CH15 (2)

Chapter 15 -- Imagemaps

Chapter 15


Server or Client?
Imagemaps Using Forms

Pretty Tic-Tac-Toe


A Simple Imagemap CGI
NCSA Imagemap


People often call the medium of the
World Wide Web hypermedia because it not only supports
hypertext (textual links to other documents) but also graphical
links to other documents. The ability to link certain parts of
a graphic to other documents is called hyperimage, more
commonly called imagemapping.

The idea behind hyperimages is that where you click on a certain
image determines what document the browser accesses next. You
can summarize the normal behavior of an imagemap as follows:

A user clicks on an image.
The browser determines where on the image
the user clicked.
The browser somehow determines what to
do next according to where the user clicked. Usually, the browser
just accesses another document.

You can use imagemaps for a variety of purposes from a clickable
hypertext map (like the one shown in Figure 15.1)
to a fancy graphical index. In this chapter, you learn about the
various implementations of imagemaps and using forms and the HTML
attribute, ISMAP, for creating and controlling imagemaps.

As you can see from Figure 15.1, Harvard
University uses an imagemap for a hypertext map of the campus.
Clicking on shaded regions on the map zooms you in to a more detailed

Figure 15.1 : An example imagemap.

or Client?

What should take the responsibility of handling imagemaps: the
server or the client? Clearly, the client needs to handle at least
part of the processing. It needs to determine where the user has
clicked on the image.

Handling imagemaps through the server using CGI is inefficient.
It requires the client telling the server where the user clicked,
the server spawning a new program, this program opening a map
file that contains the defined regions and URLs, and finally the
server accessing the new URL. If you program the server to handle
imagemap processing internally, the process speeds up tremendously.


Many servers do support imagemaps internally (meaning that you don't need to use a CGI program to process an imagemap) including NCSA, Apache, Netsite, and WN. Refer to the documentation for your particular server for more information.

Having the client handle imagemaps internally gives you the same
(or better) speed benefits as a server that handles imagemaps
internally. However, having either the client or the server deal
with imagemaps internally means a loss in flexibility handling
the imagemap. The client-side imagemap extensions to HTML (discussed
in Chapter 14, "Proprietary Extensions"),
for example, support only three shapes: rectangles, circles, and
polygons. You might want the imagemap processor to determine whether
the user has clicked closer to one point than another, for example.
You might have hundreds of imagemaps that have the same basic
look and that access the same type of information in different
directories. Instead of having to specify the coordinates and
different files for these hundreds of images, it would be easier
to have one program that knows the specified format of the imagemap
and the general locations of every file and would need only one
parameter to find the right document locations.

Finally, your users might not have a browser that supports client-side
imagemaps, or you might not be able to find a server that has
the built-in imagemap capabilities that you need. A CGI imagemap
program, however, works on all current Web servers that support


If you use a client-side application such as a Java applet, you can extend the imagemap functionality to perform tasks you can't do with server-side imagemaps. For example, you can emphasize regions on the image when your mouse pointer lies above them. Or

you can have messages pop up when you pass a certain region of the image.

Because of this flexibility, most imagemaps are implemented using
CGI programs. All that is necessary is for the client to somehow
pass to the CGI program the coordinates where the user clicks.
Using CGI, you can obtain this information in two ways: forms
and ISMAP. Both are discussed
in the following sections.
Using Forms

You can pass the coordinates of a user's selection using HTML
forms using the <input type=image>
tag. The proper syntax for this tag is as follows:

NAME=" . . . " [ALIGN=" . . . "]>

SRC is the location of the
image relative to document root, NAME
is the name of the field, and ALIGN
is equivalent to the ALIGN
parameter for the <img>
tag. On a browser that supports this tag, the image is displayed.
Clicking on any part of the image is equivalent to clicking on
a Submit button. If NAME
is name, the values name.x
and name.y are
transmitted to the CGI program through normal form and URL encoding.
These two fields contain the coordinates where the user clicked.
Pretty Tic-Tac-Toe

Using the <input type=image>
tag, you can extend (and greatly simplify) the tic-tac-toe game
from Chapter 13, "Multipart Forms
and Maintaining State." The new specifications for a tic-tac-toe
game using forms and images are as follows:

The game should dynamically generate one large image with
the current board positions.
It should enable the user to click on a part of the image
to select his or her next move.

The first new requirement does not really take advantage of any
imagemapping feature. To generate the tic-tac-toe board dynamically,
I use Thomas Boutell's gd library; the code is shown in Listing

Listing 15.1. Tic-tac-toe board using board.c.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "gd.h"
#include "string-lib.h"

#define LENGTH 170
#define CLENGTH 44
#define D1 55
#define D2 115

static int loc[3] = {0,60,120};

void draw_xo(gdImagePtr board,char xo,int x,int y,int color)
  if (xo == 'x') {


  else if (xo == 'o')


int main()
  char *state = getenv("QUERY_STRING");
  gdImagePtr board;
  int white,black;
  int i;

  /* create GIF */
  board = gdImageCreate(LENGTH,LENGTH);
  white = gdImageColorAllocate(board,255,255,255);
  black = gdImageColorAllocate(board,0,0,0);
  if (state != NULL)
    for (i=0; i<9; i++)

  /* send GIF */
  printf("Content-Type: image/gif\r\n\r\n");


Given the state information in the same form as provided in the
Chapter 13 example, the board program
displays a tic-tac-toe board with Xs and Os in the correct positions
as shown in Figure 15.2. In other words,
given a nine-character state string consisting of Xs, Os, and
underscores, the board program displays the proper board.

Figure 15.2 : The board program in action.

Now that you have a program that dynamically generates the desired
image, you can modify tictactoe.c to take the coordinates, update
the board accordingly, and send a new form and image. Because
the program is in C, I use read_cgi_input()
to get the values of board.x and board.y. After I have these values,
I determine where these coordinates are relative to the board
position and take the appropriate action. The revised tic-tac-toe
program, tictactoe.c, is shown in Listing 15.2.

Listing 15.2. The tictactoe.c program.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "cgi-lib.h"
#include "html-lib.h"

#define LENGTH 170
#define D1 55
#define D2 115

void set_board(int board[3][3],char *state)
  int i;

  for (i = 0; i<9; i++) {
    if (state[i] == 'x')
      board[i%3][i/3] = 1;
    else if (state[i] == 'o')
      board[i%3][i/3] = -1;
      board[i%3][i/3] = 0;

char *board2string(int board[3][3])
  char *str = malloc(10);
  int i,j;

  for (j=0; j<3; j++)
    for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
      if (board[i][j] == 1)
    str[i+j*3] = 'x';
      else if (board[i][j] == -1)

    str[i+j*3] = 'o';
    str[i+j*3] = '_';
  str[9] = '\0';
  return str;

int adjust_coord(int num)
  if (num > D2)
    return 2;
  else if (num > D1)
    return 1;
    return 0;

int check_winner(int board[3][3])
  int i,j;
  short FOUND = 0;

  /* 0 = go on, 1 = human wins, -1 = computer wins,
2 = stalemate */

  /* sum up horizontals */
  for (j = 0; j<3; j++) {
    if (board[0][j]+board[1][j]+board[2][j]
== 3)
      return 1;
    else if (board[0][j]+board[1][j]+board[2][j]
== -3)
      return -1;
  /* try verticals */
  for (i = 0; i<3; i++) {
    if (board[i][0]+board[i][1]+board[i][2]
== 3)
      return 1;
    else if (board[i][0]+board[i][1]+board[i][2]
== -3)
      return -1;
  /* now test diagonals */
  i = board[0][0]+board[1][1]+board[2][2];
  j = board[2][0]+board[1][1]+board[0][2];
  if ( (i==3) || (j==3) )
    return 1;
  else if ( (i==-3) || (j==-3) )
    return -1;
  for (j = 0; j<3; j++)
    for (i = 0; i<3; i++)
      if (board[i][j] == 0)
    FOUND = 1;
  if (FOUND)
    return 0;
    return 2;

void computer_move(int board[3][3])
  int positions[9];
  int i,j,move;
  int num = 0;

  /* we can assume there are empty positions; otherwise,
this function
     would not have been called */
  /* find empty positions */
  for (j=0; j<3; j++)
    for (i=0; i<3; i++)
      if (board[i][j] == 0) {
    positions[num] = i+j*3;
  /* pick random number from 0 to num-1 */
  move = (int) ((double) num*rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0));

  board[positions[move]%3][positions[move]/3] = -1;


void print_play(char *msg,char *state)
  printf("<p><img src=\"/cgi-bin/board?%s\"></p>\n",state);

printf("<p><a href=\"/cgi-bin/tictactoe\">");

  printf("Play again?</a></p>\n");


void print_move(char *msg,char *state)
  printf("<form action=\"/cgi-bin/tictactoe?%s\"
  printf("<input type=image name=\"board\"


void print_board(int board[3][3], int x, int y)
  int winner;
  char state[9];

  if (x != -1) { /* check for valid move and winner
    if (board[x][y] == 0) { /* valid move
      board[x][y] = 1;

      winner = check_winner(board);

      if (winner == 1) /* human
wins */
    print_play("You Win!",state);

      else if (winner == 2)

      else if (winner == 0) { /*
computer's turn */
    winner = check_winner(board);
    if (winner == -1)
    else if (winner == 2)

      print_move("Your Move",state);

      print_move("Invalid Move.
Try again.",state);
    print_move("Your Move",state);


int main()
  int board[3][3];
  int x,y;
  llist coordinates;


  if (read_cgi_input(&coordinates)) {
    x = adjust_coord(atoi(cgi_val(coordinates,"board.x")));

    y = adjust_coord(atoi(cgi_val(coordinates,"board.y")));

  else {
    x = -1; /* user didn't click on anything
    y = -1;

I changed very little of tictactoe.c to incorporate the interactive
imagemap, yet now the game is much more usable and better looking
(although still as silly as ever). See the new game shown in Figure 15.3.

Figure 15.3 : The new tic-tac-toe game. The interface in more usable and attractive with imagemaps.

You cannot implement this tic-tac-toe game using a generic implementation
of imagemaps (such as client-side HTML imagemaps, the NCSA imagemap
CGI program, or any other standard imagemap implementation). You
need a custom CGI program to interpret and respond to the user's
clicks properly.

Although the <input type=image>
form tag provides a nice, consistent interface to imagemaps, it
has a few flaws. Historically, this tag has not been supported
by browsers, and consequently, it is not a commonly used tag.
This tag also does not enable you to specify an alternative tag
for text-only browsers.

The more common way of implementing imagemaps is by using an attribute
of the <img> tag called
ISMAP. When you have a hyperlinked
inline image normally, clicking anywhere on the image takes you
to the link. For example, if you click anywhere on the image specified
by the following you go to happy.html:

<a href="happy.html"><img

If you add the ISMAP parameter
to the <img> tag, then
the X and Y coordinates where the user clicks on the image are
appended to the URL specified in the <a
href> tag. For example, if you click on the pixel
located at (10,15) on the image specified by the following:

<a href="">

<img src="happyface.gif" ISMAP></a>

the browser sends the server the following request and the coordinates
are sent to QUERY_STRING:,15

At this point, it is up to the server to interpret this request
properly. Normally, you specify a CGI program in the <a
href> tag to process the coordinates, although
servers with built-in imagemap capabilities automatically know
how to process these requests without the aid of CGI.
A Simple Imagemap CGI

Processing the results from an ISMAP
request is easy. The coordinates are sent to QUERY_STRING.
Everything before the comma is the X coordinate, and everything
after the comma is the Y coordinate. What you do after you have
this coordinate is slightly more complex and depends on the nature
of your application. In general, though, you want to go to another
document depending on where the user clicks.

Where are you going to define the regions and associated documents?
You can hard code this information in your program, but for most
applications, doing so is not very useful. Having a configuration
file for every imagemap that defines the regions and associated
URLs is nice. After your imagemap program determines the region
in which the user clicks, it sends a Location
header followed by the URL. To specify the location of the configuration
file, you can append it to the URL and check the PATH_TRANSLATED
environment variable.

Because you want to develop a simple imagemap program (as opposed
to a complex one, for purposes of this chapter), this imagemap
program checks only for rectangular regions. The configuration
file, specified in the PATH_TRANSLATED
environment variable, looks something like this:

0  10 300

25 10  40  /images/brown.gif

The format for each line is as follows:

xmin ymin xmax ymax URL

In other words, the first two numbers define the upper-left corner
of the rectangular region, the second two numbers define the lower-right
corner, and the last item is either a URL or a document location
relative to document root.

What should this imagemap program do if the user clicks on an
undefined region? The best response is probably nothing, in this
case, so just have it send a Status:
204 no content header.

Finally, how should this CGI respond when it is accessed from
a text-only browser such as Lynx? This answer is somewhat of a
dilemma. On the one hand, you want your pages to be as accessible
as possible; on the other hand, by nature, a textual browser simply
cannot take advantage of all the features a multimedia browser
can. A good compromise is for the imagemap program to test whether
the browser is a text browser by checking the HTTP_ACCEPT
for the substring image (as
in the MIME types image/gif
or image/jpeg). If the browser
is a text browser, then display all the URLs available in the
map configuration file.

Here's a quick summary of the features of a simple imagemap program:

Define rectangular regions and associated URLs in a separate
configuration file, Specify this configuration
file in the <a href>
link using the PATH_TRANSLATED
environment variable.
If the user clicks on an undefined area, the imagemap should
ignore it by sending a Status: 204
The imagemap should display a list of URLs for text browsers.

The Perl code for this checks the HTTP_ACCEPT
ENV variable, is shown in Listing 15.3. The proper
HTML code for correct usage of imagemap is as follows:

<a href="/cgi-bin/">

<img src="happyface.gif ISMAP></a>

Listing 15.3. The program.


require '';

# get info
$mapfile = $ENV{'PATH_TRANSLATED'};
&CgiDie("Error","No .map file specified.")
unless ($mapfile);

$server = $ENV{'SERVER_NAME'};
$port = $ENV{'SERVER_PORT'};

if ($ENV{'HTTP_ACCEPT'} =~ /image/) {
    $TEXT = 0;
else {
    $TEXT = 1;

if (!$TEXT && !($QUERY_STRING =~ /,/)) {
browser does not handle imagemaps correctly.");
($x = $QUERY_STRING) =~ s/,.*$//;
($y = $QUERY_STRING) =~ s/^.*,//;

# open .map file
open(MAP,$mapfile) || &CgiDie("Error","Can't
open $mapfile");
$FOUND = 0;
$i = 0;
while ($line = <MAP>) {
    $line =~ s/[\r\n]//g;
    ($xmin,$ymin,$xmax,$ymax,$url) = split(/\s+/,$line);

    if ($TEXT) {
    $urls[$i] = $url;
    elsif (&within($x,$y,$xmin,$ymin,$xmax,$ymax))
    $FOUND = 1;
    if ($url =~ /:/) { # full URL
        print "Location:
    else { # virtual URL
        print "Location:
if ($TEXT) {
    print &PrintHeader,&HtmlTop("Imagemap:
    print "<ul>\n";
    foreach $url (@urls) {
    print " <li><a href=\"$url\">$url</a>\n";

    print "</ul>\n";
    print &HtmlBot;
elsif (!$FOUND) {
    print "Status: 204 Do nothing\n\n";


sub within {
    local($x,$y,$xmin,$ymin,$xmax,$ymax) =

    if (($x>=$xmin) && ($x<=$xmax)
    ($y>=$ymin) && ($y<=$ymax))
    return 1;
    else {
    return 0;

Although is simplistic in that it is not very configurable,
it is fairly powerful in many other ways. For example, it is robust.
If someone clicks an undefined area, ignores the click
rather than sends an error message. If you specify an invalid
or nonexistent configuration file, it sends an error message.
It also makes your pages accessible to text browsers.
NCSA Imagemap

Perhaps the most well-used CGI program is imagemap.c, the imagemap
program that is included in the NCSA server package (which, at
the time of this writing, is the most popular server in use on
the Internet). It is fairly full-featured, thanks to patches contributed
by many people over the last few years.

NCSA's imagemap has both a central configuration file and a decentralized
configuration. You can specify separate configuration files on
your own the same way you do with including it
in the PATH_TRANSLATED variable.
If you don't specify the location of the .map file, it checks
a central configuration file for its location. If it can't find
the location there (or if it can't find a central configuration
file), then it gives an error.

The imagemap.c program also handles several different kinds of
shapes: rectangles, circles, polygons, and points. It also lets
you specify a default URL for the undefined regions. A typical
.map file might look like the following:

default /index.html
rect /chapter1/index.html 0,0
circle 80,80 60,80
poly 120,0 140,0 145,20 115,25
point 227,227

With rectangles, the first point is the upper-left corner, and
the second is the lower-right corner. The first point on the circle
coordinate is the center point, and the second point is any point
on the edge of the circle. Each point following the poly
attribute is a vertex of the polygon, and point
specifies whether the user clicks near that point.

Finally, because imagemap.c is written in C, it is much more responsive
than (written in Perl). If you use a lot of imagemapping
on your site, then you probably want to use a C version of imagemap.
The code for imagemap.c is shown in Listing 15.4.

Listing 15.4. The imagemap.c program.

** mapper 1.2
** 7/26/93 Kevin Hughes,
** "macmartinized" polygon code copyright 1992 by Eric
** All suggestions, help, etc. gratefully accepted!
** 1.1 : Better formatting, added better polygon code.
** 1.2 : Changed isname(), added config file specification.
** 11/13/93: Rob McCool,
** 1.3 : Rewrote configuration stuff for NCSA /htbin script
** 12/05/93: Rob McCool,
** 1.4 : Made CGI/1.0 compliant.
** 06/27/94: Chris Hyams,
**          Based
on an idea by Rick Troth (
** 1.5 : Imagemap configuration file in PATH_INFO. Backwards
**  Old-style lookup
in imagemap table:
**    <a
**  New-style specification
of mapfile relative to DocumentRoot:
**    <a

**  New-style specification
of mapfile in user's public HTML directory:
**    <a

** 07/11/94: Craig Milo Rogers, Rogers@ISI.Edu
** 1.6 : Added "point" datatype: the nearest point wins.
Overrides "default".
** 08/28/94: Carlos Varela,
** 1.7 : Fixed bug: virtual URLs are now understood.
**      Better
error reporting when not able to open configuration file.
** 03/07/95: Carlos Varela,
** 1.8 : Fixed bug (strcat->sprintf) when reporting error.

**      Included
getline() function from util.c in NCSA httpd distribution.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifndef pyr
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

#define CONF_FILE "/usr/local/etc/httpd/conf/imagemap.conf"

#define MAXLINE 500
#define MAXVERTS 100
#define X 0
#define Y 1
#define LF 10
#define CR 13

int isname(char);

int main(int argc, char **argv)
   char input[MAXLINE], *mapname, def[MAXLINE],
conf[MAXLINE], errstr[MAXLINE];
   double testpoint[2], pointarray[MAXVERTS][2];

   int i, j, k;
   FILE *fp;
   char *t;
   double dist, mindist;
   int sawpoint = 0;

    if (argc != 2)
number of arguments, client may not support ISMAP.");

    if((!mapname) || (!mapname[0]))
map name given. Please read the <A HREF=\"\


    if(!(t = strchr(argv[1],',')))
client doesn't support image mapping properly.");
    *t++ = '\0';
    testpoint[X] = (double) atoi(argv[1]);

    testpoint[Y] = (double) atoi(t);

     * if the mapname contains a '/',
it represents a unix path -
     * we get the translated path, and
skip reading the configuration file.
    if (strchr(mapname,'/')) {

      goto openconf;

    if ((fp = fopen(CONF_FILE, "r"))
== NULL){
"Couldn't open configuration file: %s", CONF_FILE);



    while(!(getline(input,MAXLINE,fp))) {

        char confname[MAXLINE];

        if((input[0] ==
'#') || (!input[0]))

&& (input[i] != ':');i++)
= input[i];
        confname[i] =

     * if mapname was not found in the
configuration file, it still
     * might represent a file in the
server root directory -
     * we get the translated path, and
check to see if a file of that
     * name exists, jumping to the opening
of the map file if it does.
    if(feof(fp)) {
      struct stat sbuf;

      if (!stat(conf,&sbuf)
&& ((sbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG))
    goto openconf;
    servererr("Map not found in configuration

    while(isspace(input[i]) || input[i] ==
':') ++i;

    for(j=0;input[i] && isname(input[i]);++i,++j)

        conf[j] = input[i];

    conf[j] = '\0';

    sprintf(errstr, "Couldn't open configuration
file: %s", conf);


    while(!(getline(input,MAXLINE,fp))) {

        char type[MAXLINE];

        char url[MAXLINE];

        char num[10];

        if((input[0] ==
'#') || (!input[0]))

        type[0] = '\0';url[0]
= '\0';

&& (input[i]);i++)
= input[i];
        type[i] = '\0';

&& isname(input[i]);++i,++j)
= input[i];
        url[j] = '\0';

&& !sawpoint) {



        while (input[i])
(isspace(input[i]) || input[i] == ',')

= 0;
= input[i++];
= '\0';
(num[0] != '\0')
= (double) atoi(num);


(isspace(input[i]) || input[i] == ',')

= 0;
= input[i++];
= '\0';
(num[0] != '\0')
= (double) atoi(num);

y value.");

= -1;









        /* Don't need
to take square root. */
        dist = ((testpoint[X]
- pointarray[0][X])
(testpoint[X] - pointarray[0][X]))
((testpoint[Y] - pointarray[0][Y])
(testpoint[Y] - pointarray[0][Y]));
        /* If this is
the first point, or the nearest, set the default. */
        if ((! sawpoint)
|| (dist < mindist)) {
        mindist = dist;



    servererr("No default specified.");


sendmesg(char *url)
  if (strchr(url, ':')) /*** It is a full URL ***/

    printf("Location: ");
  else                   /***
It is a virtual URL ***/
    printf("Location: http://%s:%s",


    printf("This document has moved <A

int pointinrect(double point[2], double coords[MAXVERTS][2])
        return ((point[X]
>= coords[0][X] && point[X] <= coords[1][X]) &&

        (point[Y] >=
coords[0][Y] && point[Y] <= coords[1][Y]));

int pointincircle(double point[2], double coords[MAXVERTS][2])

        int radius1, radius2;

        radius1 = ((coords[0][Y]
- coords[1][Y]) * (coords[0][Y] -
+ ((coords[0][X] - coords[1][X]) * (coords[0][X] -

        radius2 = ((coords[0][Y]
- point[Y]) * (coords[0][Y] - point[Y])) +
- point[X]) * (coords[0][X] - point[X]));
        return (radius2
<= radius1);

int pointinpoly(double point[2], double pgon[MAXVERTS][2])
        int i, numverts,
inside_flag, xflag0;
        int crossings;

        double *p, *stop;

        double tx, ty,

        for (i = 0; pgon[i][X]
!= -1 && i < MAXVERTS; i++)

        numverts = i;

        crossings = 0;

        tx = point[X];

        ty = point[Y];

        y = pgon[numverts
- 1][Y];

        p = (double *)
pgon + 1;
        if ((y >= ty)
!= (*p >= ty)) {
((xflag0 = (pgon[numverts - 1][X] >= tx)) ==
*) pgon >= tx)) {


+= (pgon[numverts - 1][X] - (y - ty) *
*) pgon - pgon[numverts - 1][X]) /
- y)) >= tx;


        stop = pgon[numverts];

        for (y = *p, p
+= 2; p < stop; y = *p, p += 2) {
(y >= ty) {
((p < stop) && (*p >= ty))
+= 2;
(p >= stop)

((xflag0 = (*(p - 3) >= tx)) == (*(p - 1) >= tx)) {


+= (*(p - 3) - (*(p - 2) - ty) *
- 1) - *(p - 3)) / (*p - *(p - 2))) >= tx;


((p < stop) && (*p < ty))
+= 2;
(p >= stop)

((xflag0 = (*(p - 3) >= tx)) == (*(p - 1) >= tx)) {


+= (*(p - 3) - (*(p - 2) - ty) *
- 1) - *(p - 3)) / (*p - *(p - 2))) >= tx;


        inside_flag =
crossings & 0x01;
        return (inside_flag);


servererr(char *msg)
    printf("Content-type: text/html%c%c",10,10);

    printf("<title>Mapping Server
    printf("<h1>Mapping Server
    printf("This server encountered an
    printf("%s", msg);

int isname(char c)
        return (!isspace(c));


int getline(char *s, int n, FILE *f) {
    register int i=0;

    while(1) {
        s[i] = (char)fgetc(f);

        if(s[i] == CR)

= fgetc(f);

        if((s[i] == 0x4)
|| (s[i] == LF) || (i == (n-1))) {
= '\0';
(feof(f) ? 1 : 0);

Although imagemap.c is very powerful, it lacks two important features
that has. First, if no default is specified, it sends
an error if the user clicks on an undefined region. Second, it
is not friendly for text browsers. Being able to define an alternative
text file for your imagemaps in the .map file would be nice. Modifying
imagemap.c to handle both problems is fairly easy, and I encourage
you to try it as an exercise.

Imagemapping literally enables you to add a new dimension to your
Web sites. Although it is not clear whether it is the role of
the client or the server to handle imagemapping (both have been
implemented), you can find some advantages to handling imagemaps
on the server side using CGI applications.

You can get imagemap information from the client in two ways:
HTML forms and the ISMAP attribute of the <IMG>
tag. Both methods are almost equally usable and powerful, although
the latter method is preferable because it is supported by more
browsers and is slightly more flexible.


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