PBO TD04 F10 Actual consumption of L O

Date: __________________________

Planned L.O.
Actual L.O.

No. V e s s e l consumption

[ kg] [ USD ] [ kg ] [ USD ]
1 Pokoj

2 B.Prus

3 Ceynowa

4 J.Dlugosz

5 Chopin

6 Moniuszko

7 Szymanowski

8 Wieniawski

9 Norwid

10 W. Orkan

T o t a l


. L.O. consumption has been calculated from __________ to __________.

. Price USD __________ per 100 kg is applied, as mostly deliveries

at ports with the lowest prices have been arranged.

Power Engineering Dept. ______________________________

Note: To be completed every year and filed in office's file.

To retain for 3 years.


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