Leica GNNS Spider Software

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Leica GNSS Spider Software

Setting the Standard for RTK Networks

Modular and Scalable – For Single Stations and Networks

Leica GNSS Spider is an integrated suite of software for centrally controlling and

operating single reference stations or networks of stations. GNSS Spider is modular

and scalable with new advanced solutions for long-range high-accuracy Network RTK

(SpiderNET) and centralized data distribution. The GNSS Spider Business Center

provides powerful access management and reporting with an open interface allowing

for efficient accounting for data and services. Become a professional service provider

using the best solutions for your needs thanks to GNSS Spider.

Leica GNSS Spider Software - Setting the Standard for RTK Networks ... http://hds.leica-geosystems.com/en/Leica-GNSS-Spider-Software_4591...

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For all receivers

Leica System 1200, GMX900 Series receivers and System 500 GNSS receivers are the ideal partners for Leica GNSS Spider

and integrate perfectly with the software. Other receivers are also supported.

Build up as you like

With Leica GNSS Spider you only invest in what is necessary for your current needs. As re-quirements change and

new services are demanded, it is easy to add extra capabilities or extend your network when additional areas have

to be covered. You can build up easily at any speed.

Leica GNSS technology (GPS and GLONASS)

Add additional GLONASS satellites to the world’s best-performing GPS systems. Reduce downtime and

benefit from higher productivity – in particular in urban canyons and where trees block the number of

visible GPS satellites. Leica Geosystems GPS solutions proven reliability rises to the next level with full

GNSS support to deliver unmatched results with SmartTrack+ and SmartCheck+.

Leica GNSS SpiderNet - Moving with the Standard

Using an array of permanently installed reference stations over a region or entire state removes the need to

establish local control in the work area and set up temporary field reference receivers. Using Leica GNSS

SpiderNET for real-time network analysis and error modeling provides even consistent high accuracy and improved

RTK performance over the entire network region, with even larger distances between your reference stations.

Network corrections can be provided as based on the standard RTCM V3.1 Master Auxiliary Network correction

messages, which are fully integrated in Leica MAX and i-MAX technology.

Together with Leica GNSS SpiderNET continuous network processing and Leica MAX Master Auxiliary corrections,

you achieve increased RTK performance and reliability when covering large areas with a minimum number of

reference stations – it’s the ideal “Win-Win” situation ! Using Leica SmartStation, your Total Station can even

benefit from the latest in GNSS Network RTK technology.

GNSS Services for all applications

With Leica GNSS Spider, it’s easy to use the method or combination of methods that will best satisfy your

operational needs. RTK and GIS rovers, construction machines, hydrographic survey vessels and others will be

able to operate accurately and efficiently at even longer ranges. Leica GPS Spider provides many different

services to the user community, such as real-time services, automated RTK and positioning services, local

coordinate datum transformation parameter services and file based services

Spider Business Center’ for the best return on investment

The unique Spider Business Center gives the network provider the tools at hand to manage user

accounts and user access according to their business model. There are not only various login

methods available, such as Ntrip or by phone number, but also the number of simultaneous

connections per account can be easily adjusted. User accounts can be configured to access

selected RTK streams, have an expiry date for short-term or trial users, and may even be

restricted to certain regions within the network. Detailed rover access auditing is complemented

with individual visualization links of the rover users’ location in Google™ Maps.

Customer information, including access credentials and access log records are key business details. With the

‘Spider Business Center’ being an integral part of the whole solution, all this information is securely managed in a

central location.

The Spider Business Center reduces the time required to administrate your RTK network, thus lowering your

operation and maintenance costs and allowing you to fully focus on growing your business.

Leica GNSS Spider Positioning - Monitoring natural & man-made structures

Leica GNSS Spider also provides the right tools for real-time GNSS monitoring applications for natural and

man-made structures. With its new advanced centralized RTK positioning, cm-level station coordinates can be

provided for analysis in real-time. High-performance processing algorithms using Leica legendary SmartCheck

technolgy provide accurate and reliable positioning using single-frequency as well as dual-frequency GNSS


Leica GNSS Spider – Takes you to the MAX

Versatile, powerful, reliable

Modular and fully scalable

Reliable and secure

For all requirements and applications

For single and multiple stations

For small and large networks

For Post-Processed and RTK Networks

For all types of GNSS receivers

For all communication methods

Easy to install and use

Extend and enhance as your needs changeand increase

Spider Business Center

Powerful User and RTK Service management

Supports various business models

Reduced operation costs

Leica SmartRTK: Always in focus

Users of GNSS Reference Station Networks expect their results to be consistent throughout the

com-plete Network, but often they’re unaware that virtually computed Reference Stations

compromise con-sistency. Only with Leica Geosystems ingenious SmartRTK can you be sure that

you’re getting the best performance of your complete GNSS system. Even the new RTCM 3.1

International standard now includes correction data designed by Leica Geosystems to ensure that

the results are consistent and traceable anywhere in the network. And the new atmospheric

decorrelator technology provides precise positioning in all Networks regardless of the correction data.

Need more information?

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© Leica Geosystems 2003

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