long fact key

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P e n g u i n R e a d e r s A n s w e r K e y

l e v e l


The Long Goodbye

1 Open answers
2 a



gin and lime







3 a



old army friends


drinking companions

4 a

Lennox once lived in England.


Randy Starr lives in Las Veqas.


Marlowe has a flat in Laurel Canyon.


Marlowe drives Lennox to Tijuana.


Lennox and Sylvia were married in Las


Lennox leaves a suitcase in Hollywood
Bus Station.


Lennox prefers Victor’s Ear to his big


Open answers


Open answers

7 a

Morgan is Marlowe’s friend.


Sewell Endicott offers to help Marlowe.


Dayton has mental problems, according
to Marlowe.


Green tells Marlowe that Lennox’s wife
has been murdered.


The police captain throws coffee at


Menendez is an old friend of Lennox.


Silvano Rodriguez is Lennox in disguise.


Howard Spencer offers Marlowe work.


Roger Wade is a writer.

8 a

He refuses to betray Lennox to the


refuses to talk after he has been hit. He
isn’t afraid of the DAor Menendez.


He is clever enough to refuse Endicott’s
offer of help. He understands that
Spencer knows the blonde woman in the
bar from his body language. There are
many examples of Marlowe’s cleverness
with words (e.g. page 18 ‘And forget the
threats. If you’re big enough ...’etc/page
25 – his speech about blondes)


He is genuinely upset about Lennox’ s
death. Other possible words to describe
him: courage; self control (he doesn’t
respond to Menendez’s rudeness);
patience (‘Jail wasn’t so bad. It was quiet
and clean ...’); sense of humour (when
the captain throws coffee at him, he
observes: ‘Most of it missed.’)

9 Open answers
10 a

Wade knew Lennox’s wife.


Linda Loring is Lennox’s sister–in–law.

11 Open answers
12 That one of his men knew a man in New

York five or six years ago called Marston. He
thinks it was Lennox.

13 a

Eileen gives Marlowe a note from
her husband’s desk which refers to a
‘Doctor V’.


Peters, an old friend who works in a big
detective agency, shows Marlowe a file of


One of the doctors Marlowe visits has a
small office, which suggests that he is not
rich enough to be Wade’s doctor.


One of the doctors treats old and sick
people, which suggests to Marlowe that

Answers to Book activities

he is not tough enough to handle trouble
like Wade.

14 Open answers
15 Open answers
16 a

with Dr Loring, because he refuses to
help Marlowe carry Wade upstairs.


with Marlowe, because he thinks
Marlowe hit Wade.


with Marlowe, because previously he
tells her that she does not care for her
husband. She also accuses him of killing
her husband.


with everyone about Wade’s murder.


First with Candy, for suggesting that
Marlowe was interested in his wife.
Second, with Marlowe. Wade is drunk
and tired of Marlowe’s questions.

17 a



False. She thinks he is someone else
when she falls into his arms.


False. It’s his daughter ’s house. He gave
it to her as a wedding present.


False. He offers Marlowe money to stop
the investigation.


False. He hears one (page 44). He does
not hear the one that kills Wade because
of noise from the lake.


False. After hearing Candy’s lie,
Hernandez believes Marlowe’s story.


False. He cares about Terry Lennox’s
death, not Wade’s.

18 Open answers
19 Open answers
20 a

She says she was given the badge of the
Artists’Rifles in 1940 by a man who died
fighting in Andalsnes. But the badge
didn’t exist in 1940, and the Artists’Rifles
never fought in Andalsnes.


At first she says he died in the war. She
admits later that she saw him after he
had married Sylvia.


At first she says that Lennox did it and
ran away. She then changes her story
and says that she saw her husband kill
Sylvia. Both are lies.


She says she put her husband’ s
bloodstained clothes into a suitcase and
threw it into a lake.


She says she rang the doorbell because
she had forgotten her key. But she could
have walked to the back of the house.


She says it was difficult to lift the
suitcase over a fence. Marlowe tricks her
into believing that there was no fence.

21 She says that she knew her husband had

killed Sylvia Lennox, but she had still asked
Spencer to hire Marlowe to find out her
husband’s secret. She says the front door
had been locked, but Spencer knows that
the front door is never locked.

22 Menendez and Randy Starr shot him, but

only to wound him. Then they drugged him
and packed him in ice in a dark room, so
that Endicott could not tell that Lennox was
not dead.

23 He did not want Eileen to be arrested, even

though he never really loved her. He was
also frightened. He says that no one would
have believed his story.

24 Open answers
25 The title refers to the fact that Lennox

‘returns from the dead’, and Marlowe has to
say goodbye to him twice.

26–31 Open answers

■ Communicative activities

Open answers except

Activities after reading a section

Chapters 5–6

Eileen Wade says she loves her husband but he
finds her cold; Doctor and Mrs Loring do not like
each other; Marlowe doesn’t like Wade, but
Wade is grateful to him when he is not drunk;
Marlowe is attracted to Eileen Wade and she
seems to be attracted to him.
After the party, Roger Wade may have asked
Eileen about her feelings for Marlowe. Dr and
Mrs Loring had a row because she refused to
leave the party with him, and he almost hit her.

Chapters 7–9

Ohls does not think Marlowe killed Wade
because he would have been cleverer. He
suspects Eileen Wade but does not know what
her motive was. He does not believe Wade
committed suicide because he was a writer who
would have left a note and if someone chose
the moment of a speedboat passing before
shooting so that no one would hear the shot, it
would be a murderer, not someone committing

Activities after reading the book

(b)In fact, Marlowe marries Linda Loring after

her divorce at the end of the last novel,
Playback, published five years after The
Long Goodbye. She is very rich but also
very beautiful, calm, reliable and in love with
him. But Marlowe finds it difficult to give up
his independence and doesn’t like to think
people will imagine she is keeping him, as
her sister kept Terry Lennox.

■ Student’ s activities

Activities before reading the book

(a)because he feels sorry for losers
(b)open answers but the most probable motive

is jealousy

(c) they are likely to think that Marlowe knew he

murdered his wife

Activities while reading the book

Chapter 1

1 (a) He is quite young but has white hair. He

has a big scar on the right side of his

(b) Polite, proud, well-mannered
(c) (ii)

2 (a) Terry Lennox about Sylvia Lennox

(b) Terry Lennox about Randy Starr
(c) Philip Marlowe about Sylvia Lennox
(d) Philip Marlowe about Terry Lennox
(e) Terry Lennox about himself

Chapter 2

1 (d), (b), (c), (a).
2 (a) ‘Officially. Nothing more’(page 9)

(b) ‘they won’t even look in the bedroom

until midday’(page 10)

(c) ‘And when they see her, they’ll think

she’s drunk’(page 10)

(d) ‘Did you ever see her with a man in the

guest house?/I never even tried’(page

Answers to Factsheet activities


© Pearson Education 2001

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P e n g u i n R e a d e r s A n s w e r K e y

The Long Goodbye

(e) ‘It hadn’t been fired (page l0)/I know

you didn’t kill her ’ (page 13)

(f) ‘you’re wrong about that’(page 13)

Chapter 3

1 (a) Harlan Potter, because he hates

having his name in the newspapers.

(b) because he was too tall for a

Mexican and had a scar on his face


Open answers

Chapter 4

(a)Lennox has confessed.
(b)goes on trying to find out what


(c) he hasn’t very much money.
(d)saved his life during the war.
(e)he didn’t think Marlowe was brave


(f) is drinking heavily and cannot finish his


Chapter 5

(a)Mr Spencer thinks Roger Wade drinks

too much because he feels guilty about

(b)George Peters’file lists the dishonest


(c) Peters says a friend of his knew a man

called Paul Marston in New York, who
was really Terry Lennox.

(d)Earl is angry because Wade calls him a


(e) Wade says he knew Sylvia Lennox

better than Terry.

Chapter 6

(a) (i), (b) (vi), (c) (vii), (d) (iii), (e) (ii), (f) (v),
(g) (iv)

Chapter 7

(a)He means that Wade got drunk.
(b)‘Nasty feeling, isn’t it?’
(c) Terry Lennox.
(d)Because Eileen Wade was not strong

enough to take the gun away from him
unless he wanted her to.

(e)Because Candy knows that he was

Sylvia Lennox’s lover.

(f) The man she was in love with during

the war.

Chapter 8

1 Open answers. Linda Loring doesn’t call

her father ‘the old man’and smiles
‘weakly’when her father tells her to
leave the room. Potter ‘was a long way
over six feet and nearly as wide as he
was tall ... . His voice seemed to come
from the next room... . When he shook
my hand, my fingers cried.’Marlowe
tells him: ‘I don’t want your money. If I
get rich, I might become like you.’

2 Open answers

Chapter 9

1 (a) He would have expected him to

leave a note. There was no reason
for him to wait until the boat was
passing to shoot himself.

(b) Because Ohls is a friend of his and

knows him well enough to doubt
whether he would have committed a
murder in such an obvious way.

(c) Because Marlowe proves that he

was lying when he says he could

see Eileen Wade’s bedroom door
from the bar.

(d) Because he doesn’t think Wade

would have waited for the boat to
pass to shoot himself and she didn’t
need to ring the bell when she could
have come into the house from the


Open answers

Chapter 10

(a)False. She met him in 1942.
(b)False. She probably bought it after the


(c) True
(d) True
(a) True
(f) False. She says she didn’t care. She

was angry with Lennox for marrying

(g)False. Eileen Wade killed her in the

guest house.

(h) True

Chapter 11

(a)Because he and the others in the

Sheriff’s office don’t like the DA.

(b)Because it will annoy the DA’s office,

Harlan Potter and the gangsters.

(c) Because Menendez’s men had attacked

Willie Magoon, the policeman.

(d)Harlan Potter.
(a)Dr Loring, because he gave Eileen

Wade drugs that probably made her

Chapter 12

Open answers

Activities after reading the book

Open answers

© Pearson Education 2001


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