The Audio Lingual Method

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Emilia Babowicz
Katarzyna Obrębska

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The Audio-Lingual Method was

developed in the United States
during World War II. At the time
there was a need for people to
learn foreign languages rapidly
for military purposes.

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Thinking about

Thinking about






The teacher introduces
a new dialog


The language teacher
uses only the target
language in the
classroom. Actions,
pictures or realia are
used to give meaning


Language forms do
not occur by
themselves- they
occur most naturally
within a context


The native language
and the target
language have
separate linguistic
systems so they
should be kept apart

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3. The teacher

introduces the dialog

by modeling it two

times- she/he

introduces the drills

by modeling the

correct answers and


mispronunciation by

modeling the proper



The students repeat

each line of the new

dialog several times

3. Teachers should provide

students with a native-

speaker-like model. By

listening students should

be able to mimic the



Language learning is a

process of habit

formation. The more

often sth is repeated,

the better

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5. The students

strumble over one of
the lines of the
dialog. The teacher
uses a bachward
build-up drill with
this line

6. The teacher initiates

a chain drill in which
each student greets

5. It is important to

prevent learners
from making errors.
When erros do
occur, they should
be immediately

6. The purpose of

language learning
is to learn how to
use the language to

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7. The teacher uses

single-slot and


substitution drills

8. The teacher says,

„Very good”, when

the students

answer correctly

7. In order to create

new sentences,

students must learn

which part of speech

occupies which slot

8. Positive

reinforcement helps

the students to

develop correct


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9. The teacher uses

spoken cues and
picture cues

10.The teacher

transformation and
answer drills

9. Students should

learn to respond to
both verbal and
nonverbal stimuli

10. Pattern practice

helps students to
form habits which
enable the
students to use the

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11. When the

students can handle
it, the teacher
poses the questions
to them rapidly

12. The teacher

provides the
students with cues
(calls on individuals,

11. Students should

learn to answer

12. The teacher

should be like an
orchestra leader-
conducting, guiding
and controlling

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13. New vocabulary is

introduced through

lines of the dialog.

Vocabulary is limited

14. Students are given

no grammar rules. It

is taught through

examples and grills

13. The major objective

of language teaching

should be for students

to acquire the

structural patterns;

students will learn


14. The learning of a

foreign language

should be the same

asthe acquisition of the

native language. We do

not need to memorize

rules in order to use

our native language

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15. The teacher

does an analysis
of the target and
native language
in order to lacate
the places where
his/her students
will have trouble

15. A comparison

between the
native and target
language will tell
the teacher what
is difficult for

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16. The students do

some written work
with the dialog

17. The supermarket

alphabet game and
a discussion of
supermarkets and
football are included

16. Speech is more

basic to language
than the written
form. Children
ffollow „natural
order” of skill
listening, speaking,
reading and writing

17. Language cannot

be separated from

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What are the goals of
teachers who use the Audio-
Lingual Method?

Teachers want their students to

be able to use the target
language communicatively. In
order to this, they belive students
need to overlearn the target
language, to learn to use it
automatically without stopping to

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What is the role of the
tacher? What is the role of
the students?

The teacher is like an orchestra leader,
directing and controlling the language
behavior of her students. She also is
responsible for providing her students
with a good model for imitation.

Students are imitators of the teacher’s
model or the tapes she supplies of
model speakers. They follow the
teacher’s directions and respond as
accurately and as rapidly as possible.

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What are some characteristic
of the teaching/learning

New vocabulary and structures

are presented through dialogs.
The dialogs are learned througs
imitation and repetition.

Grammar is induced from the

examples given; explicit grammar
rules are not provided.

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What is the nature of student-teacher
interaction? What is the nature of
student-student interaction?

There is student-to-student

interacion in chain drills or when
students take different roles in
dialogs, but this interaction is

Most of the interaction is

between teacher and students
and is initiated by the teacher.

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How is language viewed?
How is culture viewed?

Everyday speech is emphasized

in the Audio-Lingual Method. The
level of complexity of the speech
is graded, however, so that
begining students are presented
with only simple forms.

Culture consists of the everyday

behavior and lifestyle of the
target language speakers.

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What areas of language are
emphasized? What language skills are

The structures of the language are
emphasized over all the other areas.
The syllabus is typically a structural
one, with the structures for any
particular unit included in the new
dialog. Vocabulary is also
contextualized within the dialog.

The natural order of skills presentation
is adhered to: listening, speaking,
reading, and writing. The oral skills
receive most of the attention.

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How does the teacher
respond to student errors.

Student errors are to be avoided

if at all posible through the
teacher’s awareness of where the
students will have difficulty and
restriction of what they are
taught to say.

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Dialog Memorization

Dialogs or short cenversations

between two people are often used
to begin a new lesson. Students
memorize the dialog through
mimicry, students usually take the
role of one person in the dialog, and
the teacher the other. In the Audio-
Lingual Method, certain sentence
patterns and grammar points are
included within the dialog.

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Backward Build-up Drill

The drill is used when a long line of

a dialog is giving students trouble.
The eeacher breaks down the line
into several parts. The students
repeat a part of the sentence,
usually the last phrase of the line.
Then, following the teacher’s cue,
the students expand what they are
repeating part by part until they
are able to repeat the entire line.

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Repetition Drill

Students are asked to repeat the

teacher’s model as accurately
and as quickle as possible. The
drill is often used to teach the
lines of the dialog.

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Chain Drill

A chain drill gets its name from the

chain of conversation that forms
around the room as students, one
by one, ask and answer questions
of each other. A chain drill allows
some controlled communication,
even though it is limited. A chain
drill also gives the teacher an
opportunity to check each
student’s speech.

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Single-slot Substitution

The teacher says a line, usually

from the dialog. Next, he says a
word or phrase- called the cue.
The students repeat the line in its
proper place. The major purpose
of this drill is to give the students
practice in finding and filling in
the slots of a sentence.

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Multiple-slot Substitution

The tacher gives cue phrases,

one at a time, that fit into
different slos in the dialog line.
The students must recognize
what part of speech each cue is,
where it fits into the sentence,
and make any other changes,
such as subject-verb agreement.

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Transformation Drill

The teacher gives students a

certain kind of sentence, an
affirmative sentence for example.
Students are asked to transform
this sentence into a negative
sentence or question.

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Question-and-answer Drill

This drill gives students practice

with answering questions. The
students should answer the
teacher’s questions very quickly.

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Use of Minimal Pairs

The teacher works with pairs of

words which differ in only one
sound, eg. „ship/sheep”. Students
are first asked to perceive the
difference between the two words
and later to be able to say the
two words.

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Complete the Dialog

Selected words are erased from a

dialog students have learned.
Students complete the dialog by
filling in the blanks with the
missing words.

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Grammar Game

The games are designed to get

students to practice a grammar
point within a context.

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Document Outline


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