I. Wstaw czasownik `be' i `have got' w odpowiedniej formie.

  1. My neighbour……………………..five dogs.

  2. This …………………………….my best friend.

  3. We …………………………..very tall.

  4. I ………………………….a dog and a cat.

  5. Ania………………………..one brother.

  6. They……………………………from Warsaw.

  7. She……………………….my grandmother.

  8. You…………………………….thirteen years old.

  9. Tom and Anna………………………..a computer.

  10. Jana…………………………a big family.

II. Zapoznaj się z tekstami i odpowiedz na pytania.

My grandparents have got a parrot. It hasn't got arms but it has got legs. It isn't from the UK. I think it's musical and intelligent. It's green, yellow, pink and blue.

  1. What have grandparents got?


  1. Is it from the UK?


Her name is Susana Parker. She is thirteen years old. She is from the USA. Her interests are football, tennis and swimming. She is sporty and happy but she is not creative.

  1. What is her name?


  1. Where is she from?


III. Posłuchaj nagrania I uzupełnij formularze.

Name: …………………………………………………………..



Name: …………………………………………………………..



IV. Odpowiedz na pytania.

  1. What is your name?


  1. How old are you?


  1. Who's your favourite film star?


  1. Where are you from?


  1. Is Meg Rayan your sister?


5 marks

V. Popatrz na informacje i napisz o Piotrze.

Name: Peter

Age: 12

Where from: Chicago

Favourite star: Daniel Radclife

Favourite film: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

10 marks


  1. A: What is your name?

B: Alice Brownley.

A: Age?

B: I'm thirteen years old.

A: Your address?

B: 40, Princess Road, Manchester.

A: Forty?

B: Yes. My telephone number is 26354.

  1. A: What's your name?

B: Marek Nowak

A: How old are you?

B: I'm fourteen years old.

A: What's your address?

B: It's 15, Nowa Street, Krakow

A: Ok. What's your telephone number?

B: 12 643 78 94


I. Reorder the words to make correct sentences.

  1. school. Anna always is for late


  1. do bus. homework on sometimes They their the


  1. I get 7:30. never before up


  1. have a lunch. they hamburger often for


  1. school. usually to We cycle


  1. cousin see I my every day.


  1. swimming once a month go They


  1. gymnastics I twice a week. do


  1. goes riding horse she every weekend.


  1. coke every day. drink I


10 marks

II. Read and write T for true and F for false.

Helena Nixon works at night in a computer telephone centre. She hates working at night but she likes working with computers and she can earn a lot of money. She starts work at 11:00 p.m. and finishes at 6:00 a.m. She gets home at 6:30 a.m. First, she wakes up her daughters and then she makes breakfast. After that she has a shower and then she looks at the girls' homework before they go to school.

The children go to school at 8:00 a.m. Mrs Nixon goes to bed at 8:15 and sleeps for seven hours. She wakes up at about 3:00 p.m. and reads the newspaper in bed before she gets up.

The girls like playing tenni8s after school so they never get home before 5:15. Mrs Nixon cooks dinner and after dinner they usually watch television together in the sitting room. Mrs Nixon leaves the house at 8:30 because she likes going to the gym before she goes to work. The children start their homework after she leaves. At 10:30 Mrs Nixon telephones and says: `Don't watch the television! Time to bed!'

  1. Mrs Nixon earns a lot of money. ……

  2. Mrs Nixon doesn't like working at night. ……

  3. She has a shower, then she makes breakfast. ……

  4. She looks at their daughters' homework in the morning. ……

  5. The girls go to school at 8:30. ……

  6. Mrs Nixon gets up at 3:00. ……

  7. The girls hate playing tennis. ……

  8. Mrs Nixon goes to work at 8:30. ……

8 marks

III. Listen to the radio programme about the British Grand Prix. Write down the missing information.









12 marks

IV. Complete the dialogue with phrases from the box.

it's too it looks great They're a bit What are you going to What do you think of

A: (1)……………………………………………… wear to the party?

B: I'm going to wear my brother's jeans.


A: (3)………………………………………………… tight, but they look great.

B: Do you like this shirt?

A: No, I don't, (4)…………………………… bright!

B: Is this T-shirt OK?

A: Yes, (5)………………………………. .

5 marks

V. Write about your best friend.

10 marks


A: And now let's listen to the end of the British Grand Prix.

B: It's the last lap now and the four cars in the lead at the moment are Moreno in the red McClaren… behind him is Gabon in the blue … yes, the blue Ferrari …then Scott in a green Renault… while Marshall is close behind driving a white Alfa Romeo. But Gabon from France is coming up to the finishing line very fast. And it's Gabon from France… yes, Gabon from France over the line first. In second place is Moreno from Italy. Marshal the American is third and in fourth place is Scott from Great Britain. What a fantastic win for the Frenchman!


I. Complete the sentences with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets.

  1. She ………………………(be) in my class.

  2. They ………………………(not show) me the house.

  3. Greg and Dan ……………………………(not be) at school in 1985.

  4. …………………… you………………….(open) the door?

  5. There …………………………(not be) a woman in the photograph.

  6. ………………………the bus……………….(stop) in the centre of town?

  7. …………………………(be) they in the football team last year?

  8. We …………………………(finish) the book last term.

  9. He …………………………..(ask) a question in the exam.

  10. London ………………….(burn) to the ground in 1666.

10 marks

  1. Read the article and answer the questions.

Mark Hardy is the Australian swimmer who finished the Sydney Olympics with five medals. He has also got 23 world record.

Mark Hardy likes all kind of sport. As a boy he played cricket, rugby and football and he started to train as a swimmer when he was eight years old. He soon started to win lots of competitions and it was clear that he had got a lot of talent.

Now Mark is a top international swimmer and he must train very hard. However, in his spare time he enjoys going to the cinema, surfing, shopping or relaxing at home with his family.

As well as his many swimming medals Mark has got lots of awards, for example, `Young Australian of the Year', `Most Popular World Athlete' in China, and he came second to Michael Smith in the French `L'Equipe Award'.

  1. Where is he from?


  1. How many records has he got?


  1. At which competition did he win five medals?


  1. Does he like a lot of sports?


  1. When did he start training?


  1. What does he do in his spare time?


  1. What did he play as a boy?


  1. What kind of awards has he got?


8 marks

III. Listen to Margaret and Roger talking. Write what they like(L) and don't like(D).

Margaret Roger

Duran Duran

Simon Le Bon



Tracey Ullman

Tracy Ullman's new record

12 marks

IV. Complete the dialogue.

A: I'm sorry. I (1)……………..answer your text message. I left my mobile phone at home.

B: Never (2)…………………… . It doesn't (3)………………………. .

A: Sorry I left you at the party early.

B: (4)………………… OK. Don't (5) …………………. about it.

5 marks

V. Two weeks ago you arranged to go and help at the Tessa café. You didn't go because you were ill. You will go and help next month.

Write a note to the manager - Ula.

10 marks


I. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

  1. If I ………………(pass) this test, I ……………………(be) very pleased.

  2. If someone …………………(demand) my money, I ………………(give) it to them.

  3. I …………………..(catch) the 4 o'clock bus if I ………………(go) now.

  4. If you …………….(help) me with the painting, I …………………(help) you with the cleaning.

  5. She …………………..(not buy) the tickets if you …………………..(not apologise).

  6. You …………………………(not wear) those jeans before.

  7. I think they ……………………………..(do) their homework.

  8. Bill …………………………..(put) his wallet on the table.

  9. Gina isn't here. …………………she………………..(go) to work?

  10. My class ……………………….(be) on a trip to the national museum.

10 marks

II. Read and answer the questions.

Renee Zellweger was the star of the successful 2001 film, Bridget Jones's Diary. Her co- stars were the famous British actors, Hugh Grant and Colin Firth. Many people think that Renee is British too because she's got a perfect English accent in the film but she's from the USA.

Renee Zellweger was born in the south of the United States but her parents were from Europe. Her father was an engineer and her mother was a nurse. Renee has got an older brother but she hasn't got any sisters. At school in Texas she was a good gymnast and a member of the theatre club. She was a student at a university in Texas before she became an actress. Her first big film was `Jerry Maguire' with Tom Cruise in 1996.

  1. This text is about (a film star) or (a film).

  2. Where was Renee Zellweger born?


  1. Was she the star of `Bridget Jones's Diary'?


  1. Why do people think that Renee is British?


  1. Was Hugh Grant in `Jerry Maguire'?


  1. Was Renee Zellweger an actress at school?


  1. Where did she go to university?


  1. Was Tom Cruise in `Jerry Maguire'?


8 marks

III. Listen and complete the text.

Dolphins are mammals. They have babies and (1)……………………them on milk. Dolphins are not (2)…………….., but they live near(3) …………………… . They can swim very well. They haven't got (4)………………... They've got grey skin and a big (5)……………………. . They've also got fins and tail to help them swim. They (6)………………… from seventy to five hundred kilos.

Dolphins are very (7)………………….. animals. They can (8)…………………… learn how to play games and are friendly to (9)…………………… .

Dolphins live in (10)……………………….seas in many different parts of the world. They live in a small (11) ………………………. and they eat fish. They live for about (12)……………… years.

Odpowiedzi: 1-feed, 2-fish, 3-water, 4-legs, 5-smile, 6-weigh, 7-intelligent, 8-easily, 9-people, 10-warm, 11-groups, 12-fifty

12 marks

IV. Put the questions in the correct places. There is one extra question.

What did you think of it? Why was it funny?

What did you watch? What did you do last week?

Did you watch it? Was it good?

A: (1)……………………………………………………

B: I watched TV.

A: (2)…………………………………………………….

B: I watched `South Park'.

A: (3) ……………………………………………………

B: It was funny. (4)…………………………………………………..

A: No, I didn't. I watched `Ally McBeal'.

B: (5)…………………………………………………..

A: It was OK-not brilliant.

5 marks

V. Write a postcard to a friend. Write about:

10 marks


I. Complete the sentences with the present perfect simple form of the verbs in brackets.

  1. Graham ……………………………………(not watch) the video.

  2. Gina isn't here. ………………………she………………….(go) to work?

  3. Dave and Lisa ………………………….(leave) their bags in their room.

  4. Bill ……………………………(put) his wallet on the table.

  5. Olivier ………………(not wear) his new sweater- hr doesn't like it at all.

  6. Carrie ……………………………..(not lose) her keyring.

  7. ……………………your dog………………(eat) your homework again?

  8. He …………………. (not go) to work today.

  9. ……………………you ever ……………………(meet) a rock star?

  10. They …………………………….(be) to Brazil.

10 marks

II. Read the article and answer the questions.

The Spanish police have found a British woman in a Madrid street. The woman can't remember who she is or why she is in Madrid. She says she woke up a week ago with cuts on her head. She has lost her passport so she doesn't know her name or how old she is.

The woman speaks with an English accent and her Spanish is good. She is 19- 21 years old with short fair hair and brown eyes. She is 1.70 metres tall and weighs 63 kilos. When the police found her she was wearing denim jeans with black T- shirt and trainers.

She said to our reporter: `It has been a bad experience for me- I can't remember anything. I'm frightened and it's difficult for the police to help me because I've forgotten everything.'

If you think you know who this woman is, please telephone your nearest police station.

  1. Who found her?


  1. Where did they find her?


  1. Where is she from?


  1. Is she in Rome?


  1. What was she wearing?


  1. What does she look like?


  1. Why is she frightened?


  1. Who do you contact with information?


8 marks

III. Listen to the text and finish the sentences.

  1. Last year Marek went to……………………………………………………

  2. He went there ………………………………………………………………

  3. At the airport………………………………………………………………

  4. Marek stopped in London…………………………………………………

  5. Marek was surprised because………………………………………………

  6. They left Marek's luggage…………………………………………………

  7. Marek went to Edinburgh…………………………………………………

  8. In Edinburgh he stayed……………………………………………………

  9. He learnt a lot about………………………………………………………

  10. He had classes……………………………………………………………..

  11. Marek was lucky because…………………………………………………

  12. When the end of the course came Marek…………………………………

Odpowiedzi: 1-Scotland, 2-to learn English, 3-Dan Taylor met him, 4-for two days, 5-to see so many people, 6-in a locker, 7-by train, 8-with the McDeans, 9-Scottish customs, 10-in the morning and in the afternoon, 11-the weather was beautiful, 12-was sad.

12 marks

IV. Match columns A and B to make five short dialogues.

  1. What do you do on Sunday?

  2. How often do you watch a video?

  3. Hi! How is it going?

  4. Could I look at your newspaper, please?

  5. Could I have a drink?


1. Sure. There's some coke on the table.

2. Fine, thanks. Just one thing. Can I have a wastepaper bin?

3. I usually do my homework in the morning and then I have lunch with my family.

4. Once or twice a week.

5. Sorry, I'm afraid I'm going to read it.

5 marks

V. Describe one day on which everything went wrong- 70 words.

10 marks


I. Rewrite the sentences in the present passive.

  1. Directors ask actors to do the same scene many times.


  1. The director doesn't film the script in the correct order.


  1. Scriptwriters write films.


  1. Many people like the Coen brothers' films.


  1. Cinema goers still enjoy `Casablanca' today.


  1. The sound engineer records the dialogues.


  1. Thousands of tourists visit the Hollywood studios every year.


  1. The make-up artist does the actors hair.


  1. The director chooses the star of the film.


  1. Millions of people watch soap operas.


10 marks

II. Read the text and write true (T) or false(F).

World Film Guide

The `World Film Guide' is written by the people who really know about films, directors and stars. Updated every year, this book answers all the questions you will ever have about the cinema. It includes:

`I don't know who this was written by but they know a lot about movies! The best guide to the cinema I have ever read.'

`This is a book written by people who know and love films.'

  1. All the films and stars in the book are modern. ……

  2. The book is written by an actor. ……

  3. The films are arranged from A- Z. ……

  4. The book is only about famous stars. ……

  5. Charlie Chaplin is a modern actor. ……

  6. Jude Law is an actor from the earliest days of Hollywood. ……

  7. The history of the cinema is boring. ……

  8. The parts in italics were written by actors and actresses. ……

8 marks

III. Listen and complete the conversation.

A: Allens Bank. Good morning. Can I (1)………………….. you?

B: (2)…………………. I speak to Mrs Smithson, please?

A: I'm (3)……………….. she's out at the moment. Can I (4)……………… a message?

B: Yes, (5)………………………. My name is Sally Thorton.

A: (6)………………….., can you (7)…………………your surname, please?

B: Yes, it's T- H- O- R- T- O- N. I'm at Lawnside High School. We are organizing a sponsored (8)…………………. next month. It's (9)……………….. cancer research. We are looking for (10)……………………….

A: Have you got a (11)……………………… number?

B: The school number is 056 2265786.

A: Well, I'll (12)……………………… the message to Mrs Smithson.

B: Thank you very much.

Odpowiedzi: 1- help, 2-Could, 3-afraid, 4-take, 5-please, 6-Sorry, 7-spell, 8-walk, 9-for, 10-sponsors, 11-phone, 12-pass

12 marks

IV. Complete the dialogues.

A: (1)……………………… I'm late. There weren't any buses.

B: That's (2)…………………… . Don't (3)………………………. about it.

A: I haven't done my homework. My grandfather is in hospital and I went to see him.

B: (4)…………………….. mind. It doesn't (5)……………………. You can do it this lunchtime.

5 marks

V. Write a letter to parents using the head teacher's note.

10 marks


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