rup status assessment 20EA631B

Work Product (Artifact): Status Assessment

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Work Product (Artifact): Status Assessment

One of the objectives of the process is to ensure that the expectations of all parties are synchronized and consistent. The periodic Status Assessment provides a mechanism for managing everyone's expectations throughout the project lifecycle.


To provide a mechanism for addressing, communicating, and resolving management issues, technical issues, and project risks. 

Main Description

One of the objectives of the process is to ensure that the expectations of all parties are synchronized and consistent. The periodic Status Assessment provides a mechanism for managing everyone's expectations throughout the project lifecycle. Continuous open communication with objective data derived directly from ongoing activities and the evolving product configurations are mandatory in any project. These project snapshots provide the basis for management's attention. While the period may vary, the forcing function needs to capture the project history. Note that Status Assessments are different from milestone reviews.






CSPS Status Assessment - Construction Phase


Representation Options The Status Assessment may be combined with the Iteration Assessment if the iterations are frequent (one each month). If iterations are lengthy, there will be a need for intermediate Status Assessments. Additional Information A lot of the information in the Status Assessment is copied from other sources to provide a comprehensive source of information for the people assessing the project. Because the Status Assessment is not maintained, there is no concern about keeping the information consistent with the evolving system.

More Information


Status Assessment â€" Informal Representation

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