language test 7b

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Name: _________________________________________

Score: ____________ / 30 points

language TeST 7b

unit 7


© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2011 New Matura Success Intermediate


Complete the text with the words in the box. There

are two extra words that you don’t need. (6 points)

applied boss earn full-time lose odd jobs

part-time promoted resigned

I used to have a full-time job and I worked at least
60 hours a week. I never had any time for myself,
so I


____________. After leaving my job, I took

three months off during which I travelled and did


____________ now and then. When I got back,


____________ for another job. Now I work


____________, about 25 hours a week. My


____________ is great, I get on really well with

her. Of course, I don’t


____________ as much

money as I used to, but I’m much happier!


Complete the missing words. The first letter of each

word is given.

(6 points)

I wrote an essay about the life of Shakespeare.

My teacher liked it.

1 Jack took two weeks o_________ work last

month and his m_________ at work was not
very happy about it.

2 Tom and Sally often s_________ classes – they

didn’t come to school yesterday.

3 I started my own business 3 years ago and

now I e_________ two people to work for me.

4 When I need some extra money I w_________

o_________ in my job.

5 Are there a lot of c_________ opportunities in

your work?


Complete the missing words. The lines show you how

many letters to use.

(4 points)

Have you got any e x p e r i e n c e in this job?
1 Jack has a university degree. In fact, he’s

_ v_ _ q u _ l _ _ i _ _ for this job delivering

2 Mary passed her final exams last year and

_ r _ d _ _ _ _ d with a degree in history.

3 He was always late for work and he was very

lazy so they _ _ _ k _ d him.

4 I’m a bit nervous because I’ve got a job

_ _ t _ _ v _ _ _ today. I hope I get the job!

5 This _ _ r _ finishes on Friday, and then the

classes will be over and the holidays will start!

6 They vandalised three classrooms, so the head

teacher _ _ p _ l l _ _ them.

7 You should pay _ _ t _ n _ _ o _ in class if you

want to learn.

8 I haven’t got a job, so I’m going down to the

job _ _ n _ r _ to see what jobs are available.


Choose the correct answers.

(7 points)

‘I didn’t mean to do it,’ he said. He said that he
didn’t mean /

hadn’t meant to do it.

1 ‘I’ve never worked like this before,’ she said.

She said that she

has never worked / had

never worked like that / this before.

2 ‘I’m planning on leaving the office early

tomorrow,’ Laura said.
Laura said she

was planning / is planning on

leaving the office early

that day / the next day.

3 ‘What time did Pete leave the office yesterday?’

I said.
I asked what time

Pete had left / had Pete left

the office

yesterday / the day before.

4 ‘Don’t forget your homework,’ the teacher said

to the students.
The teacher

asked / told the students not to

forget / to not forget their homework.

5 ‘I can’t understand why you did it,’ he said to me.

He said that he

can’t understand / couldn’t

understand why you / I had done it.

6 ‘We won’t watch the film here,’ they said.

They said they

don’t watch / wouldn’t watch

the film

here / there.

7 ‘Had you been to Africa before you visited

Morocco?’ Joanne said.
Joanne asked me if

I had been / had I been to

Africa before I

had visited / visited Morocco.


Complete the reported speech sentences. Use the

correct reporting verb from the box.

(7 points)

add admit ask claim complain explain
promise tell

‘Also, you spent too much money last week,’
he said to me. He added that I had spent too
much money the week before.

1 ‘I went because I’ve always liked horror films,’

Jackie said.
Jackie ________________________ horror films.

2 ‘Do you need any help?’ Mr Smith said to Amy.

Mr Brown _______________________ any help.

3 ‘I’ll work harder tomorrow,’ Sue said.

Sue _________________________________ day.

4 ‘The conditions are terrible,’ he said.

He ______________________________ terrible.

5 ‘We’re doing everything we can,’ the president

said. The president _______________________.

6 ‘Don’t tell me how the book finishes!’ he said.

He ______________________________________.

7 ‘I made a mistake today,’ she said.

She ____________________________________.


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