1. What's the best way to learn a foreign language ?

Most people in the world learn foreign languages. Everyone has their definite way to learn them. I also know many ways to learn a foreign language, which are the best in my opinion. First way: we could be reading magazines or newspaper in English. Thanks to this we learn a lot of words. It's very interesting and nice. Second way also very good is listening to music. Another way is also have a penfriend from abroad. It' a pleasant way to learn a language because you write letters in English. Next way could be this that you could go to an abroad. It' very good way to learn a foreign language, because you have to use it all the time. For example: When you ask somebody, do shopping or when you ask for a time. You can hear it all the time on the radio, the television. But this way is more expensive than previous ways. In my opinion this way is the best.

  1. Should young people receive money ?

In my opinion young people should receive pocket money. It's only the way to conquer some independence. Everybody has needs. Young people also. They sometimes need to buy something for themselves. For example: to buy records, sweets, magazines or clothes. But they often spend money on alcohol, drugs and cigarettes. Then they shouldn't receive pocket money. But thanks this money , they don't have to steal. Sometimes young people spend money in short time. But thanks to pocket money, they could learn how to save money and how to spend it. I think that is very nice have your own money, and do with them, what do you want. But my mother gives me money always when I need it.

  1. What to do during the fob interview to make a good impression ?

Job interviews are never easy. But most of people must cross for them. There are many ways to make a good impression during the job interview. If you are woman you should be smartly dressed, but you shouldn't wear too much make-up or jewellery. This could annoy employer. If you are a man you should wear a suit. This is very important. You ought to be punctually. If you are late you will have a problem to get a job. The next thing is interview. You should know what you have to talk. You shouldn't think too long because it will annoy employer. But you must be careful. You shouldn't talk too fast. You ought to say clearly, what do you want to do. You must also show that you are the best for this job. During interview you should smile. Employers like bright people.

  1. Which do you prefer: shopping in a large department store or in a small shop ?

These days people have a large choice of shops. Starting from small shops, finishing in a large department store. I prefer shopping in a large department store. There is a big choice of articles. For example: You find there clothes, food, shoos and something else. Everything is in one place, in one building. You don't have to go and look for shops with clothes or food. You don't loose your time for this. Another cause is that there is a car park. In a department store is a security office. On every floor is bodyguard, so you feel safer. Another nice thing are small bars or cafes. When you are hungry or thirsty you can buy something to eat or drink. There are many tills, so people don't have to wait so long to pay for a shopping. And what could be very important is air conditioning. If out the door is warm, there is cold. In this conditions doing shopping is a pleasure.

Small : atmosphere is friendly, shop asistans are polite and helpful, in the center, near us

high prices,

Big : situated in the suburbs, big parking place, low prices, a wide assortment of articles, fast food, credit card, clearance sale, to stand in a long queue

  1. What causes marriage problems ? What are the best ways of solving them ?

Very often a boy loves a girl and a girl loves a boy, they get married and they are happy. But sometimes after some years these people get divorced or they live in separation. In my opinion there are different causes of divorce and marriage problems. Very often betrayal causes problems. If husband cheats on wife, she will distrust him and if wife cheats on husband also he'll distrust her. Because the best of good matrimony is trust so that marriage has a little chance to survive. Parents who interfere in marriage cause sometimes marriage problems. There are many way of solving marriage problems. Husband and wife should be more trusting and tolerant. They ought to learn forgive and go on compromise. They have to accept their own partner. They should solve owns problems by themselves. In my opinion if people love each other they will solve problems.

  1. What the more useful inventions in the 20th century ? Give some examples.

20th century is century of science. Not all inventions are useful but without some them we couldn't life these days. For example: computers. We have access to a lot of information. Everything what we are looking for is in one machine. Computers do many things for us. We could relax with them, play games. Another example could be television. It's one of invention, which most people have in the world. We can't imagine life without TV. Thanks to TV we can see the whole world. Big part of our life represents radio. Sometimes we can't watch TV because we must clean than we can listen the radio. We can hear new songs, interesting interweaves. Another very useful invention 20th century is car. It's one of many ways to go to the holiday. But with this invention is a one problem, the petrol is expensive. The more useful inventions could be: x-lays, electrical microscope. They are also useful.

computer, tv, mobile phone, medicine, transistor, laser

  1. Is smoking bad for your health ?

Many people in the world smoke. Smoking causes addiction. Every day you sink more and more into your habit. And you can't net free from this. Smokers kill themselves and people who are near them. Smoking causes much illness. It could be a cause for heart attack. It's very wrong. Smoking very often could result into mouth or lung cancer. Smokers very often have bad fit, and yellow skin. True is also this that smokers breath is not fresh. Wrong is also this that very often small children suffer. They could be seriously ill. But now in a public place there are prohibitions for smokers. It's one of way to protect people who don't smoke from smoke of cigarettes.

premature deaths, bronchist and lug cancer, smell from your mouth, cough, risk of heart disease

  1. Does honesty always pay ?

Nowadays less and less people are honest. More and more people win job, money, education dishonestly. Often dishonest is in school. Often students cheat when they don't learn for the test. Then they play truant or they cheat on the tests. But I think in the future they can feel effects of own dishonesty. Sometimes students fake excuses. But if parents or teachers find out about it then that student will have problems. People are dishonest also at work. Sometimes if they want to get promotion they will not be honest. But later they'll feel bad and can't enjoy success. Very often we are dishonest for relatives in family. But I think that honesty in family is more important.

  1. Should businesswomen get married ?

I think that she should. First of all - I think that will be dishonest if we said that she shouldn't get married. Businesswoman is a normal person like all of us and if she wants to get married she can do it. It's a free will for everybody. But often she doesn't get married because she wants to be attractive and she also wants to earn a lot of money. Thanks to this she can support her family. I think that businesswoman should get married because every human being wants to have family, children, to have somebody when she will be old. But from the other side she could not have time for her family. She could also often go to another country and lives her family for a long time. But I think that is not enough reason to this that she couldn't get married. I think that she could balance work and family life.

  1. What are the worst event(s) you've ever experienced ?

All of us have ever had bad events. Although we want to forget about it we can't because we have in memory for a long time. I also have the bad event, which I remember today. When I was five years old I lost my mum. We went shopping in a large department store. My mum wanted to buy a blouse. When she tried one I wanted to go to toy shop. After the one moment, I saw that I'm lost. I didn't know how I come back to my mum. I felt scared and I didn't know what I should do. Fortunately my mum found me. It was horrible for me, but I will remember that I shouldn't go away from parents. I have experienced many bad events and I think that such events may teach us.

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