United Kingdom of Great

The United Kingdom of Great

Britain and Northern Ireland

What is important to mention at the beginning is the fact that the United Kingdom constitutes of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. However, Great Britain consists only of England, Wales and Scotland. Each country has its capital city, patron saint(and their days) and vegetable symbol. As far Aas England is concerned, its capital city is London, symbol is a red rose and a patron is St Gearge(April 23rd). Northern Ireland has a parton St Partic(March 17th) and shamroc is its symbol. Scotland has a patron St Andrew(November 30th) and a symbol is thistle. Wlas has a patron of St David(March 1st) and a symbol is daffodil. What is more, each country has its own flag.

The flag of the United Kingdom is called the Union Jack.

Physical area - 244,100 sq km (94,250 sq miles). 99% is land, the rest is inland water. England has 129,634 sq km (50,052 sq miles), Wales has 20,637 (7,968), Scotland has 77,179 (29,799), and Northern Ireland has 13,438 (5,206).

Seas are warm because the climate is warm:

  1. North Sea (North - East)

  2. Irish Sea (West)

  3. English Channel (South)

  4. Atlantic Ocean (South - West)

North Atlantic Current - Gulf Stream.

(Prąd północno - atlantycki - Prąd zatokowy)


  1. England - Wales: Tyne, Trent, Humber, Severn, Thames.

  2. Scotland: Clyde, Forth, Tweed.

  3. Northern Ireland: Bann, Lagan.

The shortest stretch of water between GB and Europe is now the Strait of Dover between Dover in southern England and Calais in France ( 32 km, 20 miles).

South England

Is also called Old England because GB arose here. It is closest to Europe. Good climate (most sun and dry in England) and soil (gleba) make agriculture in a good progress. SE is a plain (równina) between Thames and Humber.

Agriculture is most important (25% of all GB):

40% of orchards (sady)

30% of wheat (pszenica)

40% of barley (jęczmień)

60% of sugar beet (burak cukrowy)

Small number of forests.


Main city of England and GB is London (8 mln people).

County of London (Hrabstwo Londynu) - 302 sq km.

Great London - 1800 sq km.

London is situated by/on the river Thames. Is a center of industry, finance center, trades (handel), science.

The first note was written 2000 yers ago. Londinium was a Roman fortress (twierdza rzymska).

In XIV century in London lived 35000 poeple. In XVIII - half a milion. In year 1801 under a milion.

The centre of London called the City has 3 sq km - is only a few thousands of poeple. City is a British centre of economy. Is by the north riverside of Thames.West of City is most beautiful district of London. This part is called West End. Parks: Hyde Park, Regent Park, Green Park. There is abbay (opactwo) of Westminster from 13th century. There are also: building of parlament, palaces of queen, The British Museum. This is a district of aristocracy.

North of West End is East End. Is a poor district of nationalities - 37000 poeple on a sq km.

Small cities of South England:

North England

Is placed north of Humber and east of Penines. Economy is based on sea and coal (węgiel). Westside of N-EE is based on agiculture and orcharding (sadownictwo). Main city is Newcastle (269 000) on the Tyne. Worker district is Gateshead. Fishing ports: Tynemouth, Southshields, Sunderland, Middlebrough.

North - West England

Devon and Cornwall.


6,765 sq miles. 823 000 people. Mainly is a highland.

Rivers:Exe, Dart

Is a West Peninsula (Półwysep Zachodni).

Main city is Exeter. Other important cities: Plymouth, Torbay, Barnstapl, Saloomber, Lynmouth, Clovelly.

Parks: Dartmoor National Park, Exmoor National Park.

Main industry cities: Tiverton, Totnes, Darlinghton, Axminster, Manition.

Industry: the glass, textilies, dairy (mleczarski), woolens, lacemaking (koronkarstwo).

Animals: ships and cattle (bydło).

Agriculture is more important than industry - raising (hodowla) - 50% of Devon are pastures

Between Le Manche Channel and Bristol Channel.



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