angielski mini

Język angielski


Present simple - czynności zwyczajne, codzienne (palę papierosy, piję kawę)


podmiot + orzeczenie ...................

I go to school every day. (okolicznik czasowy do present simple)


Does He goes to ...... - zdanie oznajmujące


Does she go ......? zdanie pytające

Do you go ..........? zdanie pytające ( 1-os. l.poj.)

She doesn't go - zaprzeczenie

I don't go - “ (1 os. l.poj.)

Okoliczniki czasowe:

always, sometimes, never, usually (zazwyczaj), often (często), every_(każdego dnia)

I work always with computer.

She doesn't drink coffee often.


Present continuous - czynności związane z robieniem czegoś w tym czasie

I am walking at the moment.

Be czasownik + ing

(czas posiłkowy)

TU BE (czynność, która dzieje się teraz, w trakcie mówienia)

+ końcówka ing

I am We are

You are You are

She is

He is They are

It is

She is reading a book now.

Is she reading a book now?

+ Yes, she is.

- No, she isn't.

She isn't reading a book now.


Kolor oczu /eyes/ (4) - blue (3), green, brown, grey (szare), black

Kolor włosów /hair/- black, blond, brown, red

długość - short, long

format - straight (proste), curly (kręcone), wavy (falowane)

wzrost - big, small (2)

ubranie - sweter (sweater), spodnie (trousers)

Have got - mieć

have got (1) We have got

You have got You gave got


e has got They have got


I have got small blue eyes.

I have got straight, short brown hair.

She has got short, straight, black hair.

She has got big brown eyes.


I don't now. - nie wiem

I - ja We - my

You - ty You - wy

She - ona

He - on They - oni, one

It - ono

od czasownika “być” - to “BE”

forma skrócona

I am = I'm We are = We're

You = You're You are = You're

She = She's

He = He's They are = They're

It = It's

Zaprzeczenie - I am not - nie jestem.

I am not = I'm not We are not = We aren't

You are not = You aren't You are not = You aren't

She is not = She isn't

He is not = He isn't They are not = They aren't

It is not = It isn't

We're pretty (ładna)

She's nice. (miła)

They aren't (not) tall. (wysoki)

I am Monica.

She isn't (not) a student. She's my teacher.

He's my boyfriend/husband

It's my dog.

You're nice.

My boyfriend is handsome. (przystojny)

This is school.

We're at school (jesteśmy w szkole)

They aren't (not) fat.

We aren't (not) boys.

She isn't (not) stupid.

I'm not (not) old. I'm young.

22.11.2008 r.

Good morning (do 12)

Good afternoon (po 12)

Good evening



Good bye

Good night


- How are you? Jak się masz - And you? - a ty?

I'm fine

I'm OK

Very well - bardzo dobrze

Not too bad

What's your name?

I'm Anna

My name is Anna

What's your name?

How old are you?

What's your job?



I'm /_________/

twenty five

I'm thirty eight.

1 one

2 two

3 three

4 four

5 five

6 six

7 seven

8 eight

9 nine

10 ten

I have got straight, short, brown hair.

Thin - chuda

slim - szczupła

skinny - kościsty

plump - puszysty (przy kości)

fat - gruby

I'm slim.

Pretty - ładna (tylko w odniesieniu do kobiety)

handsome - przystojny (tylko w odniesieniu do mężczyzny)

good looking - dobrze wyglądająca/y

attractive - atrakcyjna/y

beautiful - piękna/y

I think that I am slim and good looking.

(myślę, że jestem....)

III semestr

Future simple

Osoba + will + czasownik

We will learn English.

I will drink tea.

I will talk about school.

I will walk.

I will work with computer.

I will go sleep.

Read a book

watch Tv

0x08 graphic
go to the cinema

the disco



the swimming pool


clean a house

drive a motorbike

eat dinner

fall out - wypadać

false teeth - sztuczna szczęka

Pytanie: will + osoba + czasownik ?

Will you go to the cinema with me? Yes, I will.

Will you eat dinner with me? No, I will not. (krótka forma - won't)

Will you marry me?

Zaprzeczenie: osoba + won't + czasownik

I won't marry you.

I won't clean my room.

Rozmówka moja:

Yes, I will buy a new dress.

Will you go to France? Yes, I will.

Will you visit my grandmother? No, I won't.

I will meet my boyfriend.

Will we watch Moda na sukces (bold and beautiful) ? Yes, we will.

I won't go to the dentist !!!

Will Ridge go to Stephane ? No, He won't.

He go to Brook.

She will meet Her friends.

She will go to village.

She will go to shop.

She will go to home.

She will go to the cinema.


Ride - jechać

Drive - prowadzić

  1. I will lear English.

  2. I will cook dinner.

  3. I will play with my son.

  4. I will go to home.

  5. I will read the book.

Policemen often direct traffic.(kierują ruchem) Do...?

They help their father. Do they help their father?

He sells cars. Does he sell cars?

We live in London. Do...?

She worries too much. Does she worry too much?

You drive too quickly. Do...?

I always carry umbrella. Do (you) (I)...?

Dogs bark (szczeka). Do...?

Buses go every ten minutes. Do...?

I always read the newspaper. Do...?

She goes to church on Sundays. Does she go to...?

Elephants never forget. Do...?

You make a very bad coffee. Do...?

He likes snails (ślimaki) Does he like snails?

They often eat garlic (czosnek). Do...?



-What's your name?

-My name is Anne

-Where do you live?

-I'm live in Lumberton

-How old are you?

-I'm thirty eight

-What's you job?

-I'm a accountant(księgowa)

-How are you?

-Very well,thanks.And you?

-Not too bad.

-Would you like a tea?

-Thanks, J have coffee

-Nice to meet you

-Nice to meet you, too and see you soon

Present Continues

0x08 graphic
I am

You are

He is

She is


We are

You are

They are

I am not -I'm not

You are not-You aren't

She is not-She isn't

He is not -He isn't

It is not-It isn't

We are not-We aren't

You are not-You aren't

They are not-They aren't

0x08 graphic
Am I

Are you

Is she

Is he

Is it reading?

Are we

Are you

Are they

Yes. I am

No. I'm not

Yes. You are

No. You aren't

Yes She is

No. She isn't

Yes He is

No. He isn't

Yes. It is

No. It isn't

Yes We are

No. We aren't

Yes. They are

No. They aren't

Learn, cook, read, go, make, play, swim, jump, write, do, eat, drink

No. I'm not

I am learning economic

Am I?

No. You aren't

You are cooking diner

Are you?

No. He isn't

He is reading book of English

Is he?

No. She isn't

She is going to the school

Is she?

No. We aren't

We are make an apple pie

Are we?

No. You aren't

You are playing games

Are you?

No. They aren't

They are swimming(in the ocean)

Are they?

No. I'm not

I am jumping high

Am I?

No. You aren't

You are writing a letter to a friend

Are you?

No. They aren't

They are doing shopping

Are they?

No. I'm not

I'm eating soup(ice cream)

Am I?

No. You aren't

You are drinking coffee

Are you?


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