Mid course speaking test 1

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Campaign 1

Mid-course Test: Speaking

Approximate timings: 4-5 minutes / student

Task 1 Warm up / guided interview

Approximate timings: 2 minutes.

Say to the candidate ...

‘Good morning / afternoon / evening.’
‘I’m ... [say your name].’

‘Now, what’s your first name, please?’
‘And what’s your last name?’
‘How do you spell your last name, please?’
‘And what’s your rank?’
‘Thank you.’

‘Where do you live’ / ‘Where do you come from?’
‘Can you tell me something about your village / town / city?’

‘And what’s your job?’
‘Tell me something about your job.’

Additional prompts

Here are some additional prompts in case the student’s answers are very short or don’t give you sufficient
material on which to base an initial evaluation.

‘Where are you studying English?’
‘Do you enjoy studying English?’
‘Why is English important to you?’
‘What do you do in your free time?’

Campaign 1 Mid-course Test – Speaking

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Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2006.

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Campaign 1

Task 2 Picture-based task

Approximate timings: 2 minutes.

1 Preparation

Select a large picture from the Campaign 1 Student’s Book. Examples include:

The soldier with a machine gun on page 4.
The two soldiers shaking hands on page 8.
The briefing on page 43.
Two friends in conversation on page 48.
The entrance to a military establishment on page 54.
The duty-free store on page 69.

Alternatively, select a photo from a newspaper or magazine.

Take care in selecting the photograph. You will need a photograph that gives the student enough to be able to
talk about, using the limited language he or she has acquired.

2 In the exam

Say to the student ...

‘Now, I’d like you to talk about something. Look at this picture. Tell me what you
can see in the picture.’

Additional prompts

Here are some examples of prompts in case the student’s description is very short or doesn’t give you
sufficient material on which to base an evaluation.

‘Where do you think they are?’
‘What is he / she wearing?’
‘What is he / she carrying?’
‘What’s happening?’

Campaign 1 Mid-course Test – Speaking

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It is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages.


Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2006.


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