Error analysis

Find the mistakes in the following letter and correct them!
Dear Mr. Jackson
I write to you to say how angry I am with the state of the road outside my house. It s a really mess. A few
days ago my neighbor has got the back wheel of her car stuck in one of the huge holes outside my gate. She
was really upset and we will had to get two people from the garage to pull her out.
Why have we got these holes in the road? Well, because of the terrible weather we have late with all those
ice and snow. But that was for two months.
So why haven t you done anything about it? You should send a road repair team around here as soon as
possible. It will also be a good idea if you were better prepared in the future so you could get things done
more quick.
I hope hearing from you very soon about this problem.
Find the mistakes in the following letter and correct them!
Nevertheless Ł10 seemed a lot for a guided walking tour, I paid like most of the others staying at the hotel.
The tour was supposed starting at 9 o'clock, so we were getting a little angry and were just about to go and
have a cup of coffee together if the guide finally turned up at reception 30 minutes late. She said she has
left home in time but had to go back while she'd forgotten the tour maps - it was her first day on the job!
First of all, she wanted to know who of us already had maps and who didn't. We eventually started more
then an hour behind schedule and started walking through the old town. However there were only about
ten of us, I found it hard hearing her commentary because she was only talking to the three or four people
closest to her. As we walked along I asked her if we can go and see a beautiful old church, but she replied
that we had to stick to the timetable. After that, I decided I'd better rely to my own map and walk through
the city myself.
Find the mistakes in the following letter and correct them!
Dear Mr. Jackson
I write am writing to you to say how angry I am with the state of the road outside my house. It s a
really mess. A few days ago my neighbor has got had the back wheel of her car stuck in one of the
huge holes outside my gate. She was really upset and we will had to get two people from the
garage to pull her out.
Why have we got these holes in the road? Well, because of the terrible weather we have have
had lately with all those that ice and snow. But that was for two months ago.
So why haven t you done anything about it? You should send a road repair team around here as
soon as possible. It will would also be a good idea if you were better prepared in the future so you
could get things done more quickly.
I hope hearing to hear from you very soon about this problem.
Find the mistakes in the following letter and correct them!
Nevertheless Although Ł10 seemed a lot for a guided walking tour, I paid like most of the others
staying at the hotel. The tour was supposed starting to start at 9 o'clock, so we were getting a little
angry and were just about to go and have a cup of coffee together if when the guide finally turned
up at the reception 30 minutes late. She said she has had left home in time but had to go back
while because she'd forgotten the tour maps - it was her first day on the job!
First of all, she wanted to know who which of us already had maps and who which didn't. We
eventually started more then an hour behind schedule and started walking through the old town.
However Although there were only about ten of us, I found it hard hearing to hear her
commentary because she was only talking to the three or four people closest to her. As we walked
were walking along I asked her if we can could go and see a beautiful old church, but she replied
that we had to stick to the timetable. After that, I decided I'd better rely to on my own map and
walk through the city myself.


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