw his coat on, slipping outside into the cool air.
Carter s property backed up to rugged Montana wilderness. He stood on his back porch, looking
out into the darkness, his skin cooled by the chill air.
But he still felt restless.
Slipping on his sandals, Carter went out into the yard, cautiously approaching the dense forest.
This area was known for its wildlife; Carter s roommate had warned him, before he moved in
three months prior, not to feed or approach the wild animals just outside their door. Carter hadn t
taken him as seriously as he should have, and a month prior he d found himself cornered by a wolf on
a hiking trail. He d thought it was a dog from far away  it was so big, and colored like the Husky
he d had in his youth  but when he d reached out to pet it, the wild thing had turned and bit his hand.
Then shaken it.
So Carter, despite his urge to pace in the cool night air, went cautiously down the hiking trail. A
round, almost-full moon shone out of thin cloud cover, illuminating the path in front of him.
His hand had healed, but still ached when he stretched it too much or tried to form a fist. Right
now it felt hot, as if blood were pooling just beneath his skin.
Despite the cool air, he was incredibly hot, and the smells outside were almost as bad as they d
been inside. He didn t know how, but he was certain he could smell some sort of deer or rabbit in the
distance, and the scent in his nostrils made his mouth water.
It wasn t just that, either.
He was incredibly turned on.
Carter s hard-on pressed against the confines of his boxers, pulsing with blood, sensitive to the
touch. He d jerked himself off three times before trying to go to sleep, but even the barest touch
against his dick made him hard. He d been hoping that if he stopped touching himself, his erection
would settle down, but if anything it had gotten worse. Even outside like this, the temptation to reach
into his boxers and tug on himself was overwhelming.
He heard something in the distance.
Carter froze.
Some kind of wild animal was growling at him. He peered into the darkness on the trail ahead and
saw two glowing eyes reflecting moonlight back at him.
But they weren t low and close to the ground. The beast was at least six feet tall, standing on its
hind legs.
Is that a bear? Carter thought frantically, unable to remember if he was supposed to run away or
not. It was still far away from him on the path.
Backing away slowly, he squinted into the darkness, trying to figure out what it was.
Then it started to walk towards him.
A patch of light on the path revealed that it was a man. Carter relaxed noticeably.
 What are you doing out here so late? he called out, attempting to sound friendly.
There was no response. The man kept walking  stalking, practically  slowly towards Carter.
He forced himself not to show nervousness, despite the man s size and eerie eyes.
 I didn t know we had any neighbors, he said, as the man stepped into the patch of light in front
of Carter, revealing himself.
He was even taller up close than he d been from afar; he had very dark hair, muscled arms, and an
even honey-tan skin tone. Wearing only jeans  no shoes  and a tight, dirty muscle tee, he looked
very much like he d wandered out of a slasher movie and into Carter s life.
 I m not a neighbor, he said, in a shockingly calm, even voice that shot through Carter like a
mouthful of liquor.  I live very far from here.
The man stared at Carter, eerily silent, not moving to shake his hand or walk past him.
 Okay, well&  Carter sidestepped, trying to dart around the large man while still keeping his eye
on him.  I m gonna go& do something. It s nice to have met you.
But the man stopped him with a firm hand on his shoulder. Carter could feel his cock twitch inside
his pants, and he mentally yelled at it, What the fuck do you think you re doing!? Now is not the time
for this!
 I m Elias. Elias Monk. He turned his head to look at Carter and his eyes caught the moonlight,
shimmering softly.  We ve met before, but I didn t get to tell you my name.
 I don t remember meeting you. I m sure I would remember if I had. Carter felt dumb,
overwhelmed by his senses, his arousal, and a strange, alien desire to stick as close as possible to
this new stranger, to hang on his every word.
Someone needs to tell my penis, it s not into dudes, he thought, as Elias leaned close to him, his
earthy, musky scent washing over Carter.
 I looked different then. And I wasn t the one getting your attention. Tell me, do you always pet
wild wolves?
Carter pulled away from the man s touch, confused at his own disappointment as his hand
dropped off his shoulder.  I didn t realize there was anyone there at the time.
 I smelled you.
Carter s stomach dropped as he realized he was speaking to an insane asylum escapee.  You.
Smelled. Me.
Elias smirked.  Yeah, kinda like the way you smell me now. I bet you suck at it, though.
Carter s hackles went up.  Tell me, what did I eat for breakfast? the man asked.
 Bacon, Carter responded, wanting to show him wrong.
 I knew it. He leaned in, taking a deep whiff of the air in front of Carter s face.  You re turned
on as fuck, and leaking too. Are you ready to turn into a wolf?
 A wolf.
Elias showed his teeth in a savage approximation of a snarl.  Kind of like this. You re coming
with me tonight.
 No way! Carter turned to leave.
His feet didn t move.
 No, seriously, I m leaving.
Elias watched him with clear amusement.  Except you re not.
With effort, Carter picked one foot up off the ground.
And stepped towards Elias.
Their bodies connected, shoulders and hips, rubbing lightly against each other, Carter s
Well. It wasn t protesting the contact, that s for sure.
 You re new to this, so I m going to explain it to you slowly. You ve seen more than a few B-
movies and inane TV shows, I m certain. The wolf that bit you? Wasn t just a wolf. Tonight? Is the
night before the full moon. So you re feeling a little& 
He gestured to their crotches where Carter noticed, with some horror, that rubbing was occurring.
Specifically, from him.
 Frisky, Elias finished. He stepped back, his hands on Carter s shoulders to keep him from
moving closer again  which was the only burning, incredible desire he had right now, much to the
shame of his rational brain.
 You re going to turn into a wolf tomorrow. And you need some guidance, from someone like me.
Which is why when I tell you to come with me and join my pack tonight, you ll find your instincts
overriding your stupid human brain and making you do what I say. Catching up yet?
Carter thought about it. He inhaled deeply and caught all sorts of smells; rotting refuse, wild
animals, human habitation, sweat, and the musky, deep scent of male arousal.
Except he wasn t the only one aroused.
 Got it, he said, surprised at how relaxed he felt.  I always kind of thought I d turn out to be
special one day.
Elias raised his eyebrows in what was clear, humored disapproval.  Well. I can already tell
you ll be interesting.

the woods?
This looks a lot like a cave in the woods. Are you going to murder me in this cave in
Something horrifying occurred to Carter.  Are you even real?
 Stop it, Elias chided him, and Carter did.  The moon is making you hyperactive and paranoid.
You re fine. And it s an underground entrance, not a cave.
 Sure looks like a cave.
It did. The dark, foreboding rock structure, partially buried beneath the earth and covered in moss,
was also not the sort of adventure Carter liked to go on.
But Elias strode in confidently, and for some reason every fiber of Carter wanted to go only
where he went and nowhere else. So he followed, his skin crawling as they walked deeper, deeper,
deeper into the pits of hell-
 Ah, here it is. Elias switched on a light overhead. The cave tunnel in front of them turned
slowly into a tiled entrance with a large, heavy door.
 I m weirdly okay with this. Why is that? I ve never liked being underground.
Elias ignored him, pulling out a set of keys and unlocking the heavy door. It came open with a
screech, the bottom dragging across the tile.
 You first. Elias stood aside.
Carter didn t want to go, per say, but he d gone this far. A little of the complete obedience he d
felt at first had worn away; regardless, he shuffled through the door, wary about the possible torturous
death lair on the other side.
Instead, he found a frat house.
Three kegs were pushed up against the door close to them, on top of wall-to-wall hardwood
floors decorated with dark leather furniture. Three guys lounged in the living room/den, drinking
beers and-
Carter averted his eyes, freezing.
 They re jerking each other off, not eating human flesh, Elias said behind him, pushing Carter
over the threshold of the door.  Guys! We ve got a newbie. Pack it back in.
Carter snuck a peek at the three guys as they reluctantly took their hands off each other and pushed
their erections back in their pants.
One was tall, his hair long, with thin dreads, his oak-colored skin blanketed with dark freckles;
another looked like a classic redheaded Irish, while the third, struggling to stuff his massive, thick
cock inside his pants, was short with dark brown hair gathered in a queue.
 This is my pack, Elias said, and Carter threw his head back to laugh.
 These are werewolves? He gestured incredulously with his hand.  You look like a sad group of
Dungeons and Dragons players. And how alone and single! I ve heard of circle jerks before, but I
didn t know guys ever got that-
Elias advanced on him menacingly. Suddenly the room was stuffed with hot anger.
Dreads-guy growled in his throat.  If this Omega fucker is gonna yap his mouth I ll give him
something to-
Elias held up his hand, and the other man stopped.  There s something I need to be very clear
about with you. He stepped forward until they were nose-to-nose, and Carter was certain he was
about to die.  If we don t accept you as one of us, you re going to die. Either at the hands of a hunter,
in the belly of a wild bear, with your neck in my throat or  and this is the most likely  you ll take a
blade to your arms and slice them open.
His breath washed over Carter. He felt glued to the floor, afraid, but mesmerized, captured by
those two dark eyes. Elias reached forward and trailed his hands down Carter s pants, pushing them
down until his very obvious erection bobbed out through the fabric of his boxers.
 You also won t enjoy the next 24 hours if you don t get a pack member s hand on you soon. He
stroked Carter s cock, and even through the boxers it felt so amazing, so raw and on fire, that Carter
stared to leak pre-cum and fuck his hips towards the man s grasp.
 Trust me when I say that you own hand isn t gonna cut it. He stepped forward to straddle
Carter s hip, his groin rubbing up against him.  It takes a pack member to take care of things leading
up to a full moon.
 And there aren t any lady-wolves in the business?
Elias stepped back, his hand falling away from Carter s body, his face shuttering over with
something that seemed like anger.  Simply put? Not around here. So get used to the idea, and fast.
Motioning towards the other men, Elias started towards a door in the back of the room. Carter
moved to follow him, but Elias put up a hand.
 Stay, he said, his tone firm and commanding.
Carter mentally smacked himself as he watched the door shut behind them, knowing just what he
was being exiled from. You could ve gotten a handjob if you d just closed your eyes and pretended
it was your own cock in your hand, he thought, trying to ignore the niggling thought that insisted it
wasn t just the other man s hand that had interested him.
Daniel felt kind of bad for the new guy, but he wasn t going to mention that to Dominique while he
was still fuming.
 I can t believe you turned someone! Dom pointed a menacing finger at Toby, who cowered
before the much taller man.  This is unbelievable.
 Calm down Dom, Elias said, his voice laced through with that assertive Alpha streak that made
Daniel s toes curl and his insides melt. Daniel watched as Dom settled down, smoothing back his
long dreads.
And to think I could be coming in his hand right now, Daniel thought mournfully. He d always
had a thing for the biracial man  an attraction that was thankfully mutual, as Dom enjoyed red hair.
Daniel wasn t quite sure who had a thing for short, slight Toby though he had to admit he had a
monstrous large cock. Maybe the new boy will be into him, he thought.
And of course, they were all into Elias. It came with the territory.
 He s probably shitting his pants right now, Daniel said, still feeling bad for the new guy.  I
know I would be, if I hadn t been prepared for the bite.
Toby reddened, taking that as a criticism.  Sorry.
Elias sighed.  It s not your fault you look like a damn dog in your wolf form. One of these days
we should put a collar on you just to see what happens.
If it was possible, Toby reddened even further at that.
 What re we gonna do with this guy, huh? Dominique asked, crossing his arms in front of his
chest.  By the smell of him, he s a sexual Beta.
Daniel s eyebrows climbed at that.  You got close enough to sniff his ass? I don t remember that.
 I have a better nose than yours, Dominique shot back, subtly reminding Daniel that he benefitted
from certain pseudo-alpha privileges.
 Don t bicker, either of you. Elias silenced them each with a glare.  Take it out later, in the
bedroom. And yes, the new guy  Carter is his name  happens to be a sexual Beta. Who somehow
thinks he s straight.
They all snorted at that; even Daniel had smelled the arousal on the man at the sight of a circle
 So what do we do with him? Daniel shifted his weight, looking at Elias anxiously.  Someone
will have to break it to him. And we don t have& I mean, you re not& 
 A sexual Alpha? Elias s tone was cold; Daniel averted his eyes in response, hoping he hadn t
gone too far.  I ll have to do for now. The three of you will be on your own tonight, though. Based on
the state of him, he s going to need a lot of work. So figure out your sleeping arrangements and stick
to them. This was accompanied by a sympathetic look thrown to Toby, who they all knew was the
most likely to be left out once Daniel and Dom got started.
They all stepped aside to let Elias leave, his posture indicating he was done with them. Daniel
watched the door close behind him, relieved he was gone and irritated at the same time.
 So, he said, looking at the two very different men in the room with him,  who wants to be
which slice of bread in the Daniel-meat sandwich?
Elias was back sooner than Carter would ve expected. The others didn t come out of the back room
with him, and by the look on his face, something hadn t gone well.
Carter shifted his weight, trying not to show how hard and engorged his dick was in his pants; no
matter what he did, it seemed like more and more blood kept pooling between his legs.
 So, he said, searching for something to say,  well, uh, I guess& 
Striding forward, Elias took his chin in one hand and kissed him.
Carter responded by freezing in place, his mouth open  which made it easier for Elias to turn his
head and thrust his tongue inside. Their noses bumped, Carter s vision blurring when he tried to focus
on the man s face.
It was, in short, awkward.
 Try harder, Elias growled.  You re not going to get any better unless you let me fuck you.
 Let you fuck me!? Carter s voice came out in a loud squeak.  No way, dude, I don t swing that
Elias interrupted him by sticking a hand down his pants and stroking his cock. Carter groaned,
closing his eyes and twisting his hips up, his cock slick all over.
 You sure you re not into dudes? Elias unbuckled his belt and pulled it out of his belt loops.
 Because it sure doesn t seem that way.
He forced Carter s chin up, nibbling on his bottom lip. Carter steadied himself with a hand on the
man s shoulder, thrusting himself in and out of the tight confines of his hand. In response Elias pulled
Carter s sweatpants and boxers down, taking out his fully engorged cock to jerk at it even faster.
 Ah- fuuuuck, ugh. His balls swung back and forth as he thrust in and out, desperate to come.
 Stroke me harder, he said, returning Elias s rough kiss, their mouths coming together like two horny
teenagers who didn t know where to put their chins.
The other man s hand felt amazing, even better than Carter s own. His skin was rough on Carter s
shaft, his fingers nimble and tight on the head of his erection. Carter s cock felt bigger than it ever had
been in his life. His knees bent and he trembled all over as he approached his orgasm, whimpering in
his throat at how amazing it felt.
 Ahhhh  God, uuuhhhh, ugh. Shit, I m gonna come, he panted on Elias s cheek, the man s stubble
rough against his lips.
 Then come, Elias said.
Carter shuddered at the tone of command in his voice, his body curling up as he released himself
all over the man s clothes.
 Aw  fuck  aaaahhhhh! Carter s mouth fell open, his cock sliding in and out of Elias s grasp as
he continued to come, the head of his cock jerking.  Jesus, I ve never come so much in my life.
Elias kissed him on the cheek; he was surprisingly tender.  You re going to come a lot tonight.
You re not like the other wolves.
Dropping Carter s cock, he wiped his hand on his black shirt, grimacing at the mess. Carter
blinked, his brain slowly catching up to what the other man had said.
 What do you mean, like the others? His heart beat faster in his chest.  Do you mean I m not
gonna turn?
Elias shook his head.  Fuck, how to explain this&  He gestured to Carter s cock.  You re still
kind of hard, right?
Carter looked down.  Yeah.
 Even though you just came? And, presumably, you ve come a lot today?
Carter shrugged.  So I m young and horny. What s your point? You said this is what happens.
 This is what happens to some of us. Reaching down, Elias took Carter s cock and started to
stroke it again.  Most werewolves get randy, yeah, and we have sex a few times. But you re not just a
little randy, you re impossibly horny.
Carter moaned, his head falling forward onto Elias s shoulder as his cock got hard again.  Sounds
pretty great to me, he said, even as his body reached that point of pleasure so overwhelming it edged
on painful.
 Yeah, well, it s not going to be fun to take care of. And you won t stop coming until another
werewolf  preferably an Alpha werewolf  fucks you in the ass.
Carter wanted to tell him no fucking way is anyone fucking me in the ass, but he was too busy
groaning into his shirt.
 So what you re  uuuhhhh  what you re saying is, haaaa-ugh, is that the full moon makes me gay.
Sure, right, it's so  fuuuuuck! Uh, god, fuck, aaahhhh.
 You seem pretty gayish to me. Elias jerked his cock faster, pushing his hips towards Carter so
his own clothed erection brushed roughly against Carter s throbbing one.  And it's not just your cock
acting up. Have you stuck a finger in your ass lately?
Carter wanted to say fuck no, but all that came out was  oh, yeah, fuck, uuuugh  no  oh God,
don t stop.
 Because I m willing to bet your little mancunt is wet right now. In fact, I bet your ass is opening
up to make room for sex.
That doesn t happen, Carter wanted to say, but instead he roughly bit Elias s neck, groaning into
his skin as he thrust frantically into his hands. Elias reached around with his second hand and started
to play with his balls, sending him over the edge so fast he blacked out a little.
When he came to he was panting into Elias s skin, his cock so wet he was certain his balls would
shrink to nothing  but no, they were still there.
And yeah, he had to admit that, now that he was paying attention, he felt wetness behind his balls.
Kind of like&
Kind of like a woman s pussy, only it s happening to my ass.
 So, uh, Carter stepped back, feeling awkward suddenly with his sweat and cum all over both
their shirts,  so, well, it s been nice, I guess I ll be leaving now-
Elias put a hand on his shoulder.  You re not going anywhere. I won t make you have sex with
me, but it would be irresponsible to let you out like this. You re vulnerable and suggestible in this
state. And tomorrow will be even worse.
Carter cleared his throat.  So, I ll be what& cursed forever if you don t fuck me? That sounds
like a line I tried in high school.
Elias shrugged, stepping back and sitting down on the couch.  Suit yourself, he said, reaching
down to unzip his pants.  Like I said, I won t make you. You can just stay here, all horny and aching,
dripping with desire.
Pushing his pants and boxers down, Elias took out the longest, thickest cock Carter had ever seen,
flared and cut at the tip. Without looking at Carter, he started to stroke himself, head falling back
against the couch cushions.
And yeah, Carter was hard again, his balls heavy and aching against his skin. Checking to make
sure Elias wasn t looking, he reached behind his balls and felt-
Slick wetness. He swallowed. Fuck fuck fuck. This wasn t something the werewolf B movies
covered. And, Carter had to admit, he could smell Elias s musky arousal, could hear pleasurable
groans coming from the back room  where, presumably, the three other werewolves were busy
getting it on while their leader babysat him.
Carter stepped cautiously close to the couch, pulling off his sweatshirt to wipe his chest. Elias
had his eyes closed, his throat stretched back, his hands working at his erection. Naked and
unbearably hot, Carter reached down and grabbed his own cock, unable to look away from the other
man pleasuring himself.
It s not gay if the full moon causes it, Carter thought to himself, admitting for the first time that
yeah, okay, this half-naked, bossy, and controlling man made him aroused. One hand on his already
throbbing cock, Carter reached behind to probe at his ass cheeks, which were slick with a strange,
foreign liquid that reminded him of the lube he sometimes used to jerk off with. It slicked his skin
from his ass down to the spot behind his balls, which was peculiarly hot and parted by a slit in the
skin he cautiously probed.
And it felt amazing. Carter moaned, forgetting that he d been trying to stay sneaky. His fingers on
what had always been a somewhat sensitive place suddenly felt so great he was certain he could
come just by touching it. The slit led to his asshole, which he had to admit had grown hot, slick, and
wide, like his whole body was changing to a new and different purpose.
 Like I told you, Elias said, opening his eyes to watch Carter touch himself,  you re opening up.
You re a special kind of Beta wolf designed just for mating. This will happen to you every month, and
if you don t satisfy your urges, you ll stay that way in between full moons.
 God, Carter said, slipping a finger inside his ass,  no wonder guys turn gay at summer camp.
Elias chuckled, patting the spot on the couch next to him.  I ve never heard that one before. Tell
me, Carter, did you  go gay for the summer?
Carter gulped, blushing hotly. He took his hands off himself, staring warily at the spot Elias had
patted. It s now or never, Carter. Hesitating for a few seconds, he broke down and finally approached
the man, naked and drenched in sweat from how hard he was.
 Okay, there was this one time, he admitted, climbing onto the couch to sit next to Elias,  I may
have sort of instigated a circle jerk.
 One time? Elias looked doubtful.
 I guess technically more than once. And a few times with just one other guy. And I may have let
him blow me.
Elias chuckled.  That sounds more like the truth. Reaching over, he took Carter s cock in his
hand again and lazily stroke it while he spoke.  Tell me, Carter, have you ever had your mouth on
another man s dick?
Carter shook his head, grunting as he fucked his erection in and out of the circle of the Alpha s
hand.  Yours seems kinda& big.
More like massive, really. Carter peered over at it, curving up the length of Elias s belly, resting
in a thatch of dark hair.
 Maybe we ll work our way up to that. For now, hands will do. And it s only polite to return the
favor, the man pointed out, and Carter reached over to grab his cock.
It was hot in his hand, so thick he could barely get his fingers around it. Carter awkwardly jerked
it a few times, wiggling on the couch until he was close enough to Elias that their arms crossed easily.
Then he started to match the other man s rhythm, their arms moving up and down together, shoulders
pressed against each other.
Elias s breath caressed his cheek, his eyes dark and purposeful on Carter s face. Carter had to
admit that everything about him  from his touch, twisting on the shaft of his cock to the smell of him
right up against him  got him so hard he could feel the veins of his dick stand out against the skin.
 You re going to make a great pack member, Elias said, his voice low and sensual.
Tipping his head up, Carter kissed him hungrily, his mouth hard against the other man s. They
leaned together, panting and jerking as their hands moved in tandem on each other s erections.
Elias had a skilled tongue, softly probing Carter s own, his lips full and rough with stubble. Elias
nibbled his way down Carter s neck, gently biting his shoulder. Carter groaned in response, his cock
jerking in the other man s hand.
 This is just the beginning, Elias reminded him, drawing back  his hand falling off Carter s hot
cock  reaching down to pull off his shirt and kick off his pants.
Naked, the Alpha werewolf was a picture in perfection, well-defined abs standing out on his
tanned skin. A V-like shape of hair pointed from his belly button to the shaft of his cock, which
bobbed against his skin.
 Now, Elias said, sitting down on the couch and grabbing his cock,  I want you to straddle me
and sit on my dick.
Carter s heart hammered in his chest; he swallowed heavily, unable to tear his eyes away from the
massive, monstrous erection he couldn t imagine fitting inside him. At the same time, though, he had
to admit that his weird new werewolf-y flesh was kind of amazingly hot for the idea.
 Alright, well, you can t bike if you don t get on the bicycle, am I right? Carter laughed
nervously. Elias just stared at him, clearly unimpressed.
Just do it all at once, he told himself.
Grabbing hold of the back of the couch for balance, he swung a leg over Elias s body. Their thighs
rubbed against each other, hot sparks of tension and pleasure shooting through Carter at the contact.
Elias took his hand and guided it towards his cock.
 Guide it in, he said, laying back against the couch.  We ll start at your pace to begin with. I ll
save the difficult stuff for the second and third times.
 Second and third? Carter wasn t certain he d be able to walk straight after the first. He felt
completely exposed, spread out with his ass cheeks hovering over another man s dick, his erection
leaking onto his skin.
Closing his eyes, he guided the Alpha s rock hard cock to the entrance of his ass and pressed
down on it.
Pain, like fire shooting inside him, erupted in his cheeks. Carter yelped, eyes flying open, staring
at Elias incredulously.
 How the fuck am I supposed to get this inside me? he demanded.  It s like ten inches long.
 Like this, Elias grumbled, grabbing his hips and pulling him down.
Carter shrieked, his ass cheeks spreading further than he thought they could, his balls rubbing
against the other man s cock as his body split in places he wasn t sure should exist. Gasping, he felt
his ass with his hand and realized only the head had gone in  and just barely.
 Now keep going, Elias instructed him.  In and out.
Carter complied, biting his lip as he slowly rocked up and down on the thick head of werewolf
 It hurts, he complained.
 It won t if you just relax. Elias rubbed his hands up and down Carter s thighs, reaching around
to cup his ass cheeks and massage them.  Stop clenching the muscles back there and your new body
will do the rest.
 It would help if you weren t practically a stranger, Carter said, trying to do as instructed and
 What do you want, my social?
 No, but-
Elias kissed him again, hot and scorching with passion this time. He sucked on Carter s bottom
lip, his hands softly exploring his skin, humming lightly in his throat. The kiss was familiar somehow,
sending Carter back to his summer camp days.
Suddenly he was 16 years old, giddy in love with Becca Thompson, getting it on with his bunk
mate s mouth, threading his hands in another guy s long hair and pretending it was Becca s even as he
reached down to jerk his new friend off. They d kissed like this afterwards, Carter weirded out by
how hot it was to taste himself on someone else s lips.
 Feel like you know me now?
Carter blinked, shaking off nostalgia.  Let s do this.
Throwing his head back, Carter spread his legs out as wide as they would go and pushed down on
Elias s cock. He panted as he pressed past the head, rocking up and down, the pain turning into an
intense, whole-body pleasure he d never felt before. His nerves shot through with exquisite wonder,
his untouched cock jerking slightly.
 Fuck, ugh, huuuh huuuh, Carter grunted and gasped, blissed out.
 You re so tight, Elias growled, grabbing his ass and pulling him down further.
Carter groaned, looking down to see a few inches of the thick cock impaled in his ass. Every
other sex act he d had paled in comparison to this one. More than a little bit gayish.
 You smell amazing, Elias said, leaning forward to sniff at Carter s neck.  You love it, admit it.
Fuck, you were made for cock.
To emphasize his point, Elias rocked out and back into Carter, making him squirm and groan with
 Yeah, well- Elias nipped his neck and Carter gasped-  new werewolf& uuugh  body or,
whatever, fuck, fuck me!
 Will do. Grabbing him by his hips, Elias picked him up  Carter wrapped his legs tightly
around his waist  and flipped them over so he was on top, looking down into Carter s eyes.
 Tell me, he said, grabbing his cock and guiding it back towards the entrance of Carter s ass,
 what in the world made you think you were straight?
Elias rolled his hips forward, rocking Carter s legs make and fucking half his cock into his ass.
Carter groaned, his whole body arching upwards as every nerve in his body came alive.
 Who fucking cares? Carter leaned forward and nipped Elias s jawline, drawing them closer
together with his legs.  Just fuck me, oh God- Elias rocked out and back in-  fuck, it feels so good
and it s not even all the way in.
 It s going to be, Elias said, gaining momentum and rhythm with his thrusts.  Just don t scream
like a little girl this time. The guys are in the other room.
 Like they re listening, Carter said, but he didn t have a chance to shriek; Elias covered his
mouth with one hand, pushed his toes against the couch and thrust his whole cock inside Carter s ass.
Carter s entire body jerked, his prostate waking up and letting him know, yeah, not straight at all.
He groaned and bit down on Elias s hand, his ass spread wide beneath the Alpha wolf.
 Fuck, Elias panted, slowly pulling out and pushing back in,  fuck, you feel amazing. He
groaned, taking his hand off Carter s mouth to brace his weight on the couch.
His thrusts grew stronger, pushing Carter s legs up over his head until he was bent like a pretzel.
Carter grabbed the couch beneath him and held on for life, groaning as Elias fucked in and out of his
ass, his cock reaching all the way inside and brushing against his prostate again and again. His ass
felt slick and warm, Elias s cock moving in and out with ease.
 You re a fucking pro already, Elias said, taking his ankles and pressing them towards his head.
Carter groaned as his ass opened up, Elias s cock slipping all the way in and filling him.  I bet you
could fit more than one Alpha in there.
Carter whimpered at the thought, and Elias grinned, reaching around to slap his ass.  Don t worry,
that s something else we ll save for later.
Grabbing his hips, the Alpha wolf pulled slowly out of Carter s ass, looking down at their bodies
where they joined together.
 You should see how slick you are. Fuck...
He reached a finger down and stuck it in Carter s ass next to the head of his cock. Carter
whimpered at the fullness, his dick leaking and jerking on his stomach. Feeling another, even bigger
orgasm coming, he grabbed his cock and started to stroke it.
 You re gonna come, huh? Elias rammed into him, working him with his fingers alongside his
cock. Carter shuddered all over, mouth opening slack, animalistic sounds of pleasure dropping from
his tongue.
 Ah, ugh, he grabbed his balls and played with them, his cock throbbing and engorged in his
hand,  oh yeah, oh yeah, uuhhhh& 
Elias thrust quickly in and out of his ass, his fingers working at the skin beneath his balls, his shaft
spreading him wide. The werewolf s balls slapped up against his ass, Elias grunting and groaning
with pleasure while he watched Carter work his own cock.
 Jerk yourself harder, he said, and Carter did, his hand becoming a blur on his cock.
 Ah, fuck. His back curved and he whimpered, pleasure coming from his ass and his cock at the
same time.  Fuck, I wanna come, uhhh.
 Come for me, Elias ordered, and Carter s whole body shivered with sensation. His cock jerked
and spilled itself all over their bodies, Elias fucking him frantically through his orgasm.
Carter cried out, jerking his hot, wet cock with his hand, coming more than he ever had in his life.
He closed his eyes and saw stars, his ass filled with Elias s dick as the Alpha werewolf grabbed his
waist and fucked him until he came inside him.
 Oh God, Carter&  Leaning down, face twisted in pleasure, Elias kissed him as he shuddered
and spilled wet cum inside his ass. Their lips worked together, bodies slick and sweaty, Carter still
spread on Elias s softening cock.
 You re gonna be the best Beta I ever had, the man said, kissing his way down Carter s neck.
His hips still worked small, shuddering thrusts inside Carter, whose cock was finally calming down
and softening completely. He felt amazing, better than he could ve imagined feeling after sex.
 There s something weirdly familiar about you, Carter said, threading his fingers through Elias s
hair.  Almost like we ve& 
 Met before? The other man raised an eyebrow.  Maybe because we have.
Sudden recognition dawned on Carter.  Eli! Short for Elias? Jesus, you grew up.
Elias chuckled.  You as well, he said, pulling out and stroking Carter s side.  You re gonna pay
me back for that blowjob I gave you all those years ago at summer camp.
Carter swallowed nervously, sitting up.  I, uh, didn t remember your dick being that big.
Elias just smirked, sitting back against the couch, confidently naked.  Like you said, I grew up.
Carter searched for something to say, but was interrupted by the back door banging open. The tall
black man stood in the doorway, shirtless but with his pants still on, indignation written all over his
 Fucking finally, you re done! Those two are going at it. Without me.
Behind him, leaned up against a small folding table, the short guy with long hair had the redhead
bent over with his ass in the air. He thrust his cock in and out of him, both of them making short,
guttural grunts of pleasure.
 Good for short dude, Carter said, and the dreads  guy glared at him. He shrugged.  You seem
like kind of a dick.
Elias chuckled.  Let them have their moment, Dominique. Toby hardly ever gets any, and he isn t
the new guy anymore.
Dominique scowled more at Carter, who was suddenly realizing how naked and covered in jizz
he was.  We were, uh, having a private moment here? He gestured vaguely towards the back.  You
could just go.
Dominique crossed his arms, closing the door behind him with his foot.  Nah, I think I ll stay.
Looks like I might have a better chance in this room.
Carter was about to tell him fuck no when the door opened back up, naked redhead standing there
blushing from head to toe with what smelled like arousal and embarrassment. Carter shifted
awkwardly, aware that his body was starting to get ready for another round.
 We didn t mean to leave you out of it! the redhead said, grabbing Dominique s wrist and
dragging him back towards the room.  If you want I ll suck you while he fucks me.
 I get the worse end of that deal, Dominique grumbled as he shut the door behind him.
Carter sighed as soon as they were gone, relieved to be left out of that.
 I guess we ll have to get another werewolf, Elias said, running his fingers through his hair.  To
keep things even and fair. After all, I m not ready to share you quite yet.
Reaching over, he took Carter s soft but hardening cock in one hand and started to coax it back up
again.  Welcome to the Monroe Werewolf Pack.
Gay and straight erotica by Heather Silver is available at:
Barnes & Noble
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All Romance eBooks


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