The Advantages of Camping

The Advantages of Camping

There are many ways of spending summer holidays. One can stay in a hotel, in a youth hostel, by family in a village. There is also another way to rest during those hot days, that is camping.

Camping has many advantages over the other ways of spending holidays. First, it is very cheap. You can sleep under canvas for the whole week for the price of one night in a second-class hotel. Moreover, it is easy to move with a tent, so it is the ideal solution for hitch-hikers and tramps. In fifteen minutes you have your house built. The next advantage is that you are practically all the time at the open air, and you can choose even the most beautiful place for your contemporary home, like, for instance, just by a lake (of course, if you are not afraid of mosquitoes!). Finally, when you camp out, it is almost certain that you will get to know your camping neighbours, so I would call this way of spending holidays very social. After a month under canvas you come back to your real home with your address-book full of new names.

I think that camping is the best way of spending summer holidays not only for students, but for not very rich, adventurous families as well. I would call this way of resting the closest to the nature.


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