
Imię i nazwisko ucznia

Czas wykonania zadań: 45 min.

A. Do każdego z podanych zdań wybierz odpowiedź a, b, c lub d.

Tylko jedna odpowiedź jest prawidłowa. Podkreśl wybraną odpowiedź.

Przykład: My mother ............. a letter at the moment.

a) write b) is writing c) writes d) wrote

1. Do you like .......... music?

a) listen to b) listen c) listening d) listening to

2. Can you tell .......... not to be so rude?

a) he b) his c) him d) he`s

3. Jane .......... tidy the house every day.

a) doesn`t b) isn`t c) don`t d) aren`t

4. There is .......... mineral water in this bottle.

a) any b) many c) some d) much

5. Susan .......... her grandparents last week.

a) visit b) visited c) visits d) is visiting

6. John is playing .......... .

a) a piano b) on piano c) the piano d) an piano

7. His birthday is .......... 15th June.

a) at b) in c) on d) for

8. Tom and Mark .......... football.

a) are playing b) is playing c) are play d) is play

9. .......... you ever won a prize?

a) Do b) Are c) Did d) Have

10. It was very hot and he .......... his coat.

a) take off b) put on c) took off d) put in

  1. Dopasuj wyrażenia z kolumny A do odpowiednich wyrażeń z kolumny B.

Przykład: 0. What`s your name? x. I`m Ann. 0 x





1.Thank you for a present.

a. A cup of tea, please.

2. Have a nice day!

b. Polish.

3. How are you?

c. Bye.

4. What would you like?

d. Fine, thanks. And you?

5. Can you ride a bike?

e. Fifty pounds, please.

6. Where is he from?

f. You`re welcome.

7. What is she good at?

g. Good idea!

8. See you!

h. Thanks. The same to you.

9. How much is it?

i. Scotland.

10. Let`s go to the cinema.

j. No, I can`t.

  1. Uzupełnij tekst podanymi wyrazami. W lukę wpisz numer wyrazu.

different (1) head (2) danger (3) hour (4) ground (5) because(6) ears (7) hunting (8) fastest (9) catch (10)

The cheetah is the .......... animal on land. It can run at 100 km an .......... . It is now rare and is one of the animals which are in .......... of extinction.

The cheetah has a small .......... and ........... and long, powerful legs. It always hunts and chases its prey on open .......... . This is a different way of .......... from the other “big cats”. They like to stay in and near trees to .......... their prey. The cheetah is also .......... from other cats .......... it cannot draw in its claws.

  1. Zapisz odpowiednie pytanie, aby w odpowiedzi uzyskać podkreśloną w zdaniu informację.

1. Mark and Nick play tennis on Saturdays.


2. The bus arrives at seven o`clock.


3. They`ve moved to Spain.


4. He won an Oscar in 1996.


5. She`s made six films.


6. They made a cake yesterday.


7. My sister was born in May.


8. He was angry because he lost his ticket.


9. They are from Warsaw.


10. They are interested in music.


  1. Przeczytaj uważnie tekst. Następnie zaznacz, które z poniższych zdań jest prawdziwe (True), a które fałszywe (False). Wpisz literę T lub F.

It was a fine September day in 1620 and the sun was shining. Lizzie was standing on the deck of the Mayflower. She and her family and friends were sailing to America.

While she was looking at England for the last time, a young sailor was watching her.

“Are you unhappy because you`re leaving England?” - he asked Lizzie.

“No,”- she answered. - “In England many people didn`t like us because our religion is different”.

At first the weather was good and Lizzie often saw the young sailor on deck. They soon became good friends. His name was John Parker. They liked talking about America. It was an unknown place and Indians lived there. It was exciting but frightening.

Then one day the weather changed and there was a storm. The Pilgrims stayed under the deck but Lizzie was worried about John. She went on deck to find him but she couldn`t see him anywhere. The waves were huge and Lizzie stayed near the rail. Suddenly she heard a voice behind her.

“Lizzie! Be careful!”

She turned and saw John. But at that moment a wave came over the side of the ship and dragged him into the sea.

1. The Pilgrims left England in 1620. .........

2. The ship was called the Mayflower. .........

3. John Parker was a Pilgrim. .........

4. Lizzie was unhappy because she was leaving England. .........

5. All people in England liked Lizzie and her friends. .........

6. John and Lizzie often talked about England. .........

7. America was an interesting place. .........

8. When there was a storm the Pilgrims stayed on deck .........

9. Lizzie heard a voice next to her. .........

10. A wave dragged John into the sea. ........

Liczba punktów: ......50...... Suma punktów uzyskanych: .............

Podpis sprawdzającego: .....................................................................


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