Lachlan, Alyna Against the Wall (Venus) (pdf)

Pressed Against the Wall
Alyna Lachlan
Venus Press LLC
Alyna Lachlan
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Pressed Against the Wall
Copyright © 2006 by Alyna Lachlan
Cover Art © 2006 by D.L.Taylor
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Here she stood again for hundredth time, only this time it was at the theaters.
How often had she eaten alone at restaurants because David didn t show up, or sat at
home all dressed up, watching the minute hand work its way passed the time for him to
pick her up. Now she stood in line at the ticket box, having showed up as he d asked, yet
he was nowhere to be seen and the movie was about to start.
Gwen glanced at her watch, trying to decide if she wanted to stay and watch the
movie alone or head on home, then raised her head to scan the crowd. It was then that
she spotted a tall man passing through the lines of people, yet it seemed that no one
touched him or even noticed he was there.
He had long shoulder length black hair, a calf-length, black leather duster over a
black shirt and pants. Leather boots finished the picture of the bad boy image. The
duster blew out behind him with his long strides. He seemed to walk through the crowd
in slow motion. Moreover, as he passed her vision, he turned to glance her way, and his
piercing dark eyes caused a shiver to run along her spine. Here was a predator and he
had seen that she had noticed him. He kept going until he disappeared around the side of
the building.
She shook her head as if clearing her fanciful thoughts. She was simply feeling
sorry for herself and had dreamed up this phantom hunk. Why else would she see him
and no one else?
What a sorry mess she had become. Reaching into her purse, she pulled out her
cell phone, flipping it open to dial David s number. When he picked up the phone, she
was surprised.
 Why are you still at home? I m at the theaters and the movie is about to start.
 Quit hassling me, I said I would be there. He paused, then grumbled,  Just for
that I m not coming. I have better things to do.
Alyna Lachlan
Gwen sighed.  David, why do you continually do this? If you don t want to
spend time with me, don t make plans then not show up and I end up doing them all
David snorted on the other end of the phone.  Have you ever thought you re just
not pleasant enough for me to be around?
Click. The receiver went dead.
Gwen closed the phone and stuck it back into her purse. She leaned up against
the brick wall hoping no one around her had heard his end of their short conversation.
She glanced toward the box office debating if she really wanted to sit through another
movie by herself or if a hot soak in the whirlpool was the better bet. Before that thought
fully formed, she felt an overwhelming presence beside her. Again, the surreal feeling
that everything slowed down cloaked her immediate world. As she turned, her gaze fell
on the man in the dark leather duster. He stood so close to her she could smell the warm
spice of cologne, leather, and male. His dark eyes were hypnotic and compelling, and
they pulled her in to touch the fire blazing deep within...
 You see me. His wicked grin made her stomach tighten and her toes curl.
 How can you see me when everyone else cannot or never notices?
She shook her head again.  Excuse me? What a strange question to ask.
 You heard what I said. His gaze ran over her, from her forehead, along her lips,
and down her throat to rest on her breasts. She felt her nipples harden and stand out
against the soft cotton of her blouse. The thin material was the only thing to stand
between his heated gaze and her flesh. She almost sighed in relief when his gaze moved
back up to hers.
 You re here alone. He tilted his head to one side and a roguish smile twisted
one half of his mouth.
Was he trying to read her thoughts or was it just a guess?  I m Gwen and you
 Arden. A mischievous smile touched his lips.  Why does this man leave you
all alone? He must not understand what he has.
The words of the stranger standing before her stirred something primal within her
heart; emotions she kept buried rush through her, to nearly overwhelm. How desperately
she needed to be wanted, needed, and sought after. As warmth poured over her, she drew
in his scent and glanced closer at the details of him.
His features were perfection. He stood above her, his chin coming to the top of
her head and she could feel strength emanating from him in waves of rich sensuality.
 I m sure others see you, sir. You are standing amongst many. When she turned
to glance at the people next to her, his palm pressed along her cheek to bring her gaze
back to his.
 They only see what they wish to see. Moreover, I have no wish for them to
know of my existence. Yet you see me even with my veil of invisibility.
 You re talking nonsense, sir.
 Am I? He placed his hands, one on either side of her head, blocking her in
against the wall.
She could feel the heat of him radiating along the length of her body. And the
speed of her heart increased several degrees. Here was a man not to be trifled with. He
was strong and sure of himself, yet he had noticed her in a crowd full of beautiful
 Are you here alone? she asked.
 I m always alone but tonight I think I have found someone to share my time
with. He lifted one brow as if waiting for her to deign it.
Somehow she wanted, if only for a few minutes, to feel wanted, needed, to feel
the warmth of another sharing her space, her time. When she looked up, she realized the
line had dwindled down to only a few paying for their tickets. She now stood alone,
caged within this stranger's arms, pressed up against the wall.
Just when she was sure the night couldn t get any stranger, he leaned in toward
her neck and drew in a deep breath, pulling the scent of her into himself. He closed his
eyes as if savoring the very essence of her. She waited, watching. New primal urges
caused her to inhale as well. His scent twisted the very fiber of her being, causing a
quickening to pulse between her legs.
And when his eyes opened to meet hers, she felt her heart skip a beat. They had
darkened, the very centers glowed red with heat. Breathing became difficult as her every
sense reached out to him. Her body responded instantly to his. Her nipples grew rock
hard and her breasts became heavy. He had not even touched her, yet her body reacted as
if he had. He was mastering her body with a look from those dark Devil s eyes.
He moved his head closer to hers and a small gasp escaped from between her lips.
It drew his gaze and a smile spread across his full, sensuous lips. Would he kiss her? She
Alyna Lachlan
wanted the taste of him upon her lips. She was surprised to realize she wanted him to do
so much more. As if thought brought action, her tongue slipped out from between her
lips to moisten them.
His wicked grin grew broader. He moved closer. His hot lips only a breath from
her ear.  Move with me around the corner of the building. I wish to taste you as well.
Gwen bit her lower lip debating what she should do. She didn t know this man
but she wanted to. He could be very dangerous, but perhaps it was time to play a
dangerous game. She had been sitting on the sidelines for too long.
She only nodded, fearing to speak because the very sound of her voice might halt
his movement. When he stepped back and offered her, his hand, she tentively placed hers
within his, even with the voice scream a warning in her head.
He pulled her around to the side of the building where the shadows grew long and
dark. There was only one security light that gave a dim glow to the darkest recesses.
And just as he stepped within the shadows, he pushed her up against the wall and his
mouth descended hungrily upon hers.
Her hands pressed against his chest, kneading the hard sinew, loving the feel of
him. As his mouth devoured hers, his tongue--deep, hard, and wet--thrusted with hers.
He tasted good, so very good, it was as if he were a drug. The more she feasted, the more
she wanted. His tongue was warm and soft against hers. He sucked at her lips and she
fed at his. She ran her fingers up along his neck and into his dark hair, holding his head
close to hers so she could deepen the kiss.
His hands came down around her waist, then lower to her outer thighs, reaching
the hem of her skirt. He pushed the fabric up revealing her legs, then hips, until her
material bunched around her waist. He lifted her up against the wall and held her there,
bringing her breast to mouth level. He suckled her through the soft cotton blouse,
slightly nibbling upon the hardened nipple. The cold night air brushed the wet fabric
where he had wrapped his tongue around the first nipple. As he moved to the next breast,
a shiver passed through her body. She moaned and fisted her hands tightly in his hair.
Yes, this was what she wanted danger, a hard body against hers passion. He
was aggressive and demanding yet mindful of his strength. In want of being devoured by
this man, she felt herself becoming moist between her thighs. She wrapped her legs
around his waist, using her heels against his ass to pull him closer to her heat.
 Arden, please! she pleaded. It was a ride of emotion. There was no reality,
only hot, dark lust beating within her.
 I hear you, and feel your need. I smell the very heat of you. And I grow hungry
as well for the taste of you.
With one hand, he reached up and yanked her blouse open. The buttons snapping
off with his need to have her flesh in his mouth. She wore no bra, making it easy for him
as his mouth descended to capture her nipple, drawing her whole areola deep into his
mouth, filling it with her soft flesh. The moist heat sucking at the sensitive nub of her
breast caused her to groan and grow wetter between her legs, damping the thin panties
she wore. His tongue stroked across the hard pebble of her nipple, causing her pussy to
clinch. Arden s continual stroking of her nipple, his hot tongue moving rapidly back and
forth, built her ardor. Her need for sexual release rising until she thought she would
As his hand moved along her hip, she held her breath. Her legs were spread open
waiting for his touch, all he had to do was take it. His fingers finally moved lower as if
sensing her need. Slowly his fingers teased along the edge of her panty-line and inner
thigh. His finger lifted the edge of her panties, and as knuckle moved closer to her moist
nether lips, teasing, yet not touching.
 You are driving me mad with want  Her voice caught as he ran the pad of his
thumb around the open ridge of those lips. She jerked in response.  Touch me damn
He growled, ripping the thin fabric of her panties and pushing his fingers deep
into her. She clinched and came. Her climax hard, as she jerked on his fingers. But he
wouldn t let her stop there. He stroked her hard clit, causing her heat to grow again and
stay heightened.
She pulled at his hair when he removed his fingers. A groan of disappointment
passed her lips.
Arden brought those moist wet fingers to his mouth, sliding them between his
lips. He pulled at them like he had done with her nipples, taking the essence of her into
his mouth. The sight of this dark stranger feeding from her was so erotic; she grabbed his
head and brought his lips to hers. She could yet taste herself on him: the kiss hot and
Alyna Lachlan
She could feel him working to release himself from his pants as they kissed and
the idea excited her. Gwen wanted to know that part of him. The feel and thrust and
finally the heat of his cum.
His fingers moved to her again. He pressed against her sensitive clit, circling it,
flicking it until she thought she would go mad. The need to climax was building but she
held it off, wanting him inside her first. His wet fingers moved down to circle the rosette
of her ass, causing her to clinch her muscles and press against his questing fingers.
Moving back to her clit, his wet fingers slid against it, teasing, stroking and inserting,
making her want to scream. As his finger pushed slightly into her ass, his cock thrust
deep into her open wet pussy. Her release was instant and long as he continued to flick
the straining nub of her clit. His thrusts powerful and deep, she was filled to the womb.
His cock was long and so hard. She was surprised to feel the heat building within her
again. Could she come for a third time?
His mouth moved to her breast again filling his mouth with it. His groans of
pleasure, fed her own. Each thrust of his cock, harder and faster, drove her insane. She
squeezed her pussy around him and heard him moan. She wanted his essence, demanded
When she felt the climax build and knew she would come again, Arden bit into
her breast. The white-hot pain and pleasure caused her to scream and a third orgasm
washed over her. She rocked against him as his cum poured from him in a rush. He
threw back his head, roaring his release.
She watched, as if in a sort of dream-like state, as blood ran slowly from two
small holes in her breast. He bowed his head to her again feeding from her. She held his
head to her, giving him what he wanted.
The word whispered across her thoughts but she was too sated and warm to care.
He was still deep inside her and it felt so right. She wanted him again and again but had
no idea what the future would hold for them. Even if this were the only night they would
have, Gwen knew she would remember it forever.
Hearing the shuffling of feet toward the end of the building, she lazily watched as
two men turn the corner and entered the ally-way where Arden and she were still
 I saw the lady enter this alleyway with another man. Sorry I can t be more
helpful. One man said before turning and leaving.
 Gwen, are you down there?
 David, she whispered, her hold tightening on his shoulders.
Arden lifted his head from her breast and turned dark eyes toward the man
standing just inside the alley. She could feel his muscles tighten.
 I have us shielded from any outsiders view. But I can remove it if you like, as
well as punish the bastard.
Not wanting their time intruded upon further, Gwen directed his gaze back to her
with the palm of her hand.  I m done waiting, Arden. David is no longer a part of my
life. You showed me what I was missing, what I have been waiting for. Thank you.
A wicked grin twisted his lips.  My pleasure. He tilted his head, one brow
lifting.  You are unique and unafraid, even knowing what I am. I think I shall keep you
for the moment and see what the future will hold.
 That would be my pleasure, sir. Gwen smiled, grabbing his head and bringing
him to meet her lips.
David was forgotten like the ghost he had always been in her life. She had found
the potency in life and grabbed it with both hands and she would milk it for all its worth.
No longer would she sit on the sidelines of life.
Alyna Lachlan
About the Author
Alyna Lachlan is Lady of the Crypt. Dark dangerous vampires are her creation. She
lives in North Carolina but grew up in Florida. Alyna loves the dark bad boys that are
tortured and in need of a strong woman. She writes under many names and has won
awards for her works. One award is the Romantic Times Reviewer Choice Award
winner for fantasy book of the year. In diving into her worlds, beware what lurks in the
corners. She has twists and turns in every book.


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