My day

My day
Today I got up at 7 o'clock. I went to the bathroom to wash up my face. Then I drank a cup of tea. I made breakfast and then I ate it watching tv. I dressed up and switched on a computer. I have been surfing net till 10 o'clock and then I got to school. When I got home from school I had dinner. Then my best friend turned down. We talked and listened to the music. I did my homework and started to watch tv. I had a shower and I got to bed.

Today I got up at 7 o'clock. I went to the bathroom to wash up my
face. Then I drank a cup of tea. I made breakfast and then I ate it WHILE
watching tv. I dressed up and switched on a computer. I have been
surfing net till 10 o'clock and then I WENT to school. When I got home
from school I had dinner. Then my best friend CALLED/POPPED IN. We talked
and listened to (bez the) music. I did my homework and started to watch tv.
I TOOK a shower and I WENT to bed.

The best day of my life was the 4th of July 2002. In that special day, I was at home. The day began like every other. I woke up at 12 o'clock as usual in that part of the year. I performed my daily ablutions, had breakfast and that kind of things. Nothing seemed out of ordinary. It was not until late afternoon that my friend called me. He invited me to a party that he hosted. I was surprised at the invitation; I didn't particularly like him. Having nothing better to do, I grudgingly accepted. I titivated myself up bit, and went to the shop to buy some beer. Then I set off to the party. At first the party seemed rather boring, so I had a few rounds. Then suddenly I spotted a beautiful girl. I asked my friend about her. To my delight, she had no partner, so I decided to give it a try. I offered her a drink, she accepted without hesitance. After a quarter or so of sweet talk, I sensed she had a crush on me too. Not wanting to miss an opportunity, I invited her upstairs. We staggered to the host's parents' room, of course he didn't know that. It was the first time I had got laid.

The bets day of my life was the 4th of july. This was uncommon day. I was at home. They day began as usual. I wake up about 10 o'clock. I was heving a shower when the phone rang. So, I took telepone and heard the best news of my life. I won main prize in competition ,,1000 zloties" i was very excited and suprised. i could take prize from present day to Saturdays between 15-20 hour in office ,,pula nagród".I had yet 4 hours, so I decided to divide this good information from my friend. I phoned to her and I asked will she come to me. She said that she will came behind 15 mintes. When I told her all she said, that I must prepare party. after 15 o'clock i and my mother went to take prize. I couldn't to wait. My mother paid me moneys on account and we went on purchases. I bought a lot of clotheses but my mother didn't permit to give me of all moneys. When we returned I prepared tasty supper. then I and my familly watched TV and we went to sleep. I couldn't fall asleep. I thought on what to give my moneys by all night. to jest mój tekst czy ktoś może to sprawdzić

My day

J wake up at 7 o'clock a.m. Then J get up and go to the bathroom. J wash my hands and face. Later J clean my teeth. J go back to my room and J put on my clothes. J usually wear
jeans, a shirt, a sweater, socks and trainers. J go to the kitchen and eat breakfast. My mum prepares it for me. J drink tea or milk, some bread with butter, cheese and sausage.
J take my things and go to school by bus.
My lessons start at 8 o'clock. J usually Have 7 lessons. At 11 o'clock. J have my lunch- two sandwiches. J come back Home by bus at 2.15 p.m.
My family have dinner at 3 p.m. Later J do my homework and watch TV, or read books or play computer games. On Tuesday J go to the swimming pool and on Thursday J have my German lessons. J eat supper at 7 o'clock.
In the evening J take a shower and go to bed. J fall asleep at about 9.30.

At weekends, J listen to music next watch TV or ride a bike next go out witch my friends.

Everyday i get up at 7 o'clock, beacuse my alarm clock is domanded.
I go to bathroom, I brush my teeth and wash face.
I pack my books and eat breakfast.
I usually go to school at half past eight.
Afterwards i drive to school by car.
I start lesson at nine o'clock.
At half past eleven I have a long break and then I can eat my second breakfast.
I finish school at five to three (sometimes I stay at school longer).
After school I go home and I have dinner.
Then I sit by computer and use the internet.
I make myself a cup of coffe and I sit in armachair.
Then I read a newspaper.
Abaut five or six o'clock meet with my girlfriend.
Together we spend wery nice time.
We take a walk.
We watch interesting films.
Sometimes we listen to music.
In the afternoon I usually watch tv or lern and do my homework.
Recently I spend a lot of time at the computer.
I have a supper and abaut 11 p.m or 12 p.m I go to bed.

I wake up about 6 o'clock in the morning. I stay in bed a few minutes longer and then get up and go to the bathroom. Where I wash myself and brush my teeth, sometimes I have a shower. After that I dress up and go to the kitchen where I prepare and have my breakfast. Next I go to school where I stay for seven hours'. After finishing school I get back home, eat dinner and afterwords, because I'm tired I must have a rest.

Next I do my homework and prepare for a following day at school. Then I have to do my daily duties, for example, dust furniture, clean windows, hoover the carpets, wash up, feed the dog, throw litters out, iron and wash clothes, clean floors, water flowers. Having done my duties I go out to meet with my friends. Usually we talk, listen to music, wath some films on TV or DVD or go to pubs. After meeting I return home, have supper, read a book, check on e-mail box on the internet, chat on GG, send some s-massages (sms). Then I go to the bathroom and after having myself washed up I go to my bed and fall a sleep.

My day (Present Simple)

I usually wake up at 7 o'clock. I wash myself, get dressed and have breakfast - usually bread with cheese (or cottage cheese, or sometimes with jam) and tea with lemon. Then I go to school. I arrive there about a quarter to eight. I have six or seven lessons. After school I go back home. Sometimes my mum asks me to buy some things on my way home. When I get home, I have dinner - soup or meat with potatoes and some vegetables. I wash up after dinner and after that I should do my homework, but when the day is sunny, I prefer to meet my friends and go for a walk with them. We talk about a lot of things, laugh and have wonderful time together. When I get home, I have to do my homework (if I did not do it earlier) and study for the next day. In the evening I listen to the music and chat with my friends on the GG. Sometimes I watch TV, but not very often. About 10 or 11 PM I take a shower and go to sleep.


It's nice to be pleasantly tired instead of just tired. It's been a long day.

This morning we unpacked a box of dishes from my father. They were a Christmas present but had been backordered. Of course you should never let a 3-year-old anywhere near those little styrofoam peanuts. He broke them into little bits, and still had pieces of them in his hair at bedtime because the static electricity made them hard to comb out.

The cardboard box was the perfect size to be a fort, so we cut windows into it with a penknife and I wrote "L's House" on the side. L took a washable marker into it to decorate the inside walls, and he kept coming out and demanding that I wash the ink off his hands (he's kind of a finnicky kid).

In the late morning we went to the local cafe to hang out with a bunch of families from our babysitting co-op. I made a new friend and exchanged numbers with her. Then we drove over an hour to the next state to go to a baby shower. It was fun, our gift was well received, and it was nice to see our friend looking so pregnant.

After dinner, I put L to sleep and then planted 48 seed starts for my spring garden. I planted several kinds of tomatoes, two kinds of basil, and tried planting zinnias and cilantro even though I'm not sure you're supposed to start those indoors. I didn't have enough trays for all the little peat pots full of dirt, so I put some of them in some extra china teacups that were in my basement. It felt very decadent to use good china that way. I fertilized all my houseplants and trimmed dead leaves.

Overall, a productive and pleasant day. Tomorrow it's housecleaning day, and desperately overdue.

I love Saturdays!


I don't have favorite day. I usually do not have too much free time, but I almost always have free weekends. On Saturdays I lie in bed rather long and then I have breakfast with my family. After that I very often go on a short trip to Krynica Morska. It's a beautiful, old town by the Baltic Sea. I go there with my wife, son and daughter. When the weather is good I play with my son and swim in the sea. When the weather is bad, we just walk and feed birds with bread. In the afternoon we have lunch at a restaurant.

There are two interesting restaurants in Krynica Morska : “The Pirates” which serves excellent fish and “Mamma Mia” with original Italian food. We usually go to “The Pirates” and we take fish and chips.

After the dinner we go home. In the evening we stay in house or we visit our friends. We have dinner and we drink some beer or wine. We talk a lot, listen to music.

I always try to spend my weekends with my family.


Nie mam ulubionego dnia. Zwykle nie mam zbyt dużo wolnego czasu, ale prawie zawsze mam wolne weekendy. W soboty leżę w łóżku raczej długo i wówczas jem śniadanie razem z moją rodziną. Po śniadaniu bardzo często wybieram się na krótką wycieczkę do Krynicy Morskiej. Jest to przepiękne, stare miasto nad Morzem Bałtyckim. Jeżdżę tam z moją żoną, synem i córką. Kiedy pogoda jest dobra, gram z synem i kąpię się w morzu. Kiedy pogoda jest brzydka, po prostu spacerujemy i karmimy ptaki chlebem. Po południu jemy lancz w restauracji.

W Krynicy Morskiej Są dwie interesujące restauracje : „Piraci” która serwuje doskonałe ryby i „Mamma Mia” z oryginalnym jedzeniem włoskim. Zwykle chodzimy do „Piratów” i zamawiamy ryby z frytkami.

Po lanczu wracamy do domu. Wieczorem zostajemy w domu albo odwiedzamy naszych przyjaciół. Jemy kolację i pijemy piwo albo wino. Dużo rozmawiamy, słuchamy muzyki.

Zawsze staram się spędzać weekend z moją rodziną.


I usually wake up about 6 o'clock in the morning. Then I get up and go to the bathroom. I wash my hands, face and I clean my teeth. I get dressed. I never have breakfast but I drink a cup of coffee.

Later I take my bag and go to work by car.

My work start at half past seven. At about 11 o'clock I have my lunch. I go back home by car at 5 o'clock p.m.
My family have dinner at half past five p.m.. Later I do my housework or I talk my son. I sometimes read books or play computer games.

I have supper at 8 o'clock p.m..
In the evening
I listen to radio or wach TV, but not very often.

About 10 or 11 PM I take a shower and go to sleep.

At weekends I meet my friends. We talk about life, drink beer and listen to music.


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