angielski My day com ES

Ewa Gadomska


I wake up every day from Monday to Friday at 7 o'clock in the morning. Then I wake up my 9 year old daughter too. I start every new day with morning black-strong coffee and turn on radio in a kitchen. Then I take a bath, I do make up and I get dressed. Usually I help my daughter to dress in too.

We do not have much time in the Morning, but we prepare together a fast breakfast.
I usually eat toasts and my daughter eats corn flakes with milk. In meantime I prepare second breakfast for my girl and we go out.

I drive my daughter to primary school and then I go to work. I start it
at 9 am. I run my own business. I manage a small building company. I think, my job is very exciting. I can plan my daily work as I like and my tasks are different since I work drawings using different shapes of buildings. I usually finish my work at 5 pm.

Then I go to school to take away my daughter. Together we go home. About 6 pm we have our supper. I prepare for example pizza, lasagna, or tomatoes with some kind of meat with salad. After meal my daughter do her homework and I wash up dirty plates. Later my child has
a bath and goes to bed.

Then I have a free time only for me. I usually read an interesting book
or watch TV. Sometimes my colleagues visit me and we talk about everything, drink some vine and have snacks. I go to bed about 11 pm.

Weekends are different. I don't go to work. On Saturday I stay in bed as long as possible, usually until 10-11 am. I get late breakfast. I clean up my house. I do shopping. My daughter sometimes goes to her grandparents or to her friend. Saturday evening I go out with my friends to pub, or to cinema. On Sunday we go with my daughter to park for a walk and in afternoons on swimming pool. We both like sport.

I like weekends because I may rest.


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