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# 1 3 7 D E C E M B E R 2 0 0 1
A Closer Look At MPEG-4
Design Logic 2001 Winners
Giving GNU A Try
Build A Satellite Tracker
• 2 Channel Digital Oscilloscope
• Advanced Math options
• FFT Spectrum Analyzer options
Probes, Interface Cable, Power
Adapter, and software for
Win95/98, WinNT, Win2000
and DOS.
Optional 100 MSa/s Pattern Generator
LA2124-128K (100MSa/s, 24CH)
Clips, Wires, Interface Cable, AC
Adapter and Software
Issue 137 December 2001
An Integrated PWM Light Controller
Part 1: The Light Controller
Design Logic 2001 Contest Winners
Streaming Multimedia
The MPEG-4 Approach
Does Your PIC Quack?
Adding Sound to a Training Device
UHF Wire Sculpture
When Problems Strike Your PICDEM Project
Ready, Steady, Go
New Product News
edited by Rick Prescott
Advertiser’s Index
January Preview
Priority Interrupt
Steve Ciarcia
Who’s Really Organized Anyway?
www.saelig.com • saelig@aol.com
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hated my journalism classes in college. For me,
writing good copy in a short amount of time wasn’t
a challenge, it was a near impossibility. I used to dread
the 500-word, due-the-next-morning assignments the pro-
fessor would dole out from time to time. Getting the who, what, when,
where, why, and how into the inverted pyramid always came out sounding
like “Dick ran. Dick ran home. Dick ran home fast.” When it comes to writing
about something, I like to gather information, mull it over for a while, formu-
late some thoughts, and then start writing. Not that this method results in
deep, meaningful prose (as evidenced each month by this column), but it’s
the way I enjoy working. And that’s what makes a year-in-review editorial so
easy to write, usually.
Looking back over 2001, there was the tech market slowdown, a missing
intern in Washington D.C., a string of shark attacks at U.S. beaches, and
there was September 11. Although many industry magazines ran special
ads and editorials after the terrorist attacks, when my editorial came due a
few weeks after the incident, I couldn’t come up with words that I felt were
worth saying. I wanted to find words that would do justice to the magnitude
of the situation. Until I found those words, I was determined not to spout off
my opinion or a story about where I was when the events took place just
because I had a vehicle to do so in this column. As I write this editorial
almost two months after the attack, I still haven’t found those words.
As we approach the holidays, life is slowly getting back to normal for
many people. In spite of the downturn in some technical areas such as air-
craft production, other areas have seen a boost as the world searches for
new technologies that can help prevent the kind of tragedy we saw this
year. Everyone is poised to make 2002 a time of growth and rebuilding,
both economically and physically. After all, when looking back hurts too
much, it’s time to look forward.
Steve Ciarcia
Jack Shandle
Rob Walker
Jennifer Huber
Jennifer Belmonte
Tom Cantrell
Ingo Cyliax
Fred Eady
George Martin
George Novacek
Rick Prescott
Steve Bedford
David Tweed
Kevin Dows
Fax: (860) 871-0411
(860) 872-3064
E-mail: kevin.dows@circuitcellar.com
Valerie Luster
Fax: (860) 871-0411
(860) 875-2199
E-mail: val.luster@circuitcellar.com
Sally Collins
Fax: (860) 871-0411
(860) 875-2199
E-mail: sally@circuitcellar.com
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For information on authorized reprints of articles,
contact Jeannette Ciarcia (860) 875-2199 or e-mail jciarcia@circuitcellar.com.
Circuit Cellar® makes no warranties and assumes no responsibility or liability of any kind for errors in these programs or schematics or for the
consequences of any such errors. Furthermore, because of possible variation in the quality and condition of materials and workmanship of read-
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The information provided by Circuit Cellar® is for educational purposes. Circuit Cellar® makes no claims or warrants that readers have a right to
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Entire contents copyright © 2001 by Circuit Cellar Incorporated. All rights reserved. Circuit Cellar and Circuit Cellar INK are registered trademarks
of Circuit Cellar Inc. Reproduction of this publication in whole or in part without written consent from Circuit Cellar Inc. is prohibited.
Jeannette Ciarcia
Howard Geffner
Elaine Johnston
KC Prescott
Cindy King
Mary Turek
Jeff Bachiochi
John Gorsky
David Tweed
Ingo Cyliax
Norman Jackson
David Prutchi
Cover photograph Ron Meadows—Meadows Marketing
Looking Back
Issue 137 December 2001
© December 2001 ~ Happy Holidays
ome see the new look of DreamTech 2002
Up to 1.5GB using 3x168-pin SDRAM
UltraATA/100, 2 IDE channels
2 serial ports & 1 parallel port
2 USB interface & 1 PS/2 mouse port
1 Parallel, 1 Serial, USB & PS/2 Port
ATI Xpert 2000 32MB AGP Video Adapter
Sound Card & 120 WATT Speakers
107 Enhanced Internet Keyboard
Netgear PCI 10/100 Ethernet Card
P4 Mid Tower Chassis & 300W PS
1 Parallel, 2 Serial, USB & PS/2 Port
17" .27 1280x1024 Monitor & AGP VGA
Integrated Sound & 120 WATT Speakers
Windows 98, Logitech PS/2 Mouse
107 Enhanced Internet Keyboard
56K v.90 Lucent PCI Modem w/Fax
1 Parallel, 2 Serial, 2 USB ports
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Integrated Sound & 120 WATT Speakers
Logitech PS/2 Mouse & Keyboard
56K v.90 Lucent PCI Modem w/Fax
1 Parallel, 1 Serial, 2 USB ports
P4 Mid Tower Chassis & 300W PS
Yamaha Sound System & 120WATT Speakers
Windows 98, PS/2 Mouse & Keyboard
56K v.90 Lucent PCI Modem w/Fax
1 Parallel, 1 Serial, 2 USB ports
E-VGA 64MB GeForce II AGP Video Card
P4 Mid Tower Chassis & 300W PS
Windows XP PRO & Microsoft Intellimouse
107 Enhanced Internet Keyboard
Netgear PCI 10/100 Ethernet Card
1 Parallel, 1 Serial, 2 USB ports
ATI Xpert 2000 32MB AGP Video Adapter
P4 Mid Tower Chassis & 300W PS
Sound Card & 320 WATT Speakers
Issue 137 December 2001
The new StrongARM-based Integrated Development
Platform (IDPTM) is now available to Intel customers
developing StrongARM-based products.
This platform speeds the Internet appliance( IA) devel-
opment cycle by providing a robust environment that
facilitates the development of software applications or
the prototyping of an IA device in a Microsoft Windows
CE operating system and StrongARM-processing envi-
ronment. With the included binary
release code, the IDP can be used for
the various aspects of application
and product development, testing,
and prototyping.
By using the IDP, developers can
shift their focus from the hardware
and system level software to spend-
ing time on developing the applica-
tions and differentiating features
that will make their product com-
petitive in the market. This, in turn,
leads to a feature-rich product in less time, lower cost,
and with less risk than traditional methods of product
development. Targeted applications for the IDP include
PDAs, wireless web pads, set-top boxes, Internet audio
and video devices, kiosks, point of sale products, hand-
held gaming devices, portable data terminals (PDT), and
a wide variety of applications.
Built-in features include support for USB, PS2 and
matrix keyboards, PS2 mouse,
numerous serial and parallel ports,
Ethernet, PCMCIA, compact flash,
IDE for hard disk and CD-ROM,
IrDA, touch panel, AC97 audio,
JTAG, 802.1 lb, Bluetooth, cellular
radio and more.
Accelent Systems Inc.
(330) 864-2300
Fax: (330) 864-8674
Edited by Rick Prescott
Issue 137 December 2001
Designed for use in stepper motors rated at 300 mA or
less, the CY-21-LP motor driver current can be pro-
grammed to between 25 and 300 mA using one resistor.
It works with all two- and four-phase step motors, and
works in Full and Half Step modes. The microstepping
feature provides 16 microsteps per full step. The CY-21-
LP supports a step frequency up to 200 kHz.
The unit can either have a cable connection using IDC
connectors, or the module can be turned upside down
and mounted on a PCB or plugged into a PCB socket.
The module can be used with power supplies from 12 to
42 VDC. The driver’s signals
for step, direction, and enable
are opto-isolated.
Pricing starts at $108 in sin-
gle quantity.
Cyberpak Company
(800) 328-3938
The PC/II+zT board is a rugged, complete 586-class
(32-bit, ’x86) SBC with a wide range of I/O features. It
carries the 33- to 133-MHz ZFx86 S.O.C. processor, inte-
grated north and south bridges and
I/O controller, 128 MB of 66-
MHz soldered SDRAM, 16
MB of soldered flash mem-
ory, dual 10/100 Ethernet
ports, quad IDE/ATA-4
and ATA-5 channels,
dual serial, dual USB, IrDA,
VGA and 24-bit panel video, and all
standard AT peripherals, as well as an external 32-bit, 33-
MHz PCI bus. It is also PC/104-Plus compliant.
The board is offered in its base configuration, which
includes minimal memory, minimal flash, and CPU.
Issue 137 December 2001
f you’ve been
following any
news related to
embedded systems
development recently, you’ve heard
that GNU tools are growing increas-
ingly popular for mainstream embed-
ded systems development. To say that
they are just now becoming popular
for all types of embedded develop-
ment would be untrue. In fact, GNU
tools have been used to produce
embedded applications since their cre-
ation, but haven’t seen widespread
use in the greater embedded commu-
nity until recently.
This article provides you an oppor-
tunity to evaluate GNU tools for
embedded development in a low-cost
setting using the ARM Evaluator-7T
SBC. This inexpensive and versatile
platform is a good choice for an intro-
ductory GNU experience because the
ARM family of chips are well-sup-
ported by GNU. This board in partic-
ular comes ready-to-play with the
entire GNU development tool chain,
including the GNU debugger.
I’ll discuss some of the advantages
and disadvantages of using GNU
tools for embedded development, then
dive right in and show you how to set
up and explore your own GNU devel-
opment environment using a simple
“hello world!” program. After that,
I’ll run the program on the GNU
debugger’s ARM instruction set simu-
lator and on the Evaluator-7T board.
I’ll show a couple of commercial
GNU tool distributions for those of
you who want ready-to-use, support-
ed, or customized versions of the soft-
ware for this project.
One of the obvious advantages of
the GNU family of development tools
is their price. By virtue of their distri-
bution license, source code for GNU
tools like the compiler, linker, and
debugger can be had at virtually no
cost by simply downloading them
from the Free Software Foundation
(FSF)’s GNU web site. What you will
find if you go this route, however,
may disappoint you.
The source code distribution pack-
ages do not come configured for any
of GNU’s supported targets, so you
must configure and install them your-
self. Furthermore, the base tool distri-
butions do not include a graphical
Integrated Development Environment
(IDE) to facilitate point-and-click code
generation or debugging. Such tools
exist, but they are not part of the base
GNU tool distributions. I’ll explain
this later on when I discuss the GNU
debugger in detail.
After you have the GNU develop-
ment tools configured and installed,
you have at your disposal a powerful
and flexible foundation of products
that can be used to deliver just about
any kind of embedded solution,
regardless of how arcane or extreme
your needs are. GNU tools are highly
adaptable, and can be tailored to pro-
vide solutions that few competitive
commercial offerings can. These
include debugging over CAN and
other atypical communications links,
quick replacement of internal
libraries like floating point emulation,
and fine-grained, precise control over
linker memory assignments.
GNU tool flexibility extends
beyond the target domain, however.
No other embedded tool chain in exis-
tence, proprietary or otherwise, sup-
ports as many combinations of host
Bill Gatliff
Why Not GNU?
No doubt, one of the
major selling points of
the GNU family of
development tools is
their low cost. Beyond
that, Bill shows us that
the tools are effective
solutions for a variety
of embedded needs.
Follow along as he
covers the strengths
and weaknesses of an
option to consider.
Issue 137 December 2001
other host. Heterogenous develop-
ment environments are especially
attractive for GNU, because build
management and automated debug-
ging scripts will move consistently
and transparently between systems
with minimal or no modifications.
Perhaps the most surprising thing
of all is how well GNU tools are sup-
ported. In addition to several commer-
cial support offerings, an active
embedded GNU user base keeps in
almost constant contact via a collec-
tion of mailing lists, online guides,
and web sites. In many cases, the
authors of the tools in question pro-
vide direct assistance.
I have consistently found that if I
ask an intelligent question, I get an
intelligent answer back in less than a
day—generally less than four hours.
That’s an impressive statistic for any
help desk, but an especially impres-
sive one for a help desk that costs
nothing to use.
Alongside their long list of strengths,
the GNU tools have a short list of
weaknesses. The first two are that
GNU tools aren’t well documented for
widespread embedded use, and they
aren’t shrink-wrapped to the point
that new users can get started quickly.
In response, a growing list of independ-
ent consultants and a few commercial
vendors offer CDs containing config-
ured GNU setups that work with pop-
ular development hardware (I’ll get
into this later on with some examples).
Another drawback of the GNU
world is that a switch to it from a
commercial, closed development
environment may incur some serious
headaches or, even worse, be an all-or-
nothing proposition. Many proprietary
embedded development tool and
library vendors don’t publish specifi-
cations for their file formats, so usual-
ly you can’t directly import outputs
from their tools into a GNU system.
In other words, if a vendor of a closed-
source library of code won’t provide
the library in a format that the GNU
linker understands, then you’re sunk
before you’ve even left the harbor.
Ditto for the communications proto-
col used by your hardware emulator.
Sparcstation, or even a Win32
machine, GNU probably runs on it,
and runs exactly the same as on any
and target environments as GNU.
Whether your development worksta-
tion is a Linux PC, Solaris
Listing 1—To install the GNU tools, use these commands.
$ export TARGET=arm-elf
$ export PREFIX=`pwd`/${TARGET}
$ export PATH=$PATH:$PREFIX/bin
$ tar xzvf binutils-2.11.2.tar.gz
$ patch -p0 < binutils-2.11.2.patch
$ mkdir build-binutils && cd build-binutils
$ ../binutils-2.11.2/configure --target=$TARGET --prefix=$PREFIX
$ make all install 2>&1 | tee make.log
$ cd ..
$ tar xzvf gcc-2.95.3.tar.gz
$ patch -p0 < gcc-2.95.3.patch
$ mkdir build-bootstrapgcc && cd build-bootstrapgcc
$ ../gcc-2.95.3/configure --target=$TARGET --prefix=$PREFIX \
--with-newlib --without-headers --with-gnu-as \
--with-gnu-ld --disable-shared --enable-languages=c
$ make all-gcc install-gcc 2>&1 | tee make.log
$ cd ..
$ tar xzvf newlib-1.9.0.tar.gz
$ patch -p0 < newlib-1.9.0.patch
$ mkdir build-newlib && cd build-newlib
$ ../newlib-1.9.0/configure --target=$TARGET --prefix=$PREFIX
$ make all install 2>&1 | tee make.log
$ cd ..
$ mkdir build-gcc && cd build-gcc
$ ../gcc-2.95.3/configure --target=$TARGET --prefix=$PREFIX \
--with-gnu-as --with-gnu-ld --enable-languages=c,c++
$ make all install 2>&1 | tee make.log
$ cd ..
$ tar xzvf gdb-5.0.tar.gz
$ patch -p0 < gdb-5.0.patch
$ mkdir build-gdb && cd build-gdb
$ ../gdb-5.0/configure --target=$TARGET --prefix=$PREFIX
$ make all install 2>&1 | tee make.log
$ cd ..
Listing 2—This "hello world!" program is used for exploring the debugger.
#include <stdio.h>
int a_global = 10;
int foo ( int arg )
static int foo_counts = 0;
return foo_counts + arg;
int main ( void )
int nloops;
char* charstr = "hello, world!\n";
for( nloops = 0; nloops < 10; nloops++ ) {
printf( "%s", charstr );
foo( nloops );
return 0;
So why aren’t you buying a CD?
Well, an article that recommends,
“just go buy a CD” would be really
short, and probably not interesting.
There is educational value in setting
up the tools by hand, particularly if
you can do it in a hobbyist’s environ-
ment where the business case argu-
ments aren’t applicable. The GNU
development tool installation process
is similar to the process used to
install other GNU and related tools,
so going through the procedure manu-
ally a few times is a training exercise
that pays dividends down the road
when you start using and adapting
GNU tools for more specialized use.
The main reason you’re doing
things by hand, however, is that there
is no better way to get a thorough
look at what the GNU tools are all
Issue 137 December 2001
One much-hyped limitation of the
GNU tools that isn’t really a limita-
tion at all is the notion that you can-
not use GNU tools to produce propri-
etary, closed-source products. This is
simply untrue. In fact, most people
use the embedded GNU tools in this
way, and do so legally.
The real limitation, if you want to
call it that, is that you can’t incorpo-
rate libraries of code licensed under
the GNU General Public License
(GPL) into applications that remain
proprietary to the end user. For more
on this, you should read the text of
the GPL and related licenses as they
appear on the Free Software
Foundation’s web site. And while
you’re doing that, you should also
read the licenses for the tools you are
using today; you may find that you’re
already agreeing to some terms that
are just as surprising.
The Free Software Foundation is
not the only place to look for libraries
of GNU-compatible materials that
may be downloaded. The Internet is
literally bursting with source code,
released under licenses varying from
“must use in open source applications
only” to “come and get it.” Graphics
libraries, boot loaders, diagnostic
tools, and even entire operating sys-
tems like Linux (www.kernel.org) and
eCos (sources.redhat.com/ecos) can be
easily found after just a few minutes
with your favorite search engine.
If GNU tools are free, why buy a
CD? The Free Software Foundation
doesn’t exist to provide development
tools to engineers at no cost. Its mis-
sion is to provide development tools
and other code in a way that preserves
the freedoms of the end users of that
code. The zero cost part is just one
beneficial side effect.
A useful analogy is that of an auto-
mobile. When you buy a car, the
automaker doesn’t tell you where you
may and may not drive it. The FSF
provides licenses like the GPL to
enable software developers to pursue
a similar philosophy if they so choose.
The Free Software Foundation web
site has a more detailed presentation
of how the licenses and tools relate to
its mission. When you buy a CD con-
taining Free Software Foundation
products, you demonstrate support of
the FSF’s goals with your dollars. So,
the FSF wins and so do you.
Purchasing a CD also gets you
some support time with the vendor,
which can come in handy if you have
trouble with installation or when you
set out to adapt the tools to run on
your own hardware. Usually this
adaptation process is straightforward,
but having someone around who
knows the tools in greater detail is
always an advantage.
Finally, buying a CD usually makes
business sense. You can find one for
about the same price as a couple of
hours of an engineer’s salary. Unless
you have a lot of prior GNU experi-
ence, creating a basic GNU installa-
tion by hand in a business setting
will cost you more.
Listing 3—The
objdump command can, among other things, produce an intermixed listing.
$ arm-elf-objdump --source hello | less
80d8: 000114fc streqd r1, [r1], -ip
80dc: 00010bc0 andeq r0, r1, r0, asr #23
80e0: 000000ff streqd r0, [r0], -pc
000080e4 <foo>:
80e4: e1a0c00d mov ip, sp
80e8: e92dd800 stmdb sp!, {fp, ip, lr, pc}
80ec: e24cb004 sub fp, ip, #4 ; 0x4
80f0: e24dd004 sub sp, sp, #4 ; 0x4
int a_global = 10;
int foo ( int arg )
80f4: e50b0010 str r0, [fp, -#16]
static int foo_counts = 0;
80f8: e59f2028 ldr r2, [pc, #28] ; 8128 <foo+0x44>
80fc: e59f3024 ldr r3, [pc, #24] ; 8128 <foo+0x44>
8100: e59f2020 ldr r2, [pc, #20] ; 8128 <foo+0x44>
8104: e5921000 ldr r1, [r2]
8108: e2812001 add r2, r1, #1 ; 0x1
810c: e5832000 str r2, [r3]
return foo_counts + arg;
8110: e59f3010 ldr r3, [pc, #10] ; 8128 <foo+0x44>
8114: e5932000 ldr r2, [r3]
8118: e51b1010 ldr r1, [fp, -#16]
811c: e0823001 add r3, r2, r1
8120: e1a00003 mov r0, r3
8124: ea000000 b 812c <foo+0x48>
8128: 00010cc4 andeq r0, r1, r4, asr #25
812c: e91ba800 ldmdb fp, {fp, sp, pc}
Issue 137 December 2001
You will need an ARM Evaluator-
7T board if you want to attempt the
“hello world!” program on real hard-
ware. If you don’t want to invest in
hardware just yet, stick with me any-
way. The GNU debugger comes with
an excellent ARM instruction set
simulator that can emulate much of
what the Evaluator-7T can do, and in
some cases even more, without any
external hardware.
On Circuit Cellar’s web site, I’ve
provided a list of the files you will
need to download. There will proba-
bly be later versions of each of these
packages by the time you get around
to downloading them, but stick with
the listed versions until you’ve com-
pleted the process at least once.
Updates occasionally change the
installation procedure.
Note that if you use Internet
Explorer from Microsoft to download
these, you must right-click on the
download link and select Save Link
As. As you might imagine, the Free
Software Foundation’s web site stays
busy. If you have trouble getting a
connection, try using one of the mir-
ror sites listed on the GNU site, at
about than by digging around and get-
ting a little dirt under your finger-
nails, so to speak. Let’s get started!
In the next few sections, I’ll explain
how to set up a compiler, runtime
library, assembler, linker, and debugger
that may be used to produce and run
applications for the ARM Evaluator-
7T development board. Then, you’ll
test it by building and running a sim-
ple “hello world!” style application
on the ARM microprocessor.
The first step in the process is to get
the materials. Note: I assume you’re
working in one of two host environ-
ments, either a Linux or other Unix-
like workstation or on a Win32 PC
running a Unix emulation environ-
ment called Cygwin (sources.redhat.
com/cygwin). If you install Cygwin for
this article, use the default installation
setup. If you’re trying to run Cygwin on
Windows 95 or 98, make sure you get
the latest version of Cygwin. Earlier
versions don’t deal well with the bugs
in these two operating systems, to the
point that frequent reboots would be
necessary in order to complete the
process you’re about to start.
The binutils package includes the
GNU assembler and linker. Next,
note that the gcc package contains
the GNU C/C++ compiler. Newlib is
the C runtime library you’ll use to
supply functions like
printf(). And
lastly, the gdb package contains the
GNU debugger.
The text in Listing 1 shows the
commands needed to configure and
install the GNU tools. Use the
command to change to the directory
containing the files you just down-
loaded, and then type in the com-
mands as they appear in the figure.
The commands are the same for
both Unix and Cygwin environments.
The first section of the commands
sets up a few environment variables,
and makes sure that the installation
location is in the path. Each subse-
quent section then configures and
installs each of the components in
the GNU tool chain.
When you’re finished, you will see
a number of programs in the directo-
${PREFIX}/bin (c:\cygwin\home\
administrator\arm-elf\bin). The com-
piler is
arm-elf-gcc, the assembler
arm-elf-as, and the linker is
arm-elf-ld. arm-elf-objcopy is a
utility that translates files to different
formats (from elf to S Record, for
example), and
arm-elf objdump is a
utility that can dissect the compo-
nents of a file to show you things like
symbol addresses and a disassembly
of the file’s object code.
You need about 500 MB of free disk
space in order to build a complete GNU
cross-development environment. If
space is tight, you can delete the files
left at the end of each stage of the
procedure before you move on to the
next step. For example, after you move
on to the
directory, you can delete the contents
of the
build-binutils directory.
The installed tool set requires less
than 100 MB of disk space.
Note that if you have to reboot
your computer during this process,
you will need to again add the loca-
tion of the GNU tool binaries like
sh-elf-gdb to your search path
before continuing:
$ export PREFIX=‘pwd‘/arm-elf
Listing 5—When gdb stops at a breakpoint, you can print and display variables.
Breakpoint 2, main() at hello.c:20.
20 printf( "%s", charstr );
(gdb) print nloops
$1 = 0
(gdb) display nloops
1: nloops = 0
Listing 4—gdb's
list command displays source codes of functions.
(gdb) list main
9 foo_counts++;
return foo_counts + arg;
11 }
int main ( void )
14 {
15 int
char *charstr = "hello, world!\n";
Issue 137 December 2001
$ export PATH=$PATH:${
Take note, the
pwd trick works
only if you run the Export command
from the same place you ran it from
previously. If you can’t remember
where that was, you’ll have to add the
right path in by hand.
Now that you have shiny new
tools, let’s try them out. Using the
text editor of your choice, create a
file that looks like Listing 2.
The basic command to compile
hello.c into an ARM executable file
hello, is this:
$ arm-elf-gcc -Wall -g -o
hello hello.c
-Wall option causes gcc to
emit warnings for almost every kind
of suspicious code construct it finds,
and the
-g option includes debugging
information in the output file. gcc
supports many, many command line
options, including options to opti-
mize code, and others to translate the
code into assembly language. See the
gcc web site for more options. If you
are using the GNU tools under some
versions of Cygwin, the compiler’s
output file is called
instead of just
The utilities
objdump and objcopy
are two of many hidden gems of the
GNU tool family.
Objdump cracks
apart the contents of object and exe-
cutable files to display their contents.
Objcopy translates object and exe-
cutable files to different formats. One
common use of
objdump is to see an
application’s source code intermixed
with assembly code. The output in
Listing 3 shows how to do this. Press
the spacebar a few times to scroll
through the output.
To translate your hello program
into a Motorola S Record file, use
$ arm-elf-objcopy -output-
target srec hello
So far, I’ve showed you how to set
up a GNU cross development tool
chain for the ARM7 microprocessor,
and used the tools to build and dis-
sect a simple, “hello world!” pro-
gram. We just scratched the surface of
what GNU tools can do, but the
introduction was still worthwhile.
Now, let’s run some code.
If you do not have the Evaluator-7T
or you just don’t want to set it up
yet, you may use the GNU debug-
ger’s ARM instruction set simulator
to do all of the following steps with-
out any ARM hardware. The simula-
tor is so complete, in fact, that even
printf() works properly (the out-
put shows up on the gdb console).
Typical of GNU tools, the debugging
procedure is almost exactly the
same whether you are using the
instruction set simulator or real
hardware. For clarity, I will provide
two sets of instructions in places
where there is a difference.
If you intend to use real hardware,
unwrap your new Evaluator-7T board
and plug it in now. Connect the serial
cable to the debug port on the board,
and connect the other end to a serial
port on your PC. Make note of the
serial port you connect it to, because
the debugger will use that port in a
moment to control the board.
Change to the directory containing
hello executable, and use the fol-
lowing command to launch the GNU
debugger from the command prompt
on your workstation:
$ arm-elf-gdb hello
If you’re using the ARM instruction
set simulator, tell gdb to establish a
connection to it:
(gdb) target sim
Listing 6—The
next and step commands step over and into function calls.
(gdb) next
hello, world!
21 foo( nloops );
(gdb) step
foo (arg=35704) at hello.c:6
(gdb) step
(gdb) <ENTER>
(gdb) <ENTER>
Listing 7—The
disassemble as well as the x command show the assembly language for a function.
(gdb) disassemble main
0x80e4 <main>: mov r12, sp
0x80e8 <main+4>: stmdb sp!, {r11, r12, lr, pc}
0x80ec <main+8>: sub r11, r12, #4 ; 0x4
0x80f0 <main+12>: sub sp, sp, #8 ; 0x8
0x80f4 <main+16>: bl 0x8214 <__gccmain>
0x80f8 <main+20>: ldr r3, [pc, #3c] ; 0x813c <main+88>
0x80fc <main+24>: str r3, [r11, -#20]
0x8100 <main+28>: mov r3, #0 ; 0x0
0x8104 <main+32>: str r3, [r11, -#16]
0x8108 <main+36>: ldr r3, [r11, -#16]
0x810c <main+40>: cmp r3, #9 ; 0x9
0x8110 <main+44>: ble 0x8118 <main+52>
0x8114 <main+48>: b 0x8134 <main+80>
0x8118 <main+52>: ldr r0, [pc, #20] ; 0x8140 <main+92>
0x811c <main+56>: ldr r1, [r11, -#20]
(gdb) x/i $pc
0x8178 <main+72>: ldr r3, [r11, -#16]
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Issue 137 December 2001
If you are using the Evaluator-7T
board, tell gdb to establish a connec-
tion to it instead. The command used
here will vary depending on what
kind of host machine you are using
and what serial port you’ve plugged
into. Let’s look at an example of how
to select the right debugging target.
If you’re using a Cygwin host, use a
command like this:
(gdb) set remotebaud 57600
(gdb) target rdi com1 (or
com2, or ...)
For a Linux or other Unix-like host,
change the second line of the com-
mand to read:
(gdb) target rdi /dev/ttyS0
(or /dev/ttyS1, or ...)
You may see an “unimplemented
message” error when gdb establishes
the connection to the target board.
This is normal, it just means that the
board’s firmware has a few low-level
commands that gdb doesn’t recognize
or that the target board lacks some
commands that gdb understands.
During the connection process, gdb
will negotiate with the target board
until the two agree on the set of com-
mands that are available. After gdb
has established a connection with the
instruction set simulator or Evaluator
board—referred to uniformly as the
debugging target—gdb tells it to
download your application to the tar-
get in preparation for debugging:
(gdb) load
Set a breakpoint at
main() with:
(gdb) break main
Breakpoint 1 at 0x8140: file
hello.c, line 14
Now, it’s time to launch the appli-
cation. If you are running the
instruction set simulator, use the
Run command. If you chose the
Evaluator-7T, make sure to use the
continue command:
(gdb) run
(gdb) continue
The debugger should stop when you
Breakpoint 1, main(), at hello.c:14
14 {
This display says that gdb encoun-
tered the breakpoint you set, and is
currently stopped at source line 14 in
hello.c. gdb displays the source line,
which contains only an opening bracket.
list to list a few lines from
main() (see Listing 4). In general, gdb
repeats your last command if you just
press enter. So if you press enter here
a few times, listing will continue
main() if there is anything
beyond it to list. Set a breakpoint at
printf() function call on line 20,
then continue running the program:
(gdb) b 20
(gdb) c
Listing 8—The
stepi command steps individual machine instructions.
(gdb) stepi
0x817c 19 for( nloops = 0; nloops < 10; nloops++ ) {
(gdb) <ENTER>
0x8180 19 for( nloops = 0; nloops < 10; nloops++ ) {
(gdb) display/i $pc
2: x/i $pc 0x817c <main+76>: add r2, r3, #1 ; 0x1
(gdb) stepi
0x8180 19 for( nloops = 0; nloops < 10; nloops++ ) {
2: x/i $pc 0x8180 <main+80>: str r2, [r11, -#16]
(gdb) <ENTER>
2: x/i $pc 0x8184 <main+84>: b 0x8154 <main+36>
Issue 137 December 2001
function call, reports the argu-
ments to
foo(), and reports
its location in the source code.
Remember that if you just
press enter, gdb will repeat
your previous command.
Listing 7 shows the
semble command. To disassem-
ble just the instruction the
processor is about to execute,
use the examine memory (
command, with the instruc-
tion (
/i) option.
To step one processor
instruction, use the
command. In situations in
which multiple processor
instructions are associated
with a single C statement, the
program counter value shown
at the far left of the output changes
even though the source line displayed
stays the same.
When combined with the
command, you can use the
command to watch the processor step
through assembly code (see Listing 8).
To see the value of a particular regis-
ter, use the
print command. To pre-
vent clashes with similarly named C
objects, use a
$ prefix for register
names (e.g.,
(gdb) print $r3).
To see the value that a call to
foo() would return, simply invoke
foo() from the debugger. The called
When you reach the next break-
point, examine the value of
(see Listing 5). The
print command
nloops only once; display
will display it every time the debug-
ger stops the program when it is in
scope. In either case, the current
value of
nloops is zero. The $1 text
is a mnemonic that can be used in
place of
nloops to save some typing
later or for scripting (see Listing 6).
The output of the
next command is
the result of the
printf() function
call, which you didn’t step into. The
step command steps into the foo()
Photo 1—Check out a screen capture for the DDD debugger.
Photo 2—Here, you can see a screen shot from the VIDE integrated development environment.
Issue 137 December 2001
Bill Gatliff is a freelance embedded
developer and training consultant
with nearly 10 years of GNU and
embedded experience. He is the cur-
rent maintainer of the CrossGCC
FAQ, an active participant on the
CrossGCC mailing list, and a noted
lecturer and author. Bill welcomes
comments and feedback, and may be
reached through his web site at bill-
function is actually run by the debug-
ging target, so any side effects pro-
duced will remain:
(gdb) print foo(10)
$4 = 12
(gdb) print foo(10)
$4 = 13
Finally, when you’re done, quit with
(gdb) quit.
By now you may have concluded
that although gdb is functional, it
isn’t pretty. And trying to debug code
that interacts with complicated data
structures using a command line
interface can be tedious at best. Is this
the best that GNU can do? Of course
it isn’t. Like many GNU tools, gdb is
a command line application because
it is used as a foundation for other
applications, including several graphi-
cal debugging interfaces. As a result,
all the point-and-click you could ever
want in a debugger is available, and
from a variety of sources.
A screen shot for a popular graphi-
cal debugging front-end to gdb is
shown in Photo 1. This application is
called DDD, which uses a command
line gdb running in the background to
do its work. This may sound clumsy,
but it has tremendous benefit: the
same binary DDD application works
for all versions of the GNU debugger,
regardless of the target chosen.
Another popular program is called
Insight, an enhanced gdb that can run
on both Win32 and all other Windows
workstations. Insight must be config-
ured and installed for each version of
the debugger that you intend to use.
There are many freely available
packages for complete point-and-click
development environments. Like the
strategy used to enhance gdb with
graphical capabilities, all of these
options use the standard GNU com-
piler and other tools behind the scenes,
which is why it is important to know
how to set up the basic tools first.
One option open to you is called
VIDE. This package contains features
you would expect in an integrated
Free Software Foundation
(617) 542-5942
Fax: (617) 542-2652
ARM Evaluator-7T board
ARM, Inc.
82 31 712 8234
Fax: 82 31 713 8225
Red Hat, Inc.
(888) 733-4281
(919) 547-0012
Fax: (919) 547-0024
GNU X-Tools
Microcross, Inc.
(478) 953-1907
Fax: (478) 953-7661
The code and a list of the software
needed are available on Circuit
development environment, including
a graphical editor, project files, and
build management.
Another option to try, albeit one
that takes some work to set up for
embedded use, is KDevelop (kdevel-
op.kde.org). This environment is cur-
rently in widespread use on Linux
hosts to write and maintain applica-
tions for the KDE window manager.
And, it is an extremely powerful and
full-featured IDE for producing native
applications. Because it uses GNU
tools behind the scenes, however, it
can be suited for embedded duty by
tweaking some configuration files.
Take a look at the screen shot of
KDevelop in Photo 2.
Earlier I mentioned that a handful
of companies offer pre-configured and
ready-to-go versions of GNU tools for
all kinds of embedded processors. I’ve
had good luck with GNUPro by Red
Hat and X-Tools by Microcross.
At the high end, you can’t get much
better than GNUPro. This product
contains the latest and greatest ver-
sions of everything GNU has to offer,
thoroughly tested and maintained by
the company that employs more
GNU developers (embedded and oth-
erwise) than any other company in
the world. And, Red Hat offers a level
of support that you simply cannot
find anywhere else.
But, this level of attention comes at
a cost. A GNUPro distribution starts
at about $20k (US $), including
unlimited support for up to 10 users.
For organizations contemplating
aggressively customized GNU tools,
this is a reasonable and pragmatic
sum of money. For someone who just
wants an introduction to GNU, the
package is overkill.
Fortunately, there is an option at
the low end. X-Tools is a unique offer-
ing that costs about $150. Microcross
markets a single CD containing GNU
tools for almost every target that
GNU supports. In addition, you get an
informative and well-written manual,
a graphical installer, PDF versions of
all available GNU documentation,
and a copy of the VIDE integrated
development environment.
The Microcross CD makes sense
for someone who wants an introduc-
tory look at using GNU tools for
embedded work and doesn’t want to
get mired in the details of setting up
the tools themselves. X-Tools is also
a good choice for someone who
knows he will be working with mul-
tiple target architectures or someone
who may need service or support in
the future. Finally, X-Tools is espe-
cially appropriate in situations in
which the development environment
must be a Win32 host; X-Tools comes
in both Windows and Linux flavors.
n the last few
years, I have found
much pleasure and
value in riding bicycles
in and around the streets and trails of
Austin, Texas. I use my bike to com-
mute to work and ride the local dirt
trails. In the winter, I often have to
cycle back from work or a day on the
trails in darkness. At first I used a
low-cost, 2.5-W, handlebar-mounted
lamp, which was woefully inadequate.
A quick browse through the local bike
shops revealed that a good quality,
lightweight bike light would cost
almost as much as my bike! The spe-
cialized mail-order catalogs were not
less expensive.
The crunch came when some of my
biking buddies persuaded me to join
their team in a 24-h relay bike race,
which of course required nighttime
riding. That was the incentive I need-
ed to come up with my low-cost,
adaptable solution to my problems. I
would build my own bike light con-
troller and battery charger system.
There are two parts to this project,
the lamp controller and battery charger.
Let’s start things off by discussing the
lamp controller development. The
controller and main part of the charg-
er are one and the same hardware.
The main difference is in the software.
Additionally, the charger requires a
constant current source of around 2 A.
I split the project into four main
parts—definitions of requirements,
design details, implementation, and
debugging and testing. Let’s look at
the requirements first.
Small size is important for two
main reasons. Firstly, I wanted the
controller to be connected in-line
with the existing power cord between
the battery pack and lamp unit,
which necessitated low weight and,
therefore, small size to minimize
strain on the power cord. Having an
in-line connection made it easy to fit
the controller to the bike light assem-
bly. Plus it meant that in the, ahem,
unlikely event that the controller
failed, I could quickly remove it and
just run the lamp directly off the bat-
tery, giving me a “limp home” mode.
Secondly, I wanted to mount the
controller on the helmet, and any
increase in weight might cause undue
neck strain.
Low cost is the next requirement.
Cost can mean many different things,
but for me, the time to develop the
system and the cost of the tools were
actually more important than the
component costs.
I knew from experience that the
component costs would be low,
regardless of the type of components
(e.g., MCU, power device, connectors,
and switches). For me, the overriding
cost factor was time, because I had
only one month of spare time to have
a completely reliable controller up
and running. To meet my technical
Richard Soja
An Integrated PWM
Light Controller
Like many great proj-
ects, this one started
out when Richard
decided that commer-
cial offerings of night-
time riding lamps for
bicycles were just too
expensive. More than
merely a bright idea,
this project also
included a battery
charger and a host of
other enhancements.
Issue 137 December 2001
Figure 1—A small number of physical interconnects
are needed in the light controller when a highly inte-
grated MCU is part of the design.
Application code
Part 1: A Light Controller
requirements in the time frame avail-
able, I would have to use a standard
MCU that I was familiar with and
have the tools to program and debug
the system in real time.
This led to using a MC68HC811E2
by Motorola for the MCU, and using
the free PCBUG11 tool for program-
ming and debugging. Because the code
space was limited, and I had to imple-
ment a number of interrupt handlers,
I used the free assembler, ASMHC11.
I also needed the unit to be easy to
use. To keep things simple, I required
a single push button switch to provide
on/off and variable power control as
well as a means to signal the remain-
ing battery time left. Operation of the
switch had to be simple enough to
allow on-the-move control of the
lamp, without causing distraction,
which could easily lead to a crash.
I decided that the device must work
with NiMH batteries and standard 6-V
bicycle lights. NiMH batteries are an
ideal power source for cycling lights
because they’re light and provide a
high-energy density, making them
compact enough to attach to the
human body without much discom-
fort. My quick survey of lighting sys-
tems and availability of replacement
lamps revealed that 6 V was the most
common voltage used, and thus
became a requirement.
A reliable low battery warning was
another must. Being out on a dark trail
when the battery runs down can result
in serious problems. It could mean
walking in total darkness back to the
trailhead. Because walking pace is about
four to six times slower than cycling,
what was only a 10-min. ride back to
base could turn into an hour hike.
Knowing how much battery capac-
ity is left can be crucial, but also this
is where many of the problems lie. I
have read reports that some commer-
cially available “smart chargers”
indicate low charge after only 15 min.
of use of a fully charged battery, and
then revert to a “limp home” mode to
conserve power. Clearly I wanted to
avoid the latter situation. Moreover,
the method of reporting low battery
charge had to be unambiguous, but
should not require distracting the
rider in any way.
Another important part of the
system is a range of lamp power
levels and good battery duration.
Because riding conditions can
vary on both a dirt bike trail and
on the road, it isn’t always neces-
sary to run at full lamp power.
And reducing the power will, of
course, extend the duration
before the battery is discharged,
thus providing more riding time.
The base requirement was for
at least 1.5 h of useful illumination.
My initial plan was to ride in a 24-h
relay race, which meant two or possi-
bly three 1-h laps at night. One and a
half hours of illumination would pro-
vide an adequate safety margin in the
event that I had a flat or crash.
For cycling needs, lamp life is not a
big issue. A typical lamp used for
cycling is a 10-, 12-, or 15-W, 6-V
MR11 halogen, which is normally
rated at around 2000 h at the rated
voltage. This is equivalent to riding
1 h every night for a period of almost
three years! Because a long lamp life
wasn’t a concern, this opened up the
possibility to over drive the lamp to
increase its output power, thus pro-
viding improved illumination over the
tough technical sections of the trail,
or just to make sure oncoming vehi-
cles see me on the road.
One important requirement con-
cerning lamp life was to ensure that
the lamp would not fail when switched
on because of the characteristic initial
high surge current. This occurs because
the lamp impedance when cold is
usually one order of magnitude lower
than when it is hot. A typical 12-W,
6-V MR11 lamp has a cold impedance
in the region of 0.2
. The battery
impedance is around 0.15
, and a
nominal 7.2-V battery has an initial
voltage of around 8.4 V when fully
charged. The resultant initial surge
current into a lamp could be around
24 A. The requirement was to provide
a means to ensure the lamp did not
fail by limiting the inrush current.
When compiling a list of require-
ments, I thought about the design
process. Because I had to balance the
time I could spend on the develop-
ment of this project between my fam-
ily life and work, the project had to be
relatively easy to construct with off-
the-shelf components and minimal
design effort. Using a Motorola
MC68HC811E2 meant that few exter-
nal components were required and the
connection to the programming and
debug tool was trivial.
I also considered that the project
should be easy to program and debug.
Ideally, I wanted to program and debug
in the same environment as the final
application, and not have to change the
run time code or its operating charac-
teristics when in Debug mode. I met
this requirement with PCBUG11.
I wanted to use the same hardware
to perform battery charging control.
This gives the potential benefit that
the system will be able to more accu-
rately know the state of the battery’s
charge and provide more accurate
information to me.
Last on the list, because this was
my first foray into the details of
rechargeable batteries, I wanted to be
able to log the charge and discharge
characteristics directly, so that I could
best determine the charged state of
the battery from its voltage profile.
Hardware and software partitioned
the design. Figure 1 shows the high-
level partitioning of the bike light
controller. The key parts of the hard-
ware were the lamp, battery, MCU,
power switch for controlling lamp
power, user input push button switch
for selecting power levels, a piezo-
electric buzzer for signaling battery
condition, and a jumper for selecting
either Single-Chip mode for normal
application execution or Bootstrap
mode to permit reprogramming of the
EEPROM. The software consisted of
three main modules—the application
Issue 137 December 2001
Figure 2—One channel of the timer system of the 68HC11 is
configured as a software-assisted PWM output. No external
interconnections are required to configure the two compare
registers and pin logic.
Free-running timer
Output compare 3
Output compare 1
Software access
PWM on
port A,
bit 5
Issue 137 December 2001
code, debug monitor driver (talker),
and a downloaded patch to monitor
battery voltage every minute.
The application code itself was par-
titioned into a number of sub-modules,
including three interrupt handlers (a
PWM function to control the lamp
power, buzzer timer control, and real-
time clock (RTC) for battery monitoring
and profiling and for push switch
debounce). Another sub-module con-
sists of initialization routines to set up
the on-chip hardware system, program
variables, PWM, and RTC functions.
A background task, designed as a finite
state machine, processes any new push
button switch and takes appropriate
action depending on the current state.
Still others include: a push switch
read routine; battery check routine to
determine when a message should be
emitted to the buzzer; buzzer driver;
ADC driver; a power-to-PWM modu-
lation conversion routine; and a routine
to range check the target power value
and set the power ramp direction.
It may seem overly complex for a
simple light controller, but there were
several factors that caused me to
design the software this way.
The 68HC11 I chose has a simple,
straightforward timer system that has
neither a hardware PWM nor hard-
ware RTC. This meant I had to design
these plus the buzzer timer control in
software using interrupt handlers.
The system operates in Single Chip
mode, so I had no ability to access the
real-time activities of the application
code through an external bus interface,
especially the interrupt handlers. To
minimize the opportunity for software
errors, I partitioned the software in a
way that would isolate the functionality
by module. Then, hopefully the source
of any errors could be more readily
detected by code inspection, simula-
tion, and program variables analysis.
Communication with the PC-based
debugger/programmer tool was through
an RS-232 physical serial interface
connected to the SCI of the HC11.
Because average brightness from the
halogen lamp is a function of average
applied current, a pulse width modu-
lation method was used to vary the
average voltage, and hence the average
current into the lamp. Reduction of
inrush current to the lamp (soft start)
was achieved by gradually increasing
the PWM value from some minimum
level, ideally zero, but the implemen-
tation somewhat restricted the
dynamic range of the PWM. This did
not affect the operation of the lamp.
The optimum frequency of modula-
tion was unknown, so some experi-
mentation with PWM parameters was
necessary. This was built into the
architecture of the software. The trade-
off was between minimum PWM high
time and maximum PWM frequency.
I toyed with the idea of providing
flexible control of the lamp brightness
by letting the lamp power cycle grad-
ually through its full range while the
push button was depressed. On release
of the button, the power would stay
constant. However, this seemed to be
a trail rider’s nightmare, because too
much time spent holding down the
button left only one hand in control
of the bike which could result in a
nasty fall. The final design detected a
quick push and release to cycle through
four fixed power values, including off.
The remaining battery charge would
be reported as coded beeps from a sound
transducer. The coding had to be sim-
ple to understand and easy to imple-
ment. The final choice was to sound a
single short beep for each 5 min. of
estimated time remaining. The code
would be preceded by a beep of
noticeably longer duration and tone,
to introduce the arrival of a code.
OC1 Match
OC3 Match
OC1 Match
OC3 Match
OC1 and OC3 Match
OC1 Match
OC3 Match
Figure 3—This is an example of the effect on modulation when you turn off the lamp. The PWM modulation pro-
gressively decreases to the minimum value, and then abruptly switches to 0%.
Issue 137 December 2001
Although I had some great data on
nickel metal hydride (NiMH) cell dis-
charge characteristics from Panasonic’s
web site, it was important to observe
the discharge characteristics of the
batteries I would use in the implemen-
tation. This was the only way I could
be confident that I had calculated the
battery charge duration versus delivered
power levels, and be able to approxi-
mately determine the final 15-, 10-,
and 5-min. points of the batteries I
would use. Luckily, the local CompUSA
was selling off old NiMH laptop bat-
teries for $10. They were rated at 7.2 V,
3.7 AH, which was perfect for my
needs! However, the batteries were
past their shelf life, so I needed to be
sure they could hold charge and deliv-
er close to their rated capacity.
As I planned to allow overdriving
of the 15-W, 6-V lamp with potential-
ly 7.2 V (giving 44% more lamp
power), I needed a CMOS-controlled
power switch that could handle 3 A
continuously at ambient temperatures
of at least 95°F (35°C). Texas nights
can be real hot!
Packaging also had to be compact.
The IRF7311 dual N-channel power
MOSFET in the SO8 package met the
requirements perfectly. Its low
Rds(on) of around 30 m
power loss was also kept to a minus-
cule 270 mW. With thermal imped-
ance of 62.5° C/W, the maximum
junction temperature would not
exceed around 52°C—well within the
150°C rated maximum. The small
outline package and pin configuration
also enabled me to solder the gate and
source pins of the device directly to
the timer and ground pins of the
HC11 to provide PWM control.
On the 68HC811E2, the PWM was
synthesized by software interrupt
handlers, which drives a pair of cou-
pled output compares onto a single
output pin. Figure 2 shows the logical
internal connections that are config-
ured by the software initialization
routine. An output compare function
works by comparing the value loaded
into the output compare register with
the value of a free-running timer.
Free running means the timer is
never reset nor started at any specific
value. The 16-bit timer of the HC11
just counts continuously from 0 to
$FFFF, then restarts again at zero.
When the timer value matches the
output compare value, a signal is sent
to the pin logic and CPU interrupt
system. The pin logic can then cause
the physical pin of the MCU to
change state in the same clock cycle
as the timer match occurred.
Additionally, the signal to the inter-
rupt system can cause the MCU to
execute an interrupt handler to update
the value stored in the output com-
pare register, plus any other activities
that are necessary. In this way, the
output compare function allows soft-
ware to schedule a change in the pin
state in real time and do it independ-
ently of the software execution time.
Scheduling the pin state is done by
adding an offset to the last time the
pin changed state (i.e., the time when
the last compare occurred), and writ-
ing the new value to the appropriate
compare register. Using this tech-
nique, any arbitrary real-time pulse
train can be synthesized in software,
provided the time between adjacent
pin changes or pairs of pin changes is
at least greater than the execution
time of the software needed to sched-
ule these pin changes.
Figure 3 shows a typical PWM output
from this system. The period is defined
between rising edges, and is scheduled
using Output Compare 1. The falling
edge is scheduled using Output
Compare 3. Both can be scheduled at
the same time because both edges are
scheduled from different compare reg-
isters. The advantage of this mecha-
nism over scheduling a toggle action
each consecutive edge with a single
output compare is that the maximum
value of the PWM modulation (maxi-
mum high time) is independent of the
latency of the interrupt handler, and
can therefore reach 100%.
The minimum modulation is
greater than zero, in fact, it is greater
than it would be if there were separate
interrupt handlers for the rising edge
and falling edges. However, it’s impor-
tant to be able to achieve a 100% PWM
modulation; this would be quite messy
and cause discontinuities on modula-
tion if separate rising and falling edge
interrupt handlers were used.
Testing when the minimum modu-
lation approached the latency of the
OC1 interrupt handler or reached 100%
was performed in a background task
that updated the modulation value
based on the requested power level. If
the modulation reached the minimum
boundary, the modulation was forced
to 0%. And if the modulation tried to
exceed the PWM period, it was forced
to the period value. This avoided the
Photo 1—The prototype controller is shown here.
Photo 2—Check out the helmet mounting.
Photo 3—Here I am testing the e
quipment in field trials.
Issue 137 December 2001
need for the interrupt handler to per-
form time-consuming tests on the
modulation values, except for a zero
value, because an interesting dilemma
occurs at the 0% and 100% modula-
tion values in this implementation.
At these modulation values, the
OC1 and OC3 matches are concur-
rent, and the state the pin takes as a
result of these matches is dictated by
the particular hardware design of the
pin logic. In the HC11, OC1 has prior-
ity, which results in 100% modula-
tion. To achieve 0% modulation, the
interrupt handler has to make the pin
go low instead of high when the OC1
match occurs.
To simplify the software, I applied
the soft start concept to the power
selection operation as well as to the
initial start up of the lamp. That is,
any request for a change in power
would be met by ramping the power.
So, from the off state, power is
applied slowly to provide soft starting.
Thereafter, when you request a differ-
ent power level, the power level
ramps towards its new target value.
The software contains a number of
checks to ensure that the target power
demanded by you is tracked properly.
By rapidly pressing the push button,
you can cycle through the power selec-
tions faster than the software can
keep up with. The outcome of this is
that the ramp can change direction
before power has reached its previous-
ly requested target value. This is not
because the software is inefficient,
but rather the power ramping time
constant implemented in the software
was chosen to be slow.
The user-selected power value is
coupled to the PWM operation
through a routine that updates the
target modulation factor and ramp
direction based on the current modu-
lation factor. The software also
ensures the modulation values are
kept within the maximum and mini-
mum range and allows the off value
of 0% modulation.
The other timing function controls
the buzzer through the second MOS-
FET switch in the IRF7311 package.
Because this device requires only 7 mA
at 12 V, there were no issues with
power dissipation. The MOSFET sim-
ply provides switching of the battery
voltage onto the buzzer terminals.
I used a buzzer from Radio Shack. It
provides reasonable output level, small
size, and DC voltage operation. The
latter meant that simple timed output
pulses were all that was needed to
generate the buzzer codes. The codes
were synthesized with the driver that
handled a programmed data pattern to
represent the beeps, and an interrupt
handler to manage timing of the codes.
The interrupt handler used Output
Compare 5 to time the duration of
time codes, and the warble frequency
of the annunciator (the tone that pre-
cedes the time code information).
Figure 4 shows the timing diagram of
2 × 250-ms Beeps
Figure 4—The initial higher frequency burst applied to
the buzzer produces a warbling effect to announce the
imminent arrival of information about potential problems.
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Issue 137 December 2001
a 10-min. code. The annunciator lasts
1 s and is modulated at 100 Hz (tog-
gled every 5 ms) to produce a warbled
tone. This is followed by two 250-ms
beeps separated by 250 ms to indicate
10 min. of charge time left.
The user control momentary push
button was simple to make. I took
advantage of the HC11’s maskable bit
testing instruction to implement a
simple debounce algorithm for the
push button. The principle was to
left-shift the key state into the vari-
KEYSTAT every 5 ms (using the
RTC interrupt handler). Then, the
amount of debounce could be tuned
to a resolution of 5 ms by executing
the single instruction:
MASK is the mask containing
right-justified zeroes, each representing
5 ms of debounce time. In this appli-
cation, I set a debounce time to at least
10 ms by using a mask value of $E0.
Note that this corresponds to three 5-ms
samples, which is necessary to guar-
antee at least 10 ms between samples.
Battery voltage was detected by
applying it through a voltage divider
to one of the HC11’s ADC inputs. I
used a divide-by-two network to
allow measurement of up to 10 V,
although in practice the maximum
voltage delivered by the fully charged
battery was around 8.8 V. This gave a
resolution of 39 mV/bit with an HC11
nominal supply voltage of 5 V. I was-
n’t sure if this would be sufficient to
accurately detect the discharge knee
of the battery, but subsequent tests
proved it was adequate.
It was important to take due care of
when the battery voltage was read,
because the controller would be pulse
width modulating a current of 3 A.
Note: The ADC may be sensitive to
power supply noise. The implementa-
tion read the ADC synchronously to
the PWM frequency during powerup,
that is, only after the voltage had
transitioned to the on state did the
A/D conversion start. In this way, I
was able to read the battery voltage
deterministically, and always when it
was under load.
In order to minimize interrupt han-
dler execution time, I split the ADC
driver into two routines—one to start
the conversion and one to read the
first conversion after a known elapsed
time. Although this technique relied
on knowing exact instruction timing,
it did allow the interrupt handler to
run concurrently with the ADC suc-
cessive approximation process. The
ADC on the HC11 takes 32 system
clocks to return the first result, so I
placed the read ADC routine suffi-
ciently far into the handler to ensure
the result was ready when I needed it.
The total worst-case elapsed time of
the handler was in 193 system clocks
(386 µs), which in part defined the
minimum high time of the PWM. The
other factor that contributed to the
minimum PWM high time was the
RTC interrupt handler.
The RTC monitors battery dis-
charge. I implemented it in software
using Output Compare 2 to record
elapsed minutes, seconds, and 5-ms
intervals, the latter being the resolu-
Issue 137 December 2001
tion of the RTC rate. Note that no pin
action was required on OC2, and
indeed had to be avoided, because the
pin associated with OC2 was connect-
ed to the source of the power MOS-
FET switch. The pin was forced to
ground in the initialization routine.
The PWM period was also set to 5 ms.
This was considered a more than ade-
quate modulation frequency for the
halogen lamp, but to allow for experi-
mentation, I set up the key modula-
tion parameters as initialized vari-
ables. I could then adjust their values
dynamically using PCBUG11 to deter-
mine the effects on lamp and software
operation. Additionally, because the
PWM and RTC run at the same fre-
quency, by careful phase positioning
of the RTC interrupt, I could use it to
read the no-load battery voltage for
test purposes. This was accomplished
by setting the first match time in real
time to be in advance of the PWM
interrupt by 160 µs.
I chose this value as a compromise
between guaranteeing the battery was
not under load when the measurement
was made and that the RTC interrupt
handler would not significantly delay
the start of execution of the power
control PWM interrupt handler. The
RTC interrupt handler had a worst-
case execution time of 176 cycles
(352 µs), so its effect on the PWM
handler was about 192 µs (352 – 160).
Under most load values, the battery
would be in the off state during the
start of execution of the RTC handler.
Figure 5 shows the relative timing of
the two interrupt handlers.
The power supply to the HC11 is a
simple 4.7-V zener diode, a 10-µF tan-
talum decoupling capacitor, and 180-
series resistor. The same hardware
would be used to imple-
ment the battery charger.
Therefore, the maximum
applied input voltage could
exceed 15 V or so, resulting
in a maximum power dissi-
pation of around 0.6 W. The
minimum operational volt-
age is around 6 V, resulting
in a minimum supply cur-
rent of around 6 mA.
I run the HC11 at 2 MHz
to minimize power supply
current requirements. With this oper-
ating frequency, the MCU bus rate is
500 kHz.
I used the PC-based tool PCBUG11
to download the code to EEPROM.
One of the nice features of PCBUG11
is that it can control the execution of
the EEPROM resident code, so I could
halt and single step code when neces-
sary. Unfortunately, halting and single
stepping the code caused a complete loss
of the real-time behavior of the inter-
rupt handlers, so this technique was
only used to verify and debug some of
the non-real-time algorithms, such as
calculating the new ramp direction.
The software was designed to allow
easy modification of the critical vari-
ables, so the main debug technique I
used was to modify these parameters
on the fly while the code was execut-
ing in real time, and observe the actu-
al effects versus what I thought
should have happened. For example, I
may dynamically force the new target
value of the duration of the PWM
high time and observe the effect this
has on the ramp flag.
PCBUG11 communicated with the
HC11 through an RS-232 protocol
serial connection using a target resi-
dent monitor kernel call a Talker. The
Talker was interrupt-driven from a
non-maskable IRQ (the XIRQ on the
HC11). This permitted on-the-fly
inspection and modification of appli-
cation data parameters, even while
the application code interrupt han-
dlers were running.
The only side effect is that the
Talker overhead is high enough to
cause real-time discontinuity of the
interrupt handlers. This means that
Read battery
on voltage
Read battery
off voltage
Figure 5—The ADC reads the battery voltage at two predefined
points every PWM period. The first is under a full load at the start of
the PWM period, and the second is under a no-load condition near
the end of the period. The reads occur in separate interrupt handlers.
Issue 137 December 2001
the PWM will elongate
while the Talker is active,
resulting in the lamp bright-
ness increasing for a fraction
of a second. To give some
idea of the effect, say the
Talker was dumping 16
bytes of memory at 9600
bps. The Talker would trans-
fer about 20 bytes (4 bytes
for protocol overhead) in
about 2 ms, which, during
worst-case conditions,
would be added to the high
time of the PWM. I didn’t
see this as an obstacle for
debugging the code, because the inter-
rupt handlers are robust enough to
recover from the hiatus, and continue
with correct real-time behavior after
the data dump is finished.
After the code was debugged, I
installed a special battery voltage log-
ger into the RAM, to characterize the
discharge profile of the battery under
different load conditions, sampling
the voltage every minute. Luckily, the
HC11 had sufficient RAM to hold the
application variables, plus the data
logger code, variables, and logged data.
The results were plotted in a
Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, and I
used the profile to adjust the battery
discharge monitor warning algorithm.
I also plotted an integral of the dis-
charge to show that the controller
was indeed delivering constant power
over the full profile of the battery.
Figure 6 shows the battery voltage
profile and the linear ampere-hour dis-
charge profile for a 3.7-AH, 7.2-V NiMH
battery. The load was a 6-V, nominal
12-W lamp delivering 9 W. There are
two critical characteristics in this bat-
tery profile. One is the excessively
high initial 8.8-V battery power when
fully charged, and the second is the
rapid drop-off of the voltage in the
last 10 to 15 min. By implementing a
constant power algorithm, I was able
to compensate for the initial peak and
final decay of the battery.
A point to note is that although the
PWM mechanism doesn’t completely
eliminate peak currents to the lamp,
the peaks appear to be sufficiently short
to prevent overstress to the lamp; I’ve
now used this system for two winter
seasons without any lamp failures.
During field trials (see Photos 1–3),
the battery discharge detection algo-
rithm I initially implemented did not
provide the reliability I needed. After
some analysis of the discharge data, I
developed a more robust algorithm
that is undergoing tests. The nice part
about this setup is the flexibility and
easy reprogramming. Within a matter
of minutes I may reprogram the appli-
cation and start evaluating a new
algorithm without using major exter-
nal hardware components.
The challenge of saving some money
by building my own controller plus the
deadline I faced helped me resurrect
some old programming skills that I had
not used in many years. The short time
period I had to complete the project
meant I stuck with familiar components
and techniques. I chose assembly lan-
guage in favor of C because a large
portion of the design was interrupt
handlers, I was familiar with the HC11
instruction set, and I didn’t want the
code overhead in an application that
required less than 2 KB of code.
The onboard EEPROM means I
could quickly and easily make modifi-
cations to the program and data con-
stants. Using a top-down approach to
the development process meant I had
few serious problems with the imple-
mentation. And finally, by partition-
ing the software carefully, I was able
to debug the real-time code without
the use of complicated development
tools. This approach also makes it
relatively easy to port the imple-
mentation to another type of
MCU, such as a Motorola
68HC05/ 8/12 family or
Microchip PIC family.
Interestingly, in this appli-
cation where delivered power
is controlled, the capacity of
the battery is best defined as
watt-hours (WH) rather than
ampere-hours (AH). So, my
battery has a nominal specified
rating of 26.64 WH (3.7 AH ×
7.2 V). The results I obtained
noted that the battery deliv-
ered 9 W for 2.17 h, giving a
measured rating of only about
19.5 WH. I suspect the battery is
indeed past its peak, because the loss-
es in the controller are insignificant
(worst case: 0.27 W × 2.17 h = 0.59
WH, ignoring switching losses). My
next step is to buy some proper
NiMH batteries and see what ride
time improvements I can get.
In the end, I had a working lamp
controller in time for the 24-h race.
My team finished in a respectable
fourth position, and the controller
operated flawlessly, which is more
than I could say for my performance
Richard Soja graduated from Aberdeen
University, Scotland, in 1974, with a
BS in Engineering Science. He is a
senior principal staff engineer at
Motorola and has more than 17 years
of experience designing, implement-
ing, managing, and supporting hard-
ware and software embedded control
applications. Fixing flat tires and
home PC network administration are
currently interfering with mountain
bike racing. You may reach him at
NiMH battery information
Motorola, Inc.
(847) 576-5000
Fax: (847) 576-5372
Figure 6—
The linear slope shows that a constant power of 9 W was extracted
from the battery over the test time of 130 min. The curved discharge profile I
measured is typical for a NiMH battery. Note the precipitous decay at the end.
This project demonstrates how the FPSLIC can be used to provide a simple, low-cost, highly
integrated solution for embedded MP3 decoding. The FPSLIC is capable of providing all the
necessary decoding elements, including storage interface, user interface, and actual MP3 decoding
on a single chip. The only external components required are a storage device and a DAC with
appropriate audio interface circuitry. The FPSLIC-based design has significant cost and power
consumption advantages over alternative designs, both of which are significant considerations in
The Design Logic 2001 may have been the first time
Atmel sponsored a design contest with Circuit Cellar, but
judging by the interest the contest generated and the
number of projects that were submitted, it certainly wont
be the last time! Besides generating more entries than any
other Circuit Cellar design contest, there were more
international entries to the Design Logic 2001 contest than
weve ever had before. Fifty percent of the projects were
submitted from outside the United States! We had winning
projects from Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, France,
India, Romania, South Africa, and the U.S., proving once
again that Circuit Cellar contests are a global gathering of
designers and engineers with real-world design logic.
While some people were up to the challenge of using
the FPSLIC and FPGA parts to present some intriguing
designs, the ever-popular AVR series of components stole
the show. Dozens of projects were submitted in the AVR
category including an AVR-controlled weaving loom,
several weather-monitoring devices, and even a tracking
system that was designed to aid in the study of leopard
Not only was the quantity of AVR projects great, but
the quality of the entries was so evenly matched that the
top 30 projects were only separated by a 40-point spread
(out of 150 total possible points) after the judges results
were tabulated. Unfortunately, even with a few additional
Runners-Up prizes added to the AVR category, there still
wasnt a way to award prizes to all of the great projects
that came in. However, even though not all of the projects
are displayed in this section, all of the entrants are invited
to submit articles about their projects. Stay tuned to Circuit
Cellar in the months to come and youll find out more
about the top projects as well as a number of other great
So, in wrapping up the Design Logic 2001 contest Id like
to say thank you to everyone who submitted a project.
Your involvement helped make this design contest a
success and ensures the future of design contests here at
Blueport is a card-sized module intended to be used as a smart SPI peripheral to provide
seamless communication over Bluetooth for any embedded application. The application designer
doesnt have to be concerned about all the inner workings of the Bluetooth protocol stack because
these are handled by Blueport. From the application designers point of view, communicating over
Bluetooth is reduced to writing API calls to the SPI port to open or close a communication channel
to another Bluetooth device, and to send data to or receive data from the remote device. Blueport
is applicable for any embedded application where wireless communication over Bluetooth has to
be achieved with minimum code overhead.
Card for Linux
Designing a PCI interface card from scratch is not a trivial exercise. The hardware design
and PCB, logic design for the FPGA, and driver software all need to be completed before it can
even be tested with a line of application code! This communications card provides a generic
hardware platform, which takes care of the difficulty of PCI interfacing and allows the engineer to
concentrate on the FPGA logic design.
The sample application, describing an X.21 interface, with a driver for Linux, can be adapted
easily for different purposes. Even non-communications applications are possible! Possible uses
include RS-232/-485 or X.21/X.22 communications, protocol conversion, communications encryption,
replacement of obsolete ISA cards for legacy support, PCI prototyping, and FPGA experimentation.
With diagnostic equipment being so expensive, doctors in India are unable to attend to a vast
diagnostic audiometer to test for hearing loss.
Hearing loss is a common problem among elderly people and it is increasingly affecting younger
people living in urban areas as the cities get crowded and people are exposed to increasing ambient
sound levels. To determine this hearing loss pattern, doctors use diagnostic equipment known as
Many effective instruments have been developed over the past decade for determining hearing loss,
but the inclusion of semiconductors introduced new and more accurate devices.
Most of the audiometers offer common functions and share the same level of accuracy, the
accuracy and functions as the commercially available audiometers but at a lower cost.
The AT90S8535-based audiometer offers both Speech and Tone Audiometry. It also allows printouts
of the audiogram, showing the hearing loss pattern in various frequencies.
Better Adders for the AT40K FPGAs
Adder speed and size are undeniably crucial factors in determining the success of a family of FPGAs.
large as the ripple adder and sometimes operates more slowly than ripple adders in practice.
position. Instead, these new adders divide the adders bit positions into groups and determine
blocks are just ordinary ripple adder blocks, but the middle block is a special block with a skip
mechanism. No carry signal ripples slowly all the way through from LSB to MSB, making the worst-case
delay much better than that of the ripple adder.
A design contest is always a good opportunity to try to reinvent the wheel, but only if its a far
implements an innovative and cost-effective design approach. UPSC4 features are head to head with
the existing high-range universal countersbut UPSC4 is built with only 10 integrated circuits! Yes,
nothing more than five small analog chips, one DAC, one ADC, one UHF prescaler, and one Atmel
device with its initialization EEPROM to support basic frequency and period measurements as
well as advanced features such as automatic slew rate calculation or gated frequency measurements,
the flexible architecture of the UPSC4 counter will allow you to add new features without any
The GPS-GSM Mobile Navigator is the main part of a Port Navigation System. The Port
Navigation System includes many GPS-GSM Mobile Navigators and a Base System (the
control center). In order to monitor ships around the port, the GPS-GSM Mobile Navigator
on ships receives GPS signals and then computes the location information, which is sent to
the control center. With that information, the control center can know where each ship is.
Besides receiving and transferring the GPS information, the GPS-GSM Mobile Navigator can
also send an alarm to the control center if an emergency occurs or receive information from
The core of the GPS-GSM Mobile Navigator is an AT90S8515. A GPS module receives GPS
signals and sends it to the MCU via an RS-232 interface. The GSM module allows the MCU to
communicate with the GSM network via RS-232 interface. Another RS-232 interface is used to
exchange data with a PC. Because there is only one RS-232 interface in the AT90S8151, a
three-channel multiplex switches the three work modes. All location information and other
data is stored to an AT45D021 (2-Mb serial data flash memory) The GPS-GSM Mobile
Navigator saves GPS signals every 20 s so the flash memory stores up to 2160 pieces of
location information in 12 h. The MCU communicates with the data flash memory via an SPI
An LCD displaying the system status connects to the MCU through seven standard I/Os.
The GPS-GSM Mobile Navigator has four buttons to control the system. Because the
AT90S8515 is a flash memory MCU, the systems remaining four SPI pins are easily updated.
An I/O pin controls a buzzer to give alarms.
The Slic-Stepping Debugger system is a bench-top device that connects to an external
circuit boards microprocessor bus. It monitors, captures, and then converts a single
microprocessor bus cycle into useful engineering data. That data is then displayed to the
user via the systems integrated LCD.
The system is used in conjunction with a single-stepping software debugger on a PC,
which is connected to the processors debug port. Every time the user steps through code
with the software debugger, the Slic-Stepping Debugger captures the first bus cycle and
displays the address bus value, data bus value, whether it was a read or write cycle, and
how big the current transfer size was. This allows the engineer to monitor and verify basic
microprocessor bus cycles during development of new hardware and software designs. Of
course, there are many families of microprocessors and all have different bus protocols.
The first microprocessor protocol and bus that will be interfaced to will be the 32-bit
This entry is an implementation of an elliptic curve public-key cryptosystem on a
programmable SOC. A complete hardware implementation has limited flexibility, but is
ideally suited for the implementation of the underlying finite field arithmetic. A complete
software implementation, on the other hand, benefits the global control but suffers from
efficiency problems concerning the finite field arithmetic. A standard basis representation
is used for the field elements and projective coordinates to implement the group
operation. The results concerning area are comparable with existing hardware
implementations. Although no attempts have been made yet to reduce the critical path
delay of the hardware part, promising results towards speed and throughput have been
obtained. A maximum clock frequency of 10 MHz is realized, but 200 MHz could be
Ethernet-Based Remote Audio Player
South Africa
VFO Frequency Counter and PLL Stabilizer
wide range of input signals with great accuracy.
Nedlands, WA
Knoxville, TN
FAT32 Hard-Drive-Based MP3 Player with 512 Bytes of SRAM
which in turn streams the raw (decoded) data to a 16-bit DAC.
64 Bytes of User Accessible EEPROM
Issue 137 December 2001
Digital Distributorless Ignition System
Versatile AVR-Based EPROM Emulator/Programmer
Hossam Eldin AbdelBaki
Alexandria, Egypt
GameBoy Camera Interface and Object Tracking System
Daniel Herrington
Fort Collins, CO, USA
BikeLogger Data Acquistion System
Virachat Boondharigaputra
Bangkok, Thailand
The Cooking Coach PDKA (Personal Digital Kitchen Assistant)
Paras Shelawala
Cornell University, USA
TinyPlanet: Single-Bit, Wireless, Planet-Wide I/O Port
Alberto Ricci Bitti and Claudio Lanconelli
Lugo, Italy
David Smith
Waynesboro, VA, USA
Four-Port Terminal Server with Digital I/O
David Helland and Steve Freyder
Encinitas, CA, USA
CW Keyer with Adjustable Speed and Sidetone Pitch
Brian Millier
Hubley, NS, Canada
PC-to-Vintage Jukebox Interface
Travis Whitehead
Queensbury, NY, USA
Model Rocket Flight Data Recorder
Jamie Pollock
Fall River, KS, USA
IrDA Connection Between an AVR and a Palm Pilot
Dual-Deployment Rocketry Altimeter
Scott Olsen
Salt Lake City, UT, USA
Not wanting some of the great AVR projects to go unnoticed, the Circuit Cellar staff has selected 20
NTSC-to-PAL Closed-Caption Decoder
Ekachai Leelarassmee
Patumwan, Bangkok, Thailand
Zip Drive Digital Camera All-in-One System
Chris Bartholomew and Sean Keller
Cornell University, USA
Wireless Data Module Networking
Distributed Home Audio Control System
Jeff Tyhack and Jason O’Connor
Cornell University, USA
Issue 137 December 2001
Issue 137 December 2001
PEG-4 is a new
ISO/IEC standard
that targets streaming
multimedia. It provides
tools to deliver multimedia content
over different communication channels
and targets a wide range of interactive
multimedia applications. MPEG-4 pro-
vides new features such as object-based
media representation, scalability, and
error-resilient techniques. These
enable a higher compression ratio and
higher level of interaction with the
scene contents, transmitting the same
content using different channels, and
enables robust transmission over low
bit rate noisy channels, respectively.
MPEG-4 is an ISO/IEC standard
developed by the Moving Picture
Experts Group (MPEG). [1] MPEG-4
provides the standardized technologi-
cal elements that enable integration,
distribution, and content access for
multimedia streaming. MPEG-4
describes the scene as composed of
individual objects named audio-visual
objects (AVOs). [2, 3] For example, the
visual object (VO) corresponding to
the talking person and the correspon-
ding voice are tied together to form a
new compound media object, contain-
ing both the aural and visual compo-
nents of that talking person.
It provides a standardized way to do
many things, including: describe an
interactive scene that allows you to
place media objects anywhere in a
given coordinate system; apply trans-
forms to change the geometrical or
acoustical appearance of a media
object; modify the AVO attributes;
change viewing and listening points
anywhere in the scene, and so on.
MPEG-4 addresses the description of
the relationship between the audio-
visual objects that constitute a scene. [4]
The relationship is described at two
main levels: the binary format for scenes
(BIFS) and object descriptors (ODs).
The BIFS describes the spatiotemporal
arrangements of the objects in the
scene. You may interact and modify
the object’s attributes (i.e., rearrange
them on the scene). The ODs define
the relationship between the elemen-
tary streams pertinent to each object.
The scene description builds on sev-
eral concepts from the virtual reality
modeling language (VRML) in terms
of both its structure and the function-
ality of object composition nodes, and
extends it to allow streaming and
other features that I will discuss. The
rest of the article explains the MPEG-4
visual, profiles, and file format.
The MPEG-4 visual standard allows
the hybrid coding of natural images
and video together with synthetic
scenes. It comprises tools and algo-
rithms supporting the coding of natu-
ral still images and video sequences as
well as tools to support the compres-
sion of synthetic 2-D and 3-D graphic
geometry parameters. These tools pro-
vide standardized core technologies
allowing efficient storage, transmis-
sion, and manipulation of textures
and images and video data for multi-
media environments.
MPEG-4 supports bit rates between
5 kbps and 10 Mbps, and uses progres-
sive as well as interlaced video trans-
mission. Content-based coding of
images and video allows separate
decoding and reconstruction of arbi-
trarily shaped video objects.
V.2 of the MPEG-4 systems extends
V.1 to cover issues like extended BIFS
functionalities and Java (MPEG-J) sup-
Wael Badawy
Streaming Multimedia
To keep pace with
ever-changing video
standards, Wael gives
us some details about
MPEG-4 and how to
get the most out of it.
He covers everything
from how the standard
was formed to the file
formats that are com-
patible. Anyone look-
ing for the latest info
won’t be disappointed.
The MPEG-4 Approach
Issue 137 December 2001
example of a VO is a talking person
(without background), which then can
be composed with other AVOs to cre-
ate a scene. Conventional rectangular
imagery is handled as a special case.
Shape coding provides coding arbi-
trarily shaped video objects as shown
in Figure 1. The shape is coded using
a binary alpha plane, which defines
whether or not a pixel belongs to an
object. A gray scale plane offers the
possibility to define the exact trans-
parency of each pixel.
Error resilience is supported to
assist the access of image and video
over a wide range of storage and trans-
mission media. This includes the use-
ful operation of image and video com-
pression algorithms in error-prone
environments at low bit rates (less
than 64 Kbps). Tools are provided that
address both the limited band nature
and error resiliency aspects for access
over wireless networks.
The face animation part of the stan-
dard allows sending parameters that
calibrate and animate synthetic faces.
The face models themselves are not
standardized by MPEG-4,
only the parameters are.
Figure 2 shows some of the
control points for a face.
The facial animation object
can be used to render an ani-
mated face. Facial definition
parameters (FDPs) and facial
animation parameters
(FAPs) control the shape,
texture, and expressions of
the face. Initially, a face
object contains a generic
face with a neutral expres-
sion. Then, the face is ren-
dered and receives the ani-
mation parameters from the
bitstream, which will pro-
duce animation of the face
(expressions, speech, etc.).
The systems binary format
for scenes provides features
to support facial animation.
FDPs provide model data
that you may download.
You use the data to config-
images) allows a maximum of 11
levels. An AVO is coded and a subset
of the total bitstream can be used to
reconstruct and display textures,
images, and video objects at reduced
spatial resolution (see Photo 1).
The temporal scalability allows a
maximum of three levels and a subset
of the total bitstream can be used to
reconstruct and display an AVO at
reduced temporal resolution. The qual-
ity scalability depends on the number
of layers. You can use the subset of
the bitstream to reconstruct and display
an AVO at lower quality. The quality
can be measured by the signal-to-
noise ratio (SNR), as shown in Photo 2.
The view-dependent scalability
enables you to stream texture maps. It
involves taking into account the view-
ing position in the 3-D virtual world in
order to transmit only the most visible
information. Depending on VO geome-
try and viewpoint displacement, the
visual information will be sent. This
scalability can be applied both with
Wavelet- and DCT-based encoders.
These tools allow the decoding and
representation of VOs, atomic units
of image, and video content. An
port. V.2 also specifies a file format to
store MPEG-4 content (I’ll return to
this topic later).
In order to achieve the broad goal
rather than a solution for a narrow
set of applications, functionalities
common to several applications are
clustered. Therefore, the visual part
of the MPEG-4 standard provides
solutions in the form of tools and
algorithms for efficient compression
of the following: images and video,
textures for texture mapping on 2-D
and 3-D meshes, implicit 2-D mesh-
es, and time-varying geometry
streams that animate meshes. It also
provides efficient random access to
all types of visual objects,
extended manipulation func-
tionality for images and
video sequences, content-
based coding of images and
video, content-based scalabil-
ity of textures, images and
video, spatial, temporal, and
quality scalability, and error
robustness and resilience in
error-prone environments.
Scalability allows coding
and decoding a scene at dif-
ferent levels of details and
generates valid and meaning-
ful bitstreams for an AVO. [2]
Scalability allows progressive
transmission in which an
AVO can be transmitted
using a different level of
details. MPEG-4 supports
spatial, temporal and quality
scalability. The spatial scala-
bility (for textures and still
Video object plane
Bounding box
Figure 1—The video object shape coding provides
coding for arbitrarily shaped video objects.
Figure 2—The facial animation object may be used to render an animated face
using control points. Only the face model parameters are standardized by MPEG-4.
ments of the node points
into triangular patches in
the reference frame. The
texture inside each patch
in the reference frame is
warped onto the current
frame using parametric
mapping, defined as a func-
tion of the node point
motion vectors.
For triangular meshes,
the affine mapping is a
common choice. Its linear
form implies texture map-
ping with low computa-
tional complexity. Affine
mappings can model trans-
lation, rotation, scaling,
reflection, shear, and pre-
serve straight lines. The
degrees of freedom given
by the three motion vec-
tors of the vertices of a triangle
match the six parameters of the affine
mapping. This implies that the
motion of the node points, from
which a continuous, affine motion
field defined by pieces can be recon-
structed, can compactly represent the
original 2-D motion field.
Now that I’ve covered 2-D meshes,
let’s move on to 3-D meshes. MPEG-4
V.2 provides a suite of tools for coding
3-D polygonal meshes. It compresses
the connectivity, geometry, and prop-
erties such as shading normals, col-
ors, and texture coordinates of 3-D
polygonal meshes.
Coding of generic 3-D polygonal
meshes enables the efficient encoding
of 3-D polygonal meshes. The incre-
mental representation enables the
reconstruction of a number of faces
in a mesh proportional to the num-
ber of bits in the bitstream that have
been processed. The error resilience
enables a decoder to partially recover
a mesh when subsets of the bitstream
are missing or corrupted. And, the
level of detail (LOD) scalability
enables reconstruction of a simplified
version of the original mesh using a
subset of the bitstream.
MPEG-4 provides a large and rich
set of tools for coding audio-visual
objects. The MPEG-4 systems, visual,
Issue 137 December 2001
ure a baseline face model
stored in the terminal into
a particular face before
FAP decoding or to install
a specific face model at the
beginning of a session
along with the information
about how to animate it.
The face animation table
(FAT) provides a functional
mapping (may be down-
loaded) from incoming
FAPs to feature control
points in the face mesh. It
provides linear mappings
by the piece of incoming
FAPs for controlling facial
The face interpolation
technique (FIT) provides a
definition (may be down-
loaded) of mapping of
incoming FAPs into a total set of FAPs
before their application to feature
points. This is accomplished by rated
rational polynomial functions invoked
by conditional evaluation of a face
interpolation graph. It can be used for
complex cross coupling of FAPs to link
their effects or to interpolate FAPs
missing in the stream using the FAPs
that are available in the terminal.
V.2 adds body animation to the face
animation. The body is an object
capable of producing virtual body
models and animations in the form of
a set of 3-D polygonal meshes ready
for rendering. Two sets of parameters
are defined for the body: body defini-
tion parameter (BDP) and body anima-
tion parameter (BAP). Figure 3 shows
the location of the control point to
the lower part of the body.
The body animation standard has
been developed by MPEG in concert
with the Humanoid Animation Working
Group within the VRML Consortium.
The objective is to achieve consistent
conventions and control of body mod-
els, which are being established by
humanoid animation.
2-D mesh includes 2-D Delaunay
or regular mesh 0. The 2-D meshes
are used for tracking synthetic
objects. [3] A 2-D mesh is a partition
of a 2-D planar region into polygonal
patches. The vertices of the polygonal
patches are referred to as the node
points of the mesh. MPEG-4 consid-
ers only triangular meshes where the
patches are triangles.
A 2-D dynamic mesh refers to 2-D
mesh geometry and motion informa-
tion of all mesh node points within a
temporal segment of interest. Triangular
meshes have long been used for effi-
cient 3-D object shape (geometry)
modeling and rendering in computer
graphics. 2-D mesh modeling may be
considered as projection of such 3-D
triangular meshes onto the image
plane. A dynamic mesh is a forward-
tracking mesh; the node points of the
initial mesh track image features are
forwarded in time by their respective
motion vectors (see Figure 4).
The initial mesh may be regular or
may be adapted to the image content,
which is called a content-based mesh.
2-D content-based mesh modeling
then corresponds to nonuniform sam-
pling of the motion field at a number
of salient feature points (node points)
along the contour and interior of a
video object. Methods for selection
and tracking of these node points are
not subject to standardization.
In 2-D mesh-based texture mapping,
triangular patches in the current
frame are deformed by the move-
Toe base
Toe end
Zoom on foot
Figure 3—You may use the body to render an animated human-like shape using the
body control points, shown here using a lower level.
Issue 137 December 2001
that provide rela-
tively simple con-
tent inter-activities.
The fourth is the
main visual profile,
which supports
coding of inter-
laced, semitrans-
parent, and sprite
objects. Note, inter-
active and enter-
broadcast and DVD
applications are
enhanced by the
main visual profile.
The fifth profile for natural video
content, N-bit visual, supports coding
video objects having pixel depths
ranging from 4 to 12 bits to the core
visual profile. This profile is suitable
for surveillance applications.
The profiles for synthetic and syn-
thetic/natural hybrid visual content
are the simple facial animation visual
profile, scalable texture visual profile,
basic animated 2-D texture visual
profile, and hybrid visual profile.
First on the synthetic and hybrid
list, the simple facial animation visu-
al profile provides a simple animated
face model and is suitable for applica-
tions such as audio/video presenta-
tion for the hearing impaired.
and audio tool sets are used for specific
applications. These subsets are called
profiles, and limit the tools to be
implemented. For each of these pro-
files, one or more levels have been
set, restricting the computational
complexity. The approach is similar
to MPEG-2, where the most well-
known profile/level combination is
“Main Profile @ Main Level”. Profiles
exist for various types of media con-
tent (audio, visual, and graphics) and
for scene descriptions. [4]
The visual part of the standard pro-
vides profiles for the coding of natu-
ral, synthetic, as well as synthetic/
natural hybrid visual content. There
are five profiles for natural video
content. [2–7]
First, the simple visual
profile provides efficient,
error-resilient coding of rec-
tangular video objects, suit-
able for applications on
mobile networks.
Second, the simple scalable
visual profile supports coding
of temporal and spatial scala-
ble objects in addition to the
simple visual profile. This is
useful for applications that
provide services at more than
one level of quality caused by
bit rate or resource limita-
tions, such as Internet use
and software decoding.
Third in this group, the
core visual profile supports
coding of arbitrarily shaped
and temporally scalable
objects. You’ll find this pro-
file useful for applications
The scalable texture visual profile
provides spatial scalable coding of
still image and texture objects useful
for applications needing multiple
scalability levels, such as mapping
texture onto objects in games and
high-resolution digital still cameras.
The basic animated 2-D texture
visual profile provides spatial scala-
bility, SNR scalability, and mesh-
based animation for still image and
textures objects and simple face
object animation.
And, the last profile on this list is
suitable for various content-rich mul-
timedia applications. The hybrid
visual profile combines coding arbi-
trarily shaped and temporally scalable
natural video objects with coding sev-
eral synthetic and hybrid objects,
including simple face and animated
still image objects.
Also note that V.2 adds three pro-
files for natural video. The advanced
real-time simple (ARTS) profile pro-
vides advanced error resilient coding
techniques of rectangular video
objects using a back channel and
improved temporal resolution stability
with the low buffering delay. You
may use the ARTS profile for real-
time coding applications, such as the
videophone, teleconferencing, and
remote observation.
Internet, mobile, and
broadcast applications use
the next profile, core scalable
profile. This profile supports
coding of temporal and spa-
tial scalable arbitrarily
shaped objects. The main
functionality of this profile is
object-based SNR and spa-
tial/temporal scalability for
regions or objects of interest.
The advanced coding effi-
ciency (ACE) profile supports
coding efficiency for both
rectangular and arbitrarily
shaped objects. The ACE pro-
file is suitable for applica-
tions such as mobile broad-
cast reception, acquisition of
image sequences, and other
applications where high cod-
ing efficiency is requested
and a small footprint isn’t
the prime concern.
Photo 1—Here, the spatial scalability used to reconstruct and display textures,
images, and video objects is shown at reduced spatial resolution.
Photo 2—The
quality scalability depends on the number of the layers. Use a
subset of the bitstream to reconstruct and display a video object at lower
[1] International Organization for
Electrotechnical Commission,
“MPEG-4 requirements
document,” ISO/IE
JTC1/SC29/WG11 N2723,
Geneva, Switzerland, March
[2] ———, “Coding of Audio-Visual
Objects: Systems,” 14496-1, I
N2501, November 1998.
[3] ———, “Coding of Audio-Visual
Objects: Visual,” 14496-2,
N2502, November 1998.
[4]———, “Coding of Audio-Visual
Objects: Delivery Multimedia
Integration Framework,” 14496-
N2506, November 1998.
[5] ———, “Generic Coding of
Moving Pictures and Associated
Audio: Systems,” 13818-1, 1994.
[6]———, “Coding of Audio-Visual
Objects: Audio,” 14496-3,
N2503, October 1998.
[7]———, “The Virtual Reality
Modeling Language,” ISO/IEC
14772-1, 1997.
Issue 137 December 2001
V.2 profiles for synthetic and syn-
thetic/natural hybrid visual content
comprise the final three profiles.
The first of this list, the advanced
scalable texture profile, supports
decoding of arbitrarily shaped texture
and still images including scalable
shape coding, wavelet tiling, and error
resilience. This works well for fast
random access as well as multiple
scalability levels and arbitrary shaped
coding of still objects (e.g., fast con-
tent-based still image browsing on the
Internet, multimedia-enabled PDAs,
and Internet-ready, high-resolution
digital still cameras).
Second, the advanced core profile
provides the ability to decode arbi-
trarily shaped video objects and arbi-
trarily shaped scalable still image
objects. You may use it for various
content-rich multimedia applica-
tions, like interactive multimedia
streaming over Internet.
The third and final profile on the
list is the simple face and body ani-
mation profile. This profile is a set of
the simple face animation profile
adding, obviously, body animation.
The MP4 file format is designed to
contain the media information of an
MPEG-4 presentation in a flexible,
extensible format, which facilitates
interchange, management, editing,
and presentation of the media. The
design is based on the QuickTime for-
mat from Apple.
The MP4 file format is composed of
object-oriented structures that are
called atoms. A unique tag and length
identify each atom. Most atoms
describe a hierarchy of metadata giv-
ing information such as index
points, durations, and pointers
to the media data. This collec-
tion of atoms is contained in an
atom called the movie atom.
The media data is located else-
where; it may be in the MP4
file or located outside the MP4
file and referenced via URLs.
This article presents an
overview for the multimedia
streaming using the MPEG-4
approach. MPEG-4 video offers tech-
nology that covers a large range of
existing applications as well as new
ones. The low bit rate and error-
resilient coding allow for robust
communication over limited rate
wireless channels, mobile video-
phones, and space communication.
There also may be roles in surveil-
lance data compression considering
that it’s possible to have a low or
variable frame rate.
At high bit rates, MPEG-4 tools are
available to allow transmission and
storage of high-quality video suitable
for the studio and other demanding
content creation applications. It’s
likely that the standard will eventual-
ly support data rates well beyond
those of MPEG-2.
One major application area is inter-
active web-based video. Software that
provides live MPEG-4 video on a web
page has already been demonstrated.
There is room for applications to
make use of the object-based charac-
teristics of MPEG-4. When choosing
applications, also keep in mind the
flexibility of video coding, which
offers numerous possibilities.
Editor’s Note: The following is a
partial list of references. You may
download the complete list from
Circuit Cellar’s web site.
Figure 4—The node points of the initial mesh track image fea-
tures are forwarded in time by their respective motion vectors.
Moving Picture Experts Group
Author’s Note: I would like to
thank the Natural Sciences and
Engineering Research Council of
Canada, the Canadian Foundation
for Innovations, URGC, Micronet,
Alberta Innovation and Science,
and Research Excellence Envelope
for supporting this research.
Dr. Wael Badawy is a professor in
the Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering at University
of Calgary, Canada. Some of his
interests include video coding for
low bit rate applications, digital
video processing, video library,
water-marking, and spatial data-
base. Wael was honored with the
2001 Micralyne Microsystems
Design Award and 1998 Upsilon Pi
Epsilon Honor Society and IEEE
Computer Society Award for
Academic Excellence in Computer
Disciplines. You may reach him at
Issue 137 December 2001
ou know the
old saying, “if it
looks like a duck,
walks like a duck, and
quacks like a duck, it must be a
duck?” For hunting retrievers it only
needs to sound like a duck, and they
believe there is a duck out there. OK,
so I don’t really know what dogs
think, but my Quacker gets their
attention so they look at the mark
and see it to the ground. (I’m using
some dog training jargon here, so you
may want to refer to my article
“Pigeons, Pooches, and PICS,”
(Circuit Cellar 134)).
Recently I was training with two
friends and we were trying to set up a
triple mark. Because one of the three-
some needs to handle a dog, it isn’t
practical for that person to also throw
a mark. Therefore, we were using a
launcher (similar to the one shown in
Photo 3 of “Pigeons, Pooches, and
PICs”) to throw the third mark.
However, unlike my former project,
this unit had no ability to make sound.
After tripping the launcher twice
and walking out to reload and cock it
twice because my dog turned his head
the wrong way just prior to the
launch twice and never saw anything,
I gave up. This convinced me of the
value of the Quacker, which was
being tested by a well-respected dog
trainer at the time.
Only a few of my projects get to the
prototype stage without serious redesign,
and this one was no exception. Either
the first attempt just doesn’t work or
by the time I get it working I discover
a far better way to do it.
My first attempt for this project
was to make an HC11 play wave
files. This was attractive at first
because I knew there were a large
number of bird sounds available on
the Internet as wave files. In addition,
a colleague had already done some of
the groundwork associated with the
wave file structure and played them
with a microcontroller.
However, getting the wave file data
available for the HC11 turned out to
be more troublesome than I expected.
There had to be a way to convert the
data into a form that could be used by
the HC11 because the wave file is a
file on the PC, and the HC11 wasn’t
intended to read files from a hard
drive. Another colleague helped out
here by creating UNIX code that
would read the wave file binary data
and convert it to ASCII so it could be
inserted as a table of data in HC11 code.
Because the HC11 board already has
a DAC on it, it didn’t take long to
connect an amplifier to the DAC out-
put. Then, I was ready to make some
noise from wave files. Unfortunately,
the first sound was disappointing. A
pitiful hardly recognizable squawk is
all you get from 16 KB worth of data?
Had I done some calculations ahead of
Gordon Dick
Does Your PIC Quack?
There’s always room
for improvement. After
Gordon wrote about
his Quacker a few
months ago, he contin-
ued revamping it. This
month, he shares his
newest modification,
adding sound to the
dog-training device.
He’s working with PICs
again and adds ISD
chips to the parts list.
Adding Sound to a Training Device
Photo 1—This is the sound chip programmer. An elec-
tret mic is visible below the speaker. So far, program-
ming has been done from the PC speaker, but there is
provision for feeding an audio signal in directly.
Issue 137 December 2001
idea to look at them more carefully.
The bandwidth of the low-end
record/playback chips is similar to a
phone line. That’s pretty low, but
maybe I could get by with that. And
even the smallest of the chips in
terms of storage time was almost big
enough for this project. These chips
can also stand alone, which means I
could evaluate one quickly without
creating any micro code. So, I ordered
some ISD1110s to evaluate.
Next, I visited the ISD web site and
downloaded the datasheets. [1, 2] Use-
ful app notes are on the site too. By the
time the parts arrived, I felt I knew how
to use the device and construct the
record/playback circuit from the app
notes (see Photo 1 and Figure 1).
After recording and playing back
various voice tests to verify the record/
playback circuit was working, I was
ready to record a duck call. After
plugging “duck calls” into a search
engine on the ’Net, I realized there are
a large number of folks in the U.S. who
build and sell duck calls. After playing
a few on my PC, I selected one and
recorded it onto the ISD1110. I was
surprised and pleased with the play-
time, the outcome wouldn’t have
been a surprise. Anyway, it was now
evident that too much EPROM was
going to be required to get the several
seconds of sound I wanted. So, it was
time to look for another way.
Figure 1—Programming of the sound chips is done with this board. Press the Record button, play the sound into
the electret mic, and press Play to hear what you’ve just recorded. It’s almost that simple.
On numerous occasions I had seen
the voice record/playback chips from
ISD in Digi-Key’s catalog, but had
always dismissed them without seri-
ous consideration. Now it was a good
Figure 2—
The ISD1110 allows the first Quacker to be simple. Battery operation requires a charger, which is shown at the top. Below that, U3 makes the sound and U4 ampli-
fies it. ISO1 allows the Quacker to be driven from a range of voltages with either polarity.
ment than was possible on a wire
wrap board. The datasheet calls for
the external impedance from each
input to ground be 50 k
or less to
prevent oscillations. I had to reduce it
to 10 k
to completely stop the oscil-
lations and have a well-behaved
amplifier on the prototype.
I wanted to use the mute function
because it would reduce power con-
sumption, but the amplifier takes 2 or
3 s to make noise again, which is not
acceptable for this application. But
because the LM4755 is a stereo amp,
configuring it to accept differential
inputs and drive the speaker differen-
tially was easy. (Some manufacturers
refer to this as a bridge-tied load, or
btl.) This is a common trick in bat-
tery-powered equipment and theoreti-
cally increases the power delivered to
the load by a factor of four over what
could be delivered to a single-ended
load with the same supply voltage.
This makes it practical to use an 8-
speaker, which is more common than
and still have high output power
(see Photos 2 and 3 and Figure 2).
Issue 137 December 2001
back quality. This chip was just what
my project needed! I couldn’t wait to
play this with some amplification.
That same evening, I pressed a
small servo amplifier into audio serv-
ice. The higher volume playback still
sounded fine, but now there is a nasty
pop at the start and end of playback.
This won’t do!
The noise didn’t show up on the
record/playback circuit because the
speaker was driven differentially.
Using the single-ended audio signal
from the ISD1110 (the way it was for
this test) allows the pop to feed
through. Later, I found a warning in
the application notes about this com-
plication; the application circuits
always use an amplifier with a differ-
ential input to produce more power.
Thus, I could play decent quacks
but needed an amplifier/speaker that
would function from batteries out-
doors. Maybe I could just…
This seemed like a clever idea until
I looked at the price. The least expen-
sive one I could find was still in the
$70 (US $) range. This is far too
expensive as the starting point.
At that moment, I began searching
for an audio power amplifier IC in the
10-W range with low quiescent cur-
rent, differential drive capability, good
availability, and low price. My search
stopped with the National LM4755; it
even has a mute function that may
further lower the quiescent current. [3]
I also required an outdoor horn
speaker. The least expensive one I
found is white, which isn’t the best
color for dog training because dogs see
white well. White will do for the pro-
totype but won’t be acceptable for
production versions.
After I bought the LM4755, I wire-
wrapped the prototype. The power
amplifier wanted to be a power oscil-
lator, but that wasn’t surprising
because I didn’t construct the proto-
type as the datasheet recommended.
National suggests heavy tracks for
power and a more compact arrange-
Figure 3—The PIC-based Quacker is shown
here minus the battery charger circuitry.
Issue 137 December 2001
tant considering someone
blowing a duck call often can’t
make enough noise (if its
windy, for example) to get the
dog’s attention. And field trial
workers do marking at dis-
tances up to 300 yd, so the dis-
tance alone attenuates sound
During the course of the
next few weeks, the Quacker
made many friends, I was told
by my field tester. This was
good news! Well, there were a
few folks who complained
about the white horn. Hunt
test folks don’t like to give the
dog anything white to focus on
because this wouldn’t happen
in a real hunting situation.
Field trial folks play a different
game and never complained
about the white speaker. But,
as I said, I planned to get dif-
ferent color speakers after the
prototype was tested.
When I asked the field tester
if more than one sound would
be a desirable feature, she responded
emphatically, “Yes!” That’s when I
began working on Quacker 2.
To play three sounds with a 3- to
5-s duration, you need a different
model ISD chip. I chose the ISD1416,
which is similar to the ISD1110 but
has 16 s of recording time. Further-
more, in order to play three sounds, I
had to manipulate the address lines of
the ISD1416. I know every problem
doesn’t have to be solved with a
microcontroller, but this seemed like
a natural for a PIC. Because I wanted
to get rid of that volume control pot
and trade it for a digital version, the
decision was easy. In addition, I was
now familiar with the PIC16F84
from a previous project. For more
information about the PIC, read
Microchip’s datasheets. [4, 5]
The user interface needed to be
more than an on/off switch and a vol-
ume knob. My field tester cautioned
me repeatedly that the user interface
for dog folks had to be simple and
intuitive. She said, “They don’t want
to be trying to program a VCR while
As soon as I was sure the Quacker
was working reliably, I shipped it to
California for field testing. My field
tester is so pleased with it! She said
she’s never had anything sound so
realistic or loud. Loudness is impor-
Photo 2—
For the first Quacker, there’s simply a power switch,
indicator, volume pot, and cable to connect to a trigger source.
The C-clamp under the horn allows it to fasten to a stake (when
used with a bird box) or to some part of the frame of a large cata-
pult type of launcher (called a winger).
Photo 3—
The two 12-V, sealed lead acid batteries
(not shown) in the first Quacker easily provide in
excess of 100 quacks before recharging is required.
Issue 137 December 2001
dog training!” I believe this user
interface will meet with her approval,
however, she hasn’t evaluated one yet.
Keeping the number of volume lev-
els to three allows three LEDs to show
the current volume or sound depend-
ing on whether sound or volume is
being changed. Two push buttons will
be used, one to change volume and
one to change sound. To change vol-
ume for example, you hold down the
volume button for 4 s. This will
cause one of the three LEDs to light
showing the current volume level.
Short button presses now will
advance through the three volume
levels in ring counter fashion. When
the desired volume setting is displayed,
another 4-s button press will store the
new volume setting for use. The process
is similar for changing the sound to be
played. In normal use, the three LEDs
function as a power on indicator by
blinking sequentially. A schematic of
the Quacker 2 is shown in Figure 3.
Although there are eight address lines
on the ISD chips to access the sound
memory, they don’t have to be driven
individually if the space is divided only
into three blocks as in this case. There’s
an app note that gives all the details. [6]
It’s a good thing that eight address
lines aren’t required, because I/O pins
are being used up quickly. Let’s see,
that was five for the user interface and
three for sound memory, out of 13.
A digital pot from Microchip has
the same value as the rotational one
used in Quacker 1. This device inter-
faces with a micro via an SPI type
serial link, and requires another three
I/O lines. That leaves two unused I/O
pins, maybe I’ll find a job for them later.
The schematic for Quacker 2 is
nearly as simple as for Quacker 1.
However, now there is some code to
create before things will work. None
of the code for this project gave me
any serious grief, but my burn-and-
learn development system is slow.
As various parts were completed
and tested, the size of the hex file
grew and I started to get concerned
about running out of memory. In the
end, only about a quarter of the avail-
able 1 KB was used. But that was good,
because there may need to be some
additions, which I’ll discuss next.
(The code for this project is available
on the Circuit Cellar web site.)
Photo 4 shows the double-sided PCB
version of a completed Quacker 2.
There are always ways to improve.
At the moment, volume and sound
selections are established out of reset.
However it would be nicer to have the
last settings used stored in EEPROM
and used during the next powerup. I
plan to do this for the next revision.
Presently, there is no way to acti-
vate the Quacker except to drive it as
usual by plugging it into an Rx unit
output and pressing the corresponding
Tx button. It may be useful to be able
to activate the Quacker from the front
panel of the unit as well. Rather than
adding another button, pressing both
buttons at once should work. More
code modifications for the next revision.
Currently, I record the sound onto
the ISD chips using a PC. The process
is cumbersome and would produce
Issue 137 December 2001
Edmonton, Canada. He consults in
the area of intelligent motion control
and is usually working on some elec-
tronic project. You may reach him at
better quality sounds if the signal
were to be fed in directly rather than
from a speaker through a microphone.
There must be a way to program the
ISD chips similar to the way an
EPROM is programmed. Will this get
done for the next revision? Maybe.
My field tester tells me there can
never be too much volume. However,
adding more volume would drive up
the cost of this product considerably.
Potentially the operating voltage
would have to rise (another battery)
and the power stage would have to be
stronger (a new power amp). No,
those things won’t happen.
What about letting the customer
record his own sound? Maybe he
wants the Quacker to produce quacks
like his local ducks, not like the one I
happened to select. An electret micro-
phone would have to be added and
possibly a record button. Of course,
the code also would have to be modi-
fied. Interesting thought; I’ll have to
check with my field tester.
LM4755 Amplifier IC
National Semiconductor Corp.
(408) 721-5000
[1] Information Storage Devices,
“ISD1100 Series Single-Chip
Voice Record/Playback Device:
10- and 12-Second Durations.”
[2] ———, “ISD1400 Series Single-
Chip Voice Record/Playback
Devices: 16- and 20-Second
Durations,” April 1998.
[3] National Semiconductor Corp.,
“LM4755 Stereo 11W Audio
Power Amplifier with Mute,”
DS100059, August 15, 2000.
[4] Microchip Technology Inc.,
“MCP41xxx/42xxx: Single/Dual
Digital Potentiometer with SPI
Interface,” DS11195A.
[5] ———, “PIC16F84: 18-Pin
Flash/EEPROM 8-Bit
Microcontrollers,” DS30430C.
[6] Winbond Electronics Corp.,
“Stand-Alone/Parallel Interface
Products—Basic Addressing,”
The code is available on Circuit
A monthly magazine for the
electronics enthusiast, amateur
or professional.
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projects in each issue, includ-
ing full p.c.b. layout and wiring
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advances in technology
FEATURES describing how
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Gordon Dick (Professional Engineer)
is an instructor of Computer
Engineering Technology at Northern
Alberta Institute of Technology in
Photo 4a—
This is the component side of Quacker 2.
Only the PIC and ISD chip are socketed.
switches, push buttons, and LEDs are mounted on the
foil side to reduce the wiring required for packaging.
Issue 137 December 2001
utdoor sculpture
undergoes style
trends much like
everything else. For a
while, hunks of blowtorch art welded
from steel plate decorated municipal
lawns wherever I went. I always
thought it was a shame they didn’t
use all that steel and acetylene to
build something useful.
When I helped provide amateur
radio support for a fund-
raising bicycle tour in
North Carolina, part of
the route passed the (now
decommissioned) Voice of
America transmitter site
near Greenville. Finally
I’d found metal sculpture
that made sense: acres of
latticed steel pylons and
cable catenaries!
Antennas, whether you
regard them as sculpture
or eyesore, form a funda-
mental part of RF circuitry;
without an antenna you
don’t have a radio. You
won’t need a blowtorch
for the antenna sculptures
discussed in this article,
but a big, fat, 250-W sol-
dering gun will help.
Recently, I received an evaluation
kit from Lemos International with a
pair of Radiometrix BIM-2 UHF data
radios exercised by PIC microcon-
trollers. I immediately wondered how
the radios work in real life, as
opposed to datasheet space, and how
different antennas might change
their useful range. After all, Radio-
metrix has solved the problem of
transmuting bits into RF and return-
ing them unchanged, so we can do
some fun stuff here.
Embedded radios such as the BIM-2
generally live inside devices that don’t
look like radios, have no room for
external antennas, and get used with
little consideration for RF. The simple
antennas I present here are better
than average because they’re visible,
out in the open, and awkward.
At first glance, an antenna violates
the common rule that you need two
conductors to make a circuit; juice
goes into the single conductor of an
antenna and vanishes. In reality, an
antenna converts between electrical
energy in a circuit and electromagnet-
ic energy in free space using rules that
don’t apply to low-frequency circuits.
The shape, size, and configuration
of an antenna’s conductors determine
how it reacts to energy of various fre-
quencies. Designing an antenna from
Although antennas
don’t qualify as art-
work, they are an
essential part of any
communication equa-
tion, especially radio
communications. This
month, Ed gives us a
backgrounder on the
ins and outs of anten-
na basics, as well as
covering a variety of
styles used today.
Ed Nisley
UHF Wire Sculpture
Photo 1—
The Radiometrix evaluation boards, with black and gold BIM-2
UHF data radios, wear a 433-MHz rubber duck antenna and a 50-
minator, respectively. The copper ground plane supports a second
(slightly bent) duck, with a 900-MHz stubby duck lying in the foreground.
Issue 137 December 2001
scratch requires deeper knowledge
than most engineers will ever have, so
we generally content ourselves with
applying and modifying existing
designs. Entire books have been writ-
ten about antenna design, so I have
room to present only the highlights.
Check the references for more details
and the theoretical background
behind what you see here.
All of the antennas I used descend
from the vertically polarized, quarter-
wave branch of the family tree.
“Quarter-wave” means their radiating
section measures roughly one quarter
of their operating wavelength, denot-
ed by the Greek lambda:
. Note
that BIM-2 radios use 433.92 MHz
= 691 mm and
= 173 mm).
Various geometric and parasitic
effects affect the actual length of the
wires, so you cut long and trim for
the best results.
“Vertically polarized” means the
antenna’s electric field is aligned ver-
tically. Although other applications
take advantage of other polarizations,
portable communications equipment
typically uses vertical polarization.
By virtue of their size,
are resonant at their operating fre-
quency, which means, among other
things, that they present a nearly
pure resistance at their feedpoint.
The ideal feedpoint resistance match-
es the feedline, which is typically a
coaxial cable.
If the antenna does not present an
exact impedance match to the cable,
it reflects RF energy back from its
feedpoint and sets up standing volt-
age waves along the cable. The volt-
age standing wave ratio (VSWR or,
more commonly, just SWR) meas-
ures this mismatch, with 1:1 being
perfect and unattainable and 2:1 being
usable. An SWR exceeding 3:1 means
you have more trimming and adjust-
ing to do or, alas, you’re one snip
over the line.
Because antennas and feedlines can
present reactive as well as resistive
impedances, you wind up using com-
plex numbers for the first time since
college. You also need instrumenta-
tion that can perform meaningful
measurements at UHF frequencies. I
decided to use an Autek Research
RF-5 VHF Analyst to measure the
feedpoint impedance and SWR while
trimming the antennas.
The Radiometrix eval boards
include six status LEDs to indicate
what’s going on, two of which are
useful for antenna work. The PIC
turns on the Signal LED when it
detects the preamble sequence at the
start of a received data packet and
lights OK if the entire packet has no
errors. Because BIM-2 radios don’t
produce an analog received signal
strength indicator (RSSI) output,
there’s no direct way to measure the
actual RF signal power.
However, even binary outputs mark
the edge of the coverage area, which
is pretty much all you need for a
quick evaluation. In my tests, OK
went off a few feet before Signal
dropped out, so range mapping
involved nothing more than a tape
measure, clipboard, and some hiking.
Hand-held portable radios generally
come with an antenna called a rubber
duck. A flexible steel spring covered
with rubber or plastic tubing forms
the radiating element, with a BNC or
SMA radio connector on the bottom.
Because they’re flexible, it’s difficult
to break the antenna or impale your-
self on it. Ducks are popular, which is
unfortunate because, in general,
they’re lousy antennas.
“Nisley’s Duckie Design Criterion”
explains why: Any antenna included
with a hand-held radio must be no
more than 1
taller than the radio. As
proof, note that if the antenna were
any taller, it wouldn’t fit in the box
beside the radio, which is packed in a
Styrofoam cradle with 0.5
of padding
on each end.
The BIM-2 evaluation kit includes
a pair of rubber duck antennas tuned
for 433 MHz. Photo 1 shows the
radios and antennas, which formed
the starting point for my investiga-
tions. I used the parking lot of a
nearby high school for my antenna
test range one summer morning. With
a rubber duck on each evaluation
board, I set one vertically atop a
Photo 2—
ground plane antenna is made
of no. 10 AWG copper wire. Two ferrite beads decou-
ple the coax feedline from the antenna. Five colorful
plastic beads help prevent eye injuries.
Photo 3—
A BNC panel connector through the copper
ground plane supports the center driven element of a
Yagi-Uda antenna. The brass tubes fine-tune the ele-
ment lengths. Yes, the copper plane is slightly warped.
Photo 4—
A directional discontinuity ring radiator
antenna is a
/4 length of wire bent in a loop parallel to
a copper ground plane.
Issue 137 December 2001
wooden stool in the middle of the lot
and walked away, watching the OK
and Signal LEDs on the hand-held
board. At 100 paces, about 300
, I’d
run out of parking lot space without
running out of signal.
Actually that wasn’t too surprising,
as UHF propagates nicely along line-
of-sight paths. I replaced the antenna
with a 50-
terminator and walked
back toward the stool. The LEDs
begin blinking merrily at about 60
which set the reference distance for
all of my other measurements.
Using a terminator as an antenna is
a great way to get high attenuation,
because the radio sees only the leak-
age from the radio’s antenna wiring.
Confining my measurements to
walking distance made things easy,
but you’ll get much greater range
with a real antenna.
The other antennas require a coaxi-
al cable between the evaluation board
and antenna base. In the RF domain,
cables must be an integral number of
half-wavelengths long to transfer the
antenna impedance unchanged to the
radio. We’ll discuss this in greater
detail later on, so just take it as a
given for now.
I set up several RG-58A cables for
use at 433.92 MHz and measured
their loss at about 3 dB. Obviously,
RG-58A is not the best cable for
UHF use, because half of the trans-
mitter’s power and half of the
received signal vanishes along the
wire. This doesn’t matter for our pur-
poses, because all of the antennas
were measured with approximately
the same losses. I mounted the duck
at the end of a cable, which dropped
the range to 24
Ducks require a decent ground
beneath them, which can be provided
either by the radio itself or a formal
ground plane, but a simple coaxial
cable doesn’t work well. Adding the
ground plane you see in Photo 1
pushed the signal out to 56
. Note
that the same antenna reaches the
same distance using half the power
simply by putting a better ground
plane underneath. The surface
beneath the antenna forms a key part
of the system; the better the ground,
the better the antenna.
Just to show that antennas should
be matched to the transmitter, the
900-MHz stubby duck illustrated in
the middle of Photo 1 reached only
from the middle of that ground
plane. That’s equal to the bare 433-
MHz duck on a cable, but demon-
strates that anything will radiate at
least a little bit.
Photo 2 shows what’s called a quar-
ter-wave ground plane antenna, even
though you don’t see a solid copper
sheet. Each of the five copper wires
, with the vertical radiat-
ing element insulated from the four
lower wires. Note that, no matter
how you put it down, one spine always
sticks up. Long ago, iron caltrops
shaped like this crippled knights’ hors-
es on battlefields. When you build one,
you must put fat beads on the wire
ends to reduce the risk of eye injury.
The four lower wires are connected
to the coax shield and define a
ground plane for the antenna (think
of them as a skeletonized copper
sheet). The feedpoint impedance of
the vertical
wire varies with the
angle below the horizontal of the
ground plane wires, such that a 45°
angle produces a 50-
impedance and
a nearly perfect SWR.
Ungainly as it may appear, this
antenna reaches out 75
. Again,
remember that the other radio had a
terminator for an antenna.
All of the antennas so far have a
single radiating element and uniform
azimuthal response: an equal range in
all directions around the parking lot.
Although ideal for a portable radio,
sometimes you need more range in
one direction than another.
Professor Hidetsugu Yagi and his
student Shintaro Uda published a paper
in 1926 describing a new type of anten-
na that achieved directional radiation
using parasitic elements arranged near
a single radiating element. Typically,
Yagi antennas use a central boom
with the elements extending equally
on both sides. The signal polarization
follows the elements: vertical wires
produce vertical polarization.
Photo 3 shows a Yagi-Uda variant
with vertical elements above a copper
sheet; it’s effectively half a Yagi
antenna emerging from the ground
plane. The central element is a
antenna, with the other
two acting to accentuate the response
toward the left.
A fellow ham operator (Jason,
WA2LJW) designed this antenna based
on my hand-waving description. He
used EZNEC, an antenna simulation
program found on the Internet, to
model various configurations. After
some twiddling, Jason picked one
with an SWR of about 2, 3 dBi gain to
the front and –8 dBi to the rear.
I built the unit on a big sheet of
double-sided circuit board with a grid
of plated-through holes and a bulk-
head BNC connector supporting the
center element. The short brass
tubes on the ends of the elements
allowed for some adjustment, howev-
er, I did not go through a careful
optimization process.
My field test produced ranges of
in the front and 16
in the rear.
When used as a receiving antenna, it
can suppress unwanted signals com-
ing from the back of the antenna
while still being as sensitive as the
rubber duck toward the front. Because
you must increase power by approxi-
mately 6 dB to double the range, the
numbers agree to within the resolu-
tion of my technique: a factor of
four range change for 11 dB of power
difference. It’s worth noting, how-
ever, that my measurements are not
good to much more than one signifi-
cant figure, so you cannot reach
solid conclusions.
Although ground plane antennas
work well for mobile applications,
the radically different antenna shown
in Photo 4 has some significant
advantages. It’s omnidirectional, eye-
safe, vertically polarized, and (at UHF
frequencies) inconspicuous. However,
on the downside, it sports a jawbreak-
er of a name: directional discontinu-
ity ring radiator.
Different sources give different
explanations of its operation. It’s a
magnetic antenna, a transmission-line
Issue 137 December 2001
I’m not a lawyer, I can pick out some
relevant sections with the help of
ARRL analysis. [3] You should not,
however, construe what follows as
binding legal counsel.
First, the good news for home con-
structors. Part 15.23(a) notes that
“equipment authorization is not
required for devices that are not mar-
keted, are not constructed from a kit,
and are built in quantities of five or
less for personal use.” [2] The devices
you build in your own shop must,
however, conform to the various
requirements in the subsequent hun-
dred-odd pages.
Now the bad news. Part 15.209
specifies a maximum field strength of
200 mV/m measured at 3 m for inten-
tional radiators in the UHF band.
Intentional radiators means anything
that deliberately emits RF, which
means anything you think of as a
radio for data or voice transmission.
Part 15.231 allows higher power for
intermittent, intentional radiators
that do not transmit voice or data
(examples include remote controls,
security sensors, and garage door
openers). The radio must transmit for
no more than 1 s, pause at least 10 s
between transmissions, and have a
duty cycle under 1/30.
Field strength depends on the trans-
mitter power, antenna gain, and dis-
tance from the transmitter. In free
space, transmitted power spreads out
from an isotropic antenna in a spheri-
cal wave front with a surface area
equal to 4
. Multiplying the trans-
mitter power by the antenna gain, G,
(as a numeric factor, not dB) and
dividing by the sphere’s surface area
at a given distance, r, produces the
power density in watts per square
meter at the receiver:
Converting from power density to
electric field strength involves Z
, the
characteristic impedance of free
space, the derivation of which is well
beyond the scope of this column. It’s
sufficient to say that Z
= 377
that the power density at the receiv-
er is related to the field strength by
antenna, a teeny vertical antenna
with a massive capacitance hat, or a
bent-wire dummy load. A QST article
by Robert Dome provides many of the
equations you’ll need to design and
evaluate a DDRR. [1] I boiled these
down into a Mathcad worksheet
which I’ll summarize here.
The DDRR consists of a roughly
/4 length of wire bent into a loop
parallel to a horizontal, metallic
ground plane. Its efficiency increases
as the vertical section becomes longer
and the loop shorter, up to the point
where it turns into a standard
antenna. I used a 19-mm vertical sec-
tion to get decent efficiency, trimmed
the loop to 433.92 MHz, and found
the 50-
feedpoint on the vertical sec-
tion. I measured a 1.3 SWR, which is
the lower limit for my Autek analyz-
er, through a
trimmed length of
RG-58A feedline with a 3-dB loss.
Surprisingly, it was the second-best
performer on the range, reaching 60
in a roughly circular pattern. Not bad
for an antenna you can barely see! A
Radiometrix app note describes how
to build a loop antenna with printed-
circuit board traces. I haven’t evaluat-
ed those designs, but they probably
don’t work as well as a moderately
elevated DDRR.
Now, having measured some RF, we
must talk about the law. In general,
you may not simply turn on a trans-
mitter and begin sending voice or data
through the air, not even as part of a
test, not even for one single bit. The
Federal Communications
Commission controls the who, what,
where, when, how, and why of the
electromagnetic spectrum between
9 kHz and 300 GHz for nongovern-
mental users in the U.S. The FCC’s
word is, simply, the law of the land.
You’ll find the rules governing low-
power, unlicensed, civilian transmit-
ter operation in 47 CFR 15: Part 15 of
Title 47 of the Code of Federal
Regulations. [2] The American Radio
Relay League also presents the infor-
mation on its own web site
and www.arrl.org/FandES/field/
regulations/news/part97/). Although
Issue 137 December 2001
The code is available on Circuit
RF-5 VHF Analyst
Autek Research
(727) 397-8155
EZNEC software
Roy C. Lewallen (W7EL)
BIM-2 UHF data radios
Radiometrix Ltd.
44 20 8428 1220
Fax: 44 20 8428 1221
Lemos International, Inc.
(508) 798-5004
Fax: (508) 798-4782
the following equation:
Combining and solving for trans-
mitter power gives:
Cranking in the Part 15 limit of
200 mV/m at 3 meters and using an
isotropic antenna (G = 1, 0 dBi) gives
12 nW. That isn’t a misprint; you may
emit no more than 12 nW of RF. The
BIM-2 radios shown in Photo 1 pro-
duce 10 mW of power at their output
pin. That’s 59 dB, nearly one million
times too much power.
An isotropic antenna in free space
bears only a passing resemblance to
an actual device, so your results will
be different. You will probably discov-
er that your radio must emit even
less power when you consider the
gain of your antenna.
In short, BIM-2 data radios cannot
legally be used for voice or data trans-
mission under FCC Part 15 without
drastically attenuating their output,
to the point where there’s essentially
no power left. Surprised? You’re prob-
ably not alone. BIM-2 radios comply
with European UHF power limits,
which are significantly higher than
U.S. limits. Radiometrix provides an
application note that discusses power
outputs in various jurisdictions,
although the company uses the FCC’s
higher power limits applicable to
intermittent radiators.
Fortunately, you can also operate
UHF transmitters under 47 CFR 97,
the regulations for the Amateur Radio
Service. In order to transmit under
Part 97, however, you must have an
amateur radio license. You may then
bounce 1.5-kW UHF signals off the
moon, should you so desire.
If you recall, back in February I told
you to get a ham ticket. Now you
know why.
Ham radio operators must identify
their transmissions every 10 min.
with their call signs. I used a small
Ed Nisley, PE, is an electrical engi-
neer and a ham radio geek
(KE4ZNU). You may contact him at
[1] R. Dome, “A Study of the
DDRR Antenna,” QST (reprints
at www.arrl.org), July 1972.
[2] Federal Communications
Commission, Code of Federal
Regulations Title 47
, GPO,
Washington, D.C.
[3] The ARRL Antenna Book, 17
Edition, ISBN 0-87259-473-4.
Purchase online at www.arrl.org.
hand-held radio at 300 mW, 15 dB
higher than the data radios. This sat-
isfies Part 97.119 even though BIM-2
radios themselves weren’t transmit-
ting my call sign.
Part 97.307 sets emission standards
and Part 97.309 specifies coding
methods and bandwidths. I have not
done a complete analysis of BIM-2
radios as used in the eval kits, but I
believe they are not in compliance
when operated at their full 64-kbps
data rate and maximum FM devia-
tion. For voice communication, how-
ever, they should work just fine.
Issue 137 December 2001
n occasional
pastime of mine
(and of a few friends
in my rural Georgia
locale) is to watch for satellites in the
early evenings as they pass over and
reflect the light of the sun. OK, you’re
right, it’s a little difficult to find
entertainment out here.
The North American Aerospace
Defense Command (NORAD) tracks
all known orbiting objects. As of
September 26, 2001, NORAD was
tracking 8998 orbiting bodies,
including payloads, rocket bodies,
and debris. Some of these objects are
far too small to be seen, but plenty
of them are highly visible with a tele-
scope. There are spectacular events
to watch, such as a Space Shuttle
trailing the International Space
Station by a few degrees as the shuttle
approaches for docking.
Quite a few programs and web sites
exist that predict the look angles
(azimuth and elevation) of these
objects. NORAD produces mathemat-
ical elements (known as Keplerian
two-line elements) that may be
plugged into an orbital prediction
algorithm to predict the locations of
the objects (the look angles). If you’re
unfamiliar with satellite tracking,
there are many web sites with abun-
dant information. A couple to get you
started are www.satobs.org/satintro.
html and www.celestrak.com.
Being an amateur radio operator and
having an interest in satellites led me
a few years ago to design a rotor con-
troller to track the satellites. This
unit required a continuous stream of
data from a PC to instruct the rotor
where to point. There are numerous
tracking programs and several com-
mercial rotor controllers that perform
this same task. The main difference
in my design was that it used inex-
pensive TV rotors.
As it turned out, one of the side
benefits of the rotor controller was
that I could use it to point to visible
satellites to aid in locating them. I
soon began to ponder the possibility
of a portable version that could be
operated independently of the com-
puter, not requiring real-time data.
Then, the Design2K contest spon-
sored by Circuit Cellar and Philips
brought the incentive I needed to get
to work on the project.
The SatPoint, shown in Photo 1, is
a portable satellite-tracking device
with an illuminated pointer that
points toward satellites under the
direction of an 87LPC764 controller.
You connect the unit to a PC via RS-
232 to receive a download of up to
100 satellite passes.
SatPoint Project
Kenneth’s SatPoint
project probably won’t
resolve the mystery of
UFOs, but it does
make it easy to track
satellites as they orbit
above us. With the
help of a Philips
87LPC764 controller,
the SatPoint plots the
course and points out
satellites as they pass
over your location.
Kenneth Trussell
8051 (DS5000T)
1: P1.0
1: P0.0
2: P1.1
20: P0.1
3: P1.2
19: P0.2
4: P1.3
18: P0.3
5: P1.4
17: P0.4
6: P1.5
16: P0.5
7: P1.6
15: P0.6
8: P1.7
13: P0.7
10: P3.0 (RxD)
12: P1.0 (TxD)
11: P3.1 (TxD)
11: P1.1 (RxD)
12: P3.2
10: P1.2
13: P3.3
9: P1.3
14: P3.4
8: P1.4
15: P3.5
4: P1.5
16: P3.6
3: P1.6
17: P3.7
2: P1.7
21: P2.0
7: P2.0
Table 1—
I wired a 40-pin IC socket to a 20-pin IC
socket. A RAM-based Dallas Semiconductor DS5000T
was used for software development in the place of the
OTP 87LPC764.
Issue 137 December 2001
The LP3965 datasheets show that
the dropout voltage (V
– V
) is
approximately 150 mV at 600 mA, so
the supply can drop to an output of
approximately 5.15 V before you start
having problems. This doesn’t leave
much running room (another good
reason to design for 3.3 V). Based on a
quick review of the data from
data.energizer.com, I estimated that
alkaline batteries should last between
2 and 3 h. I use rechargeable NiMH
batteries, and have run them for 3 h
with no problems.
When I made the decision to enter
the contest about two months prior to
the deadline, I knew I would have to
be organized to complete my design
in time. I began by drawing a rough
block diagram and a few notes on
how the machine would operate. I
used Microsoft Project to produce a
Gantt chart to show myself how I
could meet the deadline. It looked
possible if I stayed focused. I have to
admit that I took a week vacation
from work at the end and slept little.
Am I the only person who tortures
himself to have so much fun?
The major challenge always is the
mechanical part of a design. I needed
a small, low-power device that would
move a pointer to all compass headings
and from 0° to 90° vertically. Searching
the Internet, I found a robotic claw
that uses two radio-controlled air-
plane servos strapped together at 90°
angles. I had found my mechanics.
Recently, I used wire wrap boards
for a project’s first prototype, but with
two-sided prototype PC boards so
along its length. The pointer is a
wooden dowel with holes
drilled in it for the LED leads (see
Photo 3). At night, the row of LEDs
provides just enough illumination
needed to sight along the pointer
toward a satellite.
An Epson 8593 I
C RTC chip keeps
time. An I
C 32-KB EEPROM stores
satellite data. I use an RS-232 port to
receive the data for upcoming satel-
lite passes. For the display, I use a 2 ×
20 LCD. A 74HC148 encoder is used
to encode the six-switch inputs into
three lines to the 87LPC764 to con-
serve CPU I/O lines. This design
requires 17 I/O pins (out of the 18 pins
available) on the 87LPC764. I used an
external oscillator to run the proces-
sor at 7.3728 MHz.
I based my design on 3.3 V at first
(except for the servo power, which
can be selected with a jumper to
come from before or after the voltage
regulator.) When I began ordering
parts, some of the 3.3-V parts (e.g.,
3.3-V RS-232 interface chip or 3.3-V
real-time clock chip) I wanted were
out of stock at the distributors I
checked. Therefore, I decided to
design for 5 V but tried to choose
components that could also operate at
3.3 V. As it stands, all components
except the 8593 RTC are available in
a 3.3-V version.
Four AA batteries or an unregulated
6-VDC wall wart provides power. An
LP3965-ADJ adjustable low dropout
regulator provides 5 V (3.3 V with a
resistor change). Current draw is
approximately 300 mA with no point-
er movement and the LCD backlight
turned off. It increases to approxi-
mately 400 mA with the addition of
full backlighting and 550 to 600 mA
when the pointer is moving.
The data may span several days.
The satellite records are stored in
nonvolatile memory permitting the
unit to be turned on and off as needed
without having to reload the tracking
data. The PC also sends the current
date and time to the SatPoint at the
beginning of each data set download.
A battery-backed, real-time clock pre-
serves the time so that the SatPoint
is ready to track real time at any
time. Push buttons and a 2 × 20 LCD
provide an operator interface.
A simplified block diagram of the
SatPoint is illustrated in Figure 1. At
the heart of the SatPoint is the
87LPC764 processor. The Philips
processor fits well in this application,
with 4 KB of EEPROM for the pro-
gram and an operating voltage of 2.7
to 6 V. It is well suited for battery
operation. Besides that, the 87LPC764
is dirt cheap. I paid $1.98 each for
small quantities. The worst disadvan-
tage to using the chip was the lack of
development tools, specifically a
hardware emulator, but that has
changed since the contest.
The SatPoint uses two RC airplane-
type servos in an azimuth/ elevation
configuration as shown in Photo 2.
The servos position an 18
with three dimly lit LEDs spaced
Photo 1—
The SatPoint is poised for a night of satellite
spotting. Four AA batteries on the rear power the unit
during portable operation.
Photo 2—
The azimuth servo is mounted through the
lid. The elevation servo is strapped to the azimuth
rotator with a hose clamp. This combination gives full
360° movement.
Photo 3—
Small holes are drilled in the pointer for the
LED leads. Wire wrap wire is used for interconnection.
I knew the burn-test-chunk-burn-
test-chunk… method would burn a
whole lot of $1.98 silicon. I began my
search for an emulator. I wanted one
specifically for the 87LPC764 to allow
emulation of the hardware I
C port.
At the time of the contest, the 51LPC
family was relatively new. Distributors
quoted deliveries from 12 to 143 weeks
for the Philips emulator. I was impressed
with the Ceibo product offering, but
Ceibo also had delivery problems,
expecting to have stock “any day now”
for weeks. Eventually, I canceled my
order, knowing it wouldn’t get to me
in time to help on this project.
The handiest tool was, of course,
the trusty oscilloscope. If you haven’t
debugged I
C live and in color (OK,
green) on an oscilloscope, you’re miss-
ing a treat. As you can see in Photo 5,
it’s interesting to see the textbook
waveforms come to life.
When it was obvious that I would
not get an emulator in time to help
with testing, I had to scramble for a
development system. I used a Dallas
Semiconductor DS5000T that a friend
had recently given to me (you can
never have too many friends like
that!). I wire wrapped a 20-pin wire
wrap socket to a 40-pin wire wrap
socket so that the DS5000T (standard
8051 pinout) mapped to the 17 pins of
the 87LPC764 I planned to use. The
mapping is shown in Table 1.
This puts the RX and TX in the
right place (8051 has them on P3, and
87LPC764 has them on P1). And,
with C preprocessor constants used
throughout my program, only a few
Issue 137 December 2001
inexpensive these days, it’s faster to
take a chance on the PC board and
make modifications as necessary to
get the circuit working.
For the board artwork, I decided to
try using Eagle from Cadsoft. I’ve
never been pleased with the $600
package I purchased several years ago,
even after several upgrades. I had
heard positive things about Eagle on
As a side note, comp.arch.embedded
is one of a few good newsgroups for
exchanging ideas and obtaining help
from other embedded engineers. If
you aren’t using this “other side” of
the ’Net, you’re missing a lot of
interesting discussion.
Eagle software is free for evalua-
tion from www.cadsoft.de. And, it
carries a reasonable price tag (as low
as $49 if you don’t mind being limited
to 3
× 4
After drawing the schematic in
Figure 2, I created a small PC board
layout, letting Eagle auto-route it. I
didn’t spend much time tweaking the
layout. I needed a board quickly and
Eagle did a good job with the routing.
The board was ordered via e-mail and
arrived two days later. Photo 4 is an
under-the-hood view of the board.
I mainly work as a hobbyist with
only an occasional commercial proj-
ect, so normally I cannot justify buy-
ing expensive tools. For full-size 8051
derivatives, I usually use a ROM
monitor with external RAM during
debugging. In this case, though,
because Philips produces only the
51LPC family in OTP parts, I thought
development would be greatly aided
with a hardware emulator.
Photo 4—
All ICs are DIP except for a surface-mount
8593 RTC that is hiding underneath the large after-
thought capacitor in the upper right corner. The two AA
cells form the battery backup for the RTC.
Photo 5—
The oscilloscope is invaluable in solving I
software problems. The top trace shown here is SDA,
and the bottom is SCL.
Issue 137 December 2001
lines have to be changed in the source
to choose 8051 or 87LPC764 compila-
tion. I used the software I
C code
from G. Goodhue of Philips-Signetics
for the low-level I
C routines on the
DS5000T. I originally planned to use
the hardware I
C port found on the
87LPC764, but because of the
approaching contest deadline and the
lack of a hardware emulator, I chose
the software implementation for the
final code version, as well.
I inserted the 20-pin wire wrap
socket into the socket on the PC
board to connect the DS5000T into
the circuit. Though ugly, this emula-
tion method worked well. I was able
to postpone burning an OTP part
until the end when all was debugged.
To get the most out of a compact
micro with limited program memory,
you need a good set of development
tools. I used Raisonance RC-51 and
the RIDE integrated environment.
The tools include a well-integrated
compiler, assembler, linker, simula-
tor, CodeCompressor51, and support
for ROM monitor.
CodeCompressor merits a word or
two. It is a new tool that performs the
same optimizations (peephole, factor-
ization, and in-lining) you would
expect from a good compiler, but it
does it at the post-linker level.
Performing the optimizations at this
level allows CodeCompressor to see
optimizations that a compiler opti-
mization step would miss. For exam-
ple, it will look for common code seg-
ments in the entire application,
including the library modules and
assembly modules, and combine
them into common functions.
After compiling my C source,
assembling the I
C assembly module,
and linking, I had a program size of
4132 bytes. But, that was a hair too
large for the 87LPC764). Then, after
running CodeCompressor, the size
dropped to 3856 bytes, comfortably
fitting in the 87LPC764 by saving
276 bytes (about 6.7%).
A radio-controlled airplane servo is
an interesting animal to control. It
has three wires, power, control, and
ground. Providing a series of pulses
on the control line operates the servo.
The position of the servo is deter-
mined by the pulse width it receives.
A typical servo will accept a pulse
width range of 0.5 to 2.5 ms for a
movement between –90° and 90°.
The off time generally should be
between 10 and 20 ms but is not crit-
ical, except that if it is too long, the
servo will go to sleep and may
drift from its position.
Obviously what I needed
here was a PWM output.
Unfortunately, the Philips
87LPC768, with PWM capabili-
ty, had not been released at the
time of the contest, so I created
the PWM outputs with a four-
step state machine implement-
ed in the Timer0 interrupt rou-
tine (see Listing 1). Each time
the interrupt routine is trig-
gered, the state variable,
istate, is incremented until it
reaches three at which time it
Photo 6—This is the main menu. By the way, that is a
tape-drive bezel surrounding the LCD.
Photo 7—During simulation and tracking, the azimuth and eleva-
tion are displayed below the satellite’s abbreviated name.
Issue 137 December 2001
is reset to zero. Table 2 states the
activity at each state. This scheme
causes the off time of each servo
output to be approximately 20 ms
plus the on time of the other servo,
which is acceptable.
The satellite data records are stored
in SatPoint compactly to minimize
EEPROM requirements. The bits of
the date and time are also arranged
from MSB to LSB to allow fast com-
parisons when searching (and require
less code). Table 3 shows the satellite
name table that contains a 6-byte
abbreviation and a 2-byte pointer to
the start of the data records for each
satellite. Figure 3 shows the data
record format. The records are passed
to the SatPoint from the PC in this
same compact format.
As the SatPoint tracks or searches,
the real-time clock data is converted
to this format so that a simple left-
to-right memory comparison will
indicate whether the point is past,
present, or future.
The SatPoint expects data to be
loaded in a compressed format. I
wrote a utility program that will post-
process the output of T.S. Kelso’s
Trakstar program to compress and
send selected data to the SatPoint.
Trakstar is a program that will
process a file of Keplerian elements,
generating satellite pass information
in tabular form. You may download it
from the Celestrak web site.
Celestrak also keeps a current
repository of Keplerian elements
grouped in useful categories. Trakstar
will generate individual data files for
each satellite. The file names repre-
sent satellite object numbers, making
it difficult to find the correct data for
a given satellite if you are more
familiar with the satellite names than
the satellite numbers.
The utility program
will process these output files and
generate two data files,
AOS.txt and
ORDER.txt. The former contains one
line per satellite pass showing the
beginning time and position of the
Figure 1—
The major subsystems of the SatPoint are
shown in this simplified block diagram.
Figure 2—This schematic shows the entire design except for front panel switches and power sources (battery and DC wall transformer).
Issue 137 December 2001
pass and the maximum elevation and
closest range that the pass will
achieve. This allows a quick glimpse
of what to expect from an upcoming
night of satellite spotting.
contains detailed chronological data
for each pass.
SATSEND.exe can filter the data to
include only points that meet a mini-
mum elevation angle and a maxi-
mum range (in kilometers). This fea-
ture is useful to cull the satellites that
are too far away or too near the hori-
zon to be visible.
As a general rule, satellites that
come within 1500 km are good tar-
gets. Satellites that are less than
1000 km away are the most likely to
be easily spotted. The primary pur-
pose of
SATSEND.exe is sending data to
the SatPoint. The program is also use-
ful for simply organizing the output of
Trakstar into a readable format.
To use Trakstar, you need to set up
an observer file, which contains your
latitude, longitude, height above sea
level, offset from UTC (do not include
the extra offset for daylight savings
time), and a flag that indicates whether
or not your area observes daylight sav-
ings time. Trakstar also has a configu-
ration file,
trakstar.cfg, that con-
tains information about where your
files are located.
SATSEND.exe uses a similar configu-
ration file, called
satsend.cfg, for
locating its data files (the output of
Trakstar and the Keplerian file). The
first line of the file should contain
the full path of the Keplerian element
file in double quotes (for example,
The second line must contain the full
path of the directory where Trakstar
will store its output files (for exam-
). Take note
that unlike the
trakstar.cfg file,
satsend.cfg file should not
include a trailing backslash following
the directory name.
There are five steps for preparing
the SatPoint for a night of satellite
spotting. The first step is to obtain
the latest Keplerian elements file.
Second, run Trakstar to generate
satellite tracking data files. For the
third step, connect the SatPoint to the
PC. The fourth step is to select Load
on the SatPoint. For the fifth and final
step, run
SATSEND.exe and instruct it
to send data to the SatPoint. When
“Load Complete” is displayed on the
LCD, the SatPoint is ready to track.
In order for the SatPoint to track, it
must be oriented properly. When the
device is turned on, it will rotate the
pointer toward what it expects to be
north at an elevation angle of 33°
(conveniently this marks the eleva-
tion of Polaris from my location).
The RC servos are not powerful, but
they move quickly. You should use
caution when the pointer is moving
to avoid being hit. The LCD will
istate Value
Set timer0 to generate next interrupt in 10 ms
Set azimuth and elevation control lines to zero
Increment istate
Set timer0 period to generate the next interrupt at the proper time to give the pulse width
for the desired elevation angle (calculated elsewhere in the code)
Set elevation control line to one
Increment istate
Set timer0 to generate the next interrupt in 10 ms
Set the azimuth and elevation control lines to zero
Increment istate
Set timer0 period to generate the next interrupt at the proper time to give the pulse width
for the desired azimuth angle (calculated elsewhere in the code)
Set azimuth control line to one
Set istate to zero
Table 2—
The timer0 interrupt routine steps through a state machine to generate the pulse train for the servos.
Listing 1—
This code implements the state machine described in Table 2.
Depending on the istate state variable:
If istate = 0, time until next interrupt is set to that deter-
mined by PERIODH, PERIODL constants. This should be something
reasonable for the off time required by the servo.
If istate = 1, time until next interrupt is set to value needed
to give correct pulse width to servo
timer0() interrupt 1 using 2
if ((istate == 0) || (istate == 2)) /Normal timing pass
/reload the timer
/set both pulse outputs to 0
/goto next state
else if(istate == 1)
/EL Pulse Output Timing pass
TH0 = elpwhicnt;
TL0 = elpwlocnt;
/set output to 1 for servo
/goto next state
else if(istate == 3)
/AZ Pulse Output Timing pass
TH0 = azpwhicnt;
TL0 = azpwlocnt;
/set output to 1 for servo
/back to beginning state
When the pass is over, the pointer
stops and the LEDs turn off. Then,
the SatPoint will resume searching its
database for another satellite. While
in Track mode, the Menu, Up, and
Down keys are active. The Menu but-
ton aborts the tracking and returns to
the menu. Pressing the Up button
causes the SatPoint to move to the
next satellite in memory. And the
third button, Down, causes the
SatPoint to move to the previous
satellite in memory. If two satellites
are passing simultaneously, the Up
and Down buttons allow you to
choose the one you wish to track.
The final operation, simulate, is
similar in operation to tracking,
except that the SatPoint tracks every
point in its database in quick succes-
sion. This mode is great for demon-
strations of how the SatPoint operates
when no satellites are passing.
Having the SatPoint greatly increas-
es the number of satellites I can see in
an evening of gazing. Without it, I
would look at a printout using a flash-
light and then guess at the correct
direction to look based on the printed
azimuth and elevation. After my eyes
adjusted from having turned on the
flashlight, chances were the satellite
had moved enough that I missed it.
Only the brightest
objects in the sky,
such as the Hubbell
Space Telescope and
International Space
Station are reliable tar-
gets. However, with
SatPoint, I can get all
the information I need
from its LCD and
pointer. I can adjust
the LCD brightness to
a comfortable level.
The magic of satel-
lite spotting is in the
prediction software written by T.S.
Kelso and others. The SatPoint is just
a tool to point out what their algo-
rithms predict. I can be sure that if
the SatPoint is pointing at it, it is
there. Some of the objects are too
weak to see with the naked eye, but a
pair of binoculars often will help you
verify that an object is indeed where
Trakstar says it should be.
Well, it’s getting dark now and the
moon is new. So, I have to go and
load up the SatPoint for some high-
tech sky gazing!
Issue 137 December 2001
prompt you to point the
unit toward north and
then press Menu.
After pressing Menu,
you’re presented with
menu choices of Load,
Track, and Simulate, as
you can see in Photo 6.
You may use the Left
and Right buttons to
move the greater than
and less than symbols to
surround the desired
function and then select
the operation with the
OK button. The next paragraphs
describe these operations.
To load the SatPoint with satellite
tracking tables, first connect the RS-
232 port to a PC COM port, then
select Load on the SatPoint. The
SatPoint responds, “waiting for data.”
Third, run the download program on
the PC. Now, the SatPoint will display
“loading.” After the load completes,
you’ll see, “Complete. Press Menu.”
To begin tracking, select Track
from the menu. The SatPoint begins
searching through all satellites in its
memory looking for one that is cur-
rently passing over. As it processes, it
displays each satellite’s name and
whether its pass is “complete” or to
be handled in the “future.”
When the SatPoint finds a current
satellite, it immediately begins track-
ing. The display shows an abbreviated
name for the next upcoming satellite
and the time of the pass on the top
line. The bottom line shows the cur-
rent date and time.
When a currently visible satellite is
found, the pointer LEDs illuminate,
and the pointer moves to each of the
current satellite’s points in memory
at the precise time of each event.
While the SatPoint is tracking, the
azimuth and elevation angles are dis-
played under the satellite name, as is
illustrated in Photo 7.
Philips Semiconductor
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T.S. Kelso
Kenneth Trussell, PE, is manager of
information services at Thiele Kaolin
Co. He has 18 years of experience in
embedded systems, industrial con-
trols, networking, and computers in
general. He holds a BEE and MSEE
from Georgia Institute of Technology.
He has also been a ham radio opera-
tor since 1978 (call sign KT4X). You
may reach him at kenneth.trussell@
LPPYYMMM MDDDDDhh hhhmmmmm mssssssX eeeeeeea
Set to one if this is the last record for this satellite
A priority value from zero to three (not implemented yet)
A zero, one, two, or three offset from current year
Represents month
Represents day of month
Represents minutes
Represents elevation angle (zero to 90)
Represents azimuth angle (zero to 359)
Unused. Set to zero.
Figure 3—
In this compact format, each date/time/position record requires only 6 bytes of EEP-
ROM. As many records as required per satellite are allowed up to the full EEPROM space.
Record 1
Name 1 (6 bytes)
Number of first record in data table for Name 1 (2 bytes)
Record 2
Name 2 (6 bytes)
Number of first record in data table for Name 2 (2 bytes)
Record n
Name n (6 bytes)
Number of first record in data table for Name n (2 bytes)
ETX in first byte indicating end of table
Table 3—
The satellite names are stored in a table in which each satellite requires 8 bytes. Note that I made provi-
sion for 100 names.
Issue 137 December 2001
things go wrong in
the Florida room and
I break things. In my
defense, I’ve had some great teachers.
The WHO (especially Pete and Keith)
liked to smash and blow up their
instruments on stage, and Jimi
Hendrix always seemed to have a
light when his Fender Stratocaster
needed to “smoke.” Before I tell you
what went wrong, I want to tell you
I’m not destructive on purpose.
I have to be honest. It’s been tough
keeping my focus for the last couple
of weeks as Buck Owens and Roy
Clark (the Hee Haw guys) dropped by
the Florida room and left me a brand
new black, maple-necked Fender
Telecaster guitar. Needless to say, I
was (and am still) excited. The funny
thing is that thoughts of plugging into
something embedded and DSP-
equipped runs through my mind every
time I walk by that guitar. We’ll see
where that goes.
Anyway, here’s the what-went-wrong
news. I guess I was careless while fly-
ing some of the RTL8019AS pins on
my PICDEM.net demo board. Well, I
finally managed to break off one of
the pins of the RTL8019AS I wanted
to use for this project. That task alone
wasn’t a problem because I have an
ample quantity of RTL8019AS parts
in the Florida-room inventory. And
the PICDEM.net runs perfectly with-
out those pins anyway.
The real problem was that I was in
a hurry when working with the sol-
dering iron and pulled away some fine
traces that interconnect the RTL8019AS
of the PICDEM.net to the PIC16F877.
After carefully surveying the damage,
it turned out that all I really lost was
a trace or two to the activity LEDs. At
this point, I could have reinstalled a
new RTL8019AS IC and continued
on. Instead, I seized the moment to
install an EDTP Packet Whacker
module on my PICDEM.net.
Photo 1 shows the Packet Whacker
taking up holes on the PICDEM.net
breadboard area. For now, pretend I
didn’t mess up the PICDEM.net’s orig-
inal pads that support the RTL8019AS
and imagine the RTL8019AS still sol-
dered in place above the LCD. The
Packet Whacker stands in perfectly as
a double for the OEM RTL8019AS IC,
which will allow me to continue my
search from last month for the elusive
RTL8019AS documentation and theory.
I don’t want your PICDEM.net to suf-
fer the same fate as mine, so, for
background information about the
ways of the EDTP Packet Whacker/
PICDEM.net combination, read my
October and November articles in
Circuit Cellar Online
The parting shot last month in the
print magazine was a view of what is
to come this month. I left you with a
screen shot of the PICDEM.net spew-
ing raw Ethernet frames across the
Florida-room LAN. Since then, I’ve
been digging like a junkyard dog. This
time around, I’ll finish the RTL8019AS
reference guide and round out the rest
of the goodies on the PICDEM.net
demo board. So, don your pith hel-
mets and let’s get back to digging out
and dusting off stuff about the
RTL8019AS and PICDEM.net.
Thus far, we have solid code and
documentation that will initialize the
RTL8019AS NIC and put it on an
active network using the support
services of the PICDEM.net. Judging
Fred Eady
When Problems Strike
Your PICDEM Project
When things go wrong,
finding out where the
problem is can be diffi-
cult. When it comes to
straightforward user
blunders, kicking your-
self doesn’t help. This
month, Fred suffers
setbacks but still man-
ages to get Ethernet
frames transferred
using the RTL8019AS
and a PIC.
Issue 137 December 2001
It’s important to cover the entire
NIC receive process as each piece of
the receive process lays groundwork
for procedures that will follow. I’ll
supplement words with working code
as I go along. As far as packet recep-
tion is concerned, everything begins
with an NIC having something to say,
listening for silence, and then generat-
ing a preamble on the network. The
listening NICs sense a carrier and
search the incoming preamble (alter-
nating ones and zeros) for two consec-
utive ones, otherwise known as the
start of frame delimiter (SFD).
Meanwhile, there isn’t much you
can do with the control registers of
the RTL8019AS to affect the carrier
sense/preamble parse operation. There’s
a carrier sense lost bit in the transmit
status register (TSR), but it’s used
only in the transmit phase to indicate
carrier loss during a packet transmis-
sion. Setting up LED 1 to display the
CRS signal state is one way to visual-
ly monitor carrier sense status, how-
ever, that doesn’t do the application
layer any good. You can also write a
zero to LED 1 and get CRS status via
LED 1, which, at this time, would be
configured as the RX LED.
At this point, the microcontroller
need not be concerned with the net-
The “only if it’s addressed to me”
or “only if I want to see it” behavior
is called filtering. The RTL8019AS
has many ways of filtering incoming
packets. In addition, it sports an effi-
cient packet management system that
moves data from the NIC to the PIC
after the selected packets are accepted.
by the final words from last month,
it’s safe to assume that I also came
upon a find that allows you to trans-
mit raw Ethernet frames using the
PICDEM.net’s microcontroller and
the onboard RTL8019AS NIC. Through
my research of the RTL8019AS NIC, I
found that receiving Ethernet frames
is a bit more involved than transmit-
ting them. So, let’s put together the
pieces that allow the NIC to take
packets from the network.
Although sometimes configured
physically as a star, Carrier Sense
Multiple Access/Collision Detection
(CSMA/CD) networks are normally
bus topology networks. The word
“bus” implies that everyone on the
network has the ability to ride the
entire route stop by stop. That is,
every node on the bus is capable of
receiving every bit that traverses wire
and transmitting to every node that
listens on the network.
As you might imagine, for the
’16F877 on the PICDEM.net it would
be foolhardy to attempt to receive
and process every bit of information
that comes by. To avoid overburdening
the CPU, the NIC has the capability
to pick out data packets that are
addressed to it, ignoring only data
destined for other NICs on the network.
Listing 1—This is a collection of associated code that isn’t necessarily contiguous in the main listing. The
idea here is to convey the logic behind a process without having to navigate all over the main listing.
Snippet one
char MYMAC[6] = { 0,'C','C','I','N','K' };
write_creg(PAR0+i, MYMAC[i]);
Snippet two
#define rcrval
#define tcrval
#define dcrval
0x58 // originally 0x48
#define imrval
#define txstart
#define rxstart
#define rxstop
Plug and play
RT Jumperless
Bit 7
Bit 6
Bit 5
Bit 4
Bit 3
Bit 2
Bit 1
Bit 0
Plug and play
RT Jumperless
Bit 7
Bit 6
Bit 5
Bit 4
Bit 3
Bit 2
Bit 1
Bit 0
Plug and play
RT Jumperless
Bit 7
Bit 6
Bit 5
Bit 4
Bit 3
Bit 2
Bit 1
Bit 0
Figure 1—
The Packet Whacker is setup for Jumper mode. None of the jumper pins are connected and, hence, are
pulled low. Therefore, the jumper values and the 9346 values here all equal zero. So, for the PICDEM.net demo
board, Packet Whacker or no Packet Whacker, there’s no difference in the CONFIGx settings in either mode.
Issue 137 December 2001
Note that the MAC address begins
with zero, which denotes a physical
address. By making the first bit of my
MAC address a one, it’s possible to
use multicast addressing, which
would be setup in the MAR regis-
ters. Multicasting has its advantages
in certain situations and is most use-
work’s activities anyway, because
there is absolutely no data that could
be recovered that would be important
to the microcontroller’s main applica-
tion. This is strictly a NIC thing and
that’s good because the PIC is merrily
humming along doing what PICs do,
blinking LEDs and controlling stuff.
If the incoming data is correctly
formatted within an Ethernet frame,
the first six bytes following the SFD
should be the destination address.
Check out the example in Listing 1, a
multi-snippet code listing.
The first snippet shows how and
where the MAC address is put into the
control register stack of the NIC. Within
the RTL8019AS, this MAC area consists
of the PAR0–5 registers on page 1. The
first six bytes following the SFD are
pulled into the NIC FIFO and checked
against the receive address filters. If a
match occurs, the packet is DMAed
from the FIFO into the receive buffer
ring. If there isn’t a match, no DMA
is performed, and the FIFO is reset.
Even if the destination address
matches your local MAC address, the
reception isn’t done until the CRC is
calculated and approved by the NIC.
If the CRC doesn’t compute or the
packet doesn’t end on a byte bound-
ary, bits inside the Receive Status reg-
ister (RSR) are set to indicate the
problem. In addition, depending on
the error, the appropriate tally coun-
ters CNTRX are incremented. In the
event of a failure, you can set bits to
either keep or reject the erred packet.
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Photo 2—
This is a view of the RTL8019AS registers
immediately after initialization. This is a neat way to
test routines that affect registers and see what’s hap-
pening as the NIC runs.
Photo 1—
Notice that some resistors are missing from
various areas of my PICDEM.net demo board. That’s
how I isolated some of the I/O pins of the PIC for use
with the Packet Whacker. The photo of the RTL8019AS
you saw in last month’s article was put there for refer-
ence only (it wasn’t soldered down).
Issue 137 December 2001
receive process, no matter what filter
technique is used, is the issuance of an
interrupt (if enabled) or setting 1 bit
signifying a good packet that’s ready
to be processed is in the receive ring.
After recognizing that the packet is
yours, the basic idea behind receiving
a packet is to get it into the micro-
ful when a single node needs to
send a packet to many nodes
You must set up the destination
address so that when the CRC
logic is invoked and runs its
course, the first six MSBs of the
CRC generator are latched. The
six bits are then fed into a one of
64 decode (111111), which indexes
into one of the filter bits in the
MAR registers. If the selected MAR
filter bit is set, everything flows
like a match of the MAC address.
So, you could receive all multicast
packets by writing ones to every
MARX register bit or disabling all
multicast addressing by writing
zero to every MARX register bit.
Photo 2 is a register dump from the
registers start on page 1, register 8 and
end at register 0x0F. My code didn’t
touch the MARX registers, so you see
a random set of bit entries. If everything
was right, you could receive two valid
multicast addresses because 2 bits are
set in the matrix. The final step in the
controller RAM as quickly as
possible so it can be processed.
The second snippet in Listing 1
is the roundup of lines that are
the heart of the ring initializa-
tion code. Some of the pointers
in this snippet take care of fenc-
ing in the receive buffer ring,
and others point to the first
packet reception or transmission
page in the ring. The remaining
pointers keep up with the pages
as data packets are added to or
taken from the ring.
There are a couple ways to
determine if there’s any good data
that needs to be moved from the
ring into working storage. You
can check either the interrupt status or
the ring page pointers. Checking the
interrupt status can be done by
polling or sensing one of the INTX
lines of the NIC or by polling the
PRX bit in the RSR or Interrupt
Status Register (ISR).
Polling the RSR is risky as the con-
tents of the RSR may be leftover from
a previous packet. It’s better to poll
the ISR bit as its value is reflected in
real time. Normally, the INTX line
would trigger a microcontroller inter-
rupt, and the microcontroller would
interrogate the ISR to see what’s
knocking. One of the reasons I was
flying leads off the PICDEM.net
RTL8019AS was that I wanted to use
the INT0 line of the NIC to trigger
the packet-to-RAM process in the
PIC, because INT0 isn’t connected on
the PICDEM.net demo board.
Even though INT0 isn’t attached to
the ’16F877, the PICDEM.net’s hard-
ware design allows the RTL8019AS to
settle into a default mode that would
favor using INT0 if it were attached.
This is good because there’s no 9346
EEPROM (another reason for breaking
the NIC pins) to load the CONFIG1-3
registers to set this up. Judging from
the state of the LEDs, the absence of
the 9346 clocks in zeroes to the fields
in the CONFIG1-3 registers. You can
verify this by taking in the 0x00 value
of page 3, register 0x06. Page 3 takes
its values from the 9346 EEPROM.
The NIC JP pin of the PICDEM.net
is not connected. Thus, it’s pulled
low, internally putting the NIC in
Photo 3—
The Source and Destination Address fields crisscross to
show the echo that was performed by the PICDEM.net on data gen-
erated by the Sniffer on the tbird900 machine. This is a bogus packet
but it serves its purpose. The PICDEM.net received the packet from
the Sniffer and accurately returned it.
Issue 137 December 2001
Jumperless mode. Refer to Figure 1 as
I fill in the CONFIG 9346 bit patterns
beginning with bit 7. IRQEN is high at
powerup. And if it’s set, it determines
if the selected INTX line will signal a
high state on an interrupt request.
After taking the NIC’s RSTDRV pin
high or issuing an Auto-Load com-
mand, the NIC (in Jumperless mode)
attempts to get configuration data
from the 9346 EEPROM to fill values
in all of the CONFIG1-3 registers.
Because the PICDEM.net is in
Jumperless mode by default and there
is no EEPROM, the NIC clocks in
zeroes and fills the rest of the CON-
FIG1-3 bits with them. In CONFIG1,
IRQS0, IRQS1, and IRQS2 are set to
zero, enabling INT0 as the active NIC
interrupt line. The rest of the INTX
lines are tri-stated. The base I/O
address of the PICDEM.net is hard-
wired for 0x300; clearing all IOSX bits
from clocking and reading the nonex-
istent 9346 EEPROM reinforces this.
CONFIG2 is mostly concerned with
the boot ROM (BROM), which also
doesn’t exist on the PICDEM.net. As
you have already deduced, zeroes in
the BSX pins disable the BROM size
and address parameters. PL1 and PL0
select the network medium, and the
zero values put the NIC in Twisted
Pair/Coax Auto-Detect mode. Perfect.
CONFIG3 always gets its bits from
the 9346. In fact, CONFIG3 is the only
register that cannot be written to using
the remote DMA port of the NIC. The
full duplex (FUDUP) and LEDS1–S0
bits are of interest if the default values
don’t suit your environment. Putting
zeroes in these bit fields yields half-
duplex operation with the LED0 pin
representing collisions, LED1 blinking
while receiving, and the LED2 pin
blinking an LED during transmission.
There is a clever way to manipulate
CONFIG3 without the external 9346
EEPROM. Unless you’re handier with
a soldering iron than I am, you would
have to tear up your PICDEM.net like
I did to gain access to the pins. The
Packet Whacker allows you this func-
tionality without having to pull out
the magnifying glass and fine-tipped
soldering iron or walking your board
down the hall to the technicians.
Because the stock PICDEM.net works
fine the way it is, I’ll move on (check
for coverage of pin-pulling techniques
and an EEPROM emulation trick in
Circuit Cellar Online
OK, now you know that INT0 and
interrupts are available on the PIC-
DEM.net by default, but you can’t use
them right out of the box because of
the lack of wire between some of the
NIC pins and the PIC. That’s not a
bad thing. You can make use of the
tools you’ve been given by keeping an
eye on the ring pointers.
There are a couple schools of
thought on that, too. Because the
Boundary pointer follows the Current
Page pointer around the ring, when
the Boundary and Current pointers
are equal (Boundary catches up to
Current) the ring is empty. By simply
comparing the Current and Boundary
pointers, you can determine if a pack-
et is in the buffer ring. The NIC
knows when an overrun condition
(Current catches Boundary) occurs
and sets some bits to let you know.
Another method is to keep track of
the Current pointer. If the Current
pointer moves at all, it’s most likely
that a packet has been inserted into
the ring. So, you must keep up with
the boundaries of the ring and where
the Current and Boundary pointers
are in relation to the ring boundaries.
This method lets you take manual
control of the receive buffer ring
pointer mechanism.
I like the Boundary versus Current
pointer method because, if the built-
in functionally of the NIC is used, the
coder doesn’t have to keep up with
the moving ring pointers. As you look
n – 1
count (L)
count (H)
Remote DMA
removes packet
DMA Ends here
Remote byte
count 1
Remote byte
count 0
Registers loaded
by Autosend command
start, add 1
start, add 0
Figure 2—
Even though the whole thing is automatic, you can still get the receive buffer header bytes in addition to
the packet. The catch is that the receive buffer header bytes are not counted in the receive byte count. So, you
read the buffer header and then clock in the number of bytes in the Receive Byte Count registers.
TBCR0, 1
6 bytes
6 bytes
2 bytes
46 bytes
Destination address
Source address
Pad (if data <46 bytes)
Destination address 0
Destination address 1
Destination address 2
Destination address 3
Destination address 4
Destination address 5
Source address 0
Source address 1
Source address 2
Source address 3
Source address 4
Source address 5
Figure 3—
This is standard Ethernet fare. The smaller
upper box is the global view of the packet. The lower
larger box lays out the bit and byte orientation.
assembles a packet in the transmit
SRAM area of the NIC. The packet
must be assembled as shown in
Figure 3. The topmost portion of
Figure 3 is a standard Ethernet
frame layout minus the preamble,
sync, and CRC fields.
The NIC will generate the pream-
ble, sync, and CRC for the frame
before transmitting the frame con-
tents. The Type/Length field is a
summation of all of the bytes in the
Destination Address, Source Address,
Type/Length field, and Data area,
and the final packet must be at least
64 bytes in length.
The Type/Length field is also used
to identify the protocol being carried
in the Data area. The NIC doesn’t
check this field for validity. If you’re
wondering where the IP and other
protocol stuff is, it’s buried inside the
Issue 137 December 2001
at the second snippet in Listing 1,
notice that the
dcrval has been
changed from 0x48 to 0x58. When set,
bit 4 of the Data Configuration regis-
ter (DCR) enables the Auto-Initialize
Remote function. The physics of
auto-initialization are demonstrated
in Figure 2. This is a neat feature, and
it’s a sure bet I’ll be using the pointer
comparison method coupled with the
Auto-Initialize Remote function.
Listing 2 lays out the code I put
together to check for an overrun ring
buffer. The buffer check sequence is
immediately followed by a quick
comparison of the Boundary and
Current pointers. Hopefully, I’ll
never have to branch to the code to
service a buffer overrun. There is a
detailed procedure for buffer overrun
recovery in the DP83902A datasheet,
which I’ve translated to Microchip
speak in Listing 2. [1]
When using the Auto-Initialize
Remote and Send Packet commands,
the remote DMA channel of the NIC
may be used to pull a packet out of
the receive buffer ring. As you can see
in Figure 2, a 4-byte buffer header
prefaces each packet in the ring.
Writing a 0x1A (Send Packet com-
mand) to the CR register kicks off the
packet retrieval process. Instead of
manually loading the Remote Byte
Count registers and the Remote Start
Address registers, the counts are auto-
matically taken from the 4-byte buffer
header (see Figure 2).
I opted to keep the 4-byte buffer
header in slots of an array just in case
I need them for something else later.
The contents of the first byte of the
buffer header quartet are reflected in
the RSR after the packet is put into
the ring. If bit 0 (PRX) of the status
byte is set, the packet is fine and
ready to be removed from the ring.
At this point, the rest of the packet
can be DMAed into the PICDEM.net’s
microcontroller memory using the
services of the NIC remote DMA
port. Along the way, the NIC keeps
count of the bytes going by and termi-
nates the DMA when the Remote
Byte Count registers finally reach
zero. The Boundary pointer is then
automatically moved to reflect the
removal of the packet.
If, by chance, the DMA pointer
reaches and transcends the Page Stop
register value during the transfer, the
DMA pointer is reset to the Page Start
register value. When the Send Packet
procedure completes, the NIC is posi-
tioned to either receive another
incoming packet or repeat the auto-
matic remote DMA and remove yet
another packet from the ring.
The dig is going well. So far, I have
discovered the secrets of RTL8019AS
initialization. In addition, while dis-
membering a PICDEM.net demo
board, I uncovered the mystery of the
ring. Sending a packet is less compli-
cated than receiving one. Using the
Transmit Page Start Address register
(TPSR) and the Transmit Byte Count
registers (TBCR0–1), the local DMA
Listing 2—The resend variable is used to inform the application about how to cope with overrun if a trans-
mission is in progress when the NIC is stopped. It isn’t used in this case, because you dump the packet and
rely on the upper layers to resend the unacknowledged data. This procedure must be performed in the
sequence laid out by the datasheet, or as the datasheet says, the NIC will act in an unpredictable manner. [1]
Handles receive ring buffer overrun.
No packets are recovered.
void overrun()
scratch_L = byte_read;
resend = 0;
else if(bit_test(scratch_L,2))
scratch_L = byte_read;
if(bit_test(scratch_L,1) || bit_test(scratch_L,3))
resend = 0;
resend = 1;
Data area. When the protocol compo-
nents are in the Data area, the Type/
Length field is important for decoding
the data fields but the NIC still does-
n’t care about its contents. In other
words, the NIC doesn’t care what’s in
the truck, it just delivers the goods.
Before the packet can be sent, the
TPSR must be initialized. The TPSR
value normally will be the value that
points to the beginning of the trans-
mit SRAM area. There is no ring
here and the transmit area is one
contiguous block of memory. The
data is loaded into the transmit
buffer area using the remote DMA
port of the NIC.
After each field of the transmit
packet is DMAed in, the TBCR0 and
TBCR1 registers are loaded with the
length of the packet. The packet is
kicked out when a command setting
the TXP bit in the CR register is
issued. The TSR is cleared and the
RTL8019AS begins to fetch transmit
data. The transmission occurs if no
collisions occur, the inter-frame gap
timer has timed out the first 6.4 µs of
the inter-frame gap, and at least 1 byte
is in the FIFO.
Photo 3 stands as the proof of all of
our finds. The packet in Photo 3 rep-
resents the reason I organized this
dig. I’ve taken Ethernet frames that
lacked protocol across the ether suc-
cessfully using only an RTL8019AS
and PIC. Ancient pyramids are layers
of stone built from the ground up.
Our pyramid is the OSI stack, and
thus far we’ve dusted only around the
bottom of the pyramid.
The dig is not complete and has
moved to Circuit Cellar Online. There
the pyramid is climbed using tools of
the trade (PICDEM.net), tools we had
to invent (Packet Whacker), and tools
held in reserve (NetSock/100) to
prove once again that it doesn’t have
to be complicated to be embedded.
Issue 137 December 2001
8019AS Ethernet IC
Realtek Semiconductor Corp.
886 3 578 0211
Fax: 886 3 577 6047
[1] National Semiconductor, Inc.,
“DP83902A ST-NIC: Serial
Network Interface Controller for
Twisted Pair,” November 1995.
The code is available on Circuit
Fred Eady has more than 20 years of
experience as a systems engineer. He
has worked with computers and
communication systems large and
small, simple and complex. His forte
is embedded-systems design and
communications. Fred may be
reached at fred@edtp.com.
have it rough. To
answer the phone
with any intelligence, a
receptionist must not only have a
good grasp of the company’s product
to steer calls properly, but also keep
track of who is actually in the office
at any point in time. Transferring a
call and letting voicemail handle it is
a cop out. And yes, most phone sys-
tems allow a call to be forwarded to
another extension if you’re away from
your desk, but who uses that? Some
jobs require employees to spend as
much time out of the office as they do
at their desks. And then there’s lunch.
What’s a receptionist to do?
Here at Circuit Cellar world head-
quarters, we use a sophisticated tech-
nique to help our receptionist keep
track of transient personnel. We use
magnetic markers for each employee,
which are moved between an in and
out position to show current status
(see Photo 1). This is located in the
reception area, right by the door and
is easily updated as people come and
go. Now, this is fine for the reception-
ist who mans the phone within sight
of the status board, but what about
everyone else in the facility?
Wandering through the building’s
maze of offices, you can constantly
hear unanswered intercom calls to the
empty desks of Circuit Cellar’s work-
force. Could they be out of the build-
ing or just in the restroom?
Instead of the current system, con-
sider my thought. Everyone has a PC
sitting on his or her desk. Wouldn’t it
be nice if the status board could be
broadcast to everyone?
Well, broadcast might not be the
right word. However, by using the
company LAN, there is now a cost-
effective solution. NetMedia offers
the SitePlayer (SP1) as a commercial
remedy. It boasts the SP1 as “the
world’s smallest Ethernet web server”
at roughly one inch squared.
SitePlayer allows your application to
be web enabled easily with just a seri-
al port on your device. But what does
this thing do, exactly?
The SitePlayer contains a micro-
processor with flash memory. This
allows its own firmware (web server
application) and your web’s files to be
quickly updated (even across the
LAN). Additionally, the SP1 includes
a 10baseT Ethernet controller, serial
device interface, and 8-bit I/O port.
The web server application handles
hosting your (dynamic) web pages
through the LAN using either its own
static IP address or a dynamic IP
address obtained through the DHCP
server. Let’s develop this project for a
clearer understanding of how this lit-
tle device makes it all possible.
I want every employee on our LAN
to simply open their favorite browser
on their PC and access the SitePlayer’s
IP address, which will display the cur-
rent status of the magnetic board in
the reception area. The first step in
creating an interactive web site is to
define the SiteObjects that will be
dynamic. As you can see in Photo 1,
the board consists of a number of
employees and an indicator, which
visually shows whether the employee
is in or out of the facility.
When a physical message is taken
for an employee, the employee’s mag-
netic indicator is removed from the
Jeff Bachiochi
Desktop Status
from NetMedia
track of
is chal-
A hard-
ware and software
solution from Net-
Media might reduce
the number of “away
from their desk” mes-
sages as well as
rounds of phone tag.
Issue 137 December 2001
in/out position and placed atop the
paper note holding it onto the board
but off to the side. Upon returning,
the employee finds his indicator miss-
ing, retrieves it from the associated
paper note, and replaces the indicator.
So, my project also needs to include
some sort of indicator for messages.
In all, I’ll have to define 18 employ-
ees, staff in/out status, and message
status variables to be maintained by
the SitePlayer.
The SitePlayer comes with the
SiteLinker software development pro-
gram. Launch the editor from
SiteLinker, and you can create an
.SDF text file (SitePlayer definition
file). This file has three sections. The
first section defines initial setup
parameters (i.e., the IP address, down-
load password,
.HTM files, and paths).
The next section defines the
SiteObjects, which are the variables
to display. They can be bits, bytes,
words, double words, or strings (see
Listing 1). From a browser point of
view, these can be set up as read-only
or read/write variables. A total of
768 bytes of RAM are available for
SiteObjects, but I’ll use less than
150 bytes for this project. In addition
to the user-defined SiteObjects locat-
ed in the RAM, there are a
few predefined SiteObjects,
which include addresses to
directly write and read to the
8-bit I/O port. Note: If eight
I/Os are enough for your
application, you can do it all
without additional circuitry.
The final part is the export
section. This section is respon-
sible for creating and saving
output files like the site’s
.INC (include) file, which
defines the SiteObjects for use
with your application .
ASM file.
Now that I have defined the
SiteObjects, the second step is to cre-
ate a web site design. Using FrontPage
by Microsoft (you can
use any web site
design tool), I created a
form with a number of
objects on it to closely
resemble the magnetic
status board. You can
see this version in the
screen shot in Photo 2.
Three objects are
required for each
employee: the employ-
ee’s name (a text box)
and two check boxes.
The magnetic status
board uses two posi-
tions, one for in and
one for out. Check
boxes quickly show the in or out sta-
tus (the first check box) as well as
whether or not there is a message for
the employee (the second check box).
This improves the present system,
which can’t designate the in or out
status of employees who have mes-
sages waiting for them.
Each SiteObject defined in the pre-
.SDF file must be associated
with an object on the web site form.
Let’s take a look at the basic block for
a single employee in Photo 2. I want
the employee’s name to appear in the
text box. Listing 2 lists the HTML
code for the first objects in Photo 2. I
had to add
into the string:
<input type="text"
before the closing greater than sign.
Notice this value is the same name
as defined in the SiteObject in the
.SPD file (see Listing 1) except it has
a caret at the beginning of the vari-
able name. The caret tells the
SitePlayer to place the value of the
first employee SiteObject into the
text box (in this case, Kevin). The
resultant HTML string:
<input type="text"
creates a box with the text “Kevin”
written inside it.
Check boxes work a bit differently.
Notice in the following string that the
value is one and the associated
^here1#1 is by itself:
<input type="check box"
name="here1" value="1"
The value of a check box can be
only a one (checked) or zero (not
checked). In this case,
value="1" is
the value to be passed back to the
SitePlayer when the box is checked by
the user.
^here1 is the associated
SiteObject, and the number one
tacked on the end of the variable
name instructs the SitePlayer to use
bit 1 of the variable here. Note that I
used byte variables for the check box
SiteObjects even though they require
only bit variables.
Issue 137 December 2001
Photo 2—FrontPage from Microsoft let me design a form that resembles the
original magnetic status board.
Photo 3—
Compiling the
file and HTML file cre-
ates a
binary file for downloading to the SitePlayer.
Photo 1—Employees at Circuit Cellar world headquarters are
responsible for moving their magnetic marker. The markers indi-
cate who is in and out of the building.
Issue 137 December 2001
If the SiteObject
"here1" is one,
the SitePlayer interprets
^here1 as
the text that’s checked. The resultant
HTML string creates a box with a
check mark:
<input type="check box"
name="here1" value="1"
here1 is zero, the SitePlayer
^here1 as null text. The
resultant HTML string creates an
empty box:
<input type="check box"
name="here1" value="1" >
The same is true for the second check
box for the SiteObject
Look at the following two lines:
<input type="hidden"
name "here1" value="0">
It seems as though when a user
deletes the check from a box, nothing
gets returned. You must create a hid-
den object that will return
to the SiteObject. This is always sent,
however, because the following
line is
input type="check
box", a value=1 is sent to the
SiteObject when it’s checked
by the user. This value imme-
diately replaces the
value=0 in
the SiteObject variable (
If you refer back to Photo 2,
you’ll see a Submit button.
After you alter any of the check
boxes, you need to click on this
button. Submitting updates all
of the SiteObjects and returns a
refreshed page to your browser. If you
use the browser’s Refresh button, all
changes will be lost because there
hasn’t been an update, and refreshing
the browser will return the
previous value, assuming
nothing has been changed by
other means (more on this
important comment later).
Now, you have a single
page web site design finished.
The last step here is to use
SiteLinker to compile the
.SPD file along with your
HTML file into an
binary file, which can be
downloaded into the
SitePlayer hardware. The
SiteLinker program indicates
this project requires about half of the
available 48 KB of flash memory web
space (see Photo 3).
Another function of SiteLinker is to
download this binary file into the
SitePlayer hardware. This can occur
through either the serial port or
Ethernet connection. After download-
ing and assuming you have
SitePlayer connected to your
LAN, you can call up your
browser (right from SiteLinker)
to access your web page running
on SitePlayer.
Referring to Photo 4, notice
how the employee names have
been placed into the text boxes.
You can click any of the check
boxes, and after clicking the
Submit button you’ll see those
changes reflected in the
SiteObjects, which have been
updated. It looks good, but how
does this reflect what is actually on
the magnetic status board located in
the reception area?
I wanted to take full advantage of
the original magnetic status board.
The most important reason to use the
original board was to prevent gasps of
horror if replaced by something com-
pletely different (read: user-unfriend-
ly). I worked with Hall effect sensors
to try and make use of the magnetic
pieces already existing. The flux lines
in the metal board were impossible to
work with without limiting the style
of magnetic indicators being used,
demanding a particular orientation of
the indicator, or completely revamp-
ing the board. So much for using the
existing magnetic properties.
My next approach was to place IR
emitter/sensor pairs within each status
position. As the indicator was moved
from in to out, one or the other of the
photo sensor pairs would register the
presence of the indicator covering the
sensor. This would have worked fine
except for the ambient room light.
Many of the uncovered sensors were
falsely triggering from light within
the IR spectrum radiating from the
office environment. Two strikes.
I began thinking simple. Toggle
switches would be the simplest.
Should I use an indicator light in
addition to show status? I needed to
show status for at least 18 employees.
That would be 36 inputs (18 employ-
ees × 2 switches) and outputs (18 × 2
status LEDs). Then I thought of how a
Photo 4—From the browser’s point of view, here’s your HTML
form from the SitePlayer. Notice that the dynamic variables are
substituted into the form.
Photo 6—The modular approach to the LED/button panels
made this assembly go together without a hitch.
Photo 5—Using metal panels next to the LED/button panel allows
the familiar magnetic name plates to be used.
Issue 137 December 2001
Listing 1
This is a listing of variables held by the SitePlayer. There are three pieces of information for each
x (in/out status),
x (message status), and
x (employee’s name).
" "
Issue 137 December 2001
actual state of the status LEDs will
not come directly from the push but-
ton switches, but rather from the
SitePlayer. It is the SitePlayer’s
SiteObjects that control the status;
and they can get input from both the
switches and browser (Submit button).
So, not only will the status of the
board be viewed from any PC, but also
the PC can be used to change the sta-
tus of the board just as if the employ-
ee had pressed one of the push but-
tons manually. How do the scanning
microprocessor and SitePlayer work
together to make all of this happen?
If I needed only eight I/Os, the
SitePlayer could control these directly
via its onboard I/O. For larger applica-
tions like this one, the SitePlayer has
a serial port allowing your circuitry to
share information with it. The serial
port defaults to 9600 bps, however,
rates from 110 to 115 Kb are possible.
The variables set up earlier using
SiteLinker hold the status informa-
tion. The SitePlayer recognizes a set
keypad could be scanned using row
(outputs) and column (inputs). Six
outputs and six inputs could address
36 push buttons. With an additional
six outputs, I could also address 36
LEDs by using the same row output
to enable the LEDs as well as push
button columns.
I would use a green LED for in sta-
tus and a red LED for out status.
Because both of the LEDs shouldn’t
be on at the same time (disregarding
split personalities of some of the
employees), only a maximum of three
of the six column LEDs would draw
current at any one time. The
PIC16F874 microprocessor can source
(or sink) 25 mA, so sourcing LED cur-
rent isn’t a problem. However, sink-
ing 75 mA by the row line is a no-no.
The six row signals will need transis-
tors, which can support sinking the
current of all the columns. For a visu-
al demonstration, see Figures 1a and b.
Two push buttons and two LEDs
are used for each employee. One but-
ton toggles the in/out status of the
employee and the second button tog-
gles the message status for that
employee. The two LEDs will display
the status of the employee, green indi-
cating in and red indicating out. To
avoid requiring additional LEDs for
the message status, I decided to blink
the illuminated LED to indicate a
message is available for the employee.
So, the in/out button toggles the
green and red LEDs, and the Message
button toggles the Steady-State/
Blinking mode of the LEDs.
Photo 5 shows the new status board
in operation. Photo 6 shows how the
PCB is wired to each set of switches
and LEDs. This all connects to the
LAN via the SitePlayer, the interface
transformer, and RJ-45 shown at the
bottom of the PCB.
Because the LEDs (and switches) are
controlled by a microprocessor, the
status is dynamic. This means the
Listing 2
FrontPage produces this HTML code. Text is added to allow the SitePlayer to control the content.
<form method="get" action="whoshere.spi" name="">
<table border="1" width="223">
<td><input type="text" name="employee1"
<input type="hidden" name="here1" value="0">
<td align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="here1"
value="1" ^here1#1></td>
<input type="hidden" name="message1" value="0">
<td align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="mes
sage1" value="1" ^message1#1></td>
Issue 137 December 2001
of commands that allow the applica-
tion to read and write to the
SitePlayer’s RAM.
To prevent data communication
from tying up the scanning process and
reducing the one-sixth multiplexing
rate even further, only one employee’s
status will be updated each time all
the rows and columns are scanned.
The microprocessor’s scanning
process is threefold. First, you request
employee information from the
SitePlayer. This is done with a 2-byte
0C1h, 0xxh, where 0xxh
is the RAM address (in the SitePlayer)
of the two bytes the
0C1h command
requests. In this case, it means the
herex and messagex variables.
One of the output files, which can
be created when compiling the web
site using SiteLinker, is an
.INC file
that lists all of the variables and their
addresses in the SitePlayer. Including
this file in the microprocessor’s
source file takes care of making sure
you’re asking for the correct address
from within the application code.
The SitePlayer returns the value of
the two addresses requested. These
bytes indicate the present status of
in/out and message for employees.
These values replace the values in the
microprocessor’s RAM.
The table in RAM is then used dur-
ing the push button/LED scan routine
as the present status for determining
which LED to turn on. During the
scan, any push button activity is
recorded and the appropriate RAM
location is updated with the new sta-
tus. If a button push is detected,
meaning someone manually changed
the status of some employee, a write
command is sent to the SitePlayer.
After that, all you need is for the
SiteObjects to hold the correct status
independent of whether the change
came from the manual status board or
via a change by the browser. The
write command to the serial port of
the SitePlayer is similar to the read
command, as you can see here:
081h, 0xxh, 0yyh, 0zzh
0xxh is the address of the first
SiteObject, and
0yyh and 0zzh are
the data values to replace. I’ve defined
the SiteObjects so the message status
messagex) byte follows the in/out
status (
herex) byte for each employ-
ee. This allows a 2-byte read or write
to be used for consecutive addresses.
Figure 1a—
The PIC enables LEDs as it scans push buttons. In addition, the micro must communicate with the SitePlayer, which plugs into the circuit via JP2 and JP3.
Issue 137 December 2001
SiteObjects in the RAM are also avail-
able to external circuitry via an
onboard serial port. This allows an
external application to access and
even modify the SiteObjects.
A low-cost development kit con-
tains all the necessary components to
fully prepare the SitePlayer for your
application. Sample web sites includ-
ed with the kit demonstrate its versa-
tility without having to add any addi-
tional hardware. Although a browser
is adequate for many applications, the
SitePlayer can communicate with any
TCP/IP application (e.g., Visual Basic).
I can already think of improvements
for this project. I’d like to give the user
the ability to place live messages in the
system. Maybe give the system the
ability to send a message to a specific
user’s computer, either as a pop-up or
e-mail. I think the next step is to
investigate a personnel-tracking sys-
tem, which might locate an employee
within the facility. In which case, “Is
there anyone really here?” may
become “Where exactly are you?”
An in/out status byte of nonzero
indicates an in status and enables the
green LED. And a zero byte indicates
an out status and enables the red
LED. A nonzero message status byte
indicates a message is waiting.
A counter is enabled to indicate a
message is waiting. The counter tog-
gles a blink flag on decrement to zero.
The appropriate LED is then enabled
and disabled based on the blink flag
alternating at a slow rate of ~1 s.
Because the message status is inde-
pendent of the in/out status, message
indication is legal for employees who
are either in or out.
The SitePlayer is a complete
Ethernet web server that, when
attached to a LAN, can send and
retrieve data via a LAN to any com-
puter running a standard Internet
browser. Dynamic data (SiteObjects)
can be displayed as text or graphical
icons within the web pages. The
Jeff Bachiochi (pronounced BAH-key-
AH-key) is an electrical engineer on
Circuit Cellar’s engineering staff. His
background includes product design
and manufacturing. He may be
reached at jeff.bachiochi@circuitcel-
The code is available on Circuit
SitePlayer SP1
NetMedia Inc.
(520) 544-4567
Microchip Technology Inc.
(602) 792-7200
Figure 1b—Here’s how the new electronic messaging system is accomplished. A row and six column signals (along with six push button inputs) may be multiplexed to enable
six LEDs and six push buttons. There are two of each per employee.
s I headed out
the door to the
2001 Embedded
Internet Conference, I
must say I was concerned about what
I might find on arrival. It’s no secret
the dot.bomb has hit hard, and it’s not
just the here-today, gone-tomorrow,
loft-dwelling start-ups. How about
WebVan, with $1 billion down the
tubes, and cable provider At Home
burning through cash at an astound-
ing $100 million-plus a month?
I’ve taken some comfort from the
fact that the traditional embedded
markets—industrial, automotive, con-
sumer, and so on—are far removed
from the crash-and-burn dot.com sec-
tor. Nevertheless, when literally bil-
lions of dollars disappear overnight,
the ripples are felt throughout the
entire food chain.
I suppose I wouldn’t have been sur-
prised if the conference was canceled.
Fortunately for all of us in the embed-
ded world, that wasn’t the case. It’s no
secret that the trade show business is
hurting. So, I’d say that the mere fact
the lights were on has to be consid-
ered as a positive.
Although it includes “Internet,”
now a curse word amongst the VCs
sipping espresso in their suddenly
affordable offices on Sand Hill Road,
the “Embedded” in EIC makes all the
difference. Notwithstanding the
Internet time trend, nothing—good or
bad—happens overnight in the
embedded world. Furthermore,
embedded outfits traditionally adhere
to quaint concepts like a company
should actually make something that
works and sell it for more than it
cost to make it.
By virtue of organizing a conference
session I was able to get up close and
personal with some of the key play-
ers. Despite all the turmoil, I’d say
progress is proceeding apace in
Embedded time terms. Check it out
and see if you don’t agree.
The title of my session was
“Towards the $10 Web Connection.”
My thought is that the rate of adop-
tion and pervasiveness of embedded
Internet gadgets is pretty much an
Econ 101 situation. The cheaper it is
to incorporate connectivity features in
embedded products, the more design-
ers will and the faster they’ll do it.
Actually, when setting up the ses-
sion, the conference organizers had
suggested “Towards the $1 Web
Connection.” That title certainly has
a ring to it, but $10 is a much more
practical yet still aggressive target.
Indeed, in terms of silicon that han-
dles networking protocols, we’re get-
ting darn close. Choices are no longer
limited to a 32-bit desktop-computer-
in-drag with a big league OS and
megs of memory.
But one of the helpful lessons
learned in the session is that there are
other important cost factors that are
easy to overlook. Most obvious is
bridging the ultimate digital divide
between a web-savvy gadget and the
Internet itself. Chip suppliers like
iReady, Microchip, Ubicom, and
Rabbit have done an admirable job
delivering low-cost silicon, so much
so that the cost of making the physi-
cal connection looms ever larger.
Right now, the entry-level connect
options are pretty much limited to a
modem or Ethernet link. The silicon
wizards can suck much of that func-
tionality into their chips (e.g., modem
Tom Cantrell
Ready, Steady, Go
the recent
when it comes to
“embedded Internet,”
it’s business as usual.
Tom’s trip to the 2001
EIC resulted in assur-
ance that the world of
embedded continues
to move forward.
Issue 137 December 2001
data pump or Ethernet MAC), but
there’s still a cost for the magnetics
and connectors to jack-in.
There are other alternatives on the
horizon with wireless options leading
the pack. Radio is all the rage with
802.11 ramping quickly and Bluetooth
ostensibly close behind. I also learned
powerline communications may final-
ly shed its oxymoronic X-10 legacy
with the emergence of HomePlug.
If embedded Internet lesson one is,
“don’t forget the connection,” a corol-
lary is to “take advantage of an exist-
ing connection.” It’s no coincidence
that communications gear (modems,
routers, and such) is among the first
to exploit ’Net-enabling for mainte-
nance, upgrades, and so on.
Also easy to overlook is
the fact that all these
Internet gadgets need an
ISP just like any other web
surfer. Whether handled
in-house or purchased,
there’s a cost in addition
to key security and relia-
bility issues to think about.
Connect One was one of
the first to deliver a think-
embedded Internet solu-
tion with their iModem
(for background details on
iModem, see my article
“EZ-Mail Engine,” Circuit
115). Add a phone
line and a few lines of
code and voila`, instant
embedded Internet.
I suppose they must be both flat-
tered and concerned with the arrival
of similar units from Cermetek,
iReady, and eDevices (see Photos 1a
and b). Like the Connect One unit,
these all easily drop into existing
applications, masquerading as a tradi-
tional modem right down to psuedo-
AT commands.
Phone lines generally aren’t suitable
for always-on apps, and don’t forget
paying your local Ma Bell for the priv-
ilege. Furthermore, it’s always a has-
sle to deal with regulatory concerns
and technical foibles of different
countries phone systems. At the same
time, I think there are many remote
monitoring, diagnosis, and upgrade
applications for which a call every
now and then will more than suffice.
Even as I speak there’s a repair fel-
low from Sears investigating some
suspicious activity by our new refrig-
erator. Sure enough it turns out
there’s a cooling fan that’s not kicking
in when it’s supposed to. Of course,
now they have to order the spare part
and come back again to fix it later.
I’m not one of those people who
need a web-enabled refrigerator that
buys stuff for me or tattles on my
dietary habits. But I could certainly
see how plugging in a phone line tem-
porarily and punching a Service but-
ton beats sending out repair trucks
needlessly. There are big bucks to be
made by eliminating the myriad of
such duplicate and false service calls,
as well as turning emergency calls
into scheduled ones.
I don’t know if anybody’s figured
out the literal cost of head scratching.
Maybe in a macroeconomics sense it
can be derived as some fraction of the
dollars spent for Grecian formula.
In any case, the last thing you need
is to get buried in the complexity that
surrounds networking as a whole. It’s
not germane to the task at hand and
everybody’s got plenty to think about
just getting the non-networking por-
tions of their applications squared
away. You want to send an e-mail,
and the next thing you know you’re
trudging through an alphabet soup of
protocols and reams of software.
Give Cermetek credit for staying
focused on the goal. With their parts
(see Figure 1), sending an e-mail can
be as simple as toggling a pin. They
even include a programmed ISP
account and password.
If there’s one thing most suppliers
agree on, it’s that handling the net-
work protocols in software
is preferable to handling
them in hardware. Of
course, that’s no surprise,
considering that until
recently everyone (with the
notable exception of
iReady) was relying on
software stacks. As they
say, where you stand (i.e.,
what you advocate) is usu-
ally where you sit (i.e.,
what you’re selling).
More action is brewing
on the hardware stack front
though, with new suppliers
coming out of the wood-
work and getting ready to
launch products. I’ll defi-
nitely take a closer look as
details become available.
As usual when consider-
ing the hardware versus
software option, key trade-
Issue 137 December 2001
Photo 1—Both iReady (a) and eDevices (b) have
introduced second generation Internet modems that
combine network stack, modem, and easy-to-use com-
mand language on a single module.
Figure 1—
Like other Internet modem modules, the Cermetek iNet can accept high-
level commands from a host via a serial interface. However, in addition, sending an e-
mail can be as simple as toggling a pin, further easing retrofit into existing applications
and perhaps eliminating the need for any design changes or new software.
Modem interface
Network protocols
Send E-mail
+5 V
Issue 137 December 2001
offs include flexibility versus efficien-
cy and performance. For instance, the
software stack provided by Rabbit
Semiconductor with their Ethernet-
based designs includes plenty of pro-
tocols: TCP, UDP, DNS, DHCP,
al-to-Telnet gateway, PPP, and
PPPOE. [1] Don’t need them all? Cut
and paste to your heart’s content
because Rabbit not only wrote the stack
themselves, but delivers the source
code as well. Just
remember the KISS
comments above and
understand that fid-
dling with the innards
of a networking stack
isn’t something for
the faint of heart.
On the other hand,
recognize that an 8-bit
micro is typically
only going to be able
to deliver one or two
megabits per second
through a software
stack. That isn’t an
issue if you’re just sending a few
bytes of data via a 2400-bps modem
from time to time. On the other hand,
stack performance could be a critical
factor for a streaming A/V over
Ethernet application.
When you consider all the compo-
nents required and various soft costs,
the short answer is that the $10 web
connection isn’t quite a reality yet.
But we’re getting darn close. I’d say
you’re looking at something closer to
$20 in volume. Keep in mind though
that all the quotes are speculative
until high volume applications start
hitting the street.
For example, a press release from
Analog Devices states prices for their
DSP-based, single-chip modem with
the eDevices SmartStack TCP/IP
stack, software, licenses, and a two-
chip silicon DAA begin at $18.50 in
quantities of 10,000.
Rabbit Semiconductor sells their
Ethernet core module for $34 in quan-
tities of 1000, but points out that the
raw component BOM (i.e., CPU,
Ethernet chip, Ethernet magnetics,
connector, and memory) is less than
$20 at of quantities 25,000. Expect
the story to be about the same for the
other 8-bit MCU-based solutions from
Microchip and Ubicom.
Meanwhile, the NetMedia Site-
Player, based on a Philips ’51, takes
the quantity one pricing prize at $30,
though you’ve got to add your own
Ethernet magnetics and connector.
The SitePlayer is shown in Photo 2.
There are a few things to keep in
mind while you’re window shopping
and contemplating your next move.
First, whatever the actual number, an
embedded Internet price floor will
eventually emerge. Silicon can work
miracles, but coming up with the
mythical free lunch isn’t one of them.
Instead, much as we’ve seen in the PC
market, at a certain point the trend
will be to start adding features rather
than cutting price (see Figure 2). [2]
Figure 2—After volume pricing is achieved, attention will turn to adding fea-
tures such as network physical interface and protocols, easier to use software,
and higher performance
. [2]
Photo 2—For silicon, quantity drives price. It’s difficult
to say when the $10 web connection will be realized,
but the $30 price tag for one Netmedia SitePlayer
bodes well for the future.
Issue 137 December 2001
Cermetek Microelectronics, Inc.
(800) 882-6271
(408) 752-5000
Fax: (408) 752-5004
Connect One Semiconductors, Inc.
(408) 986-9602
Fax: (408) 986-9604
Tom Cantrell has been working on
chip, board, and systems design and
marketing for several years. You may
So, is it time to take the plunge and
decide to Internet-enable your embed-
ded design? Or is it better to wait for
the next round of chips and price
cuts? There’s no simple or single right
answer. The point is that each step on
the price/performance ramp enables a
new class of designs.
However, my take is that price is no
longer the daunting barrier for many
potential apps that it’s traditionally
been. Furthermore, given the long lead
and lifetimes of embedded designs, it
will be even less an issue by the time
the next generation of ’Net-savvy
products reaches full production.
If you’re even thinking there’s a
chance your design might be a candi-
date for upgrading with Internet fea-
tures, you’re probably right, and you
should probably get started doing
something about it right away.
[1] O. Magee, Rabbit Semicon-
ductor, “Towards the $10
Internet Device,” Paper presented
at Embedded Internet
Conference 2001, August 14–16,
[2] H. Roskos, Cermetek, “Towards
a Sub-$10 iNET Appliance,”
Paper presented at Embedded
Internet Conference 2001,
August 14–16, 2001.
reach him by e-mail at tom.cantrell@
—There’s one other value that’s
easy to find if you have the zeller() function
defined in Problem 1. What is it?
—Building on the function devel-
oped in Problem 2, how can you calculate
the number of days between arbitrary
eDevice, Inc.
(212) 856-0000
Fax: (212) 856-9339
(925) 275-6630
Fax: (925) 275-6691
iReady Corp.
(408) 330-9450
Fax: (408) 330-9451
Microchip Technology Inc.
(480) 786-7200
Fax: (480) 899-9210
NetMedia, Inc.
(520) 544-4567
Fax: (520) 544-0800
Rabbit Semiconductor
(530) 757-8400
Fax: (530) 757-8402
Issue 137 December 2001
....by using real-time emulators.
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Insert-ready sub-mini SBCs (small as 47x55 mm.) supporting the
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32 KB to 8 MB external SRAM & Flash (controller-dependent)
FlashTools enable on-board in-system (ISP) programming
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sion sheet to: IDEA BOX, Circuit Cellar, 4 Park Street, Vernon, CT 06066 or email kc@circuitcellar.com. For more information call Kevin Dows at (860) 872-3064.
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www.circuitcellar.com to see who has what and how to get it!
Issue 137 December 2001
Real Time Control and reading analog signals.
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Windows 95,98,00,NT; DOS, Linux,
Issue 137 December 2001
Issue 137 December 2001
Need to quickly get up to speed with the
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system even better. The new
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Issue 137 December 2001
Issue 137 December 2001
Issue 137 December 2001
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Issue 137 December 2001
Issue 137 December 2001
Issue 137 December 2001
Issue 137 December 2001
Measurement & Sensors
Abacom Technologies
Abia Technology
Ability Systems Corp.
ActiveWire, Inc.
Advanced Embedded Systems, Inc.
Advanced Transdata Corp.
All Electronics Corp.
Amazon Electronics
American Raisonance Corp.
Amulet Technologies
Andromeda Research
AP Circuits
Ash Ware Inc.
ATOP Technologies
Basic Micro
CAN in Automation
CCS-Custom Computer Services
Cedar Technologies, Inc.
Connecticut mircoComputer Inc.
Copeland Electronics Inc.
Cyberpak Co.
Cygnal Integrated Products
Cypress MicroSystems
Dataman Programmers, Inc.
Dataprobe Inc.
Decade Engineering
The Advertiser’s Index with links to their web sites is located at www.circuitceller.com under the current issue.
Design MSP430 Contest
Digital Products
Dreamtech Computers
Earth Computer Technologies
ECD (Electronic Controls Design)
EE Tools
(Electronic Engineering Tools)
EMAC, Inc.
Engineering Express
Everyday Practical Electronics
FDI-Future Designs, Inc.
Hagstrom Electronics
Hall Research Technologies
HI-TECH Software,LLC
HVW Technologies Inc.
ICE Technology
Intec Automation, Inc.
Interactive Image Technologies Ltd.
Intronics, Inc.
Intuitive Circuits, LLC
JK microsystems
JR Kerr Automation & Engineering
LabJack Corp.
LabMetric, Inc.
Laipac Technology, Inc.
Lakeview Research
Lemos International
Link Instruments
Lynxmotion, Inc.
MCC (Micro Computer Control)
MetaLink Corporation
Micro Digital Inc
Microcross, Inc.
microEngineering Labs, Inc.
Micromint Inc.
Midwest Micro-Tek
MJS Consulting
Mylydia Inc.
Netmedia, Inc.
Nohau Corp.
OKW Electronics Inc.
On Time
Ontrak Control Systems
Parallax, Inc.
Phytec America LLC
Phyton, Inc.
Picofab Inc.
Prairie Digital Inc.
Pulsar Inc.
R4 Systems Inc.
Rabbit Semiconductor
Radiotronix, Inc.
R.E. Smith
Remote Processing
Replay TV
RLC Enterprises, Inc.
Building a Fuel-Injection ECU
An RF-Controlled Irrigation System
A Wide-Range Audio Generator
Extensibility for Small Embedded Systems
Exploring QNX Neutrino
No Power Supply Required:
Powering USB Devices from the Bus
I From the Bench
: What Good is IrD, eh?
I Silicon Update
: Disko Boogie
I Applied PCs
: “The” Embedded Project: Part 1—Specifications and Components
RMV Electronics Inc.
Saelig Company
Scott Edwards Electronics Inc.
Sealevel Systems Inc.
Senix Corp.
Sensory, Inc.
Signum Systems
Sirius MicroSystems
Solutions Cubed
Spectrum Engineering
Square 1 Electronics
Tech Tools
Techniprise Inc.
Technologic Systems
Technological Arts
Tern Inc.
Texas Instruments
Triangle Research International Inc.
Trilogy Design
Vetra Systems Corp.
Weeder Technologies
Wittig Technologies
Xilor Inc.
Zagros Robotics
emember when the reason for having a computer was because it was supposed to make you more organized? The
mountains of paper cluttering your life would dissolve and you would become more efficient. I can’t speak for you, but
with every new iteration of computing power and operating system, the mess around me gets deeper and deeper. I don’t
feel more efficient these days. In fact, I feel considerably more disorganized and notably less in control of it all. I certainly have
more information at the tips of my fingers, but damn if I can find it in less time than when it was in that old metal file cabinet.
The last time I felt like there was a happy medium between computer performance and societal orderliness was eight to 10 years ago. I think it
was back in the days of the Pentium I and the maximum hard drive capacity was about 2 GB. That was enough memory so you could run decent
software and archive daily document production but not so much memory that you filled the hard drive with superfluous drivel. Consciously, you
always thought about managing the hard drive space so you didn’t run out. You never had so much of your life on your computer that you couldn’t
live without it, you still used paper exclusively for many things, and file backup was under your personal control.
My problem, and perhaps yours too, is a conflict between organizational method and a pack-rat mindset. In the days when storage was an
issue I limited the amount of evaluation software I installed. With every package wanting it’s own 100 MB of drive space, it was either triage them
on a regular basis or quickly delete them after evaluation. These days I have at least 50 programs I hardly ever use and about 50 that I do. They,
and all the generations of upgrades, eat up lots of drive space. But, who cares? We’ve got loads of room these days. Of course, the only way to
remember what’s installed and how it works is to run the software, wade through the help files, or print out the user’s manual. That accounts for at
least one of the big piles of paper in the corner. When I used to ignore all the extra programs I’d only keep the few manuals that were important.
Complicating it even more are the endless piles of printouts. I swear that every key press for the last 10 years must be stored on my computer. I
know the contract I was working on three weeks ago is there someplace, but where? Because programs now save every version of every docu-
ment everyday, I can’t find anything—at least not easily. More often than not, I end up printing out files when I store them just so I have a backup I
can find or at least to see what I named the file when I stored it. The end result is that my life is on the hard drive. It’s also in another pile of paper
scattered across my desk, on my bookcase, and still spewing out of my printer.
In fact, for a paperless society, I’ve never used so much paper. You might think you can just save the 10-character link to that extraordinary Web
site you just found, but if it is truly that amazing, you’ve probably also printed the page and saved its 500-KB HTML homepage for reference. It’s
now one more pile of paper and one more folder on the hard drive.
The most significant change for me has been picture taking—or more importantly, picture storage. I have the usual shoe boxes full of family
Kodak moments and archived photographs of our Westie growing from a cute puppy into a ferocious guard dog (if wagging your tail and licking
perpetrators to death works, that is). Today, however, like many of you I also have a digital camera. It has redefined the shoe box.
Originally, when I had 1- and 2-megapixel cameras and small hard drives I was frugal about digital picture taking. I reserved 1 or 2 GB in “My
Pictures” but really considered it as “in process.” When the folder was full, I archived it to CD-ROMs and erased the hard drive. That was when
memory seemed finite. To complicate things more, I recently switched to a 4-megapixel camera. Resolution creep has increased my 300-KB pic-
ture files now to 2 MB-plus and saving pictures to a CD-ROM is becoming a losing proposition. It’s easier just leaving them on a fast hard drive.
Picture-taking mentality has changed too. Rather than the 12 or 24 posed film shots, now we shoot a couple hundred and “tune for best pic-
ture.” The idea is to take pictures of everything and only print out the significant ones later. With a high-resolution camera it doesn’t take many
500-MB picture sessions to put a big dent in the hard drive (and, of course, we never erase the pictures we don’t print!).
Needless to say, my life is in constant conflict with increasing computer performance. It certainly doesn’t make me feel more organized nor has
it reduced the blizzard of paper surrounding me. To some extent I have to blame my pack-rat mentality. Just like the thousands of pounds of old
hardware and computer parts on the shelves behind the Circuit Cellar, my computer has become an archive of my electronic life. Unfortunately,
rather than consoling me by its appearance of centralized organization, the fact that all of this is on one hard drive only increases my anxiety.
In truth, the greater issue for the present is my penchant for collecting all things significant or trivial. In an age when so much enterprise and
information besiege us, it can’t be as simple as just going on a data diet. For me, it will be defining a happy
medium between an accumulated life on a hard drive and the various methods used to organize and sustain it.
Who’s Really Organized Anyway?
Issue 137 December 2001
In-Circuit Firmware Development with
evelopment tools from TechTools
ER3 will speed up your firmware
development by eliminating the need
to remove-erase-program and re-
devices plug into the EPROM
socket on your target board
We provide software that loads your
firmware code into the emulator in a matter of
seconds! No more waiting for the eraser or
EPROM programmer. No more “debugging” bent
FlexROM emulators provide engineers with a flexible
development tool for any Embedded project that uses an
external FLASH, EPROM or SRAM device.
see the Target’s address fetches with FR3’s Hardware
now supports multiple file projects with “1-Click”
file conversion and downloading.
FR3 is a Flexible, in-circuit memory Emulator with instrumentation.
ER3 is designed for quick, in-circuit firmware test cycles.
TechTools Complete Development System with integrated
Orders received by 4pm will normally be despatched same day.
• Plugs straight into parallel port of PC or
• Programs and verifies at 2, 2.7, 3.3 & 5V
• True no-adaptor programming up to 48
• Free universal 44 pin PLCC adaptor
• Built-in world standard PSU - for go-
• Package adaptors available for TSOP,
• Programs 8 and 16 bit EPROMs,
Boot-Block FLASH, PICs, 8751
microcontrollers and more
• Rechargeable battery power for total
• All-in-one price includes emulation
leads, AC charger, PC software, spare
library ROM, user-friendly manual
• Supplied fully charged and ready to use
• Programs wide range of 20 and 24 pin
logic devices from the major GAL vendors
• Supports JEDEC files from all popular
• 3 year parts and labor warranty
• Windows/DOS software included
• Free technical support for life
• Next day delivery - always in stock
Order via credit card hotline - phone
today, use tomorrow.
If you do not agree that these truly are the
most powerful portable programmers you can