Language Test 7B

1 Połącz przymiotniki o przeciwnym znaczeniu.

1 thin _____ B) square

2 light _____ C) soft

3 large _____ D) heavy

4 hard _____ E) small

5 modern _____ F) thick

6 soft _____ G) square

7 heavy _____ H) hard

8 small _____ I) light

9 thin _____ J) modern

2 Zakreśl właściwą odpowiedź - A, B lub C.

1 Has he got a red pen?

A) Yes, it's mine. B) Yes, his pen is black. C) Yes, it's his.

2 Whose hat is this?

A) It's on the sofa. B) It's hers. C) It's beautiful.

3 Do you like swimming?

A) Yes, I hate it. B) Yes, very often. C) No, I don't.

4 Does Gill like ice skating?

A) She doesn't like swimming. B) Yes, it's Gill's. C) Yes, she loves it.

5 Where do they want to go?

A) To the theatre. B) Yes, they often go to cinema. C) It's half past eight.

6 Where do they want to go?

A) It's half past eight. B) Yes, they often go to cinema. C) To the museum.

7 Do you like skiing?

A) Yes, I hate it. B) No, I don't. C) Yes, very often.

8 Has he got a blue ball?

A) Yes, it's his. B) Yes, it's mine. C) Yes, his ball is red.

9 What do you want to do?

A) On Sunday. B) I hate swimming. C) I want to eat a sandwich.

10 Whose hat is this?

A) It's mine. B) It's beautiful. C) It's under the table.

3 Uzupełnij dialog zdaniami A-E.

Katerina: Hi. I'm Katerina. I like the countryside. What about you?

Enrico: 0_F__

Katerina: Do you like lying on the beach in the sun?

Enrico: 1_____

Katerina: What's your favourite sport?

Enrico: 2_____

Katerina: Yes, it's great. Do you like looking at fish?

Enrico: 3_____

Katerina: I also like diving and looking at fish, but I don't do it often. We don't dive in Germany.

Enrico: 4_____

Katerina: I often camp in the countryside. Do you like camping?

Enrico: 5_____

A) I don't know... I like the sea and the beach.

B) Yes, there are beautiful fish in Mexico!

C) There are lots of great sports! I love swimming under water and diving.

D) No, I don't. I like water sports.

E) So what do you do on holiday?

F) Yes, I do. Camping is great!

4 Uzupełnij dialog zdaniami A-E.

Petra: I like the countryside. What about you?

Hoist: 0_F_

Petra: What do you like doing in the city?

Hoist: 1_____

Petra: No, I hate museums. I like sports.

Hoist: 2_____

Petra: I love mountain climbing and hang gliding. Do you like dangerous sports?

Hoist: 3_____

Petra: Really? I want to meet him. Where is he?

Hoist: 4_____

Petra: What is he doing there?

Hoist: 5_____

A) He is on holiday in the Alps now.

B) No, I don't, but my brother loves mountain climbing.

C) I like visiting museums. Do you?

D) What's your favourite sport?

E) He is climbing!

F) I don't. I like the city.

5 Spớjrz na mapę i uzupełnij opis jak dojść z domu do parku wyrazami podanymi w ramce.

0x01 graphic

turn right / get to / under / along / turn left / on the left

Leave the house and 0 _turn left_ into School Road. Go 1__________ the bridge and 2__________ into Forest Street. Go 3__________ Forest Street. When you 4__________ the cinema, turn right. The park is 5__________

/ 5

6 Uzupełnij pytania wyrazami podanymi w ramce.

Whose / How many / Who / How much / What time / When / Why / Where / Whose / How many / Why

0 ______Whose____ bag is this? It's mine.

1 _______________ does your train arrive?

At two o'clock.

2 _______________ books have you got?

I've got one book.

3 _______________ jumper is this?

It is Joanna's.

4 _______________ is that woman?

She is my aunt.

5 _______________ is the theatre?

It's opposite the park.

6 _______________ museums are there in London?

There are a lot of museums in London.

7 _______________ does the school begin?

It begins in September.

8 _______________ are you laughing?

Because you look funny.

9 _______________ is he looking at me?

Because you are pretty.

10 _______________ juice have you got?

Two bottles.

7 Połącz zdania 1-5 ze zdaniami A-E.

0 It's his bag. __F__

1 It's their book. _____

2 It's our football. _____

3 They are the Queen's dogs. _____

4 It is her book. _____

5 They are your skis. _____

A) It's theirs.

B) They are hers.

C) They are yours.

D) It's ours.

E) It is hers.

F) It's his.

8 Uzupełnij pytania wyrazami podanymi w ramce.

Whose / How many / Who / How much / What time / Why / When / Where / Whose / How many / Why

0 ______Whose____ bag is this? It's mine.

1 _______________ is the museum?

It's next to the cinema.

2 _______________ parks are there in London?

There are a lot of parks in London.

3 _______________ is he looking at me?

Because you are pretty.

4 _______________ does the tour begin?

It begins on Sunday.

5 _______________ water have you got?

Two bottles.

6 _______________ apples have you got?

I've got three apples.

7 _______________ books are these?

They are Susan's.

8 _______________ are you laughing?

Because you look funny.

9 _______________ does your plane land?

At two o'clock.

10 _______________ is this man?

He is my uncle.

9. Połącz zdania 1-5 ze zdaniami A-E.

0 It's his bag. __F__

1 It's my ball. _____

2 It's our skateboard. _____

3 They are Frank's skis. _____

4 They are your books. _____

5 It's the Queen's palace. _____

A) They are his.

B) It's hers.

C) It's mine.

D) They are yours.

E) It's ours.

F) It's his.


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