
Release 11 Enhancements (Release 11 New Features)  Release 11 New Features if ((parent.frames.lengthSome User's Guides Available in HTML Form The following User's Guides are available in HTML form for Release 11: Using MATLAB Graphics Using Simulink Stateflow User's Guide Report Generator User's Guide Database Toolbox User's Guide Getting Started with MATLAB, Release 11 New Features, and Release 11 Known Software and Documentation Problems, as well as documentation for the Plot Editor, PrintFrame Editor, and Page Setup dialog box, are also available in HTML form. This allows these documents to take advantage of links to the reference material, as well as additional online navigation features. Microsoft HTML Help Viewer On PCs, Using Simulink, the Stateflow User's Guide, and the MATLAB Report Generator User's Guide, as well as the Plot Editor and PrintFrame Editor documentation, when accessed via Help menus or buttons from within the respective product, use the Microsoft HTML Help Viewer. That viewer is provided with Internet Explorer Version 4.01 and higher. If you access these documents via the Help Desk, they are displayed using your system's Web browser. The Microsoft HTML Help Viewer provides a two-pane help display mechanism: one for navigation, and the other for display of the text. The navigation pane includes a collapsible/expandable table of contents and an index tab and a search tab. If you do not have the HTML Help Viewer, you can get it at no cost by downloading and installing the minimum configuration for Internet Explorer from the Microsoft Web site - On PCs that do not have Microsoft's HTML Help Viewer installed, and on UNIX platforms, these HTML documents use your system's Web browser. The Web browser interface uses a two-pane interface, but the table of contents is not collapsible/expandable and it does not have the search tab. Context-Sensitive Help There is a new form of help available for the dialog boxes in the Plot Editor and the Page Setup dialog box. For these dialog boxes, click the Help button in a dialog box to go directly to help for that dialog box. This context-sensitive help uses Microsoft HTML Help Viewer, if available, as described above. Context-sensitive help is also available from dialog boxes or within tools, via Help buttons or menus, for these products: MATLAB Report Generator and Simulink Report Generator Simulink Stateflow Fixed-Point Blockset [ Previous | Next ]


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