MaturaSolutionsAdvanced Unit 8 short test 1 and 2

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Matura Solutions Advanced Tests

Test 1


© Oxford University Press

short test


12 I wanted to take the train, but Matt insisted on

driving. ________________________________






Choose the correct answers.

1 People who are


aren’t allowed into the


A neat B chic C scruffy

2 She nearly fell over because her




A cuffs B corsets C laces

3 Do you want me to sew that


back on

for you?

A belt B button C bandana

4 Leo gave his girlfriend a gold


for her

birthday. It must have cost a fortune.

A bangle B buckle C cravat

5 The customer was getting hot under the


so the manager tried to calm him


A bandana B cuff C collar

6 Do brides always wear


-length white

dresses at weddings?

A full B long C tall

7 He used to have an odd-looking

_______ ,


now it’s gone, thank goodness.

A stubble B goatee C dreadlock

8 Getting this big contract is a real feather in his


and I’m sure he’ll be promoted.

A belt B buckle C cap







Rewrite these sentences using

would or wouldn’t.

1 I imagine she’s been here for a while.



2 Gordon flatly refused to apologise.


3 When we were young my grandparents used to

come round to see us every Saturday.


4 I accept your invitation to the wedding with

thanks! ________________________________


5 I think I was probably about seven when I first

went on a plane. _________________________


6 I don’t think it’s a good idea to disturb him at

the moment. ____________________________


7 It’s reasonable to think that most children

enjoy reading comics, isn’t it? But Jimmy hates
them. __________________________________


8 Henry gave me a lot of good advice when I was

a student and that’s why I’m in this position
today. _________________________________


9 Someone must know the door key code. Who?



10 Do you think we should contact the

accountant about these discrepancies?



11 I’m glad I’m not in Christine’s shoes at the

moment! _______________________________


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Matura Solutions Advanced Tests

Test 2


© Oxford University Press

short test


10 The students at my friend’s school mustn’t

wear a uniform.

I / C



11 That’s a nasty rash. You ought to see the

doctor about it.

I / C



12 The train would have been delayed because of

the snow or because the driver was late.

I / C







Complete the sentences with the words in the
box. There are two more words than you need.

cloves greasy light pinch raw rich
sip spoonful stale tough

1 The chocolate mousse was quite

and I felt a bit sick afterwards.

2 How many

of garlic do I need

for this recipe?

3 Don’t eat that bread. It will be

after all this time.

4 I took a

of wine and realised

immediately that it was off.

5 Sometimes a traditional

breakfast of fried eggs and bacon is just the
thing to set you up for the day!

6 After the operation my mother was only

allowed to eat

snacks and

soups for quite a long time.

7 If you cook this meat too quickly it will be


8 Add a

of salt just before it

goes in the oven.







Decide which of the sentences are incorrect.
Circle I (incorrect) or C (correct). Then correct the
incorrect ones.

1 I think it can rain later.

I / C



2 You don’t have to smoke in here. It’s against

the rules.

I / C



3 It mustn’t have been Bill who rang. I didn’t

recognise the number.

I / C



4 I should really ask the teacher for permission to

be absent, but it will be OK just for today.

I / C



5 I could see the new film yesterday because my

evening class was cancelled.

I / C



6 Would you possibly help me? I need to get to

the town hall.

I / C



7 In 50 years people can’t write letters any


I / C



8 Jan and Fred might come to the party, but it

really depends how late they have to work.

I / C



9 May you lend me your car on Sunday?

I / C




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