Language Test 8A

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Language Test

Student A


(20 marks)


Complete the descriptions.


Read the sentences and write the adjectives.

0 Maya and Jade are twins. They’re very tall and

(nthi) thin.

1 He eats too much fast food and he’s quite (taf)


2 My dad isn’t small and he isn’t big. He’s

(demium-uildb) .

3 America Ferrera isn’t ugly, she’s really (ttyper)


4 My boyfriend isn’t handsome, he’s quite

(ordnayir-koolngi) .

5 Your mum looks very (ttracvitea)

in that dress.

5 marks


(20 marks)


Complete the sentences with one or ones.

0 Maria: What about wearing a sleeveless top

with those jeans?

Carla: Good idea but I don’t have one!
1 I think the striped scarf looks better than the

fl owery .

2 Which gloves do you prefer? The green

or the purple ?

3 Shall I wear this plain shirt or the checked


4 Mark: Do you like these tight jeans?
Charlie: No, but those baggy are cool.
5 The fl owery skirt doesn’t suit you but the plain

looks good.

5 marks


Complete the sentences with the correct

form of the verbs in brackets.

0 If I don’t do (not / do) my homework, my mum

gets (get) angry.

1 My dad often (go) to bed early if

he (feel) tired after work.

2 If Eva’s friends (feel) worried, she

always (listen) to their problems.

3 If I (go) to bed late, I always

(feel) really tired the next day.

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A) She’s wearing a

0 tight T-shirt and big,
1 trousers.
The trousers have got
lots of 2 and
3 . Her style
is very 4 .

B) She’s wearing a

5 skirt and a
plain, 6 top.
She’s wearing a long,
7 scarf. She
looks very 8 .

8 marks


Match the adjectives (1–7) with the

descriptions (a–h).

0 generous c

4 easy-going

1 shy

5 rude

2 clever

6 bad-tempered

3 untidy

7 kind

a is never bad-tempered or angry
b always helps people and listens
c buys lots of presents
d doesn’t like meeting new people
e always passes exams and gets good grades
f is the opposite of polite
g has a very messy bedroom
h is often angry

7 marks

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4 If someone (be) shy at a party, my

best friend always (talk) to them.

5 Me and my brother (not / go) to the

park if it (rain).

6 If my best friend (not / come) to

school, I always (send) her a text.

7 I usually (make) my mum breakfast

if she (be) ill.

8 If my little sister (be) good, my

parents usually (take) her to the

8 marks


Complete the sentences with the correct

verb or adjective.

sounds seems like unfriendly worried
look feel pretty

0 The new Bond film sounds really good, let’s go

and see it.

1 Dominic never talks so he seems really

, but he’s actually just very shy.

2 Ann: What does she like?
Brad: She’s tall and blonde.
3 I really tired so I’m going home early.
4 Monica: What’s Sofia ?
Joe: She’s really kind and easy-going.
5 What’s wrong with Natalya? She

really upset.

6 You look really in that dress!
7 I’ve got three exams on Monday so I feel really


7 marks


(20 marks)


Circle the correct response.

0 How do they look?
a) It looks nice. b) They look great!
c) She looks pretty.
1 Why don’t you wear those gold trousers?
a) No way! b) Here you go. c) It’s too big.
2 What do they look like?
a) They’re very bossy. b) They don’t like football.
c) They’re tall and slim.

3 What do you think about this hat?
a) It doesn’t look right. b) They look smart.
c) I prefer long ones.
4 What’s she like?
a) She likes swimming. b) She’s really funny.
c) She’s very tall.
5 Do you like the red dress or the blue dress?
a) I like the blue ones. b) I like the blue one.
c) I don’t like pink.

10 marks


Complete the dialogue with the sentences


Why don’t you wear your black jeans?
Why don’t you wear them with this checked shirt?
You look very handsome!
Yes, the baggy ones are more your style.
Try the black one.
What about a plain T-shirt?

Tom: What shall I wear to the party tonight?
Beth: 0 Why don’t you wear your black jeans?
Tom: Mmm… I prefer my baggy blue ones.
Beth: 1
Tom: What shall I wear with them?
Beth: 2
Tom: No way! I don’t like patterns or shirts!
Beth: 3
Tom: OK. The red one or the black one?
Beth: 4
Tom: How do I look?
Beth: 5

10 marks



/ 20


/ 20


/ 20


/ 60


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Photocopiable © Pearson Education (2009)

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