35 be basics for beginners6

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Basic Business English Vocabulary practice (for beginners) 6
Choose the correct response to complete each of the following sentences:
1. We had to __________________________ some money to expand our business.
a) burrow b) borrow c) borough
2. Victoria is very rich. She and her husband made a ___________________ ( = a lot of money) in
real estate.
a) fortune b) fort c) sale
3. I can't invest in your business because I can't ___________________ ( = find/gather) the money
to do that.
a) come down with b) come up with c) come to
4. A ___________________ executive is someone with a very high position within a company.
a) top-level b) top-notch c) tip-top
5. Tom is not popular, but he is ___________________ by all the employees.
a) respectfully b) respect c) respected
6. My manager almost never ___________________ my work. He's always very happy with the way I do
a) praises b) criticism c) criticizes
7. Another way of saying "he was fired" is "he was ___________________."
a) shown the door b) kicked out the door c) cleaning the door
8. You didn't know he was going to quit? No, I guess I missed all the ___________________ signs.
( = signs that something was wrong)
a) warning b) stress c) billboard
9. Do you think it's ___________________ to buy things online?
a) safety b) safe c) safely
10. A company that hasn't been around very long (a new company) is often called a
a) start-up (company) b) green company c) newbie
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Basic Business English Vocabulary practice (for beginners) 6
1) b 2) a 3) b 4) a 5) c 6) c 7) a 8) a 9) b 10) a


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