Never Again HTML

<blockquote><b><u><h1>I June 25</h1></u></b></blockquote>

Michael, I beg you, you can't do it!”

But understand, I can't resign...”

You can do it to us! You can't! Why do you leave us?! Think, about your family, about children, about everybody, who care about you! ABOUT ME...”

I'd love to take back the time so much, but I can't...”

Don't leave me! Don't leave me! Michael, I beg...!” I shouted with tears in eyes, but he only shook his head sadly and left a room.

I woke up with a scream, which after a moment turn into a desperate sob. It was this way already long time. I reached out my hand for a mobile instinctively.

It was this way a year exactly.

It was 25th June 2010.

I fell with crying on pillows again, dropping and so battered phone.

It was the anniversary of Michael's Death. Anniversary of My the Best Friend's Death. The person, who was the most important on the world for me. Who I loved more than my life. Life, which meant so not much from one year exactly.

<i>If I only known that he'll be gone so quickly... I'd tell him, how he's important for me... I'd save him... I wouldn't let anyone hurt him... If I'd only...</i> These damn thoughts were in my head all last year. I knew that they'll never disappear. I will throw up myself my frightful foolishness TILL THE END OF MY LIFE. Hm, I'd rather call it existence... I lived so-so, 'cause I knew that I wouldn't do anything good, being masochistic. I felt obligated, to keep up memory about Michael, to spread his message about L.O.V.E., to take care of his poor children... My situation about the situation of Prince, Paris and Blanket was nothing. Although I was sure that I loved their father as much as they. I desired so much, to Michael won't shake his head with disapproval when we'll meet in The Lord's Home. And the more to he cried because of me now.

I got up heavily and I opened a window wide open. Surrounded me sultry, Californian air. The sky was gray. It rained always, when I was in there (when I was in other place, California was always sunny). At June 25 the whole world cried, already from midnight. It knew that it had lost his Angel.

I went to dress up and wash. I dressed on black obviously - I've always liked this color, but since Death of my friend it was deciding predominant in my wardrobe. I wore the same clothes, which I had at one time on a rehearsal. I remember that Michael had a beautiful, unconscious smile, when he saw me...

I turned on TV, preparing myself a breakfast. On each program they spoke about the anniversary.

Why did you value him so late, much too late?!” I shouted at nobody concrete. “Why after so much years of humiliating, suffering and sorrow, which was in his life, he had to wait for leaving, to you notice that you lost THE TRUE KING?”

I wanted to turn off receiver set automatically, because listening to his miraculous voice, view of his beautiful face, amazing dance and this all, what equaled with his name, still caused me pain. However I held back.

<i>You have to be accustomed</i>, I thought, tightening lips. <i>Of course, it hurts, it always will... But you can't be in such a status, it takes too long...</i>

Trying with all my strengths to don't cry overmuch, I was eating meal, watching videos. I admired <b>his</b> amazing charm * in <i>The Way You Make Me Feel</i>, I was delighted with his dancing in <i>Billie Jean</i> and <i>Blood on the Dance Floor</i>, I smiled, watching <i>Say Say Say</i> or <i>You Rock My World</i>. Meanwhile when <i>Black or White</i> was on, as usually I [relented]! I always had weakness to this video, and it came into being when I was dozen or so. Michael just had this gift of connecting people without regard on age, race, opinions, religion, origin and everything else. I loved him already as little girl, and what could I say now, as thirty-two-years-old woman? He was my life. I could very day cry for him as in January on Grammys. He was so important for me, I missed him so much...

To breakaway from these sadly, painful thoughts, I went to play the piano. Huge, black instrument did a great impression. I sat down on the bench and I ran softly with fingers on tones. It still was in tune perfectly. I started playing, and then I added to this low singing (I don't have too good voice, I'm a pianist), after too long introduction, because it was hard for me to stop trembling.

<i>Imagine there's no heaven

It's easy, if you try

No hell below us,

Above us only sky...

Imagine all the people,

Living for today...</i>”

I love <i>Imagine</i>. I know nobody, who wouldn't like this tune. He loved it too... I let a few salty drops to flow down on my cheeks.

<i>Ugh, but without exaggeration... Don't be masochistic, Wanda</i>, I scolded myself in thoughts.

When I was wiping dishes, I was hearing knocking. Slowly, heavily I approached to the door. As usually forgetting to check, who's behind the door, I unlocked it.

I forgot about breathing. And without it I guess I've died.


<sup>* I saw once translate of this tune with meaning title as <i>Your Amazing Charm</i>;).</sup>

<b><u><h1>II You're Dead For Me</h1></u></b>

Hello, Wendy!” he smiled to me warmly, like he always did. I looked at him without a word, with eyes big like saucers.

Don't you recognize me?” he was astonished. “It's me, Michael!”

But... You...” I stammered with trouble.

I know you can't believe it, but I'm alive! Simply...”

Yeah, it was his voice. I'd always recognize it. It was his face, surrounded with cascades of black, long curls. Those were his miraculous, dark eyes. IT WAS HE.

Flooded me wave of varied feelings. I wanted to hug him, to tell him, how much I missed him... But quickly I felt also fury and anger.

Simply what?” I asked coldly. “Simply you had a whim, to cheat the whole world? Hurt so many people? Do you know, how many fans had committed suicide after a message about your death?”

I know... Wendy, you know I wouldn't hurt anybody...”

Maybe you <b>were</b> like this, but it doesn't change the fact that you CHEATED THE WHOLE WORLD.”

Listen to me, please, I'll explain to you everything...”

I don't wanna listen to you! You know, I have impression that everybody all around knew about it, but nobody though about me, about this, how much I suffered.” I strained exactly every word.

No, really, only a few people knew about it, believe me! Seeing your tears on Grammys I cried equally much... I couldn't tell you... But I'll came back now, Wendy and you're the first person whom I'm telling about it...” he wanted to take my hand, but I enlarged distance between us.

Yea? Didn't you tell about it these 'a few people' who know, how you sold a pup the whole world? Such a thing...” I mocked. “Ah, I don't care 'bout it. I don't care. You're dead to the world. <b>You're dead for me.</b>” I knew my words cause him pain, but he didn't know, how much I really suffered. I had a readiness to slap him!

Please, listen to me, I had to...”

I closed the door without a word. I slumped along the wall, concealing my hands between the knees.

I really love you...” I heard low, trembling Michael's voice. My heart suffered too much, to can believe in these words.

How could he? How could he cheat us all? I'd never expect this of him! I cried silently, in loneliness. I felt that organ, which pumped blood to my veins and beat so loudly now, cracks on millions tiny little bits.


I came back to the car with a lowered head. I felt so vilely, so terribly...

Didn't she open you?” asked worried John.

She opened” I answered gloomily. He waited on continuation, but it didn't happen, so he guessed:

Didn't she believe that it's you? But nah, you'd convince her somehow...”

She said <b>I'm dead for her.</b> Exactly.” I said with a bitterness. “I know I deserve for nothing different, but...”

Calmly, Mike...” he patter carefully my shoulder. “It's not easy for her... You have to give her a few days...”

You haven't heard her.” I shook my head, blinking. “Her voice was cold as an Alaskan night. She said that I had such a whim surely, that everybody knew, but nobody thought about her, that she doesn't care... It's the end. Wendy never will forgive me!”

How could she accuse me this? Of course, nobody condemns me as much as I myself for this, what I've done... But this that I didn't care about her? <b>Her?</b> Over the last year she was the person, about who I worried the most, next to my dears children. My heart deplored over every minute, during which she suffered, especially because of me. I cried, seeing her every tear.

Why doesn't she see, how much I care about her?” I whispered, concealing my face in my palms.

Everything will be fine, Michael... Put your seat belt on. Let's came back” sighted John.

I execute an action, motivation myself with the though about children. I hoped that they'll hear out me...


I was afraid to think. I was afraid to turn on TV or look into Web. I wanted to break free from him, but it was a big challenge. Finally it was the anniversary of... THE BIGGEST FRAUD IN HISTORY. If everybody were sure now that he's alive, it'd be biggest paranoia than during this drama based on <i>War of the Worlds</i>. Just massacre.

I wanted to fall asleep and to never arise. I wanted him to suffer so as me. Later I thought that maybe I should've hear out him even out of curiosity... But it was too late. I couldn't believe that he could have any sensible, <b>important</b> reason to do something like that. Through the rest of the day I cried and I fell asleep wrapped out with crying. I felt so bad...

At morning I called Bella. She was my friend from the studies. At present she's a good singer. Well she began using my songs.

Hey, Bella...”

Hi... Err, do you know, what happened...?” she asked uncertainly.

Yes, I know.” I answered dully. “You know, I have to leave soon...”

But moment, if Michael is alive then won't you do anything with this?”

I? What I have to do with this?” I sighted. “<b>He cheated me! He cheated the whole world!</b>”

Maybe should you talk with him? He didn't say anything publicly yet...”

He came here yesterday. I didn't wanna listen to him and I won't hear out him now.”

For sure? I'd venture.” she suggested. “Did he come at morning?”


I dare to suppose he came to you in first order, before he informed others. Wendy, you have to be really important for him! You always were, haven't you noticed?”

I don't know, I don't care about it. He cheated me, Bella! Since I was so important for him, then why didn't he tell me? He informed others, but not me.”

He had reason surely...”

Oh, Bella, I don't care. Don't excuse him. I don't wanna hear about him. I don't wanna!”

Well, your opinion...” my friend sighted helplessly.

I rang to ask what to do with the key, 'cause I leave.”

So quickly? You had to came back to Europe just when I'll came back to the state.”

I changed mind. You know I don't like California...” I came flying there only on June 25 practically. As it turned out, <b>unnecessarily</b>. “I didn't play for long time, I like better to practice with the guys. Don't look for any connection with HIM!” I warned her question.

OK... Hm, you can leave it in a flower-pot.” she answered indifferently.

<u>A few days later...</u>

Hello, Wendy!” on the airport greeted me Marcus. He was my friend on studies yet, he has own band now, in which I play on keys.

Hey. It's well to see you” I hugged him.

Well, will you tell me, why did you came back so quickly?”

You know I hate California. I settled this, what I had to settle and I came back to you.”

"Er... It's because of him, isn't it?” he asked silently.

Marcus, I don't wanna think about it...” I groaned. “He cheated me... He cheated the whole world and I don't care about him. Don't tell me anything about him. ANYTHING.”

As you think...” he sighted, taking from me the suitcase. We went to the flat, which lived the whole band - we give a lot of concerts and we don't like to squander money, so we decided this solution as good.

In home I was greeted warmly by other guys. Marcus' look warned them before asking me about Michael. I pretended that I'm really tired and I went sleep. Reversed in the side of the black wall in small room (as that I'm the one woman in the band, boys made up and built the wall to I'd have more privacy. The Christmas gift, haha) I felt exceptionally bad. I still loved Michael... He still was important for me. I missed him. Tears again rocked me to sleep and a dream in which everything was alright, Michael and I were together, so happy...

<b><u><h1>III Disappear</h1></u></b>

We gave concerts all month. I avoided a set and a computer like a fire. In the evenings I tried to persuade the guys to watching Queen's concerts – as long as to don't turn on the TV and even for a moment don't hear something about him.

Unfortunately, because of a case finally, when I turned on the TV, there was HE. Oh, it was a German programme, and I hate and don't understand this language, so I didn't know at all, what he's talking about, because in addition I couldn't hear the original speeches. My eyes soon occurred with the tears, I couldn't already even see him too clearly. I didn't have power and I didn't want to switch the station. I only cried.

Wendy? Wendy, what...?” Marcus entered the room.

Why? Why he did it to me? And why can't I stop loving him?” I cried like a beaver. Friend approached to me quickly and surrounded with his shoulder.

Oh, Wendy... I guess only he knows it.” he sighted.

Did he tell something maybe?”

You know, I checked the Internet in the sly... He didn't say anything clearly.”

It hurts so much... Marcus, whether I look, I see Michael! He's still seatting in my head!”

He pondered deeply.

Wendy... I guess you have to talk with him. It's the one solution.”

Do I have to talk with him? How? I can't get in touch with him.” I sighted powerlessly.

Well, he confirmed that he's going to play a bit concerts, but nothing is known about the deadlines. Maybe he doesn't wanna play without you? Call Kenny!”

I will do that probably...” I wiped the face.


Michael, we can't wait so long. You have to choose the keyboarder.”

I can't play without her.” I answered dully.
“But you must!” Frank groaned.

Call her. Maybe did she forgive you?” said Kenny.

You haven't heard her, Kenny.” I shook my head, hiding my face in my hands.

Try. You were really important for her yet... You know her. She didn't get to hate you fully for sure. She thew out you at influence of an impulse...” convinced John, but it didn't work for me. My world without Wendy was so empty...

Kenny's mobile rang suddenly. He looked at the screen and froze.

Speak of the devil.”

Wendy?” I whispered. My hear starts to beat faster. “Kenny...” I looked at him imploringly. He understood me like a shot. He took the call.


Hi, Kenny...” I heard her low, sweet voice and I thought that I'll go mad! But if it only seemed me, or she really cried before ringing?

Hi, Wendy. What did happen?”

Er... You know... I'd like to talk with... With Michael.” she muttered shyly. “Maybe could you get me in touch with him?”

My heart almost didn't jump out from my chest. Wendy wanted to talk with me! She wanted to hear out me! Maybe did she even forgive me?

Sure... He's next to me.” he answered. She stopped the breath probably.

Er... I'll call you from my number soon, okay?” I said hoarsely.

Yeah, sure... So see ya, thanks...” she hung up. I went to the empty room instantly, choosing her number.

Wendy...” I sighted. “How are you?” It was really important for me.

I don't feel anything practically...” She said slowly. “Michael... Why did you do it to me?”

Please, don't hate me for this...” I begged “You are really important for me...”

Oh, now give me your reasons, for confession will be some other time” she answered. I heard a pain in her voice. I took a deep breath and started:

Do you remember, how I fainted on the rehearsal on June? And I was in hospital? Wendy, only John, Kenny and Travis knew about this... About this that... In hospital directed me on the investigations then and turned out that I'm in really bad status... If I'd still worked as I did, I'd last out only to the first concert... But won't play it already. Do you understand?”

And is this your reason? It doesn't excuse you, it doesn't excuse this that you produced your death!” She called with a reproach and an angre.

Let me complete!” I asked. “I didn't wanna disappoint anybody, anybody, Wendy... But I couldn't play those concerts. I was in a terrible dilemma... I thought about this how will feel all the fans, when they'll get to know that there will be no one concert... That everybody will be so disappoint, that so many moths of the work will be wasted... That's why I decided to... Disappear.”

I heard in an earphone her breath, but she didn't say anything.

It was very fragile business... Now I know that I behaved so much foolishly, Wendy...” I sighted, bowing the head. “I knew I'll harm a lot people, I'll hurt you... Believe me, I really didn't want to do it! But it'd be very dangerous, if more people would know... I felt to wrong, seeing your pain, knowing this all is my fault... Now... Now I am stronger and I can play those concerts, I can get back... But I can't do it without you. Will you forgive me?” I asked with a trembling voice. Every second lasted eternity.

You have to gimme a few days, Michael...” she answered finally.

And will you want to came back and play?” I expressed a hope.

It depends on when.”

It can be when you only will arrive to London. Where are you now at all?”

In Warsaw. Er... I don't know yet what's with Embassy's concerts. You have to talk with our manager.”
“Okay... I'll ring you in a few days, OK?”

OK. So bye...”

Bye... Wendy... I love you...” I whispered. She muttered something vaguely and hung up.

I closed my eyes and I saw in imagination Wendy. She was so beautiful, her eyes laughed to me and I was sure that everything will be fine...

<b><u><h1>IV Never Again</h1></u></b>

I was very confused. I wondered the whole time, if Michael really had to do it, if there was another way. I began to sympathize with him, because I knew that he worked really hard, that he depended much on those concerts. He pretended that happened this, what could happen... I thought more and more boldly that my friends were right and Michael really cares about me. And he really loves me... Not as a friend, as a woman.


Daddy, is Wendy angry at you?” asked Blanket.

I don't know, son” I sighted.

Why isn't she with us? Did you talk to her?”

Yes... Three days ago. Do you think she knows already if should she forgive me?”

Was she very mad?”

The first time she didn't want to talk with me at all, and after, when I explained her ev'rything, she told me she needs to strike.”

It's Wendy yet, Dad.” said revealingly Prince.

Don't you remember, how she cried at the Grammys? Daddy, she loves you.” Said Paris. “It's known.”

Yes! Call her and tell her to arrive here... We need Wendy.” Smiled my the youngest son.

I guess you're right” with a smile I hugged all three and I went to call her.


I was almost sleeping, looking at the window, listening to Queen (<i>It's a kind of magic, it's a kind of magic...</i> I love Queen, I just love!) and thinking about Michael. I was wondering what I should tell him... I knew that same day he called our management. I could fly to London even in two weeks. I affirmed slowly that I forgiven Michael... I waited only to see him, hug him and don't leave him anymore. He'll be fine... I will take care of him now.

My phone rang suddenly. I jumped out and picked up, seeing as Marcus winks at me. I stuck out of him the tongue.

Hello, Wendy...” Yes! It was Michael.

Hello Michael.”

And... Are you able to forgive me?” He asked shyly. I gave the air to my lungs.

Yes! I forgive you.”

God bless!” He recovered. “Thank you Wendy, thank you! I regret it so much... You are so important for me...”

I believe you, Michael. Don't leave me anymore already, okay?”

Never again, Wendy.” He said with a feeling.

I care for you too much.” Who'd think that I'll say something like that on the phone... And to Michael...

I don't wanna lose you.”

There was a longer silence.

Since you'll be free leisure for two weeks just... Then when will you come flying?”

As soon as I'll can. I miss you...”

I miss you too... Even kids were asking about you.” He laughed and me too.

Hug them from me, OK?”

Sure. I want to hug also you...”

And how much I want to hug you...”


So what, can we call you officially a couple of lovers?” Talked down Marcus.

I like you too, silly.” I smiled.

Hey, but something's the thing, I know it...” He tilted the head to the side.

I don't know yet...”

Come on, Wanda. I understood you told him you remission of his sin, you asked him to doesn't leave you anymore, you care about him too much, you'll come flying as soon as you'll be able and you miss him. Ah, and you told him to hug... I guess the kids, didn't you?”

Wow, you have not bad memory...” I congratulated him with a poker face.

Your face won't do anything” I grinned. “When people wish each other so hot confessions, something's coming – or came already. Even if beside Michael everybody still tells about the love.”

I laughed.

OK, I hope everything will work out between us. Everybody knows I love him. And if he loves me this way too, then... Simply, I am <i>speechless</i>.” On my face went a stupid smile. What this love does to people...

You're blushing!” He chuckled. “Sure everything will be wonderfully between you! And will I can be your witness?”

You're good sprinter, our love is still platonic, and this tells about a marriage” I rolled my eyes and we both laughed. “And now go away in peace and let me work, Mark. I have other orders except playing with you on the keys and participation in London show.”

Well that you said 'in peace'... And to this last is especially hurry you, isn't it?”

I smiled only, after what I opened my writing-book with lyrics and I tried to write the second stanza.

<i>You'll miss me til the day you die...</i>

Michael called me every day. Everybody were in London now, so the time difference was insignificant, what facilitated much. The deadline for the first concert of the tour <i>This Is It</i> was appointed on the ending of September. I was pleased and worry simultaneously that Michael trusts me and we'll manage to prepare in a month. Now he practiced too, but without a main keyboardist make a fully show was hard, what calmed me down a little, 'cause I knew that he won't overwork so badly. Oh no, I couldn't let to anything happen to him again...

How many concerts will be together?”


Is that all?”

Do you think it's too little?” he laughed.

No! I meant, fifteen and no one more?”

Fifteen and a dot, baby. If I'd sign a contract for one more though, you'd kill me.”

I burst out laughing.

Without an exaggeration, we don't know when the end of the world will happen... And if it won't happen and killing you, I'd destroy myself the rest of the life, when I regain it again?”

But you always say that the end of the world will happen soon.”

Well yes... And beyond this I wouldn't be able to kill you... I love you too much.” I'd kill then my own life. I can't live without the love, I can't live without my life...

I love you more” he said like always “but Wendy... What did you mean by saying 'when you regained it again'?”

I took a deep breath.

When I thought you're dead, I didn't live... I existed. I even wanted to kill myself practically, but I knew I wouldn't do anything good doing it.”
We both became silent, our breaths became heavy.

Oh, Wendy... I probably never will any idea how much I've hurt you...”

Michael... Please, don't think about it... Let's leave the past, let's stop brood on this all... It was, it passed, you understood your mistake, I forgave you...” Yes, I'd love so much to forget about all pain... Especially about this the most terrible night of my life for seventeen years ago...

Well, you're right, sweetie...” He sighted.

I'm right usually.” I smiled. “I hope you don't work too hard?”

I don't have a possibility” He laughed “I don't know, did you hunt them down, or what? Someone still walks after me, they look after to I don't overexert myself and at all... Nothing changed, I still live in a fishbowl.”

I swear on a Bible that I didn't hunt down anybody” I giggled “I could see it myself... Michael, you don't notice it, you didn't notice it earlier too, but you was in a bad status... Though you looked better than you should have probably... Then maybe just let us take care of you, take care to anything won't happen to you, OK? I really don't want it.” I shook my head with closed eyes. Oh no, no. “I understand you don't feel comfortably because of this, but try to understand our anxiety.”

Alright, baby...”

I sighted heavily.

It's pity that when I'll only arrive to London, we won't have a moment for each other.”

Oh, don't transplant... Of course we will work hardly, especially that you won't let me overexert myself, but we will have a lot of time for each other for sure.” I knew that he's smiling.

Yea? World is always against me.”

Not at all.”

I know yet. Each incident's always happening to me, blows me a plug, cracks hinges on the computer and at all...”

Yes? And this that I love you is a proof of malice of the world to you?”

It was provocative statement.” I said and burst out laughing.

Oooh, you're horrible, Wanda.” He smacked with a disapproval.

I know.” I chuckled.

Daaaaaaaddyyyy, are you talking to Wendy?” I heard Blanket.


HA, I SAID!” exclaimed Paris.

What's the Sodom and Gomorrah?” I laughed.

Okay, don't disturb 'em... They need an intimate conversation...” Said Prince, on what I burst out a violent laugh.

I bet your cheeks are burning.” I talked down Michael.

Ah, you know me so well...”

I laughed again.

Don't laugh, you're starting to terrify me. It's horrible.”

Thriller still alive” I giggled. “And I've always been terrific.”

Really? Come on.” He joked.

Whole Boston can tell you. Well, I hope they remember me...”

Mikey chuckled.

Don't transplant, you didn't study so long time ago... Even ten years didn't pass yet.”

And so this time passes quickly.” I sighted.

Uh-huh... It's hard to believe that we know each other for long time...”

Just, it's the ninth year since you released <i>Invincible</i>...” We met for the first time while co-operation on this album. On studies yet I tried to work and somehow someone had offered Michael a few my lyrics and he said that he wants to cooperate with me. I don't remember who it was, but God bless this person!

<b><u><h1>V Poor Baby</h1></u></b>

Two weeks passed me on giving the concerts, writing lyrics at evenings and nights and conversations with Michael at different times. Guys didn't say anything already, when I [leaded] long phone call in English with a huge smile on my face, but I knew that they conjectured. Of course even without a requirement from me they swore to keep this joyful news for themselves, but I trusted them... We knew each others for many years, we divided with each others all sorrows and joys.

The last days passed me on a little boring instructing a maiden, who was supposed to be a keyboardist during my absence. It was a very responsible job, because everybody say that they love my playing and love to look at me, ha, ha (this last I don't understand at all). The girl looked at me with an admiration and a note of jealousy – I wondered, what concretely: a talent (I'll admit, this I have), playing with guys or the reason, because of which I flew out to London? Oh, I hoped that nobody from [outward] knows about this...

Well nicely.” murmured Charlie, looking thought a magazine.

What concretely?”

In a teletext... They wrote about this.”

Intrigued, I took from him the literary hack. Really 'nicely'...

<i>The King of Pop confirmed at last the deadlines of concerts of the tour 'This Is It'. It will begin at the ending of September. Why delimitation of the dates lasted so long? Jackson didn't want to supposedly play without Wendy Zandler, a well-known pianist and songwriter, who was in his band previously, she also co-operated on the album 'Invincible'. A keyboardist was very irritated at the news about Michael's fraud. As it was seen at the Ceremony of Distribution of Grammy Awards, she lived through strongly 'the death' of her friend. It was successful for an artist to reconcile with her the most apparently now.</i>

Well... They didn't write anything special practically” mumbled my friend.

Where from did they know about this all?!” I growled pissed off.

And what are you gonna do now?” asked Marcus, entering the room.

I don't know.” I sighted. “I won't tell him rather... He'd only worry unnecessarily. I can't allow to this.”

Is he in a bad status again?” they worried.

No, everything's OK now... Kenny promised me to take care of him, until I won't come fly.” yeah, under a punishment of the death. I'm very calm person, but when we're talking about someone, who I love... “The zero of risk, the zero of risk.”

I'd like someone to love me as much as you love Michael.” Charles sighted.

Your girl of your choice would have to be me.” I smiled.

Maybe we'll clone you someday?” Invented Marcus.

Oh no, the clone would love Michael too... I have sufficiently much competition!” I protested.

The hardest is a compete with yourself, huh?”


Michael, sit down at last!”

I shook my head; I knew yet that the dance wasn't even in a half as good as it should've.

Michael, sit! I don't want Wendy to kill me.”

So she however hunted down you on me?” I stopped at once.

She told me to take care of you” Kenny shrugged. “She really worries about you, man. Don't tell her to turn gray and yourself to die.” He looked at me arrogantly. “A woman like she is a treasure! We'll practice, when she'll arrive.”

My poor baby was right, we won't have a moment for each other...” I sighted helplessly. “I want us to be as the best already now and to her expectations were less probable.”

She'll have complexes that she plays so bad” joked Travis.

Come on, Wendy is a wonderful pianist. She was born to play.” and to love me, I hope.

And coming to the previous subject then remember that you did the same, Mike. So don't be angry at Wendy...” said the director, on what I nodded.

'Cause could I give up from this? I had to, I just <b>HAD TO</b> know, if Wendy is safe, healthy. It all was my fraud yet...

I'm not angry at her. I couldn't.” evidently.

So when will be the wedding?” asked John suddenly. A long silent came.

You're sick, man.” I expectorated at last. “We'll talk, when you'll have behind you two divorces.”

And how differently do you want to stop her by your side? She always says she won't divorce.”

I know.” Of course. “But it's not anything. And do we have a relationship at all...?”

Michael, don't act like a teenager!” Travis shook his head. “Beyond this you know her for years...”

Do you know that such approaching is a crime?!” I pretend an irritated greatly.

Okay Mike, calm down and call her!” Kenny waved with his hand.

With a readiness I went away from them, choosing my sweetheart's number.


The time of the departure to London came AT LAST! I was so excited! I couldn't wait to meet Michael – snuggle him like I always wanted...

I ran around the flat nervously, checking, if I didn't forget about something.

Wanda, calm down, sit down” Steve groaned.

Sure, and will you send me, if I'll forget about something?” I snorted.

Sure, we'll have MJ's address!”

We burst out laughing.

I'll be in a hotel the most surely.”

Come on, the King and a hotel?” he shook his head.

Maybe he'll rent a house, I don't know...”

Wanda, it would hurt him.” called Mark with a disapproval. “Do you suggest that he'd tell you to nomadize in a hotel? A bad girl, bad!”

I don't like to represent myself too much, you know about it.”

He loves you. If I had a villa, I'd never tell my girlfriend to be in a hotel.”

What a difference, and so we will work still...”

Poor guys” guys sighted peaceably with a compassion. Unfortunately, I didn't foresee different option.

Well, but such a substitute of a happiness is always better than nothing” I smiled perversely.

You deserve for full-time” straightened my the best friend.

Despite the emotions (and a dry air) fall asleep in the plane was successful for me, what delight me very much. The afternoon approached towards the end, when we was near London.

I admit that I like an English weather. I don't like [za to] a Californian heat, thought I like warmth and the sun. And beyond this here the status of Michael's skin won't get worse, I think so.

I went slowly to the exit, when I saw John, a good friend and a lawyer of Michael.

Wendy! Welcome in London! It's so good you're here at last!”

Hi, John. And what, did something happen?” I got scared, hugging him.

No, no. Simply we'll begin <b>work</b> and Mike will stop missing you” he grinned, and I snorted with laughing, looking down.

Ah, don't worry, we didn't let him overwork, I swear.” he put his hand on a heart. “Of course he wanted, to be as the best now and has more time for you, but Travis convinced him that you'd have complexes that you don't equal.”

Rather a pressure and a break down.” I answered, on what he laughed.

We came to the car and we went to... The home, I guess I can call it that?

Where did Michael settle?”

He has just rent a home. Didn't he tell you?”

No, we talked yesterday morning recently.” to bear the magic weather of a mysteriousness.

So I inform you about this. I guess you'll like it.” he smiled. “Wendy... What would you say, if Michael would ask you to marry him?”

<b>Excuse me</b>?” I expectorated astounded.

I asked what would you say, if Michael would ask you to marry him.” Jesus, he didn't joke...

I'd faint.” I affirmed after a longer break.

So what would you say when he'd resuscitate you and repeat the question?”

Are you sure he'd repeat the question after such a reaction of me?”

You he would.” he grinned.

I'd accept.” I shrugged. Isn't it obvious? “Where from this question? John... Only don't speak that...” I groaned scared.

I speak nothing, I speak nothing...” he shook his head with a smile, that he keeps me in an uncertainty. “Think, you know each other for too long time, to be together really now.”

I hate you, John.” I shook my head.

Wanda, how do you can?” he played away still.

The same, like you can tear my poor nerves [, ot co].”

After some time we drive up to the big, great house.

Is it here? Wow!” I didn't hide an admiration. Even in so moist city the house was amazing.

See, I was right.”

John parked and we entered.

Michael should be there, in his room” he showed me the direction. “Shall I go with ya?”

No, thanks.”

I moved to the stairs slowly. I stopped however and looked around. Indeed the interior of the house was even better. Exceptionally bright and cosy. There was even a fireplace! And the beautiful, white piano.

Suddenly from the room looked out Michael.




Michael!” we moved to each other.

It was the greatest, the warmest hug in my life. Of course all the bests were from Michael, but this was truly exceptional; it had in itself the power of the strongest, common love. In his arms I felt so well... Hey, it's [little said].

I missed you.”

I missed you too” he answered, playing with my long braid.

We pulled from each other a bit and I knew that this is this moment.

I squinted my eyes in slow expectation on the warmth of his mouth. And I didn't make a mistake at all.

It was the most magical moment in my life. A long, gentle kiss engaging all senses.

We delighted with this, not having enough at all. Breathed in his splendid, exotic smell, disguising with the fingers in his small curls. Some comment? Simply: mmmrrr...

I love you, Michael” I whispered with a feeling.

I love you more” he replied, and I felt more warmth yet, not only therefore that the beloved man hugged me even more strongly – I felt it in my heart, at last. <i>I'm never going to let it pass</i>, I decided.

Suddenly we heard a loud coughing and giggles from behind the door on upstairs, so we had to break this magical moment unfortunately. Well, I couldn't kill Michael's children...

Ahh...” he sighted dissatisfied, but added consolingly: “Don't worry, honey, we'll have lots opportunities yet...”

I nodded with a smile, looking in his beautiful, dark eyes.

Wendyyy!!!” children opened the door at last.

Just, then who will come here to hug me?” I spread the arms and whole three run over to us.

<b>Wendyyy!</b> So good you're here!”

Whole family bound in the hug.

Do you stay [on solid], Wendy? Won't you go away?” asked Paris.

No, I stay.” I smiled widely, happy that it's true.

Will we be together, like a family?” wanted to know Prince. I looked at Michael.

Obviously” he answered, not lowering from me his sight.

Blanket spoke at last, who hugged us the most strongly:

Wendy, I'd like to have so pretty braid too... Please?”

OMG, it's the longest Chapter of this story, which I wrote:faint:. Fortunately I just finished Chapter VI and I write Chapter VII, but this story is hard:sight:. Well, I prefer writing <i>Forever</i>, it's easier for me somehow:P.



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