130806105607 bbc tews 136 whatshisface

BBC Learning English
The English We Speak
13 August 2013
What's his face?
Finn: Hi Feifei. Did you enjoy the party last night?
Feifei: Yeah, great Finn. You?
Finn: Oh yeah, caught up with so many old friends!
Feifei: Yeah me too. What's his name was there.
Finn: Oh yeah, what's his name again? He was dancing crazily!
Feifei: Oh, can't remember. Erm& Thingy.
Finn: Yeah, begins with 'S'& Simon? Sandy?
Feifei: S& thingamy.
Finn: Oh, oh  and what's his face was there too!
Feifei: Oh, what's his face? The singer?
Finn: Yeah, he was singing wasn't he!
Feifei: And his new girlfriend& what's her face?
Finn: Well, hopefully your memory is better than ours!
Feifei: Yes, as you might have worked out, the phrase 'what's his face' is used
when you can't remember a man's name.
A: Who's that?
B: It's what's his face.
Feifei: Or  'what's her face' for a woman!
Wow, isn't that what's her face?
Finn: Other phrases you might hear are:
Feifei: What's his name?
Finn: Thingamy.
The English We Speak © British Broadcasting Corporation 2013
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Feifei: What's her name?
Finn: But of course, I'm sure you'll never have that problem.
Feifei: So you won't need to learn today's The English We Speak phrase.
Finn: Anyway. Have to go now.
Feifei: Where are you going this afternoon?
Finn: Oh you know, what's it called?
Feifei: Oh there, yeah! Say hi to what's his face for me!
Finn: Will do. And let's remind everyone to visit bbclearn& Erm& What is it?
Feifei: www.bbclearningenglish.com
Finn: For more phrases.
Feifei: Bye.
Finn: Bye.
The English We Speak © British Broadcasting Corporation 2013
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