This incident happened in a fem
ale dormitory sometime in the 90
A female student , for reasons unkn
own, committed suicide by jumping f
rom the roof top of the dormitory , B
UT this suicide was a little “uncomm
on” - since she fell down head first
when she jumped. Since then, a
at! Splat! Splat!”
head smashing sound
could be heard along the corridor of
this dormitory….from one end slowly
moving towards the room of the stu
dent that jumped, and stops there.
Then an eerie voice asks: “Is
anyone in there?” Everybody knew it
was her…
However nobody dared to answer the
door….This continued on for a few
weeks and the occurrence gradually
Soon came the summer break a
nd everyone gradually left the dormit
ory for home 。 But this eerie incident
however did not stop..................
One night, when the janitor was
cleaning the dormitory after the girls
left for home, she felt goose bumps
on the back of her neck when she ca
me to the room door of the suicide gi
rl. The janitor knew of the rumors of
the splatting sounds, but she chose t
o shrug off that thought and went int
o THAT room and started cleaning…
She felt a cold draft as she stepped i
nto the room……
When she noticed an open wind
ow at the north side of the room, she
felt a sense of relief , The janitor the
n went to close the window. At that v
ery moment when the window was cl
osed, she heard a “Splat!” , She turn
ed around just in time to see the doo
r slam shut on its own ,
Her heart started beating fast,
and suddenly she heard “Splat!...Spl
at!....Splat!” moving from the far en
d of the corridor towards THE room.
As hard as she was trying, she could
not shrug off the fear that welled wit
hin her this time.
She is now freaking out, but what ca
n she do? She could not just give in to fate,
so she quickly hid under the one of the des
ks, thinking to wait under the desk until th
e smashing sound has stopped.
The splatting sound stopped in f
ront of the door and a slow eerie voi
ce spoke: “There…is…no…need…to…
hide. I…can…see…you.” The janitor
was shocked. She was thinking: “Ho
w could she see me when I am hiding
under the desk with the door close
The janitor slowly walked to the doo
r and peeked through the gap at th
e bottom of the door, trying to see t
he thing that is talking to her. As sh
e looked through the gap she saw t
wo bloody eyes staring back at her s
You can’t hide from