PBO TD04 F01 Standards of vessel speed and daily consumption

At Sea
In port
Bunker grade & viscosity
F. water
Lub. oil

No. vessel speed RPM M.E.+A.E. A.B.+A.E. M.E. A.E. A.B. Sea Port Sea Port

kns rpm t/d t/d

t/d t/d kg/d kg/d
1 Pokoj

2 B.Prus

3 Ceynowa

4 J.Dlugosz

5 Chopin

6 Moniuszko

7 Szymanowski

8 Wieniawski

9 Norwid

10 W. Orkan

Remarks: 1. The voyage instruction parameters as F.O. consumption, RPM, speed should be chosen by Shipping division from the

statement dated 19.07.1993 depending on actual operation requirements.

2. The asterisk ( * ) indicates that 0.5 ton should be added to A.E. standard daily fuel consumption if reefer cargo loaded onboard.

3. The asterisk ( ** ) indicates that 30-60 tons D.O. allowed to keep on board as reserves for emergency using only.

4. According to ISO Standard 8217 bunker viscosity RMN35-380CST; RMC10-40CST; DMC- 14CST.

5. For charterers voy. in fuel clauses we propose to use better fuel grade designated acc to ISO standard 8217 as follows: RMG 35 instead

of RMH 35, RMB 10 instead of RMC 10, DMB instead of DMC.

Technical Division

Note: To be conpleted yearly and filed in office's file.

To retain for 2 years.


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