NTE Int ProgressTest 10


1 I wish / If only

Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in the box.

be look listen make marry spend

I wish I _______ as tall as you.

I wish I were as tall as you.

1 I wish we _______ all our money on that new car. Now there's nothing left.

2 I wish you _______ so much mess when you cook.

3 If only I _______ John instead of Paul.

4 Tina wishes she _______ like Kylie Minogue.

5 If only I _______ to your advice. After all, you're always right.


2 Past tense review

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

We were sitting in the kitchen when we _______ (hear) the news.

We were sitting in the kitchen when we heard the news.

1 I knew I _______ (see) Jack somewhere before and then I remembered.

2 While Sally was busy cooking, Tom _______ (watch) television.

3 When we went to Madrid we _______ (spend) all our time sightseeing.

4 I _______ (be) on the bus ten minutes before I noticed something was wrong.

5 Manchester United _______ (win) 1 - 0 when the referee blew his whistle for half-time.

___/103 phrasal verbs

Put the words in the correct order.

you / I'm / to / tomorrow / looking / seeing / forward

I'm looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.

1 with / come / new / Please / up / some / ideas

_____________________________________________ .

2 it / have / off / We'll / call / to /

_____________________________________________ .

3 behaviour / put / Why / Dan's / bad / up / do / with / you

_____________________________________________ ?

4 this / taking / It's / get / cold / over / ages / to

_____________________________________________ .

5 papers / need / go / I / old / these / to / through

_____________________________________________ .



4 memory

Complete the sentences with the correct words.

This monument c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the end of the war.

This monument commemorates the end of the war.

1 I never feel h _ _ _ _ _ _ _ when I'm away as I love travelling.

2 I bought this vase as a m _ _ _ _ _ _ of my recent trip to France.

3 We've organised a fund-raising concert in m _ _ _ _ _ of our son.

4 A lot of people look back on their childhood with a sense of longing and

n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

5 Steve r _ _ _ _ _ _ me of my uncle. They both have the same laugh.


5 phrasal verbs

Complete the sentences with a suitable preposition.

I grew _______ in a large house.

I grew up in a large house.

1 What time did you come _______ last night? I didn't hear you go upstairs.

2 Could you find _______ when the film starts?

3 I think Mary and William have split _______ as they're never together now.

4 Go _______! Why have you stopped?

5 How many people turned _______ to Tony's party in the end? I'm sorry I couldn't make it.


6 the senses

Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in the box. There are two extra verbs.

feel hear look look at smell sound taste watch

I enjoy _______ photos of my grandparents.

I enjoy looking at photos of my grandparents.

1 Your voice _______ just like your sister's. I'd recognise it anywhere.

2 _______ you ever _______ such amazing roses? They're like perfume.

3 These biscuits _______ delicious. Did you make them yourself?

4 Peter _______ very well, does he? He's much paler than he usually is.

5 That pullover _______ so soft. What kind of wool is it?



7 pronouncing numbers

Listen and underline the numbers you hear.

54 ½ 44 ½

1 1520s 1620s

2 €1,300,000 €1,003,000

3 12 / 04 / 02 12 / 04 / 03

4 33.4 % 23.4 %

5 1,436 1,536


8 word stress in phrasal verbs

Listen and underline the stressed part of the phrasal verb in these sentences.

We called the party off in the end.

1 I didn't find out the truth until it was too late.

2 Jack's going through a difficult time at the moment.

3 Paul always turns up late.

4 The book was turned into a very successful film.

5 How can you put up with all that noise?


How to …

9 say numbers

Write out these numbers.

1,000,000 one million

1 £21.58 ____________

2 67.3 % ____________

3 9 ¾ ____________

4 C12th ____________

5 01 / 01 / 01 ____________



10 Tom trekked to Everest Base Camp to raise money for charity. Read his competition-winning article and match the headings to the correct paragraph.

Trying not to look down!

An adventure in memory of my grandfather

0 a

I've always been afraid of heights. Even climbing up a ladder to change a light bulb or paint the ceiling makes me feel quite sick, so imagine everyone's surprise when I announced that I would be trekking to Everest Base Camp which is over 5,000 metres above sea level. Well, it's all about overcoming your fears and challenging yourself, isn't it?

1 ___

I've wanted to raise money for charity for a long time and when I saw an advertisement in the paper I jumped at the chance and I'd signed up. Of course as soon as I'd made my decision, I started to panic. What was I thinking? I'd never be able to get fit enough. I wouldn't be able to cope.

2 ___

What kept me going, however, was the thought that I was doing this for my grandfather who was such a great influence on me as a child. I miss him every day and I felt that this would be the best way to commemorate his life as he was a great adventurer and used to tell me stories of his travels around the world. He'd always wanted to see the great mountain but had never managed to get there.

3 ___

Training was hard but I was determined to carry on. I went to the gym several times a week and went jogging after work. Not only that, I also had to raise money for the charity. I sent out letters to everyone I knew and I asked my colleagues to sponsor me. I held coffee mornings and even went to the local schools to give talks.

4 ___

And finally departure day arrived and soon we were standing in Lukla, at the foot of the mountain, ready to start our trek. Although I was physically fit, nothing could have prepared me for the mental challenge. I had to face my fear of heights every single moment. Crossing rope bridges hundreds of feet above raging rivers made my stomach turn but I carried on and thought of how proud my grandfather would have been.

5 ___

I would say that all the climbers went through some personal highs and lows but I'm proud to say that I achieved everything I set out to do. I raised money for those who've had a difficult start in life and I've done something that no-one believed I could do. In fact, I felt so good when I came back that I started to look for new challenges and am now thinking of running in next year's London Marathon. Watch this space …

a Motivation

b A sense of achievement

c Fundraising

d Second thoughts

e Overcoming obstacles

f Inspiration


Intermediate Progress Test 10

0x01 graphic

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