A Trip to Lambton

A Trip to Lambton

Normally a great admirer of Nature's divine creations, on this day Elizabeth was too distracted to appreciate the beauty of the landscape surrounding her. Her eyes downcast, she jogged along a narrow, tree-lined path in the large park not far from her present residence at Lambton. She was very angry- her mood clearly tangible in the vigorous pace with which her feet pounded into the ground. Without leaving a note for Jane and Charles, she had fled the hotel at an very early hour since running had seemed like a very good idea to let off steam.

It worked- somehow. Yet, her anger still flared when she thought about how they'd pestered and badgered her about coming to Lambton. Though she hadn't been able to find out why they had been so persistent- all her questions had been answered with counterquestions like “Well, why ever not?” and “Don't you think you need to relax a bit? You know you work too much!”- she had finally given in. As soon as they'd arrived however, it had become all too clear- they'd planned all along to set her up on a blind date with Charles' best friend, Fitz.
What a ridiculous name, she thought as she ran along her way. If this guy is anything like his name…

Suddenly the trees to her right cleared, allowing the winterly sun to light up her route. Lifting her gaze in surprise at the unexpected brightness, a distant resplendence at the far right caught her attention. Turning her head to see were it stemmed from, she was met by a breathtaking view. A small, partially frozen lake sparkled brilliantly as if peppered with tiny diamonds. Not far behind it an impressive, old manor rose into the sky, its stately facade immersed in lutescent light.

Though she was totally engrossed in the terrific vista, Elizabeth's sixth sense suddenly came to life, telling her that she was about to encounter an obstacle on her way with no time left to avoid it. Instinctively closing her eyes upon the impending impact, one thought shot through her mind:
`Lamp post!'. A split second later her head, followed by her whole body, bumped into something huge and massive. It didn't give way at all, but answered with a clearly audible whoosh.

In order to work off his anger, William had dicided to take a run through the park of Pemberley. It was rather early in the morning and he didn't expect anyone else to be out at this time of day. So he kept his eyes glued to the ground, silently counting his fast steps to distract his thoughts from the upcoming evening.

It worked- somehow, though not for long. Charles and Jane had talked him into a blind date with Jane's younger sister, Liz. At first he'd declined, but they'd been so persistent that he'd finally given in- if only for the sake of his sanity. Now he regretted his indulgence for surely there was a much better way to spend an evening than entertaining some unalluring spinster…

After running for a while, he sensed an unexpected movement straight ahead of him, and knew immediately that it was too late to prevent a collision with whatever had gotten in his way. There was just enough time to lift his head and quickly brace himself, before a small figure hit him hard in the chest, forcing the air out of his lungs with a

Muttering a surprised
“Uff!”, it staggered backwards with flailing limbs. Without thinking, William reached out to save his counterpart from falling and- unable to catch the dangerously threshing arms- grabbed for its middle and tightly clasped it to him. What was left of his breath caught in his throat, when he felt the distinctly female forms of the body that was pressed so closely to his.

Curious to see her face, he instantly dropped his gaze to the top of her head that barely reached his breastbone. But while his scrutiny was impeded by the hood of the sweat suit she wore, his nostrils were assaulted by whiffs of a sweet, heady scent she seemed to emanate. To his utter mortification his loins reacted with alacrity, instantly gracing him with a most impressive erection.
`This is ridiculous,' he thought and at the same time tried to pull back from her. For all he knew, she could be 60 and ugly like a mule.

Elizabeth still felt slightly dizzy from her ungentle collision with the supposed lamp post. Though she'd had to fight not to lose her balance, it had immediately occurred to her that her conjecture had been totally wrong- unless lamp posts
whooshed. Right then her fleeting thought had been confirmed, when she'd felt two strong hands close on either side of her waist to pull her against an unmistakeably masculine form.

Upon first contact her body had melted into his of its own volition, molding itself to his muscular planes and angles. His musky scent and searing warmth had made her nipples tighten into hard peaks, almost making her forget her throbbing temple. Just the knowledge that her thick clothes prevented him from feeling her predicament had kept her in place- another wrong conjecture, by the way…

Standing there, closely embraced by a total stranger, her hands curled around his upper arms- if spanning less than half their girth could qualify as
curled around- she tried to digest the powerful sensations his nearness evoked within her and regain at least a small amount of sanity. With her head still bowed and eyes tightly shut, she wondered what to do next.

Finally reaching the conclusion that she needed to see his face- in spite of his apparently perfect body, he could look like an elephant's arse- she was on the verge of lifting her gaze to him when she felt something hard nudge her belly insistantly. Her eyes popped open in surprise while her head snapped up to stare at the man who obviously didn't fare any better than she.

The second their gazes met, William's intention to pull away from her was completely forgotten. He was captured, mesmerised by the most beautiful eyes he'd ever seen. They were huge and lucent, an unusual dark blue with violet shades, framed by thick long lashes, and fitted perfectly into an enticingly lovely face. He was utterly lost…

Elizabeth felt like drowning. She'd never looked into a pair of eyes that spellbinding. Dark brown, soulful, seemingly bottomless, set into finely chiselled features with high, prominent cheekbones and a straight roman nose. While she watched him, he slowly lowered his gaze to her mouth; following his lead, she did the same, at once held captive by his alluringly shaped lips.

Totally focused on each other, they started to move as one; their bodies pressed closer still while their faces were inexorably drawn together until their eyes closed and their mouths met for a slow, yet unhesitant, first kiss. However, what began as a tentative testing of the other's taste, soon exploded into something wild and voracious with curling, dancing tongues and moans of excitement that rose into the morning sky.

Mindless with need, William cupped her buttocks and pulled her up along his body to nestle his straining erection to her most feminin part. Eager to feel him where she needed him most, Elizabeth responded instantly. She parted her legs and wound them around his hips, grinding herself against him, even as her hands slid up to his neck to caress his bare skin beneath the collar of his sweater.

When they finally had to come up for air, faces flushed and chests heaving, it took them a few moments to return to reality. And while the world around them reemerged, they became aware of the awkwardness of their situation bit by bit. Dazed and confused they stared at the other with furrowed brows, trying to comprehend what had just happened, until Elizabeth ducked her head and blushed a deep shade of red. Slowly she slackened her hold on him and disentangled her legs from around his body to bring them back to the ground. Reluctantly William released her and let his arms dangle by his sides.

But as soon as her right foot touched the ground, she pulled it up again and cried out in pain. Once again William came to her rescue, wrapping a supporting arm around her waist to hold her upright.

“Are you hurt?” he asked, his tone full of concern.

Elizabeth shivered, as the sound of his deep husky voice sent goose bumps up and down her body. Her bowed head came up in surprise and again they stared at each other. Finally he repeated his question, prompting her to strive for an answer. She opened her mouth, but found out that she couldn't speak. Closing it again, she cleared her throat and tried once more.

“Yes,” was all she could manage.

“Your ankle?” he asked while his eyes wandered down her body and back up. She just nodded.

With a determined expression on his face, he scooped her up against his chest as if she weighed no more than a feather, and made his way down the soft slope their surreal encounter had taken place on. Despite a sensation akin to panic that settled in her stomach, she had no choice but to loop her arms around his neck and hold on for the journey.

“Where are you taking me?” she finally demanded with more resolution than she actually felt.

He'd obviously seen through her, because a slight smile curled up the corners of his mouth as he asked back: “Are you afraid?”

“Of course not!” she snapped, and in a smaller voice added. “I just want to know…that is- if you don't mind.”

“Home,” he stated without further explanation.

She scanned the landscape by turning her head from one side to the other as far as she could, given her current position. The only building within reasonable reach was that grand estate her attention had been fixed on earlier.
But this can't be his home, can it?

do you live?”

Lifting his chin, he pointed his head in exactly that direction.

“But it's huge!” she exclaimed.


Who are you?” she asked, exasperated.

He shrugged, making her bounce up and down in his arms and simply said: “William. -And you?”


Looking down at her, he flashed her a broad grin, displaying a pair of intriguing dimples that had her gaping at him.

“Nice to meet you, Elizabeth.”

She clamped her mouth shut and acknowledged his compliment with a slight nod; they covered the rest of their way in silence.

William was glad for the distraction the physical exertion of carrying her provided. It gave him something to concentrate on, other than what had happened between them. He'd never in his life acted so out of character- he usually thrived on control and restraint. Yet, he'd been unable to resist the fierce passion her kiss and touch had unleashed. His mind had gone blank, except for one notion:
`Take her, take her, take her!' -a primal scream. Even now his need for her was almost overwhelming. And the nearer they came to his house, the more he had to struggle to suppress this kind of emotions. Inevitably his thoughts settled on the one question: what would it feel like to be buried deep inside of her curvy body and have her writhing beneath him in ecstasy?

Elizabeth, for her part, felt fate looming above her like a dark heavy cloud. She
somehow knew that this man and his house were to become an essential part of her life. It was frightening and disconcerting, yet thrilling. Being held so very near to him reminded her constantly of their previous actions- the consuming kiss they'd shared, the feeling of his throbbing erection pressed tightly to her achingly empty loins. Where she'd been highly embarrassed at first, she was now strangely curious as to what it would feel like to have him inside of her, to feel him move in and out of her and hear his excited moans. She suspected that it would be like heaven…

Both were sweating and close to panting, aroused anew by their relative thoughts, when they finally reached the house. Once inside, William stopped in his tracks and looked around, as if considering where to take her. In truth, he knew exactly where he wanted to have her, but he wasn't quite sure if she was ready to go there. When his enquiring gaze came to rest on her face, however, his qualms vanished. She looked back at him, her lovely eyes full of anticipation, her cheeks flushed, her full lips moist and slightly parted. Without further thought, he took the bait and leaned down to her, brushing his mouth over hers in a tender caress while he pulled her even closer to his body. Unable to quench her desire, Elizabeth returned his kiss and twisted in his arms to press her soft breasts fully against his chest. That was all the answer he required.

They both knew where they were headed to, as he carried her up the huge staircase in front of them, taking two steps at a time. Not three minutes later, they entered his bedroom, where he gently deposited her on his king-size bed. He wanted to draw back from her, but she refused to let him go by holding on to his neck.

“No, stay,” she whispered, looking deeply into his eyes, letting him see her desire.

Despite himself, he attempted to be the gentleman. “But your ankle…?”

“Later…” she replied, capturing his mouth in a searing kiss. Abruptly she let herself fall back, and pulled him with her. Surprised by her sudden movement, he lost his balance and almost crushed her beneath him. She didn't even flinch, but welcomed his weight with a satisfied purr from deep within her throat. He answered with a groan and pushed them both further onto the bed, so that their whole bodies were lying on the soft mattress.

Feeling the hard ridge of his erection against her mound, Elizabeth immediately opened her legs to cradle him between them. They broke their kiss, unable to hold back the moans of excitement that escaped them both. William's hips started to rock back and forth as he bend his head and began to attack her throat with his tongue and teeth.

Impatient to touch more of him, Elizabeth's hands slid down his back until she found the hem of his sweater. She pulled it up and eagerly sneaked her fingers into the waistband of his sweat pants and briefs to grab his bare buttocks. A harsh sound tore from his throat as he reared back onto his knees and jerked at her clothing with trembling hands. She sat up immediately and joined him in the task, swiftly tugging down the zipper of his sweater. Their torsos were bare in less than a minute.

Hastily he got up and freed her of her running shoes and pants, before getting rid of his own. In the end he was standing at the edge of the bed, momentarily stunned into inaction as he stared in awe at her perfectly rounded, firm body.
Beautiful- god, she's beautiful, was all he could think- and felt a confirming throb in his loins.

Lying on her back again, Elizabeth let her eyes wander over his broad chest, and down to his narrow hips.
God, he's gorgeous, she thought- but then coherency left her completely when her gaze was drawn to his jutting penis. Instinctively licking her lips, she caught his eye and lifted her arms to reach out for him. “Please,“ she whispered breathlessly.

William slowly crawled onto the bed, trembling with pleasure as her fingers stroked up his arms and along his shoulders, and finally came to rest at the base of his neck. He hovered above her on his hands and knees, as his gaze dropped to her full, soft breasts. Unable to resist a second longer, he bend his head and softly nuzzled the tantalising mounds.

Elizabeth shuddered at his tentative touch- but it wasn't enough. Attempting to convey her need, she arched her back and tenderly pulled his face closer still. He took the hint and ran his tongue around her awaiting nipple, making it pucker immediately. And when he drew it into his hot, wet mouth and began to suckle with abandon, she let out a moan of relief.

Drowning in her taste, her sweet scent, William felt his desire flare up, when he heard her husky voice. As tempation grew irresistable, he gently kneed her legs apart and settled between them, bringing the tip of his throbbing erection to her tender core. She responded instantly by tilting up her pelvis and sliding her hands down his back to his buttocks. “Oh yes,” he heard her pleading whisper, and she pressed him even closer to her.

Lost in a whirlpool of longing, Elizabeth almost cried out in frustration when he pulled back again and released her nipple. However, the sound she had managed to suppress, transformed itself into something completely different, and passed through her lips as a surprised gasp, when his actions suddenly began to make sense. His mouth took possession of her other breast while she felt a nimble finger caress her clitoris with featherlight touches before sneaking ever lower and gently opening her soft folds to dip into her sensitive core.

Wildfire rushed through William's body as her hips jerked upward and her inner muscles tensed around his fingertip, trying to suck him into her wet heat. He imagined how she would feel on his cock and almost lost it; he'd never in his life been that aroused. Vigorously fighting for control, he let go of her breast and took a few deep breaths to steady himself- he didn't want this to end too soon.

Elizabeth sensed his struggle, but didn't want him to hold back- her desire was as urgent as his. Deciding to take matters into her own hands, she did just that and with one hand reached for his thick, straining shaft to lead him to her. He flinched at her touch, groaning aloud, the strangled sound mixed with her name. Loath to relent, she shushed him, whispering soothingly, yet at the same time pressed him closer once again with her other hand still on his buttocks, until he gave in and began to push.

White stars exploded behind his closed lids and a roaring started in his ears, blocking out every sound but the furious pounding of his heart, as he squeezed his rigid length into her- cautiously, slowly, until he was buried to the hilt. She was incredibly tight, incredibly hot; wet, soft velvet that closed around him like a tailor-made glove. His lower spine prickled and his testicles drew up to his body, heralding his impending release as her inner muscles grabbed him. The need to thrust was nearly overwhelming, but for fear to explode any second, he managed to hold himself still.

A low moan escaped Elizabeth when he finally entered her. Slowly he stretched her, making her shiver with pleasure, filling her aching emptiness, nudging a spot inside her no one ever had. An agonising surge of lust washed over her, making her loins clench around him involuntarily. She wanted him- needed him- to thrust, her whole being crying out for release. But he went still and turned his burning face into her neck. Her craving couldn't be suppressed, though, so she took hold of his hair to lift his head and seek his lips. When they met, her tongue invaded his mouth, moving in and out repeatedly, leaving him in no doubt as to what she wanted.

When William realised that her urgency matched his, there was no holding back. Returning her blatant kiss with equal fervour, he pushed himself up on his elbows and began to thrust heavily. Immediately she arched her back and curled her legs around his waist, increasing the pleasure for them both. In response his rhythm quickened, his strokes going deeper still. Their breathing grew harsh, until the need for oxygene forced their lips apart. Helpless groans escaped him as he pounded into her, spurred on even more by her throaty moans. Within seconds excitement reached unbearable heights; the moment he grew bigger inside her, her body went rigid, and with a stiffled scream she started to contract around him in a long, wet climax. With one more thrust, he joined her in ecstasy, his hot semen spurting into her in a mind-numbing release.

Their sweaty bodies clued together, they lay in an entangled heap, panting, incapable of moving, desperately trying to regain their strength. Elizabeth was the first to recover, raising her hands to stroke up and down his damp back. She cleared her dry throat, yet her voice was unintentionally husky. “Are we still alive?”

A low growl rumbled in his chest, working up its way, passing his lips as a hoarse whisper. His voice was hardly recognisable. “I certainly hope so…” with great effort he lifted his head to look into her eyes “…but what a way to die.”

Elizabeth graced him with a radiant smile, almost robbing him of what little breath he'd left. “My thoughts exactly. -That was unbelievable…”

Nodding in agreement, William held her gaze and carefully seperated their bodies. She flinched and gasped quietly as he slid out of her, and rolled to his side. Concern was evident on his face, when he asked anxiously. “Did I hurt you?”

Turning to him, she smiled again and shook her head. “No, you didn't.” With a tender nudge, she pushed him on his back and snuggled up to his side. Sighing contently, he put an arm around her shoulders to draw her closer to him and placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

A comfortable silence settled between them as they struggled to accept what had just happened to them. All too soon, however, physical exertion took its toll, slowly dazing their minds and they drifted into a quiet sleep.

Elizabeth woke up with a start, immediately aware of the naked body so close to hers. For just a moment she was confused, then reality returned and her eyes flew open to stare at William who was still fast asleep. She watched him intently, his handsome features relaxed now, looking very young, very vulnerable, and a warm feeling settled in the pit of her stomach. To her amazement, she realised that she wasn't embarrassed at all about what had taken place, but rather content and…happy. Her pleasant musings were interrupted when it suddenly occurred to her that she'd completely forgotten about her companions who were waiting for her at Lambton. Glancing at her wristwatch, she saw that it was almost noon. They would be worried sick by now.

Though she was careful not to wake him, William stirred when she tried to free herself from his grip. Growling in contentment and quite oblivious to her doings, he tightened his hold on her. He murmured her name and drew her face down to his, cutting off the protest she was about to utter with a slow, lazy kiss. At first she resisted, but soon enough her passion stirred and she returned his caress.

Never breaking contact with her lips, he put his hands to her hips to pull her astride him. Though she still tried to subdue her reaction to him, her legs parted of their own volition to straddle him. Gently he skidded his fingers up her sides to the outer curves of her breasts, making her gasp into his mouth when he found her nipples and began to tease them, pinching slightly and rolling them between thumb and forefinger. His eyes opened to watch her intently.

Holding on to her last scraps of sanity, she braced her hands on his chest to dislodge him from her breasts and interrupt their kiss. “I have to go…” she sighed against his mouth.

“Not yet…” William growled in a deep voice, hoarse from sleep and desire, and placed his hands on her shoulders to push her upright. She moaned when she felt his arousal prodding insistantly at her bottom.

“But they are waiting for…” she stopped because his fingers were back at her nipples, resuming his ministrations with greater fervency, robbing her of breath.

“Take me…” he demanded, his tone not allowing contradiciton. Helpless against her own desire, she obeyed, wiggling her buttocks until the tip of his shaft nudged the entrance to her body.

“Who's waiting for you?” he asked, reaching between her thighs to stroke her clitoris.

“My sister…” she rose a little, using her knees for elevation then slowly slid down. “…and her fiancé…” she choked out while she impaled herself on his rigid shaft. Immediately his hands were on her waist to keep her still above him.

Again the pleasure was almost overwhelming, forcing them both into silence as they struggled to contain their excitement. For a few seconds the room was quiet, except for their panting. Having reestablished only a sliver of control, yet unwilling to wait any longer, William tentatively rotated his pelvis to lure her into motion. “Do you…live…at Lambton?” he asked hoarsly.

Elizabeth began to move, lifting herself up and gliding down again, eliciting moans from them both. “No…I'm here…for the weekend…”

Talking became more and more difficult, but they kept it up since it provided a very convenient distraction from their amorous activities. William's hips jerked upward, his shaft reaching deep into her. “Any plans…for tonight?” he gasped.

As she increased her speed, her features contorted in an odd mixture of desire and anger. “A blind date…” she hissed through clenched teeth. “They…set me…up.”

Release drew inexorably closer for William, but he didn't want it to end yet. His hands slid to the small of her back, wandered upward and finally pulled her down on his chest. Swiftly he rolled them over, so that he hovered above her. “Can't you…back out?”

Elizabeth shook her head. “I…promised…he's Chuckles'…best friend.” A small whimper caught in her throat when William started to thrust, using long, slow strokes.

“Chuckles?” he asked, gaining speed, going deep, trailing a path of wet kisses along her neck.

She rose to meet him, once again wrapping herself around him. “Charles Bingley…my future… brother-in-law,” were her last coherent words before her brain shut down and pleasure reigned.

A strange, choked sound from William that sounded very much like laughter was all she got for an answer. She was past realising, however, since the tension that had been building inside her suddenly snapped and sent wave after wave of pure ecstasy to course through her body.

The milking motions of her shivering core brought on William's climax and with just a few more strokes he followed her into oblivion, as he emptied himself into her with a loud groan. Spent and exhausted he collapsed on top of her.

Just seconds later, Elizabeth's eyes flew open in concern when she felt his whole body shaking vehemently. His face still buried in the crook of her neck, he did not react when she called his name. Fear made her insides lurch, as she took his head between her hands and forced him to look at her. What she saw, both relieved and angered her- he was indeed laughing, actually he would have roared with laughter, had he been able to catch his breath. He gasped a few times while she glared at him, waiting impatiently for him to calm down. When he seemed to be back in control, she remarked icily: “You scared me. I thought you were unwell.”

“I'm sorry,” he sounded truly embarrassed, but the humour was still in his eyes.

“What's so funny anyway?”

With another fit of laughter he rolled off of her and dropped to his back. “You'll know in just a minute,” was all he said before turning to the egde of the bed and grabbing for his pants. He fumbled his mobile out of the pocket and pushed the speed-dial button.

“Hi, it's me…Listen, I'm going to bring someone along this evening…”

The reaction to his statement caused him to snatch the phone away from his ear in order to save his eardrum. Though quite a few feet away, Elizabeth heard the voice very clearly and suddenly her eyes widened in recogniciton, causing her to sit bolt upright.

When the stream of words finally ended, William put the phone back to his ear. “Just save your breath, my mind's made up- she's a very special lady.” He winked at Elizabeth. “Oh, and I'll get you for calling me
Fitz! Bye- Chuckles!”

Charles stared at his mobile in total confusion. That was how Jane found him when she entered the room a few moments later.

“What's the matter, darling? Did you talk to Liz?- Did she call?”

“No, `twas William…”

“Oh, blast! Charles, we've to do something- we've to search for her!”

“I think I know where she is…”

“What? How d'you know? Where
is she?”

“You won't believe me if I tell you…”

The End


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