Audiokurspoczątkujący Presentsimpl vs Continuous ćw

Present Simple vs. Present Continuous

I. Wybierz poprawną formę

  1. Look! Janek ________ into the water.

a) falls b) is falling.

  1. I _____ lunch in the cafeteria every Monday.

a) am having b) have

  1. They ______ to Gdańsk next Thursday.

a) go b) are going.

  1. Don't give me that sandwich. I ________ it!

a) hate b) am hating

  1. You won't find her at home right now. She ________ in the library.

a) is drawing b) draws

  1. Every day I______ to my English classes.

a) go b) am going.

  1. I ___ you're wrong!

a) am thinking b) think

  1. Jane ______ a house.

a) has b) is having.

  1. Look! It_______ outside.

a) rains b) is raining

  1. Where is Steven? He ______ his car.

a) cleans b) is cleaning

II. Wstaw odpowiednią formę.

1. I (look) for a job now.

2. Where is Bob? He (have) a shower now.

3. Now I know where she (look).

4. Can you give my present to John? Sure, I (meet) him tonight.

5. The dinner (be) good.

6. You (always make) the same mistakes!

7. I usually (do) my homework in the evening.

8. Every time I see her I (be) happy.

9. Fix my camera! I (not fix) it now.

10. Look at that girl! She (look) amazing.

11. He (go) to the cinema every Friday.

12. I (think) it's a good idea.

13. My mother (not listen) to my ideas.

14. Can you help me? Sorry, I (have) no time.

15. I never (watch) tv after midnight.

III. Wybierz poprawną formę.

  1. He 7 a.m.

  1. Why me like this?

  1. Why .................this dirty jacket again?

  1. Stop.....................! You can't hear anything!

  1. I'm sorry, I ...............................English.

  1. I ........................... it's not a good idea.

  1. She.........................................her keys!!!


  1. I ................................every single morning.

  1. I....................................buying a new house.

IV . Wstaw odpowiedni czas

They…………………………….(rozmawiaja) about their holiday plans now.

He………………………………(nie rozumie) Maths.

We………………………………(jemy) sweets twice a week.

Susan…………………………….(tańczy ) with Tom right now.

…………You………………(czy używasz) your calculator now?

How often………..he……………(idzie) to the barber's?

They………………………..(nie gotują) in the kitchen now.

Listen. The birds……………………(śpiewaja) so loud.

…………..Betty and Jill……………(chodzą) to this new sports centre very often?

He never………………………..(nie słucha) to classical music.

V. Zamień czas Present Simple na Present Continuous i odwrotnie- dokonaj dowolnej zmiany określników czasu.

He usually calls her in the evening.


She is cutting grass in the garden now.


They are not learning for the test at the moment.


Does your friend often help you with your homework?


We are making some sandwiches now.


They don't give money to Ewa.


Is Ann buying the cat now?


Carl and Sue often meet.


VI. Wybierz odpowiednią formę.

I……………….. in Paris.

a) live b) m living c) do live

2. They…………………in the river now.

a) swim b) is swimming c)are swimming

3. I ………..remember his name.

a) don't b) do c) am not

4. Listen. Somebody………………… the door.

a) is knocking b)knock c)are knocking

5. She never……………..books from the library.

a) borrows b) borrow c) is borrowing

6) How………………to school every day?

a)you get b) do you get c) are you getting

7) We …………… now, it is raining.

a) playing b)aren't playing c)don't play

8.Oh no, what……………….in my room?

a) you do b) you doing c)are you doing

VII. Zadaj pytania i odpowiedz na nie.

1. you/ feed/ the dog/ now……………………………………………. Yes,…………

2. he/ usually/practice/football………………………………………… No,………….

3. they/ go /to/school/ by bus………………………………………….. No,………….

4. Bill/ ride/ a bike/ now………………………………………………. No,…………

5. your/ uncle/ work/ in the bank/…………………………………….. Yes…………

6. they/ often/ talk/ about/politics…………………………………….. Yes………..

VIII. Popraw błędy

1. They swimming in a lake now…………………………………….

2. Does Tom and Susan live in Paris?.................................................

3. They don't never smoke cigarettes…………………………………

4. Is he dance with Susan now?................................................................

5. We do spend our holidays in Egipt every year……………………………………

6. Do he always buys bread in this shop?......................................................................

7. She are listening to music now……………………………………………………

8. Peter doesn't learns German at school……………………………………………

9. You don't drinking coffee very often……………………………………………..

10. You aren't siting on my chair now....................................................................

IX. Uzupełnij zdania podanymi niżej czasownikami:

be, drink, live, open, speak, start, drive

1. Mary .......................... German very well.

2. I don't.............................. coffee too often.

3. The swimming pool........................... at 7.30 every morning.

4. Ben .......................... very often.

5. My parents.............................. in a very big house.

6. The Olympic Games transmission .............................. at four o'clock every day.

7. The Panama restaurant..............................near my house.

X.Uzupełnij zdania podanymi niżej czasownikami. Czasami będzie potrzebna forma przecząca:

believe, count, eat, cancel, go, clean, make, dance, bring, learn

1. The Earth ........................ around the Sun.

2. Bees......................... honey.

3. Vegetarians...................................... meat.

4. An atheist......................................... in God.

5. Tom.................................. English language now.

6. Wind........................................rain.

7. Marry .....................................the trip.

8. She ................................. the room at the moment.

9. We ................................ the money every day.

10. There is no music. They .............................. now.

XI. Zadaj pytania do wytłuszczonych części zdania.

Ashley is going to a restaurant. -

Gareth is reading the paper. -

Stacey is playing in the garden. -

She is buying a red dress. -

Britney is doing her homework. -

Mandy is leaving at nine. -

Joe is cleaning his bike. -

Amanda is going out with Dan. -

They are meeting at two o'clock. -

Sandy is looking for Phil. -


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