MaturaSolutionsAdvanced Unit 5 short test 1 and 2

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Matura Solutions Advanced Tests

Test 1


© Oxford University Press

short test


10 We can’t afford to buy a new computer at the

moment. (expensive)



11 The company won’t give him the job because

his qualifications aren’t good enough. (employ)



12 I usually find remembering people’s phone

numbers really difficult. (remember)







Underline the incorrect word in each sentence.
Write the correct word.

1 Negotiations ground to a stop after the

assassination of the leader.

2 Scientists have made a break-up in the

treatment of kidney disease.

3 You should wait for confirmation and not jump

the stick.

4 I think I’ll steer clear of the subject. I don’t

want to open old cuts.

5 After all this time don’t you think the two of

you should bury the knife?

6 The invasion disrupted an agreement between

the two countries.

7 Harry has put his sights on becoming a doctor

like his uncle.

8 I fear the army is going to launch an advance








Rewrite the sentences using

for and the words

in brackets.

1 People need to be able to make a contribution

to society. (necessary)



2 It would be wonderful if she could get first

prize in the competition. (win)



3 Teachers usually have a great deal of

preparation to do. (normal)



4 Jack’s parents are keen that he should do well

in his end of year exams. (him)



5 I’m afraid I have to leave now. (time)



6 There’s no way I can get to you before 8.30.




7 I intended that we would pick up Sue on the

way to the theatre. (plan)



8 He would be disappointed if he failed the test.




9 My parents allowed me to travel alone when I

was fourteen. (happy)



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Matura Solutions Advanced Tests

Test 2


© Oxford University Press

short test




Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the verbs in the box. There are two more words
than you need.

acquire administer laugh off pronounce
provoke take over

1 Since coming back from America I’ve

a taste for peanut butter


2 The nurses are trained to

drugs to patients on the ward.

3 Having been found guilty of the crime, Jonas

will hear the judge


next week.

4 My grandfather

the suggestion

that he was planning to retire shortly.




Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the words in brackets.

1 There isn’t a lot of

in society

for people who refuse to work. (tolerate)

2 She showed great

and after six

attempts, she passed the test. (determine)

3 His

ensured that he was liked

by everyone he worked with. (amiable)


is something we acquire with

experience and it enables us to give good
advice. (wise)







Cross out words in these sentences to avoid

1 I thought Mike had taken the earlier train, but

he can’t have taken the earlier train because
his car’s still here.

2 A: Did you go to the lecture about Henry VIII

last week?

B: No, I wanted to go to the lecture, but I had

too much work on.

3 I didn’t manage to get to the shops yesterday,

but I managed to get to the shops this

4 I haven’t been to Brazil before, but my friend

has been to Brazil.

5 James doesn’t smoke now, but he used to


6 Pam hasn’t seen the new Scorsese film yet,

but she hopes to see it next Monday.

7 I don’t really want to get up early tomorrow,

but I should get up early because I’ve got tons
of work.

8 Tina won’t be working with you on the new

project, but David will be working with you.

9 Apparently I parked in the wrong place, but

I certainly didn’t mean to park in the wrong

10 I wouldn’t just like to go to London with you,

I’d love to go to London with you!

11 I should have been concentrating more on my

homework, but I haven’t been concentrating
on it.

12 I’m afraid I didn’t phone Tony last night.

I meant to phone Tony last night, but I
completely forgot.




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